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      • KCI등재

        디스플레이산업에서 수주생산방식의 개선 및효율화 제고 방안

        조명호(Myong Ho Cho),조진형(Jin Hyung Cho) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2016 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.39 No.4

        MTO (Make to Order) is a manufacturing process in which manufacturing starts only after a customer’s order is received. Manufacturing after receiving customer’s orders means to start a pull-type supply chain operation because manufacturing is performed when demand is confirmed, i.e. being pulled by demand (The opposite business model is to manufacture products for stock MTS (Make to Stock), which is push-type production). There are also BTO (Build to Order) and ATO (Assemble To Order) in which assembly starts according to demand. Lean manufacturing by MTO is very efficient system. Nevertheless, the process industry, generally, which has a high fixed cost burden due to large-scale investment is suitable for mass production of small pieces or ‘mass customization’ defined recently. The process industry produces large quantities at one time because of the lack of manufacturing flexibility due to long time for model change or job change, and high loss during line-down (shutdown). As a result, it has a lot of inventory and costs are increased. In order to reduce the cost due to the characteristics of the process industry, which has a high fixed cost per hour, it operates a stock production system in which it is made and sold regardless of the order of the customer. Therefore, in a business environment where the external environment changes greatly, the inventory is not sold and it becomes obsolete. As a result, the company’s costs increase, profits fall, and it make more difficult to survive in the competition. Based on the customer’s order, we have built a new method for order system to meet the characteristics of the process industry by producing it as a high-profitable model. The design elements are designed by deriving the functions to satisfy the Y by collecting the internal and external VOC (voice of customer), and the design elements are verified through the conversion function. And the Y is satisfied through the pilot test verified and supplemented. By operating this make to order system, we have reduced bad inventories, lowered costs, and improved lead time in terms of delivery competitiveness. Make to order system in the process industry is effective for the display glass industry, for example, B and C groups which are non-flagship models, have confirmed that the line is down when there is no order, and A group which is flagship model, have confirmed stock production when there is no order.

      • KCI등재후보

        Order Promising Rolling Planning with ATP/CTP Reallocation Mechanism

        Juin-Han Chen,James T. Lin,Yi-Sheng Wu 대한산업공학회 2008 Industrial Engineeering & Management Systems Vol.7 No.1

        Available-to-promise (ATP) exhibiting availability of manufacturing resources can be used to support customer order promising. Recently, one advanced function called Capable-to-promise (CTP) is provided by several modern APS (advanced planning system) that checks available capacity for placing new production orders or increasing already scheduled production orders. At the customer enquiry stage while considering the order delivery date and quantity to quote, both ATP and CTP are allocated to support order promising. In particular, current trends of mass customization and multi-side production chain derive several new constraints that should be considered when ATP/CTP allocation planning for order promising - such as customer’s preference plants or material vendors, material compatibility, etc. Moreover, ATP/CTP allocation planning would be executed over a rolling time horizon. To utilize capacity and material manufacturing resource flexibly and fulfill more customer orders, ATP/CTP rolling planning should possess resource reallocation mechanism under the constraints of order quantities and delivery dates for all previous order promising. Therefore, to enhance order promising with reliability and flexibility to reallocate manufacturing resource, the ATP/CTP reallocation planning mechanism is needed in order to reallocate material and capacity resource for fulfilling all previous promised and new customer orders beneficially with considering new derived material and capacity constraints.

      • KCI우수등재

        행정질서벌의 체계에 관한 소고

        박종준 한국공법학회 2018 공법연구 Vol.46 No.3

        Administrative order punishment is one of the means for securing the effectiveness of administration, and it imposes penalties on minor administrative violations. Before 「Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order」 was enacted in 2008, the theoretical discussion on administrative order punishment was mainly focused on clarifying the boundary between criminal and administrative order punishment. However, the system of the administrative order has been transformed from the establishment of 「Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order」. This law clarifies the legal relationship between the requirements for the violation of the law and the disposition of fines, and unifies the process of charging and collecting penalties that were scattered in individual laws. In addition to improving and supplementing the punishment trial and enforcement procedures, by establishing the general rules on the administrative order punishment, it has brought about a change in the existing administrative order system which had been depended on dogma in administrative law. However, 「Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order」 contains systematic problems due to the fact that the administrative order punishment is not clearly distinguished from criminal punishment. In addition, the external environment surrounding 「Act on the Regulation of Violations of Public Order」 is also changing. A large amount of fine, exceeding fines, has been introduced to threaten the people's right to adequate remedy, and the appeal process for disposing of fine is treated as an area of ​​non-arbitration cases mainly proceeding with abbreviated trial, excluding the administrative organs. In addition, due to the collection procedures in the tax law, it is also urgent to establish a collecting system that is applied exclusively to the administrative order punishment. In order to solve these problems, we should consider the direction of establishing a new system of administrative order punishment. First, active theoretical and legislative responses to the punitive provisions of the administrative order punishment should be made. Second, the penalties collection procedure should be improved by utilizing 「Act on Collection of Local Taxes Outside Deposits, etc.」. Finally, in order to guarantee the basic rights of the people and to develop the administrative order punishment system, the administrative litigation should be made for the high fine. In the future, the establishment of a new system of administrative order punishment should be conducted through discussions and researches between legislative, judicial, and administrative as well as legal theory. 행정질서벌은 행정작용의 실효성 확보를 위한 수단의 하나로서 행정법상의 경미한 의무위반행위에 대하여 과태료를 부과하는 행정벌이다. 2008년에 과태료에 관한 일반법인 「질서위반행위규제법」이 시행되기 전, 행정질서벌에 관한 이론적 논의는 주로 형사벌과 행정질서벌 간의 경계를 명확히 하는데 주안점을 두었다. 이러한 행정질서벌의 체계는 「질서위반행위규제법」의 제정을 기점으로 큰 전환을 맞게 되었다. 동 법률은 과태료 부과의 요건이 되는 질서위반행위의 성립과 과태료 처분에 관한 법률관계를 명확하게 하고, 개별 법령상 산재되었던 과태료의 부과ㆍ징수 절차를 일원화하는 한편, 과태료 재판과 집행절차를 개선ㆍ보완하였을 뿐 아니라 행정질서벌에 대한 총칙상의 규율을 대거 도입함으로써 행정법상 도그마틱에 의존해 왔던 기존의 행정질서벌 체계에 일대 변화를 불러일으켰다. 하지만 「질서위반행위규제법」은 행정질서벌을 형사벌과 명확하게 구분하지 않음으로 인하여 체계상의 문제를 내포하고 있다. 또한 「질서위반행위규제법」을 둘러싼 외부적인 환경도 변화하여 벌금을 능가하는 고액 과태료가 도입되어 국민의 충분한 권리구제 보장을 위협하고 있으며, 과태료처분에 대한 불복절차는 행정청이 당사자에서 배제된 주로 약식재판으로 진행되는 비송사건의 영역으로 취급되고 있어 일정한 한계를 노정하고 있다. 또한 세법상 체납절차를 준용하고 있어 행정질서벌인 과태료에 독자적으로 적용되는 징수체계의 마련도 절실한 상황이다. 이러한 문제들을 해소하기 위한 행정질서벌의 새로운 체계정립방향으로서 첫째 행정질서벌의 형벌화(刑罰化) 규정에 대한 적극적인 이론적ㆍ입법적 대응을 제안한다. 특히 행정질서벌의 위상과 맞지 않는 고의ㆍ과실 및 위법성의 착오에 관한 조항의 정비가 있어야 할 것이다. 둘째, 행정질서벌인 과태료의 징수 절차의 개선과 관련하여 「지방세외수입금의 징수 등에 관한 법률」을 적극적으로 활용하여 지방행정실무 차원에서의 제도개선이 우선적으로 이루어져야 한다. 마지막으로 일부 고액 과태료를 대상으로 행정소송의 제기가 가능하도록 불복절차를 개선하여 국민의 기본권 보장은 물론 행정질서벌 체계의 발전을 도모할 필요가 있다. 향후 행정질서벌에 관한 새로운 체계의 정립은 입법ㆍ사법ㆍ행정은 물론 법이론 간의 유기적이고도 종합적인 논의와 연구를 통하여 이루어져야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        12세기 성지 예루살렘에 등장한 기사 수도회들(Military Orders)에 관하여: 성 라자로, 성 토마스, 마운트조이를 중심으로

        이영재 한국서양중세사학회 2022 西洋中世史硏究 Vol.- No.50

        This thesis attempted to reveal foundations and activities of three military Orders which were hardly well known. The first, the Order of St. Lazarus which began as a leper hospital was first mentioned in the surviving sources in 1142. It had taken on military obligations by the middle of the twelfth century. Among the earliest engagements in which brethren of St. Lazarus are known to have participated are the battle of La Forbie in 1244. Where, according to the patriarch of Jerusalem, they lost most of their forces, and Louis IX’s Egyptian crusade six years later. The second, the Order of St. Thomas of Acre, which had originated as a house of regular canons, founded during the third crusade. The activities of the canons are variously described in the sources, They concerned themselves with the care of the poor and burial of the dead. In 1207 the English king referred to their ransoming of captives in the Holy Land. However the lack of manpower there was obviously a constant factor in the transformation of charitable institutions into military orders. The Order adopted the Teutonic rule. The third, the Order of Mountjoy was established by Rodrigo Álvarez, count of Sarria in León. In 1176-77 Rodrigo visited the Holy Land and received some donations from Baldwin IV, king of Jerusalem(1174-1185). It was, however, in Outremer that Rodrigo found the patronage of House of Montferrat that enabled his Order to settle in north-west Italy as well. All the evidence from north-west Italy is connected to hospitality in various ways. In the course of the twelfth century Savona created a wide network of connections in which the role played by the Latin East was far more significant than that played by Spain. The Orders which devoted themselves from the twelfth century onwards to fighting the enemies of Christendom had by no means all originated as military foundations. We can see, therefore, that the military Orders performed various activities in response to the demands of the times and environment. 12세기 예루살렘 성지에 세워진 여러 기사 수도회들 가운데 우리에게 잘 알려지지 않은 세 개의 수도회를 통해 그들의 다양한 활동을 살펴보았다. 첫째, 나환자들을 위해 특별히 설립된 성 라자로 기사 수도회는 가난하고 아픈 자들을 위한 한 병원으로 출발하였던 종교기관이었으나, 성지에서 이슬람과 전투가 벌어지면 나환자임에도 불구하고 전쟁에 나가 싸웠다. 이 공동체들의 단장은 나환자여야 한다는 규정이 있었다. 둘째, 아크레의 성 토마스 기사 수도회는 토마스 베켓을 추모하기 위해 세워진 수도회로서, 영국인들에 의해 설립된 가장 작은 규모의 수도회였다. 이들은 병원기사단들처럼 아픈 사람들을 위한 병원 사목과 죽은 이들의 장례를 치러주는 일, 또한 잡힌 포로들을 방면하는 일을 하였다. 그러나 이후 성격이 변화되어 전투에도 참여하게 되었고, 이들은 튜턴의 규율을 따랐다. 셋째, 마운트조이 기사 수도회는 레옹의 로드리고가 스페인에서 예루살렘 성지로 순례를 갔다가 그곳의 토지를 기부받아 그곳에 성전을 세우는 것으로 시작되었다. 먼저 스페인에 세워진 마운트조이는 시토회 규율을 따랐으나 이후 거룩한 구속주회에 통합되었다. 한편 로드리고가 성지에 머무는 동안 윌리엄 몬페라토 가문과 깊은 연관을 지니며, 이 가문의 후원으로 북서 이탈리아의 말로네, 사보나, 수사와 같은 지역에 여러 마운트조이 수도회를 건립하게 되었다. 이곳들은 비잔틴과 동방과의 상업과 교통망의 중심지였고, 이러한 지역적 연계망을 통해 국제조직으로 성장하기를 추구하였으며 이는 몬페라토 가문의 야망을 충족시키는 것이었다. 따라서 성지에 세워진 기사 수도회들은 처음부터 전투를 위해 만들어진 조직이라기보다는 수도회 본연의 봉사 의무를 수행하면서 시대적 환경적 요청에 의해 전투의 의무가 추가되는 경향을 보여주었다. 또한 이들은 작은 수도회들이었기에 수도회의 재정적, 인원 사정이 악화되어 존폐 위기에 놓이게 되면, 보다 거대한 수도회인 성전기사단 혹은 병원기사단에 통합하려는 시도도 있었다. 그리하여 성지에 세워진 이들 수도회는 후원해줄 후원자의 지역 및 가문 연계망을 통해 재원과 세력을 얻는 일이 중요했을 뿐만 아니라, 이들을 중심으로 유럽의 여러 지역으로 확장해 나갈 수 있었다. 이러한 모습들은 이후 유럽에 세워진 많은 기사 수도회들의 한 전형을 보여주고 있다.

      • 정기용선계약에서 용선자의 지시에 관한 연구 - 영국 법원의 판례를 중심으로 -

        신학승 한국무역통상학회 2009 무역통상학회지 Vol.9 No.3

        A very large proportion of the world trade is carried in chartered vessels. The right granted to charterers by most standard form time charters is to give orders as to the employment of the vessel. Until recently, definition on the distinction between orders as to employment and as to navigation was ambiguous and difficult. The difficulty involved in drawing the line between employment and navigation has been highlighted by the recent case of Hill Harmony. The trend in recent cases has been to recognize and give effect to the width of the charterers' power to give orders to the vessel. As it is the charterers who pay for the vessel, they are entitled to use the vessel as they see fit. The purpose of this article aims to analyse cases on the employment order and navigation order in time charter, and specially to review recent developments and trends in English law in relation to the nature and effect of time charterers' order. A very large proportion of the world trade is carried in chartered vessels. The right granted to charterers by most standard form time charters is to give orders as to the employment of the vessel. Until recently, definition on the distinction between orders as to employment and as to navigation was ambiguous and difficult. The difficulty involved in drawing the line between employment and navigation has been highlighted by the recent case of Hill Harmony. The trend in recent cases has been to recognize and give effect to the width of the charterers' power to give orders to the vessel. As it is the charterers who pay for the vessel, they are entitled to use the vessel as they see fit. The purpose of this article aims to analyse cases on the employment order and navigation order in time charter, and specially to review recent developments and trends in English law in relation to the nature and effect of time charterers' order.

      • KCI등재후보

        공연장내 질서침해행위 제재 방안 연구

        김원중 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2008 스포츠와 법 Vol.11 No.2

        Neglecting order-violations within a performing place can cause a new social problem. Frequent performances of public entertainers and continuous sports competitions, especially, need comprehensive counter measures against the behaviors of violating orders that are controlled by administrative authorities, volunteers, and civil secure agencies. In the past, order-breaking actions were kept in check by public authorities of the police, whereas in present, the police are directly involved only in need of maintaining the order, because a civil secure agency is in charge of keeping the order by the request of a host company. Seen above, operations for setting in order are done by a variety of organizations that make their efforts to keep an individual's privacy. There are some concerns, however, about private secure agencies. To make as much of profits as they could, civil secure agencies could neglect to place agents, who are in charge of ordering, in proper places. Further more, the numbers of secure agents could be much less than the ones of viewers in a performing area. It could bring about unexpected damages on bodies and properties, and moreover, if it lead to riots, social crisis could be raised. Thus, we should recognize the seriousness of order-violation and establish systematic measures. Particularly, because the means to punish order violators are shattered to present related laws, it is needed to set up a structured law system. Additionally, ways to prevent order from being violated should be newly build up. This study took insight into actions of messing up order inside performing places, reviewed present means for restraining the violations, and then, suggested systematic methods. 공연장내에 있어서 질서침해행위를 방관할 경우 새로운 사회문제화 될 가능성을 가지고 있다. 공연장내의 질서침해행위는 행정 공권력에 의한 단속과 함께 국민의 자발적인 참여 그리고 공권력의 부족현상에 따라 민간경비업체 및 자원봉사자 등의 질서유지에 의해 다양하게 이루어지고 있다. 과거 공연장내의 질서침해행위는 경찰의 공권력에 의해 단속 등의 행위가 이루어졌으나 현재는 주최측에 의해 민간경비에 일부분을 부담시켜 경찰은 요청이 있는 예외적인 경우 등에만 직접적으로 질서유지를 담당하고 있다. 이러한 질서유지행위는 다양한 기관 등에 의해 이루어지고 있다. 그러나 자칫 수익상의 문제로 인하여 질서요원 배치를 등한시 하고 관람 인원에 턱없이 부족한 안전요원을 배치할 경우 예기치 않은 신체 및 재산상의 피해를 가져오며 더 나아가 폭동 등으로 이어질 경우 사회적 위기가 도래할 수 있다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 공연장내에서의 질서침해행위에 대한 제재수단에 대하여 문제점과 제재수단의 효율적 방안을 제시하였다. 공연장내의 질서침해를 억제하기 위하여는 사전적인 방안으로 현재 공연법이 가지고 있는 문제점을 개선하여 공연과 관련된 질서침해행위에 대한 처벌과 질서유지를 위한 대응방안을 새롭게 규정하여야 한다. 또한 질서침해를 억제하기 위하여 관할 행정기관과의 연계방안을 확립하여 사전에 질서침해를 예방할 수 있는 제도적인 장치가 구비되어야 한다. 또한 질서침해행위가 이루어질 경우 사후적인 제재수단으로 처벌의 다양화가 이루어지고 있으나 이에 대한 처벌수준의 현실화와 단순한 처벌보다는 사회봉사명령과 수강명령제도를 적극적으로 도입하여야 한다. 공연장내의 질서침해행위는 경미한 행위가 많으나 경미한 행위로 인하여 대형참사를 불러올 수 있으므로 침해행위에 대하여는 재발을 억제하고 사회에 속죄하는 내용을 가질 수 있는 사회봉사명령과 수강명령제도를 활용하여야 한다.

      • KCI등재

        퍼지이론을 이용한 긴급오더 의사결정 연구

        현민우 ( Min Woo Hyun ),양광모 ( Kwang Mo Yang ),오선일 ( Sun Il Oh ),강성우 ( Sung Woo Kang ),강경식 ( Kyong Sik Kang ) 한국경영공학회 2011 한국경영공학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        Basically, the order that is previously fixed in the production plan is prioritized than the unfixed order but the unfixed order is sometimes prioritized. Many studies on fast countermeasures, when the unfixed order besides fixed orders are urgently fixed or urgent order occurs, have been conducted, but decision-making of selecting priority of the urgent order is made without understanding of objective function and restrictions. In addition, in reality that is the subject of decision-making, variable, uncertain, or vague parts are written with inherent experts` supervision so it is hard to evaluate positive and negative effects objectively and lowers reliability of countermeasures. In case that the urgent order occurs due to unexpected traffic changes and especially such urgent orders flock at once, unless the priority is decided properly, then even previously fixed order would be cancelled and thus there may be the delivery deadline. The purpose of this study is to develop the urgent order priority decision-making model by using fuzzy theory in order to solve vague decision-making reasonably as a method for determining the effective order of priority of urgent order.

      • KCI등재

        헌법상 통일명령과 한반도 통일의 기본방향

        표명환 ( Pyo¸ Myoung-hwan ) 제주대학교 법과정책연구원 2021 국제법무 Vol.13 No.2

        본고는 헌법상 통일관련 조항을 범위로 하여, 관련규정의 의미 및 그에 따른 한반도 통일의 기본방향을 구체화하는 것으로 구성되어 있다. 본고는 헌법상 통일관련 규정의 체계화 및 그 의미로부터 출발한다. 헌법상 통일관련 조항은 통일조항으로 통칭되며, 헌법전문의 통일명령과 헌법본문의 통일관련 조항으로 구성된다. 통일명령은 헌법전문의 ‘대한국민의 조국의 평화적 통일의 사명’을 대한국민에게 부여된 헌법적 명령이라는 의미에서 도출한 것으로서, 본고에서는 우선 통일명령의 의미 및 기능 등을 제시하였다. 이로부터 한반도 통일에서의 통일의 방향과 관련한 해석에 있어서 통일명령을 해석의 기준으로 하여 관련 내용을 구체화하였다. 통일조항에 관한 해석의 기준으로서 통일명령의 기능은 헌법전문의 규범력과 이에 따른 헌법전문과 본문의 관계에서 근거하였다. 이러한 해석의 기초에 따라 한반도의 통일은 남북한 주민으로 구성되는 대한 국민이 주체가 되어 실현되어야 한다고 하였다. 그리고 비록 서독 기본법의 전문에서처럼 통일에 관한 자결권의 명시적 규정이 없더라도 ‘대한국민이 주체가 되어야 한다는 의미’로부터 대한국민이 스스로의 결정에 따라 한반도 통일을 결정한다는 의미를 도출하였다. 이러한 의미는 헌법 제72의 ‘통일’에 관한 국민투표를 규정에 근거하였다. 통일의 공간적 범위의 문제와 관련하여서는 영토조항의 새로운 해석으로부터 구체화하였다. 전통적인 영토조항의 의미와 달리 통일명령에 따른 영토조항의 해석을 시도하고 이로부터 한반도 통일의 공간적 범위는 영토조항이 규정하고 있는 ‘한반도와 그 부속도서’라고 하였다. 그리고 한반도 통일의 수단 및 방법으로서 평화적 통일 및 관련 문제를 검토하였다. 평화적 통일은 대등한 지위에서 상호간의 합의에 의한 통일을 의미하는 것으로서, 대한국민은 남북한의 대등한 지위에서 상호간의 합의에 의하여 통일을 완성하여야 한다고 하였다. 이에 따라 북한의 반국가단체성은 대등한 지위에서의 평화적 통일의 실현을 위한 장애적 요소라고 보았다. 나아가 통일의 기본질서로서 ‘자유민주적 기본 질서에 입각한 통일’과 관련한 문제를 검토하였다. 통일의 기본질서로서 자유민주적 기본질서가 비록 그 체제를 달리하는 북한과의 합의에 장애적 소지가 될 수 있으나, 이러한 문제는 통일 합의과정에서 자유민주적 기본질서에 관한 유연한 해석을 통하여 해결될 수 있다고 하였다. 그리고 이러한 해석이 평화적 통일과 자유민주적 기본질서에 입각한 통일을 실현하는 통일지향적인 해석이라고 하였다. This paper focuses on the unification-related provisions in the Constitution, and specifies the meaning of related provisions and the basic direction for Korean unification. This paper starts with the systematization of unificationrelated provisions in the Constitution. Unification-related provisions in the Constitution are referred to as unification provisions, and consist of the unification order in the preamble of the Constitution and the unificationrelated provisions in the main text of the Constitution. The unification order was derived from the meaning of the constitutional order given to the Korean people in the preamble of the Constitution. From this, in the interpretation related to the direction of unification in the unification of the Korean Peninsula, the unification order was used as the standard for interpretation and the relevant contents were specified. The function of the unification order as a standard for interpretation of the unification-related provision was based on the normative power of the preamble and the relationship between the preamble and the main text. In accordance with the standard of interpretation, this paper argued that the unification of the Korean Peninsula should be realized by the Korean people, which consist of the residents of both North and South Korea. And even if there is no explicit provision of the right to ‘self-determination’ regarding unification as in the preamble of the Basic Law of West Germany, the meaning of the Korean people’s decision to unify the Korean Peninsula is derived from the meaning that the Korean people should be the subject. This meaning was based on the provisions of Article 72 for a referendum on ‘unification’. Regarding the problem of spatial scope of unification, it was embodied from a new interpretation of the territorial clause. Contrary to the meaning of the traditional territorial clause, an attempt was made to interpret the territorial clause according to the unification order, and from this, the spatial scope of the unification of the Korean Peninsula was ‘the Korean Peninsula and its annexed islands’ as defined by the territorial clause. In addition, peaceful unification and related issues were reviewed as means and methods for Korean unification. Peaceful unification means unification by mutual agreement at an equal position, and it was said that the Korean people should complete unification by mutual agreement on an equal position between the South and North Korea. Accordingly, North Korea’s anti-state group nature was viewed as an obstacle to the realization of peaceful unification on an equal position. Furthermore, issues related to ‘unification based on the liberal and democratic basic order’ were examined as the basic order for unification. Although the free and democratic basic order as the basic order for unification may be an obstacle to an agreement with North Korea, which has a different system, this problem can be solved through a flexible interpretation of the free and democratic basic order in the process of agreement on unification. In this paper, such an interpretation is said to be a reunification-oriented interpretation that realizes peaceful unification and unification based on the free and democratic basic order.

      • Hayek's Theory of Spontaneous Order and Twin Ideas of Cultural Evolution

        Tae-Jin Park 대한공간정보학회 2008 한국지형공간정보학회 학술대회 Vol.2008 No.12

        In this paper, we have given an account of the central arguments of Hayek's theory of spontaneous social order. They can be summarized as follows. Social order is not brought about by human design and concerted agreement; rather, it emerges spontaneously, as the unintended outcome of the actions of many individuals who are separately pursuing their goals. In market order, co-ordination is endogenously achieved by a constant readjustment of individual plans in the light of new information encoded in the price system. In contrast with planned economies, market orders are better able to deal with the epistemic problem faced by society: by relying on decentralized decision-making, market orders bring about a more efficient use of economic resources and thus general prosperity. In addition to their epistemic function, market orders produce a moral end: by allowing men to pursue their individual plans free from interference by others, they bring about a maximum degree of individual liberty. Hayek's theory of spontaneous order provides a scientific explanation of how social order is brought about in the absence of human design. We have argued that, as the expression twin ideas of evolution and the spontaneous formation of an order indicates, Hayek combines two types of explanation: (1) an invisible hand explanation, according to which market order is not brought about by design, or collective agreement, but as the unintended consequence of the actions of many individuals separately pursuing their goals; and (2) a theory of cultural evolution of rules which provide the mechanism for the spontaneous formation of social order. For Hayek, cultural evolution is a process which occurs independently of human reason: rules are not selected because individuals understand their functions; rather, practices which had first been adopted for other reasons, or even purely accidentally, were preserved because they enabled the group in which they had arisen to prevail over others. In this dissertation, we have questioned Hayek's pronouncements on the intellectual roots of his theory of spontaneous order.

      • KCI등재

        최재서(崔載瑞)의 Order

        미하라요시아키 국제한국문학문화학회 2008 사이 Vol.4 No.-

        이 글에서는 `친일파` 최재서의 문학 이론가/지식인으로서의 사상적 편력을 경성제국대학에서의 영문학 연구로부터 서거 후 출판된 세익스피어론까지 여러 저작들을 정독함으로써 그려내고자 하였다. 특히 경성제국대학 시절의 영문학 연구가 이후 그의 사상적 편력에서 어떻게 관통, 혹은 굴절하는지를 해명하는 것이 목적이었다. 『경성제국대학 영문학회 회보』를 중심으로 하는 최재서의 영문학 연구는 주로 어빙 배빗(Irving Babbitt, 1865~1933)의 강한 영향하에서 `반-낭만주의`를 그 사상적 핵심으로 한다. 그는 낭만주의적 `상상력`의 이론을 계보학적으로 해체함으로써 그 기원에 `주지적(主知的)` 요소를 인정하면서 다른 한편으로는 모더니즘/반 -낭만주의적 문학의 최고봉을 윈덤 루이스(Wyndham Lewis, 1882~1957)의 `풍자`에서 찾아내고자 하였다. 최재서의 `풍자문학론`은 배빗의 비평성과 루이스의 파괴성을 기묘하게 접목시킴으로써 프롤레타리아문학과 민족주의문학의 `정치주의`를 비판하는 동시에 현대인들이 스스로의 주인이 되기 위한 문학 이론을 제시한 것이라고 평가할 수 있다. 그런데 이 기묘함 속에서 `질서(order)`가 항상 외부로부터의 `명령(order)`으로서 내려지는 식민지 상황의 어려움을 찾아볼 수 있다. 잡지 『인문평론』을 간행한 의도에는 그가 모범으로 삼은 T. S. 엘리엇(T. S. Eliot, 1888~1965) 편집의 잡지 『크라이테리온(The Criterion)』에서 보인 `phalanx` 이념을 참조하는 등, 문화를 방위하고자 한 `인민전선`적 요소를 볼 수 있다. 물론 최재서 자신에게는 서인식이나 박치우 등이 보여준 `<번역>을 통한 저항`을 찾아볼 수 없다. 그러나 그러한 `저항`을 가능케 하는 공간을 만들었다는 점에서 그의 업적을 평가할 수 있을 것이다. 『인문평론』 이후 최재서는 『국민문학』지를 간행하면서 당초 제국 일본의 폭력적 포섭에 대해 `조선문학`의 주체성을 이론화하려고 하였다. 그러나 엘리엇의 `전통론`을 바탕으로 `일본문학의 질서`를 이론화한 이 시도는 그 주체(발화의 위치)를 식민지 조선으로부터 제국 일본으로 `전향`시킴으로써 한층 더 그 이론을 `제국주의적 국민주의`로 구체화하고 강화한다. 여기서 최재서의 문학이론은 `떠받드는 문학(まつらふ文學)`이라는 순전히 `정치주의`적인 모습으로서 나타나게 된다. 일본의 패전으로 `제국의 Order`가 붕괴된 이후 그는 정치를 거부하고 `문학의 Order`에서 주체화의 계기를 찾아낸다. 이러한 주지주의(主知主義, 정치주의 비판)―정치주의―비―정치주의라는 전향과 재전향을 통해서 일관된 것은 `Order`를 최종 심급으로 하는 `주체화`의 이론이다. `Order`가 외부로부터 내려지는 식민지 상황 속에서 `이론으로의 의지`가 파탄나는 과정을 통해 식민지 상황하의 `이론` 그 자체의 `비극`을 볼 수 있다. This article follows the vicissitudes of pro-Japanese Ch`oe Chaeso`s literary theory by closely analyzing his various works stretching from his English studies at Keijo(Seoul) Imperial University to his posthumous monograph on Shakespeare, with special emphasis on his relation to such contemporary Anglo-American figures as Irving Babbitt, Wyndham Lewis, and T. S. Eliot. Ch`oe Chaeso`s earliest works, mostly published in The Journal of the English Department of Keijo Imperial University(1929~), put anti-Romanticism a la Babbitt at the core, genealogically deconstructing the Romantic theory of imagination, while finding the essence of anti-Romantic/Modernist literature in Lewisian satire. On Satiric Literature(1935), which criticizes the supremacy of politics in the then - proletarian as well as nationalist literary theories and offers instead, as a breakthrough, satiric literature that allows a modern man to become his own master, is a queer grafting of Lewis` destructive element onto Babbitt`s moral criticism. Such queerness is, the author maintains, symptomatic of the predicaments of colonial conditions, in which Order is always imposed by the outside authorities. Ch`oe Chaeso`s editorial project of Inmun p`yongnon(1939. 10~1941. 4) is then compared with that of T. S. Eliot`s Criterion, with special reference to the idea of phalanx shared among the Criterion group as a model for Ch`oe Chaeso to rally various intellectuals from right to left in the name of Defense of Culture. Although Ch`oe Chaeso himself shows no potential resistance, it is fair to say that his journal has created a space for such potentialities of several other contributors. During the Kokumin Bungaku years (1941.11~1945.5), Ch`oe Chaeso at first attempts to theorize the subjectivity of Korean Literature in the face of the Japanese Empire`s violent containment, but when he theorizes the Order of Japanese Literature by borrowing the idioms of T. S. Eliot`s theory of Tradition, his position of utterance turns from that of Korean subjectivity to that of Japanese Imperial subjectivity, so that he consolidates his collaborationist theory in the form of Imperialistic nationalism. At this point, his literary theory accepts the sheer supremacy of politics. After the fall of the Japanese Empire, i.e., the loss of the Order of Empire, Ch`oe Chaeso refuses politics altogether and takes refuge in the Order of Literature. All through these turns, however, the theory of subjection based on the idea of Order remains unchallenged. Finally, the author finds a tragedy not in this literary theorist as a person but in the will to theory itself under colonial conditions, in that any theory of subjection based on the idea of Order is doomed in so far as the Order always arrives from outside.

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