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      • KCI등재

        온라인에서 판매하는 자생초본식물 현황과 개선방안

        송유진(Yu jin Song),최우경(Woo Kyung Choi),진혜영(Hye young Jin) 인간식물환경학회 2015 인간식물환경학회지 Vol.18 No.4

        This study was performed to determine the status of native herbaceous plants in selling online that the public can easily access to purchase the plants, as a basis research for popularizing the garden culture. Results in June 2015, companies that sell native plants online were 130points (built its own blog or homepage were 50points, and 80 points were companies registered in two places aggregator). The public was able to purchase 75families 468genera and 248species of native herbaceous plants online including 31families 66genera 87species of endangered species of rare plants (CR), endangered species (EN), and Vulnerable species (VU), and 10families 13genera 14species of naturalized plants. This study surveyed the extent and accuracy of the information that plant’s dealers provide to purchasers since the online distribution of plants is based on the information given to purchasers who have not seen the actual dealers. As a Result, 74% plant’s dealers were selling cultivar and foreign species in wildflower category, and 60% plant’s dealers recognized herbaceous plants with wildflowers. Also, it is expected that the detailed classification categories of wildflowers listed without a rank will give buyers confusion and inconvenience. More than 50% of the plant’s dealers were providing only literature information of plants such as visual characteristics and use properties, but it is also required for dealers to give practical information such as how to plant and manage plants. Furthermore dealers need to provide accurate information in fact that 74% of companies showed an error in naming of plants in their information sections. In order to activate distribution of native plants online based on this study which investigating the current situation of native herbaceous plants in selling online, there are things to consider as follow. First, the construction of portal site specialized in the Native Plants is needed for small quantity batch production of small companies. Second, it is required for relevant authorities to improve existing law or legislate for conservation and distribution of rare plants sold indiscriminately. Third, precise definitions, names and a detailed classification for native plants should be systematically placed so that the public can easily get useful information.

      • KCI등재

        장서각 소장본 『향약집성방』의 판본가치 재조명과 「향약본초부」 초부편의 향명식물 목록화 연구

        김일권(Kim, Il-gwon) 한국학중앙연구원 2019 장서각 Vol.0 No.41

        본고는 민족지 식물학(ethnographic botany)의 관심 아래, 한반도 생태기반에서 접근되는 전통민속식물의 역사적 명칭 수립과 변천 문제에 주목하고서, 이에 관해 가장 체계적이고 가장 이른 문헌인 조선초 『향약집성방』(85권 30책, 세종 15, 1433)의 향명식물 목록화를 시도한 연구이다. 사물에 이름이 부여된 바에는 나름의 이유가 있고 계기가 있을 것인 바, 현재 우리가 쓰고 있는 식물명이 언제 어떻게 성립하여 전개되었는지를 규명하는 일은 우리말 식물명 계보학 수립이란 과제를 제기하며, 전통식물지식 연구의 기초이자 넓게는 한반도 자연지식의 규명으로 나아가는 일이다. 이 역사식물명 연구는 간행시기의 표기 문제를 주목하지 않을 수 없는데, 그 출발점이 되는 『향약집성방』에 대한 판본연구를 재검토하는 과정에서, 한국학중앙연구원 장서각 소장 귀중본(貴7-79) 『향약집성방』(인조 11, 1633년 중간본, 훈련도감 소활자본. 藏J017341~4, 28책 79권, 13책·17책의 2책 6권 낙질)이 완질에 가까운 국내 최우량 현전본임을 새로이 확인하게 되었다. 선행연구에서 이를 주목하지 않은 것은 흑백마이크로필름으로 접근되는 판독의 한계로 인함이 아닐까 추정되었다. 본고가 관심을 두는 향약식물은 말미의 「향약본초편」(권76~85, 27~30책) 10권분에 수록되어 있으며, 이 부분의 장서각본은 전량이 보존상태가 극히 우량하여 그 판본적 가치가 크게 주목되었다. 이 「향약본초편」에 수록된 식물편은 草部, 木部, 果部, 米穀部, 菜部의 5부로 편장되어 있고, 이 중 〈초부〉는 수록된 표제 항목이 상품 52항, 중품 61항, 하품 66항의 총 179항에 달하고, 식물 종수로는 상품 50종, 중품 55종, 하품 52종의 총 157종으로 추산되었다. 이들 목록 중에서 세종조 당시 사용하였던 우리말 식물명을 ‘鄕名’ 형식으로 표기한 경우가 상품 27건, 중품 29건, 하품 33건의 총 89건(50%)으로 절반에 달하여, 초부 전체 179건의 절반 가량에서 우리말 식물명이 붙여진 정도임을 보여준다. 다음 ‘卽稱’ 형식은 상품 4건, 중품 6건, 하품 0건으로 총 10건(6%)이었으며, ‘一名稱’ 형식은 상품 1건이었다. 이 책의 사용자가 붓글씨로 붙인 ‘필기속명’은 상품 16건, 중품 10건, 하품 23건의 총 49건(27%)이었다. 이들 유형들은 조선전기 우리말 식물명의 개황을 짐작하는 하나의 시준점을 보여주는 자료 가치가 있다. 이상 「향약본초편」의 〈초부〉 식물명이 어느 정도의 전승력을 지니는지를 가늠하기 위해 180년 뒤에 간행된 『동의보감』(1613) 「탕액본초편」과 비교를 하면, 분류 범주가 바뀐 경우가 사삼, 생강, 해조, 곤포, 해대, 길경 등 9건은 〈채부〉로, 율무쌀 1건은 〈곡부〉로, 청대 등 3건은 품등이 변경되었다. 다음 『향약집성방』은 한자를 가차하여 향명을 표기한 반면, 『동의보감』은 직접 언문으로 향명을 기록하고 있어, 우리말 식물명의 훈독과 음독의 표기 상황을 드러내는 의의가 컸다. 이 과정에서 한자어 草의 우리말로 ‘풀’이 주류이나, 일부 가사새, 장구새, 박새, 속새, 항가새, 조방가새 등에서 ‘새’로도 읽히고 쓰였음을 보게되어, 우리말의 외연을 넓히는 흥미로운 지점을 짚을 수 있었다. 또 항목이 없어진 경우(3건), 우리말 향명이 사라진 경우(6건), 향명이 바뀐 경우(10건)가 관찰되었다. 끝으로 『향약집성방』 초부의 향명 구조를 분석한 결과, 훈독+훈독(10건), 훈독+음독(11건), 음독+훈독(13건), 훈독·음독 중복(13건), 음독+음독(3건), 음독만인 경우(30건), 한자어인 경우(2건), 직접적이지 않은 경우(7건)로 분류되었다. 이상에서 개발한 향명식물명 연구방법론은 추후 다른 식물부로 확장하는 기반이 될 것이며, 본고에서 가장 체계적이고 이른 시기의 조선초 『향약집성방』을 대상으로 함으로써 크게는 한반도 향명식물의 역사적 식물명 분류기준을 마련한다는 연구의의가 기대된다. 이는 한반도 민속식물의 토착성과 분포성 및 전승성 연구의 첫걸음이기도 하다. This study, on behalf of ethnographic botany, explores the historical vicissitudes of nomenclature of native plants, approached from the ecological basis of the Korean Peninsula, engages in catalog-making for the native plant names in Hyang’yak jipseongbang (Compilation of Native Korea Prescriptions, 1433). This material consisted of 85 volumes and 30 treatises. Concerning rational of naming process, it is important to clarify the origin and transmission of the names, as it raises issues for the need of genealogical studies and furthermore knowledge of the native plants, and ultimately Korean naturology research. In the preliminary process to examine writings of the era, the woodblock printed books of Hyang’yak jipseongbang (1633) in Jangseogak Archive was discovered as exceptionally preserved volumes and prints. The well-preserved Hyang’yak bon chobon (Vol. 76-85, Treatises 27-30) with medicinal plant names is the basis for this study. The treatise on Vegetations consists of five categories: Plants, Trees, Fruits, Grains, and Vegetables. The “Plants” section records quality grades in three levels, such as the high 52, the medium 61, and the low 66, thus 179 items in total. Among these 89 (50%) were under the title of Hyangmyeong (native names) from the era of King Sejong (r. 1418-1450), and 49 (27%) were under the Hand-Written with brush. These examples and others provide valuable sources to view the vernacular plant names from the early Joseon period. An examination of nomenclature transmission, a comparison between Hyang’yak jipseongbang and Dong’eui bogam (Exemplar of Korean Medicine, 1610) apart by the 180-year distance, was made. The discoveries include alterations in the taxonomic classifications and quality grades, however, most meaningful was the discovery that the borrowed Chinese names formerly used had changed into vernacular names. It indicates thus that there was the tendency to expand the usage of native names in the early Joseon. The methodology developed here not only paves a way for future studies regarding plants, but also by focusing on Hyang’yak jipseongbang, the earliest of Josean and the most systematic material, provides the basis for historical taxonomy of plant names of Korea. This is the first step to study indigenousness, dispersion, and transmission of native Korean plants.

      • KCI등재

        낙동강 합천창녕보 주변 습지공원지역에 서식하는 자생 초본식물과 귀화 초본식물의 기능 형질 분석

        손민정,남기정 한국하천호수학회 2021 생태와 환경 Vol.54 No.4

        The two main hypotheses that explain why invasive alien plants successfully colonize new environments are: 1) invasive alien plants are functionally different from native plants in a community, and 2) the plants can adapt well to new environments because they are functionally similar to native plants. The present study investigated the functional traits of naturalized alien herbaceous plants and their native neighbors in a riparian park area near the Hapcheon-Changyeong weir along the Nakdong River to determine which of the two hypotheses applied to the study area. According to the results, leaf functional traits, such as leaf area, specific leaf area, leaf thickness, leaf dry matter content, leaf nitrogen content, and leaf carbon content differed between naturalized alien and native plants, which could be attributed to the higher leaf nitrogen contents in naturalized alien plants than in native plants. The high leaf nitrogen contents are associated with high photosynthetic rates, which lead to effective resource use and rapid growth; therefore, naturalized alien plants growing in the study area were considered to have such functional traits. The results of the present study support the hypothesis that the successful establishment of invasive alien plants is attributed to the functional trait differences between invasive and native plants.

      • KCI등재

        자생식물의 가치 이해와 전시효과 향상을 위한 국립수목원 자생국화 전시 프로그램의 만족도 및 요구도 조사

        이정희(Chunghee Lee),최우경(Wookyung Choi),송유진(YuJin Song),남춘희(ChunHee Nam),김영재(YoungJae Kim),맹희주(Hee-Ju Maeng) 한국환경교육학회 2015 環境 敎育 Vol.28 No.3

        본 연구는 국립수목원 자생국화 전시회의 개선 방향과 발전 방향을 제시하고자 관람자들을 대상으로 전시회 프로그램의 만족도와 요구도를 조사하였으며, 연구결과에 따른 결론은 다음과 같았다. 첫째, 자생국화과 식물에 대한 인지도가 관람 후 통계적으로 유의미하게 높은 것으로 나타나, 전시회가 자생국화 인지도 향상에 효과적인 것으로 분석되었다. 둘째, 국화전시회관람을 통한 자생국화와 재배품종에 대한 교육적 만족도는 전반적으로 긍정적이었으나, 재배품종을 만드는 과정에 대한 이해 측면의 교육적 만족도는 가장 낮았다. 반면 체험활동 프로그램에 대한 요구도는 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 셋째, 국화전시회의 전반적인 만족도는 높았으며, 정원 디자인에 대한 흥미와 자생국화와 자생국화 재배품종에 대한 관심도가 높아진 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, ‘식물의 관리방법’, ‘식물의 기능과 특성’에 대해 더 많이 알고 싶어 하는 교육 요구도와 교과서나 책에 나오는 식물’의 식재 요구도는 높은 것으로 분석되었다. 다섯째, 현 전시 장소에서 1년에 1~2회 정도 개최하기를 원하는 것으로 나타났다. 따라서 자생식물의 이해와 보전 가치의 인식을 확산시키기 위하여 다양한 종류의 자생식물 전시회를 주기적으로 개최할 필요가 있으며, 휴식과 교육의 장의 함께 공존할 수 있도록 전시기법과 교육 프로그램을 전략적으로 구성하고 운영해야 할 필요가 있다. The purpose of this study was to suggest improvements and developmental directions on the native chrysanthemum exhibition of Korea National Arboretum by investigating satisfaction and requirements on exhibition program of visitors. The results according to the analysis are as follows. First, it has analyzed that the awareness of the native plants was significantly higher than before viewing the exhibition so that the native chrysanthemum exhibition is effective to increase awareness of the native chrysanthemum. Second, although the educational satisfaction for the native chrysanthemum and cultivation species was generally positive, the educational satisfaction in terms of the process understand to breed the cultivation species was the lowest, whereas it was found that courses requirements of experience activities programs was high. Third, it has shown that overall satisfaction of the native chrysanthemum exhibition was high, interest in the garden design as well as attention to the native chrysanthemum cultivation species was high. Forth, it was found that educational requirements about the ‘function and characteristic of plants’, the ‘managing method of plants’ and planting requirements about the ‘documented the plants in the textbook or book’ was high. Fifth, the visitor wish to be hosted in this exhibition place once or twice every year. Therefore, there is a necessity to stage continuously the native plants exhibition of various species to spread the awareness of preservation value and understanding of the native plants, also the strategic management and organization of exhibition techniques and education program to coexist with the space of education and relaxation were required.

      • 꽃예술장식용 화훼소재로 이용되고 있는 자생식물 현황에 대한 연구

        박소영 ( So Young Park ),방식 ( Sik Bang ),안영희 ( Young Hee Ahn ) 한국녹지환경디자인학회 2007 녹지환경학회지 Vol.3 No.2

        It is expected that the native plants being foliages and flowers are high value of respectable plant`s materials. Therefore, Against the circulation present condition of the native plant which from floral market is used widely with the flower design materials. The native plants which is circulating generally was investigated with tatal 73, familis, 174 genus, 302 spacies. There were investigated with 8 spacies of annials and biennials, 224 spacies of perennials, 43 spacies of shrub tree, 11 spacies of tree, 12 spacies of liana. The native plants were used by cut flowers(39 familis, 63 genus, 81 spacies), pot flowers(62 familis, 149 genus, 267 spacies). The flower art design use form of the native plant, cut flowers, cut foliages, cut branch, fruit and pot flowers. Used on the cut flower spacies, 26 spacies were recorded : Aster koraiensis Nakai, Cirsium japonicum var. ussuriense Kitamura. Used on the fruit of native plants, 6 spacies were recorded : Smilax china L., Celastrus orbiculatus Thunb. Used on the cut foliages spacies, 3 spacies were recorded : Fatsia japonica Decne et Planch.

      • KCI등재

        강원도 내 가로수와 가로녹지대 초화류의 식재 특성에 관한 연구

        정진형,이기의,Jeong Jin-Hyung,Lee Ki-Eui 한국조경학회 2005 韓國造景學會誌 Vol.33 No.5

        This study surveyed planting areas along streets in Gangwon-do to find out how to improve the planting and use of street trees and herbaceous plants. There were 301,491 trees of 41 species on the streets of Gangwon-do in 2004. The predominant species of street trees were Ginkgo biloba ($40\%$), Prunus spp. (Prunus yedoensis and Prunus sargentii) ($25\%$), Platanus occidentalis ($5\%$), followed by Betula platyphylla var. japonica, Zelkova serrata, Prunus armeniaca var. ansu, Acer palmatum, and Pinus thunbergii. Eighty-four herbaceous plant species were found in the Youngseo district (the southern area of Gangwon-do); the ratio of native species to exotic was 51:33. The predominant species were Cosmos bipinnatus, Petunia hybrida, Tagetes spp., Aster koraiensis, and Fagopyrum esculentum. Eighty-nine herbaceous plant species were found in the Youngdong district (the eastern area of Gangwon-do); the ratio of native species to exotic was 55:33. The predominant herbaceous plants were Aster koraiensis, Tagetes spp., Petunia hybrida, Rudbeckia bicolor, Cosmos bipinnatus, Salvia splendens, Brassica oleraceae var. acephala, Aquilegia buergeriana var. oxysepala, Coreopsis drummondii, Viola tricolor, and Dianthus superbus var. longicalycinus. Appropriate pruning adds to the aesthetic value of trees and prolongs their useful life; it also maintains good health and thereby reduces the need to control insects and diseases. Street trees had not been properly pruned due to the presence of power lines and a shortage of pruning information. The pruning was controlled by Korea Electric Power Company, which has no pruning information. Pruning must be maintained by a professional landscape company in order to maintain good shape, such as that which is done for bonsai. In order to improve the planting, use and maintenance of landscape plants in Gangwon-do, the following recommendations are made: street tree species should be diversified, suitable street trees should be selected for each space, native species should generally be used, trees should be appropriately pruned and properly fertilized, pests and diseases should be controlled, plantings should be done in multiple layers, spatial arrangements should be improved, larger trees should be planted, and drainage and underground electric wires should be considered when planting.

      • KCI등재

        훼손지 비탈면 녹화용 식물소재로의 문수조릿대의 적용성 연구

        장형태 ( Hyung Tae Jang ),박원제 ( Won Je Park ),김남춘 ( Nam Choon Kim ),박종민 ( Jong Min Park ) 한국환경복원기술학회(구 한국환경복원녹화기술학회) 2012 한국환경복원기술학회지 Vol.15 No.1

        The study of Arundinaria munsuensis Y. Lee to this day was limited to the field of morphological species classification since its first discovery at Jiri mountain in the late 1990s. This native plants, one of Korean endemic species found in Jiri Mt. necessitates further studies about its use as revegetation plants or groundcover plants in urban areas. This study was launched from this need followed by summaries of results below related to its usage. This targeted species is a native Korean species which its natural distribution on the subalpine zone has merit for the wide range of climatic adaptation. Also, the coverage rate reached 78.3% in three years mostly by rhizome growth with an expectation of full coverage in four years providing less maintenance needs after planting. The net price for the construction of pot seedling methods of this plants is relatively economical than other normal revegetation construction methods. For these reasons, drilling for the plants on cut and fill soil slopes driven from pot seedling adapts Arundinaria munsuensis Y. Lee as efficient revegetation plant. Total construction cost for pot seedling work(30㎝×30㎝) of Arundinaria munsuensis was approximately 21,000won which is in reasonable price range when compared to other revegetation construction methods of disturbed slopes. As a native Korean plant, Arundinaria munsuensis has wide range of climatic adaptation with less maintenance requirement after planting. This study may suggest a strong possibility of Arundinaria munsuensis as a pot planting material in sloped area.

      • KCI등재

        중금속(카드늄, 납, 아연)처리에 따른 자생 비비추(Hosta longipes)의 형태적 반응

        강광철 ( Kwang Cheol Kang ),주진희 ( Jin Hee Ju ) 한국환경과학회 2015 한국환경과학회지 Vol.24 No.12

        The aim of this study was to examine the morphological responses of Hosta longipes, an ornamental plants for heavy metal contaminated soils in urban landscaping, to heavy metals Cd, Pb, and Zn. Plants were grown in artificial soil amended with Cd, Pb, and Zn at concentation of 0, 100, 250, and 500 mg/kg. Plant height, leaf length, leaf width, total leaf number, deaf leaf number, new leaf number, chlorophyll contents, and ornamental value were monitored from May to August. At 4 months after planting, the survival and morphological responses of H. longipes grown in soil amended with Cd at concentrations ≥ 100 mg/kg were severely affected compared to those grown in the control soil. Relative leaf length rate and relative leaf width rate were significantly decreased when the concentration of Pb was increased. Total leaf number, chlorophyll contents, and ornamental value were the lowest value in plants grown in soil amended with Pb at level of 500 mg/kg. Relative leaf length rate and relative leaf width rate, total leaf number, dead leaf number, new leaf number, and ornamental values had a tendency of decrease when plants were grown in soils amended with Zn. However, no significant difference was found among treatments except for plants were grown in soils amended with 500 mg/kg Zn. Therefore, Hosta longipes might be useful for phytoremediation of Zn contaminated sites as herbaceous ornamental plants.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient Selection Method for Drought Tolerant Plants Using Osmotic Agents

        Dong-Jin Park,Hyeon-Jeong Im,Mi jin Jeong,송현진,김학곤,Gang-Uk Suh,Balkrishna Ghimire,최명석 강원대학교 산림과학연구소 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.3

        An efficient method to select drought tolerant Korean native plants using in vitro culture system was established in this study. While the plant growths and root inductions of each plant were proportionately affected by concentrations of mannitol on in vitro culturing seven plant species to test tolerance to osmotic stress, growth index (GI) and number of root induction of Chrysanthemi zawadskii var. latilobum and Dianthus chinensis var. semperflorens plantlets were higher than the others in 125mM mannitol. In test with polyethylene glycol (PEG), plantlets of C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis var. semperflorens showed higher GI and number of root induction than the others in 33.3mM. On testing whether the well grown plants under osmotic stress are tolerant to virtual drought stress, there were significant differences in the withering rates of C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis and those of were Aster yomena and Centaurea cyanus after 12 days without watering. It was found that significantly lower stomata numbers were shown in both drought tolerant plants than the sensitive plants. Averages of the stomata circumferencesand the stomata area in the plantlets of the tolerant species were larger than those of the sensitive plants D. chinensis var. semperflorens showed the lowest transpiration level per unit area. The highest stomatal area per unit area was found in C. zawadskii, followed by D. chinensis var. semperflorens, Aster yomena and C. cyanus. In conclusion, C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis var. semperflorens were more tolerant to drought than other two species. Furthermore in vitro selection was successfully used to screen drought tolerance species of native plant species.

      • KCI등재

        Efficient Selection Method for Drought Tolerant Plants Using Osmotic Agents

        Park, Dong-Jin,Im, Hyeon-Jeong,Jeong, Mi-Jin,Song, Hyeon-Jin,Kim, Hak-Gon,Suh, Gang-Uk,Ghimire, Balkrishna,Choi, Myung-Suk Institute of Forest Science 2018 Journal of Forest Science Vol.34 No.3

        An efficient method to select drought tolerant Korean native plants using in vitro culture system was established in this study. While the plant growths and root inductions of each plant were proportionately affected by concentrations of mannitol on in vitro culturing seven plant species to test tolerance to osmotic stress, growth index (GI) and number of root induction of Chrysanthemi zawadskii var. latilobum and Dianthus chinensis var. semperflorens plantlets were higher than the others in 125mM mannitol. In test with polyethylene glycol (PEG), plantlets of C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis var. semperflorens showed higher GI and number of root induction than the others in 33.3mM. On testing whether the well grown plants under osmotic stress are tolerant to virtual drought stress, there were significant differences in the withering rates of C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis and those of were Aster yomena and Centaurea cyanus after 12 days without watering. It was found that significantly lower stomata numbers were shown in both drought tolerant plants than the sensitive plants. Averages of the stomata circumferences and the stomata area in the plantlets of the tolerant species were larger than those of the sensitive plants D. chinensis var. semperflorens showed the lowest transpiration level per unit area. The highest stomatal area per unit area was found in C. zawadskii, followed by D. chinensis var. semperflorens, Aster yomena and C. cyanus. In conclusion, C. zawadskii var. latilobum and D. chinensis var. semperflorens were more tolerant to drought than other two species. Furthermore in vitro selection was successfully used to screen drought tolerance species of native plant species.

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