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      • KCI등재

        다중균형모형을 통한 보건분야 국제개발 협력의 지속가능성에 대한 연구

        윤희상(Yun, Hee-sang) 한국아프리카학회 2014 한국아프리카학회지 Vol.43 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to explain the sustainability of International Cooperation in the health sector by analyzing the case of Uganda with the Multiple Equilibria Model. Sustainability of health programs is important for developing countries since their people are one of crucial factors for economic growth. Securing the health of citizen is possible only if the appropriate health service is provided throughout their life cycle. The lack of basic health service may hinder citizen’s economic activities so that they cannot break out of a vicious cycle of poverty. To guarantee the sustainability in developing countries, the research of their govervance and policies is essential. By examining the successfully implemented case, it is necessary to figure out the success factor and apply it to new health programs that will be implemented. The successful health program in Uganda is ‘Arrest and decrease of the spread of HIV/AIDS.’ Uganda is regarded as a country that succeed the policy of HIV/AIDS. There are two success factors. The improvement of group awareness using the perception change based on the sociocultural background and cultural access. It can be explained by the Multiple Equilibria Model. Based on the Multiple Equilibria Model, if someone is expected to act in some way, he really acts that way. Therefore, inside the group people act as others want and affected from the group, the equilibrium of socially formed behavior moves changing the behaviour of individuals naturally. Since Uganada has a high fertility rate, particularly adolescent fertility rate, Maternal child health service is necessary. It is important to see the delivery and family planning as a systematic commun behaviour of community and considered as a equilibrium. Awareness and individual’s behavior, we have to move the equilibrium from expected behavior to real behavior and stress that the behavior of pregnant and delivery has to be changed. Community people has to feel this pressure and change their behavior to practice their family planning by themselves. It is moved the stable equilibriums.

      • SCOPUS

        Human Capital-Technology Complementarity and Multiple Equilibria


        This paper attempts to model technology-human capital complementarity, and to prove the existence of multiple equilibria. We set up an overlapping generations model with workers investing in human capital and with entrepreneurs in the adoption of technology, when they are young. The production technology is an AK type. The main results of the paper are: First, due to the complementarity between workers and entrepreneurs, the model can generate multiple Nash equilibria. Second, an increases in the degree of trade openness increases growth rates of income, human capital and technology level, and the slope of age-earnings profiles.

      • KCI등재

        테일러 준칙을 이용한 교과서 거시모형의 재구성과 응용

        송준혁 ( Joonhyuk Song ),임성택 ( Sungtaek Yim ) 한국경제교육학회 2015 경제교육연구 Vol.22 No.2

        Romer (2012)는 전통적인 IS-LM-AS모형은 통화량 준칙을 기반으로 하는 모형으로, 최근과 같이 이자율을 통화정책의 운영 목표로 삼고 있는 경제에서는 이러한 모형의 부적절함을 지적하고 LM곡선을 이자율 준칙으로 대체하는 거시경제 모형을 제시한 바 있다. 그러나 Romer가 제시한 모형에서는 수평적인 AS 곡선을 가정함으로써 기대인플레이션이 AS곡선에 미치는 효과를 명시적으로 고려하지 못하는 한계가 있어 이를 보완할 필요가 있다. 이에 따라 본고에서는 MP곡선을 이용한 Romer 모형을 바탕으로 하되 총수요곡선에서 화폐시장 균형식을 테일러 준칙으로 대체하고 총공급곡선에서는 기대인플레이션을 감안한 장·단기 AS곡선을 제시하였다. 이러한 모형의 기초하에 교과서에서 다루는 통상적인 통화정책, 인플레이션 및 총생산성 충격에 따른 거시 변수들의 균형으로의 조정 과정을 살펴보았다. 또한 최근 글로벌 금융위기 과정에서 자주회자된 유동성 함정을 설명하고 이로 인한 복수균형(multiple equilibria)에 대해서도 설명하고자 한다. 이를 통해 일선에서 경제학을 가르치는 교사나 학생들이 기대인플레이션 조정을 통한 거시경제 모형의 구성과 응용 그리고 쟁점들에 대한 이해를 제고하고자 한다. Romer (2012) criticizes that the traditional IS-LM-AS model based on monetary aggregate is not appropriate to address the workings of real economy in which the interest rate is set as the operational target for monetary policy and proposes to replace the LM curve with the Taylor-type interest rate target. However, Romer assumes a flat AS curve and fails to capture the channel through which the expected inflation affects the AS curve. This paper is an attempt to fill the gap where Romer leaves unaddressed in his IS-MP-AS model. We present short-run and long-run AS curves reflecting the effect of the expected inflation. Under this setting, we analyze adjustment processes of macro variables to arrive at the new equilibrium confronted with monetary, inflationary and productivity shocks. We also show that AD curve will take a kinked shape under the liquidity trap and explain the kinked AD curve can lead to multiple equilibria.

      • KCI등재

        Being Knowledgeable or Sociable? Different Patterns of Human Capital Development and Evaluation in Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills

        강창희,이삼호 한국경제학회 2015 The Korean Economic Review Vol.31 No.1

        This paper develops a model of college admissions that emphasizes the role of college admissions as a human capital evaluation method. Given multiple dimensions of human capital, different patterns of human capital evaluation and development can emerge as multiple equilibria. These equilibria with a varying emphasis on different aspects of human capital can match an observed difference in college admission patterns between East Asian countries and the U.S. These different patterns are not Pareto ranked. Empirical implications of model are also discussed.


        Being Knowledgeable or Sociable? Different Patterns of Human Capital Development and Evaluation in Cognitive and Non-cognitive Skills

        ( Chang Hui Kang ),( Sam Ho Lee ) 한국경제학회 2015 The Korean Economic Review Vol.31 No.1

        This paper develops a model of college admissions that emphasizes the role of college admissions as a human capital evaluation method. Given multiple dimensions of human capital, different patterns of human capital evaluation and development can emerge as multiple equilibria. These equilibria with a varying emphasis on different aspects of human capital can match an observed difference in college admission patterns between East Asian countries and the U.S. These different patterns are not Pareto ranked. Empirical implications of model are also discussed.

      • 日本の量的·質的金融緩和(QQE)の効果について

        Yeom, Dongho Korea Consensus Institute(KCI) 2018 Analyses & alternatives Vol.2 No.2

        This paper focuses on the policy framework about "Quantitative and Qualitative Easing (QQE)" of Japan, and analyzes reasons why the policy goal was not reached. The QQE was introduced by the Bank of Japan in 2013 with the purpose of meeting the price stability target of 2% and getting out of deflation that prevents sustained price decline. However, despite the implementation of the bold monetary easing policy unprecedented in the world, the policy goal was not achieved as of June 2018. As a result of analyzing the causes, the following three structural factors were confirmed. 1) The rise in prices by QQE was limited because Japan's consumer price is strongly depending on import price. 2) The effect is high degree of uncertainty and limited because theoretical framework of reflationist which adopted QQE depends on "expectation formation" by "self-fulfilling expectation" and "multiple equilibria". 3) It was confirmed that the expansion of the monetary base did not lead to money stock due to the existence of Japanese liquidity trap, long-term low interest rate policy.

      • KCI등재

        논밭 범용화사업의 사회적 후생효과 추정 : 식량작물을 중심으로

        강민정(Minjeong Kang),민선형(Sunhyung Min),안동환(Donghwan An),김지은(Jieun Kim),김관수(Kwansoo Kim),이향미(Hyangmi Yi) 한국농식품정책학회 2019 농업경영정책연구 Vol.46 No.4

        This study examined social welfare effects of the ‘Multiple-Purpose Utilization Project for Paddy Fields’. Under the assumption that the project would be implemented for 41,447ha in Korea for 21 years, we found that the effects of the project depend on durable years of the infrastructure, farmers’ choices on which crops to plant, and double-cropped area. We also found that the net benefits from the project were 3,699.7~3,717.1 billion won for 51 years under 30 years durability and 4,937.1~4,956.2 billion won for 71 years under 50 years of durability. However, the project would have negative economic effects when farmers who participate keep cultivating rice. Therefore, it is essential to give farmers a form of incentives such as income assistance to encourage them to cultivate field crops.

      • KCI등재

        Inertial migration and multiple equilibrium positions of a neutrally buoyant spherical particle in Poiseuille flow

        김창녕,최청렬 한국화학공학회 2010 Korean Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol.27 No.4

        The radial migration of a single neutrally buoyant particle in Poiseuille flow is numerically investigated by direct numerical simulations. The simulation results show that the Segré and Silberberg equilibrium position moves towards the wall as the Reynolds number increases and as the particle size decreases. At high Reynolds numbers, inner equilibrium positions are found at positions closer to the centerline and move towards the centerline as the Reynolds number increases. At higher Reynolds numbers, the Segré and Silberberg equilibrium position disappears and only the inner equilibrium position exists. We prove that the inner annuluses in the measurements of Matas, Morris & Guazzelli (J. Fluid Mech. 515, 171-195, 2004) are not transient radial positions, but are real equilibrium positions. The results on the inner equilibrium positions and unstable equilibrium positions are new and convince us of the existence of multiple equilibrium radial positions for neutrally buoyant particles.

      • KCI등재

        Modeling Guarantees, Over-Indebtedness and Financial Crises in an Open Economy

        Germana Corrado 한국국제경제학회 2011 International Economic Journal Vol.25 No.1

        This work develops a simple framework to analyse how financial intermediaries' balance sheet problems combined with financial guarantees make an economy more vulnerable to financial crises. A 'double default' problem - that is, the default of financial intermediaries on their debt repayments and of the government on its guarantees to bailout intermediaries' losses - is modelled in this study. The possibility of multiple equilibria, including a crisis equilibrium where the government is not able or willing to honor its guarantees towards the domestic financial sector, arises from the interplay of all the above elements: financial intermediaries' level of indebtedness, government implicit guarantees and high-risk creditors' lending. This work also produces predictions concerning the vulnerability to a financial crisis: multiple equilibria are possible only in certain ranges of the fundamentals.

      • KCI등재

        Technology Cycle and its Multiple Equilibria

        조성진 한양대학교 경제연구소 2009 JOURNAL OF ECONOMIC RESEARCH Vol.14 No.2

        This paper shows the existence of multiple equilibria in technology the cycle. According to Cho (2008), two main reasons of faster replacement demand for main computer systems are faster technological progress and increased demand for services a telecommunication company provides. This paper primarily focuses on the role of faster technological progress due to the faster replacement demand for mainframe computer systems. The cyclical relationship among replacement demand for mainframe computer systems, faster technological progress, and R&D expenditure shows multiple equilibria in technology. The technology cycle can happen as follows. Increased replacement demand for mainframe computer systems is induced by faster technological progress in computer industry. Then, this induced replacement demand can increase R&D expenditure in the computer industry. Again, this increased R&D expenditure also causes faster technological progress. Using data from Cho (2008) and a simple calibration, I show the existence of multiple equilibria in the above technology cycle, which exist in both the lower part and higher part of technology cycle.

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