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      • KCI등재

        Extraction out of overt anaphora: Korean kule(h) 'so' versus English so

        박명관 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2015 언어연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This paper examines some novel phenomena of extraction out of overt anaphora such as Korean kule(h)- 'so' and English so. These anaphora allegedly have a grammatical role of substituting for several different syntactic constituents such as VP, AP, AdvP, TP, or CP alone or together with the Korean light verb ha- 'do' or the English one do or copula be. We show that Korean kule(h)- 'so' allows for an extraction out of it when the extraction is an instance of A-movement, but the English counterpart so does not. We submit the thesis that this contrast essentially follows from the so-called multiple Spec hypothesis (cf. Kuroda (1988)). Korean allows multiple Spec's, but English does not. Specifically, the Spec position of the light verb is an exit for the extraction out of the VP to be substituted for by the VP anaphora. This position can be taken advantage of by Korean with the multiple Spec strategy, but not by English without it. Furthermore, the extraction out of the kuleh- 'so' anaphora renders support to Lasnik's (1999) proposal that A-movement, unlike A-bar movement, does not necessarily leave a trace/copy.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Extraction out of overt anaphora: Korean kule(h) 'so' versus English so

        Myung-Kwan Park 경희대학교 언어정보연구소 2015 언어연구 Vol.32 No.3

        This paper examines some novel phenomena of extraction out of overt anaphora such as Korean kule(h)- 'so' and English so. These anaphora allegedly have a grammatical role of substituting for several different syntactic constituents such as VP, AP, AdvP, TP, or CP alone or together with the Korean light verb ha- 'do' or the English one do or copula be. We show that Korean kule(h)- 'so' allows for an extraction out of it when the extraction is an instance of A-movement, but the English counterpart so does not. We submit the thesis that this contrast essentially follows from the so-called multiple Spec hypothesis (cf. Kuroda (1988)). Korean allows multiple Spec's, but English does not. Specifically, the Spec position of the light verb is an exit for the extraction out of the VP to be substituted for by the VP anaphora. This position can be taken advantage of by Korean with the multiple Spec strategy, but not by English without it. Furthermore, the extraction out of the kuleh- 'so' anaphora renders support to Lasnik's (1999) proposal that A-movement, unlike A-bar movement, does not necessarily leave a trace/copy.

      • KCI등재

        A Principled Explanation on Double Object and Dative Constructions

        Hui tae Kim 한국영미어문학회 2018 영미어문학 Vol.- No.130

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a principled explanatory mechanism for the puzzling interaction of the complements DP1 and DP2 within VP in the Double Object Construction (DOC) and Dative Construction (DC). For this, the multiple Spec-VP and the multiple Theta (θ)-Agree of V inherited from v such as V1CAUSE and V2Have in DOC are posited with respect to Aoun and Li’s (1989) DOC to DC Transformation (T) approach. To support this postulation, Distributed Morphology (DM)– based Harley’s (2002) double object verb decomposition is adopted and slightly changed in the vein of the causative light verb v . And Kayne’s (1984) binary branching as well as Larson’s (1988) and Aoun and Li’s (1989) passivization are adopted and Aoun and Li’s (1989) Hybrid Analysis is a bit revised. As a result, the semantic relation and the structural (asymmetric) c-command relation between DP1 and DP2 in DOC and DC are solved. Also the inaccessibility of wh-extraction on DP2 in DOC and the accessibility of wh-extraction on DP1 in DC are explained.

      • KCI등재

        A Principled Explanation on Double Object and Dative Constructions

        김희태 한국영미어문학회 2018 영미어문학 Vol.- No.130

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a principled explanatory mechanism for the puzzling interaction of the complements DP1 and DP2 within VP in the Double Object Construction (DOC) and Dative Construction (DC). For this, the multiple Spec-VP and the multiple Theta (θ)-Agree of V inherited from v such as V1CAUSE and V2Have in DOC are posited with respect to Aoun and Li’s (1989) DOC to DC Transformation (T) approach. To support this postulation, Distributed Morphology (DM)– based Harley’s (2002) double object verb decomposition is adopted and slightly changed in the vein of the causative light verb v . And Kayne’s (1984) binary branching as well as Larson’s (1988) and Aoun and Li’s (1989) passivization are adopted and Aoun and Li’s (1989) Hybrid Analysis is a bit revised. As a result, the semantic relation and the structural (asymmetric) c-command relation between DP1 and DP2 in DOC and DC are solved. Also the inaccessibility of wh-extraction on DP2 in DOC and the accessibility of wh-extraction on DP1 in DC are explained.

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