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        3.1운동과 장 ⸱ 감 ⸱ 성 - 3.1운동을 통해 드러난 장 ⸱ 감 ⸱ 성 선교사들의 정교분리원칙

        황훈식 서울신학대학교 기독교신학연구소 2019 神學과 宣敎 Vol.57 No.-

        본 연구는 삼일운동 당시 주한 외국인 선교사들의 정교분리의 원칙을 어떻게 적용하고 있는지를 규명해 내는 작업이다. 주한 선교사들의 정교분리 원칙이 '반민족적인 행동인가?' 혹은 '개인 도덕영역으로 기독교의 정의를 축소시킨 장본인인가?'란 문제에 본 연구는 주한 외국인 선교사들의 정교분리의 원칙을 다각도로 판단해야 할 것을 밝히고 있다. 3.1운동 당시 주한 외국인 선교사들은 선교지인 조선에 하나님의 정의가 바로 세워지기를 소망했고, 무엇보다도 일제 만행에 대한 한민족의 아픔과 고통에 깊이 공감하고 있었다. 이들에게 정교분리원칙은 절대적인 원칙이 아니었다. 주한 외국인 선교사들은 이미 3.1운동 이전에 있었던 ‘춘생문 사건’과 ‘105인 사건’에서 그들의 세웠던 정교분리원칙과 상관없이 조선의 정의와 자유를 위해서 노력했던 모습이 나타났다. 이러한 모습은 3.1운동 당시에도 이어졌으나, 반면 정교분리원칙을 고수했던 면도 동시에 나타났다. 그 이유는 첫째, 3.1운동 개입에 대한 일제의 의심에서 벗어나고자 했기 때문이고, 둘째, 일제의 의도, 즉 선교사들을 이용해서 계속 일어나는 만세시위를 중단시키려는 의도에 협조하지 않기 위해서였다. 시간이 갈수록 점점 더 위협적으로 다가오는 일제총독부를 맞서는 전략은 바로 정교분리원칙을 고수하는 것뿐이었다. 그리하여 선교사들은 일제당국과의 비밀회담에서 일제의 한국지배가 잘못된 방향으로 나아가고 있다고 비난함으로 정치적인 조언을 했을 뿐만 아니라, 자국에는 일제의 만행을 적극적으로 알려 정교분리원칙에 매여 있지 않았던 양면적 모습이었다. This study is to reveal how the principle of ‘segregation of church and state’ of foreign missionaries in Korea during ‘the March 1st Movement’ were applied and how today the principle can be evaluated. On the question of whether the principle of ‘segregation of church and state’ is anti‐nationalism or whether this principle reduce Christian justice to individual morality, this study proves that this principle should be judged in two aspects. At the time of the March 1st Movement, foreign missionaries in Korea wanted to establish God's justice right in Korea, the mission field, and, above all, deeply sympathized with the pain and suffering of the Korean people against Japanese atrocities. For them, the principle of ‘segregation of church and state’ was not an absolute principle. Foreign missionaries in Korea had already worked for the justice and freedom in Korea, as seen in the “Chunsaengmun affair” and the “105‐man incident” before the March 1st Movement. Likewise during the March 1st Movement, they were not bound by this principle. However, it also appeared to adhere to this principle at the time of the 3.1 Movement. The reason for this was, first, to avoid Japanese suspicions that missionaries are involved in the March 1st Movement, and second, not to cooperate with Japan’s intention, that is, to stop the protests through the help of missionaries. For them, the only strategy against the Japanese Governor, which is increasingly threatening over time, was to adhere to this principle. For this reason, the missionaries not only made political statement that Japan misrules Korea, but also actively informed their country of the atrocities of Japanese imperialism.

      • KCI등재

        대화이동 연속체 원형을 활용한 ‘공손성 원리’의 화법 교육 방안 -예능 프로그램 <효리네 민박> 대화 분석을 중심으로-

        최예영,박찬,신효진,권순희 청람어문교육학회 2023 청람어문교육 Vol.- No.95

        The purpose of this study is to identify the aspects in which the principle of politeness is realized in actual conversation and to present a plan for teaching the principle of politeness in Korean language education based on these findings. To achieve this goal, dialogues from the entertainment program <Hyori’s Homestay> were transcribed and analyzed using the standardized structure of the dialogue movement continuum prototype. As a result of the analysis, several key findings emerged. First, in conversations where the principle of politeness is observed, specific maxims were identified and realized according to the prototype of the dialogue movement continuum. For example, the maxim of tact was observed in the reverse-acting dialogue movement, negative response dialogue movement, and decision-reservation dialogue movement. The maxim of tolerance was realized in the decision preparation dialogue movement, and the maxim of agreement and empathy were realized in the positive response dialogue movement. Second, the study found that even if a speaker initially violates the principle of politeness in their utterance, if the listener responds by realizing the principle of politeness, the conversation tends to shift towards the realization of the principle of politeness. This highlights the dynamic nature of politeness and its potential to influence conversation patterns. In contrast to existing Korean textbooks that have treated the principle of politeness as a set of rules to be followed in specific situations, this paper reveals that politeness can be effectively used as a strategic tool to modify the structure of a conversation. By analyzing various dialogue examples and exploring the relationship between the dialogue movement continuum and the principle of politeness, this study proposes a plan to actively incorporate the principle of politeness in both speaking and listening roles during Korean language education.

      • KCI등재

        하나님의 선교로서 오순절 운동 이해 : 선교적 해석학의 관점에서

        김미영 한국실천신학회 2020 신학과 실천 Vol.0 No.71

        오순절 운동은 이제 오순절주의(은사주의 포함)로 확대되면서 한 세기의 짧은 역사 안에서 세계 기독교 인구의 1/4을 차지하게 되었다. 세계 기독교는 어느덧 오순절 운동을 인식하지 않고는 이해할 수 없게 되었다. 기독교는 서구 중심의 기독교에서 벗어나 북반구와 남반구를 함께 인식하는 ‘세계 기독교’라고 불려야 하는 시대에 존재한다. 구속사적 차원에서 ‘하나님의 선교’는 ‘하나님의 말씀’, 특별히 ‘Full Gospel’(순복음)과 더불어 하나님의 나라를 이루어가는 하나님의 자기 계시의 관점에서 이해되어져야 한다. 오순절 운동은 복음의 능력을 통한 하나님의 선교이며, 하나님 나라의 운동이다. 바로 이러한 관점에서 오순절 운동을 재해석해야 한다는 것이 이 논문의 논점이다. 선교적 해석학의 관점에서 하나님의 선교를 조직신학적으로 고찰할 때 오순절 운동이 이끄는 세계 기독교는 건강하게 이해될 수 있다. 앤드류 월스(Andrew F. Walls)가 구속사를 하나님의 선교로서 복음을 통한 지속적인 토착화 원리(the indigenizing principle)와 순례자 원리(the pilgrim principle)로 설명하였는데 이는 철저하게 오늘날 세계 기독교를 이끌고 있는 오순절 운동의 속성이라고 말할 수 있다. 오순절 운동이 방언과 성령세례에 관한 신학적 재인식의 산물임에도 오순절 운동에 대한 오순절 신학의 관점에 관해 부정적 시각이 아직도 존재한다. 또한 오순절 운동의 예전적 차원은 긍정적이지만 이 운동이 감당해야 했던 상황적 사회적 문제들에 대한 창의적 대응에 대해서는 소홀히 평가되어왔다. 오순절 운동은 토착화와 순례자화라는 복음의 속성으로 하나님 나라의 가치를 개인화하고 사회화한다. 이 운동은 역동적인 성령의 선교로서 교회 공동체를 활기차게 변혁시키는 하나님 나라의 운동으로 재해석되고 재평가되어야 한다. 하나님의 자기 계시로서 오순절 운동이 인간적 관심의 한계에 묶여서 제대로 해석되지 못하는 우는 극복되어야 된다한국 오순절 운동으로 발전한 한국 오순절 신학을 긍정적으로 평가한다면 한국 신학계가 능동적으로 세계 교회에서 하나님의 선교의 새로운 차원을 제시하는 신학적 사명을 잘 감당할 수 있음을 이 논문을 통해 제안하고자 한다. The Pentecostal movement has now expanded to Pentecostalism (including Charismaticism), accounting for a quarter of the world's Christian population in a short history of a century. World Christianity has become incomprehensible without first recognizing the Pentecostal movement. Christianity exists in the era that should be called “World Christianity”, which recognizes both the northern and southern hemispheres apart from Western-centered Christianity. In the dimension of the history of redemption, “Missio Dei” must be understood from the perspective of God’s self-revelation to fulfill the kingdom of God with the Word of God, especially “Full Gospel.” This is the movement of God’s kingdom through the power of the Gospel. It is from this point of view that the Pentecostal movement must be reinterpreted. The World Christianity led by the Pentecostal movement can be understood healthily when we examine the mission of God systematically from the perspective of missionary hermeneutics. Andrew F. Walls described the history of redemption as the mission of God with the indigenizing and pilgrim principles inherent in the Gospel. These principles can be said to be thoroughly an attribute of the Pentecostal movement leading World Christianity today. Although the Pentecostal movement is the product of a theological re-awareness of tongues and the baptism of the Holy Spirit, there is still a negative view about the Pentecostal movement of Pentecostal theology's perspective. In addition, although the liturgical level of the Pentecostal movement is positive, it has been neglected its creative response to the situational and social problems that this movement had to deal with. The Pentecostal movement personalizes and socializes the values of the kingdom of God with the attributes of the Gospel of both indigenization and making a pilgrimage. This movement should be reinterpreted and reevaluated as a movement of the kingdom of God that transforms the church community vigorously as a dynamic mission of the Holy Spirit. Due to the limitations of human interests, the mistake that the Pentecostal movement cannot be interpreted properly must be overcome as God's self-revelation. This paper suggests that if the Korean Pentecostal theology developed by the Korean Pentecostal movement is positively evaluated, the Korean theological community can actively fulfill the mission that presents alternatives to the mission of God in the world church.

      • KCI등재

        이명자태평무 움직임 원리연구: BRACED 소매틱 원리를 중심으로

        박성아,김경희 대한무용학회 2023 대한무용학회논문집 Vol.81 No.3

        This study was intended to explore the MyungJaLee’s Taepyeongmu movement principles and to study the somatic movement principles inherent in it by applying ‘BRACED’, the basic somatic movement principles in order to establish not only the external and formal beauty, but also the intrinsic value of dance and the movement principles inherent in Taepyeongmu and, based on this, to lay the educational foundation for the transmission and development of the traditional dance. The movement of Taepyeongmu stands out, compared to other types of traditional dances, in terms of the change of rhythm and the variety of movements in each stage. It derived the MyungJaLee’s Taepyeongmu movement principle based on the analysis of MyungJaLee’s Taepyeongmu based on ‘BRACED’, the somatic movement principle. All six principles of 'BRACED', including Breathing, Relaxation, Alignment, Connection, Expectation, and Dance, are inherent in MyungJaLee’s Taepyeongmu and appear differently for each stage. Based on this, if the MyungJaLee’s Taepyeongmu movement principles based on BRACED is well applied and utilized from the point of view of transmission practitioners and educators, it will be available to more intensively explore the essence of traditional dances, including Taepyeongmu, etc. Transmission practitioners should subdivide the role of Breathing to control it well, reflect their bodies well, and upright their bodies centered on the pelvis. In addition, they should always introspect about the dance based on the smart body and embodied learned with the assimilated, and when they conduct an education on the transmission of the traditional dance based on the above-mentioned principles, they should first educate the theoretical background of the traditional dance before educating on its movement and then proceed with the education focusing on the movement principles. The subject of study while utilizing the somatic movement principles systemized based on the West. A study on the traditional dance using somatic has the universality and utilization value as an analysis method for dance movements in a narrow sense and as basic data for preservation and transmission education in a broad sense. with this study as an opportunity, it is expected that it will provide an opportunity to think about the search for the essence of the traditional dance along with various studies on its movement principles.

      • KCI등재

        캐릭터 움직임 분석 도구로서의 애니메이션 원리 연구 : 라반 움직임 분석(LMA)과의 비교를 중심으로

        이동민 한국애니메이션학회 2019 애니메이션연구 Vol.15 No.2

        This study investigates the possibilities and limitations of Disney’s animation principles as a movement analysis tool by comparing with Laban movement analysis( LMA) in terms of theoretical frameworks and the results of a film analysis using both tools. The principles of animation can be categorized with four themes; movement phrase, expressive technique, staging and acting, and movement creation method. The principles may lack vocabulary describing how movement forms in space and how the mind links to the body. Although there are relevant concepts such as staging, secondary action, follow-through action, exaggeration, solid drawing, and appeal, which deal with mise-en-scène and the relationship between mind and movement, comprehensive knowledge is required to use them proficiently. This paper assumes the reason why the animation principles mainly focus on expressive qualities of movement is that animation addresses a variety of subjects that have no reference in reality. In other words, the inner attitude of motion does not derive from the inside, but from the movement. There can be no single way in which characters with various looks express joy or sorrow. As long as it is believable and acceptable to the audience, animators can try any kinds of expression. In this sense, the animation principles can be useful to read the movements of imaginary characters. The benefits of the animation principles can be found in simplicity, adaptability, and communication as they provide the least but essential concepts to read movement compared to LMA that consists of numerous and complex constructs. However, the framework of the animation principles needs further development and refinement to be fully utilized in various fields as LMA does. 본 연구는 애니메이션 원리와 LMA를 이론적 관점과 영상 분석 결과 측면에서 비교하여 움직임 분석 도구로서 애니메이션 원리만의 의미와 가치를 제시하였다. 애니메이션 원리는 표현 기술 중심으로 LMA에 비해심리적인 측면과 물리적인 측면을 연결하여 설명하는 것에 크게 무게를 두지 않는다. 애니메이션은 현실에 참고대상이 없는 다양한 대상을 다루는 경우가 많고 캐릭터의 내적 태도가 내면으로부터 파생되는 것이 아니라 움직임으로부터 시작되기 때문이다. 애니메이션 관점에서 다양한 대상의 심리적인 측면과 물리적인 측면을 연결하는 것은 예술가의 몫에 가깝다. 애니메이션 원리 가운데 탄탄한 드로잉과 연출은 캐릭터와 공간과의 관계를 다루고, 연출, 보조적인 움직임, 잇따르는 움직임, 과장, 호소력은 캐릭터의 심리와 움직임과의 관계를 다루어 움직임의 공간과 맥락적인 차원을 다루고 있다. 그러나 그 의미가 추상적이고 포괄적인데다 다양한 지식이 요구되는 측면이 있다. 움직임 분석 도구로서 애니메이션 원리의 의미와 가치는 이론의 간결함, 다른 분야로의 적용 가능성, 소통에있다. 애니메이션 이론은 움직임을 이해하기 위한 최소한의 개념적 틀을 제공한다는 측면에서 구성과 체계가 다소방대하고 복합적인 LMA보다 이점이 있다. 많은 인공지능 분야의 연구 사례가 움직임 표현에 애니메이션 원리를활용하고 있는 점은 쉬운 적용이 가능하다는 점을 시사한다. 움직임을 읽는 간결한 개념과 쉬운 용어는 협업에서효율적이고 원활한 소통을 가능하게 할 수 있다. 다만 움직임 분석 도구로서 제시된 바 없으므로 다양한 분야에서온전히 활용되기 위해 본 연구의 시도처럼 애니메이션 원리를 움직임 분석 관점에서 재해석하고 맥락적인 차원을더하는 등 LMA 이론이 그러하였듯 진화되고 다듬어져야 할 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        『고등학교 한국사』 교과서의 3ㆍ1운동 서술의 체계와 내용

        조규태 한국민족운동사학회 2011 한국민족운동사연구 Vol.0 No.69

        ■Abstract 3ㆍ1 Movement written in textbooks of Korean History of High School Cho, Kyu-tae This research paper is on the 3ㆍ1 Movement written in textbooks of Korean History of High School used from 2011. Concretely, I studied the description forms and contents about backgrounds of 3ㆍ1 Movement written in textbooks of Korean History of High School. And I examined thoroughly the description forms and contents about development, influence of 3ㆍ1 Movement. Finally I reviewed persons, photographs, diagrams, and supplementary explanations about 3ㆍ1 Movement. In these textbooks, Japanese political suppression and economical exploitation are narrated as fundamental backgrounds of 3ㆍ1 Movement. As external causes, Wilson’s the principle of self-determination of peoples and Lenin’s clarification for supporting the people of a small and weak power are described. In these Korean History of High School, Lenin’s clarification for this point is especially emphasized. In the section of background of 3ㆍ1 Movement, antagonism to Japanese rule itself should be narrated as a fundamental background of 3ㆍ1 Movement. And the announcement of the Daehan Independence Declaration should not be described as a background of 3ㆍ1 Movement. Because a theory has insisted that the announcement of the Daehan Independence Declaration did after 3ㆍ1 Movement. It is reasonable that the way of describing to ignore the role and importance in 3ㆍ1 Movement like “Cheondogyo, Buddhism, Christianity”, or “Son Byeong Hee, Han Yong Woon, Lee Seung Hoon” is changed to the way of describing to reflect the role and importance in 3ㆍ1 Movement like “Cheondogyo, Christianity, Buddhism”, or “Son Byeong Hee, Lee Seung Hoon, Han Yong Woon”. In the section of development of 3ㆍ1 Movement, announcement of the Declaration of Independence, demonstration in Seoul and great cities, demonstration in rural cities, Japanese cruel repression, and 3ㆍ1 Movement in foreign countries is described. Most of these is appropriate. But a few of these are not reasonable. Explanations on the reason of armed crackdown are different each other. We have to endeavor to find reasonable explanation of this. Jihaksa textbook emphasize students’ role in 3ㆍ1 Movement, without mentioning religion leaders. But this is different from historical fact. Therefore Jihaksa textbook should be amended to the way to emphasize religion leaders’ role. And Samhwa Press textbook should be changed to the way to put stress on peasant than laborer. Besides, a few pictures should be replaced, because these are not appropriate. And inconsistency of Bopmoonsa textbooks’s caption with it’s picture should be amended rightly. 이 글은 2011년부터 사용되는 『고등학교 한국사』의 3ㆍ1운동에 대한 서술의 체계와 내용을 검토하여 분석한 글이다. 구체적으로는 3ㆍ1운동의 배경에 대한 서술 체계와 내용, 3ㆍ1운동의 전개와 의의ㆍ영향에 대한 서술 체계와 내용, 3ㆍ1운동 관련 인물ㆍ사진ㆍ도표ㆍ보론의 내용을 검토한 후, 각각의 특징과 문제점에 대하여 살펴보았다. <2009 개정 교육과정(2010 부분개정)>에 따라서 제작된 6종의 『고등학교 한국사』교과서에서는 3ㆍ1운동 관련 부분을 제Ⅵ 대단원 ‘일제의 식민지 지배와 민족운동의 전개’에서 다루고 있다. 이 대단원 아래 중단원의 제목은 대체로 ‘3ㆍ1운동과 대한민국 임시 정부’라고 하고 있다. 소단원의 제목은 교과서별로 상이하나, 대체로 3ㆍ1운동의 배경, 3ㆍ1운동의 전개, 3ㆍ1운동의 의의와 영향에 대하여 다루고 있다. 3ㆍ1운동의 근본적 원인으로는 먼저 일제의 무단 통치, 즉 정치적 억압과 경제적 착취를 들고 있다. 그리고 1910년대 국내의 비밀결사활동과 교육ㆍ문화 운동, 국외의 독립운동기지 건설 운동과 이를 통한 교육ㆍ문화 운동을 또 다른 배경으로 제시하고 있다. 국제적 배경에 대한 설명에서는, 레닌의 피압박 민족 해방 지원 천명과 윌슨의 민족자결주의 선언을 주목하고 있다. 미래엔 컬처그룹, 법문사, 삼화출판사, 지학사 교과서는 레닌의 피압박 민족 해방 천명 사실을 윌슨의 민족자결주의 선언보다 강조하는 것 같다. 레닌의 식민지의 민족해방 지원 선언을 주요한 국제적 배경으로 거론하지 않은 『고등학교 한국사』는 천재교육 교과서에 불과하다. 마지막으로 국외 독립운동 세력의 활동으로 인한 영향으로는 3ㆍ1운동 직전 신한청년당의 파리강화회의 대표 김규식 파견, 일본 유학생의 2ㆍ8독립선언, 만주 길림성의 대한독립선언서 발표, 선우혁의 이승훈과의 접촉, 여운형의 연해주 러시아한족대회 참석과 김규식 파리강화회의 참석 소식 전파 등, 국외 독립운동세력의 움직임을 3ㆍ1운동 발생의 배경으로 보고 있다. 그런데 3ㆍ1운동의 또 다른 근본적 배경은 ‘문화 민족으로서 일본의 지배를 받는 것 자체에 대한 반감’이었다고 판단된다. 그리고 대부분의『고등학교 한국사』 교과서가 ‘레닌의 약소민족 해방 지원 천명’을 3ㆍ1운동 발생의 국제적 배경으로 들고 있으나, 민족대표 33인의 심문조서에서는 이러한 사실이 언급되고 있지 않으므로, 조금 더 신중한 검토가 필요하다고 판단된다. 또, 미래엔 컬처그룹, 법문사, 삼화출판사, 천재교육의 네 출판사의 교과서는 대한독립선언서의 발표가 3ㆍ1운동의 발생에 영향을 미쳤다고 서술하였으나, 대한독립선언서의 발표 시기를 3ㆍ1운동 이후로 보는 견해도 있으므로, 이것을 3ㆍ1운동의 배경으로 서술하는 것은 지양해야 하겠다. 3ㆍ1운동의 원인과 배경의 서술에 있어, 역할과 비중 등을 고려하여 순서를 정하지 않은 곳이 약간 보인다. 예컨대 법문사의 교과서에는 “천도교, 불교, 기독교 등의 종교지도자들”, 미래엔 컬처그룹의 교과서에는 “손병희, 한용운, 이승훈 등 민족 대표”라는 방식으로 서술되어 있다. 그런데, 3ㆍ1운동 시의 역할과 비중을 고려한다면, 이는 ‘천도교, 기독교, 불교 등의 종교지도자들’, “손병희, 이승훈, 한용운 등 민족대표”의 순으로 배열해야 할 것이다. 『고등학교 한국사』의 3ㆍ1운동 단원의 전개 부분에서는 독립선언서의 발표, 서울 및 주요 도시 시위...

      • KCI등재

        공의주의를 통한 참가정운동의 적실성(適實性) 연구

        지충남 한국평화종교학회 2023 평화와 종교 Vol.- No.16

        With regard to what the practice in the Principle of GongEui(Co-righteousness), which aims at the society of common ethics based on true love, leads to being developed through the true family movement, the root of this movement is the Principle of GongEui(Co-righteousness). The true family movement seeks after the world of One Family under God in which all human beings live as brothers and sisters on the basis of the true love that is making the home, society, country and the world all true. As the category of the true family movement includes absoluteness, blessing marriage, education and peace, it is a social movement that focuses on the realistic practice in relation to our present life or future. As a result of the analysis on the true family movement, first, it was extending the continuity of movement, the propagation of value for peace and happiness in the family, the encouragement of fertility through a blessing marriage, and the peace movement for the peaceful reunification of the Korean Peninsula. Second, the educational and peace movements were most dynamic. Third, as for a plan to vitalize the true family movement, there is a need to dodge the member- centered activities, to implement a cooperative network with external organizations, to fortify the advance publicity on holding events, and to intensify the community outreach with escaping from the seminar and education- oriented structure. In terms of what the true family movement implies the function of everyday ethics in our society, it has the relevance of the movement.

      • KCI등재

        인도헌법상 환경조항과 환경운동연구

        고문현 ( Moon Hyun Koh ) 세계헌법학회 한국학회 2010 世界憲法硏究 Vol.16 No.1

        Constitution of India provides protection of environment at article 48A and article 51A(g) respectively. Article 48A of Constitution of India provides protection of environment as a type of directive principles of state policy as follows: The State shall endeavor to protect and improve the environment and to safeguard the forests and wild life of the country. Article 51A(g) of Constitution of India provides protection of environment as a type of fundamental duty of every citizen of India as follows: It shall be the duty of every citizen of India- (g) to protect and improve the natural environment including forests, lakes, rivers and wild life, and to have compassion for living creatures. In this article, we covered three kinds of environmental movement such as Chipko movement, Narmada Bachao Andolan and mining lease case in State of Himachal Pradesh. Chipko movement stemmed from dramatic event that a group of women in Reni forests of Garwhal Himalaya had succeeded in chasing away timber felling contractors in 1973. Chipko movement is ranked as the first popular environmental movement in the history of Indian environmental movement. Narmada Bachao Andolan which succeeded to Chipko movement started to deter the state from building Sardar Sarovar Project. Narmada Bachao Andolan plays an leading role in Indian environmental movement. Contrary to developed countries which focused on ``environment``, Chipko movement and Narmada Bachao Andolan put an emphasis on ``person`` rather than ``environment`` and emerged as an proper alternative to environmental movement led by developed countries. But an environmental movement which focused on environment and ecological concern like mining lease case in State of Himachal Pradesh emerges in India. It is very peculiar that Kinkri Devi from ``untouchable`` class played an important role in this case. In this article, we can draw following implications from above study. Firstly, above Indian environmental movements used fast, massive demonstration and march and so on. These kinds of environmental movements are influenced by M. Gandhi. Secondly, women played an important role in major environmental movements such as Gaura Devi, the head of Mahila Mandal Village(Women`s Club) in Chipko andolan(movement), Medha Patkar, woman social scientist of Tata Institute for Social Studies in Narmada Bachao Andolan and Kinkri Devi from ``untouchable`` class in mining lease case of State of Himachal Pradesh.

      • KCI등재후보

        Comparative Study for a Development Process of Constitutionalism in Indonesia and Korea

        이재삼 숭실대학교 법학연구소 2011 法學論叢 Vol.26 No.-

        This study looks at the Indonesia and Korea from the standing point of comparative law to find out ways for actualization of Constitutionalism and the problems that arise. Thus, five methods for realization of Constitutionalism for both countries are laid out. First, national security system must be strengthened to prevent invasion of foreign powers. To be ready for war and to be ready to defend the country, both countries must put efforts to build up national power and cooperate with its allies to adapt to Korea's peaceful unification plan and contribute to world peace in the long run. Second, Constitutionalism must be realized. In other words, all national actions must abide by rule of law. Realization of Constitutionalism involves politically liberal principles such as ensuring all the basic human rights for all its citizens, distributing government power to three branches of judicial, legislative, and executive and establish system of checks and balances between each to prevent concentration of power, and ensuring freedom of people from abuse of government power. Thus, justice must be upheld in all establishment, execution, and judgement of the law. Third, principle of democratic state must be realized. Principle of democratic state is a constitutional principle that democracy is the guiding principle in the state arena. Because the state is composition of government authority to realize public ideals, in no case the state should use its authority arbitrarily. The state cannot be justified itself, but exists for the purpose of maintaining the community and realizing the members' freedoms and rights. Because the owner of the community is its members, the existence of the state must be justified by its members. Today, the principle that the members of the community is the owner of the community is established as popular sovereignty and the state is established, maintained, and operated by the principle of democracy. Fourth, the economy must be revitalized. Above all, an economic order suitable for market economy must be established. Thus, the government strictly executes regulations related to economic activities and the corporations and individuals must compete within the borders set by the law. The constitution allows for state intervention in the economy in order to keep the function of the market sound. Such state intervention, as it is executed for the purpose of protecting the people's economic activities, keeping functions of the economy, and ensuring social security, must abide by the constitutional principles of subsidiarity, of trust and protection, and of proportionality, as well as prohibition of retrospective deprivation of private property. Also, all economic actors, in the course of their economic activities, must consider equity as well as efficiency. They also must practice economic ethics and build trust through their role in society. Fifth, measure is revitalization of civil society movements. Civil movements have a large influence today and the assessment of the movement is quite positive. In other words, civil movements receive highly positive assessment because it pursues social publicness through gradual, non-violent, peaceful, and legal actions. The role of civil movement is firstly to monitor and criticize state authority, secondly to suggest, request, and institutionalize policies that represent public Civil society movements must act as control and monitor watchdog for authoritarian nation, centralization, and local autonomy. For that, it is necessary to implement new policies to strengthen the role of medium between the existing system and the informal system. Also, it is necessary to develop policies in the public interest and put efforts to solve problems in the current system of policies and regulations. Furthermore, it is needed to expand education for citizens and communication with the civil society using community organizations such as schools and corporations to enhance public interests.

      • KCI등재

        Reanalysis of Locality and Optional Movement in the Survive Framework

        심양희 한국생성문법학회 2011 생성문법연구 Vol.21 No.2

        This paper accounts for the locality in Korean language and the nature of optional movement in the Survive framework of minimalist syntax (Stroik 2009). I show how a Merge and Remerge analysis, induced by bottom‐up repelling processes, can explain the diverse forms of Whconstructions and scrambling in Korean, and how it sheds valuable light on our understanding of optional movements. Optional movement has properties very different from the last-resort type. In accordance with Stroik and Yang(2009), I support a non‐representational /nondeterministic derivational theory by showing further evidence from Korean scrambling and Wh‐constructions. I suggest interpreting the Survive principle as the syntactic instance of a more general push‐up mechanism that is responsible for inducing optional movements in general. I also propose a bottom‐up structure‐building Merge operation called “The Extended Survive Principle (ESP).” I postulate in line with Miyagawa (2010) that optional movement processes are not Agree-free nor Merge-free processes and argue that optional movement also requires feature-checking processes like obligatory movement. In this paper, I manipulate optionality in movement not in terms of optional versus obligatory Internal Merge but in terms of the “determination” of Remerge processes under the Survive framework, which employs a bottom-up repelling mechanism.

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