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        Jaewon Hwang,Yong-Ki Lee 글로벌지식마케팅경영학회 2018 Global Marketing Conference Vol.2018 No.07

        Introduction In recent times, mass customization strategy has been actively adapted even in the food service industry, which provides services wherein consumers select the main ingredients of the food they order according to their preference. In this study, we examine the effect of mass customization strategies perceived by consumers in the food service industry. We also includes the external and internal environmental factors stimuli surrounding the situation of purchasing customized food items to better predict how consumer’s perceived value of mass customization might be formed within the context of service industry. Evidence shows that consumers’ perceived value is high for mass customization in food consumption service compared to food service for a fixed menu. The findings further suggest that this effects of mass customization on consumer perception is moderated by social influence (group vs. individual) and food type (utilitarian vs. hedonic). Theoretical Development Recent research in the field of mass customization has demonstrated that the advantage of designing consumer’s own products is in increasing consumer's perceived benefits while engaging in the customization of tangible products. These studies have shown that the mass customization provides consumers with a utilitarian value due to the purchase of optimized products that meet their individual needs and various values that are embedded in the customization process, such as hedonic value, self-expressive value, and creative achievement (Merle, Chandon, Roux, & Alizon, 2010; Yoo & Park, 2016), and that this value recognition leads to positive attitudes and behavioral responses such as high willingness to pay (Franke, Keinz, & Steger, 2009; Schreier, 2006), purchase intent, and loyalty (Yoo & Park, 2016). However, whereas research on mass customization focusing on tangible products has been actively conducted, research in the field of intangible services, is still lacking in two respects. First, there has been very little discussion of the effectiveness of mass customization strategies in the food service industry. Specifically, based on the stimuli-organism-response (S-O-R) framework, which states that environmental stimuli (S) lead to the formation of a customer perception (O) that induces consumers’ behavioral responses (R) (Mehrabian & Russell, 1974), existing research focused on the relationship of customer’s behavioral response to mass-customized food service (S-R relationship) (Kuo & Cranage, 2010; Wolf and Zhang, 2016), failing to embrace S-O relationship that focuses on how mass customization differs from a standard system in terms of how consumers perceive value. Considering that mass customization services can be regarded as a form of customer engagement strategy (Chathoth et al., 2014; Chathoth et al., 2016), it can be assumed that mass customization in services can induce positive consumer perception. Second, little research has yet examined situational factors that affect consumer response in purchasing mass customization of products/service. Considering that service environments play a significant role in service delivery by strengthening customer perceptions and retention (Baker, Parasuraman, Grewal, & Voss, 2002; Sherman, Mathur, & Smith, 1997), it is necessary to identify the internal and external environmental factors that limit or enhance consumers’ perceived value of the mass customization for effective implementation of the mass customization strategy. The aim of the present research is to empirically examine the effects of mass customization on consumer responses. It is hypothesized that consumers’ perceived value might be high for mass customization in food consumption service (compared to food service for a fixed menu) (H1), which is consistent with previous literature on consumer responses to mass customization in tangible. Furthermore, the current research further includes various environmental stimuli surrounding the situation of purchasing customized food items to better predict how consumer’s perceived value of mass customization might be formed within the context of service industry. Based on the assumption that (a) people's choice of consumption is affected by the expectations of how others evaluate their decisions (Ariely & Levav, 2000; Calder & Burnkrant, 1977) and that (b) consumers are more concerned about social norms and therefore make similar choices to blend in resulting in uniformity at the group level (Tice, Butler, Muraven, & Stillwell, 1995), it is expected that consumers sometimes feel compelled to refrain from choosing favorites because of how they expect to be perceived by others, hindering consumer’s benefits of mass customization. In addition, there are two food types based on the goal of consuming food: utilitarian food and hedonic food (craving for sweetness, e.g., desserts) (Wansink, Ittersum, & Painter, 2004; 2005). In pursuing the hedonic goal, the consumer tendency to engage in various behaviors is strengthened by the desire to express one’s personality to others (Ariely & Levav, 2000; Ratner & Kahn, 2002). Accordingly, in the present research, we explore the perceived value of mass customization moderated by social influence (H2), and food type (H3). In this model, social influence (group vs. individual), which is the factor outside the scope of customizing process, is regarded as an external variable and food types (utilitarian vs. hedonic), divided according to the purpose of food consumption, as an internal variable. Method We used a 2 (customization: low vs. high) × 2 (social influence: individual vs. group) between subject experiment conducted on the subjects regarding two types of food service: utilitarian food (main course) and hedonic food (dessert). We assigned 208 participants randomly to one of four conditions. Participants were asked to imagine they were visiting the high customized restaurant with their colleague together (vs. alone) that provide high customized service (vs. low customized service) and saw a menu for a food item. Modified from Kuo and Cranage (2010) study, two level of customized menu scenarios were used in this study. In the high customization scenario, participants are told that they were in a restaurant where they were offered to customize their dishes with choices of ingredients. In the low customization condition, participants were told that they were in a restaurant where they ordered among fixed menu items. Based on pretest result, we used pasta, which is entr?e for the utilitarian food, and use ice-flake, which is dessert for the hedonic food. After reading the scenario, participants provide their perceived value of mass customization ratings of the service process. Results and Conclusion First, an analysis of variance (ANOVA) revealed a significant effect of mass customization demonstrating that on perceived value, participants who read mass customization service condition had a higher perceived value on their food than participants in the fixed menu condition (H1). Second, in order to examine whether social influence (H2) and food type (H3) moderate the effect of mass customizatino on consumer perceptions, a moderated moderation model was performed a bootstrapping procedure with 5000 samples using the PROCESS model 3 (Hayes, 2016). The result revealed a significant three-way interaction effect among level of customization (high vs. Low), social influence (group vs. individual), and food types (utilitarian vs. hedonic). As the level of customization increases, the overall perceived value increases; however, it is confirmed that, when making decisions about food in a group situation, there are restrictions on perceiving the value that the consumer can customize and feel as compared to the individual situation. Finally, impact of social influence on the perceived value of customization is moderated by food type (hedonic vs. utilitarian). In other words, in hedonic food consumption situation, the modeartion effect of social influence on the perceived value of customization is weakened. Consumers are more likely to appreciate the process and consider it more palatable when they use mass customization service in restaurant. However, when people are conscious of the presence of others, the act of selecting food ingredients according to one’s own preference is restricted. Therefore, even if customized food is ordered in the presence of the group, its perceived value will be as lower than that of a fixed menu. In addition, when people use mass customization service in hedonic food consumption situations, regardless of group influence, they perceive that the value of customized menu is higher than that of the fixed menu. We expect that the study findings and framework will provide practical and theoretical implications such as the development of theories on food service situations, as well as aid restaurants in establishing marketing strategies. In addition, identifying internal and external environmental factors that limit consumers’ perceived value of mass customization will enable restaurants to find a suitable menu composition method to enhance and maintain customers’ perceived value and build a promotional strategy accordingly.

      • KCI등재후보

        Mass dynamics of coarse woody debris in an old-growth deciduous forest of Gwangneung, Korea

        윤태경,손요환,노남진,김래현,서경원,이수경,이궁,이임균,임종환 한국산림과학회 2011 Forest Science And Technology Vol.7 No.4

        We investigated the mass dynamics of coarse woody debris (CWD) in an old-growth deciduous forest dominated by Quercus serrata, Carpinus laxiflora, and C. cordata in a 1 ha permanent plot of the Gwangneung Experiment Forest, Korea, from 2002 through 2010. CWD mass varied from 16.8 to 34.2 Mg ha71, and the ratio of CWD mass to stand biomass varied from 0.06 to 0.13. The mean CWD mass input and loss rates were 4.81 Mg ha71 yr71 and 2.28 Mg ha71 yr71, respectively. A large heterogeneity of CWD mass, as represented by the spatial coefficient of variation (127.2%) and annual coefficient of variation (178.5%), might be inherent in the old-growth temperate forest, which consisted of large biomass trees. The decay rate constant, as estimated from the wood density change, was 0.049 yr71. However, the large variation of annual CWD mass input could cause the overestimation of decay rate constant (0.167 yr71) as calculated from the ratio of CWD mass input to CWD mass. According to the CWD decay class classification, class II (72.8%) comprised the majority of CWD mass. The proportion of CWD mass to total CWD mass was 57.5% for Q. serrata, 25.0% for C. laxiflora, and 10.4% for C. cordata, respectively, and corresponded to the proportion of stem biomass to total stem biomass. These data support the stability of the current status in this old-growth deciduous forest as representing the climax stage. Due to the relatively short-term measurement of CWD mass compared with the whole life span of CWD, additional long-term studies with various approaches are required to enhance the knowledge of CWD mass dynamics in this forest.


        Free vibration analysis of a uniform beam carrying multiple spring-mass systems with masses of the springs considered

        Wu, Jia-Jang Techno-Press 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.28 No.6

        The reports regarding the free vibration analysis of uniform beams carrying single or multiple spring-mass systems are plenty, however, among which, those with inertia effect of the helical spring(s) considered are limited. In this paper, by taking the mass of the helical spring into consideration, the stiffness and mass matrices of a spring-mass system and an equivalent mass that may be used to replace the effect of a spring-mass system are derived. By means of the last element stiffness and mass matrices, the natural frequencies and mode shapes for a uniform cantilever beam carrying any number of springmass systems (or loaded beam) are determined using the conventional finite element method (FEM). Similarly, by means of the last equivalent mass, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the same loaded beam are also determined using the presented equivalent mass method (EMM), where the cantilever beam elastically mounted by a number of lumped masses is replaced by the same beam rigidly attached by the same number of equivalent masses. Good agreement between the numerical results of FEM and those of EMM and/or those of the existing literature confirms the reliability of the presented approaches.

      • KCI등재

        Free vibration analysis of a uniform beam carrying multiple spring-mass systems with masses of the springs considered

        Jia-Jang Wu 국제구조공학회 2008 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.28 No.6

        The reports regarding the free vibration analysis of uniform beams carrying single or multiple spring-mass systems are plenty, however, among which, those with inertia effect of the helical spring(s) considered are limited. In this paper, by taking the mass of the helical spring into consideration, the stiffness and mass matrices of a spring-mass system and an equivalent mass that may be used to replace the effect of a spring-mass system are derived. By means of the last element stiffness and mass matrices, the natural frequencies and mode shapes for a uniform cantilever beam carrying any number of springmass systems (or loaded beam) are determined using the conventional finite element method (FEM). Similarly, by means of the last equivalent mass, the natural frequencies and mode shapes of the same loaded beam are also determined using the presented equivalent mass method (EMM), where the cantilever beam elastically mounted by a number of lumped masses is replaced by the same beam rigidly attached by the same number of equivalent masses. Good agreement between the numerical results of FEM and those of EMM and/or those of the existing literature confirms the reliability of the presented approaches.

      • KCI등재

        소아의 경부종물

        홍현준 대한이비인후과학회 2016 대한이비인후과학회지 두경부외과학 Vol.59 No.2

        Neck mass can be frequently encountered in pediatric patients. Most neck mass in pediatric patients are either inflammatory lesions or benign tumors but their differential diagnoses are not always easy. We must not forget the study results that a considerable portion of pediatric neck mass constitutes malignant tumors. Generally neck mass can be divided into inflammatory, developmental (congenital), and tumorous lesions. Developmental neck mass are generally thyroglossal duct cyst, branchial cleft cyst, dermoid cyst, vascular malformation, or hemangioma. Manifestations of inflammatory neck mass are reactive cervical lymphadenopathy, infectious lymphadenitis (viral or bacterial), mycobacterial cervical lymphadenopathy, or Kawasaki disease. The more uncommonly found pediatric malignant neck mass are lymphoma, rhabdomyosarcoma, or thyroid carcinoma. For the diagnosis of pediatric neck mass complete blood count, purified protein derivative test for tuberculosis, and measurement of titers for Epstein-Barr virus are required and in special cases, infectious diagnostic panels for cat-scratch disease, cytomegalovirus, human immunodeficiency virus, or toxoplasmosis may be needed. Ultrasonography is the most convenient and feasible diagnostic method in differentiating various neck mass. Computed tomography is performed when identifying the anatomical aspects of the neck mass or where deep neck infection or retropharyngeal abscess is suspected. Surgical management for congenital neck mass is recommended to prevent secondary infection or various complications following size increase. Most pediatric neck mass originate from bacterial lymphadenitis and antibacterial therapy is considered first line of conservative treatment. However if the neck mass is either over 2 cm in size without any evidence of inflammation, firm or fixed to surrounding tissue, accompanied by B symptoms, unresponsive to initial antibacterial therapy or over 4 weeks of conservative management, or considered keep growing for over 2 weeks, one must suspect the possibility of malignancy and must consult a head and neck specialist for further detailed evaluation. Korean J Otorhinolaryngol-Head Neck Surg 2016;59(2):88-95

      • KCI등재

        촛불시위와 대중: 정보사회의 대중 형성에 관하여

        백욱인 한국사회과학연구회 2008 동향과 전망 Vol.- No.74

        The mass demonstration against the beef import from USA showed us what the new characteristics of the masses is in the information age. The mass appeared as a citizen holding candles in the square and at the same they worked together in front of computer monitors connecting each other. This article would disclose the differences between the mass of industrial stage and that of the information age. The candle mass which represented the reality via the internet simultaneously reconstructed it with their praxis in the street. They are not only active spectacle mass who had changed the street scene with their performances but also emergent mass who leads their activity spontaneously. They combined the real society and cyber-space moving with very high accelerated speed. They made connection in the cyber-space and conjunction between real world and cyber-space. This new type of mass combining the internet mediated communication and real world performances is now latent but would come again when the circumstance is prepared for them. 2008년 촛불시위에서 드러난 대중의 모습은 이제까지 보던 것과는 매우 달랐다. 그들은 온라인과 오프라인을 접합하고 ‘예술을 정치화’하고, 제도권 정치를 희화화하면서 창발적으로 행동했다. 미국산 쇠고기수입에 반대하는 대중 시위는 정보사회에서 대중이 어떻게 형성되는가를 보여주었다. 대중은 광장에서는 촛불을 든 시민으로 나타나고 인터넷 아고라에서는 정보로 등장했다. 이 글에서는 육체와 정보를 결합한 이러한 대중이 어떻게 탄생했고 그 성격이 무엇인가를 대중형성론의 입장에서 살펴본다. 인터넷 활용의 대중화 시대에 전개된 촛불시위는 대중의 형성방식과 성격에서 과거 산업사회의 그것과 다르다는 점을 보여주었다. 정보대중은 현실세계와 사이버세계를 오고가는 대중의 이동속도에 의해 만들어진다. 인터넷을 통해 현실을 재현하면서 동시에 광장에서 촛불이 되는 실천을 통해 현실을 재구성해내던 촛불대중은 현대사회의 행동적 대중의 형성과 실천에 대해 새로운 시야를 열어주었다. 촛불대중은 새로운 ‘출현적 대중’이 어떻게 나타나는지, 그리고 대중의 힘과 권능이 어떤 모양으로 발현하는지를 보여주었다.

      • KCI등재SCOPUS

        가임기 여성의 골반종괴에 관한 임상적 고찰

        윤만수(Man Soo Yoon),이영아(Young Ae Lee),배은지(Eun Jee Bae),김기형(Gee Hyung Kim),강기주(Gee Joo Kang) 대한산부인과학회 2000 Obstetrics & Gynecology Science Vol.43 No.8

        Objective : The purpose of this study was to review the types of pelvic masses, the incidence according to ages, the anatomic location and histology, the diagnostic and operative methods and the incidence of malignancy in reproductive ages. Methods : Retrospective review according to the medical records of 1,408 reproductive aged women with pelvic mass who visited and managed in the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of six University Hospitals from January 1997 to December 1998. Results : The results were as follows: 1. The case numbers of pelvic masses managed within 2 year period were 1,408. Among these, the most common was ovarian masses(52.4%) followed by uterine masses(44.7%). 2. The peak incidence age of ovarian masses was 20-29 years of age group(41.5%) and the uterine masses was 40-44 years of age group(49.0%). 3. Among 738 cases with ovarian masses, germ cell tumor was the most common(39.4%). Others were epithelial tumors(37.9%), endometriosis(31.9%), functional cysts(5.6%), and sex cord stromal tumors(2.1%). And the incidence rate of malignancy in ovarian masses is 10 %. 4. Among 630 cases with uterine masses, leiomyoma is the most common(87.0%) and adenomyosis is the next(12.4%). 5. The most frequently used diagnostic method was ultrasound(75%). The operation methods were somewhat different according to types of pelvic masses. In ovarian masses, 71.3% were managed by laparotomy and 28.7% were by laparoscopic surgery. Whereas in uterine masses, 94.4% were managed by laparotomy and 5.6% were by laparoscopic surgery. Conclusion : This study shows that benign ovarian mass and uterine myoma were common pelvic masses in reproductive ages. And correct diagnosis is needed and indication of surgical intervention should be considered cautiously in women who wish to preserve childbearing capacity.

      • Heritability of muscle mass in Korean parent–offspring pairs in the Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V)

        You, Ju-Young,Kim, Yun-Jee,Shin, Woo-Young,Kim, Na-Yeon,Cho, Soo Hyun,Kim, Jung-Ha Elsevier 2018 Maturitas Vol.114 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P><B>Objectives</B></P> <P>Decreased muscle mass is known to be associated with several serious medical conditions. We analyzed the Fifth Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (KNHANES V, 2010–2011) to estimate the heritability of muscle mass in Korean parent-offspring pairs.</P> <P><B>Study Design</B></P> <P>Cross-sectional.</P> <P><B>Main outcome measures</B></P> <P>A total of 1233 parents (average age 57.67 ± 8.50 years) and 917 offspring (average age 29.10 ± 7.57 years) from 743 families were included in the analysis. Muscle mass was estimated based on three different indices: appendicular skeletal muscle mass (ASM) measured with a dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA), weight-adjusted ASM (SMI), and height-adjusted ASM (RASM). The heritability was estimated by employing the maximum-likelihood variance components implemented in Sequential Oligogenic Linkage Analysis Routines (SOLAR). The best-fitting model was determined out of four polygenic models. Pearson’s partial correlation coefficient was also calculated using the muscle mass indices to further study the association between father or mother and son or daughter pairs.</P> <P><B>Results</B></P> <P>The heritability estimates of the muscle mass indices ranged from 55% to 80% (all p < 0.01). The correlation coefficient of father and offspring ranged from 0.11 to 0.40, while that of mother and offspring ranged from 0.23 to 0.43 (all p < 0.01).</P> <P><B>Conclusions</B></P> <P>The heritability estimates of muscle mass in Koreans are large and significant, suggesting that parental muscle mass is an important predictor of the offspring’s muscle mass. The result implies that there may be a genetic factor partly determining muscle mass.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> The heritability of muscle mass in Korean parent–offspring pairs was estimated. </LI> <LI> All three indices of muscle mass examined showed significant heritability. </LI> <LI> This is the first study of the heritability of muscle mass using a nationwide cohort in an Asian country. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • A Tunnel Surrounding Rock Masses Classification Method Based on Statistic Mechanics of Rock Masses

        ( Pengcheng Xi ),( Faquan Wu ) 대한지질공학회 2019 대한지질공학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        We all know that Standard of Engineering Classification of Rock Masses (GB50218-94), “national standard” for short herein, is used widely in tunnel design stage in China. But it couldn’t predict the surrounding rock mass classification level in construction phase because of the complex geological conditions and rock mass anisotropy. Therefore, based on the principles of statistical mechanics of rock masses (SMRM for short), a rock mass classification applied in the tunnel construction phase is proposed. First, a series of statistics analysis are performed after calculating the data of discontinuities of surrounding rock masses, and rock strength parameter is got from rock mechanical test. Then, the elastic modulus of surrounding rock mass with anisotropy property could be got by using the strength theory and constitutive theory of statistic mechanics of rock masses. On the basis of previous studies, it is possible to convert Em to BQ by empirical formula, which means that the tunnel surrounding rock masses’ grade is determined naturally. In this example, Xiaopanling 2# tunnel, the computed surrounding rock mass level is IV, compares to III of the design level. To sum up, SMRM rock mass classification method fully reflects the fact that anisotropy of argillaceous slate with carbon has a great influence on the rock mass classification in tunnel excavation stage, and this method has strong applicability and wide serviceability in this situation.

      • KCI등재후보

        경부외측종괴의 감별진단 및 접근에 대한 고찰

        이경호,박현진,강지연,최희원,조용석,김경원,양수남 大韓顎顔面成形再建外科學會 2002 Maxillofacial Plastic Reconstructive Surgery Vol.24 No.6

        Most neck masses of specific cause occur in rather predictable locations within typical age groups. This allows a systematic approach to developing a working diagnosis and a differential diagnosis and management plan for the patient presenting with a neck mass. Pathologic masses of the neck will be divided into the following segment: 1. Masses of nonspecific location. 2. Masses in the submandibular region, 3. Masses in the parotid region, 4. Masses in the median-paramedian region, 5. Masses in the lateral neck region. The lateral neck region is the area posterior to the hyolaryngotracheal conduit, below the posterior belly of the digastric muscle and tip of the parotid gland, and extends down to the clavicle. The contents of this region include the large vessels, nerves and greatest number of lymph nodes of the neck, and lymph node metastasis in this region is usually from a primary lesion at the base of the tongue or elsewhere in the oropharynx. Common lateral neck masses include branchial cleft cyst, carotid body tumor, neurogenic tumor, pan-neck infection, cystic hygroma, hemangioma, lipoma and lymphoma. Especially lymphosarcoma. Hodgkin's disease, cystic hygroma, hemangioma and branchial cleft cyst and more common and often manifest in the young patients. Many head and neck disease processes manifest as neck masses. These conditions are treated by surgical excision, except for some inflammatory masses, and often those also must be excised before a diagnosis can be made. We retrospectively reviewed 5-year experiences in the treatment of lateral neck masses at our department to define better clinical characteristics of the masses and the optimal diagnostic and therapeutic approaches to these rare diseases.

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