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        옥스퍼드 대학 소장 한국 희귀도서『ㅎ.다』 연구

        이숙 열상고전연구회 2015 열상고전연구 Vol.48 No.-

        이 논문은 옥스퍼드 대학 보들리안(Bodleian) 도서관에서 한국 희귀 도서로 소개된 ‘ᄒᆞ다’의 저자 및 출판 동기를 밝히는데 목적이 있다. 이 책 표지를 통해 얻을 수 있는 정보는 1896년이라는 출판년도와 몇몇 용례의 출처가 Lumen이라는 점이었다. 이 논문에서는 1896년이라는 시대적 배경과 Lumen의 실체를 밝히는 과정에서 『ᄒᆞ다』가 영국 성공회 선교단에서 출판된 책임을 파악했다. 그리고 『ᄒᆞ다』의 출판 시기에 성공회 선교단에서 한국 관련 문헌을 수집했던 장서가들의 책 목록인 랜디스문고 목록을 찾아서 『ᄒᆞ다』의 저자가 한국 성공회의 초대 주교였던 코프이라는 사실을 확인하였다. 아울러 이 논문에서는 『ᄒᆞ다』가 지니는 어학적 가치를 분석해 보았으며, 또한 코프가 의도했던 대로 이 책이 한국어학습 교재로서의 기능을 가졌던 것인지 언어학습 관점에서 설명하고자 하였다. 『ᄒᆞ다』, held in the Bodleian Library of the University of Oxford, is considered as a rare book of Korea. However, virtually nothing is known about the author of the book or the purpose of its publication. This paper seeks to identify the author of the book and understand the author's motive in publishing the book based on two pieces of evidence found on the cover of the book: that the book was published in 1896 and that the examples used therein are from Lumen. By studying the historical context based on the publication year and investigating the identity of 『Lumen』, this study was able to discover that the book was published by the English Church Missionaries in Korea. Nonetheless, it was difficult to identify the author of 『ᄒᆞ다』since the publication records of the Anglican Church yielded no information on the publication of the book. However, through other records of the Anglican Church, this study was able to discover that the collection of Trollope and Landis, who collected Korea-related materials at the time of the publication of 『ᄒᆞ다』remained in the catalogue of Landis Library. And through the catalogue, this study was able to discover that the author of 『ᄒᆞ다』was Bishop Charles John Corfe, the first diocesan bishop of the Anglican Church in Korea. In addition, this paper analyzes the linguistic value of 『ᄒᆞ다』and seeks to explain, from a language learning perspective, why Corfe was unable to successfully acquire the Korean language in spite of his authorship of the book.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Unreal Engine Lumen Lighting System for Visual Storytelling in Games

        Chenghao Wang,Jeanhun Chung The Institute of Internet 2024 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.16 No.2

        Research on the visual narrative impact of Unreal Engine's Lumen lighting system in games aims to delve into how Lumen's lighting technology plays a crucial role in game design and gameplay experience, thereby enhancing the visual storytelling of games. Lumen, Unreal Engine's dynamic global illumination solution, calculates lighting and shadows in real-time during gameplay, creating a more realistic and immersive environment. Analysis indicates that Lumen technology not only provides visually realistic and dynamic lighting effects but also significantly enriches the expressiveness and immersion of the game narrative through its changes in light and shadow.

      • KCI등재

        Effcacy and Safety of Lumen-Apposing Stents for Management of Pancreatic Fluid Collections in a Community Hospital Setting

        Rajat Garg,Abdelkader Chaar,Susan Szpunar,Babu P. Mohan,Mohammed Barawi 대한소화기내시경학회 2020 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.53 No.4

        Background/Aims: Endoscopic ultrasound-guided transmural drainage and necrosectomy employing lumen-apposing metal stent(LAMS) are used for treating pancreatic fluid collections (PFCs) with excellent results from academic centers. Herein, we report theeffcacy and safety of LAMS in the treatment of PFCs at a community hospital. Methods: We retrospectively reviewed the etiology of pancreatitis, type and size of PFCs, length of procedure, technical success,clinical success, adverse events, and stent removal. The primary outcome was the rate of clinical success, and secondary outcomes weretechnical success and adverse events. Results: Twenty-seven patients with a mean age of 54.1±6.5 years were included, 44% of which were men. The mean size of the PFCswas 9.7±5.0 cm (range, 3–21). The most common etiology of pancreatitis was alcohol (44%) followed by idiopathic causes (30%) andpresence of gallstones (22%). The diagnosis was pseudocyst in 44.4% (12/27) and walled off necrosis in 55.6% (15/27) of patients. Therewas 100% technical success without any complications. Clinical success was achieved in 22 of 27 patients (81.5%) who underwent stentremoval. Conclusions: Our study is the first to report that endoscopic therapy of PFCs using LAMS is safe and effective even in a communityhospital setting with limited resources and support compared to large academic centers.

      • KCI등재

        Endoscopic ultrasound guided gallbladder drainage by using Lumen apposing metal stent for acute cholecystitis: systematic review

        Deepanshu Jain,Bharat Singh Bhandari,Nikhil Agrawal,Shashideep Singhal 대한소화기내시경학회 2018 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.51 No.5

        Surgery remains the standard treatment for acute cholecystitis except in high-risk candidates where percutaneous transhepatic gallbladderdrainage (PT-GBD), endoscopic transpapillary cystic duct stenting (ET-CDS), and endoscopic ultrasound-guided gallbladder drainage(EUS-GBD) are potential choices. PT-GBD is contraindicated in patients with coagulopathy or ascites and is not preferred by patientsowing to aesthetic reasons. ET-CDS is successful only if the cystic duct can be visualized and cannulated. For 189 patients whounderwent EUS-GBD via insertion of a lumen-apposing metal stent (LAMS), the composite technical success rate was 95.2%, which increasedto 96.8% when LAMS was combined with co-axial self-expandable metal stent (SEMS). The composite clinical success rate was96.7%. We observed a small risk of recurrent cholecystitis (5.1%), gastrointestinal bleeding (2.6%) and stent migration (1.1%). Cauteryenhanced LAMS significantly decreases the stent deployment time compared to non-cautery enhanced LAMS. Prophylactic placementof a pigtail stent or SEMS through the LAMS avoids re-interventions, particularly in patients, where it is intended to remain in situ indefinitely. Limited evidence suggests that the effcacy of EUS-GBD via LAMS is comparable to that of PT-GBD with the former showingbetter results in postoperative pain, length of hospitalization, and need for antibiotics. EUS-GBD via LAMS is a safe and effcaciousoption when performed by experts.

      • KCI등재

        No difference in outcomes with 15 mm vs. 20 mm lumen-apposing metal stents for endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy for gastric outlet obstruction: a meta-analysis

        Shyam Vedantam,Rahil Shah,Sean Bhalla,Shria Kumar,Sunil Amin 대한소화기내시경학회 2023 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.56 No.3

        Background/Aims: We compared outcomes between use of 15 vs. 20 mm lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMSs) in endoscopic ultrasound-guided gastroenterostomy (EUS-GE) for gastric outlet obstruction. Methods: Databases were queried for studies that used LAMS for EUS-GE to relieve gastric outlet obstruction, and a proportional meta-analysis was performed. Results: Thirteen studies were included. The 15 mm and 20 mm LAMS had pooled technical success rates of 93.2% (95% confidence interval [CI], 90.5%–95.2%) and 92.1% (95% CI, 68.4%–98.4%), clinical success rates of 88.6% (95% CI, 85.4%–91.1%) and 89.6% (95% CI, 79.0%–95.1%), adverse event rates of 11.4% (95% CI, 8.1%–15.9%) and 14.7% (95% CI, 4.4%–39.1%), and reintervention rates of 10.3% (95% CI, 6.7%–15.4%) and 3.5% (95% CI, 1.6%–7.6%), respectively. Subgroup analysis revealed no significant differences in technical success, clinical success, or adverse event rates. An increased need for reintervention was noted in the 15 mm stent group (pooled odds ratio, 3.59; 95% CI, 1.40–9.18; p=0.008). Conclusions: No differences were observed in the technical, clinical, or adverse event rates between 15 and 20 mm LAMS use in EUS-GE. An increased need for reintervention is possible when using a 15 mm stent compared to when using a 20 mm stent.

      • KCI등재

        Endoscopic Transmural Necrosectomy: Timing, Indications, and Methods

        Rungsun Rerknimitr 대한소화기내시경학회 2020 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.53 No.1

        Walled-off necrosis is considered one of the most severe complications after an episode of severe acute pancreatitis. Traditionally,percutaneous drainage is selected as the first treatment step, while open surgery can be planned as a secondary option if necrosectomyis required. In recent years, endoscopic necrosectomy has evolved as a more favorable approach. To date, a step-up treatment strategyis recommended, particularly when a plastic stent is selected as the drainage device. Multi-gateway endoscopic therapy may be usedin a step-up fashion if only one stent fails to clear debris. Over many years, there has been an evolution in stent selection, from plasticto metallic stents. Within a few years of its clinical usage, lumen-apposing stents are gaining more popularity as they offer directendoscopic necrosectomy and only require a few sessions.

      • KCI등재

        Endoscopic Ultrasound (EUS)-Directed Transgastric Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatography or EUS: Mid-Term Analysis of an Emerging Procedure

        Amy Tyberg,Jose Nieto,Sanjay Salgado,Kristen Weaver,Prashant Kedia,Reem Z. Sharaiha,Monica Gaidhane,Michel Kahaleh 대한소화기내시경학회 2017 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.50 No.2

        Background/Aims: Performing endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) in patients who have undergone Roux-en-Y gastric bypass (RYGB) is challenging. Standard ERCP and enteroscopy-assisted ERCP are associated with limited success rates. Laparoscopy- or laparotomy-assisted ERCP yields improved efficacy rates, but with higher complication rates and costs. We present the first multicenter experience regarding the efficacy and safety of endoscopic ultrasound (EUS)-directed transgastric ERCP (EDGE) or EUS. Methods: All patients who underwent EDGE at two academic centers were included. Clinical success was defined as successful ERCP and/or EUS through the use of lumen-apposing metal stents (LAMS). Adverse events related to EDGE were separated from ERCP- or EUS-related complications and were defined as bleeding, stent migration, perforation, and infection. Results: Sixteen patients were included in the study. Technical success was 100%. Clinical success was 90% (n=10); five patients were awaiting maturation of the fistula tract prior to ERCP or EUS, and one patient had an aborted ERCP due to perforation. One perforation occurred, which was managed endoscopically. Three patients experienced stent dislodgement; all stents were successfully repositioned or bridged with a second stent. Ten patients (62.5%) had their LAMS removed. The average weight change from LAMS insertion to removal was negative 2.85 kg. Conclusions: EDGE is an effective, minimally invasive, single-team solution to the difficulties associated with ERCP in patients with RYGB.

      • KCI등재

        Endoscopic Ultrasound-Guided Gastroenterostomy for Afferent Loop Syndrome

        Hideyuki Shiomi,Arata Sakai,Ryota Nakano,Shogo Ota,Takashi Kobayashi,Atsuhiro Masuda,Hiroko Iijima 대한소화기내시경학회 2021 Clinical Endoscopy Vol.54 No.6

        Afferent loop syndrome (ALS) is a mechanical obstruction of the afferent limbs after gastrectomy with gastrojejunostomyreconstruction. Patients with cancer recurrence require immediate and less invasive treatment because of their poor condition. Percutaneous transhepatic/transluminal drainage (PTD) and endoscopic enteral stenting offer reasonable palliative treatment formalignant ALS but are not fully satisfactory in terms of patient quality of life (QoL) and stent patency. Endoscopic ultrasound-guidedgastroenterostomy (EUS-GE) using a lumen-apposing metal stent may address these shortcomings. Clinical data from 11 reportsshowed that all patients who had undergone EUS-GE had positive technical and clinical outcomes. The adverse event rate was11.4%, including only mild or moderate abdominal pain, with no severe adverse events. Indirect comparative studies indicated thatpatients who had undergone EUS-GE had a significantly superior QoL, a higher clinical success rate, and a lower reintervention ratethan those who had undergone PTD or endoscopic enteral stenting. Although the evidence is limited, EUS-GE may be consideredas a first-line treatment for malignant ALS because it has better clinical outcomes than other less invasive treatments, such as PTD orendoscopic enteral stenting. Further prospective randomized control trials are necessary to establish EUS-GE as a standard treatmentfor ALS.

      • KCI등재

        Coronary Artery Lumen Segmentation Using Location–Adaptive Threshold in Coronary Computed Tomographic Angiography: A Proof-of-Concept

        Shin Cheong-Il,Park Sang Joon,Kim Ji-Hyun,Yoon Yeonyee Elizabeth,Park Eun-Ah,Koo Bon-Kwon,Lee Whal 대한영상의학회 2021 Korean Journal of Radiology Vol.22 No.5

        Objective: To compare the lumen parameters measured by the location-adaptive threshold method (LATM), in which the inter- and intra-scan attenuation variabilities of coronary computed tomographic angiography (CCTA) were corrected, and the scan-adaptive threshold method (SATM), in which only the inter-scan variability was corrected, with the reference standard measurement by intravascular ultrasonography (IVUS). Materials and Methods: The Hounsfield unit (HU) values of whole voxels and the centerline in each of the cross-sections of the 22 target coronary artery segments were obtained from 15 patients between March 2009 and June 2010, in addition to the corresponding voxel size. Lumen volume was calculated mathematically as the voxel volume multiplied by the number of voxels with HU within a given range, defined as the lumen for each method, and compared with the IVUS-derived reference standard. Subgroup analysis of the lumen area was performed to investigate the effect of lumen size on the studied methods. Bland-Altman plots were used to evaluate the agreement between the measurements. Results: Lumen volumes measured by SATM was significantly smaller than that measured by IVUS (mean difference, 14.6 mm3; 95% confidence interval [CI], 4.9–24.3 mm3); the lumen volumes measured by LATM and IVUS were not significantly different (mean difference, -0.7 mm3; 95% CI, -9.1–7.7 mm3). The lumen area measured by SATM was significantly smaller than that measured by LATM in the smaller lumen area group (mean of difference, 1.07 mm2; 95% CI, 0.89–1.25 mm2) but not in the larger lumen area group (mean of difference, -0.07 mm2; 95% CI, -0.22–0.08 mm2). In the smaller lumen group, the mean difference was lower in the Bland-Altman plot of IVUS and LATM (0.46 mm2; 95% CI, 0.27–0.65 mm2) than in that of IVUS and SATM (1.53 mm2; 95% CI, 1.27–1.79 mm2). Conclusion: SATM underestimated the lumen parameters for computed lumen segmentation in CCTA, and this may be overcome by using LATM.


        Life time comparison of LED package and the self-ballasted LED lamps by simple linear regression analysis

        Yoon, Y.G.,Hyung, J.P.,Jeong, U.H.,Lim, H.W.,Jang, J.S. Pergamon Press 2015 Microelectronics and reliability Vol.55 No.9

        The energy efficient long-life self-ballasted LED lamps are designed considering the reliability test result of LED package. We also try to predict the lumen maintenance life for the self-ballasted LED lamps because there were a lot of failure mechanisms for a various environment stress. Many studies have investigated the environmental stress effects on LED packages [2,3,4, and 5]. However, comparing to LED package, there is not enough data to study the lumen maintenance life for the self-ballasted LED lamps. IES LM-80-08 is the approved method for measuring lumen maintenance of LED light sources [1]. It suggests using the Arrhenius Equation to calculate the interpolated lumen maintenance life. We followed this method and obtained lumen degradation patterns from three different thermal stresses as indicated in the IEC 62621 standard. Under the three different thermal stresses, the on-off test (30on and 30s off) was conducted on the self-ballasted LED lamps which were made of the same selected LED package (3V, 64mA). The intent of the research isn't to set up a new curve-fit for non-linear lumen degradation pattern. Our research goals are to find methods to compare the lumen degradation pattern of LED package and the self-ballasted LED lamp using simple linear regression analysis. As simple straight linear line is assumed for lumen degradation after ALT testing We found the slope of the mathematical model is easily comparable for three different temperatures and for different number of LED whether it is single or consists of forty or eighty LED. By comparing each values of the slope the effect of increase in number of LED can be shown at each thermal stress. This study is the first step towards the presentation on the lumen maintenance life of the self-ballasted LED lamp on three different temperatures. Additional information must be accumulated in the future to further study on the LED lighting product reliability.

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