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      • KCI등재

        신석기시대후말기 이중구연토기의 지역적 전개양상

        천선행(Cheon, Seonhaeng) 한국상고사학회 2011 한국상고사학보 Vol.72 No.-

        필자는 신석기시대 후말기 이중구연토기 형성과정과 전개양상을 재검토함으로써 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대로의 전화과정을 복원할 수 있는 실마리를 찾고자 노력하고 있으며, 본고는 한반도 남부지방 신석기시대 후말기 이중구연토기를 대상으로 지역편년과 병행관계를 설정하여, 이중구연토기가 어떻게 전개되는지 파악하는데 목적이 있다. 지역별 이중구연토기 편년수립과 병행관계를 검토하여, 남해안지역 이중구연토기를 봉계리단계, 수가리단계, 율리단계로 세분하였으며, 내륙지역에서는 후기후엽(봉계리단계), 말기전반, 말기후반으로 편년하여 각각 이 병행함을 밝혔다. 이러한 병행관계를 바탕으로 이중구연토기는 후기말엽에 내륙지역의 소백산맥 이동권에서 출현하여, 주변지역과 남해안지역으로 확산되지만, 해당지역의 재지성에 따라 유적마다 봉계리식토기를 선별적으로 도입함을 밝힐 수 있었다. 남해안지역 동부권에서는 재지의 태선침선문 전통과 결합하여 남해안식 이중구연토기가 출현하는데, 이 시점부터를 말기로 파악하였다. 말기전반에 남해안식 이중구연토기는 소백산맥 이동권과 내륙지역 동부권으로만 전개되는데, 이는 남해안지역 중부권에 이전의 봉계리식전통이 강하게 남 아 있어 상대적으로 님해안식 이중구연토기의 유입이 용이하지 않았던 것으로 판단된다. 이후 말기후반부터 님해안식 이중구연토기가 성행하는 남해안지역 동부권과 봉계리식토기 전통이 잔존하는 남해안지역 중부권의 지역성을 바탕으로 두 가지 전개양상이 나타남을 알 수 있었다. 이처럼 이중구연토기문화권 형성은 당시 집단의 강한 이동성을 바탕으로 형성되며, 상대적으로 외부 요소에 대한 규제가 완화되는 상황을 초래하였으며, 아울러 한반도 신석기시대 전통에서 나타나지 않던 새로운 문양 요소와 기종들이 확인되는 것으로 보았다. 이러한 새로운 문화유입과 더불어 한반도 남부는 신석기시대에서 무문토기시대로 전환된다고 추정하였다. I am trying to find a clue solving the changing process from Neolithic age to Bronze age, by restudying Double-limed Pottery’s formation and development process. This paper aims to figure out how the Double-rimed pottery had been developed, through setting its the local chronology and parallel relationship at the last period of Neolithic Age in south province of Korea Peninsula. As a result, the Double-limed pottery has been divided to 3 phase(Bonggaeri phase, Sugari phase, yulri phase) in the southern coast region and the southern interior region, each phase is at the same time. Based on above parallel relationship, It was confirmed that the Double-rimed pottery had been appeared at the southern interior region in the latter Neolithic period and spreaded to surroundings and the southern coast region. but Bonggaeri type pottery including the Double-limed pottery was accepted in the southern coast region according to a local peculiarity. In the first part of the late Neolithic period, the southern coast type Double-rimed pottery was spread to the eastern part of southern interior region. Because it was not easy that the southern coast type Double-limed pottery enter to the central part of the southern coast region in that previous Bonggaeri type had remained strongly, and then the southern coast type Double-limed pottery is spread to the each southern coast region. The Double-rimed pottery’s cultural area was formed with strong migration, and then it led to conditions that outside factors like new design pattern and new kind of pottery easily enter the Doublerimed pottery’s cultural area. At such time, the Neolithic age was changed over to Bronze age with inflow of new culture.

      • KCI등재

        가야 컵형토기의 출현과 확산 과정 연구

        박광춘,김다빈 동아대학교 석당학술원 2018 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.72

        The number of the Cup-shaped pottery is increasing in recently excavated the Gaya ancient tombs. This study was begun with questions about when the Cup-shaped pottery similar to the shape of a cup currently used appeared in Gaya, and what process of changes and local color are showed. The Cup-shaped pottery had been named “把杯” by existing researchers because they have handles, however, it is better to define them by the shape of their body than by their handles for evolutionary Typological explanation. Therefore, The Cup-shaped pottery which resemble the shape of a cup currently used can be defined as a long rectangle shape without references to the presence of a handle. The form classification and verification of the Cup-shaped pottery were proceeded mainly about the ancient tombs of Gimhae, Haman, Hapcheon and Goryeong where have many examples of excavation. As a results, Gimhae and Haman were classified as type 6, Hapcheon was 5type, and Goryeong was 3type. These format classified by region were verified through accompanied type arrangement of other pottery. The local color for each polity was expressed since 4C which is stage 3, and it became more obvious since 5C which is stage 4. Especially, in Goryeong, there are some apparent differences from other polities. So it can be pointed out at this point that the theory of Dae Gaya Confederacy has some problems. Comparing the format of each region of the same period, the Cup-shaped pottery without handle were first appeared at Daeseong-dong tomb No. 91. It can be judged that these pottery were spread from Geumgwan Gaya to neighboring areas like Haman and Hapcheon, because the pottery from Haman and Hapcheon were found 1 stage later. It is highly likely that the origin of the Cup-shaped pottery without handle are the lacquerware from Dahori tomb no 1 and soft light gray Cup-shaped pottery from Dahori tomb no 150, or they can be thought that they may imitated Roman glass cups. 최근 발굴된 가야고분에서 컵형토기의 출토량이 늘어나고 있다. 가야에서는 현재 사용하고 있는 컵 모양과 비슷한 컵형토기가 언제 출현했고, 어떠한 변천과정과 지역색이 나타나는 가에 대한 의문으로 본 연구를 시작하게 되었다. 컵형토기는 기존 연구자들에 의해 손잡이가 달렸다고 하여 파배라고 명명되어 왔으나 손잡이에 의해 정의하는 것보다 동체부의 형태에 따라 정의하는 것이 보다 이해하기 쉽게 형식학적으로 설명이 가능하다. 따라서 컵형토기는 현재의 컵 모양과 닮은 토기로써 파수의 유무에 상관없이 모양이 세로로 세운 직사각형에 가까운 것으로 정의할 수 있다. 컵형토기의 형식분류는 출토 예가 많은 김해, 함안, 합천, 고령의 고분군을 중심으로 형식 분류와 검증을 진행하였다. 그 결과 김해지역과 함안지역은 6형식, 합천지역 5형식, 고령지역 3형식으로 분류하였다. 이렇게 만들어진 각 지열별 형식은 동반하는 고배, 중형호, 기대의 형식 조열을 통해 검증하였다. 각 정치체별 지역색은 3단계인 4세기부터 보이기 시작되어 4단계인 5세기부터는 더욱 뚜렷해짐을 알 수 있다. 특히 고령지역의 경우 타 정치체보다 확연하게 차이를 보이고 있으므로, 대가야연맹설의 문제점을 여기서도 지적할 수 있다. 같은 시간대 각 지역별로 형식을 비교해본 결과 김해 대성동 91호분에서 파수가 없는 무파수 컵형토기가 가장 먼저 출현함을 알 수 있었다. 함안과 합천지역은 한 단계 늦게 출현하고 있으므로 금관가야에서 함안, 합천 등 주변지역으로 확산되었던 것으로 판단된다. 무파수 컵형토기의 시원은 다호리 1호분의 칠기와 다호리 150호분 출토 회백색연질 컵형토기에서 구하는 것이 현 시점의 발굴 자료에서 가능성이 높으며, 로만글라스 유리컵에서 모방했을 가능성도 제기해 보았다.

      • KCI등재

        가야 컵형토기의 출현과 확산 과정 연구

        박광춘 ( Park Kwang Choon ),김다빈 ( Kim Da Bin ) 동아대학교 석당학술원 2018 石堂論叢 Vol.0 No.72

        최근 발굴된 가야고분에서 컵형토기의 출토량이 늘어나고 있다. 가야에서는 현재 사용하고 있는 컵 모양과 비슷한 컵형토기가 언제 출현했고, 어떠한 변천과정과 지역색이 나타나는 가에 대한 의문으로 본 연구를 시작하게 되었다. 컵형토기는 기존 연구자들에 의해 손잡이가 달렸다고 하여 파배라고 명명되어 왔으나 손잡이에 의해 정의하는 것보다 동체부의 형태에 따라 정의하는 것이 보다 이해하기 쉽게 형식학적으로 설명이 가능하다. 따라서 컵형토기는 현재의 컵모양과 닮은 토기로써 파수의 유무에 상관없이 모양이 세로로 세운 직사각형에 가까운 것으로 정의할 수 있다. 컵형토기의 형식분류는 출토 예가 많은 김해, 함안, 합천, 고령의 고분군을 중심으로 형식 분류와 검증을 진행하였다. 그 결과 김해지역과 함안지역은 6형식, 합천지역 5형식, 고령지역 3형식으로 분류하였다. 이렇게 만들어진 각 지열별 형식은 동반하는 고배, 중형호, 기대의 형식 조열을 통해 검증하였다. 각 정치체별지역색은 3단계인 4세기부터 보이기 시작되어 4단계인 5세기부터는 더욱 뚜렷해 짐을 알 수 있다. 특히 고령지역의 경우 타 정치체보다 확연하게 차이를 보이고 있으므로, 대가야연맹설의 문제점을 여기서도 지적할 수 있다. 같은 시간대 각 지역별로 형식을 비교해본 결과 김해 대성동 91호분에서 파수가 없는 무파수 컵형토기가 가장 먼저 출현함을 알 수 있었다. 함안과 합천지역은 한 단계 늦게 출현하고 있으므로 금관가야에서 함안, 합천 등 주변지역으로 확산되었던 것으로 판단된다. 무파수 컵형토기의 시원은 다호리 1호분의 칠기와 다호리 150호분 출토 회백색연질 컵형토기에서 구하는 것이 현 시점의 발굴 자료에서 가능성이 높으며, 로만글라스 유리컵에서 모방했을 가능성도 제기해 보았다. The number of the Cup-shaped pottery is increasing in recently excavated the Gaya ancient tombs. This study was begun with questions about when the Cup-shaped pottery similar to the shape of a cup currently used appeared in Gaya, and what process of changes and local color are showed. The Cup-shaped pottery had been named “把杯” by existing researchers because they have handles, however, it is better to define them by the shape of their body than by their handles for evolutionary Typological explanation. Therefore, The Cup-shaped pottery which resemble the shape of a cup currently used can be defined as a long rectangle shape without references to the presence of a handle. The form classification and verification of the Cup-shaped pottery were proceeded mainly about the ancient tombs of Gimhae, Haman, Hapcheon and Goryeong where have many examples of excavation. As a results, Gimhae and Haman were classified as type 6, Hapcheon was 5type, and Goryeong was 3type. These format classified by region were verified through accompanied type arrangement of other pottery. The local color for each polity was expressed since 4C which is stage 3, and it became more obvious since 5C which is stage 4. Especially, in Goryeong, there are some apparent differences from other polities. So it can be pointed out at this point that the theory of Dae Gaya Confederacy has some problems. Comparing the format of each region of the same period, the Cup-shaped pottery without handle were first appeared at Daeseong-dong tomb No. 91. It can be judged that these pottery were spread from Geumgwan Gaya to neighboring areas like Haman and Hapcheon, because the pottery from Haman and Hapcheon were found 1 stage later. It is highly likely that the origin of the Cup-shaped pottery without handle are the lacquerware from Dahori tomb no 1 and soft light gray Cup-shaped pottery from Dahori tomb no 150, or they can be thought that they may imitated Roman glass cups.

      • KCI등재

        4세기 영남지역 토기양식의 형성과 변천

        문재은 한국고고학회 2015 한국고고학보 Vol.97 No.-

        In this study, ‘4th century pottery’ of the Yeongnam region was analyzed, its regional styles were identified, and its transition process was examined. Based on the results of the study, it was possible to confirm that the development of ‘4th century pottery’ consisted of three stages: the stylistic formation phase, the stylistic establishment phase, and the stylistic decline phase. If only gosikdojiltogi is considered, it is possible to identify the existence of a common pottery style for the entire Yeongnam region apart from Gimhae, based on an examination of the local pottery of the Yeongnam region. However, if the wajiltogi of the 4th century is also considered, a common style cannot be proposed since regional differences can be observed for the 4th century. Also, the standard according to which a pottery style can be seen to have been established is considered and the relationship between pottery style and the political system is reviewed. The 4th century pottery style of the Yeongnam region features different standards of pottery style establishment. Such differences resulted from standardization of technology, output, production purposes, and restriction on the spread of style. Therefore, it is proposed that superiority in the pottery style establishment standard should be understood in relation to personal choice and preference which was influenced by particular cultural awareness, rather than the political influence of the region. In other words, the range and spread of a pottery style cannot be explained through the political influence of the region.

      • KCI등재

        평저토기문화권의 신석기후기 이중구연토기 지역성과 병행관계

        김재윤 한국고고학회 2013 한국고고학보 Vol.88 No.-

        In this paper, the double-rimed pottery of each area is reviewed focused on this pottery is checked in the north region next to Korean peninsula, while it is found in the south korean peninsula, in the latter neolithic age. As a result, it is divided into two different area; one is that a clay band is attached on a lip and a body of the double-rimed pottery, and the other is that a clay band is attached only on a lip. The former is influenced from the Pianbao culture and extends from the Xialiaohe area to the south and north Liaodong,both banks of Amnok river and the Cheongcheon river area. The latter is not influenced from the culture that the pottery is checked from the Tumen river, the Xhanka Lake area, Mudanjiang area and the downstream area of the Amur river. It is common that the clay band is decorated on the pot shaped pottery and found together with the thunder-patterned pottery. The Santang 1 phase is the earliest among the sites of the region that is influenced from the Pianbao culture and it corresponds about 5000 B.P. The area that is not influenced from the Pianbao culture seems to be developed from the Boisman culture locally. It emerges from 5000 B.P. that the Zaisanovka culture begins. It appears in the similar time in two different areas. In 5000~3800B.P.,the double-rimed pottery is the existence that represents the identity of the latter neolithic age of the northeast asia.

      • KCI등재

        東南海岸地域 轉換期 無文土器의 系統과 特性 –蔚山地域을 中心으로–

        정대봉 한국상고사학회 2013 한국상고사학보 Vol.80 No.-

        The purpose of this study was to identify the emergence process and background of plain coarse potteries in the southeastern coastal areas. Their emergence in the southern Korean peninsula during the transition period has been identified as northwestern potteries, such as the potteries with a notched raised band, and understood as the signaling remains and tools of initial cultures, along with large-scale square dwelling sites equipped with stone-lined hearth. However, double-rimmed potteries instead of potteries with a notched raised band were excavated in such forms of dwelling sites in southeastern coastal areas. It was believed that this was due to the differences in time and region that the northwestern potteries, namely the potteries with a notched raised band, appeared in the southeastern coastal areas, the geographically farthest areas, during the transmission process in the Korean peninsula. The double-rimmed potteries in the southeastern areas could be classified into a total of seven types. When considering the cross-sectional forms and jointing methods, it appeared that the most preceding type (I·II type) among them emerged based on the manufacturing traditions of southern coastal area based Yuli-line pottery neighboring, in terms of time and region. Namely, it was assumed that at the time when the potteries with a notched raised band influenced by the northwestern area style moved southward to the Korean peninsula, the tradition of Yuli-line potteries, the existing local potteries, remained in the southeastern areas located farthest from the northwestern areas. This study called them ‘comb-pattern plain coarse potteries’and set up the initial period of plain coarse potteries in the southeastern areas, depending on the presence of these potteries. One of the most representative remains would be‘ Ulju Guyoung-ri Remains V-1 Zone.’As such comb-pattern plain coarse potteries became extinct, the early period of plain coarse potteries started. During the first half of the early period, Garakdong-line double-rimmed potteries were prevalent, and Heunamri potteries were also in part excavated. As of the second half of the early period, differentiation occurred in that Garakdong-and Heunamri-line potteries became more prevalent in Ulsan area, and Yeoksamdong-and Heunamri-line potteries became popular in Gyeongju area. To conclude, it was found that the most earliest plain coarse potteries excavated in the southeastern coastal areas were the so-called comb-pattern plain coarse potteries and their lines could be traced from southern coastal area Yuli-line potteries at the end of the Neolithic Age. Depending on the presence of such comb-pattern plain coarse potteries, it was possible to establish the initial stage of potteries in such areas, and like other areas, Garakdong-, Yeoksamdong-and Heunamri-line potteries became mixed in the first half of the early period. It was confirmed that the forms of dwelling sites were changed from large-scale square and large-scale rectangle shapes in initial period to large-scale rectangle shapes in early period, in connection with the potteries. Namely, the initial period of plain coarse potteries in southeastern coastal areas was typical of the elements, such as the first stage double rimmed potteries and large-scale square dwelling sites, which could be understood as the specific regional characteristics of this period. 한반도 남부지역 신석기시대~무문토기시대의 전환기 연구는 돌대문토기의 출현과 함께 양 시대의 과도기적 양상을 규명하고자하는 목적에서 비롯되어 조기가 설정되었으나, 현재는 그 의미가 다소 퇴색되어 최근 연구의 동향은 돌대문토기 자체의 편년과 계통을 구하고자 하는 방향으로 진행되고 있다. 그 결과 양 시대의 괴리는 더욱 심해져 현재 연구자들 간에 이 시기는 여전히‘missing link'로 인식되고 있는 실정이다. 하지만 최근의 자료에 의하면 중서부지역을 제외한 한반도 남부 각 지역에서 즐문토기와 무문토기가 공반하여 출토하고 있으며 공반되지 않는다하더라도 초창기 무문토기에서 즐문토기적 요소가 다수 확인되고 있다. 따라서 필자는 전국에서 확인되는 이러한 전환기 양상을‘시간적 지역차’로 인식하고 지역별 실정에 따라 재지 토기와의 관련성 여부에 연구의 초점을 두었다. 특히 동남해안지역이라는 지역적 공간은 지정학적으로 대륙의 극동남단에 위치하고 있어 그러한 지역차가 뚜렷하게 나타난다. 전형적인 돌대문토기가 확인되지 않는 동남해안지역에서 가장 이른 시기의 무문토기는 이중구연토기인데 본고에서는 이러한 이중구연토기의 분류와 편년을 통해 그 계통을 추적하고자 하였다. 그 결과, 동남해안지역의 이중구연토기의 형식분류 총 7단계, 문양분류 총 7단계로 분류·편년하여 조합하였으며 최종적으로 이를 반출하는 주거지와의 조합을 통해 총 4단계의 단계설정을 시도하였다. 또한 이러한 편년 및 단계설정 외에 이중구연토기의 제작방법을 통해서도 계통추적을 시도한 바, 무문토기시대 동남해안지역의 초창기 이중구연토기의 제작은 전환기 이 지역의 강력한 재지 토기인 율리식토기의 제작기반에 기인한 것임을 밝힐 수 있었다. 이렇듯 전환기적 요소를 간직한 토기를‘즐문계무문토기’로 정의하였으며 그 시간적 위치는 타 지역 돌대문토기문화 출현시기보다 한 단계 늦은 것으로 파악하였다.

      • KCI등재

        美松里型土器文化의 動態와 分布圈

        배진성 동북아역사재단 2015 東北亞歷史論叢 Vol.- No.47

        The Misong-ri type pottery has been academically established by theresearch of North Korean scholars. Although this pottery is known bymany different names, must respect the original cover remains. TheMisong-ri type pottery indicates the specific shape within jar of theBronze Age. Therefore, the concept of type(型式) should be examined. There are numerous views regarding the origin and earliest form of theMisong -ri type pottery. In this study, the Misong -ri type potterysimultaneously appeared in the Liaodong region. And the spatial area inwhich the Misong-ri type pottery has been excavated can be referredto as the area of the Misong-ri Type Pottery Culture. These were notunified cultural and unified political groups. Rather, the pottery showsthat people maintained diversity and regional identities. Thus, thepottery can be identified as a so-called Local Culture. The Misong-ritype pottery was closely related to Gojoseon. Judging by the distributionof the Misong-ri type pottery, the center of Gojoseon was located inthe Liaodong region. In this area, the tombs of the highest powers werein northern Liaodong. 미송리형토기라는 용어는 북한학계의 조사와 연구에 의해 학술적으로 정착되어 왔다. 미송리형토기는 호라는 기종 내에서도 특정의 종류를 지칭하므로 이른바 형식의 개념으로 판단할 수 있다. 미송리형토기의 기원 및 가장 이른 형식에 대해서는 타두 적석묘, 쌍방 6호묘, 장가보 A동 34호묘, 산성자 C동 2호묘, 동산 9호묘의 호가 거론되어 왔다. 그러나 이 연구에서는 미송리형토기가요동의 어느 한 곳에서 발생하였다기보다는 요동반도와 요북지역에서 각기 지역색을 띠면서 거의 동시기에 발생하였다고 판단하였다. 이에 따라 권역은 고식의 미송리형토기가 출토된 요동반도, 요북지역, 그 사이의 동산유적 일대,그리고 고식은 없지만 미송리형토기가 전개된 압록강∼청천강유역과 기형적인 지역색이 뚜렷한 대동강유역이라는 다섯 개로 구분된다. 이 지역들을 묶은범위가 이른바 미송리형토기문화권이며, 이것은 어떤 통일된 문화권이나 정치체가 아니라 전체적인 공통성 속에서 권역별 다양성과 독자성을 유지하였던지역문화권으로 볼 수 있다. 문헌에 기록된 고조선이 요하 이동의 미송리형토기를 사용하던 집단들이라고 가정할 수 있다면, 고조선은 미송리형토기문화권전체를 가리키기도 하고 때로는 그 가운데 특정 권역을 가리키기도 하였을 것이다. 고식 및 전형 미송리형토기의 분포로 볼 때 압록강∼대동강유역보다는요동지역이 전국시대 이전 고조선의 중심 지역이었을 것이며, 그 중에서도 이도하자나 성신촌 석관묘와 같은 최고 유력자의 분묘가 확인되는 요북지역이가장 중심적인 권역이었을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        삼국시대 경주양식분포권 토기 생산과 교환의 과학분석을 통한 연구

        김옥순,David R. Abbott,장윤득,Sophia E. Kelly 한국고고학회 2014 한국고고학보 Vol.91 No.-

        In order to study ceramic production and exchange in the sphere ofGyungju type pottery, we analyzed the paste of pottery samples collected fromfive sites. Our methods included petrographic analysis of the mineralogy ofthe temper particles and electron microprobe assays of the clay chemistry. Thepottery from the Gyeongju was distinguished from non-Gyungju ceramics basedlargely on the chemical concentrations of TiO2, K2O, and Na2O. The chemicalcompositions of the pottery at the Daegu·Gyeongsan regional sites overlap withceramic samples from the Oksan oven site and the Gyungju tombs site. A comprehensive considerations of the pottery data implied that potscould be made locally by most social units. Nevertheless, pottery productionwas modest, leading to a patterned distribution of pottery. The local centerexchanged primarily with the Gyeongju center, and the local peripheralcommunities exchange secondarily with the local center. The sphere ofGyeongju type pottery formed as a network of exchange of insufficient items. These items were not produced in a hierarchical arrangement among socialunits, but by a division of labor among artisans.

      • KCI등재

        한강 하류 마한 취락의 편년과 전개 과정

        송만영 숭실사학회 2016 숭실사학 Vol.0 No.36

        이 글은 한강 하류 마한계 단위 취락을 편년함으로써 이 지역 정치체의 변화 과정을 규명하고자 작성되었다. 이를 위해 먼저 단위 취락들을 경질무문토기와 타날문토기 출토율과 더불어 한성기 백제토기 기종을 기준으로 순서 배열하였다. 또한 배열된 단위 취락들의 상대 순서를 검토하기 위해 비교적 존속 기간이 긴 토기 기종들의 형식학적 변화에 대해서 살펴보았다. 편년 결과에 따르면, 한강 하류의 지역 정치체는 크게 4단계의 변화 과정이 확인되었다. 먼저 Ⅰ기는 인천 운북동유적이 대표적인 취락 사례로 전국계 외래토기와 재지계 삼각형 점토대토기가 공반되는 단계이다. 유적 사례가 많지 않아 분명치 않지만, 한강 하류 지역이 중국 산동 지역과 한반도 서해안을 연결하는 원거리 교역망의 거점으로 부각되었던 것으로 판단된다. Ⅱ기는 심발형토기, 장란형토기와 같은 타날문 취사용기와 더불어 중, 대형의 저장용기가 단계적으로 출현하여 한강 하류 지역에 타날문토기 생산 체제가 완성되는 단계이다. Ⅲ기는 한강 하류에 이형토기라는 신 기종의 생활 의례용 토기가 출현하여 유행하는 단계이다. 이 새로운 토기는 파주, 김포, 인천 등 한강 하류의 지역 정치체들이 공동의 생활 의례에 참여함으로써 지역적 유대감을 고양하기 위해 제작된 것이다. 3기는 원삼국 Ⅲ-2기에 시작하여 한성 1기까지 지속되는데, Ⅲ기가 끝나는 4세기 전반을 기점으로 백제의 한강 하류 지역으로의 영향력 확대에 따라 생활 의례용 토기가 소멸된 것으로 판단된다. This paper aimed to investigate the process of development of polities through chronology of Mahan styled settlements in downstream part of the Han River. For this, we placed the settlements in order as types of Baekje pottery in Hanseong period with the rate of excavation of hard-plain pottery and paddling pottery. Also, we considered the change of type of pottery existed relatively long term in order to examine the relative order of settlements. As a result of chronology, we could find out that the polities in downstream part of the Han River largely experienced changes of 4 steps. In the first stage, nationwide scaled pottery from foreign coexisted with native-triangled clay strip pottery as a typical example of settlements in Woonbook-dong, Incheon. It wasn’t very clear because of few case, we could find out that the area of downstream part of the Han River was base for the network of long distance trade between Sandong area in China and the west coast of Korean Peninsula. In the second stage, production system of paddling pottery was completed by appearance of middle-large sized string container by stages with paddling container such as deep bowls shaped pottery and long egg shaped pottery. In the third stage, the differently shaped pottery, which was a new and ceremonial poterry, in downstream part of the Han River was appeared and widespread. This new type of pottery was designed to raise a sense of fellowship through participation in common ceremony of polities in downstream part of the Han River, Paju, Kimpo, Incheon. The third stage was started in Ⅲ-2 period of the pro-Three Kingdoms and continued in 1 period of Hanseong Baekje. By the first half of 4th century, the ceremonial pottery was dissipated because of extension of influence of Baeckje to downstream part of the Han River.

      • KCI등재

        경남지역 와질토기의 지역성 및 네트워크

        이원태 동국대학교 WISE(와이즈)캠퍼스 신라문화연구소 2023 新羅文化 Vol.62 No.-

        This paper connects the significance of locality with inter-regional network and examines it in three perspectives based on the time base of grey pottery over Daho-ri remains in Changwon and in Gyeongnam. First, grey pottery in Gyeongnam emerged between the end of the 2nd century B.C. (Period Ⅰ-1) and the middle of the 1st century over Changwon, Busan, and Gimhae, and it continued to be used in the 2nd century (Ⅰ-8 period). Particularly in Changwon, grey pottery appeared throughout the period with no time of absence compared to the other regions. In Gimhae as well, there are more remains than in other regions, and grey pottery in this region continued to appear except the end of the 1st century B.C. In contrast, the use of grey pottery in Busan and Haman was not constant. Its emergence over Milyang area was in the middle of the 1st century B.C., which is later than in other regions. Second, there was dissimilarity between regions in terms of spatiotemporal concurrency of grey pottery. The common aspects that remained over the general changes indicates that there was a regional information network. However, specific details imply that there were independent production and distribution channels depending on the dong/li administration units. Third, it is reasoned based on fragmentary facts that in the grey pottery, there were horizontal networks of an equivalent political system such as regional, local, dong/li networks for common benefits of individuals and groups based on the shared information. Regarding information on earthen ware production, it is probable that earthen ware craftsmen in the central community passed on the production skills to craftsmen in other communities so that earthen ware was produced in each of these regions.

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