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        小?裕二(오노유지),崔蓮姬(최연희) 동북아시아문화학회 2014 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.38

        The mission of literature is to see through the invisible reality by imagination, and to comprehend others on the point of view of others. Literature tries to look in to the things which political theory or general logic can not explain. Immigrants are the people who can realize a picture of the world, historical point of view, or vision of the nation which the settlers can not recognize. On the other hand, immigration has various unknown reality. Immigration literature is important as it sheds new light of the unknown reality of immigration. There are two characteristics of Japanese immigration literature. The first characteristic of Modern immigration literature is not only to focus on the "ekkyou bungaku". Japanese still got the logic and sense based on the colonialism. Criticizing and comprehension of the Japanese literature request the view of the post colonialism. Nakajima Atushi"s ‘Happiness’ is immigration literature which got the others" point of view. Secondly, it is the attention of Japanese immigration literature from the immigrants who still live in Japan after the war. It also shows how the Korean-Japanese immigration literature has been changed during 60 years after the war. Japanese gives a priority to the consideration of the boundary and the existence of others. These points are the characteristics of the Japanese Korean immigration literature. If Japanese Korean immigration literature changed the consciousness of Japanese, it could be possible for Japanese to cross the boundary. The ‘ekkyou bungaku’ comes from the point where we rebuilds the discriminated boundary.

      • KCI등재

        재미코리안 이민문학의 형성과정과 주제의식 고찰

        김환기 겨레어문학회 2018 겨레어문학 Vol.61 No.-

        The history of immigration of Koreans to the United State is formed in close relationship with Korea’s modern history. Korean-Americans’ literature is the record describing the historical and socio-cultural aspects of such immigrants and immigrant society. Particularly, the first-ever literary magazine issued in the US, 『Horizon』 and 『Korean American Literature』 and 『New York Literature』 have contained such stories through literary works. Literary subjects shown in literary magazines and anthologies which represent such historical and socio-cultural aspects include hometown consciousness (homeland), motherland’s modern history, national awareness and self-identity, conflict with mainstream society, racial discrimination and consciousness as a stranger, conflict between mother tongue and mainstream language, daily happening in private life, and religious conflict. The literary magazines, 『Korean American Literature』 and 『New York Literature』 are basically significant in broadening the horizon on Korean literature and literature in Korean language across the US. It is because, while many literary magazines and works in America including 『Korean American Literature』 and 『New York Literature』 serve as the venue of dialogues implying the spiritual value and identity of such immigrants and immigrant society, they also partially play the role of leading Korean literature and literature in Korean language into world literature. It is so particularly as the Korean literature in the US has obtained literary universality with its unique reved-up gestures (language, expression) from the perspective of diaspora. Nevertheless, presently the Korean immigration literature in the US faces a challenge to secure quality along with increasing quantity of literature either in Korean or English. It is necessary to proactively draw the positive image of diaspora symbolized as flexible view of the world, trans-nation and hybridity beyond one-country single-blood-based nationalism while communicating with Korean literary world and Korean people’s immigration literary world, for instance. Such a decentralized and multicentric world view of Korean literature in the US seems, of course, just the task also demanded from other regional (continental, national) immigration literatures. 미국의 코리안 이민역사는 한국의 근현대사와 밀접한 관계 속에서 형성된다. 재미 한인문학은 그러한 이민자/이민사회의 역사적, 사회문화적 지점을 서사화한 기록물이다. 특히 미국에서 최초로 발간된 문예잡지 『지평선』을 비롯해 『미주문학』과 『뉴욕문학』 등은 문학작품을 통해 그러한 이야기를 담아왔다. 예컨대 문예잡지와 작품집에서 보여준 문학적 주제들, 즉 고향의식(조국), 조국의 근현대사, 민족의식과 자기정체성, 주류사회와의 갈등, 인종차별과 이방인의식, 모국어와 모어 사이의 갈등, 일상생활 속의 신변잡기, 종교적인 갈등 등은 그러한 역사적, 사회문화적 지점에 대한 대변일 것이다. 그리고 문예잡지 『미주문학』과 『뉴욕문학』은 기본적으로 미국전역에 한국문학/한국어문학의 지평을 넓혔다는 점에서 의미가 크다. 『미주문학』과 『뉴욕문학』을 비롯해 많은 미주지역의 문예잡지와 문학작품이 그들 이민자/이민사회의 정신적 가치와 정체성을 담아내는 담론공간이면서도, 한편으로는 한국문학/한국어문학을 세계문학으로 이끌어가는 역할도 없지 않기 때문이다. 특히 미국의 코리안 문학이 디아스포라의 관점에서 특유의 활성화된 몸놀림(언어, 표현)으로 문학적 보편성을 획득하고 있다는 점에서 그러하다. 그럼에도 불구하고 현재의 미국 코리안 이민문학은 한국어문학이든 영어문학이든 양적 팽창에 걸맞게 질적인 수준을 확보해야만 하는 과제를 안고 있다. 예컨대 한국문학계를 비롯해 한민족 이민문학계와 교류하고 소통하면서, 일국주의와 순혈민족주의를 넘어선 ‘혼종성’과 트렌스네이션, 열린 세계관으로 상징되는 디아스포라의 긍정적인 이미지를 적극 이끌어낼 필요가 있다. 물론 이러한 미국 코리안 문학의 탈중심적이고 다중심적인 세계관은 문학적 경쟁력 확보를 위해 다른 지역(대륙, 국가)의 이민문학에서도 그대로 요구되는 과제일 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        이주문학의 현재성과 교육적 의미 : 심연수 문학을 중심으로

        박승희(Park,Seung-Hee) 동북아시아문화학회 2011 동북아 문화연구 Vol.1 No.28

        Sim Yeon Su’s literature and immigrant literature’s historic value can be realized through communication with this age, here and now. Here, there is reason why immigrant literature including Sim Yeon Su’s is put up in the front of the literature of this age and furthermore the national literary history. To attain this, we have to organize immigrant literary history beforehand. Organizing immigrant literature is to detect and explore the historic process of immigrant literature and its prospect and to set it up as the core of our literature. Also, immigrant literary history should communicate with us, now, through literary education and history education, etc. Thus, it is necessary to reorganize the curriculum of literature and reestablish immigrant literature as the chief process. In particular, now is the time when education to make students understand multiple identity beyond the national border of multicultural society is urgently needed, so it is a valuable thing to do to examine what’s inside of immigrant literature represented with literary language. Immigrant literature including Sim Yeon Su’s is the crucial results produced by the national literary history in the period of colonization across the inside and outside of the region, immigration, and national border. Especially his linguistic aesthetics, history of immigration and sensitivity, and unique embodiment of modernism are the critical fruition of our literary history. Now it is our duty to create new humanistic thinking beyond the nation as well as national education through Sim Yeon Su’s literature and immigrant literature. It is because it is about our own identity issue of this time and also our own stories as history entities after all.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 현대 이주 문학의 지형

        기영인 국제비교한국학회 2023 비교한국학 Comparative Korean Studies Vol.31 No.2

        In Korea, the study of immigrant literature has primarily concerned itself with emigrated Korean writers and the literature of the Korean diaspora. With an increasing influx of people from other shores, however, Korea is slowly turning into a multicultural society, and more people are turning their attention to the position of immigrants in relation to mainstream society. In France, a country with a long history of immigration, migration literature is a current of contemporary literature that has long shed a light on the lives of both immigrants and emigrants. The aim of this study is to outline migration literature in French and exam- ine the characteristics of said literature. After the mass influx of migrant workers and their families from Algeria and other former French colonies in North Africa, writers of Maghrebi origin began to receive attention in the 1980s, and their works were considered as literary interpretations of sociopolitical issues surrounding immigration, identity, and margin- alization in French society. Since the 2000s, the freshness of language and form in these works has been recognized as a factor expanding the horizons of contemporary French literature. Meanwhile, the works of migrant writers from sub-Saharan Africa based in France, who explore the multilayered experience of migration across continents and cul- tures, are forming an emerging category in francophone literature. By examining the evolu- tion of the writing and reception of migrant writers in France, we note the position of migra- tion literature, illustrative of the thematization of the contemporary, such as the amalga- mation of cultures and transnational identities, as well as its categorical utility in com- parative literary studies at the interface of diaspora literature and immigrant literature.

      • KCI등재

        1905~1910년 미주 한인신문과 전통의 문제-『공립신보』와 『신한민보』를 중심으로-

        황재문 국문학회 2016 국문학연구 Vol.0 No.33

        미주 한인사회는 한미수호통상조약의 체결 이후 형성되었으며, 20세기 초에는 이민자들의 단합과 이익을 위한 단체를 결성하고 신문을 발간하는 등 독자적인 사회를 이루게 된다. 초기 이민사회에서는 본국과 교류하는 한편으로 나름의 삶의 방식을 갖추는 등의 모습이 드러나는데, 여기서 산출된 문학에는 ‘망명지문학’과 ‘이민문학’으로 각기 지칭할 만한 요소가 발견된다. 즉 이들의 문학에는 한국적 특수성에 주목하면 ‘망명지문학’으로 이해되는 요소가 있고, 이민사회 자체의 특성에 주목하면 ‘이민문학’으로 이해할 수 있는 요소가 발견된다는 것이다. 미주 한인사회의 문학 연구에서는 망명지문학으로서의 성격에 대한 연구가 중심이 되었지만, 앞으로는 이민문학으로서의 성격에 대해서도 관심을 가질 필요가 있으리라고 본다. 이민문학적 속성에 유의하면서 한인신문인 『공립신보』와 『신한민보』를 살펴보면, 한반도와 직접 연관되지 않은 기사가 적지 않게 나타난다는 점을 확인할 수 있다. 미국을 비롯한 세계 각국의 소식과 역사, 상식 등이 적지 않게 신문에 나타나며, 독자의 흥미를 끌기 위한 것으로 이해될 만한 읽을거리가 적지 않게 포함되어 있음을 확인할 수 있다. 문학의 측면에서는, 『공립신보』와 초기 『신한민보』에서 모두 전통적인 양식의 문학작품을 싣거나 그 표현법 등을 활용하는 사례를 찾아볼 수 있다. 『신한민보』의 시기에는 유학 경험을 가진 기고자나 편집인이 등장하면서 지면 구성이 상대적으로 안정되는 면모가 나타나지만, 여전히 전통적인 문학 양식을 활용하는 사례들이 새로운 문학 양식에 대한 요구와 병행하여 나타난다. 문학 양식에 있어서 옛 것과 새로운 것이 공존하면서 경쟁한 결과를 잘 보여주는 사례로는 1909년 12월부터 1910년 1월까지 『신한민보』의 광고란에 6회 동안 실린 <거짓말신문>을 주목할 만하다. 안중근의 이토 히로부미 저격사건을 소재로 하여 구성한 ‘신문 속의 신문’인 <거짓말신문>은, 기본적으로는 침략적인 일본과 국내 친일 세력에 대한 비판과 풍자를 목적으로 한 것임이 분명하다. 따라서 내용의 측면에서는 그리 특이할 것이 없을 수도 있다. 그렇지만 비판이나 풍자를 위한 표현이나 소재에서는 전통적인 문학을 활용하거나 미주 한인들의 실제 삶의 문제들을 담아낸 흔적이 보이는데, 이는 근대로의 이행 과정에서 미주 한인들이 경험하는 현실 상황을 대변한다는 점에서 주목된다. 또한 그것이 신문이라는 매체와 이민 및 유학을 통해 형성된 새로운 지식인의 참여 속에서 이루어진 것이라고 할 수 있으므로, 전통과 근대가 만나면서 이루어낸 새로운 비판 양식의 하나로 해석할 만하다고 판단된다. From the signing of the Korean-American Treaty of Amity and Commerce in 1882 onwards, Korean immigrant society in the United States had grown in its regional size and population, and it published newspapers and established organizations for the benefits of Korean immigrants. In the early stage of the society’s development, Korean immigrants not only maintained interactions with their home country, but also built an independent community in which they created literature—exile literature and immigrant literature. While exile literature showed particular characteristics of indigenous Korean culture, immigrant literature reflected realities of immigrant society itself. In earlier studies on literature of Korean immigrant society, exile literature has received most scholarly attention. With this being the case, there need to be more works focused on the nature and history of immigrant literature. Focusing on various features of immigrant literature, this paper examines overseas Korean newspapers, Kongnip sinbo(the United Korean) and Sinhan minbo (the New Korea), both of which were published in United States during the early 20th century. It argues that a number of articles in the two newspapers covered events and things that happened in the Korean peninsula during the time. Those newspapers had wide coverage ranging from news and histories of many different countries to common knowledge. They also had diverse reading materials to draw readership. From the perspective of literature, both Kongnip sinbo and Sinhan minbo included traditional literary works and borrowed their expressions. As contributors and editors who studied abroad participated in the publication of Sinhan minbo, its news reports and articles became more stable and organized than before. But Sinhan minbo still relied on the traditional forms of literature while seeking to satisfy the readers’ needs for new literary styles. A great example that shows well the coexistence and competition between the old and new literary style in Sinhan minbo is Kachinmarl Sinmoon(a newspaper of lie), which was serialized six times in the advertisement section from December, 1909 through January, 1910. Kachinmarl Sinmoon, as “a newspaper within the newspaper,” dealt with An Chunggŭn’s assassination of Ito Hirobumi(1909) and aimed at denouncing the Japanese empire and pro-Japanese Korean collaborators. In its blame for Japan’s colonization of Korea, Kachinmarl Sinmoon was not different from the other contemporary newspapers. However, it took advantage of traditional literary works for its own expression and subject matter. It also sought to reflect experiences and problems of the lives of Korean immigrants in the United States. Because Kachinmarl Sinmoon represented overseas Koreans’ various realities and offered a site in which the media and new immigrant intellectuals intersected, it was a critical form of knowledge production during Korea’s transitional period from tradition to modernity.

      • KCI등재

        천사도와 사진 신부 : 초기 재미 한인 이민문학의 재구성

        정은귀 한국외국어대학교 외국문학연구소 2014 외국문학연구 Vol.- No.55

        이민 문학은 본질적으로 떠남에 의해 추동되는 이탈의 문학이자 타문화와의 만남을 전제로 하는 이식 문학이다. 본고는 초기 재미 한인 이민사에서 지금까지 구체적으로 드러나지 않았던 한 지점을 증언하는 시들을 읽으면서 이민 문학의 정체성과 이민문학이 문학사에 기입되는 방식을 미국 이민사와 엮어 재미 한인이민 문학의 풍경을 재구성해보고자 한다. 문학의 정체성이 언어나 국가에 의해 일방적으로 규정되는 방식을 좀 더 다각적으로 문제화하는 시도로서 이 글은 20세기 초 재미 한인 이민 1세대가 한글로 쓴 미국 샌프란시스코 '천사도' 시 3편을 먼저 읽은 다음, 같은 시대를 공유하는 '사진신부'에 대해 이민 3세대가 영어로 쓴 시를 읽을 것이다. 실상 초기 이민의 역사를 증언하는 시들이지만 한국어와 영어라는 언어적 차이 때문에 하나의 장에서 논의되지 못했던 시들이다. 이민 1세대의 경험을 시로 옮기는 작업에서 언어와 국가는 어떤 의미를 갖는지, 그리고 자기 경험을 '다시 쓰기' 한 1세대 한인 이민자들의 작업이 선대의 경험을 '다시 쓰기' 했던 3세대 시인의 작업과 어떻게 만나는지를 살피면서 본고는 혈연과 국가, 언어라는 난맥이 얽혀있는 이민 문학의 자리를 재고해볼 것이다. 이러한 작업을 통하여 이 글은 '민족성'의 뿌리에 기댄 이민문학이 언어적, 국가적 틀 속에서 어떻게 분류되는지, 그간의 정전화 작업에서 가려졌던 지점을 되살려내어서 언어적/계급적/성적 차이에 따른 다른 목소리들을 살펴 읽을 것이다. 그럼으로써 언어와 국가의 '경계 너머' 문학으로 이민문학이 새로운 증언과 기억의 방식, 역사를 다시 쓰는 장으로 자리할 수 있는 가능성을 모색한다. Immigrant Literature is basically literature of transgression, renunciation, and of importation. Words like immigrant, migrant, migration, and immigration have been broadly used to describe the fluid movement of peoples across national borders for a variety of reasons. This essay revisits some poems on 'Angel Island' and 'Picture Bride' and invites readers to rethink the identity politics of immigrant literature. At once problematizing the ways of defining identity in terms of language, ethnicity, and nation, this essay reconstructs the history of early Korean American immigrant literature and questions how to rewrite the personal and public history of immigration through the ways of testimony. Debunking the common myth of immigration literature: that immigration literature is represented by its success story, I try to tackle the problems that recent immigrant literature has presented to the mapping of Korean and American literary and cultural space. Looking beyond the boundary of language and nation, revitalizing the erased time and place in the history of Asian American diaspora literature, I will cast light upon the hidden voices of Korean immigrants in the early 20th century. Through the poems written in Korean and English by the first and third generations of Korean immigrants in San Francisco and Hawaii, it will be noted how poetic language can be re-posited as the alternative space of history and culture in the form of remembrance and testimony.

      • KCI등재

        캐나다 코리안 이민사회의 형성과정과 문학의식 - 문예잡지 『캐나다문학』의 소설을 중심으로 -

        김환기 동국대학교 한국문학연구소 2017 한국문학연구 Vol.0 No.54

        This research aimed at investigating the formation process of Canadian Korean immigration society and the community of the representative cultural art field and reviewing the subject consciousness in the literary journal/ work collection (focusing on the novels of Canadian Literature). The characteristic of Canadian Korean immigration society is deeply related to missionaries, miners/ nurses dispatched to Germany, technicians dispatched to Vietnam, livestock husbandry trainees, and remigrants via South America, and the communities such as ‘Korean School/ Hangul School’ as well as ‘Korean Association’ were activated. Particularly, The representative community in cultural art field was ‘Canadian Korean Literary Association’ established in 1977, and it is remarkable that the bulletin literary journal Saeul (later Canadian Literature) was published firstly in North America. The subject consciousness of the works included in the representative journal Canadian Literature is summarized as ‘Symbol of hometown (homeland) and return consciousness’, ‘The ‘wall’ in reality and stranger's consciousness, and challenging spirit’, ‘National identity’, ‘Life of miners and nurses dispatched to Germany’, ‘Natural environment of the continent and local history and culture’, ‘Daily life of immigration society and surrounding stories’, etc. Such literary subject consciousness can be said to symbolically show the sociocultural transformation phenomenon along with historical stream of Korean immigrants/ immigration society who settled down in Canada. However, there are lots of tasks to be settled in their literature such as originality and independence of immigration literature, guarantee of quality level, cultivation of next generation, and coexistence of Korean works and English works, etc. Nevertheless, a work to search the history and culture related to Korea and the texts related to literature one by one dispersed on the whole world including Canadian Korean literature texts is valuable. Because such investigation and research on texts related to immigrants/ immigration society is a way to preserve the immigration history of diaspora, at the same time, to maintain and succeed their independence and identity. 본고는 캐나다의 코리안 이민사회의 형성과정과 대표적인 문화예술분야의 커뮤니티를 짚어보고 문예잡지/작품집『캐나다문학』의 소설 중심으로)에 나타난 주제의식을 검토하는 것이 목적이었다. 캐나다의 코리안 이민사회의 특징은 선교사, 파독 광원/간호사, 월남파병 기술자들, 축산연수생, 남미를 경유한 재이주자들과 관련이 깊고, ‘한인회’를 비롯해 ‘한국학교/한글학교’ 등의 커뮤니티가 활성화 되어 있다. 특히 문화예술분야에는 1977년 출범한 ‘캐나다한국문인협회’가 대표적이고 기관지인 문예잡지 『새울』(후일 『캐나다문학』)을 북미지역 최초로 발간했다는 점에서 주목된다. 대표적인 잡지 『캐나다문학』에 수록된 작품의 주제의식을 살펴보면 ‘고향(조국) 표상과 회귀의식’, ‘현실의 ‘벽’과 이방인 의식, 그리고 도전정신’, ‘민족적 아이덴티티’, ‘파독 광부와 간호사의 인생역정’, ‘대륙의 자연환경과 현지의 역사문화’, ‘이민사회의 일상과 주변이야기’ 등으로 요약된다. 이러한 문학적 주제의식은 캐나다에 정착한 코리안 이민자/이민사회의 역사적 흐름과 함께 사회문화적 변용현상을 상징적으로 보여주고 있다. 하지만 그들의 문학에서는 이민문학의 독창성과 주체성, 질적 수준의 담보, 후속세대 양성, 한국어작품과 영어작품의 공존 등 해결해야 할 과제도 적지 있다. 그럼에도 불구하고 캐나다의 코리안 문학텍스트를 비롯해서 전지구촌에 흩어진 코리안 관련 역사, 문화, 문학 관련 텍스트를 일일이 찾아내고 검토 분석하는 작업은 소중할 수밖에 없다. 그러한 이민자/이민사회 관련 텍스트 조사와 연구가 코리안 디아스포라의 이민역사를 기록으로 남기는 일이고 동시에 그들의 주체성과 아이덴티티를 유지계승하는 길이기 때문이다.

      • KCI등재

        일제강점기 재만 조선인 소설 연구 - 이주 정착 양상을 중심으로

        정덕준(Chung Dukjoon),정현숙(Jung Hyunsook) 한국언어문학회 2006 한국언어문학 Vol.57 No.-

          This study sought to examine the immigration pattern and settlement process of the Korean immigrants described in the Korean immigrant literature on Manchuria in the period of Japanese colonial rule and by doing so, to identify the nature of the Korean immigrant literature on Manchuria and the meaning of a national literature.<BR>  The Korean immigrant literature on Manchuria described the tragedy of the early Korean immigrants as well as a strong intention for resettlement in Manchuria.<BR>  An Sugil"s “Byu” “Bookhangdo”, Kim Changgul"s “Armya”, Hyun Kyungjoon"s “Sungusidae” are the representative literature. Besides, the Korean immigrant literature on Manchuria criticized on the Manchuria"s policy and expressed strong resistance toward it. Sihn Seoya"s “Chusuk”, Hyun Kyungjoon"s “Milsoo” “Byul” are the exemplary literature on the above described critique and resistance. Furthermore, these literature criticized the contradiction of Manchuria"s policy through the phenomena of drug addiction and articulated a despair of the intellectual. Those characteristics are well described in Hwang Gun"s “Jehwa”, Kang Kyungae"s “Mayack”, Hyun Kyungjoon"s “Mayemye kumsun”, Choi Myungik"s “Simmoon”.<BR>  All of these literature realistically described the migration experience and resettlement process by focusing on the various life styles and experiences of the Korean immigrants on Manchuria.

      • KCI등재

        가치전환으로서의 장소이동과 이민문학의 메타모포시스 ― 하와이 『태평양잡지』를 중심으로

        전영주 국제한인문학회 2019 국제한인문학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        본고는 최초의 이민사회 하와이에서 발간한 『태평양잡지』의 문학작품을 모두 검토하여 초기 이민문학에 나타난 메타모포시스(탈바꿈)의 의의를 조명해보고자 했다. ‘이민(移民)’이라는 주거장소의 이동이 문학에 끼치는 영향관계를 고찰하여 일제강점기 이민문학이 보여주는 메타모포시스와 그 의의(意義)를 다음과 같이 요약해볼 수 있다. 첫째, 가치전환의 장소이동이 ‘이민’이라면 ‘이민문학’은 구세계를 버리고 신세계로 탈바꿈하고자 환경적, 사회적, 정신적인 모색을 내면화하여 타자의 문학(번역문학)을 우선 받아들이는 모습으로 표출되었다. 둘째, 『태평양잡지』에 게재된 문학 장르는 번역소설, 연재소설, 단편소설, 시, 창가, 노래가사(노래시), 희곡 등 매우 다양하며 공동체 지향적이다. 이민문학은 다양한 문학 장르를 모두 수용하여 활용한 측면이 있으며, 공동체의 결집을 도모할 뿐만 아니라 일제강점기 위기에 처한 고국을 향한 동포애를 보여주고 있다. 셋째, 소설의 경우는 구체적으로 연애와 모험, 종교를 부각하여 이를 현실극복의 주요한 내용으로 삼고자 했다. 『태평양잡지』의 소설들은 이민사회에서의 분열을 타파하고 공동의 정서를 환기하여 보편적 대상으로서의 이야기(창작보다는 번안을 통해)를 모색한 점이 메타모포시스(탈바꿈)로 지칭할 만한 이민문학의 면면이라 할 수 있다. 넷째, 시의 경우는 정서적 결집의 방편으로 혹은 사회적 선동과 추진을 기획하려는 대상으로 선택되었다. 창가는 사회적 궐기와 참여를 이끌고자 선택되었고 노래시는 곡조에 맞추어 부름으로써 집단의 목표를 주지하고자 선택되었던 것으로 보인다. 다섯째, 희곡의 경우는 구체적인 정치성, 현장성을 드러내고 있다. 희곡 「피의잔」은 독립운동에 대한 구체적인 행위가 연애의 삼각관계로 표출되되 그 이면에는 조국애와 자주독립의 염원을 갈망하고 있음을 보여준다. 여섯째, 망명자, 체류자, 이민자 등 하와이 이주민의 ‘실향의식’은 『태평양잡지』의 문예란을 통해 귀향의 욕망은 잠재우고, 구체적인 협력은 모색하며, 이민사회를 결집하여 개선해 나가려는 노력으로 다양한 문학 장르를 모두 수용, 활용하였음을 알 수 있다. This article is the first immigrant communities in Hawaii, that is logged as published in Japanese occupation of immigrant literature review globally character all the literature of “The Korean Pacific Magazine”. In particular, I have analyzed the aspects of Metamorphosis in early immigrant literature, taking into account the influence of migration on literature. The metamorphosis of early immigration literature and its meaning are as follows. First, if the relocation of places of value conversion is ‘immigration’, it turned out that ‘immigrant literature’ reveals the environmental, social and spiritual quest for metamorphosis into the new world, thus accepting the literature(translation literature) of the batter first. Second, the literary genre published in “The Korean Pacific Magazine” is very diverse and community-oriented, including translation novels, serial novels, short stories, poems, window houses, song lyrics and plays. Immigration literature embraces and utilizes various literary genres, and not only promotes community unity, but also shows a brotherhood toward his homeland, which is on the verge of colonial rule. Third, it is revealed that The Korean Pacific Magazine’s novels highlighted romance, adventure and religion to break down divisions in immigration society and to evoke shared emotions to seek a universal story(through prosperity rather than creation). Fourth, poetry of The Korean Pacific Magazine was chosen as the object of planning social instigation and promotion. It seems that Changga was chosen to lead social uprisings and participation, and that the city of Song was chosen to keep the group's goals in mind by singing to the tune of the song. Fifth, the play shows only one thing, but more specific political and practicality. The Blood Cup shows that the concrete act of the independence movement was expressed as a love triangle and behind it was yearning for the desire of motherhood and independence. Sixth, the ‘sense of direction’ of Hawaiian immigrants such as asylum seekers, residents and immigrants can be seen through the Korean Pacific Magazine's writing that it has embraced and utilized the literary genre in an effort to quell the desire to return home, seek concrete cooperation, and improve the immigrant society.

      • KCI등재


        필문수 한국중국현대문학학회 2018 中國現代文學 Vol.0 No.85

        As an emerging research method, the proposed of “Sinophone literature” has aroused controversy from the beginning. As advocate of Sinophone literature, Professor. Shu-Mei Shih tries to criticize “Sinocentrism”, “Chineseness” and “Territorialism” by applying the Post-colonialism and Ethnic Minority Literature on the “Sinophone literature”. Professor David Der-wei Wang regarded “Sinophone literature” as a field and a method. The dialogue between Sinophone literature and Chinese literature could communicate with each other through this method and develop a cross-national geographical map of literature in the new era. The “Loyalism” (the immigrant, the loyalist and the foreigner) proposed by Professor David Wang could be identified as three different political identities, and especially the “loyalist” is strongly indicating a political meaning. In this paper, it is proposed that there would be “loyalist consciousness” which derived from Professor David Wang’s “Loyalism”, and become the immigrant consciousness, loyalist consciousness and foreigner consciousness. These three kinds of consciousness are in a trinity with the relationship of immigrants. Nowadays, because of the convenient transportation and economic development, immigrants enter to the post-immigration era, and the “post-loyalist consciousness” is born. This paper tries to elaborate the “Loyalist consciousness” and “Post-loyalist consciousness” with Professor David Wang’s “Loyalism” and how these kinds of consciousness are related to the identity and how they shown in North America Chinese (including the writers and scholars). There are a few decades history of Chinese language literature in North America, and because of the limited of space, this paper only select a specific time period and specific author as the analysis objects to explore the meaning of “Loyalist consciousness” and “Post-loyalist consciousness” in North American immigrants in Chinese language Literature and research.

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