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      • KCI등재

        О некоторых особенностях российской правовой системы

        Bogorodickij I.B.,Kalinina O.E.,Osipov M.J. 충북대학교 러시아 • 알타이지역 연구소 2018 러시아학 Vol.- No.16

        The problem of determining the place and role of the Russian legal system in the world legal space is one of the pressing problems facing modern legal science. The object of the study is the Russian legal system. The subject of the study is features and patterns of development of the Russian legal system, its components and elements. The purpose of the study is to trace the features and patterns of the formation, development and functioning of the Russian legal system, its components and elements in comparison with other legal systems. In the course of the study, the following was established. The Russian legal system is a complex artificial, heterogeneous dynamic system that includes elements of a) cultural and ideological level (legal awareness and legal culture and their components and elements); b) normative level (elements of this level are the norms of law, the institutions of law, the branches of law, forms (sources of law), c) the communicative-behavioral level (elements of this level are legal relations, acts of realizing rights and duties, legal behavior, social relations, incoming in the subject of legal regulation); d) procedural level (elements of this level are legal processes: law-making, legal regulation, enforcement, implementation of law, interpretation of law); e) Institutional level (elements of this level of the legal system are the state, public authorities, local governments and other subjects of law). The Russian legal system has undergone a long and complex path in its historical development, which includes several stages: the pre-revolutionary stage, the Soviet stage, the post-Soviet stage. An analysis of the history of the Russian legal system shows that the law, understood as a law, has always been viewed by Russians as coming from the state, as a means of achieving state goals. At the same time, the Russian legal mentality is characterized by the opposition of official law (law) to a certain ideal of Pravda. The current state of the Russian legal system is characterized by a high rate of adoption of bills, which is due to the peculiarities of the Russian legal mentality, which in turn is due to geographical and climatic factors: with a short summer and a long winter, Russians have a habit of hurrying to have time to do everything as soon as possible, until an unfavorable time comes. This mental feature was also passed on to the legislator, which is quite natural, since Russia is a democratic state, and deputies are the same bearers of legal mentality as the rest of Russia's citizens. In order to improve the legal system, the following measures are proposed: 1) improving the quality of legislation through more thorough examination of draft laws; 2) development of scientific bases of law-making activity; 3) improvement of law enforcement practice; 4) legal education of the population.

      • KCI등재

        О некоторых особенностях российской правовой системы

        Богородицкий И. Б.,Калинина О. Е.,Осипов М. Ю. 충북대학교 러시아 알타이지역 연구소 2018 러시아학 Vol.- No.16

        The problem of determining the place and role of the Russian legal system in the world legal space is one of the pressing problems facing modern legal science. The object of the study is the Russian legal system. The subject of the study is features and patterns of development of the Russian legal system, its components and elements. The purpose of the study is to trace the features and patterns of the formation, development and functioning of the Russian legal system, its components and elements in comparison with other legal systems. In the course of the study, the following was established. The Russian legal system is a complex artificial, heterogeneous dynamic system that includes elements of a) cultural and ideological level (legal awareness and legal culture and their components and elements); b) normative level (elements of this level are the norms of law, the institutions of law, the branches of law, forms (sources of law), c) the communicative-behavioral level (elements of this level are legal relations, acts of realizing rights and duties, legal behavior, social relations, incoming in the subject of legal regulation); d) procedural level (elements of this level are legal processes: law-making, legal regulation, enforcement, implementation of law, interpretation of law); e) Institutional level (elements of this level of the legal system are the state, public authorities, local governments and other subjects of law). The Russian legal system has undergone a long and complex path in its historical development, which includes several stages: the pre-revolutionary stage, the Soviet stage, the post-Soviet stage. An analysis of the history of the Russian legal system shows that the law, understood as a law, has always been viewed by Russians as coming from the state, as a means of achieving state goals. At the same time, the Russian legal mentality is characterized by the opposition of official law (law) to a certain ideal of Pravda. The current state of the Russian legal system is characterized by a high rate of adoption of bills, which is due to the peculiarities of the Russian legal mentality, which in turn is due to geographical and climatic factors: with a short summer and a long winter, Russians have a habit of hurrying to have time to do everything as soon as possible, until an unfavorable time comes. This mental feature was also passed on to the legislator, which is quite natural, since Russia is a democratic state, and deputies are the same bearers of legal mentality as the rest of Russia s citizens. In order to improve the legal system, the following measures are proposed: 1) improving the quality of legislation through more thorough examination of draft laws; 2) development of scientific bases of law-making activity; 3) improvement of law enforcement practice; 4) legal education of the population.

      • KCI등재후보

        해석기준과 적용기준으로서의 慣習法

        송재일 서울시립대학교 서울시립대학교 법학연구소 2012 서울법학 Vol.20 No.1

        Customary law is norm, usage with legal confidence(opinio juris). It is not easy to classify between custom and customary Law in the civil law system as well as common law system. Custom functions as interpretation test of legal act, while customary law functions as trial norm. This is law, while that is fact. What's the matter is remedy when the accused violate the custom. Article 1 of Korean Civil law is relevant with the principle of supplement of unwritten law. Article 185 of Korean Civil law is relevant to the principle of realty and custom, which could meets the new needs of transactions, especially secured right. However practice is hesitated to do that tendency. Customary like logic could supplement to weakness and rigidity of positive law. Customary law is idea bank of transactions. In conclusion we need to find the customary law through the research of custom and usage. In 1958, there were no research of custom. If we could codify by custom, legislation would be better in familiar with civil legal mind. 관습법은 관행에 법적 확신이 더해진 ‘법규범’이다. 이는 자연발생적으로 생겨나며, 국가의 승인에 의해 성립되는 것이 아니다. 우리 판례는 관습법의 성립에 별도요건을 부가하고 당사자에게 입증책임을 전가함으로써 관습법이 법원으로 인정받기 어렵게 하는 현상이 관찰된다. 관습과 관습법의 구별도 쉽지 않다. 관습은 법률행위의 해석기준으로 그리고 관습법은 재판규범으로 작동한다. 문제는 사실인 관습을 어긴 경우 피해를 입은 측에서 법원에 소를 제기하면, 어떻게 구제수단을 부여할 것인가이다. 관습법으로 인식되는 사례 중에는 관습이 소멸했는데도 판례에 의해 만들어진 관습법(예, 관습법상의 법정지상권이나 분묘기지권)이 있다. 이는 관습조사를 통해 사회변화와 거래관행에 맞도록 바꾸어줄 필요가 있다. 축적된 판례를 통해 관습법이 된 경우 ‘판례법’이라고 부르기도 하는데, 이는 정확한 용어는 아니고 판례법리로 부르거나, 관습법 또는 관습법과 조리의 혼합 형태로 봐야 할 것 같다. 민법 제1조는 불문법보충원칙의 선언조항으로 개념법학, 법실증주의의 폐해를 치유할 수 있는 수단으로 불문법을 거론한 것이다. 민법 제185조는 물권법정주의 선언조항이지만 관습법에 의해서도 신축적으로 물권의 종류와 내용이 결정된다는 한국 고유의 특수성이 담겨져 있다. 거래계의 새로운 수요에 적절히 대응할 수 있는 규정형식이다. 관습법은 조리와 더불어 성문법주의의 단점, 경직성을 보완하는 불문법원이며, 거래의 아이디어가 담긴 寶庫로서 성문화되거나 아니면 자연스럽게 변경ㆍ소멸하는 경로를 따른다. 법률생활을 더욱 발전시키기 위해서는 관습조사를 통해 관습법을 파악하여야 한다. 1958년 민법전 제정 당시 관습조사가 없었다. 그러나 관습법은 성문법의 흠결을 잘 메울 수 있고, 거래계의 수요에 잘 대응할 수 있는 ‘살아있는 법’이다. 관습조사를 하여 성문화를 한다면, 좀 더 국민의 법감정에 기반한 입법이 이루어질 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        국제법상 연성법의 재인식

        정경수 ( Kyung Soo Jung ) 안암법학회 2011 안암 법학 Vol.0 No.34

        Since last half of the 20th century, soft law has emerged from regulating newly faced international issues including human rights, environment, and trade. The concept of soft law has been broadly recognized today and will be much more utilized in future. Unfortunately, however, it has not established a unified concept. Commentators have used the term differently. Therefore this article seeks to make an outline of the concept, status and role of the soft law. This article examines the concept of soft law. Although the use of the term is diverged, there is common characteristic in its usage. Basically, documents classified as soft law don`t pertain to hard law, which is made up of the norms creating precise legal rights and obligations. Although they legally have no binding force, there are at least good faith commitments. Also, there are law-making will, parties` intension affecting state practices, and elements for progressive developments in many cases. As a consequence of legal implication, soft law documents have become alternatives to treaties, and complemented implementation of already concluded treaties, and have provided its own mechanism for soft enforcement. This interaction between hard law and soft law has made soft law documents with certain status in international legal system and some effect on international affairs, and, as de facto effect, has altered behaviors of their addressees. In conclusion, soft law documents are not a source of law in the sense of Article 38 para. 1 of the Statute of the International Court of Justice. Soft law should be regarded as a conceptual tool. Therefore, a further research on soft law should elaborate the normative value of non-binding instruments in detail and make a systemaitc analysis of these instruments.

      • KCI등재

        민사집행절차상 배당오류에 의한 배당종료 후 부당이득반환청구권 연구 — 대법원 2019. 7. 18. 선고 2014다206983 전원합의체 판결을 계기로 —

        김관호 한국민사집행법학회 2021 民事執行法硏究 : 韓國民事執行法學會誌 Vol.17 No.-

        민사집행절차에서 배당이의를 하지 않은 채권자가 배당절차 종료 후 배당결과에 오류가 있었음을 이유로 다시 부당이득반환청구를 할 수 있는가? 이문제에 관하여 현재 대부분의 민사집행 실무가들은 ‘배당종료 후에도 부당이득반환청구가 가능하다’고 생각하고 있다. 그동안 필자도 확정된 배당표에 오류가 있어도 절차적 문제는 당사자의 실체적 권리관계에까지 영향을미치지는 않으므로 과소배당에 의해 손실을 입은 배당채권자는 배당종료 후에도 부당이득반환청구가 가능하고 이를 통해서 배당오류를 바로 잡는 것이민사집행의 정의관념에 부합하는 것이라고 믿어왔다. 하지만 대법원 2019. 7. 18. 선고 2014다206983 전원합의체 판결의 다수의견과 소수의견의 대립을 접한 후부터는 이러한 기존의 판례와 실무에 대하여 의구심을 갖게 되었다. 기존의 논의에서는 절차법과 실체법의 우열관계가 문제의 핵심이었다. 실체법이 절차법에 우선함은 기본원리이지만 추상적인 원칙이고 개인법적 법률관계에서의 논의이므로 이 쟁점에서 문제해결의 출발점이 될 수 있을 뿐다수당사자간의 배당관계라는 단체법적 법률관계 문제에서 실체법과 절차법의 우열관계만으로 결론까지 도출함에는 한계가 있다. 결국 이 문제는 침해부당이득의 성립이라는 실체법리 위에서 단체법상 법률관계에서의 절차비용 문제를 고려하여 법정책적 판단, 즉 이익형량을 해야 해결이 가능한문제라고 생각한다. 실체법은 절차법에 우선하기 때문에 부당이득반환청구권은 실체법적 법리에 따라 논의되어야 하며 현재의 판례와 , 통설인 부당이득 유형론에 따를때 침해부당이득은 권리자에게 배타적 이익이 존재해야 인정된다. 그 결과, 배당에 참가한 저당권자 등 담보물권자와 일반채권자는 부당이득반환청구권의 성부 문제에서 달리 취급되어야 한다. 즉 배타적 권리인 담보물권이침해되었을 경우에는 침해부당이득이 성립하나, 상대적 권리인 일반채권이침해되었을 경우에는 침해부당이득이 성립하지 않는다. 일반채권자에게도 담보물권자와 같은 배타적 권리성, 즉 물권성을 인정하려면 물권법정주의에 의해 법률상 근거가 있어야 한다. 우리 민사집행법의모법 중 하나인 독일법제에서도 물권법정주의 관점에서 일반채권자에게 압류 이후 물권성을 인정하는 법률상 근거를 두고 있고, 그 결과 일반채권자라도 압류 이후에는 물권자로 취급된다는 논리적 연장선상에서 배당종료 이후에도 부당이득반환청구를 인정하고 있다. 하지만 우리는 이러한 법률상 근거 없이 판례의 해석에 의하여 일반채권자도 배당요구 종기 전 배당요구를하였다는 점만을 이유로 물권자의 지위를 당연히 취득하는 것으로 간주하고있어 문제가 있다. 배당오류에 대한 부당이득 성부 문제에 관하여 기존 대법원 판례는 실체법이 절차법에 우선한다는 원칙은 일관성 있게 적용해 왔지만, 그 논리적연장선상에 있는 배타적 권리성 유무에 따른 침해부당이득의 성부 차이에대하여는 침묵하여 왔다. 필자는 이것을 대법원 판례가 우리의 민사집행 법제의 특수한 상황을 고려하여 법정책적 결단을 해온 것이라고 생각한다. 그러나 이러한 과거의 법정책적 결단이 지금 시점에서도 여전히 합리적인지는다시 생각해보아야 한다. 실체법리인 침해부당이득 법리에 의할 때 담보물권자와 일반채권자를 구분하여 취급하는 이분설이 타당함에도, 우리 ... Is it possible for a creditor(an applicant for distribution) who did not raise objection to his or her substantively wrongful dividends awarded by the auction court on the distribution date in the civil enforcement distribution procedure to have still a claim for return of wrongful gain(unjust enrichment) after the confirmation of his or her dividends on the grounds that there was substantial unfairness on the confirmed distribution schedule? In previous discussions, the superiority between procedural law and substantive law was main issue. As it is clear that the role of procedural law is the realization of substantive right, the superiority of substantive law over procedural law can be a starting point for approaching this issue. However, there is a limit to reaching a conclusion only with this superiority relationship between these two laws. In the end, I insist that this problem can be solved only by legal policy decision-making of the court considering procedural transaction costs from the law-economical perspective of a collective procedure. In accordance with the previous general theory and precedents, this kind of unjust enrichment caused by other person’s infringement is similiar with tort. Therefore, the requirments of unjust enrichment of this kind are satisfied only when the creditor who had an exclusive right for his or her original dividends such as a holder of the collective security(keun-mortgage) or a mortgage received dividends less than what the auction court should have awarded to him or her during the auction proceedings. However, the creditor who merely acquired a right to demand claims without any exclusive rights in the substantive law and submitted claim statements asking for dividends in auction procedural law can not satisfy the requirement of unjust enrichment in this case. Even in civil enforcement procedure, it shall not be permitted to acknowledge that an creditor without any exclusive rights can be regarded as the exclusive right holder acquiring a kind of mortgage. Because it is against the principle of law to specify the real right (jus in rem) which prohibits the creation of new systems. Although it is reasonable to treat exclusive security right holders and general creditors separately according to the legal principles on the unjust enrichment, our Civil Enforcement Code and legal systems are in a special situation where it is impossible to follow such dichotomy. The main cause of this situation is the enactment of various special laws which were made without systematic consideration of the order of the substantive rights. Due to this chaos, ‘the circulatory relationship of dividends' occurred in the distribution procedure and violates the essential contents of a mortgage, the exclusive right. Therefore, the dichotomy could no longer be used as a standard for civil enforcement distribution procedure. As a result, we face an alternative situation in which we have to choose between the affirmative theory and the negative one regarding the right to claim for return of wrongful gain(unjust enrichment). Even though both of them do not perfectly conform to the legal principles on the unjust enrichment in the substantive law. Thus, this situation can be solved only by legal policy decision-making of the court considering procedural transaction costs from the law-economical perspective of a collective procedure.

      • KCI등재

        공제급여 산정시 피공제자의 기왕증 참작 및 과실상계를 허용한 「학교안전사고 예방 및 보상에 관한 법률 시행령」 제19조의2 제1항 내지 제3항의 효력

        양진수 사법발전재단 2017 사법 Vol.1 No.39

        Article 19-2(1) or (3) of the Enforcement Decree of the Act on the Prevention of and Compensation for Accidents at School (hereinafter “the pertinent provisions of the Enforcement Decree”) grants consideration of a mutual aid beneficiary’s medical history and comparative negligence when calculating the amount of mutual aid benefit pursuant to the Act on the Prevention of and Compensation for Accidents at School (hereinafter “School Safety Act”). The Supreme Court previously held that consideration of medical history or comparative negligence was impermissible unless otherwise specified by law on the ground that the underlying purpose differed between the mutual aid benefit system under the School Safety Act and the tort damages system under the civil law (see Supreme Court Decision 2011Da111961, Dec. 13, 2012). Provided, however, in the 2012 Supreme Court Decision, supra, it did not appear as if the Court rendered judgment on whether the pertinent provisions of the Enforcement Decree were in fact invalid without delegation by the primary law applicable, due to the school safety-related accident having occurred prior to April 1, 2012 when the relevant provisions came into effect. Accordingly, notwithstanding the aforementioned judicial precedent, the School Safety Mutual Aid Association (hereinafter “SSMA”) had been granting consideration of a beneficiary’s medical history and comparative negligence when calculating the amount of mutual aid benefit, and up until the subject case, the lower court judges were divided on the matter. In the subject case, the key issue was to determine whether the pertinent provisions of the Enforcement Decree were either prescribed without delegation by the applicable law or exceeded the scope of the delegated applicable provisions and therefore deemed invalid. The dissenting justices stated that the said provisions were valid inasmuch as the School Safety Act, being the primary applicable law, provides that “[t]he purpose of the Enforcement Decree shall be to prescribe matters as delegated by the Act” (see Article 1 of the School Safety Act). However, as set forth in the Majority Opinion, the pertinent provisions of the Enforcement Decree were regarded as going beyond the scope of the delegated applicable provisions and thus deemed as invalid provisions based on the following reasoning: (i) the mutual aid benefit system and the damages system are inherently different; and (ii) direct compensation under the system by the SSMA for any injury, etc. suffered by a mutual aid beneficiary involving a school safety-related accident constitutes a type of performance of legal obligation, thereby supporting schools in maintaining a safe environment that is conducive to learning. Meanwhile, in his concurrence, Justice Kwon Soon-il expressed that the legal nature of payment of mutual aid benefits under the School Safety Act contained a mixture of public and private law elements, and that the lawsuit seeking such payment by focusing on the elements of public law constituted a party litigation under the public law. Nonetheless, as stated in the Majority Opinion, the Supreme Court affirmed the judgment of the lower court that followed the existing practice of law and accordingly tried the instant case as a civil suit. 학교안전사고 예방 및 보상에 관한 법률(이하 ‘학교안전법’이라고 한다) 시행령 제19조의2 제1항 내지 제3항(이하 ‘이 사건 시행령 조항’이라고 한다)은 학교안전법상 공제급여액을 산정함에 있어 피공제자의 기왕증을 참작하고 과실상계를 할 수 있도록 허용하고 있다. 대상판결 이전의 2012년 대법원판례는, 학교안전법에 따른 공제급여 제도는 불법행위로 인한 손해를 배상하는 제도와 그 취지나 목적을 달리하므로, 법률에 특별한 규정이 없는 한 과실상계나 기왕증 참작이 허용되지 않는다는 태도를 취하였다. 그런데 2012년 판례의 사안에서 학교안전사고의 발생 시점은 이 사건 시행령 조항의 시행일인 2012. 4. 1. 이전이었기 때문에 위 판례에는 이 사건 시행령 조항이 모법의 위임 없는 무효의 규정인지에 관한 판단이 없었던 것으로 볼 수 있다. 이에 따라 대상판결 이전에 학교안전공제회(이하 ‘공제회’라고 한다) 측은 위 2012년 판례에도 불구하고 공제급여액을 산정하면서 여전히 피공제자의 기왕증을 참작하고 과실상계를 해 왔고, 이에 대한 하급심의 판단도 양분되어 있었다. 대상판결에서는 이 사건 시행령 조항이 모법 조항의 위임 없이 규정된 것이거나 모법 조항의 위임 범위를 벗어난 것으로서 무효인지 여부가 주된 쟁점이 되었다. 이에 관하여 이 사건 시행령 조항에 대하여 모법인 학교안전법에 위임의 근거조항이 있으므로 이 사건 시행령 조항은 유효라는 반대의견의 지적이 있었으나, 다수의견은 이 사건 시행령 조항이 모법 조항의 위임 범위를 벗어난 무효의 규정이라고 판단하였다. 이는 학교안전법상 공제급여 제도는 민사상의 손해배상 제도와는 그 본질이 다르고, 학교안전사고로 인하여 피공제자가 입은 피해를 학교 교육과정의 안전에 대한 배려 차원에서 공제회로 하여금 직접 전보하게 하는 일종의 법정채권관계에 의한 급부임을 주된 근거로 한다. 한편 학교안전법상 공제급여의 지급을 둘러싼 법률관계에는 공법적 성격과 사법적 성격이 혼재되어 있다. 그중 공법적 요소에 주목하여 학교안전법상 공제급여 지급을 구하는 소송의 법적 성질이 공법상 당사자소송이라고 하는 별개의견의 지적이 있었으나, 다수의견은 기존의 실무에 따라 민사소송으로 처리한 원심을 확정하였다.

      • Information and Communication Technologies in the Main Types of Legal Activities

        Kornev, Arkadiy,Lipen, Sergey,Zenin, Sergey,Tanimov, Oleg,Glazunov, Oleg International Journal of Computer ScienceNetwork S 2022 International journal of computer science and netw Vol.22 No.11

        Thanks to the informatization of society, complex and high-tech devices are being introduced in all areas of human life, and the latest technologies are being actively improved in the modern, globalizing world. The article deals with the issues of using information and communication technologies in legal activities. It also covers the main types of such activities: law-making, law enforcement, and interpretive activity. Since there is an increase in the flow and accumulation of legal information, it is practically impossible to use traditional methods of working with legal information. The article considers and analyzes the role of information and communication technologies in modern legal activity. It is necessary to reveal the principles, concepts, conditions, and factors of their development and develop theoretical and practical recommendations for the use of such technologies in order to solve legal tasks. The authors of the article raise the issues of increasing the efficiency of legal activity, as well as the integration of information technologies into practical legal activity and their use for collecting, storing, searching, and issuing legal and reference information. Much attention is paid to the specific use of automated data banks and information retrieval systems in legal practice that ensure the accumulation, systematization, and effective search for legally important information. The development of such technologies leads to the creation of comfortable conditions for a lawyer in the course of their professional activity. Currently, legal activity cannot exist without telecommunication technologies, legal reference systems, and electronic programs. The authors believe that due to the use of the latest information technologies, the time for making legal decisions has significantly accelerated, the process of searching and systematizing evidence has been worked out, and it has become possible to quickly and efficiently find information on adopted laws and legal acts.

      • KCI등재후보

        The Implementation Gap in Environmental Law

        ( Daniel A. Farber ) 서울대학교 법학연구소 2016 Journal of Korean Law Vol.16 No.1

        The gap between legislative expectations and actual outcomes is of central importance to the legal regime. Much of the work of environmental lawyers involves compliance or enforcement efforts, not rulemaking. Even in terms of the issuance of environmental rules, there can be substantial deviations between what the lawmaker expected and what actually takes place. This Article discusses two types of gaps between the statutory design and actual implementation. In some situations, something that is legally mandated simply fails to happen. Deadlines are missed, standards are ignored or fudged, or enforcement efforts misfire. The result is incomplete implementation, falling short of the statutory mandate. For this reason, environmental laws often fail to fully achieve the intended outcome. Part II of the Article is devoted to understanding the scope of this implementation shortfall and considering possible ways of controlling it. Part III turns to a different aspect of implementation: the ability of agencies and even regulated parties to devise new methods of achieving statutory goals that were not anticipated by the legislature. For instance, if the designated means of reducing emissions proves impractical, the agency may shift to an alternative mechanism. More boldly, the agency may use statutory language designed for one problem (conventional air pollution) to address another (climate change). This type of creative implementation is different in spirit than the implementation shortfalls discussed earlier. What they have in common is that both of them differ from the expectations by the statute. Mismatches between implementation and statutes produce useful results, but risk doing damage to our concept of the rule of law. Widespread noncompliance with formally binding requirements undermines the concept that good citizens -- and even more so, governmental officials -- obey the law. For this reason, although it may be socially beneficial in some of its guises, creative implementation needs to be held within a reasonable interpretation of the statutory language.

      • KCI등재

        A Review of Korea’s Rule of Law with a Case Study and Implications for the Legal Framework

        안영도 한국법제연구원 2015 법제연구 Vol.- No.49

        The market economy has three pillars: voluntary exchange, purposive rules of the game, and the rule of law. Unfortunately, the rule of law is notoriously weak in Korea partly because Korea follows the civil law tradition. In addition to general discussion, I present a case study which illustrates inequality before the law in Korea due to complexity of the regulatory framework. The goal of this paper is to suggest practical measures to enhance the rule of law in Korea as a precondition for speedier economic growth in the future. I rely on logical arguments and previous academic works in showing why the common law system is generally preferable. The main point is that common law is friendlier to rule abiders and subsequently less costly to the citizens and the government. In a word, common law is more effective and efficient in establishing the rule of law, ceteris paribus.

      • KCI등재

        데이트폭력에 대한 경찰 대응 방안의 법적 근거와 한계에 관한 연구 - 수권근거와 개괄적 수권조항의적용 가능성을 중심으로 -

        장재성 한국치안행정학회 2020 한국치안행정논집 Vol.17 No.1

        Dating violence is a very serious problem that meets our daily lives. In addition, it is a very serious social problem that can lead to violent crimes such as murder. Recently, an active study of dating violence has also been conducted in academia. People are also demanding a strong responses from the police to dating violence. However, some of the police's responses to dating violence will inevitably limit other people's rights. The enforcement of these police forces must have legal grounds. In this study, the police's response to dating violence divided into two different ways. The one is the means already in place(e. g. Investigation, application of the Minor Offenses Act, prior warning to Offenders, protection about victims of crime) and another is recently claimed to be necessary(e. g. the application of temporary measures under the Domestic Violence Punishment Act, Domestic Violence Disclosure Scheme). And the study looked at the legal grounds and limitations of each measure. In addition, if the basis of the individual law was not clear, it was considered whether the General Empowerment Clause of Police Enforcement Law could be the basis. The application of the Minor Offenses Act and investigations are made on the basis of individual legal. In the case of advance warning or protection about victims, it is considered that this can also be done under the General Empowerment Clause. In case of victim protection, some measures that do not severely limit other people's rights may be taken under the General Empowerment Clause, but it is more desirable to have a clear legal grounds for the realization of active protective measures. However, the application of temporary measures under the Domestic Violence Punishment Act or the disclosure of dating violence restricted to basic rights very much. Therefore, the General Empowerment Clause would not be the basis of police force and a separate special law will be needed. If a special law is enacted that includes powerful means of dealing with dating violence, careful training on police officers who will enforce it on the spot should come first. That way, the special law can work properly. 데이트폭력은 우리의 일상과 맞닿아 있을 뿐만 아니라 살인 등 강력 범죄로 연결될 수 있는 매우 심각한 사회 문제이다. 최근 학계에서도 데이트폭력에 대한 활발한 연구가 진행되고 있으며, 데이트폭력에 대한 경찰의 강력한 대응을 요구하는 목소리도 높아지고 있다. 하지만 데이트폭력에 대한 경찰의 대응 방안 중 일부는 필연적으로 다른 국민의 기본권을 제한하게 되며, 국민의 기본권을 제한하는 경찰력의 행사는 반드시 법적 근거가 요구 된다. 이 연구에서는 데이트폭력에 대한 경찰의 대응수단을 수사, 경범죄 처벌법 적용, 가해자 사전경고, 피해자 신변보호와 같이 기존에 시행 중인 수단과 가정폭력처벌법 상의 임시조치 적용, 데이트폭력 전과 공개와 같이 최근 그 필요성이 주장되고 있는 수단으로 구분하고, 각 수단의 법적 근거와 한계에 대해 고찰해보았다. 개별법 상의 근거가 명확하지 않은 경우 경찰관 직무집행법 상 개괄적 수권조항이 그 근거가 될 수 있는지 검토하였다. 수사와 경범죄 처벌법의 적용은 개별법적 근거에 의해 이루어지고 있으며, 사전경고의 경우 개괄적 수권조항에 의해서도 충분히 이루어질 수 있다. 피해자 신변보호의 경우 타인의 기본권을 중대하게 제한하지 않는 조치는 개괄적 수권조항에 의해서도 이루어질 수 있으나, 적극적인 보호 조치 실현을 위해서는 명확한 법적 근거를 갖추는 것이 더욱 바람직하다. 가정폭력처벌법 상의 임시조치 적용이나 데이트폭력 전과의 공개는 국민의 기본권을 제한하는 폭이 매우 크므로 개괄적 수권조항이 그 근거가 될 수 없고, 시행을 위해서는 결국 별도의 특별법 마련이 필요할 것이다. 경찰의 강력한 데이트폭력 대응 수단을 담은 특별법이 제정된다면 효율적인 시행을 위해서 현장에서 이 법을 집행할 경찰관에 대한 세심한 교육이 선행되어야 할 것이다.

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