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      • KCI등재

        자기공지에 의한 공지 예외의 취지를 출원 후 보정할 수 있는지 여부 - 대법원 2011. 6. 9. 선고 2010후2353 판결을 중심으로 -

        박태일 한국지식재산학회 2012 産業財産權 Vol.- No.37

        Article 30 (1) 1 of the Korean Patent Act provides that "when a person having the right to obtain a patent has caused his/her invention to fall under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1)," ("laid-open application") "if the patent application there-for is filed within six months from the applicable date, the patent shall not be deemed to fall under any subparagraph of Article 29 (1)."The preceding part of paragraph (2) of the same Article provides that "any person intending to have paragraph (1) 1 applied shall file a patent application in which the claim is stated to that effect." Recently, the Supreme Court of Korea, in case where the person succeeding to the right to receive the patent of the inventors who presented research papers about the research of the invention for a patent application, and filed the patent application in which the claim of "patent application as an exception to laid-open application" was not stated on June 21, 2006 and on the next day, i.e., June 22, 2006, again submitted to the KIPO the document titled as “submission of evidentiary documents proving the exception to laid-open application" with the contents that the invention for a patent application was laid open by publication on May 26, 2006 and "evidentiary documents are submitted in accordance with Article 30 (2) of the Patent Act," ruled that since the person filed the patent application without stating that the invention falls under the provision of an exception to laid-open application, and only at the later time, submitted the document with the claim that the patent application falls under the provision of an exception to laid-open application, Article 30 (1) 1 of the Patent Act can not be deemed as applicable to the invention for a patent application. Since the Supreme Court Decision is the first judgment on whether the application of the provision of exception to laid-open patent application in Article 30 (1) 1 of the Patent Act can be newly asserted as the amendment after the filing of the patent application, it is highly significant. I examined the validity of the Decision thoroughly from the viewpoint of comparative jurisprudence and the tenets of the law.

      • KCI등재

        한국 경력 단절 여성의 무역 인력 전환을 위한 프로그램 연구

        배경원,김영욱 한국취업진로학회 2014 취업진로연구 Vol.4 No.2

        최근 국내의 경력 단절 여성의 수는 900만 명을 넘어서고 있다. ‘고용노동부’와 ‘여성가족부’ 등의 정부 부처에서 오래전부터 그들의 취업과 창업의 활성화를 위한 교육과 사후관리 프로그램들을 운영 중이지만 정부 부처 프로그램들의 전형적 문제인 접근성과 홍보의 부재로 인해 프로그램의 존재 여부를 모르는 경력 단절 여성이 대다수인 상황과 부족한 교육 프로그램의 전문성, 실무 능력 배양의 문제, 취업 알선 외 사후관리의 부재, 정부 지원 프로그램의 허점 등으로 처음의 취지와는 대조적으로 교육을 접하지 못한 경력 단절 여성 뿐 아니라 교육을 받은 경력 단절 여성까지 새로운 일자리의 기회를 온전히 제공 받지 못하는 상황이다. 또한 국내의 경력 단절 여성들의 교육 및 취업을 위해 ‘여성 가족부’와 ‘여성인력개발센터’ 등 다양한 기관에서 프로그램들을 운영 중이지만 이 또한 접근성과 다양한 여건, 학력간 차이 등의 이유로 프로그램을 제대로 접해보지 못하거나 취업으로 이어지지 않는 등의 문제점이 나타나고 있다. 본 연구의 주제는 경력 단절 여성에 초점이 맞추어져 있다. 연구의 주제에 맞추어 여성의 경력이 단절되는 시점 및 인구학적 분포와 영향요인을 통계청 및 한국 여성 정책 연구원, 여성가족부의 보고서와 통계를 종합 분석하여 파악할 것이다. 또한 경력 단절 여성을 위한 프로 그램들을 분석하고 그 프로그램들이 무엇인 지를 진단하는데 목적을 두고있다. 따라서 이 연구의 가장 큰 주제이자 핵심인 경력 단절 여성을 어떻게 무역인력으로 전환할 것인 지에 대한 다양한 방안을 제시하고자 한다. 본 연구는 우선 최근 국내의 경력 단절 여성의 실태를 파악하고 그 들의 취업과 창업을 위한 정부 및 민간단체의 교육 프로그램과 프로그램들의 문제점을 분석하였다. 이런 문제점들을 파악하여 정부 및 민간단체의 프로그램의 단점을 보완하고 경력 단절 여성이 이론적인 교육 후에도 수출의 활로를 원하지만 전문가의 부재 등으로 기회를 찾지 못한 중소기업과의 연계를 통한 직접적인 제품의 수출 및 수입으로 실무 경험의 배양과 해당 업체와의 직접적인 취업으로의 연계 같은 확실한 사후 지원 관리 방법을 모색하고 제시 하여 경력 단절 여성의 좀 더 다양하고 확실한 교육 프로그램과 원활한 취업 및 창업을 할 수 있도록 다양한 방안을 제시하는데 그 취지를 두고 있다. The current employment outlook remains dire for many well-education young people who are even searching jobs overseas as an alternative to domestic employment. The Korean government is preparing practical alternatives for these young people as a means of combatting this crisis; however, research and existing opportunities for unemployed and laid-off women are minimal in comparison. The programs operated by the “Ministry of Gender Equality & Family” and “Women Resources Development Center” for unemployed and laid-off women face difficulties in vocational training due to differences in academic ability, personal working hours, family dependents, and other social issues. The number of unemployed and laid-off women in Korea exceeds nine million. Although the “Ministry of Employment & Labor” and “Ministry of Gender Equality & Family” are fervently addressing these concerns, specifically employment and assistance in starting a business, problems arise as qualified female candidates are unable to receive gainful employment primarily caused by a lack of accessibility to jobs and ineffective publicity on the programs that simply does not reach prospective women. Under these current circumstances, Korea has been creating Economic Integration “F.T.A” contracts with many countries creating the largest FTA territory in ASIA. In order to effectively accomplish trade, large and small-medium sized companies need global trading experts and well- educated bi-lingual women have been entering these jobs. Furthermore, the importance of practical trade education is more important than ever before. Alternative expressions è have been entering these jobs OR are needed for these jobs OR may enter these jobs. This has created the perfect opportunity for unemployed and laid-off women, who after receiving an education in practical international trading may pass various trading qualification examinations. Some candidates may have studied foreign languages or have the ability to work in a company but because of a lack of knowledge in global trading previously were not qualified. The result will be a “ Creative Economy” that merges this group of women with global trading. Global trading education for unemployed and laid-off women can supply needed employees for small-medium sized companies who want to expand their markets through trade. This model may be easily extracted a viable business model platform expandable into other sections and regions. In summary, the purpose of this study is to focus on unemployed and laid-women analyzing the time at which women discontinue in their employment and the associated distribution factors. We will also verify existing statistical data from Korean women related public institutions. In addition, we plan to diagnose and create an effective education and training method that will enable this particular demographic to enter the workforce as global trading experts both in Korea and overseas.

      • KCI등재

        장기해고노동자의 심리적 경험에 대한 질적 연구

        임정선(Jeong-Sun Lim) 한국콘텐츠학회 2015 한국콘텐츠학회논문지 Vol.15 No.7

        본 연구에서는 노동조합 조합원인 장기해고노동자들이 해고와 이후 실업기간을 어떻게 경험하는지 그 변화과정을 현상학적 방법으로 분석하였다. 연구대상자는 평균해고 기간이 8년 4개월인 남성 해고노동자로 5명을 심층 면담하였다. 해고 당시의 심리적 경험, 해고 이후 지속적인 심리적 또는 신체적 변화, 현재 상태, 해고기간 동안의 대처방법 등을 반구조화 질문지에 근거하여 심층 면담을 진행하여 자료를 수집하였다. 이를 분석한 결과 21개의 하위 주제와 이를 포괄하는 5개의 상위주제를 구성하였다. 중요상위주제는 ‘해고 당시와 이후의 감정과 인식’, ‘해고가 장기화되면서 생기는 증상과 변화’, ‘장기화된 현재의 상태’, ‘사회적 인식에 대한 양상’, ‘해고에 대한 대처’ 이었다. 상위주제와 하위범주에 대하여 기술하고 이와 관련된 장기해고노동자의 경험을 구체적으로 기술하였다. 마지막으로 장기해고노동자의 변화 및 경험을 선행연구를 바탕으로 논의하였다. This study analyzed the process of change related to how long?term laid off workers experienced layoff and the subsequent period of unemployment using a phenomenological method. The subjects of this study were five laid off workers whose average period of unemployment was 8 years and 4 months, and they were surveyed through in depth interviews. By in depth interviews based on a semi structured questionnaire, data were collected about the subjects’ psychological experiences at the time of layoff, continuous psychological or physical changes after the layoff, current state, coping methods during the period of unemployment, etc. From the results of the survey were derived 21 sub themes and 5 main themes that comprehended the sub?themes. The five main themes were ‘emotion and perception on and after layoff,’ ‘symptoms and changes resulting from the lengthening of layoff,’ ‘lengthened current state,’ ‘pattern of social perception,’ and ‘coping with layoff.’ The main themes and the sub?themes were described and long?term laid?off worker’ associated experiences were explained in detail. Lastly, long?term laid?off workers’ changes and experiences were discussed based on previous studies.

      • KCI등재

        The memory and experience of a workwoman: How do Chinese workers spend their lives in Weaving Girl (2008)

        WANG Xiaoping 이화여자대학교 아시아여성학센터 2016 Asian Journal of Women's Studies(AJWS) Vol.22 No.4

        The film, Weaving Girl, focuses its camera upon laid-off workers who lost their jobs during the time of the Chinese government’s vehement neoliberal reforms following the 1990s. The narrative framework takes the triangular relationship of a woman and her two lovers. On the surface, it narrates a “tragic” story of a passionate woman, which seemingly is a reflection of the unfortunate destiny of the Chinese working woman in the era of reform; and there is a certain intersection between class and gender. However, after a careful examination of its narrative structure, the paper suggests that her tragedy to a large extent is merely a projection of the elite’s imagination regarding the working class, making it a biased and partial representation of the fortune of this unfortunate group in general and the female workers in particular. Furthermore, this narrative bypasses the really deplorable aspects of underprivileged people in contemporary China. Essentially, then, the plotline merely makes “fate” and the woman’s capricious character to be the scapegoats, but avoids exploring the neoliberal reform agenda which is the true cause of the tragedies of (female) workers, in which the protagonist’s own story is but a minor one. From this perspective, the movie is anti-feminist in its core under the surface of a pro-female stance. The merits and faults of the movie provide an inspiring lesson for future feminist interventions.

      • KCI등재

        신자유주의 구조조정과 정리해고자 복직을 전후로 한 작업장 동학: 한국지엠(구 대우자동차) 사례를 중심으로

        박선영 ( Sun Young Park ) 한국산업노동학회 2015 산업노동연구 Vol.21 No.1

        이 글은 1997년 경제위기 이후 IMF관리체제 하에서 전개된 대우자동차의 구조조정과 작업장 동학을 노동자들의 직접적인 경험으로 재구성함으로써 구조조정 이후 작업장 변화에 대한 미시적 토대를 밝힌다. 구조조정에 대한 노동자들의 경험과 그것이 이후 작업장에 미친 영향을 분석하기 위해 노동자들의 인터뷰 자료와 노동조합 내부자료를 활용한 질적연구를 수행했다. 대우자동차의 구조조정은 대규모 정리해고와 정리해고자들의 단계적 전원복직, 그리고 해외매각으로 전개되었고, 각 시기마다 노동자 내부의 갈등들로 인해 노동자 내부의 균열과 민주노조운동의 조직적 분열이 발생했다. 이러한 노동자 내부의 균열은 정리해고자들이 복직한 작업장 동학의 미시적 토대를 형성했다. 복직자들은 정리해고 원상회복과 미복직자들의 복직, 그리고 현장복원을 위한 투쟁조직을 결성했고, 회사는 복직자와 비정리해고자에 대한 분할통제전략을 펼침으로써 복직자 투쟁조직의 현장장악력을 약화시키고자 했다. 또한, 노동조합은 협력적 노사관계의 압박 속에서 복직자 투쟁조직을 견제하고 조합원들의 고용안정을 위해 단체협약 개정과 비정규직 채용 등 양보교섭을 체결했다. 이 글은 정부와 기업이 신자유주의 구조조정과정에서 발생된 조직노동자 내부의 균열을 이용하여 노동조합을 무력화시키고 고용유연화를 안착시켰다는 것을 보여준다. This paper explores the micro-foundations of workplace dynamics after the restructuring of Daewoo Motors through workers`` lived experiences under IMF regulations after the 1997 Korean economic crisis. Intensive interviews with workers and the internal materials from the labor union were used to reconstruct workers`` lived experiences in the workplace. The restructuring of Daewoo Motors had accompanied by massive dismissal, the phased reinstatement for all laid-off workers, and overseas sales. Different tension and fissures among workers had appeared as restructuring has proceeded. Internal fissures among workers and changes of their attitudes in the process of the restructuring laid the micro-foundations for the dynamics of in the workplace. The reinstated workers established their own organization of struggling for the restoration of their previous positions before dismissal, the reinstatement of the workers not rehired yet, and the revitalization of shop floor. The management made an attempt to weaken workers’ grip in the workplace by dividing workers between the reinstated workers and workers who worked continuously and controlling them. And the labor union made a concession bargaining including the revision of the collective agreement and an approval of employment of non-regular workers in return for the stability of union organization under the pressure of cooperative industrial relations. This paper shows that the government and the company were able to exercise their control over workers`` resistance through internal fissures among the organized regular workers in the process of neoliberal restructuring, thereby undermining the labor union and upholding flexible employment.

      • KCI등재

        Some studies on 100% banana parallel laid and 60:40% banana: polypropylene cross laid non‑woven fabrics

        Vijay Sitaram Shivankar,Samrat Mukhopadhyay 한국의류학회 2019 Fashion and Textiles Vol.6 No.1

        Global trend towards sustainable developments have brought natural, renewable biodegradable raw material into the focus, but due to lack of technical knowhow, only a small fraction of these non-conventional fibres are harvested and utilized. In this study we have developed parallel laid 100% banana nonwoven fabric and cross laid banana/ polypropylene (60:40) nonwoven fabric. Three varieties of banana fibers namely Mahalaxmi, Shrimanti and Graint Naine were used for needle punched non-woven fabric preparations. Analysis of physical properties is carried out in machine direction and cross direction. This paper concludes that cross laid nonwoven fabric show superior tensile properties as compared to parallel laid nonwoven fabric. Shrimanti fibre nonwoven fabric is stronger than Graint Naine and Mahalaxmi fibre nonwoven fabric for both the parallel laid and cross laid structure. Parallel laid Mahalaxmi banana nonwoven fabric and cross laid Graint Naine banana nonwoven fabric gives higher elongation% for machine and cross direction. Increased air permeability of cross laid (60:40) banana/ polypropylene non-woven fabric observed than parallel laid 100% banana non-woven fabric. Parallel laid Graint Naine non-woven fabric showed higher air permeability than Shrimanti and Mahalaxmi parallel laid non-woven fabric. Bursting strength of parallel laid nonwoven fabric is higher, both in the machine as well as in cross direction than cross laid nonwoven fabric for three varieties of banana fibres. Shrimanti banana nonwoven fabric showed higher bursting strength for parallel laid and cross laid structure than Graint Naine and Mahalaxmi parallel laid and cross laid structure.

      • KCI등재

        3성분 섬유 혼용에 의한 Wet-laid 부직포의 구조 및 공학적 성능 평가

        차주희,김북성,복진선,전한용,Cha, Ju Hee,Kim, Book Sung,Bok, Jin Seon,Jeon, Han-Yong 한국섬유공학회 2016 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.53 No.2

        In this study, polyarylate nonwoven fabrics were manufactured by a wet-laid process by using viscose rayon and amorphous PET fiber as binding fibers. The engineering performance was evaluated after calendering to obtain a compact structure. From the polyarylate wet-laid nonwoven fabrics, it was confirmed that polyarylate fiber and binding fibers were mixed evenly. Through calendering, the permeability and pore size of the wet-laid nonwoven fabrics were significantly reduced owing to the compact structure. The bending strength and tensile strength increased through calendering, but the tensile elongation decreased. From an analysis of the tensile properties, monolayer wet-laid nonwoven fabrics showed better evenness than multilayer wet-laid nonwoven fabrics. In addition, multilayer wet-laid nonwoven fabrics showed a higher anisotropy than monolayer wet-laid nonwoven fabrics.

      • KCI등재

        한지의 인장특성 해석 (II) -실험적 고찰-

        박태영,추창환,Park, Tae-Young,Joo, Chang-Whan 한국섬유공학회 2010 한국섬유공학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        To evaluate the tensile behavior of Hanji, a preceding paper proposed a theoretical equation of the tensile properties of Hanji including some fiber factors and Hanji thickness. The theoretical values of the tensile strength of Hanji were compared with the experimental tensile strength. In the present work, the random-laid and parallel-laid Hanji sheets were prepared and the tensile behavior of Hanji tape yarn, 8 mm in width, was selected to measure the tensile strength of the fibers related to the fiber stress limit. By calculating all values of the fiber stress limit, curl factor, orientation distribution factor, Poisson's ratio, and two dimensional effects, the general pattern of the predicted breaking stress of Hanji was found to be slightly different from the experimental breaking stress. This difference was attributed to the lower calculated fiber strength than real value, and the difficulty in calculating the theoretical strain of the Hanji fiber at small deformation. Considering these facts, the results were used to assist in the engineering and manufacture of wet-laid nonwovens for specific end-uses.

      • KCI등재

        백제 사비기 와적기단 건물지 검토

        김혜정(Kim Hye-Jung) 역사문화학회 2011 지방사와 지방문화 Vol.14 No.2

        백제는 사비천도 후 왕도인 부여와 익산지역에 궁궐, 사찰, 성곽 등에 건축물을 건립하는 등의 대규모 토목공사를 한다. 이들 건물의 축조는 다양한 재료를 이용한 건물의 기초부인 기단 양식을 만들고, 특히 기와를 이용하여 기단 외장을 구축한 와적기단은 백제의 독특한 건물 축조 방식으로 알려져 있다. 현재까지 부여와 익산지역에서 확인된 와적기단 건물지는 10개 유적, 28동이다. 와적기단은 크게 평적식(ⓐ형식), 합장식(ⓑ형식), 수직횡렬식(ⓒ형식)으로 구분된다. ⓐ형식은 기와를 횡으로 뉘어 외면이 일직선이 되도록 쌓은 가장 일반적인 와적기단 형식으로 기와만으로 구축된 ⓐ-1과 하부에 할석을 1열로 쌓아 지대석을 시설하고 그 위에 기와를 평적한 ⓐ-2, 평적해 쌓은 기와 중간에 기와 대신 할석을 혼용하여 쌓은 ⓐ-3이 있다. ⓑ형식은 암키와를 '八'자형으로 세운 형식이며, ⓒ형식은 완형의 암키와만을 이용해 내면이 기단토에 닿도록 하고 1열로 중복되지 않게 배열한 형식이다. 다양한 형식으로 구축된 와적기단 건물지는 크게 4단계의 변화를 보이면서 발전하고 쇠퇴한 것으로 파악된다. 먼저 사비천도 후인 6세기 2/4분기에 가장 먼저 군수리사지와 정림사지에 와적기단 양식이 채용되어 건물이 세워진다. ⓐ-1·ⓑ·ⓒ형식의 와적기단으로 기단 외장이 구축되었고 순수하게 기와만 사용하여 기단을 만들어 건물을 축조하였다. 6세기 3/4분기에는 왕궁인 관북리백제 유적과 능산리사지에 ⓐ-1형식과 적석식을 결합한 형태의 건물이 세워지고, ⓐ-3형식이 발생하게 된다. 그 이전에 채용되었던 ⓑ형식은 더 이상 활용되지 못하고 소멸하게 된다. 6세기 4/4분기에는 금성산에 와적기단만으로 기단을 이중의 형태로 만들고, 왕흥사지에서는 ⓐ-2형식의 와적기단을 채용한다. 이후 7세기 1/4분기와 2/4분기는 다수의 건물이 축조되었는데 평적식의 와적기단 형태가 모두 확인되는 시기이다. ⓒ형식은 사비기 전 시기동안 확인되는데, 6세기 2/4분기를 제외하고는 일부 구간에 한정하여 사용되었다. Baekje carried out large scale civil engineering project constructing palace, temple and castle in Buyeo area, the capital and Ilsan area after the transfer of the capital to Sabi. In particular, Wajeok-gidan (Roof tiles-stacked stylobate) is widely known for its unique construction method using various materials to set up the platform, the base of building, and to decorate the exterior using roof tiles. So far, 28 units from 10 sections of Wajeok-gidan building site have been found in Buyeo and Iksan area. Wajeok-gidan is classified into three types: Horizontally-laid type (Type ⓐ), fishbone like-laid type (Type ⓑ), and vertically-laid type (type ⓒ). Type ⓐ has three types: ⓐ-1 is the most widely used type to stack roof tiles evenly on the surface of the foundation. ⓐ-2 is to establish foundation stone by piling up a row of split stone at the bottom on which roof tiles are piled up. And ⓐ-3 is to stack split stones instead of root tiles between the evenly stacked foundation and root tiles. Type ⓑ is to set up female roof tiles in '八' shape, and type ⓒ is to use female roof tiles only to reach the foundation of stylobate at a row without duplicating. Various types Wajeok-gidan building site had been changed in 4 stages for its development and decline. Firstly, Wajeok-gidan type building was founded in Gunsurisa temple site and Jeongrimsa temple site in the second quarter of the 6th century after the transfer to Sabi.

      • 도시철도 장기 사용레일 잔존피로수명 평가

        성덕룡(Deok-Yong Sung),공선용(Sun-Young Kong),주봉규(Bong-Gyu Joo),이연근(Yeon-Geun Lee),이창헌(Chang-Hun Lee) 한국철도학회 2012 한국철도학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.10

        최근 연구결과 레일연마 및 장대레일화를 통해 누적통과톤수에 의한 레일교체기준의 연장이 가능한 것으로 보고되었다. 본 연구에서는 장기 사용레일에 대한 실내피로시험을 수행하였고, 파괴확률 50%에서의 장기 사용레일의 잔존수명을 표현한 S-N 선도는 적은 실험데이터에 대한 가중치 확률 해석기법을 사용하여 도출하였다. 여기서 피로시험에 사용된 레일들이 누적통과톤수가 서로 다르기 때문에 누적통과톤수를 평균하여 반복횟수를 수정하였다. 또한, 레일표면요철 및 열차속도를 고려한 레일 저부 휨응력은 기존 연구결과 도출된 레일휨응력 예측식을 사용하여 장기 사용레일의 잔존수명을 평가하였다. 따라서 본 연구를 통해 도시철도에서 레일연마를 통한 레일관리가 이루어진다면 누적통과톤수에 의한 레일교체기준(약 8억톤)보다 약 2억톤이상 연장 사용이 가능하며, 피로한도 이하의 응력범위에 대한 피로시험결과를 바탕으로 레일의 피로수명을 평가하기 위해서는 수정마이너법칙보다는 피로한도 이상에서의 S-N선도 기울기의 1/2인 하이바크법칙을 적용하는 것이 합리적이라 판단되었다. As a result of recent research, it is reported that the periodic replacements criterion of rails is able to extend as grinding rail surface and using the continuous welded rail(CWR). In this study, we carried out fatigue tests on existing laid rails. Based on the test results, an S-N curve expressing the remaining life of laid rails at a fracture probability of 50% was obtained using weighted probit analysis suitable for small sample fatigue data sets. As rails used for testing had different histories in terms of accumulated tonnage, the test data were corrected to average out the accumulated tonnage. We estimated the remaining service lives for laid rails on the urban railway using equations developed in the past to estimate rail base bending stress and that surface irregularities into consideration. Therefore, estimating the remaining service life of laid rails showed that the rail replacement period could be extended over 200MGT, although it is necessary to remove longitudinal rail surface irregularities at welds by grinding. Also, the fatigue test results under fatigue limit, Haibach’s rule applying half slope of S-N curve under the fatigue limit was considered more reasonable than modified Miner’s rule for estimating rail fatigue life.

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