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      • KCI등재

        방송 보도규제에 관한 비판적 접근: 방송법에서 유사보도 규제를 중심으로

        윤성옥 한국방송학회 2015 한국방송학보 Vol.29 No.5

        Pseudo-journalism is a highly reductive term in Korea: ‘Journalism but not journalism’, ‘not journalism but journalism’. The current paper therefore took a critical approach towards the regulations on pseudo-journalism. The main results of the current study are as follows. First, a clear-cut division between journalism, seems realistically impossible. Second, current pseudo-journalism regulations do not uphold public duties of broadcasting, such as diversity and fairness, which are the proper purposes of journalism regulation. In fact, the regulation of pseudo-journalism, may be said to have the opposite effect on broadcast diversity. Third, regulation of pseudo-journalism may be considered largely unconstitutional, as it bans freedom of speech at the source. Fourth, it is difficult to conclude that only businesses licensed by broadcast laws are allowed journalism, as the broadcast licensing laws are considered constitutional in Korean society is that they prevent monopoly of public opinion and communication. Fifth, pseudo-journalism regulation is largely arbitrary. It is problematic that current broadcast laws allow the use of enforcement ordinances or announcements to allow journalism in selected channels, and that national institutions can apply pseudo-journalism regulations, very arbitrarily, at any time.

      • KCI등재후보

        예비언론인 언론 윤리 교육 현황 분석과 과제

        이영희 한국에듀테인먼트학회 2023 에듀테인먼트연구 Vol.5 No.3

        This paper reviews the literature on journalism ethics education, examines the curriculum of journalism ethics in relevant departments, and investigates the perceptions of journalists on journalism ethics education. The results showed that the proportion of ethics education in journalism studies is significantly low, and out of 70 journalism-related departments in universities, only 45 departments teach media ethics and law, accounting for 64.3%. More often than not, ‘media’was included in the course name rather than ‘press’and most departments taught ‘ethics’and ‘law’in the same course. Prospective journalists pointed to the lack of relevance to the media entrance exam as a problem with media ethics courses, but said that media ethics courses would be the most important after joining the media. The recommendations for improving journalism ethics education proposed in this study are, first, to teach students to distinguish between journalism ethics and the legal system, and second, to share ethical problems encountered by journalists in the field with academics and find solutions, so that the latest cases and solutions can be applied to university classes. Third, we need to find ways to incorporate journalism ethics into journalism entrance exams. If we can increase the weight of journalism ethics in journalism entrance exams, university education will be revitalized, and the number of new journalists who are familiar with journalism ethics will increase, leading to a greater awareness of journalism ethics among all journalists.

      • The Journalism Crisis in the Era of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Indonesia

        Dudi Iskandar,Deddy Mulyana,Sitti Murni Kaddi World Association for Triple Helix and Future Stra 2023 Journal of Contemporary Eastern Asia Vol.22 No.2

        The focus of this research is the practice of journalism in relation to the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship (JFPP) during the COVID-19 pandemic in Indonesia. Journalists and curators who are participants in the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship received fundings from the state. The Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship is a unique model because it is the only one in the world in journalism practice that involves state's financial assistance during the COVID-19 pandemic. These fundings from the state for the media lead to dilemmas and controversies. This research uses a qualitative approach and a single holistic case study method. The Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship was held from May to December 2021, involving 7,276 journalists from 857 media (print, television, radio, and online media) and 26 curators. This study found that during the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship, journalism experienced a crisis and lost its function as a control overpower. Giving cash to journalists and curators during the fellowship makes journalism lose its independence and objectivity. The Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship has degraded or eliminated the function of the press as a watchdog. Incentives for journalists while participating in the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship is a long-term investment by the government to co-opt Indonesian media and journalists in the future. On the other hand, the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship raises another aspect; the crisis of journalism. Journalism work produced in the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship does not reflect the values and principles of journalism. Journalism values, such as independence and impartiality, are absent from the Behavioural Change Journalism Fellowship product.

      • KCI우수등재

        빅데이터 시대의 데이터 저널리즘 교육에 관한 소고무엇을, 어떻게 할 것인가?

        윤호영 한국언론학회 2019 한국언론학보 Vol.63 No.5

        The purpose of this paper is to invigorate discussion on data journalism education. The paper begins with an introduction of data journalism, which can be defined as a journalism practice pertaining to presenting data analysis for stories of interest to the public. The data analysis process for journalism practice, like many data analyses in other disciplines, includes collection, pre-processing, and visualization. After the introduction, the paper gives an overview of the debates on data journalism education: is it imperative to teach it; should it be taught at higher education institutions or elsewhere; should it be an independent course in journalism coursework, or can it be taught within disciplines that do not apply a journalism approach? While there is little consensus on how to teach data journalism and on the depth of data analysis required by journalism students, educators in journalism schools mostly agree that both statistical reasoning and coding skills are gaining ground as independent and essential subjects of the journalism curriculum. The issue here is the lack of teaching materials and human resources of a journalism approach, not the need or demand for data journalism. The paper also reviewed current syllabi for data journalism courses offered by several institutions so as to understand the sequence of data journalism coursework. With the exception of a small number of schools, it was observed that many data journalism courses tend to take the form of data analysis courses, making them indistinguishable from general social science courses. As data journalism education is in its initial stages, more systematic efforts need to be placed in the school education system. A few leading schools have already integrated field work and curriculum materials as capstone projects. Finally, the paper suggested tentative solutions for data journalism education that enriches through undergraduate study, industry practices, and graduate study. To summarize, first, it is suggested that a database system for data journalism education will greatly improve the effectiveness and efficiency of data journalism education. The database system will not only help teachers but also students in a way that provides standardized course materials and examples that everybody in the field can share as common ground. Second, it is also suggested that the data journalism education system needs to be aligned with industry practices, relevant institutions and associations, and academic environment. Previous literature has revealed that professionalism and the cultural heritage of journalism practices have led to diverse trajectories of data journalism education. In this respect, we are encouraged to set up our own system that harmonizes current efforts to grow data journalists in our society, both in and outside the academic setting. 본 연구는 빅데이터 시대에 데이터 저널리즘 교육을 활성화시키기 위한 방안을 고민하는 연구이다. 이를 위해 먼저 데이터 저널리즘의 등장 배경과 개념적 정의를 논하고, 데이터 저널리즘 교육과 관련된 쟁점을 정리하였다. 다음으로, 미국을 중심으로 데이터 저널리즘의 교육 현황을 점검하면서, 데이터 분석의 학습 과정에서 저널리즘적 시각이 추가되는 통계적 추론 능력이 중요하다는 점을 강조하였다. 또한, 데이터 저널리즘 교육의 활성화를 위해서는 대학 교육 뿐만 아니라 현업 환경을 고려한 학습 체계를 구성하는 것이 중요하다는 점을 언급하였다. 마지막으로, 데이터 저널리즘의 활성화를 위해 저널리즘 시각 육성을 위한 학부수업, 현업의 데이터 저널리즘 성과를 모은 학습 교재 데이터베이스, 그리고 대학원의 고급 기술 과정이 필요하다는 점을 제시하였다.

      • KCI등재

        공공저널리즘과 수용자 관여 : ‘프로슈머’로서 크라우드펀딩 저널리즘 후원자의 역할 인식과 저널리즘 실천

        김균수 ( Kim Kyunsoo ),유수정 ( Yoo Soojung ) 한국지역언론학회 2021 언론과학연구 Vol.21 No.4

        본 연구는 크라우드펀딩 저널리즘 프로젝트의 수용자 관여 특성과 공공저널리즘적 가능성을 탐색하기 위해 후원자들이 자신의 역할을 어떻게 인식하고 있으며, 펀딩을 통해 뉴스 생산에 관여하는 과정에서 어떻게 저널리즘을 실천하고 있는지를 살펴보았다. 연구결과, 첫째, 크라우드펀딩 후원 동기와 후원자 역할 인식의 관계는 사회적 인정 및 연결 동기가 가장 부각됐으며 사회적 영향력 동기가 뒤를 이었다. 둘째, 뉴스재원 방식에 대한 태도 역시 후원자의 역할 인식과 다양한 관계를 보였지만, 크라우드펀딩 경험이 많은 사람들이 뉴스 ‘공동생산자’를 포함한 세 가지 차원의 후원자 역할 인식과 모두 정적인 관계를 보였다. 셋째, 후원자의 역할을 ‘공동생산자’와 ‘투명성 감시자’로 인식할 때 팩트체크와 펀딩 결과물에 책임을 묻는 행위를 더 적극적으로 하는 것으로 나타났다. 넷째, 저널리즘 권위 인식과 관련해 뉴스는 기자가 작성하고 배포해야 한다는 생산 주체 권위 인식과 게이트키핑 관점에서 크라우드펀딩 저널리즘에 참여하는 동기가 팩트체크 행위와 책임성 행위에 모두 정적인 영향을 미쳤다. 결과를 토대로 크라우드펀딩 저널리즘을 통한 뉴스 프로슈머의 생산 관여 행위가 궁극적으로 저널리즘의 공공성을 회복하기 위한 공공저널리즘 논의와 어떻게 연결되고 또 지속되어야 하는지 함의를 논의했다. In order to reveal the public journalism properties of crowdfunding journalism, this study examines how people who support crowdfunding journalism perceive their role, and furthermore, how to practice journalism in the process of engaging in news production at the financial level through funding. Specifically, the study investigated relationships between the variables related to news prosumers’ involvement in news production including the sponsor’s motives for crowdfunding sponsorship, their attitude toward news funding methods, the general perception of the role of the media, and the perception of journalism authority, and the sponsor’s role perception and journalism practice behavior. As a result of the study, first, as for the relationship between crowdfunding support motivation and role recognition as a supporter, social recognition and connection motivation were the most highlighted, followed by social influence motivation. Second, the attitude toward the news funding method also showed various relationships with the role perception of crowdfunding sponsors, but those with a lot of experience in sponsoring through crowdfunding showed a positive attitude toward the perception of the sponsor role in all three dimensions, including the news ‘co-producer’. Third, looking at how crowdfunding sponsors practice journalism through project funding, when they recognize the role of crowdfunding sponsors as ‘co-producer’ and ‘transparency monitor’, the act of fact-checking and holding accountable for the results of funding is more appeared to be active. Fourth, in relation to the perception of authority on journalism, the motive for participating in crowdfunding journalism from the perspective of gatekeeping and the recognition of the authority of the producer that news should be written and distributed by reporters is positive in both fact checking and accountability through crowdfunding journalism. Based on the above research results, the discussed the implications of how news prosumers’ involvement in news production through crowdfunding journalism should be connected and continued with public journalism discussions to ultimately restore the publicness of journalism.

      • KCI등재후보

        PD저널리즘과 기자저널리즘의 차이에 관한 연구: 조직 문화와 시사고발 프로그램의 구성적 특성의 연관성을 중심으로

        고희일 한국방송공사 2006 방송 문화 연구 Vol.18 No.2

        Since the report on Prof. Hwang Woosuk's concoctions of his papers on stem cells, various discussions on the possibilities and problems of PD journalism are taking place among journalism scholars. However studies on PD journalism are still in their early stages and some even criticize the distinction between PD journalism and report journalism. This study is conducted on the premises that there’s a distinction between PD journalism and reporter journalism and to show that the cause that brings about their differences are related to their different organizational cultures. By analyzing ‘In-depth 60 minutes’ and ‘News File’ of KBS, this study shows what kind of differences can be seen between PD journalism and reporter journalism in the procedures of choosing and representing the topic. As the result of the study, I was able to find out that ‘In-depth 60 minutes’ has scene-based topics and its narrative follows the flow of pictures whereas ‘News File’ has manuscript-based topics and its narrative follows the flow of the manuscript. The study also shows that these differences are based on the different organizational cultures of the two kind of journalism. Producers’ group guarantees freedom in order to embody creativity which is its primary value while reporters’group sets relatively strict rules in order to fulfil accuracy which is its primary goal. These differences between the two group bring about different cultures and different procedures in choosing and representing the topic and eventually draw a distinctive line between PD journalism and reporter journalism.

      • KCI등재

        근대 지식의 두 얼굴: 저널리즘과 아카데미즘

        차태근 ( Cha Tae-geun ) 중국어문연구회 2016 中國語文論叢 Vol.0 No.75

        With regard to the production of knowledge, the key source of modern knowledge lies in academism and journalism. This knowledge enjoys a dominant status over different forms of knowledge and information due to the prominence and influence of the institutions it stems from. These two production modes of knowledge pursue different forms of knowledge, and at the same time, shape a complementary relationship with one another. As the two also share common grounds, their boundaries are often blurred. While these two mode of knowledge production involve two distinct occupations-scholars versus journalists-the very person who produces knowledge may go through the tasks required in both. On the other hand, these two production modes are also in competition with one another, as they compete to become the hegemon regarding the ideology and direction of the time. In china in early twentieth century, New academism set up a cooperative system with Journalism against traditional scholarship that the latter played a leading role. Journalism demonstrated that traditional academism was something that needed to be overcome and replaced. Then, what would replace traditional academism was a wide range of knowledge that included information produced by rapidly changing theories and scientific research rising from home and abroad. Journalism continued to spearhead the dissemination of new knowledge until the 1920s. This was primarily due to the lack of a new form of academism that could replace the old; however, it also had much to do with the emphasis on new knowledge as a way of understanding and perceiving the world and society as a whole, rather than the production of knowledge within the systematic rules of academia. It was around 1915 that the leading role of journalism in China’s modern academism became a target of fierce criticism which continued through 1920 in the form of ideological and theoretical debate. In 1914, Hongjun Ren (任鴻雋), who was then a student at Cornell University, published his essay “The Establishment of an Academia (學界).” What was unusual in his writing was not just the use of the words “academia” or “an academic world.” It was the implied fact that China had lacked one. Subsequently, Hu’s “problems and isms” and the Rearrangement of Traditional Writings in the New culture movement period were topics raised by scholars who took park in the modern production of knowledge, namely at universities and through newspapers and magazines, leading the academic and social movement. These were otherwise considered scholars of the reform movement prior to the establishment of modern academism. Knowledge production was led more by journalism than by universities, and journalism contributed significantly to providing a social foundation for the formation of academism in universities. However, around 1920, education and academic systems at universities were properly developed, and as ideological specializations began even within the realm of journalism, a new type of relationship began to form between journalism and academism as well. While ideological battles, including the aforementioned two problems as well as “Dispute of Xuanxue,” arose as a result of contention between different knowledge dimensions between academism and journalism, at the core of the problem is tension and mutual-criticism between the two spheres of knowledge. This, unlike the period when the production of modern knowledge was led by journalism, is a phenomenon resulting from academism and journalism each producing knowledge of different dimensions, as academism began to gain structure. In this way, with the split between theoretical and critical/realistic knowledge, and between knowledge that focuses each on problem-solving and future-planning, the structure of modern knowledge production was formed. At the same time, it was also a process of exposing the limits and problems of the two spheres of knowledge.

      • KCI등재

        한국 언론의 신뢰성 문제에 대한 윤리적 성찰과 대안 모색

        박종균 한국기독교사회윤리학회 2015 기독교사회윤리 Vol.33 No.-

        In this study I argue that the phenomena of journalistic incredibility in this society are deeply related to the crisis of democracy the crisis of our democracy, and suggest the normative aspects that journalism should not evade in order to strengthen this vulnerable democratic situation. Preferentially, this study understands the concept of J. Habermas’ “public sphere”(Öffentlichkeit) from the perspective of journalism and considers the trust-loss of journalism in the context of the collapse of public sphere. The incredibility of journalism needs to be viewed in the association of the social context of what is called democracy. So this research examines the brief history of the collapse of public sphere of journalism in the course of the development of Korean democratization. And then this study deliberates normatively how to secure the public sphere for the purpose of credibility of Korean journalism. To the end, this study pays attention to ‘right’ ethic and ‘good’ ethic. The former shows us how journalism should do its roles for democracy, while the latter tells us what journalism does. The right journalism puts more importance on procedural justice in the formation of the public sphere, while the good journalism does much gravity onto the performance of public virtue for the society. Based on the norms of ‘right’ and ‘good’, this research continues to come up with some practical ways for the recovery of public sphers. In other words, Korean journalistic credibility by the way that we surveys the theory of Habermas’ public sphere and alternative journalism’s public sphere respectively. 본 연구는 한국 언론이 겪고 있는 신뢰의 위기를 한국 사회의 민주주의의 위기현상과 맞물려 접근할 것을 주장하며, 민주주의의 공고화를 위해 한국 언론이 지향해야 할 규범적인 측면을 탐색해보려는 목적을 가진다.우선 하버마스의 공론장 개념을 언론의 차원에서 이해하고, 한국 언론의 신뢰 상실의 현상을 공론장의 붕괴라는 맥락에서 고찰한다. 언론의 신뢰상실은 반드시 민주주의라는 사회적 맥락과 연관해서 조망되어야 할 필요가 있다는 점에서, 한국 사회의 민주화의 전개 속에서 언론이 어떻게 공론장의 기능을 상실해왔는지를 살핀다. 그리고 난후 본 연구는 한국 사회의 언론이 신뢰 회복을 위해 지향해야 할 공론장의 확보를 규범적으로 숙고한다. 이를 위해 주목하는 것은, 절차적 공정성을 중시하는 ‘옳음’의 윤리와 공공선적 가치수행을 중시하는 ‘좋음’의 윤리이다. 이러한 ‘옳음’과 ‘좋음’의 규범성에 기초하여 각각 하버마스의 공론장과 대안언론의 공론장 이론을 논의하고 그것에 기초해 한국의 언론회복을 위한 실천적 과제를 모색한다. 오늘날 한국 사회가 시대에 역행하여 매우 비민주적인 상황으로 흘러가고 있음을 고려하여, 연구자는 한국 언론의 신뢰 회복 즉 공론장 회복의 길은 ‘좋음’의 규범성에 더 무게를 두고 대안언론의 공론장에 주목할 필요성이 더 요청됨을 주장한다.

      • KCI등재

        VR 뉴스는 메타버스(metaverse) 시대의 새로운 저널리즘이 될 수 있을까?: 저널리즘의 원칙과 가치 구현을 중심으로

        정성욱,이준환 한국방송학회 2022 방송통신연구 Vol.- No.120

        Recently, Metaverse has emerged as the biggest topic in the field of information tech- nology(IT), and with the spread of 5th-generation mobile communications(5G), interest in the virtual reality(VR) and augmented reality(AR) is again being drawn. In particular, changes in the content field due to the advent of the metaverse are brightening the prospect of virtual reality journalism. However, little is known about the effects of VR news on the principles or values of journalism. Therefore, the purpose of this study is to confirm that VR news meets the minimum conditions for being called journalism by em- pirically analyzing whether it can implement the principles and values of existing tradi- tional journalism. To this end, an experimental study was conducted to find out whether there were differences between the two groups in the sense of presence, objectivity perception, and importance perception, using the information delivery method (VR news vs two-dimensional news) as variables between subjects. As a result of the analy- sis, it was analyzed that VR news has a better effect than 2D news in terms of presence, interaction, and immersion. In addition, VR news had a significant impact on the princi- ples and values of journalism, such as objectivity perception and importance recog- nition, in news with heavily social topics. In addition, in terms of the ‘framing’ effect, which is one of the effects of journalism, it was analyzed that VR news plays a different role from traditional journalism as a result of the survey. In other words, the ‘framing ef- fect’, traditional media can change an individual’s judgment by focusing on one aspect of a specific issue, has been weakened, and through this, the significance of VR journal- ism can be found in that it can return the perspective of viewing the news from the re- porter to the viewer. In conclusion, it was analyzed that VR news still has problems such as picture quality and dizziness when watched for a long time, but it is creating new val- ues such as high sense of presence and changing perspectives, and at the same time, it is analyzed that it meets the minimum requirements for journalism. In conclusion, it was analyzed that VR news still has problems such as picture quality and dizziness when watched for a long time, but it is creating new values such as high sense of presence and changing perspectives, and at the same time, it is analyzed that it meets the minimum requirements for journalism. Therefore, although VR journalism cannot replace tradi- tional journalism in the rapidly emerging metaverse era, it is expected that it will be able to play a complementary role as an axis of mainstream journalism.

      • KCI등재

        프랑스 언론의 신뢰도 위기: 저널리즘 제도의 내적 균열과 사회운동의 영향

        박진우,김설아 사단법인 코리아컨센서스연구원 2022 분석과 대안 Vol.6 No.2

        This study examines the crisis of trust of French journalism in the context of a global decline of media credibility. First of all, in the process of a huge social movement called the ‘yellow vest’ movement that started in 2018, distrust of the French journalism was expressed in an extreme form. This study examines some external factors in terms of the historical development of the French journalism and the public's long-standing ‘criticism of journalism’. Specifically, this study first examines the quantitative indicators of trust of French journalism which were shown in Digital News Report published by the Reuters Institute for the Study of Journalism. Next, it examines the historical and institutional formation process of French journalism and public distrust that emerged along with it. And specifically, the structural crisis-economic crisis, digital transformation and intensification of competition, and deterioration of quality problems etc.-of the French journalism exposed in media coverage on social movement in 2018 is review in relation with the working process or ‘routine’ of actual news production. In conclusion, this study asserts that the various aspects of internal rifts in French journalism system, as well as external shocks (the influence of social movements), are a key factor in explaining the recent decline of trust in French journalism.

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