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      • Association of the invasion ability of <i>Porphyromonas gingivalis</i> with the severity of periodontitis

        Baek, Keum Jin,Ji, Suk,Kim, Yong Chul,Choi, Youngnim TaylorFrancis 2015 Virulence Vol.6 No.3

        <P><I>Porphyromonas gingivalis</I> is one of the well-characterized periodontal pathogens involved in periodontitis. The invasive and proteolytic activities of <I>P. gingivalis</I> clinical isolates have been shown to be associated with heterogenic virulence, as determined in a mouse abscess model. The aims of the present study were to identify a <I>P. gingivalis</I> strain with a low virulence among clinical isolates, based on its invasive ability and cytokine proteolytic activities, and to explore the preferential degradation of a certain cytokine by <I>P. gingivalis</I>. <I>P. gingivalis</I> ATCC 33277, W50, and 10 clinical isolates were used. After incubating bacteria with IL-4, IL-6, IL-10, IL-17A, TNFα, IFNγ, and IL-1α, the amounts of remaining cytokines were determined by ELISA. Invasion ability was measured by a flow cytometric invasion assay. There was inter-strain variability both in the cytokine proteolytic activities and invasion ability. In addition, differential degradation of cytokines by <I>P. gingivalis</I> was observed: while IFNγ and IL-17A were almost completely degraded, inflammatory cytokines TNFα and IL-1α were less susceptible to degradation. Interestingly, the invasion index, but not cytokine proteolytic activities, of <I>P. gingivalis</I> had strong positive correlations with clinical parameters of subjects who harbored the isolates. Therefore, the invasive ability of <I>P. gingivalis</I> is an important virulence factor, and the bacterial invasion step may be a good target for new therapeutics of periodontitis.</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        논문 : 광해군의 대외정책(對外政策) 재론(再論)

        한명기 ( Myung Gi Han ) 한국불교사연구소 2013 한국불교사연구 Vol.2 No.-

        광해군이 재위했던 무렵은 명과 청이 교체되는 시기이자 일본의 힘이 급격히 커져 가고 있던 시대였다. 신흥 강국 일본이 당시 쇠퇴하고 있던 명 중심의 中華秩序에 도전하려 했던 전쟁이 임진왜란 이었다. 조선은 명군의 참전과 원조를 통해 망국의 위기에서 벗어날 수 있었지만 종전 이후 후금이 부상하면서 다시 위기를 맞게 된다.후금의 도전에 직면한 명이 조선을 끌어들여 후금을 견제하려고 시도하면서 조선은 딜레마에 빠진다. 특히 명이 왜란 당시 조선에 베푼 ‘은혜’를 내세워 후금과의 대결을 강요하고, 대다수 조선 지식인들마저 그에 동조하자 조선의 선택지는 더욱 축소된다. 광해군은 이처럼 엄혹했던 환경에서 ‘詐術’로써 명을 기만 해가면서까지 운신의 폭을 넓히려고 시도했던 군주였다. ‘만세불공의 원수’인 일본과 국교를 재개했던 것, 주변 국가들의 동향을 탐지하기 위해 부심했던 것, 조선의 내부 사정을 유출시키지 않으려 노력했던 것, 후금의 침략이라는 최악의 경우를 상정하고 방어 준비에 힘썼던 것 등은 엄혹한 환경에서 살아남기 위한 몸부림이었다. 무엇보다 주목되는 것은 광해군이 모문룡(毛文龍)에게 취했던 정책이다. 모문룡은 자신이 ``대국의 장수’임을 내세워 조선을 길들여 자신의 ``접제(接濟) 기지’로 삼으려고 했다. 하지만 광해군은 모문룡이 ``사기꾼’이자 ``시한폭탄’이란 사실을 정확히 간파했다. 그래서 모문룡을 설득하여 가도(枷島)로 밀어 넣어 조선과 그의 안전을 동시에 도모하고, 수많은 료민(遼民)들을 명 본토로 송환하려 시도했다. 조선에 대해 ``상국’이자 ``은인’으로 자부하고 있던 명을 상대로 과감하게 이런 정책을 썼던 것은 보통의 용기와 배짱이 아니면 어려운 일이었다. 내정의 난맥상을 이유로 광해군의 대외정책을 폄하할 수도 있다. 그가 궁궐(宮闕) 영건(營建) 등 토목공사에 몰두한 것은 비판받아 마땅하다. 하지만 그 외교에서 보여준 그의 고심과 수완까지 싸잡아 폄하하는 것은 곤란하다. 광해군이 취했던 대명정책(對明政策), 대후김정책(對後金政策), 대일정책(對日政策)은 모두 임진왜란을 경험하고 학습한 사람이 가야 했던 피할 수 없는 길이었다. 그를 몰아낸 인조 정권이 모문룡이라는 ‘국제사기꾼’에게, 더욱이 ‘조선(朝鮮) 습취(襲取)’까지 운운했던 적대적 사기꾼에게, 또 후금과 내통하고 있는 이신(貳臣)에게 ‘코가 꿰어’ 끝없이 끌려 다니다가 정묘호란(丁卯胡亂)과 병자호란(丙子胡亂)을 맞이했던 것과는 비교할 수 없다. 요컨대 광해군은 분명 외교에 관한 한 재조명이 절실한 ‘문제적 군주’인 것이다. During the reign of King Gwanghagun(1608∼1623), the rapid growth of Houchin(後金) and its political and military challenge toward Ming shook the relation between Choson and Ming. Choson under the reign of Gwanghagun tried to appease Houchin and evade its invasion. At that time, there were two important problems for Gwanghagun to solve. One was to take proper step of defense against Houchin`s invasion, and the other was to avoid Ming`s forcible demand to have Choson pick a quarrel with Houchin. In 1618, Ming forced Choson to enter in the war with Houchin. Gwanghagun tried to devise all the measures to avoid entering in the war, in vain to fail. After ``Shimha battle``, the war with Houchin in 1619, Ming reclaimed the military aid to Choson. But Gwanghagun snubbed the demand, also rejecting to accept Ming`s refugees who had lived in Liaodong area and were driven into Choson by the war, as well as evading to help Mao Wenlung(毛文龍), a general of Ming. These policies were devised to have a harmonious relations with Houchin. The remarkable diplomatic ability of Gwanghagun was formed through the experience of Japanese invasion of Korea in 1592, and the observation of his father Seonjo`s foreign policy to Houchin. His foreign policy, however, had a limit not to harmonize with the domestic policy. At once refusing Ming`s draft and mapping out a defensive strategy, he built a great palace, which deepened financial straits. He defied public opinion that the excessive palace engineering should be done away with. This obstinacy of his provided his opposition party with the cause of trouble. Soon he had but a few intimate subjects to assist him, later even they turned their back from Gwanghagun. Finally Gwanghagun was collapsed by ``Injo Banjeong``, a military coup d etat in 1623. Gwanghagun`s failures in domestic administrations should be criticized extremely. But his diplomatic policies toward Ming, Houchin, and Japan were cautious and inevitable, and excellent. Why? Because the Choson, surrounded by powers on three sides, had no choice but to resort to clever diplomatic policies.

      • Inhibitory Effects of Syk Transfection on Lung Cancer Cell Invasion

        Peng, Chuan-Liang,Zhang, Ying,Sun, Qi-Feng,Zhao, Yun-Peng,Hao, Ying-Tao,Zhao, Xiao-Gang,Cong, Bo Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2013 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.14 No.5

        Objective: Spleen tyrosine kinase (Syk) is closely related to tumor invasion and metastasis, and has been shown to have potential inhibitory effects in tumors. In this study, we constructed a eukaryotic expression vector for Syk and analyzed its effects on invasive ability of the A549 non-small cell lung cancer cell line in vitro. Methods: A fragment of Syk was obtained by RT-PCR from human lung cancer cells and cloned into the expression vector pLNCXSyk. After restriction endonuclease digestion, PCR and DNA sequencing confirmation, the recombinant Syk expression plasmid was transfected into A549 human lung cancer cells using lipofectamine protocols. After selection, the cells stably expressed Syk. Detection of Syk expression of the cells by RT-PCR, and invasive ability were examined. Results: The eukaryotic expression plamid pLNCXSyk was constructed and expressed stably in the A549 human lung cancer cells. The RT-PCR results showed that Syk mRNA expression was upregulated significantly (P<0.05). Lower invasion through a basal membrane were apparent after transfection (P<0.05). Conclusions: A eukaryotic expression plasmid to cause Syk expression in lung cancer cells can obviously inhibit their invasive ability in vitro.

      • Chemopreventive Potential of an Ethyl Acetate Fraction from Curcuma Longa is Associated with Upregulation of p57<sup>kip2</sup> and Rad9 in the PC-3M Prostate Cancer Cell Line

        Rao, K.V.K.,Samikkannu, T.,Dakshayani, K.B.,Zhang, X.,Sathaye, S.S.,Indap, M.A.,Nair, Madhavan P.N. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.3

        Background: Turmeric ($Curcuma$ $longa$) has been shown to possess anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antitumor properties. However, despite the progress in research with $C.$ $longa$, there is still a big lacuna in the information on the active principles and their molecular targets. More particularly very little is known about the role of cell cycle genes $p57^{kip2}$ and Rad9 during chemoprevention by turmeric and its derivatives especially in prostate cancer cell lines. Methods: Accordingly, in this study, we have examined the antitumor effect of several extracts of $C.$ $longa$ rhizomes by successive fractionation in clonogenic assays using highly metastatic PC-3M prostate cancer cell line. Results: A mixture of isopropyl alcohol: acetone: water: chloroform: and methanol extract of $C.$ $longa$ showed significant bioactivity. Further partition of this extract showed that bioactivity resides in the dichloromethane soluble fraction. Column chromatography of this fraction showed presence of biological activity only in ethyl acetate eluted fraction. HPLC, UV-Vis and Mass spectra studies showed presence three curcuminoids in this fraction besides few unidentified components. Conclusions: From these observations it was concluded that the ethyl acetate fraction showed not only inhibition of colony forming ability of PC-3M cells but also up-regulated cell cycle genes $p57^{kip2}$ and Rad9 and further reduced the migration and invasive ability of prostate cancer cells.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        Prevalence of virulence and cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) genes in thermophilic Campylobacter spp. from dogs and humans in Gyeongnam and Busan, Korea

        Cho, Hyun-Ho,Kim, Sang-Hyun,Min, Wongi,Ku, Bok-Kyung,Kim, Yong-Hwan The Korean Society of Veterinary Science 2014 大韓獸醫學會誌 Vol.54 No.1

        The prevalence of thermophilic Campylobacter (C.) spp. in stray, breeding, and household dogs was 25.2, 12.0, and 8.8%, respectively. C. jejuni and C. upsaliensis were the predominant Campylobacter spp. from household dogs. cdtA, cdtB, and cdtC were detected by PCR in all isolates. Despite the high cytolethal distending toxin (CDT) gene prevalence, only 26 (31%) C. jejuni strains and one (15.3%) C. coli strain showed evidence of CDT production in HEp-2 cell cytotoxicity assays. Virulence-associated genes detected in the C. jejuni and C. coli isolates were cadF, dnaJ, flaA, racR, ciaB, iamA, pldA, virB11, ceuE, and docC. cadF, dnaJ, flaA, and ceuE were found in all C. jejuni and C. coli isolates. When detecting Guillain-Barr$\acute{e}$ syndrome-associated genes (galE, cgtB, and wlaN), galE was identified in all isolates. However, cgtB and wlaN were more prevalent in C. jejuni isolates from humans than those from dogs. Adherence and invasion abilities of the C. jejuni and C. coli strains were tested in INT-407 cells. A considerable correlation (adjusted $R^2$= 0.678) existed between adherence and invasion activities of the Campylobacter spp. isolates.

      • KCI등재

        잠재성장모델(LGM)을 활용한 프라이버시 패러독스 현상 진단 : 미디어 기기 활용 능력의 매개적/조절 효과를 중심으로

        박혜영 한국소통학회 2023 한국소통학보 Vol.22 No.3

        사람들은 프라이버시 침해에 대해 우려하면서도, 소셜 미디어를 통한 개인정보 공개에 대해서는 적극적이다. 이를 ‘프라이버시 패러독스’ 현상으로 이해하고 연구가 진행되고 있다. 이 연구에서는 프라이버시 패러독스 현상이 어떻게 진행되고 있는지를 실증적으로 알아보고자 <한국미디어패널조사>의 3차년 간 데이터를 활용해 잠재성장 모델링을 통한 종단 분석을 시도했다. 분석 결과, 첫째, 프라이버시 침해 우려와 소셜 미디어를 통한 개인정보 제공은 모두 매해 감소하는 경향성을 보였다. 둘째, 소셜 미디어를 통한 개인정보 제공이 통제되면 프라이버시 침해 우려가 다소 낮아지는 것을 통해 개인정보 제공이 프라이버시 침해 우려를 높이는 요인임을 확인했다. 셋째, 미디어 기기 활용능력이 성장하지 않는다면 프라이버시 침해 우려 수준이 증가하는 것을 알 수 있었다. 넷째, 처음 시점에서의 프라이버시 침해 우려가 미디어 활용 능력 성장에 영향을 미치고, 미디어 활용 능력의 성장이 소셜 미디어를 통한 개인정보 제공의 성장에 영향을 미치는 잠재성장모형의 매개적 효과가 나타났다. 이 연구를 통해 프라이버시 패러독스 현상을 어느 정도 이해할 수 있었는데, 탐색적 연구로서 투입한 미디어 기기 활용 능력이두 개 변수 간에 매개적 역할과 조절 변수로 작용함을 알 수 있었다.

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