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      • KCI등재

        중급 전임 남성상담사의 성역할 정체성 경험연구

        하효석,홍지선,곽대호 학습자중심교과교육학회 2023 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.23 No.16

        Objectives This study was conducted to reveal the meaning and essence of the experiences of intermediate full-time male counselors in relation to gender roles in the field of counseling, as well as to explore how these experiences contribute to the formation of their gender role identity. Methods By employing Giorgi's phenomenological research method, in-depth interviews and data analysis were conducted from February to June 2022, involving eight intermediate male counselors with counseling experience ranging from more than 4 years to less than 9 years. Results As a result, 87 constructed meanings, 27 subtopics, and 9 top topics were derived. Top topics included “Counseling entered with an inflated heart of expectations,” “unexpected realities of counseling,” “A heart that becomes worn out due to economic hardship,” “light and shadow experienced as a male counselor,” “the benefits and drawbacks of manhood in counseling relationships,” “colleagues as both mentors and friends,” “the intrinsic value of counseling that defies quantification,” “the discovery of the sublime worth of the counseling profession,” and “the aspiration to lead a fulfilling life as a male counselor.” Conclusions This study holds significant meaning as it elucidates the essence of the experiences and meaning of living as an intermediate male counselor, with a specific focus on gender role identity. It was revealed that male counselors often encounter irrationalities and grievances that arise solely because of their gender. Additionally, the study highlights the intermediate male full-time counselors' willingness to engage in long-term self-development, exemplifying their professional consciousness. These characteristics of intermediate male full-time counselors can provide valuable insights for self-understanding and adaptation for both novice male counselors undergoing training and education, and intermediate male counselors currently facing similar experiences.

      • KCI등재

        중급상담자의 상담자 전문직 정체성이 소진에 미치는 영향

        왕선아(Sunah Wang),김하나(Hana Kim) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2024 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.24 No.15

        목적 본 연구는 중급상담자를 대상으로 상담자 전문직 정체성과 상담자 소진 간의 관계에서 자기자비와 상담자 회복탄력성의 매개효과와 이중매개효과를 검증하고자 하였다. 방법 이를 위해 상담자 전문직 정체성, 자기자비, 상담자 회복탄력성, 상담자 소진 척도로 구성된 설문지를 통해 309명의 자료를 수집하여 SPSS 26.0 프로그램과 PROCESS MACRO 4.1(6번)를 이용하여 상관관계와 이중매개효과를 분석하였으며, 부트스트래핑(Bootstrapping)을 실시하여 유의성을 검증하였다. 결과 그 결과는 첫째, 상담자 전문직 정체성, 자기자비, 상담자 회복탄력성 간에는 유의한 정적 상관관계가 있었으며, 이 변인들과 소진과는 유의한 부적 상관관계가 나타났다. 둘째, 자기자비와 상담자 회복탄력성은 상담자 전문직 정체성과 소진 간의 관계에서 각각 부분매개효과가 있는 것으로 나타났으며, 자기자비와 상담자 회복탄력성의 이중매개효과가 확인되었다. 결론 이는 중급상담자의 상담자 전문직 정체성이 자기자비와 상담자 회복탄력성을 통해 소진에 영향을 미친다는 것을 의미한다. 본 연구는 중급 단계에 해당하는 상담자의 소진에 영향을 미치는 심리적 요인인 상담자 전문직 정체성, 자기자비, 상담자 회복탄력성의 관계를 확인함으로써, 중급상담자의 소진 예방과 완화를 위한 근거를 제시하였다는 점에서 의의가 있다. Objectives This study attempted to verify the mediating effect and double mediating effect of self-compassion and counselor resilience in the relationship between counselor professional identity and counselor burnout for intermediate counselors. Methods To this end, 309 people's data were collected through a questionnaire consisting of counselor professional identity, self-compassion, counselor resilience, and counselor burnout scale. And correlation and double mediation effects were analyzed using the SPSS 26.0 program and PROCESS MACRO 4.1 (No. 6), and the effectiveness was verified by performing bootstrapping. Results As a result, first, there was a significant positive correlation between counselor professional identity, self-compassion, and counselor resilience, and there was a significant negative correlation between these variables and burnout. Second, self-compassion and counselor resilience were found to have partial mediating effects in the relationship between counselor professional identity and burnout, and the double mediating effect of self-compassion and counselor resilience was confirmed. Conclusions This means that the intermediate counselor's professional identity affects burnout through self-compassion and counselor resilience. This study is significant in that it provides the basis for preventing and alleviating burnout of intermediate counselors by confirming the relationship between counselor professional identity, self-compassion, and counselor resilience, which are psychological factors that affect the burnout of counselors in the intermediate level.

      • KCI등재후보

        5‧18 당시 안병하 국장과 전남 경찰의 활동과 피해에 대한 연구

        정병곤 조선대학교 민주평화연구원 2022 민주평화연구 Vol.5 No.2

        Twenty-four years has passed since the date of May 18 was declared a legal anniversary in 1997, but the people that would distort the historical legitimacy of the May 18 Democratization Movement have shifted some of the responsibility for the state violence to the Jeonnam Police Department. In response to this, research on the roles and activities of Jeonnam Provincial Police Agency Director Ahn Byung-ha and Jeonnam Police Department is receiving new attention. This paper looks through relevant material and testimonies to illuminate the activities and damages of Ahn Byung-ha and the Jeonnam Police Department at the time of May 18, and studies their intermediate identity, damage and compensation methods. To this end, this paper reviews the current status and contents of prior research related to the activities in Jeonnam Police of the time and discusses the relationship with citizens according to the intermediate identity of the police. In addition, the researcher studies the damages and compensation methods of the May 18 Jeollanam Police in this situation. Through the analysis, the Jeonnam Police were able to maintain a relatively calm state with the citizens with a moderate method of controlling protest in the previous and early stages of the 5·18 period because the police had an intermediate identity meaning that they played a public role of controlling protest and also resisting too much state violence and did not need the support of special forces desperately. Director Ahn Byung-ha was well aware of this situation and, while refusing the command to fire, tried to maintain order at a minimum and protect the wounded. As a result, Director Ahn Byung-ha and Chief Lee Jun-gyu died after torture, and many police officers were dismissed, and their emotional injury should be compensated by interpreting the 5·18 Compensation Law in this context. Lastly, this study emphasizes the necessity of complete policing cooperation between the civilians and the police in response to the introduction of the autonomous police system in 2021 by illuminating the activities and damage of the May 18 Jeonnam Police from a new perspective.

      • KCI등재후보

        2020년 형사법분야 대법원 주요판례와 평석

        홍영기 ( Young Gi Hong ) 안암법학회 2021 안암 법학 Vol.- No.62

        물권변동과 관련된 계약이행의무 위배행위가 배임죄에 해당하지 아니하는 것으로 본 반복되는 여러 판례나 위계에 의한 미성년자간음죄에서 위계의 의미를 기존에 비해 확대하여 해석한 판례는 지금 사회에서의 변화된 요구에 부합하는 결론을 취하고 있다. 반면에 명예훼손죄의 공연성요건을 전파가능성개념을 통해 확대해석한 판례는 다수 문헌의 비판에도 불구하고 기존 입장을 그대로 유지하고 있다. 사건의 동일성 범위를 넘어서고 있는 사실에 대해 공소장변경신청을 불허해야 한다는 법원의 입장은 자칫 공소장변경의 필요성과 허용성을 혼동하는 것으로 비칠 우려가 있다. 위법수집증거배제법칙을 엄격하게 적용할 수 없는 경우를 지적하면서, 피고인이나 변호인이 간과했다거나 항변하지 않고 용인했다는 논거를 이용하는 것은 합리적이지 않다. 양벌규정에 따라 종업원과 사업주가 함께 기소된 때에 이들이 공범인 공동피고인 인지 여부와 관계 없이 어느 한편을 대상으로 작성된 피의자신문조서는 다른 피고인의 공판과정에서 그 피고인의 내용인정 없이는 증거로 쓰일 수 없다고 해야 한다. 하급심에서 부정기형을 선고받고 항소한 피고인이 성인이 되어 정기형을 선고해야 할 때에, 불이익변경금지원칙을 유지할 수 있는 기준으로서, 부정기형의 단기와 장기의 중간시를 제시한 새로운 판례는 방법론적으로 의미 있는 근거를 제시하지 못하고 있는 것으로 보인다. Repetitive tendency in several judicial precedents, where conduct comprising a breach for performance of contractual obligation related to transfer of a real right was deemed not to be constituted as a breach of trust, or a precedent, in which a meaning of ‘deceptive scheme’ in Korean Criminal Act, Article 302(Sexual Intercourse with Minor, etc.) was interpreted in an extensive manner compared to existing precedents, has been concluded corresponding with the needs of current society. On contrast, precedent that extensively interpreted ‘openly in public made libel and slander’ - one of the prerequisite to establish defamation - by means of possibility of propagation stands its ground despite all the criticism. According to court's opinion, an amendment of an indictment ought to be denied subject to a count that surpasses the range of the unity and identity of count(criminal facts subject to judgement). Such opinion could be possibly seen as if it confuses between the necessity and acceptability of amendment to an indictment. It is not reasonable to deploy argument by presenting the grounds that a defendant or a defense attorney overlooked or did not rebut rather accept, while pointing out certain occasion when the exclusionary rule of the illegally obtained evidence could not be strictly applied. When both employee and employer are indicted due to joint penalty provision, the protocol of examination of a criminal suspect which was written regardless of whether they are joint defendant(accomplices) or not, shall not be used as an evidence in another defendant's trial proceedings without recognition of the defendant's. The latest precedent showed us that ‘intermediate’ prison sentence between long-term and short-term of indeterminate sentence could be given to the defendant as a standard for maintaining the principle of the prohibition of disadvantageous alteration, when the defendant received an indeterminate sentence in lower court(court trial) became adult eligible for determinate sentence. However, it does not seem to provide a methodologically significant judicial reasoning.

      • KCI등재

        한설야 소설에 나타난 여성 표상 연구

        이경재(Kyung Jae Lee) 한국현대소설학회 2008 현대소설연구 Vol.- No.38

        After removing the ban on writers who went to North Korea, the studies on Han Seol Ya literature have put most of their focus on their themes and ideology. They were based on realistic aesthetics, they found the writer`s views on the world. The main characteristic of Han Seol Ya`s literature is the ideological consistency. He put his ideological beliefs into his works through utilizing narrative techniques that were closely related to different social environment. In his novels, the structure of apprenticeship is a main characteristic of their composition. The structure deals with the growth of intellectuals connected with love-relationships, which we can see throughout the works of Han Seol Ya. The subject of growth is always a woman. The awakening of woman is intermediated through relationship of man. The material to show that relationship is the book. A man-woman relationship in the structure of apprenticeship after the disorganization of KAPF turn into the structure of brother and sister. This is a regression in that it deals with original and psychological aspects of growth. However, under such atrocious period, this was a way to make a implosion of the distortion of society. Jung-nim in ≪Dusk≫ and Ge-sum in ≪Pagoda≫ are characters to cleave the structure of apprenticeship. They have independent desire not to be mediated by man in a different way. Jung-nim in ≪Dusk≫ is prescribed negatively by Jun-sik. But Ge-sum in ≪Pagoda≫ is not prescribed by narrator and focalizer. The structure of growth in the novels written after liberation shows obviously ideological quality. Love relation to mitigate ideological character. The women in his novels written after liberation act more vigorously than before. The role of man and woman goes into reverse. But Jum sun in ≪Dae-Dong-Gang≫ who disguise herself as a man and Sun yi in ≪Brothers≫ who bring up a war orphan show the writer`s limitation.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 문화 : 경성제국대학 안의 "동양사학" - 학문제도,문화사적 측면에서 -

        박광현 ( Kwang Hyeon Park ) 한국사상문화학회 2005 韓國思想과 文化 Vol.31 No.-

        경성제국대학 출신의 조선인 동양사학 전공자의 의식 속에 동양사학은 "국사학"이라는 권력과 잠재적 "국사학"=조선사학이라는 상상 사이의 중간지점에 있었다. 그들이 식민지 학문의 중추 역할을 맡았던 경성제대 출신이었기 때문에, 그런 학문의 권력 문제와 관련한 고민을 더욱 심각하게 받아들였는지 모른다. 그들은 "동양사학" 출신자라는 학문적 동질감을 느끼지 못했기 때문에, 다른 학과와 달리 자신들만의 학술공간을 만들지도 못했다. 그와 같은 동양사학 전공자로서의 정체성은 그들의 독립 이후 활동과 지위에서도 잘 나타난다. 그들은 동양사학자의 지위에서뿐만 아니라, 대한민국 건국과 함께 대학과 문부 행정에서 오히려 ``국사학=한국사학`` 건설에 깊이 관여하게 된다. 1970년대에 들어서는 동양사연구자들 사이에서 동양사를 "조선 및 인접 지역을 대상으로 했던 이른바 조선학의 연구전통" 위에 "국사의 외연이나 관계사의 일환"으로 여기는 태도에서 벗어나야 한다고 비판하는 결과에 이른다. 그런 자기반성의 중심에는 이 대학의 출신자들이 있었다. 그들은 경성제대 사학과의 전공편성과 관련한 정치성의 자장으로부터 결코 자유로울 수 없는 존재였다. 따라서 그들의 존재는 한국의 동양사학 성립 과정에서 상징적이라고 할 것이다. When founded, Kyungsung(Keizo) Imperial University set it a goal to define the distinctive orientalism of Joseon based on cultural relationships with Japan and China. This is explained well by how Historical Studies department was organized. There were three majors including National History(that is Japanese History), Joseon History and Oriental History in that department. This was framed through modeling three major system in Imperial University in Japan while Joseon History major was included with World History left out. This disciplinary organization reflects how they tried to make this university as the supreme one in ``Japan empire`` as well as the center of ``oriental cultural studies``. Among three majors, Oriental History was considered as the most important one. It is notable that the consciousness of Korean students majoring in Oriental History was posited in a conflicting intermediate terrain between ``Japan History`` as power and ``Korean History`` as potential. They couldn`t help but doubt that their education and work were related to imperial power as the Kyungsung university played an important role in colonial studies. Obviously, the Korean students didn`t identified themselves with ``Oriental History`` in the university so that they couldn`t harbour their ambition of enlarging their work. Their unique identities as Oriental History scholars had a particular effect on the position that they occupied after the liberation of Joseon. They had instrumental in setting up National History(Korean History) as a new discipline under the establishment of the Republic of Korea. Since then, they continued to play important roles in that field. However, during 1970s the disciplinary scheme ran into the criticism from many researchers on the ground that it was narrowing Oriental History as a field by confining it to only "Korean History and other related countries` histories with it" and it came from colonial educational system, especially in Kyungsung Imperial University. Several researchers in favour of this criticism were in fact graduates of this university. And they were even right in the center of this criticism. In sum, they couldn`t stay away from the politics related with the disciplinary system coined in that university. Their positions stands as symbolic ones on the process of reestablishing Oriental History as a disciplinary in Korea.

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