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      • KCI등재

        상담과 코칭의 분리-통합 접근

        Yoo Jae Sung 한국기독교상담심리학회 2009 한국기독교상담학회지 Vol.18 No.-

        Korean society is rapidly changing and competitive in its nature. It causes stresses, relational conflicts, and many other difficulties. People find themselves easily become anxious on their life situation and future. At the same time, desires and needs on better life, happiness, self-actualization are growing among postmodern people. It is no wonder that more people are looking for counseling and coaching. In this paper, the writer summarizes the approaches of counseling andcoaching in three categories: linear-separative approach, linear-integrative approach, and circular-integrative approach. Linear-separative approach represents the typical understanding on counseling and coaching, which is they are different and can not go together. People say that counseling is for those who have functional problems and require long-term therapeutic treatment while coaching is for normal people who want to get more and success in life. Counselors pursue on clients’past psychological or pathological issues. But coaches focus on clients’desires or wants to achieve in their future. If the counseling here means the classical and longterm psychotherapy, counseling and coaching are really different and need to be approached separatively. Linear-integrative approach is for those who understand clients as coming for problem solution and positive goal-accomplishment. Whatever clients bring to them, counselors or coaches put their efforts on taking the clients from where they are to where they want to be. Helping people solve problems or accomplish more in life, however, is not such an easy or simple task. Conflicts can happen between past issues and growth desires. This is why circular-integrative approach of counseling and coaching is, rather, necessary to meet clients’goals more effectively and efficiently. Counseling approach may be able to speed up coaching process. Coaching approach could be helpful to clients who want brief counseling for lasting solutions.

      • 도덕교육의 접근과 과제

        최문기 서원대학교 교육대학원 2000 교육논총 Vol.4 No.-

        The Purpose of this paper is to study approaches to moral education and tasks. In order to study approaches to moral education, it needs to clarify objectives of moral education. In my paper, I differentiate cognitive and affective objectives individual and social objectives Cognitive objectives are related with enlargement of ability to judge and select moral values. Affective objectives are related with cultivation of characteristic traits. Individual objectives are related with development of personal morality Social objectives are related with socialization to society. These objectives are not separateed but closely linked each other. Therefore, approaches to moral education that realize these objectives need to be integrated. In this Paper, I distinguish direct approach between indirect approach The former includes approach of traditional character education, the latter includes value clarification approach and rational reasoning approach. Because theses approaches generally try to realize the one aspect of objectives, they have limits in treating with integral nature of moral education. In this sense, the most important task I think is to develop integral approaches, and apply it really In researching directions toward integral approaches to moral education, we can find clues from Thomas Lickona's integrated approach to character education, Emile Durkheim's integral approach to moral education, Lawrence Kohlberg's just community approach to moral education.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등 음악 감상 수업에서의 통합적 접근에 관한 연구

        김정인 한국음악교육공학회 2007 음악교육공학 Vol.- No.6

        The purpose of the 'Integrated Approach' system is to devise and apply different approaches into the appreciations of music teaching methods in elementary schools. The method of 'Integrated Approach' has been experimented thoroughly through the observations of the educational significance, and diverse stages and types of the music appreciation lessons, followed by the methods of teaching and opinions of the teachers were closely observed and considered. Then, further research and studies related to the course integrated theory based on music appreciation were undertaken. Based on other related theories, the most general method of the 'Integrated Approach' is in identifying the disposition of the students, and then providing an adequate method of teaching through the introduction of different texts and activities in relevance to the topics. The results of the 'Integrated Approach' can be summarized as the following: (1) To propose and devise an 'Integrated Approach' teaching project method in the music appreciationlessons.: (2) To analysis the appreciationtopic and content of the 7th curriculumin the 3~6 grade music textbooks.: (3) Using the curriculum and textbooks provide various programs with the playing instruments, singing and creative writing lessons, so that the different musical activities may focus on the integrated method of teaching.: (4) On the basis of the 'Integrated Approach' provide separate programs (other than the elementary school music textbook), allowing students to explore and analyze through the integrated method of teaching music. In relevance to this research, further guidance plans have also been proposed in the Korean Language, Social Studies, Arts and Physical Education classes. Among other various methods of teaching, the 'Integrated Approach' program allows students induce their attentions and interests in music, as well as in developing their capabilities in learning. However, complications such as, the capabilities of the teachers and the conditions of the educational environment may arise when applying 'Integrated Approach' method. Therefore, a few prerequisite are needed to be acknowledged in order to materialize the 'Integrated Approach' method of teaching in elementary schools.: (1) Develope an energetic music appreciation lesson, in contrast to the lessons that are mainly focused on listening only. The teachers would also need to improve their social perspective, understanding of music and the educational meaning of appreciation activities.: (2) Teachers need to improve their professionalism in teaching in order to coordinate the whole reorganized curriculum with proficiency. Supports in time and budget should also be provided from the Office of Education to help teachers in improving their abilities in teaching.

      • KCI등재

        단일기간 재고모형의 효과적 교육을 위한 통합적 접근법

        원유경 한국경영교육학회 2011 경영교육연구 Vol.26 No.2

        In this paper, we propose an effective integrated approach for education of the single-period inventory model. Two conventional approaches for the single-period inventory model are marginal analysis-based approach and whole analysis-based approach. Compared with the conventional approaches for the single-period inventory model, our integrated approach using riskless profit has the following advantages. Firstly, once only one of the expected profit maximization problem and the expected cost minimization problem has been solved, the integrated approach provides complete information regarding the expected value of the other problem without relying on the critical fractile used by the marginal analysis-based approach because both problems yield the same optimal order quantity and the riskless profit is constant for every order quantity. When using the whole analysis-based approach, each problem needs to be solved separately. Secondly, the expected cost can easily be evaluated from the expected profit by subtracting it from the riskless profit because the riskless profit and the expected profit are represented with simple closed-form formulas regardless of the type of probability distribution of demand. Thirdly, the proposed integrated approach can be applied for explanation and education of realistic single-period problem with budget constraint and quantity discounts. 본 연구의 목적은 단일기간 재고모형(single-period inventory model)을 효과적으로 교육하기 위한 무위험이익을 이용한 통합적 접근법을 제시하는 것이다. 단일기간 재고모형을 서술하고 교육하는 전형적인 두 가지 접근법은 한계분석(marginal analysis) 접근법에 따라 임계비율(critical fractile) 또는 서비스 수준(service level) 으로 알려진 공식을 이용하여 최적주문량을 구하는 방향이 있고, 완전분석 접근법에 따라 모든 주문량에 대하여 기대이익이나 기대비용 중 어느 하나를 구하여 최대기대이익이나 최소기대비용을 주는 주문량을 구하는 방향이 있다. 한계분석접근법에 따른 최적주문량 결정은 아무런 제약이 없는 상황 하에서 최적주문량을 구하는 데는 유용하지만 구입예산제약이 있어서 최적주문량을 주문할 수 없거나 수량할인이 있는 경우에는 유효하지 않을 뿐 아니라 정작 경영자들이 알고 싶어 하는 최적주문량에 따른 기대이익이나 비용을 즉시 파악할 수 없는 약점이 있다. 완전분석법에 따른 접근법은 기대이익이나 비용 중 어느 하나를 계산했다 하더라도 그것의 정확성을 교차검증할 수 있는 방법이 없고 두 문제를 따로 풀어야 하는 약점이 있다. 본 연구에서는 단일기간 재고모형을 교육하는 데 있어 이익이나 비용 중 어느 하나만을 고려하는 접근법보다는 이익과 비용을 동시에 고려한 무위험이익(riskless profit)을 이용한 통합적 접근법을 제시한다. 이 접근법에서는 임의의 주문량에 대한 기대이익을 수요의 확률분포의 종류에 관계없이 간단한 폐쇄형 공식(closed-form formula)을 써서 쉽게 구하고 무위험이익으로부터 기대비용을 바로 구하여 계산의 정확성을 교차검증할 수 있다. 이 접근법에 의하면 기대이익최대화 문제나 기대비용최소화 문제 중 어느 하나만 풀면 다른 문제에 대한 해를 바로 구할 수 있고 특히 구입예산제약과 수량할인과 같은 현실적인 제약이 있는 경우 최적주문량 뿐만 아니라 그 전후에서 기대이익과 기대비용이 어떻게 변하는지 쉽게 고찰할 수 있도록 해 줌으로써 교육적으로나 실제적으로 효과적인 설명모델로 사용될 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        인성교육의 주요 접근

        김수진 ( Sujin Kim ) 한국교육과정학회 2015 교육과정연구 Vol.33 No.2

        Although character education is becoming increasingly important, it has not been sufficiently implemented in Korean schools. Studies have shown that character education in Korea has been sporadic. Based on this problem, this study aims to establish a theoretical framework for character education. Toward that end, major approaches to character education included in a report by the Washington D.C.-based non-profit organization, Character Education Partnership were studied.Those approaches include the traditional perspective, the child development perspective, the community of care, the constructivist approach to sociomoral development, and the eclectic perspective. Additionally, two other approaches-the ethics of care and the social and emotional learning-were studied because they represent the most recent components of character education.Moreover, the following approaches to character education were reorganized from the cognitive,affective, and behavioral aspects: the virtue oriented approach, the development of cognitive ability,the caring oriented approach, the integrative approach, and the social and emotional approach.There are three implications for character education. (1) develop a coherent and continuous character education curriculum based on perspective and philosophy; (2) utilize a comprehensive approach to create an inclusive character education; (3) ensure school-based development and management of character education.

      • KCI등재

        Reggio Emilia Approach in Italy and Special Education

        김미숙 ( Mi Suk Kim ) 아시아.유럽미래학회 2009 유라시아연구 Vol.6 No.1

        For last thirty years, special education has structurally evolved from separative education to integrate education and then finally to full integrate education. Such changes deliver the important message that no one should be a subject to discrimination and that everyone should get along each other on the ground that no one can interfere with the dignity of human beings. Changes made on the special education so far originated from changes made on paradigms of social science and such changes made on paradigms of social science derived from the processes to solve social problems of human beings. Such transactions made on paradigms led education policies to be more open to public opinions and management methods for special education to focus more on enhancing qualities than ever. As a result, the position of special education evolved from being traditionally functional to being analytical and then finally to being humane. Moreover, the importance of educational support to discover and maximize potential abilities of individuals and allow everyone regardless of problems, whether it`s mental or physical, has also been emphasized. Therefore this research focused on discovering the ultimate educational alternative from the Reggio Emilia Approach used in Italy to adequately support everyone who is subject to special education, recalling upon mistakes made in previous special education programs. Reggio Emilia Approach started in a quite small town in Italy and successfully developed as a regional management system pursuing active interactions and communications between educators, children, parents and local societies. After countless repetitions of self-examinations and following improvements, the Reggio Emilia Approach achieved the honor to be selected as among top ten world education programs by Newsweek in 1991 , and such reputation for values and effects of this education approach never seems to end soon. The characteristics of the Reggio Emilia Approach are rotational activities of various mediums and project-based teaching methods replacing education processes, values. Educational ideas that are aimed heavily on the Reggio Emilia Approach, or value education methods, include subjective values, values earned from variation, values earned from participation ,values earned from democracy, values earned from studying, as well as such outcomes of its educational processes as playing, enjoyment and feeling emotions. Moreover, the Reggio Emilia Approach considers children to be excellent and rightful individuals and puts great importance on understanding and listening to opinions of children. Project classes, which replace education processes, lead thinking processes of children to be completed on the process of connecting relationships with others. The mass medium circulation activity is an important tool to expand thinking ability of children helping their understanding of matters. In addition to adopting this amazing education approach, basic principals such as educational choice, structural harmony among groups, forming interesting educational institutions, education aimed at building mutual relationships, enhancement and expansion of communication as well as successful formation of relationships were set up and have successfully been fulfilled so far. The Reggio Emilia Approach has tried hard to discover practical alternative to pave the way for future education without traits of previous school education programs that were unnecessarily and traditionally regimental, and masterful. This education plans to persue such ideal education that aims for achieving happiness and satisfaction from both students and teachers by recognizing respecting characteristics and diversities of ones who are subject to the program. Considering educational problems related to contemporary special education, I realized there were common interests between problems of contemporary special education and problems the Reggio Emilia Approach tried to solve. Therefore, I concluded that such careful and detailed educational methods suggested by the Reggio Emilia Approach might be useful to people with physical and mental problems. According to this conclusion, I first suggested basic principles of special education in the context of the Reggio Emilia Approach, claimed revised version of contemporary juvenile views and educational views of special education by the Reggio Emilia Approach, searched for more appropriate educational alternatives following self-examinations over contemporary special education recalling upon project classes in the Reggio Emilia Approach which replace educational processes, and finally examined effects of contemporary special education when combined with the mass medium rotation activity, which are used to expand thinking process in the Reggio Emilia Approach. It might seem that outcomes of this research have been released later than they were supposed to be since other Korean researchers already started studying the Reggio Emilia Approach around 20 years ago However, this program has won enormous reputation among child education industries as well as children`s art education industries which will eventually contribute to discover important keys to problems of contemporary special education programs.

      • KCI등재

        적분 접근법과 파라메트릭 접근법을 융합한허리 장착 보행항법시스템

        주호진,이재홍,박찬국,이철수,설동민 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2019 제어·로봇·시스템학회 논문지 Vol.25 No.4

        In this paper, we proposed a pedestrian dead reckoning (PDR) system consisting of an integration approach and a parametric approach. The integration approach is used for obtaining the position by integrating the inertial sensor signal, and the parametric approach is for estimating the stride through the gait characteristic and estimating the position through the estimated step length and walking direction. If the inertial sensor is attached to the shoe, the position can be estimated by the integration approach with a zero velocity update. The integration approach has a disadvantage that the position error increases very quickly if periodic position or velocity correction is not possible. Therefore, when the inertial sensor is mounted at another part, the position is generally estimated through the parametric approach. In the case of the parametric approach, because the step length is estimated through the parameter, there is a disadvantage that the step length estimation error becomes large when the walking motion is not normal. To overcome these drawbacks, we proposed a waist-mounted PDR system combining the integration approach and parametric approach. The performance of the proposed algorithm was verified by experiments.

      • KCI등재


        金美淑 아시아유럽미래학회 2009 유라시아연구 Vol.6 No.1

        특수교육은 최근 30년 동안 구조적으로 분리교육이 통합교육으로, 또 통합교육이 완전통합 으로 이동해 왔다. 이러한 변화의 내면에는 어떠한 인간도 차별화의 대상이 되지 않고 인간의 존엄성이 중시되며, 모든 인간은 더불어 살아야 한다는 의미가 포함되어 있다. 이러한 특수교육의 변화는 사회과학 패러다임 이동에서 연유하였고, 사회과학 패러다임의 변화는 인류 사회의 문제를 해결하는 틀에서 도출된 것이라고 할 수 있다. 따라서 패러다임의 이동으로 인하여 교육 제도는 열린교육으로, 그 운영도 질적 운영 체제로 바꾸게 하였다. 이는 특수교육에서도 전통적인 기능 주의적 입장에서 해석주의, 더 나아가 인간주의로 이동하게 하였다. 다시 말하자면 심․신에 어떠한 문 제를 가진 모든 사람들이 일반학교에서 교육을 받게 함은 물론 개개인의 잠재능력을 최대한으로 이끌어 내어주는 교육적 지원의 중요성을 강조하게 된 것이다. 따라서 본 연구에서는 과거 특수교육의 현장적 반성을 토대로하여 특수교육의 대상이 되는 모든 사람들 에게 적절한 지원이 이루어 질 수 있는 교육적 대안을 이탈리아의 레지오 에밀리아 교육에서 발견하고 자 하였다. 이탈리아의 아주 작은 마을에서 시작된 레지오 에밀리아 교육은 지역중심의 운영체제로 교육 자, 어린이, 부모, 그리고 지역사회 간의 활발한 상호작용과 의사소통의 촉진을 추구하며 발전을 거듭하 였다. 이렇게 끊임없는 반성과 거듭남을 반복하던 레지오 에밀리아 교육은 1991년 뉴스위크지에서 세계 10대 교육으로 선정된 이후 그 가치와 효과가 계속되어 지고 있다. 레지오 에밀리아 교육의 특징으로 교육사상, 즉 가치관, 아동관 및 교사관, 교육과정을 대신하는 프로젝 트수업방법, 다양한 매체의 순환활동 등을 들 수 있다. 레지오 에밀리아 교육이 지향하는 교육사상, 즉 가치관에는 주관성의 가치, 다양성의 가치, 참여의 가치, 민주주의의 가치, 학습의 가치, 교육과정에서의 놀이․재미․느낌의 가치 등이 포함된다. 그리고 레지오 에밀리아의 교육에서 아동은 유능하며 권리를 가진 어린이로서, 교사는 아동의 말에 귀를 기울이며 존중하는 사람으로 정의되며, 교육과정을 대신하는 프로젝트 수업은 확실하지 않은 사고가 관계의 과정 안에서 타인들의 사고에 의해 완성되도록 한다. 이 러한 특징에 교육적 선택과 조직 사이의 구조적 조화, 호감이 가는 교육기관 구성, 상호관계에 기초를 둔 교육, 관계와 학습, 의사소통의 확대, 성공적인 결연이라는 기본원리를 세워 충실히 이행하고 있다. 레지오 에밀리아 교육은 전통적으로 획일적이고 권위주의적이었던 학교 교육에서 그 원인을 발견하고 교육이 나아갈 방향을 좀 더 구체적이면서 적극적인 대안을 찾으려고 애를 썼던 교육이다. 이 교육에서 는 교육대상자 개개인의 고유성과 다양성이 인정되는 것은 물론 그 가치를 존중하며 교사와 학생이 모 두 행복한 교육을 지향하려 하였다. 이러한 점에서 특수교육의 현교육적 상황의 문제점들을 생각해 볼 때 레지오 에밀리아 교육이 해결하려 했던 많은 부분에서 일치되어지고, 이에 레지오 에밀리아에서 신중 하고 세심히 제시한 교육방법들이 심·신의 어떠한 문제를 가진 사람들에게 매우 유용할 것이라고 판단 하였다. 이런 판단에 근거하여 레지오 에밀리아의 교육사상에서 특수교육의 기본원리를 제시하고, 레지 오 에밀리아의 아동관과 교사관에서 수정된 특수교육의 대상인과 교사관을 주장하며, 레지오 에밀리아 의 교육에서 교육과정을 대신하는 프로젝트 수업에서 특수교육의 교육과정에 대한 반성을 하며, 레지오 에밀리아의 교육에서 사고의 확장을 위하여 활용하는 다매체 순환활동을 특수교육의 매체지원방법으로 적용하였을 때의 효과를 검토하였다. 본 연구의 이러한 검토는 20여 년 전 우리나라에서 레지오 에밀리아 교육에 대한 관심을 갖기 시작한 유 아교육보다는 다소 늦지만 이미 유아교육과 아동미술교육에서 많은 효과가 검증되고 있어 특수교육의 현장적 문제를 해결하는 중요한 대안을 제시할 수 있는 계기가 될 것이다. For last thirty years, special education has structurally evolved from separative education to integrate education and then finally to full integrate education. Such changes deliver the important message that no one should be a subject to discrimination and that everyone should get along each other on the ground that no one can interfere with the dignity of human beings. Changes made on the special education so far originated from changes made on paradigms of social science and such changes made on paradigms of social science derived from the processes to solve social problems of human beings. Such transactions made on paradigms led education policies to be more open to public opinions and management methods for special education to focus more on enhancing qualities than ever. As a result, the position of special education evolved from being traditionally functional to being analytical and then finally to being humane. Moreover, the importance of educational support to discover and maximize potential abilities of individuals and allow everyone regardless of problems, whether it's mental or physical, has also been emphasized. Therefore this research focused on discovering the ultimate educational alternative from the Reggio Emilia Approach used in Italy to adequately support everyone who is subject to special education, recalling upon mistakes made in previous special education programs. Reggio Emilia Approach started in a quite small town in Italy and successfully developed as a regional management system pursuing active interactions and communications between educators, children, parents and local societies. After countless repetitions of self-examinations and following improvements, the Reggio Emilia Approach achieved the honor to be selected as among top ten world education programs by Newsweek in 1991 , and such reputation for values and effects of this education approach never seems to end soon. The characteristics of the Reggio Emilia Approach are rotational activities of various mediums and project- based teaching methods replacing education processes, values. Educational ideas that are aimed heavily on the Reggio Emilia Approach, or value education methods, include subjective values, values earned from variation, values earned from participation ,values earned from democracy, values earned from studying, as well as such outcomes of its educational processes as playing, enjoyment and feeling emotions. Moreover, the Reggio Emilia Approach considers children to be excellent and rightful individuals and puts great importance on understanding and listening to opinions of children. Project classes, which replace education processes, lead thinking processes of children to be completed on the process of connecting relationships with others. The mass medium circulation activity is an important tool to expand thinking ability of children helping their understanding of matters. In addition to adopting this amazing education approach, basic principals such as educational choice, structural harmony among groups, forming interesting educational institutions, education aimed at building mutual relationships, enhancement and expansion of communication as well as successful formation of relationships were set up and have successfully been fulfilled so far. The Reggio Emilia Approach has tried hard to discover practical alternative to pave the way for future education without traits of previous school education programs that were unnecessarily and traditionally regimental, and masterful. This education plans to persue such ideal education that aims for achieving happiness and satisfaction from both students and teachers by recognizing respecting characteristics and diversities of ones who are subject to the program. Considering educational problems related to contemporary special education, I realized there were common interests between problems of contemporary special education and problems the Reggio Emilia Approach tried to solve. Therefore, I concluded that such careful and detailed educational methods suggested by the Reggio Emilia Approach might be useful to people with physical and mental problems. According to this conclusion, I first suggested basic principles of special education in the context of the Reggio Emilia Approach, claimed revised version of contemporary juvenile views and educational views of special education by the Reggio Emilia Approach, searched for more appropriate educational alternatives following self-examinations over contemporary special education recalling upon project classes in the Reggio Emilia Approach which replace educational processes, and finally examined effects of contemporary special education when combined with the mass medium rotation activity, which are used to expand thinking process in the Reggio Emilia Approach. It might seem that outcomes of this research have been released later than they were supposed to be since other Korean researchers already started studying the Reggio Emilia Approach around 20 years ago However, this program has won enormous reputation among child education industries as well as children's art education industries which will eventually contribute to discover important keys to problems of contemporary special education programs.

      • KCI등재

        Performing Data Integration: Handed-code Approach vs. Tool-based Approach

        Heung-Seo Koo(구흥서) 한국컴퓨터정보학회 2019 韓國컴퓨터情報學會論文誌 Vol.24 No.7

        Data integration technology is one of the key elements in building data warehouses or big data, and is used to combine data from multiple sources and provide an integrated view to users. Traditionally, the performance of data integration uses a handed-code approach or a tool-based approach that utilizes data integration tools such as ETL. There is a debate about which methods are efficient. This study is conducted to give practitioners preparing for a data integration project an insight into how to perform data integration. This paper examines the views of experts on the controversy over the adoption of ETL tools that have been on the agenda of the data integration area for over a decade.

      • KCI등재

        미술 감상수업에서 국어과 쓰기활동이 초등학교 3학년 학생의 미술 이해도와 흥미도에 미치는 영향

        노용(Row Yong),정소영(Jung So Young) 한국열린교육학회 2006 열린교육연구 Vol.14 No.2

          본 연구의 목적은 초등학교 3학년 미술 감상수업에서 국어과 쓰기 활동과 통합한 교수-학습 프로그램을 설계하여 적용하고 미술 이해도와 흥미도에 미치는 영향을 알아보고자 하였다. 인천광역시에 소재한 S초등학교 3학년 2개 학급 60명을 대상으로, 전통적인 방법으로 미술 감상수업을 실시한 통제집단과 국어과의 쓰기활동과 연계하여 미술 감상수업을 실시한 실험집단으로 구분하고, 두 집단 학생들이 작성한 미술 감상문 평가, 형성평가, 설문조사 자료를 분석한 결과, 미술 이해도와 흥미도에 있어서 두 집단 간에 유의미한 차이가 나타났다. 이를 통하여 미술 감상수업에서 국어과의 쓰기 활동과 통합한 교수-학습 프로그램은 미술 이해도와 흥미도에 긍정적인 영항을 미친다는 것을 알 수 있다.   The purpose of study is to observe how an integrated approach to enhance the understanding level of the art appreciation class for 3rd grades of the elementary school. During the class, we had the classes to write a short-story using the art terms learned during the lecture and to write letters as if they were the main figures of the art. We tested whether the 3rd grades who were lectured using the integrated approach showed noticeable interests and art appreciation improvements compared to the 3rd grades taught in the general method of teaching art by observing the essays the students wrote and through valuations. As a results of this study, firstt, a noticeable enhancement in aesthetic and critique ability were observed from the students who were taught using the integrated approach compared to the students who were taught in the general method. Hence, we can conclude that the "writing an essay" sessions seemed to have benefited the students in improving the ability to critique the artistic piece. Second, a noticeable enhancement in understanding level of the art history was observed from the students taught using the integrated approach. The students who were instructed to write letters as they were the main figures of the art piece showed a better understanding of the art history than the students in the controlled group. Third, a noticeable increase in interests to learn art and tend to show more attention during the class were observed from the students who were taught using the integrated approach.<BR>  In conclusion, an integrated approach of combining art appreciation ability and writing ability in art education positively affects the students to enhance their understanding levels of art and art history.

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