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        교육수준과 주관적 불건강-매개 요인의 탐색

        강은정 ( Eun Jeong Kang ) 한국보건경제정책학회 2008 보건경제와 정책연구 Vol.14 No.1

        Although the relationship between socioeconomic position and health inequality has been established, studies on how socioeconomic position affects health inequality are not sufficient in Korea. The purpose of the study was to find out those factors that mediate the relationship between education attainment, an indicator of socioeconomic position, and subjective health status. In detail, using the Korea National Health and Nutrition and Examination Survey in 1998, 2001, and 2005, the study (1) checked if educational attainment affected subjective health status, (2) identified the mediators of educational attainment and subjective health status, and (3) analyzed how much each mediator contributed to the difference in subjective health status by educational attainment for each year. The study results showed that lower educational attainment was related to higher rate of subjective unhealthiness. However, the evidence was not sufficient that health inequality by educational attainment has increased since 1998. The mediators between educational attainment and subjective unhealthiness were slightly different across the study years. The extent that each mediator contributed to the difference in subjective unhealthiness by educational attainment was also different across the study years. In general, disease factors for men and women and behavior factors for women were found to mediate educational attainment and subjective unhealthiness. Interventions associated with these mediators could reduce the difference in subjective health status by educational attainment.

      • Who goes to University? : Expansion of higher education and class differentials in educational aspiration in South Korea

        HYEYUN JEONG 한국교육사회학회 2019 한국교육사회학회 학술대회 발표 자료 Vol.2019 No.-

        This article has two basic objectives: First, to examine whether educational expansion in south Korea has contributed to the abolishment of class differentials in educational attainment. Second, to examine what has deterred greater equality of educational attainment in a South Korean context. A wide range of research on education in South Korea has focused on the primary effects - relationship between socioeconomic background and students’ academic achievements in school – in creating class differentials in the pursuit of higher education. This paper further investigates the secondary effects of pursuing tertiary education – the actual choices that students and their parents make in regard to educational options on the basis of their socioeconomic background when holding the academic achievement constant. Using Korean Educational Longitudinal Survey (KELS 2005), this research demonstrates that educational expansion does not necessarily correspond to greater equality of educational opportunity regardless of social origin in South Korea. This empirical examination indicates that educational mechanism still reproduces the class differentials in educational attainment through both primary and secondary effects. Students from privileged background tend to perform better in schools and thus, they are more likely to pursue tertiary education than their peers from disadvantaged background. However, even when the demonstrated academic abilities are the same, students make different choices in pursuing higher education based on their socioeconomic background and gender. This research shows that in South Korea, socioeconomic background appears to work in different way as in the European context.

      • KCI등재

        한국의 교육과 사회이동 : 여성과 남성의 차이

        장상수(Sang-soo Chang) 한국여성정책연구원 2015 여성연구 Vol.88 No.-

        This paper reviewed the empirical research on the education and social mobility which have been published during the last several decades. Although these research can be classified into some detailed topics, this paper examined only the two education-related topics: the inequality of educational opportunity and the returns to education. Each of these two topics includes two details respectively: the former is consisted of the inequality of academic achievement and of educational attainment, whereas the latter comprises both the returns in the labor market such as occupational and monetary and the returns in the marriage market such as cultural and monetary. Summarizing the various findings of previous research, this paper tried to show both the present status or level of inequality in Korea in comparative perspective and the temporal change of it over the recent several decades. It found the following distinct trends; first, the equality of educational opportunity, regardless of whether it is the inequality of academic achievement or of educational attainment, has deteriorated since the early 2000s. Second, all of the returns to education, regardless of whether it is the labor market returns or marriage market returns, have declined since the mid 1990s. 이 글에서는 지난 수 십 년 동안 한국의 사회이동을 다룬 국내외 경험 연구를 개관하였다. 사회이동 연구는 여러 가지 세부 주제로 나뉘지만 여기에서는 교육과 관련한 두 연구 주제, 즉 교육기회의 불평등과 교육의 수익을 살펴보았다. 특히 여성의 교육기회와 여성 교육의 수익을 더 상세하게 살펴보았다. 교육기회의 불평등은 다시 학업성적의 불평등과 학력성취의 불평등으로 나누어 살펴보았고, 교육의 수익은 직업 수익과 화폐 수익으로 나누어 알아보았다. 이 글은 한국의 교육기회의 불평등과 교육의 수익이 국제 사회에서 차지하는 상대적 위치를 확인하였거니와 시계열 변화 방향도 알아보았다. 이런 비교로 이 글은 다음과 같은 사실을 밝힐 수 있었다. 첫째, 학업성적이든 학력성취든 교육기회의 균등성은 1990년대 또는 2000년대 이후 점차 악화하였다. 둘째, 교육의 직업 수익과 화폐 수익, 그리고 여성의 혼인 수익은 시간이 흐르면서 점차 감소하였다.

      • KCI등재

        Gender Inequality in Educational Attainment in South Korea, 1950s-1990s

        성문주 한국여성정책연구원 2009 여성연구 Vol.79 No.-

        This paper investigates the effects of gender and family background on educational attainment in South Korea during the 1950s-1990s. In particular it focuses on the interplay between gender and family backgrounds in educational attainment. Previous studies tend to assume a uniform gender gap in different family backgrounds without precise analysis. Conventionally, family background inequality and gender inequality in educational attainment are regarded as the results of different social mechanisms. However, it is possible to observe that gender gaps may vary between family backgrounds. Using the 1998 Korea Labor and Income Panel Survey data (KLIPS) this study shows that varied gender gaps exist between different family backgrounds among respondents born in 1943-1972, e.g., the gap is greater for the farming class family. On the other hand, a cohort analysis reveals that the interplay between gender and family backgrounds is different between birth cohorts. There is a uniform gender gap among those born in 1943-1952, 1953-1962 and 1963-1972. Of note, however, respondents from service class origins in the 1963-1972 cohort show no gender gap in educational attainment. The two analyses indicate that the gender inequality is closely associated with family backgrounds. Hence, this study concludes that women’s educational opportunities are affected not only in terms of gendered cultures, but also in terms of family’s socio-economic situations in the 1950s-1990s.

      • KCI등재

        교육 불평등 변화 양상 분석

        문수연(Soo-Yeon Moon) 한국사회학회 2016 韓國社會學 Vol.50 No.5

        이 논문은 부모의 사회계급과 자녀의 교육 선택의 관계에 초점을 두고 한국의 교육 불평등의 변화 양상을 분석한다. 구체적으로, 이 연구는 상급학교로의 진학 유형과 국제적 교육이동에 영향을 미친 요인들을 분석하고, 질적 우위의 교육 성취 과정에서의 경제적 자원과 문화적 자원의 효과를 살펴본다. 우선 교차분석을 통해 발견한 것은, 상급학교로의 진학 여부에서 계급 격차가 감소한 반면, 일반계고교/실업계고교, 2년제 대학/4년제 대학과 같은 진학 유형, 그리고 해외유학 경험에서 계급격차가 증가하였다. 위계적으로 분화된 교육구조에서 자본가계급과 중간계급은 우위를 점한 반면 농촌 쁘띠부르주아지는 가장 불리한 위치에 놓여있어, 최근으로 올수록 교육 선택의 양극화 현상이 더욱 심화되었다는 것을 알 수 있다. 다음으로 로짓 분석을 통해 발견한 것은 다음과 같다. 자녀의 대학 진학 유형과 국제적 교육이동에 대한 중간계급의 효과는 최근 코호트에서 더욱 뚜렷하게 나타났다. 또한 자녀의 교육 선택에 대한 부모의 교육수준의 효과가 점차 증가하였다. 그리고 자녀 본인의 어린 시절 교육 포부, 학업성적, 학교유형, 그리고 지리적 공간은 차별적인 교육 선택에 영향을 미쳤다. 이러한 양상은 위계화된 교육체계에서 가족의 경제적·문화적 자원의 효과적인 작동으로 해석될 수 있다. 또한 교육 불평등의 요인이 생애 어린시기부터 나타나면서 교육자본 획득의 메커니즘이 변형 · 강화되어 왔음을 보여준다. This paper explores the trend of inequality in education analyzing the relationship between parent’s social class and children’s choice of education in South Korea. Specifically, the study analyzes factors that influence the educational transitions and the choice to abroad, and identifies the effects of economic resources and cultural resources in the process of achieving educational attainment in qualitatively higher education. This paper reports that while has been a decreasing gap among the classes in the proportion of taking higher level of education, there has been an increasing gap in the types of higher educational institution such as collegiate Institute or the High School in the secondary institutional level and the two-year or four-year college/university in the post-secondary institutional level. Capitalists and the middle class tend to take higher positions, whereas petty bourgeoisie tends to experience the lowest positions within the hierarchy of education, revealing polarization in the educational attainment in recent years. In addition, with the logistic regression analysis shows the followings: the effects of the middle class on the transition to higher education and the studying abroad becomes more significant among the younger cohorts; there has been an increasing effect of parents’ education on children’s educational attainment; cultural resources and geographic locations make differences in educational attainment over time.

      • KCI등재

        건강불평등 영향요인 연구: 교육수준의 조절효과를 중심으로

        김민,박선주 중앙대학교 국가정책연구소 2023 국가정책연구 Vol.37 No.1

        This paper examines the relationship between health inequalities and education level as a proxy for health literacy. While income level has traditionally been the primary focus of efforts to reduce health inequalities, recent research has emphasized the importance of health literacy in improving health outcomes. Specifically, this study uses data from the 2020 Community Health Survey in Korea to explore how education level, as a proxy for health literacy, interacts with income level to impact subjective health status. The results suggest that higher education levels have a moderating effect in reducing the impact of income-based health inequalities. The paper emphasizes the need for a universal effort to improve health literacy for adults to reduce health inequalities, in addition to the tailored health management and education currently implemented by the government. The paper contributes to the literature on exploring the causes and framework of health inequalities and provides evidence-based policy implications for reducing health inequalities. 개인이나 집단 간 건강에서의 격차를 의미하는 건강불평등을 완화하기 위하여 세계 각국이 노력하는 가운데, 건강불평등 수준을 측정하고 그 원인과 경로를 탐색한 그간의 연구는 주로 소득수준에 초점을 맞췄다. 최근의 국제 연구는 개인의 인지적 요소, 특히 교육을 통한 건강인식 개선과 의료서비스 접근성의 강화 간의 관계에 관심을 가지며, WHO 등 국제기구를 중심으로 건강정보에 대한 이해능력(health literacy), 즉 ‘건강문해력’ 제고를 건강불평등 완화의 주요 정책수단으로 강조하고 있다. 한편, 우리나라에서도 제5차 국민건강증진 종합계획에 건강문해력 향상에 관한 내용을 포함하고 있으나, 건강문해력에 대한 지표 개발과 자료수집, 실증연구가 미흡하며, 근거에 기반한 정교한 정책 대응 노력이 부족한 실정이다. 본 연구는 2020년 「지역사회건강조사」 자료를 활용하여 개인 단위에서 건강문해력의 대리변수로서 교육수준이 소득수준과의 상호작용 하에 주관적 건강수준에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 실증적으로 분석하였다. 단계적 회귀분석 결과, 교육수준이 높을수록 소득의 건강불평등 영향을 완화하는 조절효과가 나타나는 것을 확인하였다. 이는 현재 정부에서 실시하는 맞춤형 건강관리 및 교육에서 나아가 소득수준에 따른 건강불평등을 완화하기 위해 성인 대상의 보편적인 건강문해력 증진 노력, 학교교육에서의 건강 교육의 확대, 그리고 의료서비스 환경 개선 등이 필요하다는 정책적 시사점을 제시한다.

      • KCI등재

        Differential Effects of Educational Attainment on Chronic Diseases with Age

        이민아 한국인구학회 2011 한국인구학 Vol.34 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between chronic diseases, age, and education in Korea. Logistic regression techniques were used to analyze data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA), which is a nationally representative sample of Koreans aged 45 years and older. The findings show that probability of having chronic diseases increased with age up to about 75; however, it was reduced for respondents aged 75 years or older. Associations between age and chronic diseases were also differential by education. Less educated Koreans tended to have chronic diseases earlier in their lifetime; however, they were likely to have chronic diseases later in life less than more educated counterparts. The findings suggest that individuals with fewer years of education are at an increased risk of developing chronic diseases earlier in their lifetimes, thereby, leading to a higher rate of mortality at younger ages.

      • KCI등재

        Differential Effects of Educational Attainment on Chronic Diseases with Age

        Min-Ah Lee(이민아) 한국인구학회 2011 한국인구학 Vol.34 No.1

        본 논문의 목적은 연령과 교육수준이 한국인의 만성질환에 미치는 영향을 분석하는 데 있다. 이를 위해 한국노동연구원이 2006년에 수집한 ‘고령화연구패널조사(KLoSA: Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing)’에 참여한 45세 이상의 한국인을 분석하였다. 분석결과는 먼저 연령과 만성질환이 비선형 관계를 갖고 있음을 보여준다. 연령이 증가함에 따라 응답자가 만성질환을 앓고 있을 확률도 증가하나 약 74세를 기준으로 다시 감소한다. 또한 이러한 연령과 만성질환의 관계는 교육수준에 따라 다르게 나타났다. 교육수준이 낮을수록 상대적으로 이른 나이에 만성질환이 발현하여 70대 초까지 상대적으로 만성질환에 노출될 확률이 높게 나타난다. 그러나 이러한 교육수준에 따른 건강격차는 수렴현상(convergence)을 보이다가 70대 초반 이후부터 역전되어 다시 분기(divergence)한다. 즉, 고령층에서는 오히려 교육수준이 높을수록 만성질환을 가질 확률이 높게 나타나는 것이다. 이러한 결과는 교육수준이 낮은 사람들이 만성질환에 상대적으로 더 젊은 나이에 노출되고 결국에는 이른 사망으로 이어질 수 있다는 점을 함의한다. The purpose of this study was to examine relationships between chronic diseases, age, and education in Korea. Logistic regression techniques were used to analyze data from the Korean Longitudinal Study of Ageing (KLoSA), which is a nationally representative sample of Koreans aged 45 years and older. The findings show that probability of having chronic diseases increased with age up to about 74; however, it was reduced for respondents aged 74 years or older. Associations between age and chronic diseases were also differential by education. Less educated Koreans tended to have chronic diseases earlier in their lifetime; however, they were likely to have chronic diseases later in life less than more educated counterparts. The findings suggest that individuals with fewer years of education are at an increased risk of developing chronic diseases earlier in their lifetimes, thereby, leading to a higher rate of mortality at younger ages.

      • KCI등재

        Gender Inequality in Educational Attainment in South Korea, 1950s-1990s

        Moon-Ju Seong(성문주) 한국여성정책연구원(구 한국여성개발원) 2009 여성연구 Vol.77 No.-

        본 연구는 교육획득에 있어서 성과 출신계급 불평등을 1950년대에서 1990년대를 중심으로 살펴보았다 본 연구의 주된 목적은 성불평등과 출신계급 불평등의 상호작용이 있는가를 실증적으로 증명하는데 있다 21세기 현재 한국의 교육불평등을 논의할 때, 최근의 젊은 세대는 수학연수에서의 성차이가 거의 없기에 있기에 성불평등 논의의 의미성이 적을 수 있다 그러나 해방 이후부터 1990년대 초까지 교육을 받은 세대는 여성의 낮은 교육은 부정할 수 없으며, 이러한 남녀 차이를 성차이 하나의 요인만으로 분석하기에는 부족해 보인다 즉, 계급을 유지하거나 상승하기 위한 중요 수단인 교육이라는 인적 자본을 갖기 위한 계급간의 경쟁에서 가족내의 성별에 따른 자원배분의 차이가 있다는 것을 단순 성차이 분석으로는 설명하지 못하기 때문이다. 이러한 문제의식에서 본 연구는 가족내의 성별에 따른 교육기회불평등을 설명할 수 있는 이론과 선행 연구를 살펴보고, 성불평등을 가족배경과 연관하여 한국노동연구원의 1998년 임금노동패널(KLIPS) 자료를 이용하여 응답자의 아버지의 계급이 최종수학년도에 미친 영향을 OLS로 분석하였다 분석 결과는 아버지가 농민인 자녀들에게서 교육불평등 정도가 컸으며, 아버지가 서비스계급인 자녀들에게서 그 정도가 작은 것이 나타났다 이러한 분석결과를 통해 교육불평등 연구에서의 가족배경에 따라 성불평등이 다르다는 것을 밝혔다 This paper investigates the effects of gender and family background on educational attainment in South Korea during the 1950s-1990s In particular it focuses on the interplay between gender and family backgrounds in educational attainment Previous studies tend to assume a uniform gender gap in different family backgrounds without precise analysis Conventionally, family background inequality and gender inequality in educational attainment are regarded as the results of different social mechanisms However, it is possible to observe that gender gaps may vary between family backgrounds Using the 1998 Korea Labor and Income Panel Survey data (KLIPS) this study shows that varied gender gaps exist between different family backgrounds among respondents born in 1943-1972, e g, the gap is greater for the farming class family On the other hand, a cohort analysis reveals that the interplay between gender and family backgrounds is different between birth cohorts There is a uniform gender gap among those born in 1943-1952, 1953-1962 and 1963-1972 Of note, however, respondents from service class origins in the 1963-1972 cohort show no gender gap in educational attainment The two analyses indicate that the gender inequality is closely associated with family backgrounds Hence, this study concludes that women's educational opportunities are affected not only in terms of gendered cultures, but also in terms of family's socio-economic situations in the 1950s-1990s

      • KCI등재

        교육수준별 거주지 분리와 근린주거환경 격차: 서울시를 사례로

        정수열 ( Su-yeul Chung ),이정현 ( Jung-hyun Lee ) 한국경제지리학회 2016 한국경제지리학회지 Vol.19 No.4

        Socio-economic polarization in Korea partly due to recent globalization and industrial restructuring could reduce social mobility significantly through passing down educational achievement to one`s children. Under the notion that residential segregation is geographical frame for the reproduction of educational inequality, this research investigates residential segregation by educational attainment and neighborhood disparity with a case study of Seoul. The statistical analyses employed local segregation measures such as Location Quotient and Local Moran`s I and a variety of variables that reflect neighborhood characteristics. As a result, it found that there are sharp and clear contracts between low- and high-educational group concentrations/clusters particularly in terms of housing characteristics and educational facilities. This results provide some evidences that support the arguments about the causes of residential segregation by class in Korean Cities.

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