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      • The Changes in Financial Performance of Technology Innovation Activities by the Different Phases of Business Growth in Innovative SMEs

        Hye-Su Park,Nick Lee,Sun-Young Park 한국창업학회 2012 한국창업학회 Conferences Vol.2012 No.3

        An empirical analysis, which dataset is based on the 2010 Survey of Korea Venture Firms 1), was performed on the efficiency of resource allocation in each business growth stage for maximizing the investment efficiency of technology innovation activities of innovative SMEs. To summarize, variables show different productivities in each growth stage. First, increasing manpower in research and development (R&D), increasing manpower in sales, and obtaining government supports are significantly correlated with financial performance in the start-up phase, but having intellectual properties is not. Second, in the phase of initial growth, the manpower in production and R&D are influential to the financial performance. Third, in the phase of rapid growth, the productivity of the manpower in R&D is increased, but the manpower in production and sales become not as highly as influential than before. However, in the phase of maturity, the intellectual properties and the manpower of R&D are highly correlated with financial performance. This result suggests that productivity of resources different in each growth stage could be applied the decision making process for efficient resource allocation to maximize financial performance. Since Innovative small to Medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) tend to carry limited resources in the phases of business growth, from start-up and to maturity, the technology innovation activities are constrained differently in each phase. Although many studies have been focused on the phases of business growth similar to biological organisms, the studies on the productivity of technology innovation activities are insufficient. Thus, in this study, an empirical analysis was performed on the efficiency of resource allocation to the technology innovation in each phase of the growth. This study is done ultimately to help to maximize the investment efficiency of businesses based on the data of 2010 Survey of Korea Venture Firms. The result of the study shows that financial performance is affected in different phases by different variables, i.e. adding investment, increasing manpower, obtaining government supports, and cooperating with external business networks for technology innovation activities. In addition, the effects of variables to financial performance show different results in different phases. To summarize, first, increasing manpower in research and development (R&D), increasing manpower in sales, and obtaining government supports are significant in the start-up phase, but having intellectual properties is not. Second, in the phase of initial growth, the manpower in production and R&D are influential to the financial performance. Third, in the phase of rapid growth, the productivity of the manpower in R&D is increased, but the manpower in production and sales become not as highly as influential than before. However, in the phase of maturity, the intellectual properties and the manpower of R&D become influential. From the result, business executives may compare the effect of variables with each other, and allocate resources that may maximize their financial performance. However, since this study was not able to confirm the statistical significance between the investment in R&D and in capital expenditure, follow-up studies may be needed.

      • KCI등재

        From The Hindu Growth Phase to The Moderate Growth Phase: The Role of the State in Economic Transition in India

        Rajiv Kumar(라지브 쿠마르),Chanwahn Kim(김찬완) 한국아시아학회 2019 아시아연구 Vol.22 No.2

        이 연구는 발전국가론의 관점에서 힌두저성장 시기(1950 ~ 1980)를 마감한 1980 년대 인도 경제성장전환단계를 설명하기 위해 국가의 중요성을 분석하고 있다. 경제자유화가 성장을 촉진한다는 기존의 연구와는 달리 본 연구는 1980 년대 인도가 저성장을 벗어나 경제성장를 이룩할 수 있었던 주요 요인으로 강한 국가의 출현을 들고 있다. 인도는 1980 년 인디라 간디와 1984 년 라지브 간디가 이끄는 인도국민회의 압도적 총선승리와 더불어 집권여당에 대한 좌파정당들의 정치적 간섭이 줄어들면서 강한 국가의 출현을 경험하게 되었다. 본 연구는 세가지 측면에서 분석이 이루어졌다. 첫째, 인도는 당시 내부적으로 재분배를 강조하는 사회주의 경제정책 대신에 성장을 강조하는 새로운 경제발전 전략으로 수정하는 경제정책을 받아들였다. 둘째, 인도는 또는 경제성장을 촉진하기 위해 기존에 추구하지 않았던 국제경제정책을 받아들였다. 셋째, 인도는 선출직 국회의원들보다는 서구교육을 받은 경제관료들에게 더 많은 권한을 주면서 경제정책 결정 팀을 운영해나갔다. 이 모든 것은 강한 국가가 있었기 때문에 가능했다. 따라서 1980 년대 인도의 경제성장을 설명함에 있어서 강한 국가의 역할은 매우 중요하다. 저성장의 힌두성장단계에서 중성장단계로의 경제전환에서의 국가의 역할을 보여주는 본 연구는 최근 인도 경제성장에 대한 연구를 재검토해야 될 학문적 필요성을 제시해주고 있다. Drawing from the perspective of developmental state theory, this study sheds a light on the significance of state in explaining India’s economic growth transition in the 1980s that marked the end of the slow Hindu growth phase (1950 ~ 1980). Contrary to existing studies which attribute the acceleration in growth to liberalization, this study suggests that the emergence of strong state in the 1980s was the major factor, which paved the way for the upward economic growth trajectory in that decade. As this article shows, India witnessed the rise of strong state, with the massive landslide victories of the Congress party led by Indira Gandhi and Rajiv Gandhi in 1980 and 1984 respectively, combined with the decline of political constraints imposed by left parties on the ruling party. This rise of strong state, as our arguments goes, provided an impetus to adopt development-oriented strategy. This paper demonstrates it at three levels: First, India adopted a new type of strategy at the domestic-level to prioritize economic growth, instead of emphasizing redistribution, which was a shift away from socialism to pro-growth strategy; second, it also changed its international economic approach to accelerate economic growth, which was not seen in the previous decades; third, a significant change was also made in economic policy-making team by giving more power to western-educated economists vis-à-vis elected lawmakers. All these was possible as strong state was in place; hence the role of strong state is key in explaining economic growth in the 1980s. After showing the role of state in economic transition from the slow Hindu growth phase to moderate growth phase, the findings of this article also raise important scholarly question of re-examining the ‘evolution’ of the India’s economic growth in recent years.

      • KCI등재

        중소기업의 성장단계별 지원정책에 관한 탐색적 연구

        이재범(Lee, Jae-Beom) 한국산학기술학회 2013 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.14 No.5

        본 연구는 충남(천안․아산)지역 중소기업을 대상으로 성장단계별(창업․성장․확장)기업이 필요로 하는 지원정책 을 측정하기 위하여 시도 되었다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 창업단계에서는 자금과 인력, 판로, 기술 그리고 창 업․성장․확장단계는 조직 관리를 핵심역할로 인식하였다. 지원정책 관련, 창업단계에서는 자금, 성장단계는 국내마케팅 과 인력, 확장단계는 해외마케팅과 연구개발지원을 성장단계별 필요한 지원정책으로 인식하였다. 둘째, 경향방향(방침) 관련, 창업단계는 기존시장진입과 틈새시장진입을 성장단계에서는 시장창출로 인식하였다. 셋째, 핵심인력은 창업단계 는 기술과 영업 그리고 경영기획인력, 창업과 확장단계는 마케팅, 확장단계에서는 생산인력을 성장단계별 핵심인력으 로 인식하였다. 넷째, 자금은 창업과 성장단계는 기술개발자금, 공장입지확보자금, 인력운영자금, 판로확보자금, 운영 자금을 확장단계는 설비투자자금을 성장단계별 필요자금으로 인식하였다. 다섯째, 중점기술 관련, 창업단계는 신제품 개발, 기존제품개선, 기존공정개선, 신공정개발, 성장단계는 가공기술, 확장단계에서는 신공정개발을 성장단계별 중점 기술로 인식하였다. 여섯째, 판매방식 관련, 창업단계는 대기업납품, 해외시장판매, 공공기관납품, 중소기업납품으로 인식하였다. 일곱째, 창업단계에서는 창업보육지원, 연구개발 지원, 정보교류, 연구개발성과 활용 및 판매지원, 공장설 립 입지지원으로 인식하였다. 경영관리와 관련, 성장단계는 교육, 확장단계에서는 시험생산을 지역기관에 요구하는 지 원프로그램으로 인식하는 것으로 나타났다. This study performed empirical analysis to estimate SMEs needs in terms of business support policy by growth stages(start-up․growth․expansion). The subject is the SMEs in Cheonan and Asan, ChungNam and the results are as follows. First, In the initial start-up stage, management plays a key role in dealing with money, labor force, markets and technology while running the organization is a key role of the management in the expansion stage. Major policies to help SMEs grow includes money provision needed in the start-up stage, domestic marketing assistance and the provision of human resources in the growth stage, and assistance in foreign marketing and R&D in the expansion stage. Second, To achieve markets businesses aim at entering the existing and niche markets in the initial phase, and creating new markets in the growth phase. Third, Labor force for technology, sales and management planning in the start-up stage, marketing in the growth stage, and labor force for production in the expansion stage are core man- power needed. Fourth, Money for technology development, securing land for factories, organizing man power, securing markets and running the company is needed in the initial and growth stages while fund for facility investment is needed to grow in the expansion stage. Five, Regarding technology, the initial stage needs technology related to new product development, renewing existing products, improving the existing manufacturing process or developing new manufacturing process, while the growth stage needs processing techniques, and the expansion stage needs technology for developing new manufacturing process. Sixth, Making supply contracts with conglomerates, SMEs and public institutions, and sales to foreign markets are ways for SMEs to grow sales. Seventh, What SMEs wish to get includes business incubating support, R&D assistance, information exchanges, practical use of the R&D results, merchandising support, help with the land to build factories and custom-made support for management in the foundation stage while the support they want to get in the growth stage and in the expansion stage is training assistance and trial production respectively.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 전자, 자성 및 광학재료 ; LPE법으로 성장시킨 (TbBi)3(FeAlGa)5O12 Garnet 단결정 후막의 성장속도에 관한 연구

        이완규 ( Wan Gyu Lee ),오규환 ( Kyu Hwan Oh ),나형용 ( Hyung Yong Ra ) 대한금속재료학회 ( 구 대한금속학회 ) 1998 대한금속·재료학회지 Vol.36 No.7

        The effects of Bi2O3 addition to PbO/B2O3 solvent on the growth kinetics of (TbBi)3(FeAlGa)5O12 single crystal thick films grown by liquid phase epitaxy(LPE) were investigated. The growth of garnet films from PbO/B2O3/Bi2O3 solvent was higher than that from PbO/B2O3. Decreasing molar ratio R1(Fe2O3/Y2O3) and increasing R3 (PbO+BiO3/B2O3), the growth rate of garnet thick films becomes large. The growth rate of single crystal thick film can be expressed in terms of the driving force for growth of garnet thick film In(Cl/Ce) and the resistances to growth δ/D + Cl/K. The growth rate of single crystal thick film depends mostly upon the resistances to growth rather than the driving force for growth. There was a large decrease in the crystal growth resistance δ/D + Cl/K as low as 103sec/cm, and the bulk supersaturation In(Cl/Ce) is decreased by 101~102 if Bi2O3 is added to PbO/B2O3 solvent.

      • KCI등재

        산림융복합산업 경영체의 성장단계 구분 및 경영요소 분석 연구

        이보휘,박창원,정다워,이창준,이상진,김태임,박범진,구승모,김세빈 한국산림과학회 2019 한국산림과학회지 Vol.108 No.3

        The objectives of this study were to gauge the extent of the forestry business through establishing the definition of forestry industry from the perspective of economic convergence and to analyze key components that affect each growth phase of a forestry business entity by classifying them. A total of 1,397 “sixth-sector industry” management entities were certified by the Ministry of Agriculture, Food, and Rural Affairs in South Korea from 2012 –2017. Of these, 259 (18.5%) were in the forestry sector. In this study, the 259 forestry management entities were further classified into three phases based on sales distribution: entrance, development, and maturity. The entrance phase (<100 million KRW), development phase (>100 million and <1 billion KRW), and maturity phase (>1 billion KRW) constituted 33.2%, 55.4%, and 12.4% of the total 259 entities, respectively. The results showed that most of the management entities were either in the entrance or development phases, and only a small portion was in the maturity phase. To identify the key variables that affect each of the phases, chi-square analysis was used. We designed the “sixth-sector industry” type as an independent variable, whereas selected region, business organization, manager age group, forest product, processing type, and service type were designated as dependent variables. The results of the analysis showed that the processing and service types influenced all three developmental phases. Moreover, as the phase advanced, processing type showed a higher proportion of health-functional ingredients, such as powder or extract from forest products, which enable to develop and produce a variety of products. Service type also changed from simple experience to integrated experience tourism and finally to tourism education. Distribution and sales channel also turned out to be a significant factor during the development phase. This study provides the basic information needed to guide government support in the implementation of a formal forestry business through convergence as well as to increase the efficiency of business management. 본 연구는 산림분야 6차산업과 관련된 외연적 개념과 용어를 정립함으로써 산림비즈니스의 범위를 확대하고, 산림융복합경영체의 성장단계를 분류하여 각 성장과정에 영향을 미치는 핵심요소를 분석하고자 하였다. 이에 산림 6차산업과관련된 용어를 ‘산림융복합산업’으로 일원화하였다. 또한 2012-2017년까지 전국에서 인증된 6차산업인증경영체 1,397개중 단기임산물 지원 품목 7가지를 기준으로 약 18.5%인 259개의 ‘산림융복합경영체’를 추출하였다. 추출된 259개의 경영체를 매출액 범주에 따라 분류한 결과, 진입기(1억 미만)가 33.2%(86개), 발전기(1억 이상 10억 미만)가 54.4%(141개)로대부분 발전기에 분포하고 있으며, 자립기(10억 이상)까지 성장한 경영체는 비교적 낮게(12.4%) 나타났다. 이러한 결과를바탕으로 각 성장단계에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수를 분석하기 위해, 독립변수는 6차산업유형으로 종속변수는 지역, 경영체유형, 운영자 연령대, 임산물 품목(1차), 가공유형(2차), 서비스유형(3차)으로 선정하여 교차분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과, 가공유형(2차)과 서비스유형(3차)이 모든 성장단계에서 유의한 차이를 보였다. 특히 가공유형은 다양한 상품개발과 생산이가능한 분말, 엑기스 등과 같은 ‘건강기능성원소재’가 진입에서 자립단계로 갈수록 두드러지게 높은 비중을 차지하였다. 서비스유형(3차)은 성장할수록 단순체험에서 체험관광, 관광교육과 같은 융복합화로 변화되었고, 유통판매에 대한 중요성이 발전기부터 높게 나타나 이를 지원해줄 수 있는 중간지원조직의 역할이 중요하게 분석되었다. 본 연구는 산림융복합사업의 내실 있는 추진과 사업관리의 효율성 제고를 위해 지원방향에 대한 시사점을 제공해 줄 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        RESEARCH : Effects of varying nursery phase-feeding programs on growth performance of pigs during the nursery and subsequent grow-finish phases

        ( Chai Hyun Lee ),( Dae Yun Jung ),( Man Jong Park ),( C Young Lee ) 한국동물자원과학회(구 한국축산학회) 2014 한국축산학회지 Vol.56 No.24

        The present study investigated the effects of varying durations of nursery diets differing in percentages of milk products on growth performance of pigs during the nursery phase (NP) and subsequent grow-finish phase (GFP) to find the feasibility of reducing the use of nursery diets containing costly milk products. A total of 204 21-d-old weanling female and castrated male pigs were subjected to one of three nursery phase feeding programs differing in durations on the NP 1 and 2 and GFP diets containing 20%, 7%, and 0% lacrosse and 35%, 8%, and 0% dried whey, respectively, in 6 pens (experimental units) for 33 d: HIGH (NP 1, 2 and 3 diets for 7, 14, and 12 d), MEDIUM (NP 2 and 3 for 14 and 19 d), and LOW (NP 2 and 3 and GFP 1 for 7, 14, and 12 d). Subsequently, 84 randomly selected pigs [14 pigs (replicates)/pen] were fed the GFP 1, 2 and 3 diets during d 54-96, 96-135, and 135-182 of age, respectively. The final body weight (BW) and average daily gain (ADG) of nursery pigs did not differ among the HIGH, MEDIUM, and LOW groups (14.8, 13.3, and 13.7 kg in BW and 273, 225, and 237 g in ADG, respectively). The average daily feed intake during the nursery phase was greater (p <0.01) in the HIGH group than in the MEDIUM and LOW groups, whereas the gain:feed ratio did not differ across the treatments. The BW on d 182 and ADG during d 54-182 were greater in the HIGH and MEDIUM groups vs. the LOW group (110.0, 107.6, and 99.6 kg in BW, respectively; p <0.01). The backfat thickness and carcass grade at slaughter on d 183 did not differ across the treatments. In conclusion, the MEDIUM program may be inferior to the commonly used HIGH program in supporting nursery pig growth. Nevertheless, the former appears to be more efficient than the latter in production cost per market pig whereas the LOW program is thought to be inefficient because of its negative effect on post-nursery pig growth.

      • 급성기 가와사끼병 환아의 혈청 Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 및 Endostatin에 대한 연구

        송민섭,이승익 인제대학교 2008 仁濟醫學 Vol.29 No.-

        Objective : Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor(VEGF) is an angiogenic growth factor that has been implicated in both physiological and pathological angiogenesis. Endostatin(ES) is a potent inhibitor of angiogenesis and exhibits antiangiogenic activity by inhibiting the proliferation and migration of endothelial cells(ECs) in addition to inducing endothelial cell apoptosis. Imbalance between angiogenic and antiangiogenic factor exists in subacute phase of KD, as pathologic angiogenesis occurs in subacute phase of Kawasaki disease(KD). The purpose of this study is to investigate whether an imbalance exists in the production between angiogenic and antiangiogenic growth factors in patients with acute phase of Kawasaki disease(KD), we measured the serum levels of VEGF and ES. Methods and Materials : Serum VEGF, ES levels and VEGF/ES ratio were measured in 30 KD patients, 10 incomplete KD patients and 12 febrile illness controls. Blood samples were drawn from each study group during acute phase before intravenous immunoglobulin(IVIG) therapy. Results : KD patients had higher VEGF levels(426.70 ± 479.63 pg/mL vs 297.71 ± 251.32 pg/mL, P=0.52) and VEGF/ES ratio(3.67 ± 5.69 vs 2.16 ±1.763, P=0.55 ) in the acute phase of KD than controls, but the difference was not significant. ES levels were within normal range and there was no difference of ES levels(132.65 ± 33.98 ng/mL vs 135.54 ± 25.95 ng/mL, P=0.97) between Kawasaki disease and controls in the acute phase. Conclusion : The findings in this present study indicate that an imbalance does not exist in the production between VEGF and ES in patients with acute phase of KD.

      • 대장균에서 많은 수의 플라스미드에 존재하는 rnpB 유전자 전사의 성장기의 따른 조절 작용

        정영환,길민찬,전은순,은영아,이영훈,박충웅 全北大學校 基礎科學硏究所 1994 基礎科學 Vol.16 No.-

        The Escherichia coli rnpB gene encodes M1 RNA, the catalytic component of RNase P which is a processing enzyme for tRNA maturation. Biosynthesis of M1 RNA is known to be stringently regulated. The rnpB transcription under different growth phases of E. coli was examined using the truncated rnpB in the multicopy plasmids which could generate the metabolically unstable M1 RNA transcript. Biosynthesis of this RNA was directly analyzed during the transition from the exponential phase of growth to the stationary phase. During the transition the rnpB transcription became repressed. The discriminator motif CGCC adjacent to the transcription start-point of the rnpB gene was altered to the TATT using site-directed mutagenesis. The modified promter containing the mutated discriminator was at least partially rescued from this growth phase-dependent repression of the rnpB transcription. The results clearly show that the discriminator motif play a key role in control of the rnpB transcription under different growth phases.


        Role of second-phase particle morphology on 3D grain growth: A phase-field approach

        Chang, Kunok,Kwon, Junhyun,Rhee, Chang-Kyu Elsevier 2016 Computational materials science Vol.124 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>The incorporation of second-phase particles in polycrystalline materials is one of the most efficient and practical methods for the retardation of grain growth during high-temperature heat treatment. To obtain a more systematic understanding of the related pinning effect, we employ a multi-order-parameter phase-field grain-growth model to simulate 3D grain growth in the presence of inert second-phase particles. We compare the pinning efficacy of the second-phase particles depending on the particle size, distribution, morphology, and the number of alignment directions. The dependence of the number of average neighboring grains on the spatial distributions of the inert second-phase particles is also evaluated.</P> <P><B>Graphical abstract</B></P> <P>[DISPLAY OMISSION]</P>


        Cluster growth mechanisms in Lennard-Jones fluids: A comparison between molecular dynamics and Brownian dynamics simulations

        Jung, J.,Lee, J.,Kim, J.S. Elsevier Science Publishers [etc.] 2015 Chemical Physics Vol.449 No.-

        We present a simulation study on the mechanisms of a phase separation in dilute fluids of Lennard-Jones (LJ) particles as a model of self-interacting molecules. Molecular dynamics (MD) and Brownian dynamics (BD) simulations of the LJ fluids are employed to model the condensation of a liquid droplet in the vapor phase and the mesoscopic aggregation in the solution phase, respectively. With emphasis on the cluster growth at late times well beyond the nucleation stage, we find that the growth mechanisms can be qualitatively different: cluster diffusion and coalescence in the MD simulations and Ostwald ripening in the BD simulations. We also show that the rates of the cluster growth have distinct scaling behaviors during cluster growth. This work suggests that in the solution phase the random Brownian nature of the solute dynamics may lead to the Ostwald ripening that is qualitatively different from the cluster coalescence in the vapor phase.

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