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      • KCI등재

        Discrepancy of Intensity Modulation Radiation Therapy Dose Delivery due to the Dose-Dynamic Multi-Leaf Collimator Gravity Effect

        이정우,정진범,이두현,박정훈,Bo-Young Choe,서태석,장홍석,Semie Hong,박병문,강민영,최경식,김유현 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.53 No.6

        The aim of the present study was to investigate the multi-leaf collimator (MLC) gravity effect on intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dose-dynamic delivery at different gantry angles. The non-uniform fluence for IMRT was generated by means of dose-dynamic MLC (DMLC) performances, which were multiple static segments (MSS) or fully dynamic sliding window (SW) delivery methods at different gantry angles. SW delivery is quite similar to MSS with regard to MLC sliding pattern through the X1 to X2 jaw direction, except that it is irradiated during DMLC movement. To determine how the DMLC gravity aects the IMRT dose fluence, we mounted a two-dimensional ion chamber matrix (MatriXX, Scanditronix-Wellhofer, Schwarzenbruck, Germany) to a linear accelerator (CL 21EX, Varian, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Individual IMRT dose-dynamic segments were applied by using MSS and SW for 6-MV photon beams at five dierent gantry angles: 0℃ (neutral gravity), 45℃ (semi-along gravity), 90℃ (vertical-along gravity), 315℃ (semi-against gravity) and 270℃ (against gravity). To test the correlation of leaf speed and gravity, we delivered half monitor units (MUs) for planned doses for absolute dose comparison. Strict γ-index (dose difference: 2 %; distance to agreement: 2 mm) histograms were used for quantitative analyses of the discrepancy. The dose distribution by MSS under neutral gravity (gantry 0℃) with 137 MUs at a prescribed dose (45 cGy) point, which was in the low gradient area, was used as a reference for the other results. The γ-index histograms showed an increased tendency of the dose discrepancy toward the gravity-along direction rather than toward the gravity-against direction. The acceptable proportional ranges below 1 of the γ-index were 96.2 - 99.6 % (mean: 97.6 %), 92.6 - 93.5 % (mean: 93.0 %), 90.4 - 92.6 % (mean: 91.3 %), 94.6 - 98.0 % (mean: 96.4 %) and 92.9 - 96.8 % (mean: 95.0%) for neutral, semi-along, vertical-along, semi-against and vertical-against gravity of the positions of MLC segments, respectively. we noted that MSS deliveries were more stable than were the SW deliveries (unacceptable γ-index range 1.0 - 2.0: mean 3.6 % for MSS and 5.4 % for SW). For the dose measurement on the prescribed dose point, all measurements showed a good agreement within an average of 2 %. Our experiment conclusively demonstrated that the DMLC gravity affects the IMRT dose distribution. The effect may impact more severely in the gravity along direction and SW while the leaf speed is not in fluenced so much. The aim of the present study was to investigate the multi-leaf collimator (MLC) gravity effect on intensity modulated radiation therapy (IMRT) dose-dynamic delivery at different gantry angles. The non-uniform fluence for IMRT was generated by means of dose-dynamic MLC (DMLC) performances, which were multiple static segments (MSS) or fully dynamic sliding window (SW) delivery methods at different gantry angles. SW delivery is quite similar to MSS with regard to MLC sliding pattern through the X1 to X2 jaw direction, except that it is irradiated during DMLC movement. To determine how the DMLC gravity aects the IMRT dose fluence, we mounted a two-dimensional ion chamber matrix (MatriXX, Scanditronix-Wellhofer, Schwarzenbruck, Germany) to a linear accelerator (CL 21EX, Varian, Palo Alto, CA, USA). Individual IMRT dose-dynamic segments were applied by using MSS and SW for 6-MV photon beams at five dierent gantry angles: 0℃ (neutral gravity), 45℃ (semi-along gravity), 90℃ (vertical-along gravity), 315℃ (semi-against gravity) and 270℃ (against gravity). To test the correlation of leaf speed and gravity, we delivered half monitor units (MUs) for planned doses for absolute dose comparison. Strict γ-index (dose difference: 2 %; distance to agreement: 2 mm) histograms were used for quantitative analyses of the discrepancy. The dose distribution by MSS under neutral gravity (gantry 0℃) with 137 MUs at a prescribed dose (45 cGy) point, which was in the low gradient area, was used as a reference for the other results. The γ-index histograms showed an increased tendency of the dose discrepancy toward the gravity-along direction rather than toward the gravity-against direction. The acceptable proportional ranges below 1 of the γ-index were 96.2 - 99.6 % (mean: 97.6 %), 92.6 - 93.5 % (mean: 93.0 %), 90.4 - 92.6 % (mean: 91.3 %), 94.6 - 98.0 % (mean: 96.4 %) and 92.9 - 96.8 % (mean: 95.0%) for neutral, semi-along, vertical-along, semi-against and vertical-against gravity of the positions of MLC segments, respectively. we noted that MSS deliveries were more stable than were the SW deliveries (unacceptable γ-index range 1.0 - 2.0: mean 3.6 % for MSS and 5.4 % for SW). For the dose measurement on the prescribed dose point, all measurements showed a good agreement within an average of 2 %. Our experiment conclusively demonstrated that the DMLC gravity affects the IMRT dose distribution. The effect may impact more severely in the gravity along direction and SW while the leaf speed is not in fluenced so much.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparative Study on Physiological Activities of Lager and Ale Brewing Yeasts under Different Gravity Conditions

        Zhimin Yu,Mou-Ming Zhao,Huiping Li,Hai-Feng Zhao,Qingli Zhang,Chunyan Wan,Huipin Li 한국생물공학회 2012 Biotechnology and Bioprocess Engineering Vol.17 No.4

        High gravity (HG) or very high gravity (VHG)brewing has become popular in modern breweries due to its economic and product quality advantages. However,there are the negative impacts such as the fermentation performance of brewer’s yeast in HG or VHG wort, which are closely related to changes in cell physiological activity. In the present study, 3 kinds of worts, with different gravities, were used to examine the systematic effects on fermentation performance and physiological activity of lager yeast FBY009505 (Saccharomyces pastorianus) and ale yeast FBY0099 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), as well as the resulting beer flavor. Results showed that the responses of FBY009505 and FBY0099 to the HG or VHG worts were similar. The specific fermentation rate and viability of cropped yeast of FBY009505 and FBY0099 were decreased with increasing wort gravity. The increased wort gravity resulted in the increase of energy charge and the decrease of α-glucosides transport rate and glycolytic enzyme activities. Moreover, the environmental stresses in the HG or VHG wort showed a higher inhibitory activity against α-glucoside transport than glycolytic enzymes. The content of intracellular trehalose and glycerol of FBY009505 and FBY0099 increased with the increase in wort gravity. The results from this study provided a potential means to systematically understand the physiology of brewer’s yeast under HG or VHG conditions. High gravity (HG) or very high gravity (VHG)brewing has become popular in modern breweries due to its economic and product quality advantages. However,there are the negative impacts such as the fermentation performance of brewer’s yeast in HG or VHG wort, which are closely related to changes in cell physiological activity. In the present study, 3 kinds of worts, with different gravities, were used to examine the systematic effects on fermentation performance and physiological activity of lager yeast FBY009505 (Saccharomyces pastorianus) and ale yeast FBY0099 (Saccharomyces cerevisiae), as well as the resulting beer flavor. Results showed that the responses of FBY009505 and FBY0099 to the HG or VHG worts were similar. The specific fermentation rate and viability of cropped yeast of FBY009505 and FBY0099 were decreased with increasing wort gravity. The increased wort gravity resulted in the increase of energy charge and the decrease of α-glucosides transport rate and glycolytic enzyme activities. Moreover, the environmental stresses in the HG or VHG wort showed a higher inhibitory activity against α-glucoside transport than glycolytic enzymes. The content of intracellular trehalose and glycerol of FBY009505 and FBY0099 increased with the increase in wort gravity. The results from this study provided a potential means to systematically understand the physiology of brewer’s yeast under HG or VHG conditions.

      • KCI등재

        헤겔 자연철학에서 중력과 무게

        박병기 ( Byoung Kie Park ) 한국헤겔학회 2014 헤겔연구 Vol.0 No.36

        이 글의 목적은 헤겔이 ‘die Schwerkraft(vis gravitatis)’와 die Schwere (gravitas)’를 구별했으며, ‘die Schwerkraft’가 아닌 ‘die Schwere’ 개념을 통해 자연을 철학적으로 해명하고 있다는 것을 밝히고 우리가 그와 관련된 헤겔의 텍스트를 읽을 때 둘을 구별하는 것이 헤겔의 텍스트를 더 세밀히 독해할 수 있다는 것을 보이고자 하는 것이다. 헤겔은 자연의 본질적 속성인 무게를 단순히 양적 개념인 중력으로 환원하여 자연을 이해하려 한다면 무게라는 사상에 들어있는 더욱 심오한 것이 무의미하게 되고 개념과 이성의 여지는 사라진다고 보았다. 물질이 무게를 갖는다는 것은 자연이 자신과 달리 있는 타자존재이면서 자신의 중심을 자신 속에서가 아니라 자신 바깥에서 가지고 있는 외자존재라는 것을 보여주는 것이다. 따라서 둘을 다같이 ‘중력’으로 번역할 것이 아니라 ‘중력’과 ‘무게’로 구별하여 읽어야 한다. 예를 들어 “물질의 실체는 중력이 되는 반면에 정신의 실체는 자유이다”라는 명제는 헤겔이 물질의 본질, 물질의 실체를 중력이 아니라 무게로 보았다는 것을 감안하면 앞뒤가 맞지 않는 말이지만, 중력을 무게로 읽는다면 정연하게 이해할 수 있다. The main purpose of this paper is to clarify that Hegel distinguished ‘die Schwere(gravitas)’ from ‘die Schwerkraft(vis gravitatis)’ and philosophically elucidated nature by using the concept of ‘die Schwere’, not ‘die Schwerkraft’, and to show that distinguishing the two allows us to comprehend Hegel``s text more precisely when reading his text on them. Hegel believed that the profundity in the idea of gravity would be meaningless and its concept and reason would disappear if we try to comprehend nature simply by converting gravity, which is an essential property of nature, into the force of gravity, which is a quantitative concept. The fact that a matter has gravity shows that nature is the otherness external to itself and Being-outside-itself with its center outside itself. Therefore, the two terms should not be translated as ‘the force of gravity’, but they should be classified into ‘the force of gravity’ and ‘gravity’. For example, the statement, “The substance of matter becomes the force of gravity, but the substance of the mind is free,” is contradictory, but it can be logically comprehended if the force of gravity is replaced with gravity as Hegel considered the essence or substance of matter as gravity, not the force of gravity.

      • KCI등재

        Manufacturing and Control of a Robotic Device for Time-averaged Simulated Micro and Partial Gravity of a Cell Culture Environment

        김윤재,Min Hyuk Lim,Byoungjun Jeon,최동현,Haeri Lee,정애진,Min Jung Kim,Ji Won Park,Ja-Lok Ku,Seung-Yong Jeong,Sang-Kyu Ye,Youdan Kim,KIMSUNGWAN 제어·로봇·시스템학회 2020 International Journal of Control, Automation, and Vol.18 No.1

        Gravity is omnipresent for all objects on Earth. However, in an environment of different gravitational stress (e.g., microgravity or partial gravity), cells and organs show different biological responses. So, researchers have attempted to achieve micro- or partial gravity on Earth through various approaches, such as parabolic flight or free fall. However, the duration of such ground experiments is highly limited, making it very difficult to conduct time-consuming tasks, such as cell culture. Thus, a three-dimensional (3D) clinostat is utilized as an alternative for experiments on the International Space Station. It provides time-averaged simulated micro- and partial gravity by using mechanical frames with two rotating actuators. This study proposes novel control algorithms for simulating micro- and partial gravity and validates them by applying it to the control of a manufactured 3D clinostat. First, the novel algorithm for time-averaged simulated microgravity (taSMG) provided a more uniformly distributed gravity field by reducing two poles the gravity-concentrated areas. The taSMG with reduced poles provides isotropic gravitational patterns, from which it is possible to minimize the unnecessary effect due to nonuniformity of the gravity vector direction. Second, the other suggested novel algorithm for time-averaged simulated partial gravity (taSPG) controls the pole sizes asymmetrically to generate the intended size of partial gravity. The suggested algorithms are based on mathematical models rather than totally randomized motions. Therefore, the convergence of gravity values, in the rotating frame over time, can be analytically predicted with improved accuracy compared with previously reported algorithms. The developed 3D clinostat hardware and algorithms will effectively provide well-validated taSMG and taSPG for cell growth experiments in future studies for space medicine.

      • KCI등재

        Quantum Gravity from Noncommutative Spacetime

        이정재,Hyun Seok Yang 한국물리학회 2014 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.65 No.11

        We review a novel and authentic way to quantize gravity. This novel approach is based on the factthat Einstein gravity can be formulated in terms of a symplectic geometry rather than a Riemanniangeometry in the context of emergent gravity. An essential step for emergent gravity is to realize theequivalence principle, the most important property in the theory of gravity (general relativity), fromU(1) gauge theory on a symplectic or Poisson manifold. Through the realization of the equivalenceprinciple, which is an intrinsic property in symplectic geometry known as the Darboux theorem orthe Moser lemma, one can understand how diffeomorphism symmetry arises from noncommutativeU(1) gauge theory; thus, gravity can emerge from the noncommutative electromagnetism, whichis also an interacting theory. As a consequence, a background-independent quantum gravity inwhich the prior existence of any spacetime structure is not a priori assumed but is defined byusing the fundamental ingredients in quantum gravity theory can be formulated. This scheme forquantum gravity can be used to resolve many notorious problems in theoretical physics, such as thecosmological constant problem, to understand the nature of dark energy, and to explain why gravityis so weak compared to other forces. In particular, it leads to a remarkable picture of what matteris. A matter field, such as leptons and quarks, simply arises as a stable localized geometry, whichis a topological object in the defining algebra (noncommutative ?-algebra) of quantum gravity.

      • KCI등재

        타원 기둥에 의한 벡터 중력 및 중력 변화율 텐서 반응식

        임형래 한국지구물리.물리탐사학회 2023 지구물리와 물리탐사 Vol.26 No.1

        This study derives the expressions of vector gravity and gravity gradient tensor due to an elliptical cylinder. The vector gravity for an arbitrary three-dimensional (3D) body is obtained by differentiating the gravitational potential, including the triple integral, according to the shape of the body in each axis direction. The vector gravity of the 3D body with axial symmetry is integrated along the axial direction and reduced to a double integral. The complex Green's theorem using complex conjugates subsequently converts the double integral into a one-dimensional (1D) closed-line integral. Finally, the vector gravity due to the elliptical cylinder is derived using 1D numerical integration by parameterizing a boundary of the elliptical cross-section as a closed line. Similarly, the gravity gradient tensor due to the elliptical cylinder is second-order differentiated from the gravitational potential, including the triple integral, and integrated along the vertical axis direction reducing it to a double integral. Consequently, all the components of the gravity gradient tensor due to an elliptical cylinder are derived using complex Green’s theorem as used in the case of vector gravity. 이 논문에서는 타원 기둥에 대한 벡터 중력과 중력 변화율 텐서 반응식을 유도하였다. 임의의 3차원 이상체에 대한 벡터 중력은 이상체 의 모양에 따른 3중 적분이 포함된 인력 포텐셜을 각 축 방향으로 미분하여 구한다. 축 대칭성을 가진 이상체에 의한 벡터 중력은 먼저 축 방향으로 적분하여 2중 적분 형태로 축약한다. 켤레 복소수를 도입한 복소 그린 정리를 이용하면 2중 적분은 1차원 폐곡선 선적분 형태 로 변환된다. 최종적으로 타원 기둥에 의한 벡터 중력은 타원 기둥 단면의 경계를 폐곡선의 매개변수로 설정하여 1차원 수치적분으로 유 도된다. 같은 방식으로 타원 기둥에 의한 중력 변화율 텐서는 인력 퍼텐셜을 2차 미분하여 3중 적분으로 표현된 중력 변화율 텐서를 구한 후, 수직 축 방향으로 적분하여 2중 적분으로 축약한다. 벡터 중력에서 적용한 방법과 동일한 복소 평면에서의 그린 정리를 도입하여 타 원 기둥에 의한 중력 변화율 텐서 반응식의 모든 성분을 유도한다.

      • KCI등재

        창의적 융합교육을 위한 무게중심 프로그램 개발과 적용사례 연구

        김수금,유시규,김선배 대한수학교육학회 2014 수학교육학연구 Vol.24 No.3

        This study resulted from a study regarding creative STEAM System based upon an experiment with the center of gravity. The results of the study are constructed by a fusion of mathematics and physics, showing that they are the same as mathematical calculations. Also, students can find that center of gravity of an object is in equilibrium on a metal rod when the center of gravity exactly is placed on the rod. The fact that an experimental results are correspond to calculations can maximize the effectiveness of teaching. And also this study has the following effectiveness. First, the exact construction and calculations arouses good competition among students. Second, this experiment can give students a motivation for study and increase their thinking in classes because the theoretical background of center of gravity experiment is basically attributed to math and science classes in school. This study includes three different types of center-of-gravity experiments. One is a simple type of experiment in which center of gravity exists inside of an object. Another is a complicated one in which the center of gravity is also inside of an object. However, the third type is an experiment in where the center of gravity is outside of an object. Therefore, it gives students an opportunity to discuss how to confirm equilibrium on a metal rod when the object has its center of gravity outside. Having discussions in class will allow students to have a critical way of thinking. In addition, searching for a way to solve a problem will increase creativity of students as well. And the last type is finding the center of gravity of a big acrylic panel where multiple objects are on the panel. According to the survey and interview conducted by students who participated in this program, teaching based on creative STEAM system helps students to get a better understanding and more fast acquisition of knowledge. We can expect that a well-planned creative STEAM system through a continuous study will be both effective and efficient in educating critical and creative students. 본 연구에서 제시하는 무게중심 확인실험 프로그램개발은 2013년 ‘동국대학교 과학영재교육원’에서 융합형 영재프로그램으로 개발되어 초등 영재학생 10개 집단 120명과 중등 수학영재학생 24명을 대상으로 진행되었다. 무게중심 확인실험은 한국 과학창의재단에서 제시하는 융합형인재교육(STEAM) 학습준거 틀에서 수행된 3단계 과정을 이행하여 창의적 융합교육의 효과를 극대화하였다. 본 연구가 갖는 3가지 특징은 다음과 같다. 첫째, 연구에서 새롭게 개발된 무게중심 확인실험은 수학과 물리가 융합된 교육방식이다. 둘째, 실험에 사용되는 모형은 학생들의 능동적 활동으로 창의적인 모형 설계가 가능하다. 셋째, 무게중심 확인실험 프로그램은 학습 능력에 따라 수준별 수업으로서 전환이 가능하다. 위에서 제시한 특성들을 바탕으로 무게중심 확인실험을 통하여 창의적 융합교육의 효과를 극대화시킨다. 설문조사 결과는 주어진 지식을 단순 암기하는 학습에서 벗어나 실험에 필요한 배경지식 이해, 실험 설계, 실험 과정, 실험 결과의 단계를 거쳐 학습된다. 설문조사와 학생들의 실험 후 토의 결과, 현재 수학 또는 과학 교육과정이 제시하는 무게중심 학습과 비교하여, 새롭게 개발된 융합형 프로그램이 교육의 효과가 뛰어남을 보여 준다. 본 연구는 수학이 다른 교과영역과 융합되는 새로운 융합형 교육방식을 제시한다. 특히 무게중심을 찾고 이를 확인하는 새로운 형태를 제시한다. 결론적으로 교수자와 학습자가 모두 만족할 수 있는 새로운 무게중심 교육의 틀을 제시한다.


        Gravity-Injection Core Cooling After a Loss-of-SDC Event n the YGN Units 3 & 4

        Seul, Kwang-Woo,Bang, Young-Seok,Kim, Hho-Jung Korean Nuclear Society 1999 Nuclear Engineering and Technology Vol.31 No.5

        In order to evaluate the gravity-injection capability to maintain core cooling after a loss-of-shutdown-cooling event during shutdown operation, the plant conditions of the Yong Gwang Units 3&4 were reviewed. The six cases of possible gravity-injection paths from the refueling water tank (RWT) were identified and the thermal-hydraulic analyses were performed using the RELAP5/MOD3.2 code. The core cooling capability was significantly dependent on the gravity-injection path, the RCS opening, and the injection rate. In the cases with the pressurizer manway opening higher than the RWT water level, the coolant was held up in the pressurizer and the system pressure continued increasing after gravity-injection. The gravity injection eventually stopped due to the high system pressure and the core was uncovered. In the cases with the injection path and opening on the same leg side, the core cooling was dependent on whether the water injected from the RWT passed the core region or not. However, in the cases with the injection path and opening on the different leg side, the system was well depressurized after gravity-injection and the core boiling was successfully prevented for a long-term transient. In addition, from the sensitivity study on the gravity-injection flow rate, it was found that about 54 kg/s of injection rate was required to maintain the core cooling and the core cooling could be provided for about 10.6 hours after event with that injection rate from the RWT. Those analysis results would provide useful information to operators coping with the event.


        Quantization of emergent gravity

        World Scientific Publishing Company 2015 International Journal of Modern Physics A Vol.30 No.4

        <P>Emergent gravity is based on a novel form of the equivalence principle known as the Darboux theorem or the Moser lemma in symplectic geometry stating that the electromagnetic force can always be eliminated by a local coordinate transformation as far as space-time admits a symplectic structure, in other words, a microscopic space-time becomes noncommutative (NC). If gravity emerges from U(1) gauge theory on NC space-time, this picture of emergent gravity suggests a completely new quantization scheme where quantum gravity is defined by quantizing space-time itself, leading to a dynamical NC space-time. Therefore the quantization of emergent gravity is radically different from the conventional approach trying to quantize a phase space of metric fields. This approach for quantum gravity allows a background-independent formulation where space-time and matter fields are equally emergent from a universal vacuum of quantum gravity.</P>

      • KCI등재

        염수선 종자 정선법에 따른 조의 발아 및 출현율

        정기열,최영대,전현정,이상훈,전승호 한국작물학회 2019 한국작물학회지 Vol.64 No.2

        The establishment rate of foxtail millet seeds is greatly affected by soil environment conditions. To enhance germination viability and stable production of foxtail millet seeds, it is important to select seeds with a high density. Therefore, this study tested the selection of high-quality seeds using salt solution (specific gravity: 1.000, 1.005, 1.010, 1.015, 1.020, 1.025, 1.030, 1.035, and 1.040 g L-1) and investigated their germination rates, percentages of emergence, and seeding quality. In this study, three varieties were tested: ‘Hwanggeum’, ‘Samdachal’, and ‘Kyeongkwan1’. The thousand seed weight of all three varieties increased proportionally with specific gravity. The highest thousand seed weight was observed at the selection with 1.040 g L-1 specific gravity, which also had the highest germination rate of 88.3%, 86.7%, and 90.6%, for ‘Hwanggeum’; ‘Samdachal’; and ‘Kyeongkwan1’, respectively. The results of seeding quality indicated that higher the specific gravity during selection, the higher were the values of plant growth (plant height, leaf length, stem diameter, root length, root weight, and stem weight). All the three varieties were found to be longer or heavier for seeds selected at the specific gravity of 1.040 g L-1. The packing germination viability investigation found that higher the specific gravity for selection of seeds, the higher was the percentage of emergence (PE) and the emergence rate index (ERI). The PE was the highest for seeds selected at 1.040 g L-1 specific gravity (85.3, 83.0, and 87.0%), and ERI was also as high as 2.82 d-1 m-1 or more at 1.040 g L-1. Selection of seeds with salt solution resulted in high germination viability of foxtail millet. Therefore, sowing seeds selected at 1.040 g L-1 specific gravity is expected to help substantially in increased productivity. 본 연구는 토양환경 조건에 따른 입모율 변화가 높은 조종자의 발아활력 증진과 안정적인 생산을 위하여 염수선(비중) 종자정선을 활용한 우량종자 선발을 통한 발아율, 출현율 및 유모의 소질을 알아보고자 수행하였다. 1. 비중이 높아질수록 3품종 모두 천립중이 증가하는 경향이 나타났으며, 비중 1.040 g L-1에서는 가장 무거운천립중을 조사되었으며, 발아율에서도 비중선 1.040 g L-1에서 ‘황금’ 88.3%, ‘삼다찰’ 86.7%, ‘경관1호’ 90.6%로 가장 높은 발아율을 보였다. 2. 모 소질을 조사한 결과 비중선이 높을수록 모의 초장, 엽장, 경직경, 근장, 근중 및 경중 등이 증가하였으며, 비중선 1.040 g L-1에서 3품종 모두에서 길거나 무거운 것으로 보였다. 3. 염수선에 의해서 포장 발아활력 검정에서는 출아율 및출아율지수에서 비중선이 높은 종자일수록 높아졌으며, 비중선 1.040 g L-1에서 가장 높은 85.3, 83.0, 87.0% 출아율이 나타났고, 출아율지수에서도 비중선 1.040 g L-1에서 2.82, 2.86, 2.87 d-1 m-1 이상의 높을 지수가 보였다. 4. 조 종자는 발아활력이 높은 종자선별을 위해서는 비중선 1.040 g L-1에서의 종자를 선별하여 파종하면 생산성이 크게 향상될 것으로 사료된다.

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