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        A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance of Chinese University Students

        Li Ke 국제인문사회연구학회 2024 Studies on Humanities and Social Sciences (SHSC) Vol.6 No.3

        A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance ofChinese University Students Li Ke* Abstract: This study aimed at the impact of explicit English grammar instruction on students’ performance in English tests for Chinese non-English major university students. Through an eight-week experimental teaching method, it was found that the experimental class under the explicit grammar instruction showed greater overall improvement in English comprehensive exams compared to the control class without specific grammar instruction. Independent sample t-tests on pre- and post-test scores between the two classes and paired sample t-tests within the experimental class revealed that students in the experimental class showed more significant progress in reading, translation, and writing, without significant impact on listening. The results suggested that in the Chinese university English teaching context, the utilization of explicit grammar instruction may generate a positive impact on students’ performance in English exams. Key Words: English Teaching, Grammar Instruction, Explicit Syntactic Instruction, Second Language Acquisition, Chinese University Students □ Received: May 16, 2024, Revised: June 3, 2024, Accepted: June 20, 2024* Professor, Shandong Technology and Business Univ., Email: likeby@sina.com A Quasi-experimental Research on the Effects of Explicit Grammar Instructions on English Performance ofChinese University Students Li Ke* Abstract: This study aimed at the impact of explicit English grammar instruction on students’ performance in English tests for Chinese non-English major university students. Through an eight-week experimental teaching method, it was found that the experimental class under the explicit grammar instruction showed greater overall improvement in English comprehensive exams compared to the control class without specific grammar instruction. Independent sample t-tests on pre- and post-test scores between the two classes and paired sample t-tests within the experimental class revealed that students in the experimental class showed more significant progress in reading, translation, and writing, without significant impact on listening. The results suggested that in the Chinese university English teaching context, the utilization of explicit grammar instruction may generate a positive impact on students’ performance in English exams. Key Words: English Teaching, Grammar Instruction, Explicit Syntactic Instruction, Second Language Acquisition, Chinese University Students □ Received: May 16, 2024, Revised: June 3, 2024, Accepted: June 20, 2024* Professor, Shandong Technology and Business Univ., Email: likeby@sina.com

      • KCI등재

        Differential Effects of Comprehension Strategy and Grammar Instruction on Second Language Reading Comprehension

        Lee Young-Geun,Chung Hyejin 한국외국어대학교 영미연구소 2015 영미연구 Vol.34 No.-

        This study investigated the effects of two different types of instruction on second language reading comprehension by low proficiency Korean college students. Three intact remedial classes were assigned to either strategy or grammar instruction. Seven comprehension strategies aligning with theories of comprehension processes were identified and taught in a concerted manner under strategy instruction while a traditional type of grammar teaching was implemented under grammar instruction. Results showed that both types of instruction led to similar student performance on the textbase comprehension measure assessing sentence level understanding. However, students with strategy instruction outperformed those with grammar instruction on the measures assessing deeper level understanding of a text, which required the students to connect text parts across sentences or paragraphs, or use knowledge-based inferences. Students’ think-aloud reports were also used to provide depth analysis.

      • KCI등재

        A comparison of input-enhanced and output-enhanced grammar instruction

        김재경,조영우 한국응용언어학회 2010 응용 언어학 Vol.26 No.2

        This study compared three types of form-focused instruction: traditional deductive grammatical explanation (comparison), input-enhanced grammar instruction (reading-based), and output-enhanced grammar instruction (writing-based). Ninety-four Korean college students took a pretest in Week 1, and received one of the three treatments on three English grammatical forms: articles, count/non-count nouns, and the distinction between present perfect and present perfect continuous in Week 5 through 7. Then, they took a posttest in Week 8 (immediate) and a delayed posttest in Week 15. The results from the articles test indicated that the output-enhanced grammar instruction group showed greater improvement than the other groups. This difference held up on the delayed posttest. The results from the noun countability test showed that both output-enhanced and input-enhanced grammar instruction had a significant effect on the posttest gains, but no significant differences existed between both. Finally, the results from the tense test showed no significant difference among the three groups. These findings suggest that the effectiveness of form-focused instruction is constrained by form type.

      • KCI등재

        Making Grammar Instruction More Communicative in the High School English Class

        Sung-Ae Kim 한국외국어교육학회 2007 Foreign languages education Vol.14 No.1

          The purpose of the present study is to help the high school English teachers develop insights into communicative grammar instruction. In order to examine what the teachers do in their grammar instruction, the study analyzed five video-taped high school English classes. From the analyses it was found that despite all the efforts made by the educational policy to implement the communicative language teaching, the high school English teachers" grammar instruction today is hardly different from the traditional one. What the teachers basically do in their grammar instruction is to explain the grammar points, translate the sentences, and include some mechanical drills. Based on the findings, the study concludes that the high school English teachers lack knowledge and techniques necessary to teach the target language grammar more communicatively. It is suggested that in order to make their grammar instruction more effective in developing the communicative language ability in the students, the teachers need to reduce the time to explain grammar points and increase the time to engage the students in the meaningful use of the target structure. An example of the grammar instruction is provided to help the teachers.

      • KCI등재

        예비 영어 교사와 비전공 영어 학습자의 문법 학습에 관한 신념 비교

        김경미,이종복 미래영어영문학회 2019 영어영문학 Vol.24 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to examine the beliefs of L2 learners regarding the role of grammar instruction at a four-year institution between pre-service teachers and non-English majors. A total of 200 L2 students completed a questionnaire of twenty-four Liker-scale items and four open ended prompts to collect the required data sets. The translated version of the survey of grammar instruction was submitted to a factor analysis, which identified six factors (efficacy of grammar, negative attitude toward error correction, priority of communication, importance of grammar, importance of grammatical accuracy, and negative attitude toward grammar instruction). The study forwards two specific research questions: What are the differences regarding their beliefs about grammar instruction? There are some differences between the two groups about beliefs regarding efficacy of grammar.

      • KCI등재후보

        Investigation of the Importance of Grammar Instruction in FL Programs

        이경남 한국영어학회 2005 영어학 Vol.5 No.2

        This paper investigates the importance of grammar instruction in foreign language programs. At present, the debate on the role of grammar instruction in foreign language education has led teachers into the dilemma of teaching or not teaching grammar. However, when considering the position of Korean students in learning English, grammar instruction is thought to be necessary, in particular for adolescent and adult learners, and there is a considerable amount of research which supports the need for grammar instruction in developing communicative competence. This paper accordingly reviews this and deals with the problem of the position of grammar in the curriculum, comparing the English curriculum in Korea with the standards of FL/ESL programs in the USA, especially with regard to the goals of 'comparisons' and 'structure' in each program. Then, the adult programs for non-native English-speaking people in a community in the USA are introduced. Through this investigation, it is shown that we need to incorporate grammar instruction more positively into the language curriculum and program.

      • KCI등재

        Bloom의 신 교육목표분류학에 근거한 고등학교 문법 수업 목표 분석

        김진희 ( Jin Hee Kim ) 경북대학교 중등교육연구소 2013 중등교육연구 Vol.61 No.4

        본 연구는 2009 개정 국어과 교육과정에 따른 ‘독서와 문법 Ⅰ·Ⅱ’ 교과서에 진술된 ‘문법’영역의 수업 목표를 Bloom의 신 교육목표분류학을 바탕으로 분류하여, 그 양상을 살피는데 목적이 있다. 연구 절차는 총 8종의 ‘독서와 문법Ⅰ·Ⅱ’ 교과서에서 ‘문법’영역의 수업목표 266개를 도출하여 학년별, 내용 체계별로 분석하였다. 본 연구에서 Bloom의 신 교육목표분류학에 기초하여 ‘문법’영역의 수업목표를 학년별, 내용 체계별로 분석한 결과를 제시하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, ‘문법’영역의 수업 목표를 학녀별로 분석한 결과 대체로 고등학교 2학년과 3학년의 수업 목표 모두 ‘개념적 지식’과 ‘이해하다’의 비중이 압도적이었다. 또한, 고등학교 3학년 ‘문법’영역 수업 목표가 고등학교 2학년의 수업 목표에 비해 지식 차원에서는 ‘메타인지 지식’이, 인지과정 차원에서는 ‘적용하다’가 다소 높은 비율을 차지하였는데, 이는 고등학교 3학년의 ‘문법’영역이 보다 이전에 학습한 문법적 지식을 바탕으로 탐구하고 활용하는 데에 중점을 두었기 때문이라 볼 수 있다. 둘째, ‘문법’영역의 수업 목표를 학년별로 분석한 결과, ‘국어와 앎’과 ‘국어의 삶’, 그리고 ‘국어와 얼’에서는 지식 차원에서는 ‘개념적 지식’이, 인지과정 차원에서는 ‘이해하다’가 높게 나타났다. 반면, ‘국어의 규범’에서는 지식 차원에서는 ‘개념적 지식’이, 인지과정 차원에서는 ‘적용하다’가 높게 나타났다. This study aims to classify the instructional objectives and examine the aspects of ``grammar`` stated in ``Reading and Grammar I and II`` of 2009 revised Korean language curriculum, based on Bloom`s Revised Taxonomy of Educational Objectives, The study extracts 266 instructional objectives of ``grammar`` from 8 different kinds of ``Reading and Grammar I and II`` textbooks, In this study, the instructional objectives are analyzed and tbe findings are suggested as follows by school year and content. First, the results of the analysis on the instructional objectives of ``grammar`` part by school year show that ``conceptual knowledge`` and ``understand`` overwhelm the instructional objectives for both 2nd and 3rd grade of highscbool. In addition, ``meta-cognitive knowledge`` takes more proportion in knowledge dimension and ``apply`` in cognitive process of the instructional. objectives of grammar for 3rd grade than for 2nd grade of highschool. lt can be understand in the way that ``grammar`` of 3rd year of highscbool is based on the previously learned grammatical knowledge and focused on application. Second, the results from the analysis on the instructional objectives of ``grammar`` part by school year show that ``conceptual knowledge`` in knowledge dimension and ``understand`` in cognitive process dimension takes more proportion in ``Korean Language and Knowing``, ``Korean Language and Life`` and ``Korean Language and Spirit On the other hand, it shows that ``conceptual knowledge`` in knowledge dimension and ``apply`` in cognitive process dimension takes more proportion in ``Korean Language and Norms``.

      • KCI등재

        연역적·귀납적 문법교수에서 개별학습자의 학습 스타일이 문법 성취도에 미치는 영향

        김규미 팬코리아영어교육학회 2014 영어교육연구 Vol.26 No.4

        The effects of grammar instruction have been discussed in the field of language learning and teaching, but the most effective way of teaching grammar is still controversial because every student has different learning styles. The purpose of this study is to investigate the effects of learning styles on deductive and inductive grammar instruction. A total of 103 students who participated in this study were divided into two groups and received different types of grammar instruction. The study identified the students' interaction style and task-approach style and examined whether two types of learning style affected the students' grammatical achievement. The results indicated that students' interaction style significantly affected their achievement, and introverted students got higher scores in deductive instruction while extroverted students showed higher scores in inductive instruction. A task-approach style also affected students' grammatical achievement, and closure-oriented students showed better achievement in deductive instruction. From these results, the study suggests that language teachers need to understand students' learning styles and use appropriate grammar teaching methods. It also recommends that grammar instruction should include various learning activities to allow students to take advantage of their learning styles. Limitations and further research suggestions are also presented.

      • KCI등재

        A Comparison of Input-Enhanced and Output-Enhanced Grammar Instruction

        Jae Kyung Kim,Young Woo Cho 한국응용언어학회 2010 응용 언어학 Vol.26 No.2

        This study compared three types of form-focused instruction: traditional deductive grammatical explanation (comparison), input-enhanced grammar instruction (reading-based), and output-enhanced grammar instruction (writing-based). Ninety-four Korean college students took a pretest in Week 1, and received one of the three treatments on three English grammatical forms: articles, count/non-count nouns, and the distinction between present perfect and present perfect continuous in Week 5 through 7. Then, they took a posttest in Week 8 (immediate) and a delayed posttest in Week 15. The results from the articles test indicated that the output-enhanced grammar instruction group showed greater improvement than the other groups. This difference held up on the delayed posttest. The results from the noun countability test showed that both output-enhanced and input-enhanced grammar instruction had a significant effect on the posttest gains, but no significant differences existed between both. Finally, the results from the tense test showed no significant difference among the three groups. These findings suggest that the effectiveness of form-focused instruction is constrained by form type.

      • KCI등재

        The Effects of the Garden Path Technique on Chinese L2 Learners’ Acquisition of Relative Clauses

        Wei Sun,Guozhen Yin,신유선 아시아테플 2023 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.20 No.4

        The current study aimed to investigate the potential impact of the garden path technique on the instruction of grammar of relative clauses. A total of 83 Chinese EFL non-English majors from a northeast China university participated voluntarily, selected through convenience sampling. After a general language proficiency test, participants were divided into two groups for different grammar instructions. The experimental group received instruction using the garden path technique, which involves presenting confusing sentences within a target grammar structure and providing prompts for correcting errors. Conversely, the control group received traditional grammar instruction, including explicit explanations. Both the experimental and control groups completed a pretest, a post-test, and a delayed post-test consisting of a 30-item multiple-choice grammar test focusing on relative clauses. The obtained data revealed that the garden path technique group outperformed the control group in the posttest and delayed post-test. The garden path technique enhanced long-term retention of the target grammar structures. Furthermore, the garden path technique exhibited varying effects on different types of relative clauses. While learners initially struggled with reduced relative clauses, their ability to acquire these structures significantly improved after receiving grammar instruction incorporating the garden path technique. These findings demonstrate the effectiveness of the garden path technique in enhancing grammar instruction, emphasizing its ability to capture attention, promote engagement, and stimulate problem-solving. The study highlights the importance of implicit grammar instruction for teaching relative clauses in order to maximize learning outcomes.

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