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      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 자연과학 ; 외국 보유 한반도 원산 식물유전자원의 국내 재도입 현황 및 의의

        조양희 ( Yang Hee Cho ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2012 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.24 No.1

        As the sovereignty over the genetic resources has been strengthened and gained momentum internationally, it is a critical juncture when we collect and conserve plant genetic resources originated from Korea. Therefore, the present paper reviewed the status and details of reintroduction of plant genetic resources originated in Korean Peninsula conserved in foreign countries and formulate the strategies for the future direction towards the conservation and sustainable utilization of these plant genetic resources. During the Japanese regime around Korea`s pre-1948 histories coincided during Korean war, it has not realize the vital importance of the genetic resources. There were outflows of large number of Korea-originated genetic resources into the developed countries. Thus, their reintroduction has important relevance and significance, since those outflown landraces are collected from all over the Korean Peninsular including the North Korea and these outflown accessions were not yet conserved in RDAgenebank. A total of 4,422 accessions including 1,679 accessions with 30 crops from the United States of America in 2007, 1,546 accessions with 32 crops from Japan in 2008, 901 accessions with 118 crops from Germany in 2009 and 296 accessions with 26 crops from Russia between 1996 to 2009 were regained officially. These accessions are crops including barley, soybean, wild soybean, adzuki bean, mung-bean, sesame, millet and etc. It is believed that most of these accessions outflown to alien countries have been returned. However persistent efforts are needed to get additional information on Korea-originated germplasm kept in other countries. Also, adequate supporting policies are needed for the prevention of outflow genetic resources which are outflown abroad without permission. This continuous policy will certainly support the potential researches on conservation and utilization of Korea-specific genetic resources in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        연구보문 : 사회과학; 식물영양체 유전자원의 수집 및 보존에 관한 국가전략

        박홍재 ( Hong Jae Park ),박종현 ( Jong Hyun Park ),이명철 ( Myung Chul Lee ),김연규 ( Yeon Kyu Kim ) 한국국제농업개발학회 2013 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.25 No.3

        This is presented general consideration for the establishment and management of germplasm collection. The topics addressed concern the establishment of the collection, the acquisition and entry of the plants into the collection, germplasm health issues, a presentation of the various conservation methods available to germplasm collections and collection management procedures. Many important varieties of field, horticultural, root and tuber crops are ether difficult or impossible to conserve as seeds or reproduce vegetatively. Genetic resources of such plant species are generally conserved in field genebanks. field genebanks provide easy and ready access to conserved material for research as well as for use. For a number of plant species the alternative methods have not been fully developed so that they can be effectively used. For many species, field genebank is one of the components of complementary strategy for the conservation of vegetative germplasm. Despite the importance that field genebank plays in conservation of plant genetic resources, the concepts and scientific principles for establishing and managing field genebanks are not very well understood by many plant genetic resources workers. Planting a few plants or tree does not constitute a field genebank. There is more science to it that is needed for continue maintenance of genetic diversity in the accessions planted in the field as well as to utilize the diversity being thus maintained. It is well recognized that an appropriate collection and conservation strategy for a particular plant gene pool requires a holistic approach, combining the different ex situ conservation techniques available in a complementary manner. Ex situ methods are options available for the different genepool elements that are cultivated species, including landraces and modern varieties, wild relatives, weedy types, etc. Vegetative germplasm has been maintained in field genebanks may be lost because of mite infestations or microbial infections. The level of duplication may also depend on the holdings of other genebanks. Accessions available at another genbank may require fewer duplicates than unique samples.

      • Cereal Resources in National BioResource Project of Japan

        Sato, Kazuhiro,Endo, Takashi R.,Kurata, Nori Korean Society for Bioinformatics 2010 Interdisciplinary Bio Central (IBC) Vol.2 No.4

        The National BioResource Project of Japan is a governmental project to promote domestic/international research activities using biological resources. The project has 27 biological resources including three cereal resources. The core center and sub-center which historically collected the cereal resources were selected for each cereal program. These resources are categorized into several different types in the project; germplasm, genetic stocks, genome resources and database information. Contents of rice resources are wild species, local varieties in East and Southwest Asia & wild relatives, MNU-induced chemical mutant lines, marker tester lines, chromosome substitution lines and other experimental lines. Contents of wheat resources are wild strains, cultivated strains, experimental lines, rye wild and cultivated strains; EST clones and full-length cDNA clones. Contents of barley resources are cultivar and experimental lines, core collection, EST/cDNA clones, BAC clones, their filters and superpool DNA. Each resource is accessible from the online database to see the contents and information about the resources. Links to the genome information and genomic tools are also important function of each database. The major contents and some examples are presented here.

      • KCI등재

        외국 보유 한반도 원산 식물유전자원의 국내 재도입 현황 및 의의

        김창영,조규택,이정란,성정숙,나영왕,윤문섭,백형진,고호철,조양희 한국국제농업개발학회 2012 韓國國際農業開發學會誌 Vol.24 No.1

        국제적으로 유전자원의 국가주권 주장이 강화되고 구체화되고 있어 우리나라 고유의 유전자원을 발굴하여 지속적으로 보존하고 활용하는 것이 무엇보다 중요한 시점이다. 따라서 본고에서는 그동안 국외로 유출되어 외국국가에서 보존하고 있던 한반도 원산 식물유전자원의 국내 재도입 배경과 추진경과,재도입 자원 내역 및 의의 등을 살펴보고, 이들 자원의 안전한 보존과 활용 방안 및 앞으로의 발전방향을 검토한 바는 다음과 같다. 1. 유전자원의 중요성에 대한 개념이 희박하였던 일제강점기, 정부수립전 및 6·25동란 시기 등에 다수의 국내 유전자원이 외국으로 유출된 것으로 파악되고 있어서, 이들 자원 중에서 국내 미보유 자원에 대하여 국내로 재도입을 추진하여고유자원에 대한 자원주권을 강화하고 지속적으로 보존 활용하는 일은 중요한 의의를 갖는다. 2. 미국으로부터는 2007년 식물유전자원 30작물 1,679자원을 공식적으로 재도입하였으며, 콩, 돌콩, 팥, 녹두 등의 지역수집종 및 재래종 자원이 상당수 포함되어 있다. 3. 일본으로부터는 2008년 32개 작물 1,546자원을 재도입하였으며, 1930~40년대의 보리, 콩, 팥, 참깨, 조 등의 재래종자원들이 다수 포함되어 있다. 4. 독일로부터는 2009년 118작물 901자원에 대하여 재도입하였으며, 보리, 강낭콩, 밀, 팥, 녹두 등의 북한지역 수집종및 재래종 자원들이 다수를 차지한다. 러시아에서는 1996년부터 2008년까지 26작물 296자원을 재도입하였다. 5. 국제적으로 유전자원의 접근 및 이익공유에 대하여 자원주권을 강화하는 시점에 주요 국가인 미국, 일본, 독일, 러시아로부터 우리 고유의 한반도 원산 자원을 공식적으로 재도입한 것은 중요한 의의를 갖는 것으로 금후 재도입한 자원의 안전한 보존과 적극적인 활용이 기대되고 있다. 6. 외국으로 유출된 한반도 원산 유전자원에 대하여 지금까지 재도입한 상기의 국가들을 제외하면 기타 국가들이 보유한자원은 많지 않을 것으로 판단되지만, 지속적인 정보 확보 등의 노력이 필요하고, 무엇보다 국내 고유자원의 무단 해외유출을 방지하여야 하며, 국내자원을 지속적으로 발굴하여 안전하게 보존 활용하는 정책지원과 연구가 필요한 것으로 나타났다. As the sovereignty over the genetic resources has been strengthened and gained momentum internationally, it is a critical juncture when we collect and conserve plant genetic resources originated from Korea. Therefore, the present paper reviewed the status and details of reintroduction of plant genetic resources originated in Korean Peninsula conserved in foreign countries and formulate the strategies for the future direction towards the conservation and sustainable utilization of these plant genetic resources. During the Japanese regime around Korea's pre-1948 histories coincided during Korean war, it has not realize the vital importance of the genetic resources. There were outflows of large number of Korea-originated genetic resources into the developed countries. Thus, their reintroduction has important relevance and significance, since those outflown landraces are collected from all over the Korean Peninsular including the North Korea and these outflown accessions were not yet conserved in RDAgenebank. A total of 4,422 accessions including 1,679 accessions with 30 crops from the United States of America in 2007, 1,546 accessions with 32 crops from Japan in 2008, 901 accessions with 118 crops from Germany in 2009 and 296 accessions with 26 crops from Russia between 1996 to 2009 were regained officially. These accessions are crops including barley, soybean, wild soybean, adzuki bean, mung-bean, sesame, millet and etc. It is believed that most of these accessions outflown to alien countries have been returned. However persistent efforts are needed to get additional information on Korea-originated germplasm kept in other countries. Also, adequate supporting policies are needed for the prevention of outflow genetic resources which are outflown abroad without permission. This continuous policy will certainly support the potential researches on conservation and utilization of Korea-specific genetic resources in the near future.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 야생식용 자원식물의 종류 및 발아 특성에 관한 연구

        姜炳華,沈相仁,李相珏,朴壽現 韓國作物學會 1997 Korean journal of crop science Vol.42 No.2

        우리나라의 자원식물 중 식용으로 이용할 수 있는 식물종에 대한 연구로서 식용자원의 발생 이황에 대한 연구와 유전자원 수집을 통해 얻어진 결과는 다음과 같다. 1. 우리나라에 발생하는 식용 자원식물 중 74 개과에 속하는 609종의 발생이 확인되었다. 2. 식용 자원식물의 수에 다른 과별 순위는 국화과>백합과>십자화과>콩과>장미과>산형과>화본과>석죽과 순으로 나타났다. 3. 국화과, 십자화과, 백합과에 속하는 대부분의 식용식물은 경엽부를 채소로서 이용하고 있었으며, 장미과의 식물과 콩과 식물 중 일부는 과실이나 종자를 식용 자원으로 이용할 수 있었다. 4. 재배하는 작물종과 식물분류학적으로 근연관계에 있는 종의 수가 많은 화본과 식물은 직접 식용으로 이용할 수 있는 종의 수가 극히 적었다. 5. 수집된 종자들의 발아률은 종마다 다양하여 자원식물의 식용을 위해서는 발아율의 낮은 종의 발아율 개선에 대한 연구가 선행되어야 한다. This study was conducted to obtain the basic information of edible resources among plant species. Potentials of resource plants were important in various usages, healthy food, medicinal materials, and breeding materials. Through our investigation 609 species of resources plants were considered as edible resources. These species belong to 74 families in which Asteraceae, Poaceae, Fabaceae, and Rosaceae were major families. Brassicaceae, Liliaceae, and Asteraceae contained large numbers of edible plants because plants belonged to these families were mainly used as vegetable. But Cyperaceae and Poaceae had relatively small numbers of species in the category of edible plant because plants belonged to these families have not been used directly as vegetables, common usage of edible plant. But Poaceae have a potentials as genetic donor for resistance-breeding strategies in major cereals. Although Poaceae can not be used as food directly, Poaceae should be investigated intensely in future for improvement of major cereals or application as fodder plants. The beneficial traits of edible plants as breeding materials have not been studied yet and development of new crop from plant resources requires the information about current situation in occurrence of resources plants genetically related to current crop species. Our results do not cover all plant species in Korea but this classification and identification about edible resources will provide primary information about plant resources. The collected seeds of resource plants showed wide spectrum in germination rate among plant species. The germination rate would probably be affected by collecting times, collected stage, and stored period. The proper methods about improving germination rate have to be elucidated to propagate the resource plants.

      • KCI등재

        Characterization and development of EST-SSR markers to study the genetic diversity and populations analysis of Jerusalem artichoke (Helianthus tuberosus L.)

        Shipeng Yang,Qiwen Zhong,Jie Tian,Lihui Wang,Mengliang Zhao,Li Li,Xuemei Sun 한국유전학회 2018 Genes & Genomics Vol.40 No.10

        In recent years, Jerusalem artichoke has received widespread attention as a novel source of sugar, biofuel, and animal feed. Currently, only few gDNA-SSRs derived from sunflower were verified in the Jerusalem artichoke; therefore, it is particularly important to develop SSR primer markers that belonged to Jerusalem artichoke resources. Using EST data to develop EST-SSR markers is simple and effective. In order to understand the general characteristics of SSR markers in Jerusalem artichoke EST sequences and accelerate the use of SSR markers in Jerusalem artichoke research. This study used 40,370 sequenced unigene fragments and MISA software to identify SSR loci. The 48 pairs of EST-SSR primers assessed for the identification of 45 varieties of Jerusalem artichoke. Cluster, genetic diversity parameters and AMOVA analysis was conducted using the genetic similarity coefficient, revealing genetic differences between 48 genetic material. A total of 1204 SSR loci were identified with 13 different types of repeats, distributed among 1020 EST sequences, of which trinucleotide repeats were the most common, accounting for 38.21% of the total SSR loci. Among the 44 repeat motifs, AG/CT, AAG/ CTT, and ATC/ATG motifs had the highest frequencies, accounting for 22.45, 14.71, and 7.84% of all motifs, respectively. From these sequences, 48 pairs of EST-SSR primers were designed, and 22 primer pairs for loci with high polymorphism were selected to analyze the genetic diversity of 45 Jerusalem artichoke germplasm sources. The results indicated that the variation range of the effective number of alleles for 22 primers ranged between 1.7502 and 4.5660. The Shannon’s information index ranged between 0.6200 and 1.6423. The variation range of PIC ranged between 0.3121 and 0.6662 with an average of 0.5184. Cluster analysis was conducted using the genetic similarity coefficient, revealing significant genetic differences between Asian and European genetic material. Cluster analysis revealed a relationship between the genotypes and geographic origins of the Jerusalem artichoke. The results of AMOVA as well as the genetic identity and genetic distance in the Jerusalem artichoke population showed that there presented certain genetic heterogeneity in Jerusalem artichoke genetic structure of 45 samples from seven different geographic populations. The Jerusalem artichoke EST-SSR marker system established in this study provides an effective molecular marker system for future research focused on Jerusalem artichoke genetic diversity and the breeding of new varieties.

      • Plant genetic resources in China and their application to plant biotechnology

        Qing Fu Chen 한국작물학회 2007 한국작물학회 학술발표대회 논문집 Vol.2007 No.11

        Plant germplasm resources are the plant materials containing useful inheritable characters of actual or potential value. Generally speaking, plant resources include cultivated and wild plants. China is a megadiversity country. A great lot of different complex climate environments in China such as dryness, wetness, clearness, clouding, shade, plain, hill, mountain, and so on, have gestated many Chinese endemic special plants. Some of them have special genes, such as resistance to drought, chilliness, disease, pests, and saltness etc, elite quality, high yield characteristics and so on. There are 470 families、about 3 7000 genus、more than 30 000 species of lichen, fern、seed plants in China. Special species in China involve 200 genus and about 10 000 species. Plant resources in China are conservated in situ and ex situ, by means of reforestation, regrassing, natural protection zones, arboreta, campus, parks, and institutes, etc. National Crop Gene Bank in Beijing, built in 1986, has 3200m2, two long-term rooms (T=-18℃±1℃, RH<50%) with the capability 400,000. There are more than 340,000 accessions in long-term banks of the National Crop Gene Bank of China, involving 35 families, 192 genus, 725 species. Among them, 80% are native to China. Up to now, there have been more than 210 main tree species for artificial forestation in China. Among them, there are more than 120 species for reforestation of barren slopes, deserts, and stony mountains. There are about 800-1000 Chinese traditional medicine plants, which were mainly conservated in situ and ex situ. The application of plant germplasm in China in plant biotechnology were reviewed on the following aspects: (1)Core germplasm construction by molecular marker technology (2)Plant germplasm preservation by biotechnology (3) Plant germplasm reproduction and industrialization by biotechnology (4) Elite gene discoverfrom plant germplasm by biotechnology (5) Plant germplasm in China and gene engineering technology. At last, some problems of plant resources in China were put forward.

      • KCI등재

        콩 유전자원의 지방함량과 지방산조성 평가 및 유용자원의 선발

        송항림(Hang-Lin Song),장은규(Eun Kyu Jang),손은호(Eun Ho Son),이구환(Ku Hwan Lee),황세구(Se Gu Hwang),윤건식(Geon Sig Yun),이정동(Jeong-Dong Lee),김홍식(Hong Sig Kim) 한국육종학회 2015 한국육종학회지 Vol.47 No.3

        This study was carried out to evaluate the oil contents and fatty acid compositions of 379 soybean germplasm accessions which is composed of 128 Korean, 214 Chinese and 37 USA accessions, and to select useful resources for the development of high oil content and quality fatty acid varieties in soybean. Korean and Chinese germplasm accessions were obtained from the National Agrobiodiversity Center, National Academy of Agricultural Science, Rural Development Administration, and USA accessions from the Plant Genetics and Breeding Laboratory of Kyungpook National University, Korea. The oil content ranges from 12.7∼26.0% with an average of 19.1% among accessions. The average contents and ranges of palmitic and stearic acid, saturated fatty acids (SFA), were 10.6% with a range of 4.1∼18.1% and 2.9% with a range of 1.9∼12.7% respectively, while those of oleic, linoleic and linolenic acid, unsaturated fatty acids (USFA), were 28.2% with a range of 15.3∼56%, 51.2% with a range of 24.4∼68% and 7.1% with a range of 3.4∼11.1% respectively. The average linoleic(ω-6)/linolenic(ω-3) acid ratio was 7.5 ranging from 3.8∼17, and the average SFA and USFA contents were 13.5% ranging from 6.7∼21.7% and 86.5% ranging 78.3∼93.4% respectively. Accessions with better essential properties were selected as useful resources for the development of high oil content and quality fatty acid varieties. Three accessions, Suinong 14, Dongnong 434 and Dongnong 46 from China contain oil higher than 25.0%, while five accessions including KLG 12073 and KLG 12074 from USA, Jilin 14 from China, Kwangan and Bongeui from Korea contain oleic acid higher than 50%. Eight accessions including KLG12083 and KLG12081 from USA contain linoleic acid higher than 60%. Seven accessions including KLG 12093 and KLG12096 from USA contain linolenic acid lower than 4%. Five accessions, KLG12074 and KLG12073 from USA, Kwangan and Bongeui from Korea, and Dongnong 47 from China were low linoleic acid(ω-6)/linolenic(ω-3) ratio resources with lower than 4.5.

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