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      • KCI등재

        초등학생 소집단 활동에서 성별 구성에 따른 언어적 상호작용 유형과 안정성 분석

        임수민,양가인,김영신 한국초등과학교육학회 2020 초등과학교육 Vol.39 No.3

        To achieve effective learning, knowledge must be shared and developed through interaction with peer learners. Therefore, science education emphasizes small group inquiry activities that solves tasks through the interaction of members. The effect of small group inquiry activities depends on how to compose small groups. The way in which a group is composed is a very important factor for improving interaction. In particular, it has been reported that the gender of peer is a very important factor in the interaction between students in the composition of small groups. Meanwhile, studies are being conducted on the types and stability of verbal interactions in small group inquiry activities using social network analysis. The purpose of this study is to analyze the types and stability of verbal interaction types and stability according to gender-grouping in elementary school students' small group activities using social network analysis. To this end, 60 5th graders in elementary school were conducted with different gender in the composition of the group of male, female and mixed-gender students. The study found that the composition of a group by gender had little impact on the type or stability of verbal interaction. However, the frequency of verbal interactions was higher in mixed-gender groups than in other groups. Through this process, the gender-grouping in elementary school students’ small group activities suggests a mixed-gender group.

      • 한발 착지 시 수직지면반력과 동적자세안정성의 성별 차이: 양측 다리 간 불균형

        류재청 ( Ryew Che-cheong ),현승현 ( Hyun Seung-hyun ) 제주대학교 체육진흥센터(구 제주대학교 체육과학연구소) 2019 체육과학연구 Vol.25 No.-

        Rapid impulse loaded may be transferred to the lower extremity from ground contact in a condition that landing from a jump may be decreased the dynamic postural stability in female. The purpose of this study was to investigate the gender’s difference in dynamic postural stability and peak vertical force during single leg landing. A total of twelve subjects(male n=6, range: age 20~22 years, heights 166.23~177.10 cm, weights 58.61~86.51 kg, female n=6, range: age 19~21 years, heights 156.90~169.21 cm, weights 48.61~72.91 kg) participated in this study. The peak vertical force and dynamic postural stability index(medial-lateral, anterior-posterior, and vertical stability index) were determined by time-function and frequency domain during drop landing. A mixed model(2 gender×2 landing legs) of repeated measures design was used to determine the effects of gender and limb dominance on dynamic postural stability and peak vertical force. The peak vertical force in female group showed significant difference statistically with more higher force than that of male group. Also, MLSI, VSI, and DPSI in male group showed significant difference statistically with more decreased than that of female group. VSI in right leg showed significant difference statistically with more decreased than that of left leg. The results indicate that females have higher dynamic postural stability scores in the vertical and medial-lateral direction as well as the composite score. This suggests that female used different dynamic postural stability and shock absorption strategies in contrast to male.

      • KCI등재

        남성의 성평등 의식 예언을 위한 모형 통합:사회정체성이론과 계획된 행동이론을 중심으로

        김금미,안상수 한국사회및성격심리학회 2008 한국심리학회지 사회 및 성격 Vol.22 No.4

        한국 사회에서 남성의 성평등 행동의도를 향상시키기 위한 효율적인 방법을 제시하기 위하여 도덕적 책무(moral obligation)를 포함하여 수정한 계획된 행동이론과 사회정체성이론(Tajfel, 1982)의 통합 가능성을 검증하였다. 전국 20대 이상 남성 1,016명을 대상으로 조사를 실시한 결과, 인구통계학적 변인에 성별사회정체성을 추가하여 성평등 의식을 21.4% 설명하였고, 인구통계학적 변인에 지위, 합법성, 안정성의 사회구조 요인을 추가하여 성별사회정체성의 20.0%를 설명하였다. 또한 인구통계학적 변인에 성평등 의식(태도)과 주관적 규범, 행동 통제감, 도덕적 책무감을 추가하여 성평등 행동의도의 44.8%를 설명하였다. 이러한 통합 모형을 공변량 구조 분석으로 검증한 결과, 모형의 부합도 지수가 대체로 양호하여 본 연구에서 제안한 모형이 지지되었다. 이 연구결과는 남성의 성평등 행동을 예언하기 위해 사회심리학분야에서 지지 기반이 높은 두 이론의 통합을 시도함으로써, 성별집단 간 사회구조 요인의 지각에서부터 심리적 기제를 통하여 행동의도에 이르는 과정을 순차적으로 설명하는 데에 의의가 있다. 끝으로 모형 통합에 따른 추가 이슈들과 이 연구의 의의와 한계 및 앞으로 연구 과제를 논의하였다. The present study was conducted to (1) investigate the role of gender social identity in the prediction of gender equality attitude, (2) examine the effect of attitude, subjective norm, perceived behavior control, and moral obligation in explaining gender equality intention, and (3) propose and test the research model which integrate of social identity theory and theory of planned behavior in explaining gender equality action intention of Korean male adults. A nationwide sample of 1,016 Korean male adults participated in the survey. The results from stepwise regression analyses indicated that the gender equality attitude was explained 13.6% by gender social identity and gender social identity was explained 15.4% by status, legitimacy, stability. Gender equality action intention was explained 44.8% by variable of planned behavior theory. The results from the LISREL supported the research model proposed in this study with reasonable goodness of fit. Finally, the implications and limitations of the present study as well as the future directions of this area were discussed.

      • SCOPUS

        Gender Diversity and Financial Stability: Evidence from Malaysian Listed Firms

        AL-ABSY, Mujeeb Saif Mohsen,ALMAAMARI, Qais,ALKADASH, Tamer,HABTOOR, Ammar Korea Distribution Science Association 2020 The Journal of Asian Finance, Economics and Busine Vol.7 No.12

        This study examines the relationship between gender diversity (women on the board and women on the audit committee) and a firm's financial stability. The ordinary least square analysis was used to determine the relationship. To measure the financial stability of Malaysian suspect firms, i.e., firms with the lowest positive earnings, the Altman (1993) Z-Score measurement was utilized. The results indicate that women on the board are significantly and negatively associated with the firm's financial stability. That is, they are related to low financial stability, which contradicts the agency and resource dependence theories. Regarding women directors on the audit committee, there is no significant relationship with financial stability, meaning that they cannot protect the company against financial distress. These results are robust and do not change when using different measurements of gender diversity, one-year lag of independent variables, and other methods of analysis, namely random effect panel data. This study is the first to alert policymakers, stakeholders, researchers, and society in general to the need to re-evaluate and strengthen the role of women directors in improving firms' financial stability, particularly in emerging economies like Malaysia.

      • KCI등재

        20대가 인지하는 신체이미지가 심리적 안정감에 미치는 영향

        김민정(Min Jung Kim),이영아(Young A Lee) 한국인체미용예술학회 2018 한국인체미용예술학회지 Vol.19 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of physical image on the psychological stability of individuals in their 20s and gender differences therein. Body image was classified into appearance oriented, appearance evaluation, and body satisfaction factors. Psychological stability was classified into self-confidence in work appearance, psychological motivation, interpersonal relationship, and work confidence. The physical image showed the highest appearance orientation, and psychological stability showed the highest psychological motivation. In physical image, appearance orientation was influential regarding psychological insight. Appearance evaluation affected self-confidence in appearance and work confidence while body satisfaction affected self-confidence in appearance and interpersonal relationships. The effect of body satisfaction on psychological motivation, the influence of appearance orientation on self-confidence in the workplace, and the influence of appearance evaluation on work self-confidence differed between genders. Therefore, body image is an important factor in improving psychological stability and should be accessed differently according to gender.

      • KCI등재

        베이비붐 세대의 사회경제적·심리적·관계적 특성이 결혼만족도 및 결혼안정성에 미치는 영향: 남녀차이를 중심으로

        손정연 ( Son Jeong-yeon ),한경혜 ( Han Gyoung-hae ) 한국보건사회연구원 2014 保健社會硏究 Vol.34 No.4

        본 연구의 목적은 베이비붐 세대의 사회경제적 자원, 심리적 특성, 그리고 부부 상호간의 관계적 측면이 결혼만족도 및 결혼안정성에 어떠한 영향을 미치는지 남성과 여성을 비교하여 검증하는 것이다. 특히 본 연구에서는 결혼만족도와 결혼안정성을 두 축으로 부부관계를 4가지 유형으로 구분하여 살펴본다. 이러한 연구목적을 위해, 1955년에서 1963년 사이에 출생한 한국의 베이비붐 세대 2,078명을 분석하였다. 주요 분석결과는 다음과 같다. (1) 여성은 남성에 비해 결혼생활에 불만족하고 위기경향성이 더 높은 것으로 나타났다. (2) 남성은 학력과 소득수준이 낮은 경우, 그리고 여성은 배우자가 비취업 상태여서 혼자 경제활동을 하고 있는 경우에, 불만족스럽지만 안정된 부부관계를 유지하고 있었다. (3) 남녀 모두에게 있어 정서적으로 안정된 성격과 심리특성은 만족스럽고 안정된 결혼생활을 유지하는데 중요한 요인이었다. (4) 부부 사이의 빈번하고 원활한 대화는 베이비부머 남녀의 부부관계에 긍정적인 영향을 미치는 요인이었다. (5) 부부 간의 갈등 상황에서 남성은 서로가 말다툼이나 폭력적인 행동으로 대처할 때, 그리고 여성은 서로 간에 소통이 되지 않을 때, 불만족스럽고 불안정한 부부관계를 유지하는 것으로 나타나 남녀 간 차이를 보였다. 본 연구는 결혼만족도와 안정성을 결합하여 보다 다양한 부부관계의 모습 및 관련 요인을 파악하는 동시에 종단자료를 활용하여 변수들 간의 인과관계를 명확하게 밝혔다는 점에서 의의가 있다. The purpose of the study is to identify four types of marriage based on marital satisfaction and stability, and to examine the effects of socio-economic resources, psychological and relational traits on each type of marriage. Four types of marriage are characterized as satisfied-stable, dissatisfied-stable, satisfied-unstable, and dissatisfied-unstable. We surveyed 2,078 respondents born between 1955 and 1963. The major findings are as follows. First, women are less satisfied with their marital relationships and more likely to have given a serious thought about divorce than men. Second, there are gender differences in the effects of socio-economic resources on marital satisfaction and stability. Third, stable psychological state is an important factor for a satisfied and stable marriage for both men and women. Fourth, frequent communication has positive effects on marital satisfaction and stability of both men and women. Lastly, negative communication styles such as arguing or violent behavior have negative effects on marital satisfaction and stability of men. Whereas for women, the absence of communication with spouse have negative effects on marital satisfaction and stability. In conclusion, the relationships between socio-economic resources, psychological and relational traits, and each type of marriage display some gender differences as well as similarities.

      • KCI등재

        20대 남·여의 기능적 움직임 검사 점수와 호흡기능의 상관분석

        이정욱 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회 2022 한국엔터테인먼트산업학회논문지 Vol.16 No.4

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the relationship between FMS scores and respiratory function in healthy volunteers. The study’s subjects were 97 students (33 men and 64 women) in their healthy volunteers at H University in Gwang-ju. The subjects were instructed to perform the seven FMS movement patterns three times using the FMS Test Kit, and during the movements, their front, back, and side were filmed. For respiratory function, parameters related to forced vital capacity (FVC) and maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) were measured using a digital pulmonary function measuring device, and a three-minute break was given after each measurement. A gender-based comparison of the male group FMS scores showed statistically significant high scores in deep squat (DS), hurdle step (HS), trunk stability push-up (TSPU), and rotary stability (RS), and female group were statistically significant high scores in shoulder mobility (SM) and active straight leg raise (ASLR). A gender-based comparison of the subjects’ respiratory function showed that male group had statistically significant higher values in FVC, FEV1, PEF, and MVV than female group. Correlations between the FMS and respiratory function by gender, only the male group showed correlations between the FMS and FVC and FEV1. The male group showed correlations in DS (FVC, FEV1), IL (FEV1), ASLR (FVC, FEV1), and TSPU (FVC), and the female group showed correlations in TSPU (FVC, PEF, MVV). Summarizing the results of this study, it was found that the motion of TSPU was generally correlated with functional movement screen testing and respiratory function in men and women. Therefore, it is recommended to include TSPU motion in the exercise program to improve respiratory function.

      • KCI등재

        성차별경험이 화병에 미치는 영향: 자존감 안정성의 조절효과를 중심으로

        김은하,백혜영 한국여성심리학회 2018 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.23 No.2

        The purpose of this study was to examine whether perceived gender discrimination would be related to Hwa-byung and stability of self-esteem would moderate such a relationship. especially after controlling self-esteem. For this purpose, we administrated online survey in a sample of 240 women. The results of hierarchical regression analyses revealed that, in stage 1, self-esteem (covariate) was negatively related to Hwa-byung and, in stage 2, perceived gender discrimination was positively related to Hwa-byung while stability of self-esteem was negatively related to Hwa-byung. In addition, in stage 3, the interaction of perceived gender discrimination and stability of self-esteem was significant, which suggested that stability of self-esteem moderated the relationship between perceived gender discrimination and Hwa-byung. That is, the grater stability of self-esteem was, the effect of perceived gender discrimination on Hwa-byung decreased. Moreover, based on self-esteem and stability of self-esteem, we divided dataset into 4 groups and compared Hwa-byung scores among these groups. Low self-esteem and low stability of self-esteem group reported the highest Hwa-byung scores, followed by low self-esteem and high stability of self-esteem group, high self-esteem and low stability of self-esteem group, and high self-esteem and high stability of self-esteem group. By revealing that stability of self-esteem buffer the negative effect of gender perceived discrimination against Hwa-byung, this study highlights the importance of both self-esteem and stability of self-esteem.

      • KCI등재

        여성의 사회정체성 관리 전략: 사회구조 요인, 성별사회정체성, 상대적 박탈감의 영향

        김금미,한영석 한국여성심리학회 2008 한국심리학회지 여성 Vol.13 No.4

        This study assessed the ability of the theory of social identity and relative deprivation to account for the effects of group status, legitimacy, and stability of women on gender social identity, group relative deprivation and collective action. A sample of Korean women(N=637) was surveyed with questionnaire constructed to measure group status, legitimacy, and stability of women on gender social identity, relative deprivation and social identity management strategy. The Results showed the addition of relative deprivation led to the significant increments(higher level recategorization 2.8%, change of comparison dimension 6.3%, collective action 16.1%) in amount of explained variance in social identity management strategy. This result shows usability of social identity theory and group relative deprivation in male-female inter-group relationship. The significance, implications, and limitations of these findings were discussed and topics to be investigated in the future study were mentioned.

      • KCI등재

        다중평형 상태의 젠더 이데올로기와 부부관계 만족도의 학력별 차이

        문지선 한국여성학회 2019 한국여성학 Vol.35 No.1

        Based on the multiple equilibrium model, this study examines three topics about how the difference in the couples’ perception of woman’s care role and work role affects the wife’s marital satisfaction, how this effect of difference in the couples’ attitudes varies depending on wife’s own gender role attitudes, and whether these effects differ according to wife’s educational background. The husband's attitude toward woman’s work role is more important than that toward woman's care role in the wife’s marital satisfaction, and the decreasing effect of women's marital satisfaction attributed to couple's recognition gap about woman's work role is more stronger among the egalitarian women. For the women who have contradictory gender ideologies such as the neo-traditional attitude and the flexibly egalitarian attitude, the attitude toward motherhood ideology determines the satisfactions of marital relationships. And the instability of marital relationships caused by the difference of couples’ recognition about woman’s economic activities may arise from egalitarian females with a high school diploma, rather than highly educated women who are attracting attention as the leading forces of the gender revolution. 이 연구는 가족 동학에 대한 젠더 이데올로기의 영향에 주목하는 다중평형모형에 따라, 여성의 돌봄역할과 일역할에 대한 성역할 태도와 남편과의 인식 차이가 부부관계 만족도에 어떻게 작용하고, 부부 태도 차이의 영향이 여성 자신의 성역할 태도에 따라 어떻게 다르며, 이 효과가 여성 학력별로 차이가 있는지 세 가지 조절효과모형으로 살펴봤다. 여성의 부부관계 만족도에는 돌봄 역할보다 일역할에 대한 남편의 태도가 더 중요했는데, 특히 성평등한 여성에서 여성 일에 대한 부부의 인식차가 여성의 부부관계 만족도를 크게 낮추었다. 반면 신전통적 태도나 유연하게 평등한 태도같이 모순적인 젠더 이데올로기를 지닌 여성에서는 모성 이데올로기에 대한 태도가 부부관계를 결정하였다. 또 대졸 여성은 여성 일역할에 대한 부부의 인식차가 크더라도 자신의 성역할 태도와 상관없이 부부관계 만족도가 높고, 오히려 고졸 여성이 여성 일에 대한 부부의 태도 차이에 민감하게 반응하여, 경제활동에 대한 남편과의 인식차로 인해 발생하는 부부갈등과 부부관계의 불안정성은 성혁명의 선도 세력으로 주목받는 고학력 여성이 아닌 고졸 여성, 특히 성역할 태도가 성평등한 고졸 여성에서 비롯된 것일 수 있었다. 이처럼 이 연구는 학력 동질혼, 여성 소득 비중 등을 통제한 후에도 부부관계에 있어 여성의 일에 대한 부부의 태도 차이가 중요하다는 점과, 이러한 부부의 젠더 이데올로기 영향이 학력 계층별로 다르다는 점을 밝힌 데 의의가 있다.

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