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      • KCI등재

        Full-Duplex Distributed Switch-and-Stay Energy Harvesting Selection Relaying Networks with Imperfect CSI: Design and Outage Analysis

        Quang Nhat Le,Vo Nguyen Quoc Bao,안병구 한국통신학회 2018 Journal of communications and networks Vol.20 No.1

        We analyze the effect of distributed switch and stay combining(DSSC) technique and imperfect channel state information(CSI) in the scenario, where the communication between the sourceand the destination is conducted through either the direct transmissionor with the help of the best relay among K full-duplexenergy harvesting relays by using partial relay selection. To activatesuch communication, at the destination, we apply DSSC technique,which is considered as an effective method to achieve spatialdiversity in a distributed manner with low processing complexityand compatibility to resource-constrained wireless networks. Consideringtwo popular relaying protocols, i.e., decode-and-forward(DF) and amplify-and-forward (AF), the performance analysis interms of outage probability (OP) is carried out. Numerical resultsshow that imperfect CSI has a negative impact on system performance. Besides that, our DSSC-full duplex selection relaying(FDSSCSR) system achieves a better performance in terms of outageprobability than that of the DSSC-half duplex selection relaying(HDSSCSR) and the full duplex/half duplex dual hop relayingwith partial relay selection (FD/HDDRPRS) systems. Simulationresults are conducted to verify the correctness of our analysis.

      • KCI등재

        Joint Destination-Relay Selection and Antenna Mode Selection in Full-Duplex Relay Network

        ( Yanan Tang ),( Hui Gao ),( Xin Su ),( Tiejun Lv ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2017 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.11 No.6

        In this paper, a joint destination-relay selection and antenna mode selection scheme for full-duplex (FD) relay network is investigated, which consists of one source node, FD amplify-and-forward (AF) relays and destination nodes. Multiple antennas are configured at the source node, and beamforming technique is adopted. Two antennas are employed at each relay, one for receiving and the other for transmitting. Only one antenna is equipped at each destination node. In the proposed scheme, the best destination node is firstly selected according to the direct links between the source node and destination nodes. Then the transmit and receive mode of two antennas at each relay is adaptively selected based on the relaying link condition. Meanwhile, the best relay with the optimal Tx/Rx antenna configuration is selected to forward the signals. To characterize the performance of the proposed scheme, the closed-form expression of the outage probability is derived; meanwhile, the simple asymptotic expressions are also obtained. Our analysis shows that the proposed scheme obtains the benefits of multi-relay diversity and multi-destination diversity. Moreover, extra space diversity in the medium SNR region can be achieved due to the antenna selection at the relay. Finally, Monte-Carlo simulations are provided to consolidate the analytical results, and show the effectiveness of the proposed scheme.

      • An Optimal Full-Duplex AF Relay for Joint Analog and Digital Domain Self-Interference Cancellation

        Young Yun Kang,Byung-Jae Kwak,Joon Ho Cho IEEE 2014 IEEE TRANSACTIONS ON COMMUNICATIONS Vol.62 No.8

        <P>In this paper, a full-duplex (FD) amplify-and-forward (AF) relay is designed to compensate for the duplexing loss of the half-duplex (HD) AF relay. In particular, when there is no direct link between a source and a destination, joint analog domain self-interference suppression and digital domain residual self-interference cancellation is considered with an FD-AF relay having single receive antenna but multiple transmit antennas. Unlike previous approaches, a nonconvex quadratically constrained quadratic programming problem is formulated to find the optimal solution. The end-to-end spectral efficiency or, equivalently, the end-to-end signal-to-interference-plus-noise ratio from the source to the destination is chosen as the objective function to be maximized subject to the average transmit power constraint at the relay. In addition, an average power constraint is imposed on the output of the relay's receive antenna to avoid the nonlinear distortion in the low noise amplifier and the excessive quantization noise in the analog-to-digital converter. Through the systematic reduction and the partitioning of the constraint set, the optimal solution is derived in a closed algorithmic expression and shows how it allocates the transmission power not only in the direction of maximal performance improvement but also in the orthogonal direction in order to balance the system performance and the amount of self interference. It is shown that the optimal FD-AF relay significantly outperforms the optimal HD-AF relay even with the hardware limitations in the RF chain of the relay's receiver being well taken into account.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Massive MIMO Full-Duplex Relaying with Hardware Impairments

        Wei Xie,Xiaochen Xia,Youyun Xu,Kui Xu,YurongWang 한국통신학회 2017 Journal of communications and networks Vol.19 No.4

        Massive multiple-input-multiple-output full-duplex relaying(MM-FDR), which exploits both the benefits of large-scaleantenna arrays and full-duplex transmission, is considered as apromising technology to achieve very high spectral efficiency inthe future wireless network. Despite the inevitable presence oftransceiver impairments due to the use of low-cost hardware components,most of the prior works on MM-FDR assume perfecttransceiver hardware which is unrealistic in practice. This paperinvestigates the impact of hardware impairments on the MM-FDR. Based on the recent experimental results, the effect of hardware impairmentsis modeled using transmit and receive distortion noises. The end-to-end achievable rate is derived and the scaling behaviorsof echo interference due to the full-duplex operation, multi-userinterference and effective distortions caused by hardware impairmentsare obtained. The scaling results show that the achievablerate of MM-FDR is limited by the hardware impairments at thesources and destinations, instead of that at the relay or other interferences,as the number of relay antenna tends to infinity. Alow-complexity power control scheme is proposed to further improvethe energy efficiency of MM-FDR with hardware impairments. Simulation results show that the proposed scheme can improvethe spectral-energy efficiency tradeoff significantly.


        Outage Probability of Two-Way Full-Duplex Relaying With Imperfect Channel State Information

        Dongwook Choi,Jae Hong Lee IEEE 2014 IEEE Communications Letters Vol.18 No.6

        <P>In this letter, we investigate two-way full-duplex (TWFD) relaying with a residual loop interference (LI). In the TWFD relaying, two full-duplex users exchange data with each other via a full-duplex relay, and each node attempts to subtract the estimate of the residual LI from its received signal. We derive the exact integral and approximate closed-form expressions for the outage probability of the TWFD relaying in case of perfect and imperfect channel state information. Monte Carlo simulations verify the validity of analytical results.</P>

      • KCI등재

        Power Allocation for Opportunistic Full-Duplex based Relay Selection in Cooperative Systems

        ( Bin Zhong ),( Dandan Zhang ),( Zhongshan Zhang ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2015 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.9 No.10

        In this paper, performance analysis of full-duplex (FD) relay selection under decode-and-forward (DF) relaying mode is carried out by taking into account several critical factors, including the distributions of the received signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) and the outage probability of wireless links. The tradeoff between the FD and half-duplex (HD) modes for relay selection techniques is also analyzed, where the former suffers from the impact of residual self-interference, but the latter requires more channel resources than the former (i.e., two orthogonal channels are required). Furthermore, the impact of optimal power allocation (OPA) on the proposed relay-selection scheme is analyzed. Particularly, the exact closed-form expressions for outage probability of the proposed scheme over Rayleigh fading channels are derived, followed by validating the proposed analysis using simulation. Numerical results show that the proposed FD based scheme outperforms the HD based scheme by more than 4 dB in terms of coding gain, provided that the residual self-interference level in the FD mode can be substantially suppressed to the level that is below the noise power.

      • KCI등재

        Optimal Power Allocation and Outage Analysis for Cognitive MIMO Full Duplex Relay Network Based on Orthogonal Space-Time Block Codes

        ( Jia Liu ),( Guixia Kang ),( Ying Zhu ) 한국인터넷정보학회 2014 KSII Transactions on Internet and Information Syst Vol.8 No.3

        This paper investigates the power allocation and outage performance of MIMO full-duplex relaying (MFDR), based on orthogonal space-time block codes (OSTBC), in cognitive radio systems. OSTBC transmission is used as a simple means to achieve multi-antenna diversity gain. Cognitive MFDR systems not only have the advantage of increasing spectral efficiency through spectrum sharing, but they can also extend coverage through the use of relays. In cognitive MFDR systems, the primary user experiences interference from the secondary source and relay simultaneously, owing to full duplexing. It is therefore necessary to optimize the transmission powers at the secondary source and relay. In this paper, we propose an optimal power allocation (OPA) scheme based on minimizing the outage probability in cognitive MFDR systems. We also analyse the outage probability of the secondary user in noise-limited and interference-limited environments in Nakagami-m fading channels. Simulation results show that the proposed schemes achieve performance improvements in terms of reducing outage probability.

      • KCI등재

        Group contention-based full-duplex unmanned aerial vehicle relay system

        Lee, Won-Jae,Kim, Tae-Yoon,Kim, Jin-Ki,정소이,김재현 한국통신학회 2024 ICT Express Vol.10 No.1

        Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) relaying network systems have been widely studied to expand network coverage and improve frequency efficiency for wireless communication. This paper proposes a carrier sense multiple access with collision avoidance (CSMA/CA) based group contention (GC) full-duplex (FD) UAV relay system. The proposed FD UAV relay system guarantees the establishment of an FD pair. The UAV acts as a relay node and notifies the next-hop destination to all nodes with the acknowledge (ACK) packet. Only nodes that can establish the FD pair with the next-hop destination compete for channel access. No matter which node wins the channel contention, throughput and delay are improved because it can guarantee the FD pair establishment. Both analytical and simulation results verified that the proposed FD UAV relay system could achieve better throughput and delay than a conventional UAV relay system.


        Full-Duplex Relay for Enhancing Physical Layer Security in Multi-Hop Relaying Systems

        IEEE 2015 IEEE communications letters Vol.19 No.4

        <P>In this letter, we consider secure communications in multi-hop relaying systems, where full-duplex relays (FDRs) operate to enhance wireless physical layer security. Each FDR is designed to transmit jamming signals to the eavesdropper when it receives information signals from the previous adjacent node. The achievable secrecy rate with the proposed decode-and-forward (DF) FDRs are analyzed with a total transmit power constraint. The transmit power allocation problem is solved by using the geometric programming (GP) method. Numerical results present that the proposed FDRs significantly enhance the secrecy rate compared to the conventional half-duplex relays (HDRs).</P>

      • KCI등재후보

        An efficient beamforming design for multipair full-duplex relaying systems

        김현민,Van-Dinh Nguyen,신오순 한국통신학회 2017 ICT Express Vol.3 No.1

        We consider a decode-and-forward full-duplex relaying system for multiple pairs of users. Our objective is to maximize the minimum achievable rate for all user pairs under the transmit power constraints.We propose an iterative algorithm to solve the nonconvex max–min problem. In particular, the original problem is converted into successive convex programs by using an inner approximation method such that each iteration involves only a simple convex quadratic program. We show that the proposed algorithm improves achievement of the objective iteratively while guaranteeing convergence. Simulation results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm provides higher rates than both half-duplex and full-duplex relaying based on zero-forcing do.

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