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      • KCI등재

        한스 프린츠혼 『정신병자들의 조형작업(Bildnerei der Geisteskranken)』의 미학적 의의

        김남시 ( Nam See Kim ) 한국미학회 2012 美學 Vol.70 No.-

        본 논문은 미술사가이자 정신의학자였던 한스 프린츠혼이 1922년 출간한 책 『정신병자들의 조형작업』의 핵심내용을 개괄하고 그 미학적 의의를 밝히고자 한다. 이 책에서 프린츠혼은 형상화 충동이라는 개념을 모든 형상화 활동의 내적 동기로 설정, 표현욕구, 유희충동, 꾸밈충동, 모사경향, 질서화 경향, 상징욕구라는 여섯 가지 내재적 충동들의 관계에 따라 다양한 종류의 형상화를 분석하는 이론을 제시한다. 이것은 그의 주도로 수집된 정신병자들의 조형 작업물들을 단지 병리적 정신의 소산물로 보는 대신 모든 사람들에게도 보편적으로 적용될 수 있는 형상화의 시도로 보려는 그의 기본적인 관점이 반영된 것이다. 외부세계의 구속으로부터 벗어나 전적으로 자신의 내적 감각과 자의적 논리를 좇는 분열증적 자폐로 인해 정신병자들의 조형물들에는 우리에게 익숙한 사물의 모습이나 관습적 지각상을 넘어서는 자유로운 표현들이 등장한다. 나아가 바로 그러한 이유로 여기에서 프린츠혼이 제시하는 형상화 충동이 보다 분명한 형태로 가시화되고 있다. 형상화의 심리적 근거로 작용하는 형상화 충동으로부터 다양한 종류의 형상화 유형을 설명하는 그의 이론은 클레, 막스 에른스트 등을 통해 초현실주의 회화에 직접적인 영향을 끼쳤으며, 나아가 전문적인 미술 교육을 받지 않은 사람들의 조형작업까지도 예술로 간주할 수 있게 함으로써 아웃사이더 아트라는 분야가 생겨나는 데 결정적 영향을 주었다. This paper aims to give an overview and to clarify the aesthetic significances of <Bildnerei der Geisteskranken> (Artistry of the Mentally Ill), which art historian and psychiatrist Hans Prinzhorn published in 1922 in Berlin. In this book he presents a figuration theory, based on the intrinsic artisitc impulse, which he calls ``urge to compose(Gestaltungsdrang)``. This fundamental urge of human being consists of six kinds of implicit tendencies, expressive urge, playful urge, decorative urge, tendency to imitate, ordering tendency, symbolic needs, whose various relations result in the correlative forms of figurations. With this theory he sees the works of mentally ill not just as the outcome of mental pathology but as the figurative expressions of urge, which can be applied to all human being. Being away from the redemption of the outside world and immersed entirely in their own inner sense and logic, the works of the schizophrenic insane shows the free and arbitrary figurations, which go beyond our usual view of the world. This is why the expressive urge becomes more obvious appear in their artistry. Prinzhorn`s book gave an important impulse for art produced outside the mainstream, that is, the works by the non professional people who did not receive art education as like psychiatric patients, self-taught visionaries and children. Not to forget it`s direct impact on Klee and Max Ernst, and through him on Art of Surrealism.

      • KCI등재

        냉동창고건물의 잔여공사와 고지의무위반 - 대법원 2012.11.29. 선고 2010다38663, 38670 판결에 대한 평석을 중심으로 -

        최병규 한국경영법률학회 2013 經營法律 Vol.23 No.3

        Insurance plays very important role in modern society. It takes strong social character and also character of public interest. In recent days a important case has appeared in regard of the public function of the private insurance. Because of unknown fire a cold storage was burn totally. Almost 40 persons have died or injured because of this incident. The insurer has denied the insurance protection because of the violation of the duty of disclosure. There were extension works in the mentioned cold storage. The key point is wether the insured has violated the duty of disclosure in regard of this extension works. The 1st and 2en instances have denied the violation of the duty disclosure of the insured. But the supreme court has accepted the argument of the insurer that the insured has violated the duty of disclosure on the ground of gross negligence. But this decision is a seriously wrong judgment. The reform of the duty of disclosure is the key point of the german(2007) and japanese(2008) insurance contract law reform. This study concentrates on analysing the supreme court case(2010Da38663, 38670). The author has criticized the supreme court decision. he has also shown the recent reforms of german and japanese law. The author has also tried to pick out some suggestions from german reform as not only 'de lege ferenda' but also as a interpretation way of the existing law, especially in regard of duty of disclosure. We should also understand the duty of disclosure as a passive answer system. The insurance practice has already shown that the duty of disclosure means the duty of passive answer. The supreme court in korea(96Da27971) has already confirmed this point.

      • KCI등재

        민요의 정치시학

        이창식(Lee Chang-sik),김영수(토론자) 비교민속학회 2004 비교민속학 Vol.0 No.26

        A folksong is a verse as a function of the people's language arts which is expressed as various forms in the scene. A folksong expressing a symptom of political situation in folksong's history is a prosody that handed down from generation to generation in written and oral poetry. By reason of this, the folksong is matter of concern of the ruling class from the beginning. The folksong has been considered as a playing with of words in classifying a folksong as a function. The folksong is handed down with an amusement in social discourse. The folksong expressing a symptom of political situation is holding with desire which based on the property of showing signs of political incident, is confirmed with property of pressing the object by written materials. Because bygone days the study of the oral poetry is mainly performed as a lyric, a children's song, and the folksong of politics, it is lacking in investigating the proper scope and pattern. The function of the folksong is characterized by as follows ; the compressibility and secret language as a playing with words, the mode of metaphor concealed, and the openness of playing with words. The folksong shows political implicitness and literal symbols of the class enjoying the folksong through the examples of Gumaekyo and Samoyo. Also the popular song in modern world have enough the property of consistence and variance of tradition. Because the song have the power of moving the heart compared to other genres, it is utilized by the people of enjoying. Although the songs related to politics have a articulatory character, the power of the songs is filled with a vibration and a foreboding means by influencing the heart of the contemporary people. The song of singing a social situation ceaselessly have expressed the new life and the desirous world. The song performs function worthily as a form of urging the action and collecting the public opinions. Therefore, although the folksong fully put into the political circumstances and the emotion of the enjoying, it is symbolized by the actual social problem and the prophetic satire. The folksong have possession of the social stream and information compared to other genres from the ancient world. The case is exemplified by the tradition as a example of proverb ; the iron have the possibility of melting by the mouth of many people. The fact that this study has to do make a correct diagnosis to a interviewer's critical mind in political discourse. From now on, we must find the mode of symbolizing a language in relation to social background and on the scene.

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