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      • KCI등재

        박태보(朴泰輔) 문학(文學)에 나타난 현실(現實) 대응(對應) 양상(樣相)

        주영아 ( Young Ah Joo ) 한서대학교 동양고전연구소 2012 동방학 Vol.23 No.-

        This study examined about the literature in Park Tae-bo, who had been exhausted by practical life in Confucianism as a new intellect in the latter half of the 17th century, and about the aspect of coping with reality, which is revealed through his literature. Especially, it explored the understanding about the expressed reality & impression, and historical analysis with literary works centering on the works in the period that he had gone sightseeing in Gyeolseong and Buyeo in Chungcheong-do Province in 1675 when is the period that he had been full of self-confidence and ambition during his lifetime, and on the works in the period that he had been exiled to Seoncheon in Pyeongan-do Province in 1677 when is the period that he had experienced the first political setback. As Park Tae-bo is a Confucian scholar in the period that the Coterie Politics had gone to extremes in the 17th century, he is a person who had passed away in Noryangjin on the way to a place of exile after being extremely tortured in the wake of lodging an appeal for being opposed to a case of throwing away Inhyeonwanghu(仁顯王后). Even if having lived for short lifetime in 36 years, he was very firm in his political belief and had no hesitation even in political action, thereby having ever become the major target from a conflict between Namin(南人) and Seoin(西人) and between Noron(老論) and Soron(少論), which had been in the axis of Coterie at that time. Park Tae-bo`s literature is indicated through being separated from political belief. The political statement was thoroughly expressed with appeal or thesis such as Chaja(箚刺) and Gye(啓). In the literary expression, the emotion on the shape of object was revealed without adjustment. This characteristic wasn`t exceptional even in his excursion poem or banishment poem. In the works of the period that he had gone sightseeing in scenic spots of Gyeolseong and Buyeo in Chungcheong-do Province, full self-confidence in excitement about nature wasn`t hidden. In the banishment poem, he continued to moan with failing to completely accept his situation as an exile. His propensity in this way was revealed with tendency of literally accepting his joy and agony in literature. Expression of opinion about politics, military, society, and history was indicated with insight of facing up to reality. In the excursion poem and banishment poem that were explored in this study, the expression of the most basic emotion that Park Tae-bo can embrace as a human being was erupted. In addition to it, as for history at which he looked in Chungcheong-do Province and Pyeongan-do Province, a critical sight on a downfall of Baekje was revealed. The opinion was clarified as saying of needing to approach the relationship between castle and people more realistically as a strategic location of the military.

      • KCI등재

        <行行重行行> 再解釋 試論 -≪莊子·逍遙遊≫와의 비교를 중심으로

        고지영 한중인문학회 2019 한중인문학연구 Vol.65 No.-

        Trudging On and On has been interpreted as a poem depicting ‘the feelings of a woman who misses her husband’. However, to regard this about a heartbroken woman, she should accept the Confucian figure worrying about meals of her left husband not returning because of other women. Or it is possible to interpret this as a poem of faithful subject not returning to his King because of treachery, this poem is far from the principle of loyalty because he, a wanderer, is concerned about his own meals. Therefore, there is no other choice but to represent her, a poetic narrator, as a noble and pure lady waiting for her husband. The aim of this paper is to analyze Trudging On and On seeing a narrator as a wanderer, brought up under the Confucian education and affected by Lao-Zhuang. As with a phrase ‘Fills Their Bellies’ in Tao Te Ching, the poetic narrator depicted ‘satisfying one’s appetite’ by saying ‘filling up stomach with every effort’, but this was a cliché about preserving one’s life. Similar to the Way of Useless advanced by Chuang-tzu in The Carefree Excursion , the poetic narrator, a wanderer, says ‘I will try to preserve myself without adding further’ because he knows trees which look useless to anyone, planted in a wide field, will not be cut and will be used to provide shade for people. <行行重行行>은 그동안 ‘떠나간 남편을 그리워하는 여인의 감정을 노래한 詩’로 해석되어왔다. 그러나 이 詩를 단순히 헤어짐으로 인해 슬퍼하는 여인의 모습을 그린 詩라 보려면, 다른 여인들로 인해 돌아올 생각조차 하지 않는 남편(浮雲蔽白日, 遊子不顧返)의 끼니를 걱정하는(棄捐勿復道, 努力加餐飯) 儒家의 여성상을 받아들여야 한다. 아니면 간신들로 인해 돌아갈 수 없는 충신의 詩라 해석해 볼 수도 있으나, 그렇게 본다면 이 詩에서 遊子는 君主의 곁을 지키는 儒子가 아닌 君主 곁을 멀리 떠나 자신의 끼니를 걱정하는 遊子가 되기 때문에 儒家에서 말하는 충신의 道理에서는 멀어지게 된다. 그러기에 유가적 해석에서는 詩的話者로 떠난 남편을 걱정하며 기다리는 지고지순한 아낙네를 내세울 수밖에 없었다. 본고에서는 <行行重行行>의 詩的話者를 유가적 교육을 받으며 자랐으나 혼란한 시대 상황에서 당시에 널리 퍼져있던 老壯思想의 영향을 받은 遊子로 보고 새로이 <行行重行行>을 해석해 보았다. 『道德經』의 ‘實其腹’처럼 당시 혼란했던 사회에서 결국 배를 채우는 일을 ‘힘써 노력해 밥이나 먹어야겠다’고 말하고는 있지만, 이는 단순히 끼니를 해결하겠다는 것이 아니라 자신의 몸을 保全하겠다는 것을 이처럼 상투적으로 표현한 것이며, 이는 또 莊子가 <逍遥游>에서 말한 無用의 道를 행하는 길로, 아무짝에도 쓸모없어 보이는 나무라 하더라도 넓은 들판에 심어 놓으면 도끼에 찍힐 일도 없고 사람들에게 그늘을 제공하는 쓰임이 생기는 것을 아는 遊子이기에 ‘더는 무어라 언급하지 않고 내 몸 保全에나 힘써야겠다’ 말하고 있는 것이다.

      • KCI등재

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