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      • 한국어 어휘 교육에서의 어원교육

        이관식 중국한국(조선)어교육연구학회 2004 한국(조선)어교육연구 Vol.2 No.-

        The knowledge regarding the etymology of related with a vocabulary structure and the etymology of related with a personal suffix of the Korean language improves a vocabulary acquirement ability. Is like that the knowledge regarding inside order of a word structure is a possibility education becoming the new method. The vocabulary studying method which uses the etymology is simple comes from one sided vocabulary memorizing is a possibility of avoiding. Also interesting etymology studying the learner does a studying volition studying motive in interest. When it researches the etymology in addition, culture quality it will be able to study together. This dissertation presented the necessity of the vocabulary education which uses the etymology of the Korean vocabulary. And it tried to apply general principal of the vocabulary structure which it sees from viewpoint of the etymology in the Korean language vocabulary education. The knowledge regarding like this Korean etymology is a possibility to improve the Korean vocabulary find ability. The next is the principal which is detailed it sees from viewpoint of the etymology. The vocabulary advanced from the monosyllabic. The remaining part of speech advanced from the noun. The rear of the like that tried to apply principal in vocabulary education. And the word specialization due to ablaut of stem, the word specialization due to replacement of consonant, etymology of Chinese characters, etymology of borrowed word, and it researched the process which searches meaning and the etymology of the personal suffix, a name of day’s suffix, depending noun of quantity unit an method of folk etymology it will be able to analyze. It will be like that and it presented presented the method it will be able to apply it in vocabulary education.(Kyunghee University)

      • KCI등재

        한국어의 어원과 발상, 그리고 명명

        ( Kap Soo Park ) 국어교육학회 2014 國語敎育學硏究 Vol.49 No.3

        The purpose of this study was to research for the etymology of Korean words in terms of ideation. The etymology of Korean words has never been properly studied till today, due to the scarce historical materials and the insufficient researches. This study has been executed with a main focus on the etymology of middle term, rather than the original etymology. Ideation is made mainly through 5 organs of sense. Naming and word-formation in the vocabulary of Korean language, especially the substantive of original Korean, are made most frequently by the ideation through the sense of sight; and less frequently through the auditory sense; but very rare through the other sense. For ideation and naming through the sense of sight, predominating is the sense of shape, over the others such as the color sense and the optic sense. Naming through the sense of shape may have 2 different categories such as shape and condition; or 10 different ones such as [1]distinctive characteristic, [2]place of residence, [3]direction, [4]material, [5]habit, [6]usage, [7]growth, [8]season and [10]sex. For sense other than sight, this study found some onomatopoeias and their derivatives, both through auditory sense; some adjectives, developed through the sense of taste; and few complex words are typically found using “~nae(~내) as like a suffix. For the sense of touch, the main stream is adjectives, through the sense of pressure.

      • KCI등재

        動画を利用した言語学習方法の研究* - 日本語の「カタカナの字源」を中心に -

        薛根洙 단국대학교 일본연구소 2012 일본학연구 Vol.35 No.1

        본 연구는 「동영상을 이용한 언어 학습 방법」을 활용하여, 주로 일본어의 「카타카나(カタカナ)의 어원」에 대하여 연구한 것이다. 종래의 연구는 각각 문자가 어떤 한자의 일부에서 파생되었는가에 대한 오직 평면적인 인쇄물에 의해 인식하는 것이 일반적이었다. 본 연구는 종래의 평면적인 교재에서 습득할 수 없는 가시성(可視性)과 가청성(可聴性)의 특색이 있다고 할 수 잇다. 연구 대상은 일본어의 [카타카나(カタカナ)]의 50음이다. 또 카타카나의 유사문자도 알기 쉽게 동영상으로 구축되어 있기 때문에, 그 어원의 이해도를 아주 쉽게 접근할 수 있다. [카타카나의 어원]을 <영상언어(화)>로 구축할 경우, <가시성(可視性)><가독성(可読性)><가청성(可聴性)>등을 염두에 두고 설계하였다. ① 동영상을 구축할 경우에는 백터 방식을 채택하였다. 그것은 영상을 크게 확대하여도 화면의 흐림 현상이 없기 때문이다. ② 동영상의 움직임에는, 왼쪽에서 오른쪽으로, 중심부에서 중심부로, 카타카나에서 한자로, 한자에서 카타카나로, 다양한 움직임으로 설계하여, 학습의욕 효과를 환기시켰다. ③ 문자언어 서체는, 일본어의 카타카나의 서체, 즉<고딕체>로 하여 그 서체에 가까운 문자와 유사하게 설계하였다. ④ 동영상의 제작기법은, 주로 모핑(Morphing) 기법으로 구축하여, 그것은 [카타카나의 자원]에 대한 학습방법으로는 이것이 최적의 방법이기 때문이다. ⑤ 영상언어를 구축할 경우 주목되는 것이 동영상의 색상이다. 칼라보다 오히려 흑백 쪽이 학습자가 지루함이 덜하다는 것이 실험을 통해 알 수 있었다. 이 [동영상을 이용한 언어 학습 방법]은, <On-Line>나 <Off-Line>에서도 이용할 수 있는 콘텐츠이다. 특히 유비쿼터스 환경에서 활용한다면, <때>와 <장소>를 가리지 않고 언어 학습 기능을 향상 시킬 수 있을 것이다. In this research it mainly inquired about Japanese "Etymology of katakana" taking advantage of "the language learning method using an animation." If it was in the conventional study method, it was common to recognize with superficial printed matter chiefly about each character having been derived from the part or radical of what kind of Chinese character. In this research, it can be said that the point which gave the mobility which is not acquired even if it asks former type superficial teaching materials, and hearing nature on a grand scale has the big special feature. The object of research is the Japanese "Etymology of katakana"Japanese syllabary table. Moreover, the character which is equivalent to the similar character of katakana is also considered that it became very easy by building by an animation intelligibly to understand the Etymology. the time of building "Etymology of katakana" in <an image language> <visibility> it designed, having boiled <readability <audibility>> etc. always and keeping them in its mind. In order to clarify such a feature, it is admitted that it is required to give the following features to a <image language>. When building image, the way of the vector system is excellent. That is because there is no blurring of a screen even if it adjusts the size of an image. It seems that much more greediness for learning can be evoked from the central part from the right to the left from the left to the right by showing various motions from katakana like [from a Chinese character ] to katakana to a Chinese character to the central part when a motion of animation is observed. It designed in character language style of handwriting, having respected the style of handwriting<Gothic font> of Japanese katakana, and imitating the character near the style of handwriting. At the manufacture technique of animation, it built by morphing technique. That is because this was the optimal method as the study method for "Etymology of katakana." When building image language, the color of the picture was observed, but color showed that the way of monochrome does not make a student feel weariness rather. This the "language learning method using an animation" is contents which are seen also by <On-Line> and <Off-Line>. If even ubiquitous environment can be used especially, a <time> and a <place> are not chosen but a language learning function can be improved. On the other hand, although there is each feature in a spoken language, a character language, and an image language from the first, it is as follows when the feature of <the image language> which this research aims at is summarized.

      • KCI등재

        국어 어원사전의 연구성과

        김무림 국어사학회 2019 국어사연구 Vol.0 No.28

        Finding etymology of some word is a instinctive action of mankind from the beginning. Language is a relation between sound and meaning. Therefore the desire of finding a ultimate meaning is a very interesting and natural work for language. In this thesis I tried to report briefly about Korean etymological dictionaries in contemporary period. There are many dictionaries in Korean etymology. But there are many views in disagreement of etymological interpretation. There are two tendency in the pursuit of etymologe. One is comparative linguistic method, other is a internal method in Korean history. Macroscopic view point the comparative method is not bad. But Korean language is a one of ambiguous languages in genetic relation. At this time the result of Korean etymological dictionaries is reliable for internal Korean historical method. Probably it is difficult to expect some result in comparative method. 본고는 주로 현대에 편찬된 어원사전의 연구성과를 보고하기 위하여 작성되었다. 현대의 어원사전은 근대 및 개화기의 어원연구의 성과를 바탕으로 한 것이므로, 먼저 현대 이전의 어원연구의 성과를 개관하였고, 이후 현대의 어원집 및 어원사전의 성과를 간추렸다. 현대의 어원사전은 일반 국어사전에서 어원 정보를 보이는 것과 어원만을 다른 전문적인 어원사전으로 나눌 수 있다. 전자는 전체적인 규범성이 요구되는 것이므로 개인적이고 주관적인 어원론이 지양되지만, 후자는 어원론의 심도를 높이면서 개인적이고 주관적인 견해가 표출된다는 점이 특징이다. 다만 비교언어학적인 어원론은 계통론의 미비로 성과를 기약할 수 없다는 것이 한계이다. 어원론은 비판과 수렴이라는 양상 속에서 어원론에 대한 토대가 마련되고 성과가 축적되는 과정을 밟는다. 그러므로 어원론의 속성은 언어에 대한 반성작용(反省作用)이 가장 치열하게 적용되는 분야이다.

      • KCI등재

        그리스어 “코스모스” 어원의 존재여부 연구-코스모스 어원이 존재함을 중심으로-

        임우형 ( Woohyong Leem ) 한국현대언어학회 2015 언어연구 Vol.31 No.3

        A greek word cosmos(κooμοo, kosmos) is considered that it does not have etymology. I wondered that the cosmos has been written as a primary word do not have parents in dictionaries. A meaningful answer about this question I acquired through James Strong. He has a strong conviction that the cosmos is derived from the verb ‘komeo’. This article purpose is to obtain the justification for the claim that etymology of the ‘cosmos’ exist in accordance with his opinion. During this process I suggested that need to separate the etymology of the ‘cosmos’ into two directions. That this article is to argue that there is the etymology of the cosmos, second, the etymology is probably verb ‘komeo’, third, the process from ‘komeo’ to ‘cosmos’ consists of two kinds of road. If you accept the meaning of the ‘cosmos’ in such a process, you can understand the fact that the ‘cosmos’ has the broad and layered sense. In other words, “Why does have the ‘cosmos’ the ambiguity that it has action meaning and aesthetic meaning at the same time?” This is a question we`ve been always asking. I think that this article can give us a fairly significant help getting an answer. (Hankuk University of Foreign Studies)

      • KCI등재

        『竹取物語』의 풍자 - 어원 에피소드를 중심으로 -

        이애숙 일본어문학회 2023 일본어문학 Vol.100 No.-

        This study attempts to examine the nature of Taketori-monogatari, which is marked by an intersection between literary heritage and fictional creation, by putting an emphasis on the etymology episode. First, the study confirms that the two etymologies related to yobai (proposal of marriage) and fujinoyama (Mount Fuji), serve as a literary device that highlights the absolute existence of Kaguyahime by focusing on the function of etymology. Second, the study identifies that the etymology episode inside the story of five suitors works as a unique narrative in Taketori-monogatri through the use of satire. In particular, this study sheds light on a narrative structure inside Taketori- monogatari, where the prince Isitukuri’s self-perception of shame expands from a personal matter to a dimension of social responsibility. By focusing on the use of satire that penetrates the etymology episode, the article explores critical approaches toward the irony of the dynastic society, which is symbolized by the social status of the five suitors. In sum, the contemporary fantasy literature emerged through the combination of fiction and reality found in the etymology episode, and it reveals the social reality that links to the true nature of Taketori-monogatari.

      • KCI등재후보

        스페인어 어원 학습 모델 개발 -그리스 로마 신화를 중심으로-

        이강국 ( Kang Guk Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 외국어교육연구소 2008 외국어교육연구 Vol.22 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to suggest a new approach in which students are able to more easily deal with the semantic formation process of Spanish words through a cultural historical view. Up until now, etymology learning models in Spanish have been the morpheme change approach as in Menéndez Pidal (1973), Lapesa (1981), and Lloyd (1987). For Spanish students, these textbooks may be very useful learning materials because not only do they have some concept of the Spanish language change process as native speakers, but they also have a certain level of knowledge about the Latin and ancient Greek language, which are related to the Spanish etymology. However, Korean students who are not familiar with these ancient languages may find these textbooks to be quite difficult. Therefore, this study will contribute to improve the existing etymological approach by making it easier to learn through focusing the study on the explication of the semantic formation process of Spanish words drawn from Greek and Roman Myths. I hope that it will be a breakthrough in the boundary between historical linguistics and cultural history in Spanish. El proposito de este trabajo es presentar una forma de aproximacion de tipo historico-cultural al estudio del proceso de formacion semantica de las palabras del espanol que sea mas accesible para los estudiantes coreanos. Hasta ahora el modelo de aprendizaje de la etimologia del espanol ha sido el del cambio morfofonemico presentado por Menendez Pidal (1973), Lapesa (1981) y Lloyd (1987), etc. Para los estudiantes espanoles, que poseen conocimientos basicos del proceso de cambio de su lengua y tambien saben algo de latin y griego clasicos, estos estudios son utiles fuentes de aprendizaje. Sin embargo, para los estudiantes coreanos, que desconocen por completo estas antiguas lenguas relacionadas con la etimologia del espanol, los estudios mencionados resultan sumamente dificiles de comprender. El presente trabajo desea contribuir a facilitar el aprendizaje de la etimologia del espanol utilizando como base las palabras relacionadas con los Mitos griegos y romanos, que son el fundamento de la cultura occidental. De este modo, el modelo propuesto no solo contribuye a derribar las barreras entre la linguistica y la historia de la cultura sino que se ajusta al pensamiento de Menendez Pidal (1973) de que para hacer avanzar los estudios de historia de la lengua es preciso prestar mayor atencion a la introduccion y al proceso de formacion de los cultismos.

      • KCI등재

        안면 관련 ‘무조건반사 어휘’의 형태사에 대한 연구

        신중진 진단학회 2013 진단학보 Vol.- No.117

        In conjunction with an unconditioned reflex in face, ‘트림(burp), 하품(yawn), 기침(cough), 기지개(stretch), 재채기(sneeze)’ are all native tongues. And they are not simple words but derivative words etymologically. Consequentially the following results were obtained. From what has been discussed, I could conclude that as a result, ‘트림(burp)’ had derived from the internal structure of [[[트/-V+-을/-S]V+-이-S]V+-ㅁS]N etymologically. ‘하품(yawn)’ showing evolution from ‘하외욤’ had derived from the internal structure of [*하외-V+[-오-+-ㅁ]S]N etymologically. In conjunction with an unconditioned reflex ‘기침(cough)’ had derived from the internal structure of [깇-V+[-우-+-ㅁ]S]N etymologically. In conjunction with an unconditioned reflex ‘기지개(stretch)’ had derived from the internal structure of [[*기지-]V+-게S]N or [[*기직-]V+-(게>)에S]N etymologically. We could reconstructed verb stem as ‘*기지-’ or ‘*기직-’ primarily. Finally ‘재채기(sneeze)’ showing evolution from ‘욤’ had derived from the internal structure of [*-V+[-오-+-ㅁ]S]N etymologically. We hereby could reconstructed dynamic verb stem as ‘*-’. 안면 관련 ‘무조건반사 어휘’인 ‘트림, 하품, 기침, 기지개, 재채기’는 모두 고유어들이며, 또한 기원적으로 단일어가 아니라 파생어이다. ‘트림’은 [[[트/-V+-을/-S]V+-이-S]V+-ㅁS]N으로 최종 분석된다. ‘*트리-V’는 ‘수그리-(<숙-+-을-+-이-)), 우그리-(<욱-+-을-+-이)’처럼 동사 어간에 ‘-을/-’이 결합되고 다시 통사 범주를 바꾸지 않는 것으로 파악되는 ‘-이-’가 결합된 결과의 재구형이다. ‘하품’의 최고형인 ‘하외욤’이 [*하외-V+[-오-+-ㅁ]S]N의 내적 구조이다. ‘하품’은 기원적으로 ‘*habhɯi-’나 ‘*haßɦɯi-’ 정도에서 온 ‘*하외-’라는 어간에서 형성된 파생어이다. 그러나 ‘*하외-’라는 어간이 사어가 되면서 ‘하외욤’에 ‘--’가 통합한 ‘하외욤-’가 그 지위를 계승하다가 오늘날 ‘하품하-’라는 동사가 생긴 것이다. ‘기침’의 최고형인 ‘기춤’은 [깇-V+[-우-+-ㅁ]S]N의 내적구조에서 발달한 무조건반사 어휘이다. ‘지기게’의 내적구조는 [[*기지-]V+-게S]N 혹은 [[*기직-]V+-(게>)에S]N이며, 일차적으로 동사 어간 ‘*기지-’ 혹은 ‘*기직-’을 재구할 수 있겠다. 그 방언형을 고려하면 [[*기직-]V+-(게>)에S]N일 가능성이 더 높다. ‘재채기’의 최고형인 ‘욤’은 [*-V+[-오-+-ㅁ]S]N의 내적 구조를 갖는다. 이로써 우리는 동작동사로서 ‘*-’라는 어간이 문증되지는 않지만, 그 이전 시기에는 존재했다는 사실을 확인할 수 있다.

      • KCI등재

        ‘가위’[剪]의 어휘사

        이선웅(Yi Seon-ung) 한국언어문학회 2008 한국언어문학 Vol.64 No.-

        In this paper, I argue about the history and etymology of the word ‘가 위’[剪]. Firstly, I examine the various dialectal forms and the aspects of the historical change of ‘ㅸ’/β/ to reconstruct the ‘*가?’ as the proto-form of the dialectal forms ‘가위, 강위, 가우, 강우, 가웨, 가왜, 가외, 가이, 가의, 가 아, 강아’. But I also acknowledge the proto-form ‘*?개’ of the dialectal forms ‘가시개, 가새, 가세, 가애, 강애, 가에, 강에’, that is there were two etymologies ‘*가?’ and ‘*?개’ in Korean. Secondly, I explain the ‘*가?’ as the form which is made by combining the verbal stem ‘?-’(which meant ‘to divide into the same two’) and the suffix ‘-이’(which meant ‘instrument’). This is an entirely different etymology/word from ‘*?개’ which is formed by combining the verbal stem ‘?-’(which meant ‘to cut’) and the suffix ‘-개’(which meant ‘instrument’). Furthermore I explain the borrowing aspects of ‘*가?’ and ‘*?개’ in Altaic languages.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 어원 연구의 몽골어 연구

        요.냠히식 한국언어연구학회 2022 언어학연구 Vol.27 No.1

        Finnish linguist Ramstedt claimed for the first time that Korean belongs to the Altaic language family. And in order to prove this claim, he published a study called “Studies in Korean Etymology” comparing it with Altai words. Due to the inaccuracy of comparative vocabulary and the reason that Chinese characters are included, systematic research has not been conducted until now, 70 years after the publication of this study. In this situation, for the first time in this study, the author collected 542 words compared with Mongolian and analyzed 40 nouns out of 106 words that were found to be certain with Mongolian. As a result of the analysis, 29(73%) words were matched, and 11(27%) words were not. Although erroneously compared vocabularies appear quite a bit, I think that it has great significance in confirming that Korean is related to the Altai language. Therefore, in the future, it is necessary to evaluate this “Studies in Korean Etymology” academic value through comparative studies with 436 Mongolian languages, other Turkish and Manchu-Tungus languages, which have not been dealt with this time.

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