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        연결어미 ‘-고’ 습득 양상에 관한 연구-다문화가정 아동 4~8세를 대상으로-

        김지숙 이중언어학회 2011 이중언어학 Vol.45 No.-

        This study is inquire into the acquisition aspects of ‘-go’ for the multicultural family's children. Firstly, this study divides the acquisition aspects into ‘opportunity, enumeration, contrast, simultaneity’ according to the semantic function of ‘-go’. And then this study examines out the acquisition aspects related with the time adverb, the conjunctive verb, and the conjunctive ending. The results are as follows. 1) Apparently, the appearance aspects of ‘-go’ follows the order of ‘opportunity - simultaneity - enumeration - contrast’, of which ‘-go of opportunity’ comes first. However, in view of time cognition through the children's time adverbs and of the using aspect of conjunctive adverbs, it is found out that ‘-go’ is acquired by the semantic order such as ‘enumeration - opportunity - simultaneity - contrast’. It means that the acquisition is not different from grown-ups using aspect of ‘-go-’, which tells us that the acquisition step and using frequency are not irrelevant each other. 2) ‘-go of opportunity’ appears first than ‘-go- of enumeration’ apparently. In view of time cognition through the time adverbs, the time concept which is understood uncorrectly at four years old is understood clearly at five years old. It can be said that the cognition of the time concept brings about the increase of using ‘-go of opportunity’. It is thought that the understanding on ‘-go’ influences on the appearance of ‘-eoseo(어서)’ which has an equal meaning to ‘-go of opportunity’. 3) It is found out that ‘-go of enumeration’ begins to appear at the mid 4's, and its prevalence become higher at the mid 5's. It is thought that the late appearance of ‘-go of enumeration’ is due to the sentence lists which substitute for the enumeration and the conjunctive adverb, ‘Tto(또)’. This also can be checked out by way of the appearance aspect of the conjunctive adverbs. It tells us that the acquisition order can not be fixed by way of only the appearance aspect of ‘-go’. 4) ‘-go of contrast’ suggests the meaning of contrast after cognition of each situation by way of the enumeration. As a result, it is found out that ‘-go of contrast’ begins to appear after the mid 5's, which is related to the appearance time of ‘-jiman(지만)’, which has an equal meaning to ‘-go of contrast’. 5) ‘-go of simultaneity’ begins to appear early with ‘-go of opportunity’, but its realization aspects are not many. It is thought that they are due to both the speech material of children and the syntactic restriction which ‘-go of simultaneity’ has.

      • An Enumeration Method Applied in Intelligent Transportation System

        Shengnan Lu,Huansheng Song,Xiaojuan Xu 보안공학연구지원센터 2015 International Journal of Smart Home Vol.9 No.2

        Traditional approaches for some applications of Intelligent Transportation System(ITS), such as license plate tilt correction and vehicle speed estimation generally require feature extraction, however, feature extraction is a difficult task in complex traffic environment, and it is prone to be affected by the moving status of object and dynamic environment. In this paper, we tried a new analysis method without feature extraction for these two applications. The approach is based on enumeration. All the possible results of image analysis are tested by the testing function. Then, the extreme value of the testing function is selected and the corresponding result is just the concerning result. In the experiment, our method is applied to vehicle license plate tilt correction and vehicle speed estimation. The results demonstrate the proposed method has certain degree of robustness and validity.

      • KCI등재

        Rapidly quantitative detection of Nosema ceranae in honeybees using ultra-rapid real-time quantitative PCR

        A-Tai Truong,Sedat Sevin,김선미,Mi-Sun Yoo,Yun Sang Cho,ByoungSu Yoon 대한수의학회 2021 Journal of Veterinary Science Vol.22 No.3

        Background: The microsporidian parasite Nosema ceranae is a global problem in honeybee populations and is known to cause winter mortality. A sensitive and rapid tool for stable quantitative detection is necessary to establish further research related to the diagnosis, prevention, and treatment of this pathogen. Objectives: The present study aimed to develop a quantitative method that incorporates ultra-rapid real-time quantitative polymerase chain reaction (UR-qPCR) for the rapid enumeration of N. ceranae in infected bees. Methods: A procedure for UR-qPCR detection of N. ceranae was developed, and the advantages of molecular detection were evaluated in comparison with microscopic enumeration. Results: UR-qPCR was more sensitive than microscopic enumeration for detecting two copies of N. ceranae DNA and 24 spores per bee. Meanwhile, the limit of detection by microscopy was 2.40 × 104 spores/bee, and the stable detection level was ≥ 2.40 × 105 spores/bee. The results of N. ceranae calculations from the infected honeybees and purified spores by UR-qPCR showed that the DNA copy number was approximately 8-fold higher than the spore count. Additionally, honeybees infected with N. ceranae with 2.74 × 104 copies of N. ceranae DNA were incapable of detection by microscopy. The results of quantitative analysis using UR-qPCR were accomplished within 20 min. Conclusions: UR-qPCR is expected to be the most rapid molecular method for Nosema detection and has been developed for diagnosing nosemosis at low levels of infection.

      • KCI등재

        간접차별 개념의 필요성에 관한 관견

        정주백(Joobaek Jeong) 한국헌법학회 2016 憲法學硏究 Vol.22 No.1

        이 논문은 다음과 같은 점을 논증하고자 한다. (1) 간접차별은 그 문언이 중립적이어서 차별적이라 할 수 없는 규범을 차별 규범으로 포섭하기 위하여 필요한 개념이다. (2) 헌법 제11조 제1항 후문에 게기된 사유를 예시적인 것으로 보는 통설과 판례의 입장에 따르면, 위 후문에 게기된 사유에 해당되어야만 차별로 이해될 수 있는 것이 아니므로, 차별 아닌 것을 차별로 전환하기 위한 목적으로서의 간접차별 개념은 불필요하다. 대상사건에서도 제대군인과 비제대군인을 구별하여 처우하는 것 자체가 이미 차별이라고 판시하였다. 그럼에 도 불구하고 제대군인과 비제대군인의 구별을 남성과 여성의 구별로 전환 하는 것은 타당하지 아니하다. (3) 통설과 판례가 이해하는 바와 같이, 같은 것은 같게, 다른 것은 다르게 처우하는 것을 평등이라고 이해할 때에는, 문언상의 구별이나 구별하지 아니 함이 그 자체로 차별로 이해될 수 있다. 대상사건에 관하여 본다면, 제대 군인과 비제대군인을 구별하여 처우하는 것이, 본질적으로 서로 다른 것을 다르게 처우하는 것이어서 그 자체가 평등한 처우라 이해될 여지도 충분 히 있다. 그런데, 이를 남성과 여성의 구별 문제로 전환시킴으로써 평등한 처우를 차별적 처우인 것처럼 보이게 만들었다. (4) 심사기준에 있어서도, 제대군인과 비제대군인의 차별에 대해서 헌법이 특별히 평등을 명령하는 경우라고 이해하기는 어려울 것임에도 불구하고, 남성과 여성의 차별로 전환함으로써 엄격한 심사가 적용될 수 있는 토대가 마련되었다. (5) 법률과 달리 헌법 차원에서는 평등이 아니라 하더라도 여타의 기본권 심사가 가능하므로, 간접차별 관념의 필요성은 크지 않다. (6) 통설과 판례 즉, 이른바 상대적 평등설과 예시적 열거설을 토대로 할 때에 는 간접차별의 개념은 불필요하다. 헌법 제11조 제1항 후문에 게기된 표지를 근거로 한 다른 처우만을 금지한다고 이해되는 경우에만, 간접차별은 존립의 의의가 있다. 이른바 상대적 평등설과 예시적 열거설을 전제로 하면, 간접차별 개념은 결론을 왜곡시킬 수 있다. 대상사건은 그 예에 속한다. The author of this article attempts to demonstrate the following: (1) Indirect discrimination is a concept needed to drag a norm which is neutral and non-discriminatory in its literal text, into the realm of discrimination. (2) According to the prevailing doctrine and precedents which regard the enumeration in the latter sentence of Art. 11 Sec. 1 as ‘exemplary’, there can be a discrimination based on factors other than those listed in the above sentence, which means that ‘indirect discrimination’ is not required in order to transform non-discrimination into discrimination. The case dealt with in this article (the “object case”) ruled that distinguishing veterans from non-veterans and treating them in different ways is a discrimination in itself. Thus, substituting the distinction of ‘male vs. female’ for that of ‘veterans vs. non-veterans’ is improper. (3) If we are to understand equality as ‘treating likes alike, and unlikes unalike’ as commonly accepted, the distinction of non-distinction written in a norm’s text itself can be deemed a discrimination. As for the object case, there is a good reason to think of distinguishing the treatments of veterans and non-veterans as treating ‘unlikes unalike’, which is makes the treatments equal. Nonetheless, by Constitutional Court transformed it into a distinction between male and female, making it seem like a discriminatory treatment. (4) Turning to the criteria of scrutiny, it is hard to conceive that the constitution ‘bids especial equality’ as to the discrimination between veterans and non-veterans. In spite of which, the Court made a stricter scrutiny applicable by transfroming it into a discrimination between male and female. (5) On a constitutional –in contrast with legislative- perspective, scrutiny of constitutionality can be performed on many bases other than equality, which diminishes the necessity of a concept such as ‘indirect discrimination’. (6) Presupposing the so-called ‘relative equality’ and ‘exemplary enumeration’ doctrine as accepted, ‘indirect discrimination’ is a useless concept. Only when we understand the latter sentence of Art. 11 Sec. 1 as forbidding only discriminations based on the factors listed in itself can we say that ‘indirect discrimination’ means anything. When combined with ‘relative equality’ and ‘exemplary enumeration’, ‘indirect discrimination’ can distort the whole judgement, a good example of which is the object case.

      • KCI등재

        類개념에 대한 公孫龍의 인식과 활용

        이경무(Lee, Kyoung-moo) 대한철학회 2020 哲學硏究 Vol.154 No.-

        이 글은 『公孫龍子』 「通變論」의 類개념과 매거논증을 물건의 존재 양상에 관한 「白馬論」, 「指物論」, 「堅白論」, 「名實論」의 담론과 연계하여 고찰함으로써 公孫龍이 類개념을 어떻게 인식하고 활용하고 있는지를 규명한다. 類개념에 대한 公孫龍의 인식과 활용은 類之同과 類之不同의 변별을 기초로 한다. 類개념에 대한 墨子의 인식과 활용이 同類와 非類의 변별을 기초로 하고, 孟子의 인식과 활용이 同類와 不同類의 변별을 기초로 하는 것과 흡사하다. 그러나 公孫龍은 類개념을 인식하거나 활용하는 데 있어서 墨子나 孟子와 차별되는 특징을 보인다. 첫째, 公孫龍은 기본적으로 가치 판단보다는 사실 판단을 더 중시하고 그것도 물건에 대한 지칭과 관련하여 개념 명사와 그 의미의 일치를 문제 삼는다. 둘째, 公孫龍은 類之同과 類之不同을 변별하기 위한 ‘명확한 표준’을 매거의 문제로 드러내고 잘못된 매거논증과 올바른 매거논증, 잘못된 매거와 올바른 매거, 올바른 명실 관계와 올바르지 못한 명실 관계 등을 구별한다. 셋째, 公孫龍은 집합을 중심으로 전체 집합과 집합의 원소가 서로 같은지 서로 다른지를 二無一정확하게는 二非一의 명제로 다루어간다. This paper attempts to examine relations between the concept of ‘lei [類]’ and inductions by enumeration in tōng-biàn theory [通辯論] and discussions about materials and modalities of being in white-horse theory [白馬論], pointing- thing theory [指物論], hardness-whiteness theory [堅白論], name-material theory [名實論]. This examination aims to reveal how Gōngsūn Lóng recognized and utilized the concept of ‘lei[類]’ that is similar to the generic concept in Aristotelian Logic. Gōngsūn Lóng’s recognition and utilization of ‘lei [類] was based on discrimination between that of the same class and a different kind of being, similar to Mencius’ recognition and utilization. But unlike Mencius, Gōngsūn Lóng made a unique assertion about them. First of all, he was more concerned with factual judgement than moral judgment, so the coincidence between term and meaning of ward was taken more seriously. Secondly, he emphasized well defined criteria of inductions by enumeration, and then distinguished sameness and differentiation between correct and incorrect inductions by enumeration. Thirdly, he dealt with the proposition of ‘two is not one’ that asserts whether universal set and element of set are the same or different.

      • KCI등재

        Protein Structure Prediction Using a Hybrid Energy Function and an Exact Enumeration

        이주련,조광휘 한국물리학회 2008 THE JOURNAL OF THE KOREAN PHYSICAL SOCIETY Vol.53 No.2

        We develop a protein structure prediction method that utilizes fragment assembly and a hybrid energy function. In a fragment assembly method, the local structure of the backbone is obtained from a structural database by using similarity of sequence features, in contrast to a pure physicsbased method in which all dihedral angles are allowed to vary continuously. Since the conformational space for the backbone is finite, we generate all possible conformations and vary only the side-chain dihedral angles for each of them. The conformations are scored using a hybrid energy function, where all the backbone atoms are described explicitly, but the side chain is modeled as a few interaction centers. We perform a test prediction on four proteins, 1l2y, 1e0l, 1bdd and 1bk2, to demonstrate the feasibility of protein structure prediction based on exact enumeration.

      • KCI등재

        일본 내 한국학교 이해에 대한 연구Ⅰ

        정희영(Jeong, Hee-Young) 대한일어일문학회 2017 일어일문학 Vol.73 No.-

        This study analyzed the status and problems of Korean school that is also regular private school in Japan through the analysis of survey responses from teachers for the roles of college of education in specialized universities. For those purpose, this study surveyed all the teachers of elementary, middle, and high schools of K institute in Osaka, Japan (by conducting a complete enumeration.) The survey conducted electronic questionnaire by using clouding from 8 to 25 in November. There was 91% return rate with 30 of 33 teachers responding. This study analyzed the result of the survey. The questionnaire consists of both five items about personal background and 20 items of 4 sections that are about Korean School, curriculum managing of regular private school in Japan, teachers and students, the support of college of education of Korea and improvement plans. The roles of college of education are largely classified in two ways through the result of the survey. First, they know that unless the teachers of Korean school in Japan don"t have a good commmnd of Korean and Japanese, they don"t have balanced viewpoints. Thus it is necessary to offer the opportunity of re-education for acquiring Korean language and Korean cultures to the teachers as the roles of college of education. Second, it is thought for the teachers of Korean school in Japan to educate students, not having either enough understanding the characteristics of private schools in both countries or acceptable curriculum. To improve the status and problems, it is crucial to develop the differentiated curriculum and specialized program development for this regular private school recognized by Korea and Japan.

      • KCI등재

        일본 내 한국학교 이해에 대한 연구 Ⅱ

        정희영 대한일어일문학회 2017 일어일문학 Vol.76 No.-

        This is the second research for understanding Korean school in Japan. On the basis of understanding of Korean school in Japan, this study prospected diversification of vocational opportunities of college of education in specialized university. Korean education in global world has to nurture pre-service teachers for educating students of 32 schools in 15 nations systematically, not depending on schools in Korea totally. These changed perspectives not only match the main policies in educating overseas Koreans but also diversify vocational opportunities for students of college of education. This also makes students of college of education maintain their identity in demographic cliff and youth unemployment of Korea. This study surveyed all the teachers of middle and high schools of A institute in Kyoto, Japan by conducting a complete enumeration. The survey conducted electronic questionnaire by using clouding from 24 in July to 25 in September in 2017. There was 86% return rate with 24 of 28 teachers responding. This research analyzed the result of the survey. The questionnaire consists of 20 items of 4 sections that are basic data, curriculum managing as regular private school of Korean and Japan, teachers and students, solution plans to diversify vocational opportunities of college of education of Korea. The solution plans to diversify vocational oppotunities of college of education through the result of the survey are : First, it is a solution to diversify vocational opportunities to nurture students of Japanese education to be competitive teachers in Japan with multiple majors. Second, the college of education should create opportunities for the students to win certificate for Japanese, Chinese and Spanish as well as their major. This helps pre-service teachers understand society and culture of the countries. Third, it is a solution to develop and manage creative convergent education curriculum by considering multicultural education and students" interest, developing and managing extra-curriculum of exchange student experience, foreign education service and so on.

      • KCI등재

        일본 내 한국학교 이해에 대한 연구 Ⅲ - 통일 한국을 위한 사범대학 예비교사 교육의 방향

        정희영 대한일어일문학회 2018 일어일문학 Vol.77 No.-

        On the basis of understanding of Korean school in Japan, this study is to seek the educational direction of pre-service teachers of college of education for united Korea. In other words, by studying national school that has taken political neutral and educated Korean children with pure, sincere attitude to be over the education level of Japan children under GHQ rule, this study is to seek the educational direction of pre-service teachers of college of education for united Korea with the help of the teachers' viewpoint of national school in Japan where our Korean people are divided. This study surveyed all the teachers of kindergarten, elementary middle and high schools of B institute in Osaka, Japan by conducting a complete enumeration. The survey conducted electronic questionnaire by using clouding from 10 in October to 9 in November in 2017.There was 91.3% return rate with 42 of 46 teachers responding. This research analyzed the result of the questionnaire. The questionnaire consists of 21 items of 4 sections that are basic data, curriculum managing as regular private school of Korean and Japan, teachers and students, seeking the educational direction of pre-service teachers of college of education for united Korea. Through the result of the survey, the expectations of seeking the educational direction of pre-service teachers of college of education for united Korea are: First, there is a little difference among three national schools as Korean school in Japan. Second, B school has lots of Zainichi spirit among three national schools. Third, the Korean government as well as the teachers of B school needs to approach the members of national schools deeply with open minded attitude. Fourth, for the specialized business of B school which has the strong will to practice the foundational idea, I suggest ‘unification’ as the keyword. In the end, on the basis of the result of the way of teacher's enumeration, the next study is going to be about the specialized national schools as Korean school in Japan by conducting an attitude survey of the students and their parents.


        KWAK, JIN HO,CHUN, JANG-HO,LEE, JAEUN 경북대학교 위상수학 기하학연구센터 1999 硏究論文集 Vol.7 No.-

        Several isomorphism classes of graph coverings of a graph G have been enumerated by many authors. An enumeration of the isomorphism classes of n-fold coverings of a graph G was done by Kwak and Lee [Canad. J. Math., XLII (1990), pp. 747-761] and independently by Hofmeister [Discrete Math., 98 (1991), pp. 437-444]. An enumeration of the isomorphism classes of connected n-fold coverings of a graph G was recently done by Kwak and Lee [J. Graph Theory, 23 (1996), pp. 105-109]. But the enumeration of the isomorphism classes of regular coverings of a graph G has been done for only a few cases. In fact, the isomorphism classes of A-coverings of G were enumerated when A is the cyclic group Z_(n), the dihedral group D_(n) (n: odd), and the direct sum of m copies of Z_(p). (See [Discrete Math., 143 (1995), pp. 87-97], [J. Graph Theory, 15 (1993), pp. 621-627], and [Discrete Math., 148 (1996), pp. 85-105]). In this paper, we discuss a method to enumerate the isomorphism classes of connected A-coverings of a graph G for any finite group A and derive some formulas for enumerating the isomorphism classes of regular n-fold coverings for any natural number n. In particular, we calculate the number of the isomorphism classes of A-coverings of G when A is a finite abelian group or the dihedral group ??_(n). Our method gives partial answers to the open problems 1 and 2 in [Discrete Math., 148 (1996), pp. 85-105] and also gives a formula to calculate the number of the subgroups of a given index of any finitely generated free abelian group.

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