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        공법 : 함정수사의 적법성 판단기준과 법적 효과

        이은모 ( Eun Mo Lee ) 한양대학교 법학연구소 2010 법학논총 Vol.27 No.1

        Entrapment means an investigation method in which an undercover law enforcement agency or its representative instigates or abets an offense in order to arrest a criminal and collect evidence. It is usually applied to covert offenses involving crime rings such as narcotics, organized crime, bribery, prostitution, and gambling, among others. Entrapment investigations can be divided into a type where a person with no criminal intent is led to commit a criminal act by the undercover investigator (crime induction-type), and a type where a person with criminal intent is given the opportunity to commit the crime by the undercover investigator (provision of opportunity-type). When the first type of entrapment is considered in the light of the d ue process of law, it violates the requirement of properness. The problem is whether the second type of entrapment can be recognized as lawful. The views on the subject can be largely classified into two perspectives: the view that, while crime induction-type entrapment is unlawful, provision of opportunity-type entrapment is lawful, and the view that while entrapment, even provision of opportunity-type, is unlawful in principle, exceptions can be made to allow its usage in some investigations of narcotics, bribery and organized crime, among others. However, when we consider that the necessity of entrapment is primarily recognized for crimes such as narcotics crimes or organized crime, the view that provision of opportunity-type entrapment is permissible depending on the type of crime being investigated will necessarily result in the conclusion that almost all provision of opportunity-type entrapment is lawful, which is not valid reasoning. In short, although both crime induction-type and provision of opportunity-type entrapment should be considered unlawful in principle, it is still the case that a review of the criteria used for evaluating their lawfulness or unlawfulness is necessary. Although the Supreme Court did not allow crime induction-type entrapment in the past based on its status as an unlawful investigation method, it held the opinion that in cases where the committing of the crime was only made easier by the investigator, or it was simply the case that an opportunity was provided by the investigator, this should not be considered entrapment and was allowed. But it recently took the position that provision of opportunity-type entrapment is not allowed in principle, and it may still be permitted on a exceptional basis. There are currently also many divergent arguments surrounding entrapment. There is a view that entrapment should be divided into crimel induction-type and provision of opportunity-type, and only crime induction-type is unlawful (Subjective Test). And there is an opinion that emphasized the actions that the investigator took in order to ensnare the defendant(Objective test). Also there is a view which takes into account both the subjective and the objective tests in order to determine the lawfulness of the entrapment (combined test). Determining the lawfulness or unlawfulness of entrapment using a combined objective and subjective test appears to be appropriate. However, if both tests should be applied to determine legality, it may result in a disadvantage to the defendant because even when a law enforcement agent has deceived the defendant, depending on method or degree, the deception could be accepted as legal. Therefore, the most reasonable method of judgment is that if, within the combined test, either the subjective test or objective test can be applied, and the entrapment was found to be unlawful according to the test, then the entrapment should be considered unlawful. Regardless of whether or not someone has forethought, if the investigation procedure violates the due process of law, or else provided a strong enough motivation or temptation to cause even an average person to commit a crime, the entrapment should be considered unlawful.

      • KCI등재

        판례를 통해 본 함정수사와 그에 대한 비판적 고찰

        이창현(Lee, Chang-Hyun) 동아대학교 법학연구소 2013 東亞法學 Vol.- No.59

        현행 형사소송법에는 함정수사에 관한 명문의 규정을 두고 있지 않음에도 뇌물범죄 등의 수사에 함정수사가 비교적 널리 사용되고 있고 그 위법성에 대한 문제가 계속 제기되고 있다. 그리하여 판례를 통해 함정수사의 의미와 주체, 위법한 함정수사의 판단기준 위법한 함정수사의 효과에 대해 검토하면서 그 쟁점에 대해 비판적으로 살펴보았다. 판례는 함정수사의 의미에 대해 기회제공형 함정수사와 범의유발형 함정수사를 구분하면서 기회제공형 함정수사는 함정수사의 범위에서 계속 제외하였다가 기회제공형 함정수사는 위법한 함정수사가 아니라는 입장을 거쳐 현재는 기회제공형 함정수사도 경우에 따라 적법한 함정수사가 될 수 있다고 하여 범의유발형 함정수사뿐만 아니라 기회제공형 함정수사도 모두 함정수사에 포함되는 것으로 이해된다 이와 함께 ‘함정수사’보다는 오히려 ‘함정범죄’라는 개념이 전반적인 함정수사의 논의를 합리적으로 이해할 수 있다는 점에서 그 용어에 대한 적절한 사용을 제안해 본다. 그리고 위법한 함정수사의 판단기준에 대해서는 주관적 기준과 객관적 기준을 종합적으로 고려하는 종합설이 판례와 다수설의 입장이지만 실제로 판례는 위법한 함정수사로 인정된 경우에는 종합적인 기준이 제대로 적용되지 않을 뿐만 아니라 위법하지 않은 함정수사에 대해서는 종합설의 입장을 취하면서도 실제로는 수사기관이나 유인자가 수사기관과 직접 관련을 맺은 상태에서 사술이나 계략 등을 사용하였다고 볼 수 있느냐의 여부가 결정적인 조건이 되고 있는 것이다. 이에 따라 수사 및 재판실무에서 수사기관은 함정수사를 통한 형사처벌을 위하여 처음 함정을 통해 범죄를 저지르게 한 후에 다음으로 그 범죄가 수사기관과 직접 관련이 없다는 점을 보이기 위해 이중의 은폐와 배신행위를 한다는 비판이 계속되고 있기에 수사기관의 직접 관련 유무 자체보다는 종합설의 구체적인 기준에 보다 충실하여 위법한 함정수사를 판단하여야 할 것임을 강조하게 된다. 마지막으로 위법한 함정수사에 대한 효과에서 판례는 초기의 무죄판결설이 가지는 난점으로 인해 공소기각판결설을 계속 따르고 있으나 최근 형사소송법에 위법수집증거배제법칙이 명문화되어 시행됨에 따라 모든 증거에 대해 원칙적으로 위법수집증거배제법칙이 적용되므로 위법한 함정수사에 의해 수집된 증거에 대해서는 그 증거의 증거능력을 모두 부정함으로써 결과적으로 위법한 함정수사에 대해서는 무죄판결을 선고하는 것이 이론적으로 타당할 뿐만 아니라 피고인의 이익보호와 적법절차의 원칙에도 합리적으로 기여할 수가 있다고 판단되어 무죄판결설이 보다 타당함을 주장해 본다. Though substantive enactment on entrapment investigation is not expressed in the current Criminal Procedure Code, the entrapment investigation is relatively and widely used in the investigation such as bribery case, and the problems on its illegality are being constantly raised. Thus, this paper investigated means and principle of the entrapment, criterion of illegal entrapment and its effects through the precedents, and critically studied such issues. There are two different forms of entrapment in the precedents on the means of entrapment. The first type of entrapment is that the police offers an individual the opportunity to commit a crime, and another one is that the police offers an individual the criminal intent activity. The entrapment offering the opportunity to commit a crime was excluded from the scope of entrapment investigation, However, the entrapment offering the opportunity to commit a crime was recognized that it was not an illegal entrapment investigation, and nowadays, its entrapment has been recognized as a legal entrapment in some cases. Therefore, the entrapment investment offering the opportunity to commit a crime as well as the entrapment causing the criminal intent activity are recognized as the entrapment investigation, In addition, in the way that concept of “Entrapment crime” rather than “Entrapment investigation” would be rationally recognized for the purpose of arguments of the general entrapment investigation, this paper suggests for the appropriate use of the term. And regarding criterion of illegal entrapment, a comprehensive theory, comprehensively considering subjective criteria and objective criteria, bas been mainly involved in the precedents and majority theory. But actually, comprehensive criterion bas not been generally acceptable for the precedents if being recognized as the illegal entrapment, and moreover, comprehensive theory bas been acceptable for the legal entrapment, but it needs crucial conditions to consider whether investigative agency or any other person, who conducted criminal activities, engaged in an evil trick or scheme under the connection with certain investigative agencies. For that reason, investigative agency related to investigation aud proceedings encourages a person to commit a crime so that the officer can have him/her prosecuted for that crime and in order to impose a criminal penalties, and then if entrapment occurred, investigative agency bas been criticized due to its double-blind and act of betrayal to prove that its agency bas not directly involved in the entrapment. Accordingly, this paper emphasizes that an illegal entrapment investigation would be considered on the basis of the specific standards related to the comprehensive theory but rather whether directly involved with investigative agency. Finally, as the results of the illegal entrapment investigation, the precedents have continued to follow judgement of dismissing public prosecution due to the crux involved in judgement of not guilty in the early time, but exclusionary rule is basically applicable for all the evidences as its rule is expressed and enforced in the current Criminal Procedure Code, and then admissibility of evidence collected from the illegal entrapment investigation is fully denied, and as the results, it makes sense to find judgement of not guilty against the illegal entrapment investigation, and its finding would rationally contribute to the defendant"s rights and principle of due process of law. Therefore, this paper suggests that the judgement of not guilty is more pertinent.

      • KCI등재

        함정수사의 위법판단기준과 법적 효과

        정진연 한국비교형사법학회 2005 비교형사법연구 Vol.7 No.2(2)

        Investigation is the first step of a criminal procedure. The criminal proce- dure performs important function, which actualizes of one nation and secures human rights. But recent crime report shows a tendency not only to be complex in quality but also to be increased in quantity. It becomes more difficult to apprehend crime itself, to collect evidence, and to arrest criminals because the crime is envolved with consensual, invisible and habitual. Here comes the necessity of tricky, undercover method, so-called entrapment investiga- tion, and most investigation agencies of many countries use this method nowadays. Entrapment investigation dose harm to guarantee of human rights, so the control of entrapment investigation is important matter. In United States, the Supreme Court established ‘defense of entrapment’ through its judicial precedents to prevent law enforcement authorities from manufacturing crimes. There are many theories on the control of entrapment investigation. We must find out the suitable theory which can be harmonized with our current condition of law system, and also study on the mutual relation between standard of Illegality and Legal Effect of Entrapment investigation. There are some ways for the control of illegal entrapment investigation. First, to remove the possibility of illegal investigation at the beginning stage, reasonable guidelines like the Attorney General’s Guidelines on FBI Undercover Operations should be prepared. Second, if the entrapment investigation has already been practiced, penal responsibility of illegally induced defendant should be denied. Third, add to the ways above, we can take approval of penal responsibility of instigator into consideration.

      • KCI등재

        함정수사의 적법성

        신양균(Shin, Yang-Kyun) 한국형사법학회 2009 형사법연구 Vol.21 No.4

        Entrapment as proactive investigational method is a technique of investigation, by which undercover investigator or a private man instigated by investigating authority induce a person to commit a certain crime and then disclose and accuse confidential and invisible crime. Traditionally two competing tests exist for determining whether entrapment has taken place, known as the "subjective" and "objective" tests. The "subjective" test looks at the defendant's state of mind; the entrapment defense can be claimed if the defendant had no "predisposition" to commit the crime. The "objective" test looks instead at the government's conduct; entrapment occurs when the actions of government officers or their agents would have caused a normally law-abiding person to commit a crime. late judicial precedents assume transitional attitude toward subjective test, which was its traditional standard. namely judicial precedents rule: whether deceptive investigation comes under illegal entrapment, should be decided by considering comprehensively type and character of crimes, status and role of inducing person, context and method of inducement, response of the induced criminal to the inducement, criminal record of the induced and the illegality of the inducing activity, etc. The legality of entrapment should not be decided schematically by existence of predisposition of the accused, and be inquired concretely on basis of principle of investigation, namely equipment of criminal suspicion, coincidence with principle of proportionality and consideration of free will of the criminal. Finally a rulemaker should assume a prudent attitude in legalize entrapment investigation, because there are many issues of law, which are not arranged theoretically, for example, range of criminal catalogue capable of entrapment, standard of entrapment test and legal effect of illgegality of entrapment.

      • KCI등재

        한국판 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감 척도의 신뢰도와 타당도 연구

        이종선,조현주 한국심리학회 2012 한국심리학회지 일반 Vol.31 No.1

        The present study examined the reliability and validity of the Korean Internal Entrapment Scale (K-IES) and Korean External Entrapment Scale (K-EES) developed by Gilbert and Allan(1998). Four hundred and one university students who agreed to take part in this study completed the K-IES and K-EES along with other psychometric measures. The results showed that the Cronbach alpha for the K-IES was .89 and Cronbach alpha for the K-EES was .92, indicating good internal consistencies. Exploratory factor analyses revealed that a single factor structure best fit the K-IES and K-EES, respectively. Each factor accounted for 59.56% of the variance on the K-IES and 51.02% of the variance on the K-EES. Confirmatory factor analysis demonstrated a satisfactory construct validity by showing good factor loadings and squared multiple correlations of each item of the K-IES and K-EES. Fit indices also showed the goodness-of-fit for each model of the K-IES and K-EES. The K-IES and K-EES were significantly correlated with self-criticism, internalized shame, depression, positive affect, negative affect, life satisfaction, and suicidal ideation which supported the convergent and concurrent validity. The K-IES and K-EES maintained a strong association with depression, positive affect and negative affect and life satisfaction, even after controlling for self-criticism and internalized shame. In addition, the K-IES and K-EES added substantially to the explained variance of depression, positive affect, negative affect, life satisfaction and suicidal ideation after controlling for the self-criticism and internalised shame, which supported incremental validity. The current findings suggest that the K-IES and K-EES are a reliable and valid instrument to assess entrapment. limitations of the current study, and future directions for this research were discussed. 본 연구는 Gilbert와 Allan(1998)이 개발한 내적 속박감 (Internal Entrapment Scale: IES) 및 외적 속박감 척도(External Entrapment Scale: EES)에 대한 신뢰도 및 타당도를 알아보기 위해 수행하였다. 연구대상은 K지역 대학생으로 총 401명이며, 모두 연구 참여에 동의한 뒤 내적 및 외적 속박감 척도와 관련 척도들을 수행하였다. 연구 결과, 내적 신뢰도는 내적 속박감 .89 그리고 외적 속박감 .92로 양호한 수준으로 나타났다. 탐색적 요인 분석 결과, 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감 모두 단일 요인으로 추출되었다. 각 요인에 대한 설명량은 내적 속박감 59.56% 그리고 외적 속박감 51.02%로 나타났다. 확인적 요인 분석 결과, 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감에 속해 있는 각 문항들의 요인 부하량 및 다중 상관계수가 만족할만한 수준이었다. 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감의 모델에 대한 적합도 지수도 수용할만한 수준으로 나타났다. 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감은 자기비난, 내면화된 수치감, 우울, 정적 정서, 부적정서, 삶의 만족도 및 자살사고와 유의한 상관이 나타나, 수렴 및 공존 타당도가 검증되었다. 내적 속박감과 외적 속박감은 자기비난 및 내적 수치감을 통제한 후에도 여전히 우울, 부적 및 정적 정서, 삶의 만족도 및 자살사고와 유의한 편상관을 나타내었다. 또한 내적 속박감과 외적 속박감은 자기비난 및 내적 수치감을 통제한 후에도 각기 우울, 정적 정서, 부적 정서, 삶의 만족도 및 자살사고에 대한 유의한 증분 설명량을 보여줌으로써 증분 타당도가 검증되었다. 이상의 결과를 고려할 때, 한국판 내적 속박감 및 외적 속박감 척도가 속박감을 신뢰롭고 타당하게 평가하는 도구라고 볼 수 있다. 마지막으로 척도에 대한 제한점 및 미래 연구 방향에 대해 논의하였다.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on Perceived Entrapment, Anger and Depression in Adolescent Women

        천숙희 한국여성건강간호학회 2008 여성건강간호학회지 Vol.14 No.4

        Purpose: The study was designed to examine the relationship of perceived entrapment to anger and depression in adolescent women. Method: Seven hundred sixty-five adolescent women were recruited from two high schools located in Seoul, Korea for a descriptive study. The instruments used were The Entrapment Scale for perceived entrapment, Spielberger's state trait anger expression inventory-Korean version for state anger and trait anger, and The Center for Epidemiology Studies Depression Scale (CES-D) for depression. Results: The score of perceived entrapment significantly correlated with state anger, trait anger and depression. The significant predictors of depression in adolescent women were perceived entrapment, state anger and trait anger explaining 47.6% of the variance in depression. Conclusion: This study showed that perceived entrapment is an important predictor for depression. Therefore, in order to reduce depression in adolescent women, it is necessary to design an intervention program that helps with coping and reduces perceived entrapment.

      • KCI등재

        Ex situ Coloration of Laccase-Entrapped Bacterial Cellulose with Natural Phenolic Dyes

        ( Hyunjin Kim ),( Ji Eun Song ),( Hye Rim Kim ) 한국의류학회 2021 한국의류학회지 Vol.45 No.5

        This study aimed to ex situ colorize laccase-entrapped bacterial cellulose (BC) with natural phenolic dyes, namely,madder, turmeric, and cochineal, and to determine the effect of laccase entrapment on the dyeability of BC using color strength (K/S) analysis. Results showed that laccase entrapment improved the dyeability of BC and that pre-entrapment was the most effective method, compared with meta-entrapment and post-entrapment methods. In addition, surface characterizations confirmed the successful entrapment of laccase inside the BC nanostructure and retention of the cellulosic and crystalline structures of BC. The washing durability test confirmed that the K/S value of BC had improved after laccase entrapment. Furthermore, laccase-entrapped BC colorized with cochineal dye had the highest washing durability due to the high molecular weight of cochineal dyerelative to the other dyes. This study suggests a novel method for enhancing the dyeability and washing durability of BC colorized ex situ with natural phenolic dyes by laccase entrapment.

      • KCI등재

        함정수사의 통제방안에 관한 고찰

        정연균(Jung Yeun Kyeun),정우일(Jung Woo Il) 한국공안행정학회 2012 한국공안행정학회보 Vol.21 No.3

        함정수사란 수사기관이 시민에게 범죄를 범하도록 교사한 후 범죄의 실행을 기다렸다가 범인을 체포하는 수사방법을 말한다. 오늘날 함정수사는 갈수록 조직화ㆍ지능화하는 범죄에 대처하기 위한 수단으로서 그 필요성을 부인할 수는 없다. 하지만 함정수사는 마치 양날의 칼과 같아서 그 적법과 위법의 경계를 밝히는 작업 또한 쉽지만은 않은 것이 현실이다. 함정수사는 범의 없는 선량한 국민에게 범의를 유발시켜 범죄를 하게 하는 범의유발형 함정수사와 범의가 있는 사람에게 단순히 기회만 제공하여 범죄에 이르게 하는 기회제공형 함정수사가 있다. 수사기관이 함정을 파서 범죄를 유발한다는 측면에서의 위법한 함정수사는 수사의 상당성이 결여되고, 헌법에서 규정하고 있는 국민의 기본적 인권보장의 원리에도 충돌되기 때문에 단지 수사의 필요성만으로는 그 정당성을 주장할 수는 없는 것이다. 그러나 함정수사가 필요한 경우는 분명 있을 것이다. 그러므로 구체적이고 개별적인 사안에 맞게 위법한 함정수사로서 금지되는 것과 예외적으로 허용되는 것을 사전에 구분해 놓는 것이 필요하다. 가장 좋은 방법은 제대로 된 함정수사의 법적 근거를 법률에 마련해 놓는 것이다. 그러나 이것이 여의치 않다면 최소한 수사기관이 내부적으로 지침이나 가이드라인을 제정하여 수사실무에 적용할 수 있도록 하는 것이 바람직하다. Entrapment is defined as an investigative method where which an investigative institution induces a citizen into committing a crime and arrest the citizen once the crime is committed. The basic ideals of investigation is finding substantive truth and protection of human rights. However, these two ideals have contradictive roles. Putting too much emphasis on finding substantive truth limits protection of human rights, and vice versa. Thus, these two contradictory ideals need to be carefully weighed against each other during the course of an investigation. Entrapment can be categorized into two types, 'opportunity type entrapment' and 'criminal intent type entrapment'. While the former is legal, the latter is illegal and prohibited by law. Legal precedents also define the latter as entrapment, while the former is not defined as entrapment but defined as investigation within legal bounds. Entrapment is a method of investigation that focuses on finding of substantive truth. The method of entrapment does not apply to all types of crimes, but it is often used for crimes where substantive truth finding is difficult, such as drugs, prostitution, bribery and smuggling. However, entrapment is a cause for grave concern in abuse of human rights. This study attempts to scrutinize this problem and propose policy solutions. Guidelines for entrapment investigation can be set by the judicial branch, but it may be difficult due to many particularities that need to be addressed. However, it seems obvious that a guideline established by legal precedent is going to be effective in setting boundaries in investigations. Also, it's important for the investigative institution to set internal guidelines. To proactively prevent any violations of law in the course of an investigation, it's best practice to follow the guideline from the beginning of an investigation to the end.

      • KCI등재

        Predictable Imaging Signs of Cauda Equina Entrapment in Thoracolumbar and Lumbar Burst Fractures with Greenstick Lamina Fractures

        Toyomi Yoshiiwa,Masashi Miyazaki,Ryuzo Kodera,Masanori Kawano,Hiroshi Tsumura 대한척추외과학회 2014 Asian Spine Journal Vol.8 No.3

        Study Design: A retrospective study. Purpose: The aim of present study was to investigate imaging findings suggestive of cauda equina entrapment in thoracolumbar and lumbar burst fractures. Overview of Literature: Burst fractures with cauda equina entrapment can cause neurologic deterioration during surgery. However, dural tears and cauda equina entrapment are very difficult to diagnose clinically or radiographically before surgery. Methods: Twenty-three patients who underwent spinal surgery for thoracolumbar or lumbar burst fractures were enrolled in this study. In magnetic resonance imaging T2-weighted images of the transverse plane, we defined cauda equina notch sign (CENS) as a v-shaped image that entrapped cauda equina gathers between lamina fractures. We evaluated the fractured spine by using CENS and lamina fractures and the rate of available space for the spinal canal at the narrowest portion of the burst fracture level. We classified patients into entrapment group or non-entrapment group, based on whether cauda equina entrapment existed. Results: Lamina fractures were detected in 18 (78.3%) and CENS were detected in 6 (26.1%) of 23 burst-fracture patients. Cauda equina entrapment existed in all the patients with CENS. In addition, the rate of available space for the spinal canal increased according to logistic regression. The size of the retropulsed fragment in the spinal canal was the most reliable of all the factors, suggesting cauda equina entrapment. Conclusions: CENS was the most predictable sign of cauda equina entrapment associated with burst fractures.

      • KCI등재

        중년기 위기감, 속박감, 스트레스 대처방식 및심리적 안녕감의 관계

        최영전,권혁철 전북대학교 사회과학연구소 2019 지역과 세계 Vol.43 No.1

        This study investigated relationships between mid-life crisis, entrapment, stress coping style and psychological well-being and identified moderating effect of stress coping style on relationship between entrapment and psychological well-being. For purposes of the study, a research was conducted with middle-aged adults 40 to 60 years old by using mid-life crisis scale, entrapment scale, stress coping style scale, and psychological well-being scale. Responses collected from 272 subjects were analysed by conducting basic statistical analysis and correlation analysis. The moderationg effect of stress coping style was identified by using hierarchical regression analysis. The results are as follow: First, the higher the sense of mid-life crisis, the higher the sense of entrapment. Second, the higher the sense of entrapment, the lower the psychological well-being. Third, active coping strategy moderated the relationship between entrapment and psychological well-being. Finally, passive coping strategy moderated the relationship between entrapment and psychological well-being. The results suggest that greater mid-life crisis relates to entrapment, and entrapment differently effects on psychological well-being by stress coping style. The implications of the study and issues for future related researches were addressed at the end of this paper. 본 연구는 중년기 위기감, 속박감, 스트레스 대처방식 및 심리적 안녕감의 관계를 확인하고, 스트레스 대처방식에 따라 속박감이 심리적 안녕감에 주는 영향에 있어 차이가 있는지 살펴보았다. 이를 위해 중년기 성인(40~60세)을 대상으로 중년기 위기감 척도, 속박감 척도, 스트레스 대처방식 척도 및 심리적 안녕감 척도를 사용하여 설문조사를 실시하였다. 수집된 272부의 자료를 바탕으로 기초통계분석과 상관분석을 실시하였으며, 조절효과를 알아보기 위해 회귀분석을 실시하였다. 분석결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 중년기 위기감이 높을수록 속박감이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 속박감이 높을수록 심리적 안녕감이 낮아진다. 셋째, 속박감과 심리적 안녕감의 관계에서 적극적 대처방식은 조절효과를 보이지 않았다. 넷째, 소극적 대처방식은 속박감과 심리적 안녕감의 관계를 조절하는 것으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구 결과는 중년기의 위기감을 경험할수록 속박감을 느끼며, 속박감은 스트레스 대처방식에 따라 심리적 안녕감에 영향을 미치는데 차이가 있음을 시사한다. 마지막으로 본 연구의 의의, 후속연구를 위한 제언에 대하여 논의하였다.

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