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      • KCI등재

        Connectivity Effects and Questions as Specificational Subjects

        Yoo, Eun-Jung Korean Society for Language and Information 2006 언어와 정보 Vol.10 No.2

        Connectivity effects have been central issues in dealing with specificational pseudoclefts. While syntactic approaches motivate their analysis in order to explain connectivity effects in terms of a connected clause, these accounts have numerous problems including a wide range of anti-connectivity effects that constitute crucial counterevidence. On the other hand, semantic accounts of connectivity effects treat BV and BT connectivity by independent interpretive mechanisms providing a more fundamental explanation for connectivity effects. Yet existing semantic accounts have limitations in explaining syntactic properties and syntactic connectivity effects in SPCs, and in accounting for BV anti-connectivity effects in English. Focusing on BV connectivity, this paper explores how the relevant (anti-)connectivity facts can be accounted for by an analysis that provides both an elaborate syntactic analysis of SPCs and a semantic mechanism for bound anaphora. Based on Yoo's (2005) non-deletion based, question-answer pair analysis of SPCs, this paper shows that a functional question analysis of a specificational subject, when combined with a theory of operator scope and a non-configurational condition on bound anaphora, can explain various BV (anti-)connectivity patterns in SPCs and related constructions.

      • KCI등재

        Connectivity Effects and Questions as Specificational Subjects

        ( Eun Jung Yoo ) 한국언어정보학회 2006 언어와 정보 Vol.10 No.2

        Connectivity effects have been central issues in dealing with specificational pseudoclefts. While syntactic approaches motivate their analysis in order to explain connectivity effects in terms of a connected clause, these accounts have numerous problems including a wide range of anti-connectivity effects that constitutes crucial counterevidence. On the other hand, semantic accounts of connectivity effects treat BV and BT connectivity by independent interpretive mechanisms, providing a more fundamental explanation for connectivity effects. Yet existing semantic accounts have limitations in explaining syntactic properties and syntactic connectivity effects in SPCs, and in accounting for BV anti-connectivity effects in English. Focusing on BV connectivity, this paper explores how the relevant (anti-)connectivity facts can be accounted for by an analysis that provides both an elaborate syntactic analysis of SPCs and a semantic mechanism for bound anaphora. Based on Yoo`s (2005) non-deletion based, question-answer pair analysis of SPCs, this paper shows that a functional question analysis of a specificational subject, when combined with a theory of operator scope and a non-configurational condition on bound anaphora, can explain various BV (anti-)connectivity patterns in SPCs and related constructions. (Seoul National University)

      • 과학적 가설평가 과정의 뇌 과학적 분석방법 고찰-Effective connectivity 중심으로-

        이일선,권용주 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2011 Brain & Learning Vol.1 No.1

        이 연구의 목적은 과학적 가설평가 과정의 뇌 과학적 분석 방법을 effective connectivity 분석 방법 중심으로 고찰해보는 것이다. 분석 방법을 고찰해보기 위해, 이 연구는 두뇌 네트워크 분석 방법과 관련된 선행연구들로부터 effective conncectivity의 3가지 분석방법을 확인하였다: PPI, SEM, DCM. 첫 번째로, 각 항목에 관련된 분석 방법을 파악하기 위하여 connectivity 분석 방법에 대한 15편의 뇌과학 문헌들을 분석하였다. 두 번째로, 과학적 가설평가 과정의 하위 요소들과 관련된 연구들 중 effective connectivity 분석 방법을 사용한 30편의 뇌과학 문헌들을 분석하였다. 그 결과, 과학적 가설평가 과정의 뇌과학적 연구에는 functional connectivity 분석보다 effective connectivity분석이 보다 적절한 것으로 나타났다. 또한 가설평가 과정의 하위 인지요소별 실험결과는 PPI분석을 통해 ROIs를 구성하고 구성된 ROIs들을 SEM을 이용하여 경로 모델을 도출하는 것이 최적의 분석 방법임을 확인하였다. 이러한 분석 방법들은 과학탐구의 다른 하위 과정들의 분석에도 활용 가능할 것으로 전망된다. The purpose of this study was to review how the brain scientific analysis in scientific hypothesis evaluation with a focus on the effective connectivity. To review how the brain scientific analysis, we have found 3 methods of effective conncectivity from previous studies: PPI, SEM, DCM. Firstly, Fifty literatures on the brain network associated connectivity analysis were analyzed to know the characteristic which is related to three methods. Secondly, thirty literatures associated with the sub-element of the hypothesis evaluation process using effecitve connecitivity analysis methods were evaluated. As a result, effective connectivity analysis showed that a more appropriate analysis of functional connectivity. In addition, the PPI analysis consist of ROIs, to derive SEM model using ROIs was the best analysis method. These analysis methods are expected to be utilized in other scientific inquiry process.

      • KCI등재

        독일과 한국의 교육이수 유형에 따른 커넥티비티와 그 임금효과

        김창권 ( Chang-kwon Kim ) 한독경상학회 2020 經商論叢 Vol.38 No.1

        본 연구는 한국과 독일의 교육제도에서 직업교육과 연관하여 뚜렷하게 차이를 보이는 고등학교 교육이수에 따른 임금효과를 추정하였다. 이를 위하여 학교교육과 기업의 현장교육의 연결성(커넥티비티) 개념에 의거하여 양국의 노동사회패널 자료를 활용한 패널회귀분석을 시행하였다. 첫째, 독일 고교교육에서의 두알레 아우스빌둥(Duale Ausbildung)과 같은 직접적 커넥티비티의 효과는 커넥티비티가 부재한 인문계고만 이수한 근로자들과 비교할 경우 그 임금효과가 최근에 들어올수록 더욱 뚜렷하게 크게 나타난다. 그러나, 대졸근로자의 임금에 비해서는 낮음을 알 수 있지만 최근 들수록 그 격차가 완화됨을 알 수 있다. 둘째, 독일의 경우 아우스빌둥만을 이수한 근로자의 임금 효과는 표본 평균임금과 비교하여도 통계적으로 유의하고 플러스이어서 직접적 커넥티비티의 임금에 대한 플러스 효과를 확인할 수 있다. 셋째, 독일에서 인문계고만을 졸업한 근로자의 임금 효과는 불분명 또는 효과가 거의 없거나, 통계적으로 유의하게 표본집단 평균임금보다 대체로 낮음을 확인할 수 있다. 넷째, 한국의 경우 특성화고(전문계고)만 졸업한 근로자나 특성화고 출신 대졸 근로자 또는 인문계고만 졸업한 근로자 간에는 통계적으로 유의한 어떤 효과를 발견할 수가 없었다. 다만, 인문계고 출신 대졸 근로자의 경우 특성화고만을 이수한 근로자에 비해 뚜렷한, 통계적으로 유의한 임금 상승 효과를 확인할 수 있었다. 한국 고교교육에서의 현장실습을 병행한 특성화고의 교육과정, 간접적 커넥티비티의 효과는 부재하며, 한국에서는 대학교육 이수가 근로자의 임금결정에 있어서 주요한 요인으로 작용함을 알 수 있다. 다섯째, 표본집단 평균 대비 실증 분석에 있어서도 한국의 경우 특성화고만을 이수한 근로자의 간접적 커넥티비티의 임금효과는 통계적으로 유의한 마이너스 효과를 나타내고 있다. 즉 한국에서는 간접적 커넥티비티의 효과는 부재하며, 오히려 특성화고만을 이수 또는 인문계고만을 이수한 것을 포함한 고졸 근로자의 경우 임금차별이 있음을 추정할 수 있다. 이는 한국에서 더 높은 임금을 받기 위해서는 대학을 이수해야 함을 방증하는 것으로 특성화고 출신 대졸 근로자와 인문계고 출신 대졸 근로자의 임금효과에서도 확인할 수 있다. 임금은 이른바 시현된 생산성지표로도 간주할 수 있기에 이상의 연구결과는 교육에 있어서 커넥티비티가 기업에서의 직무실습과 학교에서의 이론교육간의 선순환적인 연계성을 강화하여 학습효과를 가속화함으로써 생산성 향상에 기여한다고 적극적으로 해석할 수도 있다. 이상의 결과를 토대로 몇 가지 정책적 제안을 할 수 있다. 첫째, 단선적인 대학진학만을 위한 고교교육과정을 운영하지 말고, 교육현장과 기업현장간의 연결성을 높일 수 있는 대안적인 고교교육과정을 더욱 육성하고 제도화해야 한다. 학교교육과 기업실습을 더욱 강도있게 연결함으로써 청년실업을 해소하고 청년층의 삶의 질을 높일 필요가 있다. 둘째, 4차 산업혁명시기에 지식주기가 더욱 짧아지면서 낮은 차원이든 높은 차원이든 기업에서 요구하는 직무 및 기능교육을 학교만 전담하기에는 한계가 있으며, 기업들이 고등학교 또는 대학교와의 산학협력에 더욱 주도적으로 나서야 한다. 독일의 아우스빌둥과 같은 이원화직업교육 시스템을 개개 기업 특성에 따라 적극적으로 개설할 필요가 있으며, 현재 일부 진행되고 있는 간접적 커넥티비티로서의 현장실습(인턴십)도 프로그램의 내용을 기업의 일반적 직무와 기업특유 수요에 의한 직무를 효과적으로 현장에서 획득할 수 있도록 재정비할 필요가 있다. 정부는 이러한 직ㆍ간접의 커넥티비티가 제도화하는데 용이하도록 관련 교육 및 노동 법규를 재정비하며, 학교와 기업의 커넥티비티 산학협력이 더욱 확산될 수 있도록 사회적 인프라를 구축해야 한다. This study compares differences in high school education completion in the respective education systems of South Korea (hereinafter Korea) and Germany in relation to vocational training and measures the corresponding wage effects. In order to do so, the concept of connectivity between primary education and vocational training in the private sector was used to build a regression model based on labor and social panel studies from each country. The main findings are as follows. First, in Germany the positive wage effect of direct connectivity in workers who have completed dual education such as Ausbildung is more remarkable than in workers who have only completed a humanities school without connectivity, with a stronger trend showing more recently. While high school graduate wages are still lower than that of college graduates in Germany, the difference has shown a decreasing trend as of late. Second, in Germany, the wage effect of vocational high school graduates who enter the labor force, when compared to the sample average wage, is positive and statistically significant. This confirms the positive effect of direct connectivity on wages. Third, the wage effect of workers who only graduated from a humanities high school in Germany is unclear or insignificant or statistically significantly lower than the average sample group wage. Fourth, in Korea, there were no statistically significant connectivity effects on the wages of workers who only graduated from vocational high school, college graduates with a vocational high school background, or those who graduated from a humanities high school. However, a statistically significant increased effect on wages was confirmed for college graduates with an academic high school background compared with those in the labor force with the completion of vocational high school as their highest degree. The effect of indirect connectivity of Korean vocational high schools with on-the-job training is absent, and the completion of a university degree can be understood as a significant determinant of wage setting. Fifth, even with a comparative analysis of sample average wages in both countries, the wage effect of indirect connectivity for high school graduates from a vocational school shows a statistically significant negative relationship in Korea. Consequently, the overall absence of an effect of indirect connectivity can be confirmed to exist in the Korean education system, and laborers who are high school graduates face wage discrimination regardless of having a vocational school or academic school background. This presents supporting evidence that higher wages are tied to a university degree, which can be confirmed by the empirical wage effects of college graduates from vocational high schools and college graduates from humanities. Since wages can also be regarded as “revealed” productivity indicators, the above findings may suggest that connectivity in education contributes to productivity by accelerating the learning effect by strengthening the virtuous link between job practice in the company and theoretical education in school. Based on the findings above, policy proposals might be suggested as follows. First, rather than focusing on only a high school curriculum for one-way college entrance, a high school education process with increasing connectivity between the education sector and the private sector should be encouraged and standardized. Primary education and vocational training should be better integrated to reduce youth unemployment and increase their quality of life. Second, as knowledge cycles become shorter with the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the primary education system cannot solely provide the education required for satisfactory job performance, regardless of the scale of proficiency required. Companies should actively participate in creating private-public partnerships with high schools and universities. As such, a dual-track vocational training system such as Germany’s Ausbildung should be actively applied on a sector-based scale. Furthermore, the partial use of internships as a form of indirect connectivity should be reorganized to reflect the general responsibilities and specific industry needs of a position, allowing students to effectively receive on-hands training. The Korean government should aim to standardize such direct and indirect connectivity by reorganizing pertinent education and labor regulations; it also needs to build social infrastructure that will increase private-public connectivity between educational institutions and companies.

      • KCI등재

        한․독 청년실업 정책과 고용효과: 커넥티비티(Connectivity) 가설

        정미경,강수돌 한독경상학회 2019 經商論叢 Vol.37 No.1

        his study provides empirical evidences which may help to improve the effectiveness of youth unemployment policy. It compares the employment effects of being young in Korea and Germany based on the concept of connectivity. The theory of human capital investment and transitional labor markets theory are mainly based on the analysis of labor supply. Social structure theory, segmented labor market theory and dual labor markets theory are mainly concerned with the demand for labor. However, theoretical efforts so far have failed to take an integrated view of aspects of labor supply and labor demand. We want to suggest that ‘systematic connectivity’ between school, which is an aspect of labor supply, and firms (work place), which is the aspect of labor demand, can be a significant reason for the youth unemployment problem and a decisive key to that problem. Using German Socio-Economic Panel (SOEP) and Korean Labor & Income Panel Study (KLIPS), this study examines the hypothesis that the dual education and training system in high schools and universities trains students in line with the specific labor demand of the enterprises and increases the full-time employment of the young. The results of the study show that the connectivity of Korean education is weaker than that of Germany. The employment effect of connectivity is much less significant in Korea than the effect in Germany. In Germany, on the other hand, the connectivity of education is strong and diverse, and it has also a great impact on employment. Furthermore, the higher the work place connectivity, the greater the impact on employment. That impact is greater for higher education. The implication of this study is that Korean education needs to develop a dual education and training system. It is necessary to introduce the dual system to the university rather than the high school. Social dialogue and discussion of the German dual system should be revitalized in order that societal empathy for dual education spreads. 본 연구는 커넥티비티(connectivity) 개념에 의거하여 한국과 독일의 상이한 청년실업 정책이 어떻게 다른 고용효과를 나타나는지 비교 연구, 청년실업 정책의 실효성을 높일 수 있는 실증적 근거를 제시한다. 그간 인적자원론이나 이행노동시장론은 주로 노동력 공급의 측면에, 또, 사회구조론이나 분단노동시장론, 이중노동시장론 등은 주로 노동력 수요의 측면에서 이론을 전개한다. 그러나 지금까지의 이론적 노력들은 노동력 공급의 측면과 노동력 수요의 측면을 통합적으로 고찰하지 못했다. 우리는 노동력 공급의 측면인 학교(대학)와 노동력 수요의 측면인 기업(현장) 간 ‘유기적 연결성(커넥티비티)’이 청년실업 문제의 현실적 원인이고 결정적 열쇠가 될 수 있음에 주목한다. 이에 본 연구는 독일경제사회패널과 한국노동패널을 활용하여 고등학교 및 대학에서 이루어지는 이원화 교육훈련 과정이 기업의 구체적인 노동수요에 맞춰 인력을 양성하여 청년층의 전일제 취업률이 높인다는 가설을 검증한다. 연구결과는 한국의 교육은 독일에 비해 기업 현장 연결성이 낮고 그 연결성이 갖는 취업효과의 유의성도 낮다. 반면 독일의 경우 교육의 기업현장 연결성이 높고 또 형태도 다양할 뿐 아니라 취업에 미치는 영향력도 매우 컸다. 더 나아가 기업현장 연관도가 높을수록 취업에 미치는 영향이 크며 고등교육의 경우 이러한 영향이 더욱 두드러졌다. 연구결과, 시사점은 한국의 교육이 기업현장과 직접적인 연결성을 고양할 필요가 있고 고등학교보다 대학에 이원화 제도를 도입할 필요가 높다는 것이다. 이를 위해 독일의 이원화 교육방법론에 대한 이해와 공감을 확산하기 위해 사회적 대화와 토론이 활성화되어야 한다.

      • Effective Beam Width Coefficients for Lateral Stiffness in Flat-Plate Structures

        Park, Jung-Wook,Kim, Chul-Soo,Song, Jin-Gyu,Lee, Soo-Gon Korea Concrete Institute 2001 KCI concrete journal Vol.13 No.2

        Flat-plate buildings are commonly modeled as two-dimensional frames to calculate unbalanced moments, lateral drift and shear at slab-column connections. The slab-column frames under lateral loads are analyzed using effective beam width models, which is convenient for computer analysis. In this case, the accuracy of this approach depends on the exact values of effective beam width to account for the actual behavior of slab-column connections. In this parametric study, effective beam width coefficients for wide range of the variations are calculated on the several types of slab-column connections, and the results are compared with those of other researches. Also the formulas for effective beam width coefficients are proposed and verified by finite element analysis. The proposed formulas are founded to be more suitable than others for analyzing flat-plate buildings subjected to lateral loading.

      • Dynamic causal modelling on infant fNIRS data: A validation study on a simultaneously recorded fNIRS-fMRI dataset

        Bulgarelli, Chiara,Blasi, Anna,Arridge, Simon,Powell, Samuel,de Klerk, Carina C.J.M.,Southgate, Victoria,Brigadoi, Sabrina,Penny, William,Tak, Sungho,Hamilton, Antonia Elsevier 2018 NeuroImage Vol.175 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>Tracking the connectivity of the developing brain from infancy through childhood is an area of increasing research interest, and fNIRS provides an ideal method for studying the infant brain as it is compact, safe and robust to motion. However, data analysis methods for fNIRS are still underdeveloped compared to those available for fMRI. Dynamic causal modelling (DCM) is an advanced connectivity technique developed for fMRI data, that aims to estimate the coupling between brain regions and how this might be modulated by changes in experimental conditions. DCM has recently been applied to adult fNIRS, but not to infants. The present paper provides a proof-of-principle for the application of this method to infant fNIRS data and a demonstration of the robustness of this method using a simultaneously recorded fMRI-fNIRS single case study, thereby allowing the use of this technique in future infant studies.</P> <P>fMRI and fNIRS were simultaneously recorded from a 6-month-old sleeping infant, who was presented with auditory stimuli in a block design. Both fMRI and fNIRS data were preprocessed using SPM, and analysed using a general linear model approach. The main challenges that adapting DCM for fNIRS infant data posed included: (i) the import of the structural image of the participant for spatial pre-processing, (ii) the spatial registration of the optodes on the structural image of the infant, (iii) calculation of an accurate 3-layer segmentation of the structural image, (iv) creation of a high-density mesh as well as (v) the estimation of the NIRS optical sensitivity functions. To assess our results, we compared the values obtained for variational Free Energy (F), Bayesian Model Selection (BMS) and Bayesian Model Average (BMA) with the same set of possible models applied to both the fMRI and fNIRS datasets. We found high correspondence in F, BMS, and BMA between fMRI and fNIRS data, therefore showing for the first time high reliability of DCM applied to infant fNIRS data. This work opens new avenues for future research on effective connectivity in infancy by contributing a data analysis pipeline and guidance for applying DCM to infant fNIRS data.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Connectivity studies give important insights into infant brain development. </LI> <LI> fNIRS is a valuable method for infancy studies, but can we analyse connectivity? </LI> <LI> On fMRI-fNIRS acquired simultaneously, we estimate effective connectivity with DCM. </LI> <LI> We showed high correspondence of DCM values between fMRI and fNIRS data. </LI> <LI> We validated DCM on fNIRS infant data, providing guidance for future projects. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • 3차원 체커보드의 전도율과 연결성

        김인찬 국립7개대학공동논문집간행위원회 2002 공업기술연구 Vol.2 No.-

        We consider the long-standing problem of whether the three-dimensional checkerboard has the connectivity. For this purpose, we first consider the problem of determining the effective conductivity of the heterogeneous medium having the checkerboard geometry by use of the Brownian motion simulation method. Specifically we use the efficient first-passage-time technique. Simulation results show that the effective conductivity of the three-dimensional checkerboard increases faster than the two-dimensional counterpart when the contrast between the phase conductivities increases. This implies that the three-dimensional checkerboard's connectivity is greater than the two-dimensional checkerboard's and thus each phase material of the three-dimensional checkerboard is more likely to be connected than not to be connected.


        A method for effective beam widths of slabs in flat plate structures under gravity and lateral loads

        Choi, Jung-Wook,Song, Jin-Gyu Techno-Press 2005 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.21 No.4

        Effective beam width models are commonly used to obtain the lateral stiffness of flat plate structures. In these models, an effective beam width is defined as the width when the flexural stiffness of the beam element equals the slab stiffness. In this present study, a method to obtain effective beam widths that considers the effects of connection geometry and slab cracking is analytically proposed. The rectangularity of the vertical member for the connection geometry and the combined effects of creep and shrinkage for the slab cracking are considered. The results from the proposed method are compared with experimental results from a test structure having nine slab-column connections.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 정치적 관계가 해외 인수합병의 공시효과에 미치는 영향: 중국 기업을 대상으로

        유신양,권택호 한국재무관리학회 2022 財務管理硏究 Vol.39 No.1

        A political connection indicates a close relationship between firms and the government. Especially in emerging countries such as China, where the government holds great power in resource allocation, friendly political connections can bring a lot of development advantages to firms. But due to conflicts of interest between firms and the government, firms may sacrifice their own interests to meet the requirements of the government to establish or maintain the political connection. As an important form of overseas direct investment, cross-border M&A is more closely related to the government. This paper takes cross-border M&A cases of listed Chinese companies published from 2009 to 2019 as samples to explore the impact of the political connection on the performance of cross-border M&A. The results show that in the overall sample, the stronger the political connection of the firm, the lower the market's evaluation of the cross-border M&A of the firm. This is consistent with the results of most existing studies. That is to say that with the enhancement of firm political connections, investors are more concerned about the hidden political expenses of cross-border M&A. However, after the samples were divided into state-owned and non-state-owned, the negative impact of political connections on cross-border M&A is only significant in the non-state-owned firms sample group. In the state-owned firm group, a "U" shaped relationship was found between political connections and M&A performance. This may be due to the inherent political connection of state-owned firms, which makes the cross-border M&A of firms be regarded as not only corporate behavior but also state behavior in the eyes of investors. This also means that state-owned firms are backed by resources and policies from the central government that non-state-owned firms can only hope to be the beneficiaries of but can't get. In addition, this study also finds that political connections have the effect of weakening the positive impact of government subsidies and firm's information transparency in cross-border M&A. The study shows that the political connection of Chinese firms may lead to the wrong decision of overseas investment, especially for private enterprises with strong of a relationship with the government; this may damage the value of firms. This implies that entrepreneurs should focus on corporate interests and rationally treat the political connection. 정치적 관계(Political connection)는 기업과 정부 간 관계의 밀접한 정도를 의미한다. 특히 중국을 비롯한 신흥국가에서는 많은 경우 정부가 자원 배분에 권한을 갖고 있기 때문에 기업의 우호적인 정치적 관계는 기업 경영에 긍정적 영향을 줄 수 있다. 그러나 기업과 정부 간의 이해가 일치하지 않는 경우 기업은 자신의 이익보다 정부의 이해를 우선시하는 결정을 통해 정부 관계를 정립하거나 유지할 가능성도 있다. 이 연구는 2009년부터 2019년까지 중국 상장기업이 공시한 해외 M&A 사건을 대상으로 기업 임원의 정치적 신분으로 측정한 정치적 관계가 공시전후의 주가 반응에 미치는 영향을 분석하였다. 분석 결과, 평균적으로는 정치적 관계가 강할수록 해외 M&A에 대한 시장의 평가가 낮은 것으로 나타났다. 즉, 기업의 정치적 관계가 높아지면 해외 M&A에 대한 잠재적인 정치비용 등 문제에 대한 시장의 우려가 커지는 것으로 해석할 수 있다. 그러나 표본을 국영기업과 민영기업으로 구분하는 경우 정치적 관계가 M&A 공시효과에 미치는 부정적인 영향은 민영기업 표본에서만 유의하게 나타났다. 한편, 국영기업 표본에서는 정치적 관계와 M&A 공시효과 사이에 U자형 관계를 확인할 수 있었다. 이는 국영기업 특히, 중앙기업의 태생적 정치적 관계는 기업의 해외 M&A를 단순한 기업 행위가 아닌 국가 행위로 간주할 수 있는 측면이 있음을 반영하는 것으로, 국영기업의 경우 정부의 광범위한 지원이 있을 수 있음을 보여주는 결과이다. 또한, 정치적 관계가 정부 보조금 및 기업의 정보 투명도가 해외 M&A 공시효과에 미치는 긍정적 영향을 약화시킴을 확인하였다. 이 연구는 중국 상장기업들의 정치적 관계가 해외투자에서 잘못된 결정을 초래할 수 있음을 보여주고 있으며 특히, 민영기업의 경우 높은 정치적 관계가 기업가치를 떨어뜨릴 가능성이 있다는 것을 보여준다. 이러한 결과는 기업인들이 정치적 관계를 설정할 때 합리적인 판단을 할 필요가 있음을 시사한다.

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