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        초등 로봇교육에 대한 방과후 로봇 지도교사의 인식 조사

        김지현 ( Ji Hyun Kim ),문성환 ( Seong Hwan Moon ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2011 한국초등교육 Vol.21 No.1

        로봇은 미래 사회에서 산업현장 뿐만 아니라, 일상적인 삶에서도 매우 큰 영향을 발휘할 것으로 예상된다. 따라서 첨단기술로 인한 미래사회의 큰 변화 속에서 미래 삶의 주역이 될 학생들은 로봇을 더 잘 이해하고 더 가까이 하는 생활을 경험해야 할 필요성이 있다. 본 연구의 목적은 초등학교에서 실기위주의 로봇활동수업을 담당하고 있는 방과후학교 로봇 지도교사의 로봇교육 전반에 대한 인식 조사를 통해 로봇교육의 의의, 로봇교육의 대상, 로봇교육의 현황, 교사 연수, 교사의 현재 능력, 로봇 대회, 선호하는 로봇교육의 자료 및 내용, 이상적 근무 여건 등을 살펴보고 더 나아가 미래지향적 로봇교육 발전을 위한 기초 자료를 제공하는 데 있다. 전반적인 로봇교육 현황에 대한 현직교사의 인식조사 연구는 있지만 방과후학교 로봇 지도교사의 인식 조사에 대한 연구는 거의 없는 실정이다. 서울 및 경기도 소재 방과후학교에서 로봇교육을 담당하고 있는 183명의 지도교사를 대상으로 로봇교육 현황에 대한 인식 설문조사를 실시해서 초등 현직교사의 인식조사와 비교해 보았다. 정규 교육과정 속에서 다루고 있지 않는 로봇 조립 및 컴퓨터 프로그래밍 과정 등을 담당하고 있는 방과후학교 지도교사의 로봇교육 인식에 대한 분석 기초 자료는 초등 로봇교육 내실화 및 로봇의 생활화에 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of study is to examine the present condition of robot education (education target, education place, class hour, working hour, etc), problems (the contest of robot, education condition, etc), satisfaction (working condition, self-accomplishment, etc), and demands(training, working condition) through cognition of after-school teachers being in charge of robot education. Though there is the study of present teachers` cognition survey about present condition of whole robot education, there`s hardly any study about cognition survey of after-school teachers being in charge of mainly practical robot class. Studied have been conducted on 183 after- school teachers teaching robot education in Seoul and Kyunggi Province and the results are followed: First, both present teachers and after-school robot teachers see the necessity on introduction of robot education in elementary curriculum. There are different perspectives between homeroom teachers and after-school teachers on the reason why we need robot education, the field we could expect to improve by learning robot education, techniques required to robot teachers, the ways of improving skills to make robots and the difficulties in teaching robot-making education in elementary schools. Second, both present teachers and after-school robot teachers expect practical robot class was mainly accomplished in after school class, but they show different views for the kinds of robot tools and the most important activity to elementary students. Third, after-school robot teachers expect robot education to begin from elementary school. They showed their opinion that robot seekers are better general students than gifted students. The classroom of robot education is better computer lab than science lab. Forth, robot teachers chose teaching reward as the most satisfactory factor in robot education and change in students` attitudes, contribution to students after school education and teachers` self-realization follow next. After-school robot teachers want to teach 5 days a week and 8~9 hours per week. They also want to teach as many school as possible and say it is appropriate to have 16~20 students in one class. Sixth, they have high needs for teacher`s training program of 15 hours and prefer private robot training center, robot research center or robot-making companies as training institutes. As for program contents, they want teaching method for elementary school. They want to get financial support for training from after-school agency or a local education department. Although after-school robot teachers have several things on common with homeroom teachers, there are some differences. The basic comparison and analysis on the awareness of after-school robot teachers ,who are in charge of teaching robot assembling and computer programming which are not in regular elementary education curriculum, should insure substantiality for robot education.

      • KCI등재

        방과후학교 활성화를 위한 초등교사의 참여도 제고 방안

        권혁운 ( Hyuk Woon Kwon ) 서울敎育大學校 初等敎育硏究所 2013 한국초등교육 Vol.24 No.3

        본 연구는 방과후학교 활성화를 위한 초등교사의 참여도 제고 방안을 강구하여 방과후학교의 지속적인 발전 방안을 모색하는데 목적을 두고 수행되었다. 방과후학교 활성화는 사교육비경감, 한부모가정 및 다문화가정 자녀의 보호와 교육 차원에서 볼 때 그 필요성이 더욱 증대되고 있다. 또한 대부분의 학부모들이 학교교육에 있어 정규교육과정 외에 방과후학교에 대한 높은 교육적 요구와 다양한 활동을 원하고 있다. 그러나 방과후학교 운영에 있어 정규교육과정과의 관계 설정이 미흡하여 학교 내에서의 갈등이 상존하고 있고 교사들에게는 방과후학교가 또 다른 부담으로 인식되고 있어 질 높은 방과후학교 운영에 전력하지 못하고 있는 실정이다. 본 논문의 연구방법은 방과후학교 운영실태와 만족도 및 교사의 요구도에 대한 설문조사를 전국 초등학교의 방과후학교 담당교사 및 참여 학생과 학부모를 대상으로 실시하였다. 그 결과 방과후학교 활성화를 위한 초등교사의 참여도 제고 방안으로는 교원 연수 강화, 업무분장 조직의 재구조화, 업무처리 전산시스템 개발, 교원 수당의 현실화 및 참여교원에 대한 인센티브부여, 마지막으로 교원양성 과정에서 1교원 1특기 교육 실시 등이 제시되었다. The goal of this paper is to seek for methods to Improve and Enhance elementary school Teachers` Participation of after school education and to develop school education sustainably. The need for invigoration of after school is increasing in the aspect of reduction of private education cost, protection of children, as well as protection and education of children of one-parent family and multi-culture family. Furthermore, most parents demand schools of high quality education for after school program and want various after school activities other than regular educational program. However, in operating after school education, establishment of relationship between regular educational program is insufficient and there exists conflict within school while teachers aware after school education as another burden, which makes them hard to do their best in operating high quality after school education. As research method, this paper conducted a survey on operation status of after school education and the level of satisfaction targeting teachers in charge of after school education of primary schools nationwide and students participating the after school education as well as the parents of the students. As the result of research, the methods to Improve and Enhance elementary school Teachers Participation of after school education are suggested such as reinforcement of training of teachers, reconstruction of work responsibility organization, development of computing system dealing duties, actualization of teachers` benefit or provision of incentives for participating teachers, implementation of education of one specialty per teacher during nurture procedure of teachers, and lastly, expansion of the operation of after school support center.

      • CHILD DEVELOPMENT : Adjustment of Korean First-Graders to Elementary School: The Role of Family Income, Type of Early Childhood Education Program, and Private Education Before and After School Entry

        ( Hui Young Chun ),( Su Jeong Wee ),( So Yeon Park ) 대한가정학회 2013 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.14 No.1

        This study reviews the current status of Korean first graders their experience with early care and education (ECE) programs, and their participation in private and after-school education. The research also examines how school adjustment during the first grade is related to family income, types of ECE programs, and participation in private and after-school education. Using the first year data of the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) 2010, this study analyzes 752 first graders who attended only one of two types of ECE programs (child care centers or kindergartens), after which two 25% income extremes were examined. The analysis demonstrates that children from low-income households attended child care centers more often, while children from high-income households attended kindergartens more often. For both low-income and high-income groups, child care centers had a lower starting age and longer attendance periods than did kindergartens. High-income household children started attending ECE programs earlier, experienced more private and after-school education, and received a larger number of private and after-school educational lessons. For the second research purpose, children from low-income families showed better peer relations in school adjustment, while children attending child care centers showed better teacher relations than children attending kindergartens. Children with after-school education also exhibited better peer relations. These findings show the importance of government support for early learning, especially for lowincome families and offer a foundation for developing private education polices for early childhood before and after school entry.

      • Establishing a Guideline for the Inclusion of Physical Education Program in After-school Care of Elementary Schools

        ( Jongsung Kim ),( Sujin Lee ),( Sunhye Jun ) 한국체육학회 2016 국제스포츠과학 학술대회 Vol.2016 No.1

        Introduction: As of 2015, Korea has 240,000 elementary school students enrolled in after-school care. A closer look into the specifics of after-school activities reveals that although physical activities in the form of ‘playtime’ is included, they lack separate programs dedicated to physical education. Purpose: The aim of this study is to establish a guideline for after-school activities to integrate physical education into their programs by presenting clear-cut standards and directions in areas such as provision of necessary facilities and instruction methods. Method: Literature reviews, in-depth interviews, focus groups, and expert meetings were part of this research. More specifically, the focus group consultations comprised four elementary school teachers in charge of after-school activities, four elementary school teachers specializing in physical education, and four researchers specializing in elementary physical education. In-depth interviews were conducted with three practitioners from physical education organizations and the Ministry of Education. A final draft of this guideline was reached after two rounds of expert meetings held to discuss its applicability in schools, building on a preliminary rough draft. Conclusion: Such a guideline for introducing physical education programs as part of after-school activities will not only create jobs for sports professionals, but will minimize any confusion among education organization practitioners and school teachers, and offer elementary school students the opportunity to participate in physical education programs

      • KCI등재후보

        자기 주도성 중심의 교육 : 방과후 교육은 대안이 될 수 있을 것인가?

        임선하(Im, Seonha),양창욱(Yang, Changwook) 한국방과후학교학회 2016 방과후학교연구 Vol.3 No.1

        방과후 교육은 특정 영역의 전문성을 가진 교육자들을 학교가 적극적으로 수용한 획기적인 교육 형태이다. 크게 보면 학교교육기능을 보완하는 기능, 돌봄 활동을 확대하는 기능, 교육격차를 해소하는 기능(지역 내/지역 간)으로 나뉠 수 있지만, 그 바탕에는 사교육비를 경감하려는 우리나라 특유의 정책 목표가 자리하고 있다. 이런 현상은 곧 방과후교육을 통해 추구할 수 있는 다양한 교육적 실험을 제한하고 있다. 최근의 사회 변화는 학교 교육의 기능과 형태의 변화를 요구하고 있다는 점에서 전향적 사고를 필요로 한다. 이 연구는 방과후 교육의 핵심 주체를 민간으로 전제한다. 그리고 민간이 가진 다양한 상상력을 적극적으로 수용하는 성격의 방과후 학교와 이를 운영하는 조직을 제안한다. 제2의 학교, 또 하나의 학교, 오후학교 등의 개념을 갖는 새로운 교육 실험의 공간으로 학교와의 독립적 운영을 위한 시스템을 구축하는 것은 가능한 접근 중의 하나이다. The after-school education is a kind of an innovative education that schools can actively accept educators with professionalism of a specific area. The after-school education is generally based on the unique goal of Korean government education policy of reducing private education demands, although it has also various functions: supplement of school education, provision of care service, and compensation of educational gaps. These aspects tend to restrict experimental efforts which could be pursued through after-school education. The recent social trends is demanding an innovative thinking for changing school education. This study assumes that a non-government sector is a principle agent of after-school education, and suggests that after-school system should be a organization to accept various imaginative powers of non-government sector. It would be one of probable approaches to establish an independent system from school as a space of new education experiment such as the second school, another school, and afternoon school etc.

      • KCI등재

        특수교육대상자 방과후 학교 운영에 대한 주요 언론기사 분석연구

        김양화,김남순 한국특수교육학회 2013 특수교육학연구 Vol.48 No.2

        This study aimed to analyse newspaper articles on the management of after-school programs for subjects of special education which were reported in 11 national newspapers. For this purpose, the study classified the newspaper articles which were reported from January 1st of 1995 to July 31 of 2012 as follows: those from 1995 to 2003, those from 2004 to 2007, and those reported from 2008. The management of after-school programs for subjects of special education was investigated. The articles were retrieved from www.kinds.or.kr and supplemented based on previous studies, and the retrieval words used were: after school, after-school educational programs, and after-school program. As a result of the study, it was discovered that programs from 1995 to 2003 had the following characteristics: learning and care support, in-school extracurricular education, speciality and aptitude training, low efficacy, connection with community and responsibility, protection of neglected students, and reduction of private education expenses. Those from 2004 to 2007 had the following characteristics: whole implementation of after-school programs, proving diverse arts and sports activity programs at after-school academies, resistance to the revision of elementary and secondary education law by academy businesses, providing diverse educational opportunities, resolution of educational gaps and the bi-polarization of society. Those reported from 2008 had the following characteristics: legislation of after-school businesses required, realization of economic democracy through discouraging competitive education and reinforcing educational welfare, activation of diverse public education programs, the deprivation of selection rights from specialized education due to course-work-oriented education, expansion of programs, and providing community adolescent centers and cultural centers. The study speculated on future directions in activating after-school programs for subjects of special education, discussed the results of each exercise and suggested further studies. 이 연구는 특수교육대상자의 방과후 학교 운영 내용을 알아보기 위해 국내 11개 언론에 보도된 주요 언론기사를 분석하려는데 그 목적이 있다. 연구자는 1995년 1월 1일부터 2013년 7월 31일까지 보도된 주요 언론기사를 1995년~2003년, 2004년~2007년, 2008년 이후로 구분하여 시기별로 분석하고, 특수교육대상자의 방과후 학교 운영에 관해 알아보았다. 언론기사는 선행연구를 참고하여 카인즈(www.kinds.or.kr)를 통해 검색해서 보완했으며, 기사검색어는 방과후 학교, 방과후 교육활동, 방과후 활동이다. 분석연구 결과 1995년~2003년에는 방과후 아동지도교실의 학습․돌봄 지원, 교내과외, 특기․적성교육 실시 및 실효성 저조, 지역공동체 연계와 책무성, 방치학생 보호, 사교육비 경감 방안이 특징이다. 2004년~2007년의 특징은 참여정부의 핵심정책인 방과후 학교 전면실시, 방과후 아카데미를 통한 다양한 예체능 프로그램 제공, 학원업계의 초․중등교육법 개정 반발, 다양한 교육기회 제공 및 교육격차․사회 양극화 해소 역할 등이다. 2008년 이후의 특징은 방과후 학교 사업의 법제화 시급, 경쟁 위주의 교육완화 및 교육복지 강화를 통한 경제민주화 실현, 다양한 공교육 활성화 시책, 교과학습 위주로 다양한 특성화교육 선택권 박탈, 프로그램 확대, 지역 청소년 쉼터․문화의 장 제공 등이다. 연구자는 특수교육대상자의 방과후 학교 운영 활성화 방안을 알아보고, 연구문제별로 연구 결과를 논의․요약했으며, 후속연구를 제언하였다.

      • KCI등재후보

        초등학교 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램 개발을 위한 기초 연구

        김유정(Yu-Jeong Kim) 중앙대학교 한국교육문제연구소 2013 한국교육문제연구 Vol.31 No.2

        본 연구에서는 초등학교 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램 개발 시 필요한 바람직한 방안을 도출하기 위해서 방과 후 학교의 성격 및 현황, 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램의 개설 현황 및 문제점을 분석하였으며, 이를 바탕으로 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램 내용 구성안을 제시하였다. 연구 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 초등학교에서의 방과 후 학교는 정규 수업 이외의 시간을 활용하여 특기·적성 교육 중심으로 이루어져야 하며, 최근 몇 년 동안 초등학생의 방과 후 학교 참여 비율 및 프로그램의 수는 지속적으로 증가하였으나, 특기·적성 프로그램의 수는 계속 감소하는 추세이다. 둘째, 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램은 주로 심미적 감수성 및 기능, 창의성 계발, 인성계발 영역에 속해 있었고, 교육대상, 수강인원, 장소, 프로그램 차시 및 차시별 시간 면에서는 프로그램별로 상당한 차이를 보이고 있었으며, 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램의 교육 목표와 차시별 주제를 통해서는 프로그램의 특징을 파악하기가 어려운 것으로 나타났다. 셋째, 초등학교 특기·적성 프로그램의 6개 영역을 중심으로 하여 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램의 내용 구성안을 작성하였으며, 각 영역에서 중점을 두어야 할 목표 및 내용 요소를 제시하였다. 향후 초등학교 방과 후 학교의 기본 취지에 맞는 다양하고 체계적인 식생활 관련 방과 후 학교 프로그램을 개발하여 학생들이 흥미와 적성에 맞는 것을 선택할 수 있도록 해야 할 것이다. In this study, the nature and current status of after-school programs, as well as the actual operations and problems of after-school food and nutrition education programs, were investigated and analyzed in order to gain an insight into the overall operations of food and nutrition education programs provided in after-school classes. Based upon findings from this study, a plan to compose contents for after-school food and nutrition education programs was suggested. The results of this study are summarized as follows. First, after-school classes at elementary school should be focused on specialty & aptitude education while making use of extra hours other than regular classes. For the past few years, both the rates of participation of elementary school students in after-school classes and the number of after-school programs have increased constantly, but the number of specialty & aptitude development programs has decreased gradually. Second, after-school food and nutrition education programs are included primarily in the domains of aesthetic sensitivity and functionality as well as creativity development and personality development. There are considerable differences among respective programs in terms of target students, the number of participants, location, program lessons, and the duration of lessons. It was also found that it was difficult to characterize after-school food and nutrition education programs on the basis of their objectives and lesson topics. Finally, the proposed composition of contents for after-school food and nutrition education programs was prepared focusing on the six domains of specialty & aptitude development program for elementary school students, and the key points and examples for each domain were presented. In the future, more diverse and well-organized after-school food and nutrition education programs for elementary school students which will fulfill the fundamental intentions should be developed so that students can select suitable ones for their specialties and aptitudes.

      • KCI등재

        Adjustment of Korean First-Graders to Elementary School: The Role of Family Income, Type of Early Childhood Education Program, and Private Education Before and After School Entry

        천희영,위수정,박소연 대한가정학회 2013 International Journal of Human Ecology Vol.14 No.1

        This study reviews the current status of Korean first graders, their experience with early care and education (ECE) programs, and their participation in private and after-school education. The research also examines how school adjustment during the first grade is related to family income, types of ECE programs, and participation in private and after-school education. Using the first year data of the Korean Child and Youth Panel Survey (KCYPS) 2010, this study analyzes 752 first graders who attended only one of two types of ECE programs (child care centers or kindergartens), after which two 25% income extremes were examined. The analysis demonstrates that children from low-income households attended child care centers more often, while children from high-income households attended kindergartens more often. For both low-income and high-income groups, child care centers had a lower starting age and longer attendance periods than did kindergartens. High-income household children started attending ECE programs earlier, experienced more private and after-school education, and received a larger number of private and after-school educational lessons. For the second research purpose, children from low-income families showed better peer relations in school adjustment, while children attending child care centers showed better teacher relations than children attending kindergartens. Children with after-school education also exhibited better peer relations. These findings show the importance of government support for early learning, especially for low-income families and offer a foundation for developing private education polices for early childhood before and after school entry.

      • KCI등재

        방과후학교의 실태와 문제점 및 발전방안

        김수동,윤준영,정영모 사단법인 인문사회과학기술융합학회 2017 예술인문사회융합멀티미디어논문지 Vol.7 No.2

        This research intends to analyze the policy change and study trends for after-school and research the learner and user-centered opinions to search for the problems and development directions for after-school. For this study, the main policies of the Ministry of Education for after-school policies with the 5.31 educational reform as the start point of the after-school policies and until now have been reviewed. Also, study trends have been analyzed through search into the RISS(Research Information Sharing Service). Through this, it could be known that there is trend of perceiving the after-school as a vehicle to reduce the private education cost and that academia is interested in the effectiveness and vitalization scheme for after-school. In comparison with this, school were interested in the various problems derived from the operation of after-school and solving schemes. In case of the teachers in unit schools, they were interested in effective regular education curriculum supplementation scheme and normalization of the teacher's tasks and in case of the instructors, they were highly interested in improvement of the way they are wages and the improvement of labor conditions. The problem that the teachers from unit schools and after-school proposed in common was the after-school policies are distorted as a provider-centered policy vehicle and the fundamental solving scheme for this lacks. Through this result, to see superficially, there are many good aspects such as high participation rate and satisfaction level and reduction effect of cost of private education, but have been promoted as the provider-centered policy and since they have not been legislated, schools are experiencing systematic crisis which exposes limitations. This study emphasizes freedom and responsibility of the regions and on-site schools and suggests that After-School related Law should be enacted. 본 연구는 방과후학교의 정책적 변화와 연구동향을 분석하고, 학습자와 수요자 중심의 현장 의견을 조사하여 방과후학교의 문제점과 발전방향을 모색하고자 하였다. 본 연구를 위해 방과후학교의 출발점으로 볼 수 있는 5·31 교육개혁에서 현재에 이르기까지 교육부의 방과후학교 주요 정책을 분석하고, 정책 결과 보고서와 보도자료 등을 검토하였다. 또한 학술연구정보서비스(RISS) 검색을 통해 연구동향을 분석하였다. 이를 통해 정부에서는 그동안 방과후학교를 사교육비 경감의 수단으로 인식하는 경향이 있음을 발견할 수 있었으며, 학계에서는 방과후학교의 효과성과 활성화 방안에 관심이 있음을 알 수 있었다. 이에 비해 학교 현장에서는 방과후학교 운영결과 파생된 다양한 문제와 해결방안에 관심이 있었다. 단위학교 교원의 경우 효과적인 정규교육과정 보완 방안과 교원 업무 정상화에 관심이 있었으며, 강사의 경우 불안한 신분과 처우문제 개선 등에 관심이 높았다. 단위학교 교원과 방과후학교 강사가 공통적으로 제시하고 있는 문제점은 방과후학교가 공급자 위주의 정책수단으로 왜곡되고 있고, 이를 해결하기 위한 근본적인 해결방안이 부족하다는 점이다. 이와 같은 결과를 통해 방과후학교는 표면적으로 볼 때 높은 참여율과 만족도, 사교육비 경감효과 등을 보이고 있지만 법제화 되지 못하고 공급자 중심의 정책사업으로 추진되면서 한계점을 노출하는 제도적 위기를 겪고 있는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구에서는 이러한 문제를 해결하는 방안으로 현장 학교와 지역의 자율과 책임을 강조하고, 방과후학교 관련법을 제정해야 함을 제안하였다.

      • A청각장애학교에서 실시한방과 후 통합교육 절차 분석

        이정우,김정중 한국청각언어장애교육학회 2013 한국청각·언어장애교육연구 Vol.4 No.2

        The purpose of this study is to analyze inclusive after-school program procedures in elementary school curriculum conducted from 2003 to 2008 at A school for hearing-impaired students. For this purpose, an analysis of school official documents associated with inclusive after-school programs from 2003 to 2008 and the results of the interview of inclusive teachers(A, B) were conducted. As a result, inclusive after-school program conducted at special school was implemented as following sequences. ① Recruitment of hearing impaired students who hope inclusive education, ② Special teacher’s regular school visiting who are responsible for inclusive education and the discussing about inclusive educational plans meeting, ③ General school principal’s approving for implementing inclusive after-school program at special school, ④ Recruitment of students with hearing who want inclusive education considering the number of hearing impaired students who hope inclusive education and their sex ratio through helping of special class teacher, ⑤ Preparing safe school commuting route, ⑥ Implementing inclusive education programs on Wednesday afternoon, ⑦ Collecting student's survey date, ⑧ Having finishing ceremony, ⑨ Sending to general school a official document about inclusive education results and volunteer activities contents, ⑩ Follow-up visiting with delivery of inclusive education photos and sending grateful message to regular students’ parents. The results of this study not only show procedure of the inclusive education after-school programs but also give an good example of inclusive after-school program on special schools students having severe and multiple disorder. 본 연구는 2003∼2008학년도 A청각장애학교에서 실시한 초등학교과정 방과 후 교실 통합교육의 절차를 분석하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 2003∼2008학년도 A청각장애학교에서 실시한 초등학교과정 방과 후 교실의 통합교육 관련 공문과 통합교육 담당 교사(A, B)와의 면담 내용을 분석하였다. 그 결과 특수학교에서 실시한 방과 후 통합교육 절차는 통합교육 희망 청각장애학생 모집, 통합교육 담당 특수교사의 일반학교 방문 및 통합교육계획 회의, 통합교육에 대한 일반학교장의 승인, 특수학급담당교사 협조를 통한 청각장애학생의 통합교육 희망 학생 수와 성비를 고려한 통합교육 희망 건청학생 모집, 안전한 통학로 확보, 수요일 오후 통합교육 실시, 통합교육 실시 후 통합교육에 대한 학생 설문, 수료식, 통합교육 평가결과 및 자원봉사활동 이수증 송부, 수료식 후 해당 일반학교에 방문하여 통합교육 사진 자료 전달, 건청학생의 학부모에게 감사의 메시지 전송 등의 순으로 나타났다. 이 연구결과는 방과 후 통합교육 절차를 소개하였을 뿐만 아니라, 중도․중복화 되어가는 특수학교에서의 방과 후 교실 통합교육의 모델을 제공하는 것에 그 중요성을 시사하고 있다.

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