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        19~20세기 안좌도 『前津堰修契記』를 통해 본 제언 축조와 운영 실태

        김경옥(Kim, Gyung-ok) 한국학중앙연구원 2013 장서각 Vol.0 No.30

        조선시대의 토지 간척은 16세기 중앙의 권력층에 의해 전개되었다. 17세기에는 저수지와 제언 등 수리시설이 발달하면서 대규모 간척지가 조성된 것으로 파악된다. 실제 서남해 도서지역의 경우 17~18세기에 도서 이주민들이 증가하면서 사회·경제적으로 크게 변화된 것으로 확인된다. 그렇다면 도서 이주민들은 섬에서 어떻게 경제생활을 영위하였을까? 섬에서 토지는 언제, 어디에, 어떤 방식으로 만들어졌을까? 토지간척에 필요한 기술과 노동력은 어떻게 마련하였을까? 이러한 의문에서 제언을 축조한 사람들, 제언 축조 이후 관리방식, 간척지의 위치 비정, 간척으로 인한 섬의 공간변화 등을 安佐島 前津堰(일명 앞너리들) 契文書를 통해 재구성하였다. 조선시대의 안좌도 해역은 여러 개의 크고 작은 섬으로 이루어져 있었다. 이 가운데 비교적 큰 섬에 해당하였던 安昌島와 基佐島는 국용 목재를 배양하는 松田이 설치되어 있었고, 말을 기르는 牧場이 개설되어 있었다. 조선시대의 송전과 목장은 토지를 개간하는데 있어서 더없이 좋은 입지조건이었다. 다만 갯고랑을 따라 유입되는 바닷물만 차단하면 온전히 농토로 사용할 수 있었다. 따라서 갯벌에 제방을 건설하는 일은 간척지를 조성하는데 1차적인 요건이었다. 구전에 의하면, 안좌도 전진언은 19세기 중엽에 축조된 것으로 전해온다. 섬 주민들은 전진언 일대를 ‘언답, 앞널들, 앞너리들’이라 부른다. 전진언의 구조는 저수지·수로·수문·빼닫이문·원답[堰畓] 등으로 구성되어 있다. 섬 주민들은 전진언을 관리하기 위해 원계[堰契]를 조직하였고, 계원들은 매년 총회를 개최하여 제방 관리 대책을 논의하였다. 원계 총회에서는 1년 동안 전진언을 보수·유지하는데 지출한 예산을 결산하고, 제언과 수문 관리자로 保主와 水口를 선임하였다. 보주와 수구는 전진언을 관리한 대가로 堰畓의 경작권을 얻었고, 대신 연말에 원계에 토지세를 납부하였다. 원계의 토지세는 제언 관리비로 비축되었다. The land reclamation of Joseon in 16th century was developed by the central government. It is confirmed that the large scale reclamation was build as irrigation facilities like reservoirs and dikes were developed in 17th century. Actually, in case of Southwest island area, social and economic changes occurred as the number of immigrants to islands increased. How did they lead their economic lives in the islands? When, where, or how was land made? What made labours and technology needed to make reclamation? With such questions, selecting location of reclamation, people who made the dikes, management after building dikes, and changes of spaces of the islands by the reclamation were reconstituted by documents of the mutual aid association of Chunjinun, called Ahpnuli (앞너리들), in Anjwado. The area of sea around Anjwado during Joseon Dynasty consisted of a lot of islands both big and small. Among them, Anchangdo (安昌島) and Kijwado (基佐島) which were relatively large islands had pine groves where national wood was cultivated and pastures where hoses were raised. The pine groves and pastures in the island area was perfectly suitable for the reclamation. However, only blocking seawater streaming into land along small channels of tidewater on the shore of an inlet made the places available for farmlands. Therefore, building dikes on the foreshore was initial requisite to make reclamation. According to oral tradition, Chunjinun in Anjwado was built in the mid-19th century. The residents in the island call the whole Chunjinun ‘Undap (堰畓)’, ‘Apnuldeu (앞널들)’, or ‘Apnudeuli (앞너리들)’. The structure of Chunjinun consisted of a reservoir, a channel, a floodgate, sliding doors, and rice fields nearby dikes, and so on. The island residents organized the mutual aid association for dikes, and a general meeting a year was held by the members of it. The general meeting of the mutual aid association for dikes settled accounts paid for maintenance of Chunjinun for one year, and elected Boju (保主) and Sugu (水口) as a manager of the dikes and floodgates. Boju and Sugu received rice fields nearby dikes at the cost of managing Chunjinun, and paid land taxes to the mutual aid association for dikes at the end of the year. The land taxes of the mutual aid association for dikes were paid for the management expenses of the dikes.

      • KCI등재

        경기도 화성시 우음도 일원의 화강암 암맥군과 U-Pb 연령

        채용운,강희철,김종선,박정웅,하수진,임현수,신승원,김형수 한국지구과학회 2022 한국지구과학회지 Vol.43 No.5

        The Middle Jurassic granite dike swarm intruding into the Paleoproterozoic banded gneiss is pervasively observed inUeumdo, Hwaseong City, mid-western Gyeonggi Massif. Based on their cross-cutting relationships in a representative outcrop,there are four dikes (UE-A, UE-C, UE-D, UE-E), and depending on the direction, there are three granite dike groups, whichare NW- (UE-A dike), NW to WNW- (UE-C dike), and NE-trending (UE-D and UE-E dikes). These granite dikes aremassive, medium-to coarse-grained biotite granites, and their relative ages observed in outcrops are in the order of UE-A, UE D (=UE-E), and UE-C. The geometric analysis of the dikes indicates that the UE-A and UE-C dikes intrude underapproximately NE–SW trending horizontal minimum stress fields. The UE-A dike, which showed a relatively low averageSiO2 content by major element analysis, is a product of early magma differentiation compared to other dikes; therefore, it isconsistent with the relative age of each dike. The 206Pb/238U weighted mean ages for each dike obtained from SHRIMP zirconU–Pb dating were calculated to be 167 Ma (UE-A), 164 Ma (UE-C), 167 Ma (UE-D), and 167 Ma (UE-E), respectively. Thesamples of the UE-A, UE-D, and UE-E dikes showed very similar ages. The UE-C dike shows the youngest age, which isconsistent with the results of the relative age in the outcrops and major element analysis. Therefore, the granite dikes intrudedinto the Middle Jurassic (approximately 167 and 164 Ma), coinciding with those of the Gyeonggi Massif, where the MiddleJurassic plutons are geographically widely distributed. This result indicates that the wide occurrence of the Middle Jurassicplutons on the Gyeonggi Massif was formed as a result of igneous activity moving in the northwest direction with theshallower subduction angle of the subducting oceanic plate during the Jurassic. 경기육괴 중서부에 위치한 화성시 우음도 일대에는 고원생대 호상편마암을 관입하고 있는 중기 쥐라기의 화강암 암맥군이 발달한다. 우음도 일대의 대표 노두에서 야외 횡절관계를 근거하면 4개의 암맥들(UE-A, UE-C, UE-D,UE-E)로 구분되며, 방향성에 따라서는 북서 방향(UE-A 암맥), 북서 내지 서북서 방향(UE-C 암맥), 북동 방향(UE-D 및UE-E 암맥)의 3개의 암맥군으로 나타난다. 이들 화강암 암맥들은 괴상의 중립~조립질의 흑운모 화강암으로 야외에서관찰된 이들의 상대연령은 UE-A, UE-D (=UE-E), UE-C 순으로 젊어진다. 또한 암맥들의 기하학적 분석으로부터 UE A 및 UE-C 암맥은 대략 북동-남서 방향의 최소수평응력장 하에서 관입한 것으로 판단된다. 주원소 분석에 의한 SiO2평균 함량에서 비교적 낮은 값을 보인 UE-A 암맥은 다른 암맥들보다 초기 마그마 분화의 산물임을 지시하여 암맥들의상대연령과도 부합한다. SHRIMP 저어콘 U-Pb 연대측정으로부터 구한 암맥별 206Pb/238U 누적평균연령은 각각 약 167Ma (UE-A), 164 Ma (UE-C), 167 Ma (UE-D), 167 Ma (UE-E)로 UE-A, UE-D, UE-E 암맥들은 매우 유사한 연령을보이며 이들 암맥 중 가장 세립인 UE-C 암맥은 가장 젊은 연령을 나타내어 야외에서 관찰한 상호 횡절관계에 의한 상대연령과 주원소 분석 결과와도 일치한다. 따라서 연구지역의 화강암 암맥들은 중생대 중기 쥐라기(약 167 Ma와 164Ma)에 짧은 시간 간격을 두고 다양한 화강암질 마그마가 관입한 결과이며, 이들 관입 시기는 지리적으로 중기 쥐라기암체들이 널리 분포하고 있는 경기육괴의 심성암체들과 일치하는 연령이다. 따라서 연구지역의 화강암 암맥군은 지구조적으로 쥐라기 동안 섭입하는 해양판의 얕아지는 섭입각과 함께 북서 방향으로 이동하는 화성활동의 결과로 형성되었음을 의미한다.

      • KCI등재

        Brittle Deformation History Based on the Analyses of Dikes and Faults within Sedimentary Rocks on Geoje Island, SE Korea

        ( Francois Hategekimana ),( Young-seog Kim ) 대한지질공학회 2021 지질공학 Vol.31 No.3

        Kinematic analyses of magmatic intrusions and faults can provide useful information on stress conditions and chronological relationships between dike emplacement and brittle deformation events. We studied structures in rocks exposed on a coastal platform in Geoje Island off the southern Korean Peninsula because of its well-developed dikes and faults. The geology of the study area includes the Cretaceous Seongpo-ri Formation, which is composed mostly of shale, sandstone, and hornfels intruded by magmatic dikes. Most of the dikes are developed along pre-existing structural features (faults and fractures), indicating that their emplacements were structurally controlled. Because dikes commonly open along the direction of the minimum principal stress, the direction of this stress can be obtained from dike geometry and orientation through the matching of piercing points on either side of a dike. In addition, the deformed dikes can give information regarding later deformation. On the basis of the kinematic analyses, we identified five deformation events in the study area, which are kinematically related to changes of the regional maximum principal stress. Results indicate that the structures in the study area have been controlled predominantly by episodes of reactivation of the NNE-trending Yangsan strike-slip fault, located to the northeast of the study area, under different stress regimes. In a wider tectonic context, the brittle deformation of the rocks of Geoje Island was probably induced by interactions among the Philippine Sea, Pacific, and Eurasian plates, including changes in subduction parameters with respect to the latter two plates over time.

      • KCI등재

        흙으로 설치한 방유제에 유입된 휘발유의 유동 해석에 관한 연구

        김선민,최충석 대한설비관리학회 2023 대한설비관리학회지 Vol.28 No.3

        In this study, the domestic and foreign installation standards of the dike installed in outdoor tank storage were analyzed, and the permeability coefficient of gasoline was calculated from the dike installed with soil. Through this, when gasoline leaks into the dike in an outdoor tank storage installed with soil, the amount of penetration and penetration pattern were checked to analyze whether it leaks out of the dike. As a result of analyzing the criteria for installing dike in outdoor tank storage in Korea, Japan, and the United States, it was analyzed that the height, thickness, and material were different. When the temperature of gasoline was 20 °C and the particle size of soil was 0.05 mm, the average permeability coefficient of gasoline produced by four refiners was calculated as 1.85.E-03 cm/s. As a result of performing penetration analysis, the cumulative penetration of gasoline penetrating into the dike after 45 hours was confirmed to be 23.39 m 3 . When 18 hours passed after gasoline penetrated into the dike, it affected the underground water surface 4 meters below the depth of the surface, and the groundwater level began to rise, and after 45 hours, it was interpreted that gasoline flowed out from the surface of the outer wall of the dike to a depth of 4 meters and a distance of 9 meters. Therefore, it is judged that the outdoor tank storage of a large petrochemical complex with a dike installed as soil needs to be prepared for an accident by comprehensively considering the properties of soil and flammable liquids, their connection to surrounding facilities, safety of management, and risk range in case of an accident.

      • Comparative trophic structures of macrobenthic food web in two macrotidal wetlands with and without a dike on the temperate coast of Korea as revealed by stable isotopes

        Park, Hyun Je,Kang, Hee Yoon,Park, Tae Hee,Kang, Chang-Keun Elsevier 2017 Marine environmental research Vol.131 No.-

        <P><B>Abstract</B></P> <P>This study characterized trophic structures of the macrobenthic food webs in two contrasting estuarine wetlands, with and without a dike, on the southern coast of Korea, based on the δ<SUP>13</SUP>C and δ<SUP>15</SUP>N values of dominant macrobenthic consumers. The pelagic algal biomasses were similar in the upper <I>Phragmites australis</I>-covered and lower bare intertidal habitats partitioned by the dike, but the microphytobenthos (MPB) biomasses were extremely low in the <I>Phragmites</I> bed. The consumer δ<SUP>13</SUP>C values were more negative and their isotopic niche width was much narrower in the upper than in the lower habitat at the diked site. These dissimilar spatial patterns between sites suggest a simplified food-web structure, which reflects the reduced availability of MPB in the upper habitat in the dike-impacted site. Overall, our findings suggest that restriction of the tides by dike construction induces local changes in basal resource availability and faunal composition, leading to macrobenthic community trophic reorganization.</P> <P><B>Highlights</B></P> <P> <UL> <LI> Tidal-wetland trophic structures in the presence/absence of the dike are compared. </LI> <LI> Microphytobenthos availability was low in the <I>Phragmites</I> bed at the diked site. </LI> <LI> Consumer δ<SUP>13</SUP>C values were more negative in the <I>Phragmites</I> bed than in the bare bed. </LI> <LI> Isotopic niches indicated a modified food-web structure in the diked marsh bed. </LI> <LI> Restriction of the tides by dike induces marsh-bed food-web trophic reorganization. </LI> </UL> </P>

      • KCI등재

        Changes in Fish Assemblages after Dike Construction in the Saemangeum Area

        Jeong-Hui Kim,Sang-Hyeon Park,Seung-Ho Baek,Min-Ho Jang,윤주덕 한국해양과학기술원 2020 Ocean science journal Vol.55 No.1

        In the Saemangeum area, construction of a dike began in 1991 and was completed in 2006; desalination is currently being conducted. In order to investigate the influence of dike construction on fish assemblages, we analyzed the changes in fish assemblages using fish monitoring data accumulated before, during, and after construction of the Saemangeum Dike. Analysis of changes in the salinity of the Saemangeum Reservoir between 1997 and 2014 revealed that the overall salinity decreased, and this pattern became evident after completion of the dike. Long-term changes in fish assemblages were also confirmed in freshwater areas (Mankyeong and Dongjin Rivers) and the Saemangeum Reservoir. In freshwater areas, different fish assemblages were collected before and after dike construction according to NMDS analysis, and the proportion of freshwater fish continuously increased during analysis of ecological types. In the Saemangeum Reservoir, differences in fish assemblages were observed before, during, and after dike construction (PERMANOVA, F = 2.5325, P = 0.017). Moreover, the numbers of families and species decreased during dike construction; in terms of species composition, the proportion of brackish water fish increased, while that of marine fish decreased. Currently, a salinity gradient exists in the Saemangeum area between the rivers and the dike, and the M1-3 and D1-3 sites were classified as freshwater sites. Desalination is expected to increase freshwater areas in the future; as the change will happen over a very long period of time, differentiated management plans for each site of the Saemangeum area should be implemented through continuous monitoring.

      • A Study on Ground Acceleration Amplification Characteristics of Sea Dike according to the Seismic Wave Characteristics

        ( Joon Heo ),( Tae Ho Bong ) 대한지질공학회 2019 대한지질공학회 학술발표회논문집 Vol.2019 No.2

        Earthquakes have become more frequent in South Korea of late, and the earthquake damage is clearly different depending on how to prepare for it, so there is a strong need to construct seismic infrastructures. As the seismic behavior of sea dike is very complicated, there is a dearth of actual cases of seismic behavior analysis and ground liquefaction evaluation. Damages like seismic ground displacement and liquefaction differ according to the seismic acceleration amplification characteristics. Thus, the ground acceleration amplification characteristics in the sea dike were analyzed according to the seismic waver characteristics (short cycle, long cycle, artificial seismic wave). To define the ground acceleration amplification characteristics according to the seismic wave characteristics, ground response analysis of the areas surrounding the sea dike was conducted, and 3D numerical analysis of the sea dike was conducted. Based on the ground investigation data, the representative ground cross-section and the ground parameters were set. Ground response analysis was conducted according to the input seismic waves, so as to analyze the ground acceleration amplification characteristics. 3D modeling was performed to analyze the earth-behaving sea dike. Dynamic analysis was conducted using the linear time history analysis method, and the displacement and ground acceleration were analyzed at the top of the sea dike. The findings of this study are expected to be used to evaluate the ground acceleration amplification characteristics and the possible liquefaction during earthquakes above the design earthquake level in sea dike, and to reduce the subsequent danger.

      • KCI등재

        佛經에서 죄악을 예방하는 제방으로서 법의 비유

        김지수 전남대학교 법학연구소 2015 법학논총 Vol.35 No.2

        There are many contents to compare courtesy and law as the net, medicine and dike in Asian traditional legal culture. The present writer already published the research on the metaphor of law as net or medicine, now study the metaphor of law as dike to prevent sin and philosophy of preventive law. But those in East Asian classics will be studied separately in another work, so this paper will concentrate those in Buddhist Scriptures by inductive method based on making analysis of texts. Buddha had been fully enlightened that human anguish and social struggle & sin arise from the three poisons(三毒) i.e. greed(desire), anger and ignorance. So he had taught his followers dharma & śīla as metaphor of the dike to prevent human emotions flow from flooding. Above all, this paper mentions the fundamental notions of the dike and ‘dharma’ & ‘śīla’, and examines the necessity & the origin of śīla. Taking up the main subject, this paper searches for Buddha’s śīla on the dike itself at first, and studies the various metaphors of dike one by one, from a standpoint of that to prevent emotions & desires from flooding, of that to protect human good nature & just dharma, and of that to denote samadhi(absorption) or correct ascetic practices. In addition, this paper introduces the interesting metaphors of dike further, and the metaphors of mind-castle to defend the enemy of evil passions & desires also. Lastly, this paper points out the intrinsic functional limitations of ‘śīla’, in order to enlighten the public what evil practices or harmful influence the maladministration of exceeding legalism may result in. In conclusion, the present writer anticipates that this paper become a small kindling of fire, so that the competent may accomplish further more broad & deep study, esp. comparative study between oriental & occidental legal culture on the metaphors of dike. 전통법문화에서는 법을 그물, 의약, 제방 등으로 비유한다. 본고는 죄악을 예방하는제방으로서 법의 비유와 예방법학에 초점을 맞추어, 분량과 지면 관계상 동아시아 유가경전에 나타나는 예법의 제방 비유는 제외하고, 불경에 나타나는 제방 비유를 중심으로원전을 분석하는 귀납 방법으로 탐구한다. 부처님은 인간의 고통과 사회에 넘치는 다툼과 죄악의 근본원인이 사람 마음에서 일어나는 탐욕・분노・어리석음 때문임을 통찰하고, 강물을 가두어 막는 제방처럼 사람 감정을 다루는 둑으로서 법(dharma)과 계율(śīla)을 비유로 가르쳤다. 본고에서는 연구에필요한 기초 전제로서 먼저 제방과 불교의 ‘법률’ 개념을 언급하고, 계율의 필요성과 시원을 살펴본다. 이어 본론으로 들어가, 첫째 일반 제방에 관한 불교 계율과 비유를 탐구하고, 둘째감정욕망의 범람을 예방하는 제방의 관점에서, 셋째 착한 본성과 정법을 방호하는 제방의 관점에서, 넷째 선정과 바른 수행을 뜻하는 제방의 관점에서, 각기 다채롭게 펼쳐진비유를 차례로 분석해 종합 정리한다. 아울러 그밖에 재밌는 제방 비유와 번뇌도적의침입을 막는 心城의 비유를 소개하고, 마지막으로 계율이 갖는 예방기능의 본질적 한계를 지적하여, 법치주의의 미명 아래 자칫 지나친 극단으로 치달을 수 있는 법만능주의나 법실증주의가 지닌 허점을 일깨우고자 한다. 그리고 본 연구의 향후 과제로 맺음말에 가름한다

      • KCI등재

        방조제 건설이후 아산만 대형저서동물 군집 구조에 영향을 주는 환경요인

        유옥환 ( Ok Hwan Yu ),이형곤 ( Hyung Gon Lee ),이재학 ( Jae Hac Lee ) 한국환경생물학회 2011 환경생물 : 환경생물학회지 Vol.29 No.4

        Although anthropogenic disturbance of 20 years duration affects benthic habitats, few studies have examined its effects on the macrobenthic communities of a bay. The aim of this study was to determine the influence of environmental variables on the macrobenthic communities after the construction of the Hwaong dike. Macrobenthos were collected at 22 sites using a Smith McIntyre grab (0.1 m2) in August 2007 and February 2008. Total organic content was very low around the Hwaong dike. Sediment grain size increased from the Hwaong dike to the outer bay. In total, 317 species of macrobenthic fauna were collected and the mean density was 1,155 ind. m 2, both of which were higher than the results of previous studies. The dominant species, Hetermastus filiformis, known to be a potential pollution indicator, was more abundant near the Hwaong dike. Conversely, species sensitive to organic pollution, such as the polychaete Ampharete arctica and the ophiuroid Amphioplus squamata, exhibited higher mean densities in areas distant from the dike. A cluster analysis indicated that the macrobenthic community was divided into two distinct groups: group I near the dike and group II in the outer bay, which were affected by sediment grain size and total organic content. This study suggests that variations in sediment grain size and organic content after dike construction are important factors controlling the macrobenthic community in Asan Bay.

      • KCI등재

        낮은 마운드 높이에 높은 상치구조물을 갖는 경사식 호안(LMHW 호안)의 월파량에 대한 실험적 연구

        정재상,윤재선 한국해안,해양공학회 2019 한국해안해양공학회 논문집 Vol.31 No.6

        Overtopping discharge for sea dike having low mound and high wave wall (LMHW sea dike) is investigated with hydraulic experiments in this study. Vertical, Flare and Bullnose type wave walls are selected and Tetrapods (double layer) and Accropode (one layer) are adopted for armour layers of the front slope. The results of the hydraulic experiments are compared to the overtopping formulas for armoured rubble slopes and vertical sea dikes suggested by EurOtop Manual. Predicted overtopping discharges are underestimated as the roughness efficiency factors ( f ) of armour blocks suggested by EurOtop are adopted when the overtopping formula for armoured rubble slopes sea dike is used. Meanwhile the predicted overtopping discharges agree well with the hydraulic experiments when the modified roughness efficiency factors redefined by multiplying efficiency factor of the heights of armoured crest berm and wave wall ( AR ) are adopted. Return wall effects on a vertical wall (Kortenhaus et al., 2003; Pearson et al., 2004a) and the effects on a smooth dike slope (Van Doorslaer et al., 2015) in EurOtop Manual are investigated for Flare and Bullnose type wave walls. As a results of the comparison between experimental results and 2 formulas, return wall effect on a smooth dike was more valid for LMHW sea dike. 본 연구에서는 수리모형실험을 통해 낮은 마운드 높이에 높은 상치구조물을 갖는 경사식 호안(LMHW 호 안)의 월파량에 관해 검토하였다. 상치구조물의 형식은 직립식, Flare 식 및 Bullnose 식을 적용하였으며, 호안 전면 사면의 소파공은 테트라포드(2층적)와 아크로포드(1층적)를 적용하였다. 수리모형실험 결과는 EurOtop에서 제시하는 경사식 및 직립식 호안의 월파량 산정식과 비교하였다. LMHW 호안에 대해 경사식 호안의 월파량 산정식을 적용할 때 전면 소파공에 따른 조도영향계수( f )로 EurOtop Manual에서 제시하는 계수를 적용할 경우 월파량이 과소평가 되 었으나, 상치구조물 대비 마루높이 영향계수( AR )를 곱한 수정조도계수를 적용한 경우에는 실험결과와 비교적 일치하 였다. Flare 및 Bullnose 상치의 효과를 검토하기 위해 EurOtop Manual에서 제시하는 직립구조물 상부에 설치된 반 파공의 효과(Kortenhaus et al., 2003; Pearson et al., 2004a)와 매끄러운 사면에 설치된 반파공의 효과(Van Doorslaer et al., 2015)를 적용하였다. 검토 결과 매끄러운 사면에 설치된 반파공의 효과가 낮은 마운드 높이에 높은 상치구조물 을 갖는 경사식 호안에 보다 타당한 결과를 보였다.

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