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      • A Study on the Direction of Legal Support for Climate Technology in Developing Countries

        Kim, Min Chul 동덕여자대학교 한중미래연구소 2020 한중미래연구 Vol.13 No.-

        This study is aimed at exploring the direction of legislative support in developing countries in the field of climate technology. The direction of related legislative support can be specified when international trends on technology transfer and technical cooperation in developing countries are identified. Thus, the climate technology trends and the mechanism of supporting developing countries of UNFCCCC were analyzed. By this way, a system for identifying legislative needs in developing countries could be established. The most effective method is to conduct a demand survey of developing countries' governments and climate technology experts. However, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC), the Technical Needs Assessment for Climate Change at the UNDP, and the analysis of the results of the Climate Needs Assessment were also valid. It can be considered that developing countries identify national priorities for mitigation and adaptation technologies. It will be important to check the technical areas of major partner countries and to see if there are related laws through analysis of climate technology cooperation projects promoted by developing countries and Korea. In addition, if domestic companies participating in overseas climate change projects had difficulties in their projects to developing countries due to insufficient legislation, the insufficient scope of such legislation would be an area of legal support for developing countries. A consultative body will be formed with experts from the countries to be dispatched and experts who participated in the project to discuss the priority of the country, but the system can be oriented to maintain a steady understanding of the legal needs of officials and project managers in developing countries through the network. When providing legislative support, it is desirable to present promotion laws and regulatory laws related to detailed technologies by comprehensively considering the basic environmental laws, environmental policies, and political systems of developing countries. In particular, laws and systems have been developing for decades, so the approach to passing on best-fit, not best practices, will be valid. At this point, it would be most realistic to analyze legislation suitable for the technology of the country and accumulate such data in connection with the Korea Climate Technology Cooperation Project. And the process of getting developing countries to ask for demand on the legal system should also be made in the mid- to long-term. International organizations and state-run research institutes are also working on master plans related to climate change policies. However, simple national reports often apply only to introductions of legislation or ideal improvements. Efforts should be made to provide legal support for the central government's enactment of the law and the revision of local government's ordinances in which the project is underway.

      • 개도국 지속가능발전 역량강화사업의 발전방향 -연수사업 중심으로-

        조을생 한국환경연구원 2013 수시연구보고서 Vol.2013 No.-

        국제사회에서 지속가능발전과 이를 위한 개도국의 원조의 효과성 제고를 위해서는 개도국의 역량발전의 필요성이 대두됨에 따라 UN을 비롯한 여러 국제기관들이 수원국의 역량발전에 기여하기 위한 많은 노력을 하고 있다. 수원국 중심 및 성과 중심의 효과적인 원조사업의 중요성이 강조되면서 개도국의 지속가능발전을 위한 역량강화 지원은 대상 수원국과의 지속적인 상호의견 교환 및 협력을 통해 중장기적인 전략으로 수원국이 주인의식을 갖고 스스로 자국의 특성에 맞는 발전을 이룰 수 있는 지원 방식 및 협력 체계 구축이 중요하다. 이를 위해서는 무엇보다도 수원국의 사회, 경제, 환경적 요소, 국가전략 등에 대한 철저한 분석과 이해가 바탕이 되어야 한다. 본 연구에서는 개도국의 역량강화사업의 배경 및 기본구조를 살펴보고, 개도국의 역량강화를 위해 수행되었던 연수사업을 중심으로 국내외 사례를 비교하였다. 개도국들의 다양한 경제성장 수준 및 환경 수준차를 고려하여, 경제성장과 지속 가능한 환경존속을 동시에 제고하기 위해서는 수원국과의 신뢰형성을 기반으로 한 지속적인 참여와 협의, 사후 모니터링 및 환류를 통한 역량강화 사업의 선순환적인 프로세스 구축이 필요하다. 무엇보다 초기단계의 수원국 역량수준 분석은 명확한 목표 설정을 반영한 역량발전 프로그램의 기획, 모니터링 및 성과 평가 시 기준이 되는 것으로 역량발전 프로그램을 효과적·효율적으로 실행할 수 있는 토대가 된다. 국내의 역량강화 지원 연수사업의 경우 수원국의 수요조사와 연수사업 자체의 효과성에 대한 평가는 이루어지고 있으나 수요분야의 역량수준 평가나 연수사업종료 후 수원국의 역량발전 과정의 모니터링 및 성과 평가 체계는 미흡하다. 따라서 국내의 역량강화 사업 발전을 위해서는 우선 수원국의 역량 수준을 분석 및 기대 목표를 확인함에 따라 이를 토대로 격차를 줄이고 기대 역량 목표 달성이 가능한 분야의 우선순위 선정에 주력할 수 있는 체계적이고 효과적인 역량 프로그램 이행의 선진화 방안이 필요하다. 이를 위해 향후 추진되어야 할 선행과제 및 관리방안 등을 다음과 같이 제시하였다. 가. 주제 분야별 개도국 역량측정 지표 및 성과 평가기법 개발 수원국의 지역적 상황과 특성을 고려한 사업의 우선순위 도출 및 역량발전 변화 과정을 정성·정량적으로 객관적 진단·평가할 수 있는 지표개발이 필요하다. UN에서 제시한 기본원칙을 토대로 개인, 조직, 가능한 환경 수준별로 구분하여 1) 이해관계자 참여, 2) 지식/정보 활용 및 공유, 3) 법·제도 수립, 4) 관리 및 이행, 5) 모니터링 및 평가 능력을 각 주제 분야별로 역량평가를 수행할 수 있는 대표적인 지표 개발 연구가 선행되어야 할 것이다. 역량지표 구성은 사회·경제·환경적으로 지속가능발전을 위해 개도국 전반에 적용할 수 있는 글로벌한 공통지표와 각 주제 분야별 특성을 고려한 고유지표로 개발·제시될 수 있을 것이다. 물론 표준화된 역량지표는 각 사업에 실제 적용 시에는 대상 수원국의 특성을 반영한 요소들을 고려하여 일부 평가항목의 추가·삭제 등의 변경이 필요할 수도 있다. 나. 개도국의 역량평가 및 성과관리 프로세스 강화 효과적인 사업계획은 현재의 수준을 정확하게 진단하고 미래의 발전방향을 예측하며 잠재역량 평가 등 정확한 분석을 기반으로 한 전략을 수립하는 것이다. 마찬가지로 개도국의 역량강화를 위한 지원사업의 효과성 제고를 위해서는 시작단계부터 효율적이고 구체적인 역량강화 사업 계획을 수립하여야 한다. 동일한 지역의 개도 국일지라도 국가별 소득격차가 크고 발전 장애요소가 각각 다르기 때문에 수원국의 우선순위 이슈 및 역량 한계점의 정확한 진단이 무엇보다도 중요하다. 따라서 역량평가 지표를 활용한 철저한 사전조사 결과를 바탕으로 역량개발의 진입점이 개인인지, 조직인지, 가능한 환경인지를 규명하고 부문별 역량수준 및 미래 목표달성에 따라 단년/다년 연수사업으로 추진할지, 중장기 프로젝트 사업으로 추진할지 분류하여 이에 따른 구체적인 기획 및 사업계획이 이루어져야 한다. 이와 더불어 체계적인 연수사업의 이행·성과 관리를 수행하기 위해서는 주제별 역량평가 프로세스 추진에 많은 시간적, 재정적인 지원이 이루어져야 할 것이다. 또한 역량 평가는 일회성에 그치는 것이 아니라 주기적으로 추진하고 이를 DB로 구축하여 정보를 공유할 수 있는 시스템을 구축함으로 인해 역량발전 과정을 지속적으로 모니터링하여 성과중심의 역량강화 사업을 성공적으로 추진할 수 있을 것이다. 현재 국내의 전형적인 연수사업 프로그램에 이 모든 과정을 포함하기에는 연수사업의 예산, 연수기간, 연수위탁 수행기관의 전문성 등에 현실적 한계가 있을 수 있어 연수 프로그램 이행과는 별도의 프로젝트로 추진하는 것을 검토할 필요가 있다. 다. 연수수행기관 역량강화 UN 등 국제사회 공동의 목표인 지속가능발전에 부합하면서 효과성 제고를 위한 개도국의 역량강화 사업의 내실화가 이루어지기 위해서는 연수수행기관의 역량강화가 수행되어야 한다. 국내 KOICA 등에서도 연수기관 간의 모임을 주선하고 서로 정보를 공유하는 기회를 마련하고는 있으나 다소 형식적이라는 의견도 있다. 이에 대한 보다 구체적이고 체계적인 연수기관의 역량지원체계가 필요할 것으로 보인다. 또한 연수기관도 국제 협력개발사업의 추세와 선진 연수기관의 모범적인 사례 등을 벤치마킹하여 연수기관 스스로의 역량강화 노력이 필요하다. 라. 지속가능발전교육 프로그램 지원 강화 개도국의 지속가능발전에 대한 인식 및 이해를 강화하여 장기적 국가 발전에 대한 역량을 강화하기 위해서는 기본적인 환경교육을 비롯한 지속가능발전교육지원 사업이 필요할 것이다. 그동안 국제연수사업에서 공공행정 분야가 가장 큰 비중을 차지해 온 반면, 교육 및 환경 분야의 비중은 상대적으로 매우 낮다. 현재 실시되고 있는 환경관련 국제교육은 환경 산업 수출을 위한 기술훈련 중심의 강의로 친환경적 사고로의 인식전환을 이끌어 내기에 다소 부족함이 있다. 따라서 각 기관에서 실시되고 있는 환경관련 국제 교육의 목적 및 내용을 점검하고 환경, 사회, 경제, 정치 등 다양하고 복잡한 원인들로 인한 문제들을 해결해 나갈 수 있는 다양한 요소들이 조화된 지속가능발전 교육개발 및 운영방안 도출이 필요하다. 지속가능발전은 각 국가의 현황이나 상황, 특성이 반드시 고려되어야 하기 때문에 각 국가에 적합한 지속가능발전교육의 프로그램과 교재 개발 연구 및 대상별 교육방안 개발은 개도국의 지속가능발전 교육 정착 및 활성화를 위해 반드시 필요하다. 또한 2012년 10월에 송도에서 열린 이사회를 통해 개도국의 온실가스 감축과 기후변화 적응을 지원하기 위한 유엔 산하의 국제기구인 녹색기후기금 (GCF) 사무국을 송도에 유치한 바, 기후변화 교육 프로그램 및 교재를 개발하고 확산한다면 향후 GCF의 중요한 역량강화 지원 프로그램으로 자리 잡을 것으로 기대된다. Due to the rising awareness in the international community towards the need for fostering capacity in developing countries in order to ensure sustainable development and enhanced effectiveness of aid, the United Nations and other international organizations are placing greater effort to contribute to developing capacity across aid recipient countries. A growing emphasis is placed on the importance of effective aid projects that are recipient-oriented and results-based. In order to strengthen the capacity for sustainable development in developing countries, there must be a continued exchange of opinions and cooperation with recipient countries, and it is important to establish medium- to long-term strategy with a means of providing support and a system of cooperation under which recipient countries can build a sense of ownership and pursue a course of development suited to national characteristics. This should be based on a thorough analysis and understanding of societal, economic and environmental factors in recipient countries, as well as their national strategies. This study explores the background and basic structures of capacity-building projects in developing countries, and compares domestic and overseas cases of training projects conducted in order to strengthen the capacity of developing countries. Considering the different levels of economic growth and environmental conditions among developing countries, the simultaneous pursuit of economic growth and sustainable preservation of the environment requires the establishment of a virtuous cycle for capacity-building projects, consisting of continued participation and consultation on the basis of trust-building with recipient countries, followed by ex post facto monitoring and feedback. Furthermore, the analysis of initial capacity in recipient countries is the foundation for planning, monitoring and performance evaluation of capacity-building programs in reflection of clear objectives, thereby serving as a cornerstone for the effective and efficient implementation of such programs. In the case of training projects for capacity development in Korea, despite surveys conducted on demands in recipient countries and self-evaluation of the effectiveness of training projects, the evaluation of capacity levels in fields of demand remain insufficient, and there is room for improvements in the monitoring and performance evaluation systems of the process of capacity development in recipient countries following the termination of training projects. Therefore, as a means to develop Korea`s capacity enhancement projects, it is necessary to take systematic and effective measures for the implementation of capacity-building programs that can analyze capacity levels of recipient countries and reduce the gap towards the anticipated levels, and focus on prioritizing areas that may attain the anticipated capacity goals. The prerequisite tasks and management measures to be pursued in the future include: (1) developing indicators to measure developing countries` capacity in each theme area, and methods of evaluation; (2) reinforcing the process of evaluating developing countries` capacity and managing their achievements; (3) strengthening capacity of institutions providing training; and (4) providing greater support to educational programs for sustainable development.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on the Economic Benefits of Globalization: Focusing on the Poverty and Inequality between the Rich and the Poor

        신상협 한국외국어대학교 국제지역연구센터 2009 International Area Studies Review Vol.12 No.2

        Globalization is now well recognized by many as an inescapable feature of the world today. In particular, in the middle of global economic crisis globalization is one of the hot issues drawing much attention from countries around the world. There are contradictory perspectives on globalization. There are many sweeping statements that assert that economic globalization is increasing global poverty and inequality between the rich and the poor in the world. There are also many others who insist that the poverty and inequality issues have been resolved in some sense through globalization. In order to find the answer to the question, firstly the meaning of globalization was fully explained. Based on the understanding of globalization, the questions such as how globalization has contributed to reduce the economic gap between the developed and the developing countries, and to reduce the poverty by analyzing the economic growth, the number of people living below the absolute poverty line and so on were analyzed. The reasons why globalization is a good opportunity for some countries while some other countries get not something from the globalization was also discussed in this research. We found that globalization has contributed to reduce global poverty and to increase the welfare of both the developed and developing countries. However globalization has impacted different groups differently. Some have benefited enormously, while others have borne more of the costs. The developed countries could get more economic benefits from the less developed countries through globalization. This means, inequality between the rich and the poor countries still remained as a serious threat in the global economy. And even among the developing countries globalization has impacted differently. The trends toward faster growth and poverty reduction are strongest in developing economies that have integrated with the global economy most rapidly, which supports the view that integration has been a positive force for improving the lives of people in developing countries There are two main reasons for the inequality existing between the developed and developing countries. The fist one is the difference of economic size and power between the developed countries and the developing countries started to exist from the late 18th century. The second one is the differences in the management skill in taking advantage of the globalization.

      • KCI등재

        Patent Protection in the Global Trading System and Industrialization of Developing Countries

        Jai Sheen Mah(마재신) 경희대학교 인류사회재건연구원 2018 OUGHTOPIA Vol.33 No.2

        우루과이라운드의 결과 세계무역기구 체제에서는 지적재산권을 보호하게 되었다. 이에 따라 특허와 같은 지적재산권 관련하여 개발도상국들은 선진국들에게 지대를 지불하게 되었고, 개발도상국들의 선진국 기술 모방을 통한 추격과 공업화진전에 의한 경제발전의 가능성은 매우 제한되었다. 세계무역기구 내의 무역 관련 지적재산권에 관한 협정의 규범 체계는 주로 선진국 중심으로 짜여져 있다고 볼 수 있다. 개발도상국 특별우대조치에 대한 구상은 세계경제에 있어서 분배적 공평성의 관점에서 지지될 수 있다. 이는 혜택을 가장 적게 받는 국가에게 보다 더 이익을 주고자 하는 관점이다. 특허보호는 개발도상국들의 공업화에 의한 경제발전에 영향을 줄 수 있기 때문에 세계무역기구의 특허 관련 체제를 개발도상국들에게 유리하도록 수정하기 위한 방법이 논의될 필요가 있다. 무엇보다도 먼저 지적재산권협정에서 제공되는 정책 구사 여지의 필요성을 재확인하는 것이 중요하다. 또한, 비교적 저소득 개발도상국들에게 특허 측면에서 이득의 제공과 세계무역기구의 규범체계 내에 개발도상국 공업화와 관련되는 강제적 라이선싱 조항을 포함시키는 점 등은 개발도상국들의 공업화 진전 및 그를 통한 경제발전에 도움이 될 수 있을 것이다. With the protection of intellectual property rights through the Uruguay Round trade negotiations, the developed countries were able to enjoy the rents paid by the developing countries, and the ability of the developing countries to catch up through imitation and industrialization became quite limited. The Trade-Related Intellectual Properties (TRIPS) Agreement of the WTO system could be evaluated as biased in favor of the developed countries. The patent protection in the TRIPS Agreement includes a few special and differential treatment (SDT) provisions intended to benefit the developing countries. Such SDT provisions provided to the developing countries could be justified from the viewpoint of distributional fairness in the world economy, which pursues the maximization of the benefits received by the least advantaged under the veil of ignorance. Because patent protection may affect the industrialization-led economic development of developing countries, it is necessary to suggest ways to modify the WTO`s patent regime. It is essential to start by reaffirming the policy space provided in it. It is necessary to allow benefits to lower middle income developing countries and for the WTO system to include a provision related to compulsory licensing, which supports the industrialization and economic development of developing countries.

      • KCI등재후보

        Trade openness and working poverty: empirical evidences from developing countries

        Nessa Hazera-Tun-,Imai Katsushi S. 경희대학교 글로벌 통상·금융연구원 2023 International Trade, Politics and Development Vol.7 No.2

        Existence of working poverty reduces the effectiveness of the strategy of “increasing employment to reduce poverty”. Developed countries are already concerned about it but insufficient attention has been made by developing countries. Focusing on developing countries this study identifies (1) the effects of trade openness (TO) on working poverty and (2) whether the working poverty trap exists or not in developing countries. Both objectives are also analyzed for three subsamples of low income, lower-middle income and upper-middle income developing countries.Panel data for 98 developing countries over the period of 2000–2016 have been collected for the study. Fixed effect and GMM methods are applied for static and dynamic analysis, respectively.The study finds that TO significantly reduces working poverty rate (WPR) (mainly driven up by upper-middle income developing countries). The positive association between WPR with its previous year's rate proves the existence of working poverty trap.The study's outcome is subject to selected time, countries and methods. Future research should use more improve methods and should identify the channels through which TO could affect working poverty.Middle income and upper-middle income developing countries should increase TO to reduce the working poverty. Low income developing countries that have the highest working poverty should search the way to derive beneficial effects of trade on working poverty.Working poverty is not only a developed country issue rather it is a global phenomenon. Hence, it is expected that the study will raise the social consciousness about this phenomenon in developing countries too.The study fulfills the gaps of identifying the effects of TO on working poverty and existence of in-work poverty trap in developing countries.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        International Trade in Services and the Evolving Position of Developing Countries

        ( Alberto Gabriele ) 세종대학교 경제통합연구소 (구 세종대학교 국제경제연구소) 2004 Journal of Economic Integration Vol.19 No.4

        This paper illustrates the main trends in international trade in services during the last two decades of the last century, focusing particularly on developing and transition countries. The Introduction briefly exposes some of the shortcomings and methodological problems affecting statistics on international trade in services, and explains why BOP data, albeit inadequate, are the only source available so far to carry out a comprehensive comparative and historical analysis in this domain. Section 2 describes basic trade trends for each of the 10 services sectors, identifies the major exporters of services among developing and transition countries and analyzes the evolution of their relative position in international trade in services. It shows that most of them are either large semi-industrialized Asian countries or European transition countries. Yet, there are also cases of other developing countries exhibiting a strong tendency towards specializing in one or few specific services sub-sectors. Section 3 examines global trade trends for services as a whole. They show that services exports have been the most dynamic component of world trade and the world market share of developing countries has been on the rise. However, a generalized deceleration in the expansion of world trade in services occurred in the late 1990s. The growth rate of services exports from developing countries slowed down, and their ability to import services also declined, with a negative impact on their development prospects. In the Conclusions, a tentative explanation for the aforementioned results is proposed. Most export-oriented services activities in developing countries are concentrated in traditional services sectors. They are also poorly integrated to the rest of the domestic economy. Thus, their potential as engines for growth is relatively weak. The weight of these structural weaknesses was magnified by an economic policy bias. Under conditions of financial stress, many previously inward-oriented developing countries felt compelled to divert resources towards exports as if they were a goal per se, rather than a component of a comprehensive long-term growth-maximizing strategy. In the services sector as well, imports were sacrificed and exports intensely encouraged. As liberalizing reforms aimed at accelerating developing countries` trade and financial integration in the world economy were often carried out in an unbalanced and hasty fashion, their results turned out being less than fully satisfactory.

      • KCI등재


        김준영(Junyoung Kim),이현태(Hyuntai Lee) 한국동북아경제학회 2023 동북아경제연구 Vol.35 No.2

        本研究以国际资本流动理论为基础,考察了影响发展中国家外债流入和流出的一些因素。 特别关注非经济外部冲击对发展中国家外债可持续性的影响。 通过实证分析,为了观察外债的进出因素变数对外债可持续性变数的影响,进行了面板数据分析。 在分析模型中,反映外债持续可能性的流动性、偿还能力、充分储备能力的变量因素设定为从属变量,多个进出因素设定为控制变量。 金融发展指数也是反映发展中国家政策应对能力的因素之一。 同时,将自然灾害、传染病等非经济外部冲击和发展中国家发生的金融危机、外汇危机、超级通货膨胀等经济冲击因素设定为关注变数。 分析结果显示,对发展中国家外债可持续性产生巨大影响的流入因素,金融发展程度和发展中国家经常收支与GDP的比率非常重要。 流出因素中,发达国家和中国等中等收入国家的经济增长、全球利率和商品价格等产生了影响。 这意味着发达国家和中等发达国家的经济金融状况对发展中国家的外债影响很大。 相反, 非经济外部冲击与现有的流出、流入因素相比,对发展中国家外债持续可能性的影响是有限的,发展中国家政府维持一贯、稳定的金融发展政策的基调,灵活应对自然灾害、传染病等暂时的外部冲击。 본 연구는 국제자본이동이론을 바탕으로 개발도상국의 외채 유입과 유출에영향을 주는 요소들을 고찰했다. 특히 비경제적 외부 충격이 개발도상국의 외채 지속가능성에 미치는 영향에 주목하였다. 실증 분석으로 외채의 유출입 요인 변수들이 외채 지속 가능성 변수에 미치는 영향을 살펴보기 위한 패널 데이터 분석을 진행했다. 분석 모델에는 외채 지속 가능성을 반영하는 유동성, 상환능력, 충분한 비축 능력을 반영하는 변수 요인들이 종속 변수로, 여러 유출입요인들이 통제변수로 설정되었다. 유입 요인으로 개발도상국의 정책 대응 역량을 반영할 수 있는 요인으로 금융발전지수도 포함시켰다. 아울러 자연재해, 전염병 등의 비경제적 외부 충격과 개발도상국에서 발생한 금융위기, 외환위기, 하이퍼인플레이션 등을 경제적 충격 요인을 관심 변수로 설정하였다. 분석 결과 개발도상국의 외채 지속가능성에 큰 영향을 미치는 유입 요인으로금융발전정도와 개도국의 GDP 대비 경상수지 비율이 중요하였다. 유출 요인중에서는 선진국과 중국 등 중등소득국가의 경제성장, 글로벌 이자율과 상품가격 등이 영향을 주었다. 이는 선진국과 중진국의 경제 금융 상황이 개발도상국의 외채에 미치는 영향이 크다는 의미다. 반면, 비경제적 외부 충격이 기존 유출ㆍ유입 요인에 비해 개발도상국 외채 지속가능성에 미치는 영향은 제한적인것으로 나타나면서, 개발도상국 정부는 일관되고 안정적인 금융 발전 정책을 펼쳐 나가는 기조를 유지하면서 자연재해, 전염병 등 일시적인 외부 충격에 탄력적으로 대응해야 한다는 시사점을 얻을 수 있었다. This study examines the determinants of external debt inflows and outflows of developing countries based on the international capital mobility theory. In particular, it focuses on the impact of non-economic external shocks on external debt sustainability of developing countries. The empirical analysis is a panel data analysis that examines the impact of the determinants of external debt outflows and inflows on the external debt sustainability variable. In the econometric model, the variable factors reflecting liquidity, repayment capacity, and sufficient reserve capacity, which reflect external debt sustainability, are set as dependent variables, and several outflow and inflow factors are set as independent variables. As an inflow factor, we included the Financial Development Index, which can reflect the policy response capacity of developing countries. In addition, non-economic external shocks such as natural disasters and epidemics, and economic shocks such as financial crises, foreign exchange crises, and hyperinflation that occurred in developing countries were set as variables of interest. The results of the analysis showed that the financial development index and the current account ratio of developing countries to GDP are important inflow factors that have a significant impact on the sustainability of external debt of developing countries. Among the outflow factors, economic growth in developed countries and middle-income countries such as China, global interest rates, and commodity prices were influential. This means that the economic and financial conditions of advanced and middle-income countries have a significant impact on the external debt of developing countries. On the other hand, non-economic external shocks had a limited impact on the sustainability of developing countries’ external debt compared to traditional outflows and inflows, suggesting that developing countries’ governments should be resilient to temporary external shocks such as natural disasters and epidemics under the framework of consistent and sta

      • KCI등재후보

        Rethinking the Innovation Approach in Developing Countries

        Yoslan Nur 세계과학도시연합 2012 World Technopolis Review Vol.1 No.2

        As reflected in the title, the main objective of the paper is to explore an appropriate approach to promote technological innovation for developing countries. Aiming to this goal, the paper studies three main innovation system approaches, whose implantation is being attempted in developing countries: first, national innovation systems (NIS), which was developed in OECD countries; second, the system of innovation for development (SID), which is a concept that tries to adapt NIS to developing countries; and third, inclusive innovation which is a pro-poor innovation system. Based on the strengths and the weaknesses of each concept and their potential adaptation in developing countries, the paper proposes an integrated approach of innovation system for developing countries. Compared to developed countries, the concept of innovation system in developing countries should be more complex because it involves not only the formal sector such as enterprises, universities, research institutes, government, and financial system but it also involves NGOs, informal companies, grassroots inventors, local and indigenous knowledge, etc. The last part of the paper discusses the ideas that innovation stakeholders in developing countries can use to promote their proper innovation system.

      • KCI등재

        한국인의 사회자본과 이주민에 대한 태도: 선진 OECD 8개 회원국과 14개 개도국과의 비교

        이희창 한국공공관리학회 2023 한국공공관리학보 Vol.37 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to determine whether our society's social capital and attitudes toward immigrants are closer to those of developed countries or developing countries in terms of their level and relationship. To this end, based on the 2017-2020 data from the World Values Survey (WVS), this study established an integrated model covering both developed and developing countries to diagnose the level and relationship structure of social capital and attitudes toward immigrants in our society. As a result of the analysis, ① attitudes toward immigrants were similar to that of developed countries. The level of acceptance and exclusivity of immigrants was lower than that of OECD developed countries, but was superior to that of developing countries. In terms of factors causing exclusivity against immigrants, unlike developing countries where economic threats arise, social threats appear to be the main factor, just like in advanced OECD countries. ② Social capital showed a developing country type. Like developing countries, it showed problems such as low general trust, trust in social systems centered on family or media/broadcasting, lack of awareness of norms in sectors with weak legal sanctions, and lack of open group participation. ③ The relationship between social capital and attitudes toward immigrants showed a combination of OECD developed and developing countries. The results showing that general trust, institutional trust, and group participation, which constitute open social capital, have a positive effect on the acceptance of immigrants and a negative effect on exclusivity were similar to those of advanced OECD countries. On the other hand, the results showing that closed social capital increases the acceptance of immigrants and reduces exclusivity are similar to those in developing countries. Based on these results, this study discussed the tasks of improving social capital to change attitudes toward immigrants in our society.

      • KCI등재

        How Economic Factors Affect Crime Rate : A Comparative Analysis of Developing and Developed Countries

        Chang Hwan Choi,Kwang Seok Lee 한국무역금융보험학회(구 한국무역보험학회) 2021 무역금융보험연구 Vol.22 No.5

        목적 : 본 논문의 목적은 경제적 요인들이 범죄 발생에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 것인지와 선진국 과 개도국 간의 차이점은 무엇인지에 대한 실증분석이다. 연구 설계, 자료, 방법론 : 본 연구는 실질 GDP 성장률과 실업률, 소득 불평등(지니 계수), 인플 레이션, 그리고 교육요인 등의 경제변수가 법죄유에 미치는 영향을 분석하기 위한 계량모형을 설정하고, 자료는 세계은행, UNODC 범죄 통계를 사용하였다. 분석 결과 : 연구대상 전체 국가에 대한 모형분석 결과는 경제 변수가 선진국과 개발도상국 모두에서 범죄율을 중대한 영향을 미치는 것을 확인하였다. 비교분석 결과 GDP 성장률, 실업 률, 인플레이션이 선진국보다 개발도상국의 범죄율에 더 큰 영향을 미친다는 흥미로운 결과를 확인하였다. 반면, 소득 불평등과 교육 수준은 개발도상국보다 선진국의 범죄율에 더 많은 영 향을 미친다. 시사점 : 이 연구는 개발도상국과 선진국에서 범죄를 일으키는 다른 요인들에 대한 더 나은 이해를 제공한다. 국가의 경찰력을 증가시키거나 무거운 처벌을 강화하기 보다는 국민들의 소 득증대와 사회적 환경개선을 통해 범죄를 예방하는 것이 필요하다. Purpose : The purpose of this paper is to analyze how economic factors affect national crime and what’s are differences between developed versus developing countries Research design, data, methodology : As macroeconomic variables can influence the crime rate of developed and developing countries, this study will use the real GDP growth rate and unemployment rate, income inequality (Gini coefficient), inflation, and education factors. We compiled the data set by combining the World Bank data set on the number of each independent variable per year and UNODC Homicide Statistics. Results : Results from empirical model I of total countries show that economic variables have a major role in determining crime rates both in developed countries and developing countries. Comparative model II (developing countries), model III (developed countries) revealed the interesting outcome that GDP growth, unemployment rate, and inflation have a more significant effect on the crime rate in developing countries than in developed countries. On the other hand, income inequality and education level has more impact on the crime rate in developed countries than in developing countries. Conclusions : This study provides a better understanding of the different factors that cause crime in developing and developed countries. Furthermore, we propose that countries take different approaches to reduce crime based on their incomes and social environmental situations, rather than increasing their police force, or reinforcing heavy penalties.

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