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      • KCI등재

        초등학생의 모델 확정 과정에 대한 특징 분석

        김한솔,양일호 한국교원대학교 뇌기반교육연구소 2022 Brain, Digital, & Learning Vol.12 No.3

        The purpose of this study is to analyze the characteristics of elementary school students' modeling process and obtain implications for modeling learning in elementary school students. The task is a mystery tube, one of the black box activities. The internal structure of the mystery tube composed by the participants viewed as a model and conducted a study on the modeling process for elementary school students. The ‘model determination process’ was defined as the process of determining whether the model generated by participant is appropriate to explain the phenomenon. 22 6th graders of elementary school were deliberately sampled, and the same task was carried out once to four times per participant. There are a total of five characteristics of the model determination process obtained through data analysis: ‘Determine the model at a superficial level’, ‘Determine the model that generated the mechanism to account for the whole phenomenon’, ‘Determine the model that generated the mechanism to account for the whole phenomenon’, ‘After verifying the mechanism through model externalization, the model is determined’, and ‘After integrating models including different mechanisms, the model is determined’. The conclusion is, first, in order to learn practical modeling by elementary school students, the input of tasks that fit the level of individual learners and proper scaffolding are required. Second, it was determined that elementary school students can also use the model as a cognitive tool.

      • KCI등재

        Enhanced hypocenter determination of the 2017 Pohang earthquake sequence, South Korea, using a 3-D velocity model

        정윤선,우정웅,이준기 한국지질과학협의회 2022 Geosciences Journal Vol.26 No.4

        As a fundamental task in observational seismology, accurate hypocenter determination is crucial for seismic hazard analysis, delineating faults, and elucidating seismic source characteristics. However, hypocenters determined using an inaccurate velocity model can exhibit significant deviations from the actual hypocenter. In this study, we investigated how a 3-D velocity model results in a better constraint than a 1-D model for the hypocenter determination problem associated with the 2017 MW 5.5 Pohang earthquake. This study determined the hypocenter of the Pohang earthquake sequence using a 3-D velocity model of 32 events including the mainshock that occurred on November 15, 2017, in South Korea. The S wave velocity model, based on an ambient noise tomography, was combined with the average Vp/Vs ratio of the crust of the Korean Peninsula to construct a 3-D velocity model; additional 1-D velocity model was used to compare the results. The hypocenters were determined via a nonlinear method, which allowed the calculation of the posterior probability density of the source via a direct search method, confirming that the accuracy improved when using the 3-D model compared with the 1-D model. We observed that our 3-D velocity model enables hypocenters to be consistently determined, less affected by station configuration, or a lack of adjacent seismic stations. Further numerical investigation showed that complex basin geometry and the heterogeneity of the crustal thickness, which cannot be considered in 1-D model, are critical for hypocenter determination.

      • KCI등재

        자율성 역량 모델의 법철학적 함의

        송윤진 한국법철학회 2017 법철학연구 Vol.20 No.2

        Today, with the expansion of individualistic liberalism, the discourse of autonomy and rights to self-determination tends to be understood as the narrow privacy rights, which is largely centered on individual autonomy. In other words, the respect for autonomy or self-determination is understood as ensuring an independent self-determination by the subject with sufficient decision-making ability. That is, under any circumstances, the subject has an independent authority to decide on his own business without being disturbed. However, such a tendency to understand rights to self-determination as narrow privacy rights does not have a practical alternative to how it can be realized other than to declare that everyone has the right to self-determination, by returning the nature of self-determination to the passive right of the individual. Therefore, the recognition of the concept of autonomy, which is concentrated on the self-determination ability, should be newly transformed, and the justification of autonomy should be shifted from the procedural level to the substantive level. This article proposes the autonomy capability model in order to overcome the narrowness of autonomy and self-determination and discuss the applicability of this model. Based on these research goals, this paper has the following structure. First, the autonomy capability model is based on conceptual and methodological basis of Martha Nussbaum's capability approach, so this approach is introduced within the necessary range. Then, after explaining the basic concepts and core issues of the autonomy capability model, the significance of this model is examined in terms of substantive justification of rights to self-determination. In addition, the adult guardianship system can be justified from the standpoint of autonomy capability model, and the legal philosophical search for active management of the adult guardianship system is attempted. Finally, the legal philosophical implications of this model are mentioned. 오늘날 개인적 자유주의의 확대와 함께 자율성 및 자기결정권 담론은 대체로 개인적 자율성을 핵심으로 하는 협의의 프라이버시권으로 이해되는 경향을 보인다. 즉 자율성 내지 자기결정권의 존중이란 ‘충분한 의사결정능력을 가진 주체가 내리는 독립적인 자기결정’을 보장하는 것으로서, 어떠한 상황에서든 주체는 방해받지 않고 자신에 관한 일을 결정할 독립된 권한을 가진다는 것이다. 그러나 이러한 자기결정권의 사사화(私事化) 경향은 자기결정권의 성격을 개인의 소극적인 자유권으로 환원시키며, 누구나 자기결정권을 보유한다는 것을 선언하는 것 이외에 어떻게 실현할 수 있는가에 대해 별다른 실천적 대안을 가지지 못한다. 따라서 협의의 자기결정능력으로 집중되고 있는 자율성 개념에 대한 인식이 새롭게 전환되어야 하며, 자율성의 정당화는 절차적 차원에서 실질적 차원으로 이동되어야 한다. 이러한 문제제기를 통해 필자는 자율성 역량 모델(Autonomy Capability Model)을 제안하여 자율성 및 자기결정권 논의의 협소함을 극복하고 보다 실질적인 자율성 담론 방식임을 논증하고자 한다. 이러한 연구 목표에 따라 본고는 다음과 같은 구성을 가진다. 우선 자율성 역량 모델은 마사 누스바움(Martha Nussbaum)의 역량 이론(capability approach)에 개념적, 방법론적으로 기초하고 있으므로 우선 필요한 범위 내에서 누스바움의 역량 이론을 소개한다. 이후 자율성 역량 모델의 기본 개념과 핵심 논제를 설명한 후, 자기결정권의 실질적 정당화라는 관점에서 자율성 역량 모델의 의의를 살펴본다. 아울러 개정민법상 성년후견제도를 자율성 역량 모델의 관점에서 정당화함으로써 성년후견제도의 적극적 운용을 위한 법철학적 탐색을 시도한 후 최종적으로 자율성 역량 모델의 법철학적 함의를 밝힌다.

      • KCI등재

        벤처동아리활동 대학생의 목표 지향적 행동모델이 자기결정성 및 창업의지에 미치는 영향: 성격 5요인의 매개효과

        박화순,변상해 한국벤처창업학회 2021 벤처창업연구 Vol.16 No.2

        The question of why do you want to start a "start?" Is the most basic step in trying to do something. In other words, previous studies have shown that the degree of confidence in an individual's decision affects the setting of a specific purpose. Based on this, this study aims to provide basic data for deriving the direction of entrepreneurship education in college students by analyzing the effects of goal-oriented behavioral model on college students' self-determination and intention to start a business through the 5 factor model. To achieve the purpose of the study, a self-report questionnaire was conducted from October 01 to November 11, 2019 for university students attending located in Gyeonggi-do, Seoul. A total of 150 questionnaires were distributed, and 125 parts were used for the final analysis, except 25 parts with insincere responses or errors. Data were analyzed using SPSS Win 24, and reliability, validity analysis, frequency analysis, One-way ANOVA and regression analysis were performed, and three-step regression analysis and Sobel verification were performed for mediating effects. The summary of the study is as follows. First, the influence of university students' goal-oriented behavioral model on self-determination showed that attitudes, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral controls had statistically significant positive effects, and positive and negative expectations were statistically significant. Did not affect. Therefore, the higher the attitude, subjective norms, and perceived behavioral control, the higher the university students' self-determination. Second, the influence of college students' goal-oriented behavioral model on the intention to start a business was as follows.).As a result, the higher the perceived behavioral control and positive expectation, the higher the intention to start up. Third, regression model 1 showed that the behavioral control and positive expectation sentiment among the goal-oriented behavioral model had a significant positive influence on the college students' intention to start a business. Affected. Regression model Ⅱ added the parameters of the 5 factor model, which increased 2.5% of explanatory power than the first regression model. Perceived behavioral control and positive expectations had a statistically significant positive effect, negative expectations had a statistically significant negative effect, and among the 5 factor model, openness had a statistically significant positive (+) Affected. From these results, it can be seen that the Big Five personality factors have a mediating effect on the relationship between goal-oriented behavior model and intention to start up. This study confirmed that the goal-oriented behavioral model of college students is an important variable in implementing self-determination and intention to start a business. In addition, by using his Big 5 personality factors as positive feedback, he has proved to play an important role by identifying the mediation role that can be set, planned and utilized to plan and achieve his life. The result of this study is that college students are interested in the intention of individual start-ups, so they are not freed from difficult employment difficulties. It is intended to provide basic data useful in the age of creation of government. ‘왜?’창업을 하려는 지에 대한 질문은 어떠한 특정의 행동을 하려는 데에 대한 가장 기초적인 단계라고 할 수 있다. 즉, 어떠한 특정의 목적을 설정함에 있어서 개인은 자신의 결정에 대한 확신의 정도가 영향을 미친다는 선행연구들이 존재하고 있다. 이에 근거하여 본 연구는 성격 5요인을 매개로 한 대학생의 목표 지향적 행동모델이 자기결정성 및 창업의지에 미치는 영향을 분석하여 대학생의 창업교육 방향성 도출을 위한 기초자료를 제공하는 데 목적을 두고 있다연구목적을 달성하기 위해 서울 경기도 지역에 소재한 국공립 및 사립 대학교에 재학하면서 벤처 동아리에 소속된 대학생을 대상으로 2019년 10월 01일에서 11월 11일까지 자기보고식 설문을 실시하였고, 연구결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 첫째, 대학생들의 목표 지향적 행동모델이 자기결정성에 미치는 영향을 살펴보면, 태도와 주관적 규범, 지각된 행동통제가 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 영향을 미쳤고, 긍정적 기대와 부정적 기대는 통계적으로 유의미한 영향을 미치지 않았다. 둘째, 대학생들의 목표 지향적 행동모델이 창업의지에 미치는 영향을 살펴보면, 지각된 행동통제와 긍정적 기대는 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 영향을 미쳤으며, 부정적 기대는 통계적으로 유의미한 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 셋째, 회귀모델Ⅰ에서는 대학생의 창업의지와 목표 지향적 행동모델 중에 지각된 행동통제, 긍정적 기대가 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 영향을 미쳤고, 부정적 기대는 통계적으로 유의미한 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 성격 5요인을 매개변수로 투입한 회귀모델 Ⅱ에서는 지각된 행동통제, 긍정적 기대가 통계적으로 유의미한 정적 영향을 미쳤고, 부정적 기대는 통계적으로 유의미한 부적 영향을 미쳤다. 본 연구는 대학생의 목표 지향적 행동모델이 자기결정성 및 창업의지를 실행함에 있어 중요 변인임을 확인할 수가 있었다. 또한 자신의 성격 5요인을 긍정적인 피드백으로 활용하여 자신의 삶을 계획하고 성취하기 위해 목표를 세우고 계획하고 활용할 수 있는 성격을 매개역할이 확인되어 중요한 역할을 수행하고 있음이 증명 되었다.

      • KCI등재

        단일 입력변수기반 퍼지 모델을 이용한 순차결합 모델의 설계

        김은후(Eun-Hu Kim),오성권(Sung-Kwun Oh) 한국지능시스템학회 2021 한국지능시스템학회논문지 Vol.31 No.1

        본 논문에서는 실제출력과 모델출력사이의 오차를 최소화하기 위해 단일 입력변수기반 퍼지모델들로 구현된 순차결합 모델의 설계 방법론을 제안한다. 단일 입력변수 기반 퍼지 모델의 전반부 멤버십 함수는 퍼지 클러스터링을 통해 얻은 클러스터의 중심점을 사용하여 생성한다. 퍼지 규칙의 후반부는 선형 함수로 구성되며 선형 함수의 계수는 LSE 기반 학습에 의해 훈련된다. 순차결합 모델은 기본 모델과 보상 모델로 구분할 수 있다. 기본 모델은 순차결합 모델의 첫 번째 모델을 의미하며 보상모델은 기본모델과 실제출력사이의 오차를 줄여주는 역할을 한다. 고차원 합성 데이터 및 머신 러닝 데이터를 이용한 실험을 통해 제안된 순차결합 모델과 기존 퍼지 모델을 비교하여 제안된 설계 방법론의 우수성을 보여준다. In this paper, we propose a design methodology of a sequential aggregation model realized by univariable-based fuzzy models to minimize the error between the model output and the target output. The membership function in the premise part of the fuzzy rule is formed by using the center points of the cluster obtained through fuzzy clustering. The consequent part of the fuzzy rule is made of a linear function whose coefficients are trained by LSE-based learning. The Sequential aggregation model can be divided into a basic model and a compensation model. A basic model means the first model of the sequential aggregation model, whereas a compensation model is the role of minimizing the error between the output of the basic model and the target output. The basic model and the compensation model are selected by comparing the coefficient of determination of the model. Through experiments carried out with the aid of the high-dimensional synthetic datasets and machine learning datasets, we show the superiority of the proposed design methodology by comparing the proposed sequential aggregation model with the existing fuzzy models.

      • KCI우수등재

        지원생활모델(Supported Living model)을 적용한 발달장애인의 자립

        김미옥(Kim, Mi-Ok),정민아(Jung, Min Ah) 한국사회복지학회 2017 한국사회복지학 Vol.69 No.1

        이 연구는 발달장애인의 자립을 위한 개념적 모델로서 지원생활모델을 소개하고, 이의 한국 장애인 복지에의 적용가능성을 탐색하고 함의를 도출하고자 한 것이다. 이를 위해 지원생활모델의 개념 및 그 의미, 원칙을 살펴보고, 이 모델이 먼저 도입된 서구 서비스 현장에서 보고된 지원생활에 대한 잘못된 인식을 함께 다룸으로써 이에 대한 정확한 이해를 돕고자 하였다. 또한 지원생활모델이 발달장애인 자 립에 적용되는 실제를 이해하기 위하여 영국의 지원생활네트워크와 호주의 지원생활유형을 살펴보았 다. 이와 함께 영국과 호주에서 개발․사용되고 있는 지원생활 매뉴얼을 살펴보고, 이에 나타난 지원 생활 실천의 핵심요소를 도출하였다. 이를 통해 이 연구는 발달장애인의 자립에 대한 개념적 모델로서 지원생활모델의 중요성을 제시하였으며, 제도적, 기관, 이용자 차원에서의 향후 적용방안을 논의하고 있다. 이 연구는 발달장애인의 자립에 대한 가능성과 함의를 논의한 연구로서, 향후 관련분야의 기초 자료로서 기여할 것이다. This study aimed to introduce the main concepts of Supported Living(SL) model, very few of which have discussed in the context of S. Korea, explore the potential to employ SL model, and draw the implication for social welfare for people with developmental disabilities(DD) in S. Korea. For this purpose, this study presented the developmental background, main concepts, and principles of SL model, compared SL with supported housing and explained the features of SL model. Additionally, this study reviewed SL schemes in the UK and Australia to understand how SL schemes impact the lives of people with DD. Furthermore, this study addressed the contents of SL manuals used in the UK and Australia and identified the core aspects of SL practice. Based on the findings, this study highlighted the importance of SL as the conceptual model for independent living of people with DD and discussed the implication of SL model in S. Korea in terms of the national institution for people with DD, service agencies, and service users. This study focused on the SL model as a conceptual model for the independence of people with DD, potentials to employ SL model, and its implication for social welfare for people with disabilities in S. Korea. SL model and its application showed that SL model is effective and flexible in supporting the independent living of people with DD. Findings and implications regarding SL model could be the basis for the development of the Korean supported living system to improve the independent living of people with DD.

      • KCI등재

        자기결정교수학습모델을 적용한 문해교육이 경도지적장애학생의 자기주도력과 문해력에 미치는 영향

        이선주,전병운 한국지적장애교육학회 2019 지적장애연구 Vol.21 No.4

        Following research investigates how the literacy education which adapted the Self-Determined Learning Model of Instruction, can affect the Intellectual Disabilities Students of their determination and literacy level. The subjects of this research were three 6th year students at Special Education elementary school. Korean Language education was given to these participants using the self determined Learning Model of Instruction. With implementation of this new educational approach by the researcher, subjects were sought to set goals and plans, as well as to revise and execute them. The multiple prove design across subjects method was chosen among the single subject research methods to investigate the effects of the program. In result, 3 subjects showed improved levels of self-determination and literacy after implementation of the new approach, All the scores of the Literacy -Achievement Test, which was held during the revision period, have also increased. The aforementioned results were maintained as the time elapsed. This research encouraged the Intellectual Disabilities students to gain inclination which allowed them to set and execute their own goals by guiding them with the Self-Determined Learning Model. Also, it is important to recognize that the self -determined study strategy was able to make positive impact on the literacy of the individuals by offering them an educational guide. 본 연구는 자기결정교수학습모델을 적용한 문해교육이 경도지적장애학생의 자기주도력과 문해력에 미치는 영향을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 하였다. 본 연구에 참여한 학생은 초등학교 특수학급 6학년 경도지적장애학생 3명이다. 프로그램의 효과를 알아보기 위해 대상자간 중다간헐기초선설계를 사용하였다. 참여 학생들은 자기결정교수학습모델을 적용하면서 학습에 대한 목표설정, 계획 및 실행, 목표 및 계획 수정을 하였고 연구자는 이를 위한 교수적 지원을 하였다. 그 결과, 국어 수업에 자기결정학습모델을 삽입시키면서 학교 및 가정, 지역사회 등의 다양한 상황에서 자기주도적인 행동을 나타냈으며, 학습가이드를 제시하여 학생 주도적으로 다양한 학습전략을 활용하여 학습함으로써 문해력이 향상되었다. 아울러 참여 학생 스스로 목표를 정하고 그 목표를 달성하기 위해 학습하고자 하는 의지를 키울 수 있었다. 이 연구에서 적용한 절차는 수업 시간에 쉽게 적용할 수 있어 지적장애학생의 자기주도적인 국어 학습능력을 신장하기 위한 유용한 프로그램으로 활용할 수 있을 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        개인화 전시 서비스 구현을 위한 지능형 관객 감정 판단 모형

        정민규(Min Kyu Jung),김재경(Jae Kyeong Kim) 한국지능정보시스템학회 2012 지능정보연구 Vol.18 No.1

        Recently, due to the introduction of high-tech equipment in interactive exhibits, many people’s attention has been concentrated on Interactive exhibits that can double the exhibition effect through the interaction with the audience. In addition, it is also possible to measure a variety of audience reaction in the interactive exhibition. Among various audience reactions, this research uses the change of the facial features that can be collected in an interactive exhibition space. This research develops an artificial neural network-based prediction model to predict the response of the audience by measuring the change of the facial features when the audience is given stimulation from the non-excited state. To present the emotion state of the audience, this research uses a Valence-Arousal model. So, this research suggests an overall framework composed of the following six steps. The first step is a step of collecting data for modeling. The data was collected from people participated in the 2012 Seoul DMC Culture Open, and the collected data was used for the experiments. The second step extracts 64 facial features from the collected data and compensates the facial feature values. The third step generates independent and dependent variables of an artificial neural network model. The fourth step extracts the independent variable that affects the dependent variable using the statistical technique. The fifth step builds an artificial neural network model and performs a learning process using train set and test set. Finally the last sixth step is to validate the prediction performance of artificial neural network model using the validation data set. The proposed model is compared with statistical predictive model to see whether it had better performance or not. As a result, although the data set in this experiment had much noise, the proposed model showed better results when the model was compared with multiple regression analysis model. If the prediction model of audience reaction was used in the real exhibition, it will be able to provide countermeasures and services appropriate to the audience’s reaction viewing the exhibits. Specifically, if the arousal of audience about Exhibits is low, Action to increase arousal of the audience will be taken. For instance, we recommend the audience another preferred contents or using a light or sound to focus on these exhibits. In other words, when planning future exhibitions, planning the exhibition to satisfy various audience preferences would be possible. And it is expected to foster a personalized environment to concentrate on the exhibits. But, the proposed model in this research still shows the low prediction accuracy. The cause is in some parts as follows : First, the data covers diverse visitors of real exhibitions, so it was difficult to control the optimized experimental environment. So, the collected data has much noise, and it would results a lower accuracy. In further research, the data collection will be conducted in a more optimized experimental environment. The further research to increase the accuracy of the predictions of the model will be conducted. Second, using changes of facial expression only is thought to be not enough to extract audience emotions. If facial expression is combined with other responses, such as the sound, audience behavior, it would result a better result.

      • KCI등재

        유희적 갬블링 활동에 미치는 영향요인 추정 -로짓모델과 순위로짓모델 간 비교를 중심으로-

        문지효,이충기,송학준 한국관광학회 2012 관광학연구 Vol.36 No.7

        본 연구에서는 유희적 갬블링 활동에 영향을 미치는 주요 변수들을 로짓모델(logit model)과 순위로짓모델(ordered logit model)을 이용하여 분석하는 데에 목적을 두었다. 이를 위하여 강원랜드 카지노이용객을 대상으로 설문조사를 실시하였다. 레크레이션 갬블러들의 갬블링 활동을 이해하기 위하여 세 가지 주요 요인(인구통계학적, 방문관련, 사회심리학적 변수)들이 독립변수로 모델에 포함되었다. 로짓모델과 순위로짓모델을 이용하여 유희적 갬블러의 갬블링 활동을 분석한 결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 인구통계학적 변수에서는 연령이 낮을수록, 기혼일수록, 소득수준이 높을수록 유희적 갬블러가 될 확률이 높아지는 것으로 나타났다. 둘째, 카지노 방문관련 변수에서는 방문횟수가 낮을수록, 강원랜드에 대한 만족도가 높을수록, 머신게임을 선호할수록 유희적 갬블러가 될 확률이 높아지는 것으로 밝혀졌다. 셋째, 사회심리학적 변수에서는 금전추구 동기가 낮을수록, 강박적 열정이 낮을수록 유희적 갬블러가 될 확률이 높아지는 것으로 분석되었다. 본 연구의 후반부에서는 로짓모델과 순위로짓모델 분석결과 나타난 유희적 갬블링 영향요인을 토대로 건전게임문화를 유도하는 실무적 시사점을 제시하였다. The purpose of this study was to estimate the determinants of recreational casino gambling activities using logit and ordered logit models. To this end, an onsite visitor survey was conducted at Kangwon Land Casino. Three main factors (demographic, visit-related, and social-psychological factors) were included as independent variables in the models in order to understand recreational gamblers’ gambling activities. The results of this study reveal that married people and high income earners had a positive effect on the probability of being recreational gamblers. Further, that a low visit rate, overall satisfaction, and machine game preference were also found to affect the probability of being recreational gamblers. Finally, in terms of social- psychological factors, low monetary motivation and less obsessive passion influenced the probability of being recreational gamblers. Practical implications to encourage responsible gambling culture are also presented based on the results of logit and ordered logit models.

      • KCI등재

        관광수요결정모형 추정시 0의 응답을 포함한 모형에 관한 연구: 도서(島嶼)관광을 사례로

        이승길 한국해양수산개발원 2013 해양정책연구 Vol.28 No.1

        The purpose of this study is the identification of determinants and demand models for island tourism. For this study, a simple Poisson, a negative binomial distribution, a zero-inflated Poisson and a zero-inflated negative Poisson model were applied. To select the appropriate demand model, an overdispersion test for Poisson model were applied and estimated negative binomial distribution model(NB) and test if the heterogeneity parameter alpha is significant by using the t-test; a significant alpha suggests that unobservable heterogeneity accounts for dispersion, statistic and heterogeneity parameter alpha. And also the author compared the zero-inflated negative binomial model(ZIP) and zero-inflated negative binomial model's(ZINB) Vuong statistics. As a result of test, NB model was selected as an appropriate model for island tourism. The author found that socioeconomic variables such as age and education variables are positively related to the island tourism demand model. Ultimately, these survey results will be used as part of a marketing information database to develop a marketing strategy and establish policy for island tourism.

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