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        평창의 문화자원을 활용한 문화관광상품 디자인개발 활성화

        양순영 ( Yang Soon-young ),임혜숙 ( Im Hye-sook ) 한국디자인트렌드학회 2014 한국디자인포럼 Vol.45 No.-

        인간의 사회 활동에 바탕이 되고 있는 문화자원을 활용한 문화의 재생산은 미래의 새로운 가치를 창출하게 된다. 따라서 본 연구는 지역의 문화자원을 활용한 문화관광상품 개발의 필요성의 일환으로 평창의 문화자원을 조사 발굴하여 시각적 이미지를 찾아 관광기념품에 활용 할 수 있도록 디자인 개발을 활성화하는 연구에 목적을 두고 있다. 평창군 지역은 산악지형으로 인구분포가 넓게 펼쳐져 있기 때문에 시청각적인 문화예술을 향유하기 다소 어려운 지역적 특성을 가지고 있다. 그러나 오랜 전통으로 이어진 풍습과 문화유산은 다양하게 상존해 있다. 이러한 문화자원을 바탕으로 한 관광기념품 개발은 향후 펼쳐질 2018평창동계올림픽을 비롯한 국제적인 행사 및 지역축제장과 관광지에서 지역문화를 알리는 중요한 역할을 하게 된다. 현재 평창군이 지정한 관광특산품 판매장을 조사해본 결과 판매되는 상품들은 대부분 농·특산물들이 차지하고 있는 실정이다. 관광지를 기념하고 홍보의 역할을 하는 관광기념상품들은 앞으로 다가올 국제화시대를 열어 나갈 지역적 특성을 살리는 매개체 역할을 하므로 이에 발 맞춰야 할 기념품 개발은 시급히 이루어져야 한다. 따라서 본 논문은 지역문화가 드러나는 소재를 찾아 관광기념품을 개발하여 차별화 되고 특성화 된 기념품 개발이 활성화되어야 함을 제시하고자 지역의 문화자원에서 상품이미지 소재를 찾아보았다. 지역문화가 기반이 된 기념상품 개발은 관광자원에 필수적이므로 이는 지역의 제조업체들의 생산성 증가로 연결되고 일자리 창출과 함께 경제성장으로도 이어져 지역경제발전에 큰 이익을 주게 된다. Cultural reproduction using cultural resources, the basis of our social activities, can bring new values of the future. This study was inspired by the need to develop cultural tourism products using the local cultural resources. The purpose of this study is to stimulate design development by exploring the cultural resources of Pyeongchang and utilizing it for tourist souvenirs with visual image. In Pyeongchanggun, it is rather difficult to share visual and cultural arts, due to the wide population distribution as a mountainous region. However, the area has customs and cultural heritage with a long tradition. Developing tourist souvenirs based on the cultural resources will play a key role in promoting the local cultures at local and international festivals and tourist spots amid the Pyeongchang 2018 Winter Olympics and other events. At the tourist souvenir shops designated by Pyeongchanggun, the items were examined. Most of them were agricultural products and local specialties. Tourist souvenirs, which promotes tourist spots and holds the memory of sightseeing, serve as a medium that showcase local features. It is a crucial role in the era of globalization. Thus, tourist souvenir development is imperative. This study is intended to stress that it is essential to develop differentiated, specialized tourist souvenirs through materials that showcase local cultures. To that end, this study has explored product image materials among the local cultural resources. Souvenir development based on local cultures is essential to developing tourism resources. It is linked to boosting the productivity of local manufacturers, job creation, and economic growth. Thus, souvenir development is highly beneficial to the economic development of each area.

      • KCI등재

        A Research on the Impact of Taiwan’s Cultural Colors on Cultural Identity

        I-Ling Shih,Yu-Chiou Tchen,Chia-Hui Huang 한국일러스트레이션학회 2019 일러스트레이션 포럼 Vol.20 No.61

        Taiwan is a country composed of diverse ethnic groups, and the people in Taiwan have not completely identified with a particular culture in the midst of changing history. According to a recent research, Taiwan has entered the phase of “national identity.” It is the hope of this research that the Taiwanese people will be able to identify themselves with the uniqueness of the Taiwanese culture, and will have greater self-confidence in the process of cultural identity. This research studied the colors expressed in the Taiwanese culture because these colors are infused in everyday living and accumulated in culture. We see these colors every day and get accustomed to them, and often do not know they contain special meanings. So we do not understand the cultural meanings embedded in these colors. Countries closest to Taiwan like Korea, Japan, Thailand, India have organizations that are almost, if not already, at the national level committed to researching and preserving cultural colors. Only Taiwan lacks such an organization. So most people do not understand cultural colors, and miss an observational perspective on Taiwan’s cultural identify. This research explored the influence of Taiwan’s cultural colors on cultural identity, and included a curriculum design and implementation with a theme on “Cultural Colors in Life” in a university’s general education course for the first and second-year students. This curriculum used Walker’s “Big Idea” to design and plan three themed courses on etiquette and customs, nature and ecosystems, land and beliefs in Taiwan; and henceforth introducing the three cultural colors of “Taiwan Form(Red),” “Taiwan Chic(Green)” and “Taiwan Gene (Gold)” into the course content. Each theme included teaching activities like the explanation of the cultural color, the viewing and analysis of a short film “Colorful Taiwan” by Public Television Service(PTS), and so on. A total of four consecutive weeks of teaching activities related to the theme were planned and implemented. The analysis of student questionnaire results shows that after taking the “Cultural Colors in Life” course, students understand more clearly about the cultural colors represented by “Taiwan Red,” “Taiwan Green” and “Taiwan Gold”, and raise their comprehension and identification with the Taiwanese culture.

      • 신문화도시 부산의 문화산업 특화와 문화컨텐츠 개발 (pp.99-119)

        윤영득(Yoon Young Deak),윤소희(Yoon So-hee) 한국문화산업학회 2009 한국문화산업학회 학술대회 Vol.2009 No.6

        The concept of cultural city, which emphasizes physical environment, does not understand the specific characteristics of Korea, where cultural basic environment and urban cultural contents have been destroyed. Therefore cultural city needs to be changed to the new cultural city, the city affluent with diverse cultural contents enjoyable by citizen. Then what kinds of strategy coping with this new cultural city exists.? It can be summarized as followings: The formation of urban cultural contents: finding and transferring of cultural value The mobilization of urban cultural contents: the combination with time, the combination with space The diffusion of urban cultural contents: the fusion of culture and urban planning, the formation of creative region combined with IT, the education through culture. This paper discusses the background and the strategy of new cultural city and the direction of specialization of cultural industry in Pusan. It also suggests the direction of development of cultural contents in Pusan.

      • KCI등재

        The Necessity for Cultural Sensitivity in Cross-cultural Ministries in Busan, Korea

        Benson Kamary 기독교학문연구회 2015 신앙과 학문 Vol.20 No.2

        In the age of globalization, Korea has continued to open its door to people from diverse cultures. For the Korean church, the opportunities for cross-cultural ministries continue to emerge and the necessity to evangelize and edify such congregations into faith maturity has become an important agenda. Even though Korea has been culturally homogeneous, small to middle size cross-cultural ministries are cropping up particularly in large cities where cultural diversity is in the increase. With the growing number of foreigners studying, working or married in Korea, the potential for more cross-cultural ministries remains huge. Consequently, due to cultural differences, cross-cultural ministries or otherwise referred to as international ministries experience culture related challenges. This paper surveys the nature of cross-cultural ministries in Busan (Korea’s second biggest city) and the necessity for cultural competence as a significant element in effective cross-cultural ministries.

      • KCI등재

        생존의 문화번역과 수키 김의 『통역가』

        이선주 ( Seon Ju Lee ) 한국아메리카학회 2011 美國學論集 Vol.43 No.2

        This study examines the theories of Walter Benjamin, Tejaswini Niranjana, Rey Chow, and Homi Bhabha to ponder upon literature translation theories of our age. Benjamin breaks up the ontological hierarchy that the original work is the origin and the translation is a derived copy. A relationship of linguistic complementation which aspires pure language exists between the original and the copy. Benjamin`s translation theory which gives weight to language is widely appropriated by cultural translation theorists who deal with contact and negotiation between cultures. Deriving from Benjamin`s translation theories, post-Benjamin translation theorists put forth realistic and at times bellicose cultural translation theories. Niranjana emphasizes the post-colonial historicity of cultural translation and Chow stresses that ``primitive`` society and the western world are both equally corrupt, decadent participants in contemporary world culture. Bhabha`s concept of translation, which applies Benjamin`s concept of linguistic translation to migrants` translation, becomes a matter of survival. The cultural translation of the migrant foreign to the existing society is a performative behavior which raises the matter of survival of "how newness enters the world." When translation transcends beyond the limits of language to cultural translation, it enters into the arena of socio-political power. Suki Kim`s The Interpreter shows why a cultural translation which is trans-hierarchical between the original and the copy and is in the perspective of the minority is urgent. Main-stream American society and American government institutions are in the position of the origin which orders and controls immigrants. Thinking that the original is in the stance of owner, they feel that they have the initiative in whether or not to take a tolerant attitude towards foreignness. The Korean immigrants use all their might to translate into the stubborn America. For the immigrant, cultural translation is a cultural translation of survival. On the basis of cultural translation theories, this study examines how cultural translation is one-way and that such one-way cultural translation leads to betrayal. Also, there are diverse differential identities within the immigrant society and when translating becomes impossible, the immigrants become much more vulnerable.

      • KCI등재

        피스크의 문화적 대중주의에 대한 재고

        신혜경 한국미학회 2002 美學 Vol.32 No.-

        In this paper, I tried to examine the cultural populism of John Fiske, focusing on his main text Understanding Popular Culture and Television Culture. Recently, the somewhat oppositional standpoints about Fiske's cultural populism is represented among the korean left-wing theorists. Some criticize it, claiming that it falls into uncritical populism corresponding to laissez-faire conceptions of consumer sovereignty. For example, Kang Nae-Heui insists that the cultural populism approves the capitalist dominant culture and it is unconcerned about people's pursuits of the multiple ways of life. On the contrary, others defend it, suggesting that the cultural studies should reconstitute the cultural populism in order to activate people's multiple aesthetic attitudes to the utmost. Lee Dong-Yeon argues that the cultural populism could align itself with the minority's cultures inevitably. Therefore, under this circumstances the reappraisal of Fiske's cultural populism should be required. This paper consists of four chapters, as follows. Chapter 1: The historical context - Mapping the place of Fiske's theoretical status in the whole history of cultural studies. Chapter 2: The definition of the popular and the popular culture. Chapter 3: The popular pleasure and the popular discrimination. Chapter 4: The micro-politics of the popular culture. In ch.1, the birth of cultural populism is sketched in the context of new revisionism. New revisionism is characterized by the hermeneutic models of consumption, resulting in the shift from political aesthetics to popular aesthetics. This emphasis on the active consumptions of audiences rejects the main ideas derived from Althusser's theory of subject and ideology. Thus, the whole tradition of 'subject positioning theory' is called into question. Researchers turn their attention away from the ideological power of text and toward the individual pleasures and interpretive freedom of readers. Tudor identifies two different, but closely-related ways in this new direction, i. e. 'audience ethnography' and 'cultural populism'. And it is Fiske who is depicted as a Godfather of this kind of cultural study. In ch.2 & ch.3, brief introduction of Fiske's theory is offered. According to him, the popular is "a shifting set of social allegiances formed by social agents within a social terrain that is theirs only by virtue of their constant refusal to cede it to the imperialism of the powerful." Instead of the theories of subjectivity, he asserts those of the nomadic subjectivity which envision the social agent as moving among various subject positions. The activity of such agency is not that of voluntarism or free will, but is social in that it is the core experience of the subordinate in elaborated, capitalist societies. The people can turn cultural commodities to their own interests and find pleasure, in using them to make their own meanings of their social identities and social relations. For Fiske, the popular culture is to be found in its practices, its uses, its consumptions, not in its texts or their readers. Therefore he argues that all popular culture is a process of struggle or antagonism. "There can be no popular dominant culture, for popular culture is formed always in reactions to, and never as part of, the forces of domination." In ch.4, I explain the micro-politics of popular culture. Fiske distinguishes between the macro-politics and the micro-politics, between the radical political movements and the progressive popular cultures. On the one side; forces of dominances, processes of incorporation, insidious practices of dominant ideology. On the other side; tactics for coping, vitality and creativity, everyday resistance and evasion. In this respect, we can find easily Foucault's legacy in Fiske's terrain. Fiske argues that the social order, as Foucault analyzes it, depends on the control of people's bodies and behaviors. In other words, the struggle for control is waged on the material terrain of the body and its immediate context. So the culture of everyday life is a culture of concrete practices which embody and perform differences. This is the very sites of popular culture. In conclusion, I examine some assessments of Fiske's cultural populism. Thereby, I hope illuminate the present lessons from the critical insights of it. First of all, themes of audience empowerment, popular pleasure and everyday resistances in Fiske's theory play the role to correct the former 'pessimistic reductionism' of cultural studies. But Fiske's corrective is nothing but return to the opposed position against it. The same dualistic framework is remained unchanged. What is crucial is not an insistences on micro-meaning and popular pleasure against macro-structure and constraint, but an attempt to rethink the form relation between these two in non-reductive and non-dualistic terms. Moreover, Pleasure is neither innocent nor progressive in itself. Pleasure and resistance cannot be valorized per se as progressive elements of the consumption of cultural resources. Likewise, the mere valorization of difference as a mark of opposition can simply help the free market ideology in the new liberalism. Therefore, the minority-culture movement aligned this kind of cultural populism, explicitly or implicitly, is required more careful examinations.

      • 문화다양성 프로그램 개발 및 효과 검증

        박기향 청주교육대학교 교육연구원 2018 학교와 수업 연구 Vol.3 No.2

        As Korea becomes a multicultural society with the change in the members of the society, the demand for substantial multicultural education is increasing at schools. The contents related to multicultural education have been increased and more emphasized in the 2009 Reformed Curriculum in comparison with the 2007 Reformed Curriculum. However, most of the educational activities related to multicultural education are focused on teaching of Korean language and culture, and adaptation to Korean society for the children in multicultural families in Korea. Current used textbooks for the third graders of elementary schools include only fragmental contents, such as learning a foreign musical piece and introducing excellent Korean culture to friends in foreign lands. The need for accessing multicultural education from the viewpoint of cultural diversity is increasing to improve the current multicultural education. Recognizing the problems of the current multicultural education from a critical point of view, the present study aimed at the development of an education program reflecting the perspective of cultural diversity as well as the application and verification of the program. For this purpose, the multicultural education contents found in different subjects for the second semester of the third graders of elementary schools were analyzed and reconstructed for individual cultural diversity areas to develop a teaching and learning program. The developed program was applied to the students to investigate the changes in their recognition of cultural diversity and their attitude of accepting diverse cultures. The research questions of the present study are as follows: 1) Is the recognition of cultural diversity changed by the application of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program?; 2) Does the application of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program contribute to the cultivation of the attitude of accepting diverse cultures by the students?; and 3) What are the advantages of the cultural diversity teaching and learning program in comparison with the previous multicultural education? The study conducted to find the answers to these questions showed the following results. First, the multicultural contents found in the society subject as well as other subjects for the third graders of elementary schools were comprehensively reviewed to develop a cultural diversity program through the reconstruction of the contents with reference to the areas and core values of the cultural diversity education. The application of the developed cultural diversity program showed that the students’ recognition of cultural diversity was positively changed. The students’ recognition was increased in all the four areas of cultural diversity, including the meaning and features of culture, the elements of cultural diversity, the diffusion of cultural diversity, and the recognition and respect of cultural diversity. The improvement of the recognition was particularly significant in the three areas of the meaning and features of culture, the elements of cultural diversity, and the diffusion of cultural diversity. Second, the multicultural acceptance test performed after the application of the cultural diversity education program showed that a positive change was found only in the area of relationship out of the three areas of universality, relationship, and diversity. No positive change was found in the other two areas probably because the baseline values of the students were already high in the multicultural acceptance test, and the period of three months was too short to draw a change in the attitude only by the application of the developed program. In addition, although revised to the level of understanding of the students, the acceptance test items might have been slightly difficult to the students, and thus the attitude might have not been measured accurately by the test. Third, the multicultural education contents dispersed in vario...

      • The Significance of Bajau Laut Community As A Cultural Tourism Product In Semporna, Sabah

        Tini Maizura Mohtar,Kamarul Mizal Marzuki,Noor Fzlinda Fabeil 세계문화관광학회 2007 Conference Proceedings Vol.8 No.0

        Semporna is a gateway for divers to the famous diving sites in the world. The primary motive tourists visits Semporna is for their diving activities at Sipadan and Mabul not knowing that the Bajau's in Semporna has an only one of its kind culture. The intention for developing product for the Bajau's people or "sea-gypsy" is to analyze and expose their unique Bajau's community lifestyles besides it will enhance the economic activities of the Bajau's. This will positively help to enhance and increase the cultural contribution within the development of the cultural tourism relationship: the tourists, cultural tourism operators and the cultural entrepreneurs. Proper management of cultural tourism provide the conservation community into the sustainable development by placing the local communities achieve better socio-economic benefits. The purpose of this exploratory research is to identify potential and issues through cultural uniqueness by promoting Bajau's Laut community. A semi-structured interview with the district officer, local community leaders and tourists has been conducted and secondary data obtained from the previous studies will be applied to this research. Furthermore, the idea of developing Semporna for their Bajau's Cultural Tourism can help to shift the tourism development concentration from the west coast to the east -coast of Sabah. This could be the alternative for the marine tourism to cultural tourism guaranteeing the survival of these revenue-generating cultural heritage assets will play an important role in the well-being of future generations.

      • KCI등재

        문화콘텐츠시대의 영상아카이브를 위한 영상이미지 전문인력 양성의 필요성에 대한 연구

        허용무 ( Yong Moo Heo ) 한국사진학회 2015 AURA Vol.0 No.35

        As cultural contents have been recognized as a strategic industry to strengthen national competitiveness, it is being actively promoted to materialize cultural resources by using the traditional culture of each country, nation or areas as a method to ensure the competitive contents. Among them, as a new concept such as ‘cultural archetype’ or ‘unique culture’ is being highlighted in cultural industries, the importance of archives has been stressed to materialize the culture. In addition, with the development of digital technology and changes in the recognition of the importance of video images, the archive is mainly dominated by video images which take the important position. It means that those who have specialty related to video images are not only involved in records of video archive as materials of cultural resources, but their opinions are also needed to examine, analyze, classify and interpret video image materials in the future. At national levels, the government has established the national archives and legislates for the archives of central and local governments with large-scale supports for cultural resources because humanity-centered performance has been considered important. It is based on the awareness in which the success of cultural content industries depends on the variety of materials. It is important to examine the needs for training professional personnel in video images for the video archives in a big flow of discovery of materials and archive of cultural resources through traditional culture and cultural archetype in the cultural content industry as a national strategic industry.

      • KCI등재

        1960~1970년대 한국 문화정책에 대한 재고찰: 초국적 맥락에서 전개된 시대의 흐름을 역행하다

        김수정 한국문화사회학회 2019 문화와 사회 Vol.27 No.1

        This paper aims to examine Korean cultural policy undertaken in the 1960s and 1970s, so-called Park Chung-hee era, particularly in comparison with the transnational contexts in order to reach a deeper understanding of it in a perspective of Sociology of culture. For that end, this paper first explores academic and political discussions regarding culture which had emerged in the transnational contexts in the 60s and 70s, focusing on cultural discourses in relevant academic disciplines, cultural policies of France, and international regulations of UNESCO. Then, it considers Korean cultural policy at the time from the comparative perspective. The results show that the transnational flow in 1960s and 1970s had moved toward a recognition of cultural diversity and relativism, as a departure from the elitist view of art emphasizing cultural hierarchy and aesthetic universality, and made towards respecting the public’s autonomy in their cultural consumption and production. The values and the range of culture in Korean cultural policy during the period, however, were rather assigned by the state authorities and thus were hierarchically stratified according to the axis of ‘national’ vs. ‘foreign’ and ‘sound’ vs. ‘insoluble’. Also, in the name of economic development and overcoming national crises, the Korean public were defined as ‘the masses’ to be ‘mobilized’ or ‘refined’ in the way the state preferred, rather than as independent individuals who are able to make their own decisions and raise voices. The paper concludes that, while the Korean government in the 1960s and 70s has been referred to as an embryonic stage as well as a period of systemization or institutionalization in the field of Korean cultural policy, the very period actually was ‘the years of retrogradations’ which went against the contemporary cultural flows in terms of orientation and contents of the cultural policy and particularly in understanding of ‘the public’ and ‘culture’. 이 논문은 ‘박정희 시대’로 통칭되는 1960∼1970년대 한국 문화정책을 문화사회학적인 시각에서 보다 심층적으로 이해하기 위해 이 시기 문화정책을 초국가적 맥락과 비교하여 조망해보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위하여 이 논문은 먼저 학문 영역에서의 문화담론과 프랑스 문화정책, 그리고 유네스코 국제규범을 중심으로 이 시기 초국가적 맥락에서 문화를 둘러싸고 대두되었던 학문적·정책적 측면에서의 논의들을 살펴본다. 그리고 이와의 비교적 관점에서 당시 한국의 문화정책을 고찰한다. 분석 결과, 1960∼1970년대 문화정책을 둘러싼 초국가적 흐름은 문화적 위계와 심미적 보편성을 강조하는 엘리트주의적 예술관을 벗어나 문화의 다양성과 상대성을 인정하고, 문화소비 및 생산 활동에 있어 대중의 자율성을 존중하는 방향으로 이동해 갔다. 반면에, 같은 시기 한국 문화정책은 국가권력에 의해 문화의 범위와 가치가 ‘민족’과 ‘외래’, ‘건전’과 ‘불온’의 축에 따라 위계화 되고, 대중은 국가위기의 극복과 국가 경제 발전이라는 목표 아래 개인보다는 ‘집단’으로, 자율적 선택과 비판적 목소리를 내기보다 국가가 원하는 방식대로 ‘동원’되거나 ‘순화’되어야 하는 존재로 규정되는 방향으로 이동하였다. 이를 통해 이 논문은 그동안 한국 문화정책의 태동기이자 체계화 혹은 제도화의 시기로 명명되었던 1960∼1970년대가 문화정책의 방향과 내용, 특히 ‘문화’와 ‘대중’에 대한 인식적 측면에서 시대의 흐름을 거슬렀던 ‘역행의 시기’였음을 주장한다.

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