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        Swerve, Trope, Peripety: Turning Points in Criticism and Theory

        ( Robert T. Tally Jr. ) 한국영어영문학회 2018 영어 영문학 Vol.64 No.1

        The turning point is one of the more evocative concepts in the critic’s arsenal, as it is equally suited to the evaluation and analysis of a given moment in one’s day as to those of a historical event. But how does one recognize a turning point? As we find ourselves always “in the middest,” both spatially and temporally, we inhabit sites that may be points at which many things may be seen to turn. Indeed, it is usually only possible to identify a turning point, as it were, from a distance, from the remove of space and time which allows for a sense of recognition, based in part on original context and in part of perceived effects. In this article, Robert T. Tally Jr. argues that the apprehension and interpretation of a turning point involves a fundamentally critical activity. Examining three models by which to understand the concept of the turning point―the swerve, the trope, and peripety (or the dialectical reversal) ―Tally demonstrates how each represents a different way of seeing the turning point and its effects. Thus, the swerve is associated with a point of departure for a critical project; the trope is connected to continuous and sustained critical activity in the moment, and peripety enables a retrospective vision that, in turn, inform future research. Tally argues for the significance of the turning point in literary and cultural theory, and concludes that the identification, analysis, and interpretation of turning points is crucial to the project of criticism today.



        Jung, Tack-Sun,Choi, Q-Heung Korean Mathematical Society 2009 대한수학회보 Vol.46 No.2

        Let H be a Hilbert space which is the direct sum of five closed subspaces $X_0,\;X_1,\;X_2,\;X_3$ and $X_4$ with $X_1,\;X_2,\;X_3$ of finite dimension. Let J be a $C^{1,1}$ functional defined on H with J(0) = 0. We show the existence of at least four nontrivial critical points when the sublevels of J (the torus with three holes and sphere) link and the functional J satisfies sup-inf variational inequality on the linking subspaces, and the functional J satisfies $(P.S.)^*_c$ condition and $f|X_0{\otimes}X_4$ has no critical point with level c. For the proof of main theorem we use the nonsmooth version of the classical deformation lemma and the limit relative category theory.

      • KCI등재

        Limit relative category theory applied to the critical point theory

        Tacksun Jung,최규흥 대한수학회 2009 대한수학회보 Vol.46 No.2

        Let H be a Hilbert space which is the direct sum of five closed subspaces X0, X1,X2,X3 and X4 with X1,X2,X3 of finite dimension. Let J be a C^{1,1} functional defined on H with J(0)=0. We show the existence of at least four nontrivial critical points when the sublevels of J (the torus with three holes and sphere) link and the functional J satisfies sup-inf variational inequality on the linking subspaces, and the functional J satisfies (P.S.)^{*}_{c} condition and f|_{X_{0} X_{4}} <수식> has no critical point with level $c$. For the proof of main theorem we use the nonsmooth version of the classical deformation lemma and the limit relative category theory. Let H be a Hilbert space which is the direct sum of five closed subspaces X0, X1,X2,X3 and X4 with X1,X2,X3 of finite dimension. Let J be a C^{1,1} functional defined on H with J(0)=0. We show the existence of at least four nontrivial critical points when the sublevels of J (the torus with three holes and sphere) link and the functional J satisfies sup-inf variational inequality on the linking subspaces, and the functional J satisfies (P.S.)^{*}_{c} condition and f|_{X_{0} X_{4}} <수식> has no critical point with level $c$. For the proof of main theorem we use the nonsmooth version of the classical deformation lemma and the limit relative category theory.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        A Calculation for the Viscosity of Fluid at the Critical Point

        Kim, Won-Soo,Chair, Tong-Seek Korean Chemical Society 2002 Bulletin of the Korean Chemical Society Vol.23 No.11

        It is very difficult to measure the fluid viscosity at the critical point, there are seldom found experimental values of fluid viscosity at the critical point. Few theories can explain the critical viscosity quantitatively. A theory of viscosity previously proposed by authors10 is applied to the fluid at the critical point. This theory can be simplified as a simple form with no adjustable parameters, allowing for easy calculation. Viscosities at the critical point for some substances have been calculated, and calculated results are satisfactory when compared with the observed values.

      • KCI등재

        경방의 벽괘설에 대한 정약용의 비판

        방인(Bang, In) 서울대학교 철학사상연구소 2014 철학사상 Vol.54 No.-

        이 논문의 목적은 경방의 벽괘설에 대한 정약용의 비판을 서술하는데 있다. 정약용의 추이설은 벽괘설을 기반으로 해서 전개되는 이론인데, 정약용의 14벽괘설의 근원은 경방의 12벽괘설에로 소급된다. 정약용은 경방역으로부터 벽괘라는 용어를 차용하였으나, 경방의 벽괘설에 대하여 대체적으로 비판적 관점을 유지했다. 경방의 벽괘설에 대한 정약용의 비판은 『역학서언』의 『한위유의론』·「당서괘기론」·『반고예문지론』 등에서 집중적으로 발견된다. 특히 ?당서괘기론?은 경방의 벽괘설과 분괘직일법에 대해 상세한 비평을 가하고 있어서, 다산역과 경방역의 관계를 해명함에 있어 매우 중요한 자료로 평가된다. 필자는 이처럼 흩어져 있는 자료를 종합함으로써 경방역에 대한 정약용의 비평적 관점을 재구성해 내고자 하였다. 제2장 ‘경방역학의 특징과 역학사적 지위’에서는 『한서』 「유림전」과 「경방전」의 두 개의 전기 자료를 중심으로 경방역에 대한 정약용의 비판적 관점을 드러내고자 하였다. 경방역의 특징은 음양재변설에 있는데, 정약용은 경방역을 좌도(左道)와 사벽(邪僻)에 빠진 술수라고 혹평하였다. 제3장 ‘벽괘설의 기원에 대한 고찰’에서는 벽괘설의 기원에 대한 정약용의 견해를 고찰하였다. 역학사에서 경방은 벽괘라는 용어를 사용한 최초의 인물로 알려져 있으나, 정약용은 벽괘라는 용어가 경방 이전에도 옛적부터 사용된 명칭이라고 주장하고 있을 뿐 아니라, 그 기원을 『주역』의 성립시기로 소급시키고 있다. 그러나 필자는 정약용이 자신의 추정을 뒷받침할 수 있는 충분한 문헌적 증거를 제시하지 못하였다고 보고, 그의 주장을 비판적으로 검토하였다. 제4장 ‘벽괘설과 분괘직일법에 대한 비판’에서는 경방의 벽괘설과 분괘직일법에 대한 정약용의 견해를 고찰하였다. 경방은 64괘를 한대(漢代)의 신분제적 질서에 상응하는 벽(?)·공(公)·후(侯)·경(卿)·대부(大夫)의 품계에 따라 분류하였다. 그러나 정약용에 따르면, 벽괘(?卦)가 군주괘(君主卦)라는 의미는 천자만이 벽괘를 전용(專用)할 수 있다는 것으로 해석되어서는 곤란하다. 정약용은 벽괘를 군주괘로 설정한 데에는 마치 군주가 신하를 통치하는 것처럼, 벽괘가 중심괘가 되어 그 밖의 나머지 괘들의 변화를 통제한다는 의도가 있다고 보았다. 한편 정약용은 경방의 분괘직일법에 대해서는 지나치게 복잡하고 파쇄(破碎)된 이론이며, 역가(易家)의 부장(?障)이라고 혹평하였다. 요컨대, 경방은 자질구레한 학설을 이리저리 끌어다 붙여 분괘직일법 등의 이론을 만들어 내었으나, 어느 것 하나도 이치에 합당한 것이 없으며, 역가의 이단(異端)에 불과하다는 것이 정약용의 비판이다. This article aims at explaining Dasan Jeong Yagyong’s view on Jingfang’s bigua theory of the Zhouyi. Jeong Yagyong’s appraisals of Jingfang’s theory of the Zhouyi lie scattered around some chapters of Yixuexuyan(易學緖言; A Collection of Critical Essays on the Classics of the Yijing), among which Tangshuguaqilun (唐書卦氣論, A Discussion on the Guaqi Theory of The Book of Tang) is the most important one, because it includes valuable information about Dasan’s critical view of Jingfang’s bigua theory. In order to reconstruct Jeong Yagyong’s appraisal of Jingfang’s view, it is necessary to analyze these texts one by one and afterwards to piece them together. Although Jeong Yagyong borrowed the term “bigua” from Jingfang, he maintained a negative view of Jingfang’s bigua theory in broad outlines. As is well known, Jingfang is known as the scholar who used the term “bigua” (?卦) for the first time in the tradition of the Zhouyi exegetics. But Jeong Yagyong raised a question about it, saying that the origin of the bigua theory could be traced far back to ancient times before Jingfang. According to Jeong Yagyong, there should be bigua in order to construct the changing rule of 64 hexagrams. By examining the hexagram name, one could know that the principle of changing hexagrams should have been applied when the author of the Zhouyi gave the name to each hexagram. However, he failed to provide reliable references to support his argument. Jingfang divided the 64 hexagrams into the five categories of Bi (?, the Emperor), Gong (公, the Duke), Hou (侯, the Marquis), Qing (卿, the Minister), and Daifu (大夫, the Grand Master) which corresponded to the five social ranks of the Han Dynasty. However, Jeong Yagyong did not accept Jingfang’s view that a certain group of hexagrams should be assigned to a certain social position and that the group of a particular social rank could use them exclusively. Therefore, the bigua does not mean that only the Emperor has the privileged right to use it. What the bigua means is that those bigua hexagrams play the role of sovereign hexagrams over the rest of the hexagrams. The role of the bigua can be compared to that of the Emperor as the bigua regulates the changes of the other hexagrams. In terms of the Fenguazhirifa (分卦直日法; the rule of dividing and assigning the hexagrams according to the seasonal division points of the calendar), Jeong Yagyong thought that it was too sophisticated and fragmented. Jingfang’s theory of Zhouyi is characterized by the theory of the yin?yang catastrophe (陰陽災變說; yinyangzaibianshuo). It was the Fenguazhirifa that gave a logical ground to the theory of the yin?yang catastrophe. However, Jeong Yagyong threw harsh remarks at Jingfang’s theory of the yin?yang catastrophe, denouncing it as heresy in the history of the Yijing exegetic tradition. To sum up, Jeong Yagyong expressed a negative view of Jingfang’s view in broad outlines.

      • KCI등재

        Boundary value problem for a class of the cooperative elliptic system involving critical Sobolev exponents

        T. Jung,Q. H. Choi 장전수학회 2015 Proceedings of the Jangjeon mathematical society Vol.18 No.1

        We get one result which shows the existence of at least one solution for a class of the cooperative elliptic system involving critical Sobolev exponents. We first show the uniqueness and the positivity of the solution for the linear system of the problem via the direct calculation. We next show the existence of the solution for the nonlinear problem by using the variational method and the critical point theory.


        Stability and parameters influence study of fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift

        Cheng, Xionghao,Shi, Duanwei,Li, Hongxiang,Xia, Re,Zhang, Yang,Zhou, Ji Techno-Press 2018 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.66 No.5

        A theoretical formulation based on the linearized potential theory, the Descartes' rule and the extremum optimization method is presented to calculate the critical distance of lifting points of the fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift, and to study pitching stability of the ship lift. The overturning torque of the ship chamber is proposed based on the Housner theory. A seven-free-degree dynamic model of the ship lift based on the Lagrange equation of the second kind is then established, including the ship chamber, the wire rope, the gravity counterweights and the liquid in the ship chamber. Subsequently, an eigenvalue equation is obtained with the coefficient matrix of the dynamic equations, and a key coefficient is analyzed by innovative use of the minimum optimization method for a stability criterion. Also, an extensive influence of the structural parameters contains the gravity counterweight wire rope stiffness, synchronous shaft stiffness, lifting height and hoists radius on the critical distance of lifting points is numerically analyzed. With the Runge-Kutta method, the four primary dynamical responses of the ship lift are investigated to demonstrate the accuracy/reliability of the result from the theoretical formulation. It is revealed that the critical distance of lifting points decreases with increasing the synchronous shaft stiffness, while increases with rising the other three structural parameters. Moreover, the theoretical formulation is more applicable than the previous criterions to design the layout of the fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift for the ensuring of the stability.

      • KCI등재

        Stability and parameters influence study of fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift

        Xionghao Cheng,Duanwei Shi,Hongxiang Li,Re Xia,Yang Zhang,Ji Zhou 국제구조공학회 2018 Structural Engineering and Mechanics, An Int'l Jou Vol.66 No.5

        A theoretical formulation based on the linearized potential theory, the Descartes’ rule and the extremum optimization method is presented to calculate the critical distance of lifting points of the fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift, and to study pitching stability of the ship lift. The overturning torque of the ship chamber is proposed based on the Housner theory. A seven-free-degree dynamic model of the ship lift based on the Lagrange equation of the second kind is then established, including the ship chamber, the wire rope, the gravity counterweights and the liquid in the ship chamber. Subsequently, an eigenvalue equation is obtained with the coefficient matrix of the dynamic equations, and a key coefficient is analyzed by innovative use of the minimum optimization method for a stability criterion. Also, an extensive influence of the structural parameters contains the gravity counterweight wire rope stiffness, synchronous shaft stiffness, lifting height and hoists radius on the critical distance of lifting points is numerically analyzed. With the Runge-Kutta method, the four primary dynamical responses of the ship lift are investigated to demonstrate the accuracy/reliability of the result from the theoretical formulation. It is revealed that the critical distance of lifting points decreases with increasing the synchronous shaft stiffness, while increases with rising the other three structural parameters. Moreover, the theoretical formulation is more applicable than the previous criterions to design the layout of the fully balanced hoist vertical ship lift for the ensuring of the stability.

      • KCI등재


        YANG, LIANWU The Korean Society for Computational and Applied M 2019 Journal of applied mathematics & informatics Vol.37 No.5

        In the manuscript, we concern with the existence of solutions of boundary value problems for fourth order nonlinear discrete systems. Some criteria for the existence of at least one nontrivial solution of the problem are obtained. The proof is mainly based upon the variational method and critical point theory. An example is presented to illustrate the main result.

      • KCI등재


        Jung, Tacksun,Choi, Q-Heung The Kangwon-Kyungki Mathematical Society 2009 한국수학논문집 Vol.17 No.1

        We show the existence of at least two nontrivial solutions for a class of the systems of the nonlinear elliptic equations with Dirichlet boundary condition under some conditions for the nonlinear term. We obtain this result by using the variational linking theory in the critical point theory.

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