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      • KCI등재

        초등학교 5, 6학년 음악교과서의 창작영역 분석

        박은경(Park Eun-Gyeong) 학습자중심교과교육학회 2021 학습자중심교과교육연구 Vol.21 No.10

        목적 본 연구는 2015 개정 교육과정에 의한 초등학교 5, 6학년 음악교과서의 창작영역을 분석하여, 초등학교의 음악시간에 이루어지는 창작교육을 점검하고 개선되어야 하는 방향을 모색하는 것을 목적으로 하였다.방법 이를 위해 음악교과서에서 창작영역이 차지하는 비중, 장르구성, 창작활동 유형, 타 활동영역과의 연계 등을 조사하여 특징을 찾고 개선점을 도출하였다.결과 창작영역은 27.70%(독립제재 3.16%, 통합제재 23.53%)를 차지하였으며 각 교과서에서의 비율은 20~ 30%인 경우가 많았다. 장르는 국악이 47.65%, 서양음악이 48.99%였다. 활동유형은 노랫말과 관련된 활동이 39.60%, 타 활동영역과의 연계는 가창영역과 연계된 활동이 55.70%로 가장 높은 비율을 차지하였다.결론 개선점으로 창작영역 장르의 다양화, 가락 관련 활동 비율 높이기, 다양한 영역 활동과의 연계가 요구된다. 그리고 최근의 변화된 사회와 시대상을 반영한 적절한 매체의 활용 및 다른 교과와의 연계도 필요하다. Objectives The purposes of this study was to check and find ways to improve music creating education by analyze the creating areas of the fifth and the sixth graders music textbooks in the 2015 revised curriculum. Methods To this end, examined the proportion of creating areas in textbooks, genres, creating activities, and related to other areas of activity. Results In the fifth and the sixth grader’s music textbook, the creating areas accounted for 27.70%(3.16% independent unit, 23.53% integrated unit), and the ratio in each textbook was usually 20~30%. In the genre, for Korean music was 47.65% and for Western music was 48.99%. There was many lyrical activities(39.60%), and related to singing areas activities(55.70%). Conclusions It is necessary to diversify genres, increase the melodic activities, and related to activities in various areas. The use of appropriate media reflecting the recently society and times, and the connection with other subjects are also required.

      • KCI등재

        읽기 교육의 마당 넓히기 : 내용교과에서의 읽기 지도

        이성영 ( Seong Young Lee ) 한국독서학회 2006 독서연구 Vol.0 No.15

        국어과에서 길러 주고자 하는 국어 능력은 다른 교과의 학습에 도구로서 작용한다. 국어과가 갖는 이러한 도구적 성격은 학교 교육 내에서 국어과가 차지하는 비중을 높이는 역할을 한다. 그러나 국어과에서의 읽기 교육이 이러한 도구적 기능을 충분히 실현시키고 있는지에 대해서는 의문이다. 각 교과에서 다루는 텍스트는 그 나름의 특성을 지니고 있으며, 그 교과의 교사는 해당 분야 텍스트 읽기의 전문가이다. 따라서 각 교과의 교사들을 내용교과 읽기 지도의 인적 자원으로 활용해야 한다. 다른 한편으로 각 내용 교과의 읽기 역시 읽기의 한 양상임으로 해서 보편성도 지니게 되는데, 이런 까닭에 국어과에서의 읽기를 중심으로 하여 내용교과에서의 읽기 지도를 위한 시스템을 갖추어야 한다. 이를 위해 우선 각종 교사교육 기관에서 내용교과 읽기를 담당할 수 있는 교사를 길러 낼 수 있는 교육 체제가 마련되어야 하며, 각 교과의 교육과정과 교과서를 개발할 때에도 내용교과읽기 지도와 관련되는 내용들이 포함되어야 하고, 단위 학교 내에서는 읽기 교사를 중심으로 해서 각 교과의 교사들 사이에 정보 소통망이 형성되어 있어야 한다. 그리고 각 교과에서 읽기 지도를 실천하는 과정에서는 읽기가 지니는 독자 창조 측면이 강조되어야 하는데, 이를 위해서는 읽기 방법에 대한 추상적인 설명보다는 교사 자신의 읽기를 학생들에게 직접 보여주는 형태로 수업이 진행되어야 하고, 교사는 교사 자신이나 학생들의 독법에 대해 탐구하는 태도를 견지해야 한다. Language ability acquired by korean language education is tools of study in content areas. This characteristic of korean language education increases the relative importance of korean language subject in the whole curriculum. But it is doubted that reading education of korean language subject fully realizes its function. Various texts of each subject has peculiar properties and teachers of content areas are the people who have ability to read those texts easily. So we can use them as faculties of content areas reading. On the other hand, content areas reading has common properties of reading, so we have to construct a system for teaching content areas reading. First, we have to prepare pre-service and inservice faculty education system for content areas reading teacher. Second, we should consider theories of teaching reading in the process of developing curriculum and textbooks. Third, we have to make communication network between reading teachers and content areas teachers in the school. In order to realize teaching content areas reading successfully, we have to observe some principles of performance. First, we shouldn`t forget the fact that reading creates not only text meaning but reader`s identity. Second, teachers of content areas reading have to show themselves` reading methods to their students in the classwork. Third, every teacher of content areas reading should inquire his own and students` reading.

      • 경기도 농업·농촌 및 식품산업 발전 방향

        이수행,김정호,김태곤,박정지 경기연구원 2018 정책연구 Vol.- No.-

        Agricultural policies focused on competitiveness improvement have achieved remarkable results, but there is a critical perspectives. Since the UR, domestic agriculture has been growing rapidly mainly in terms of scale, specialization and efficiency, resulting in a significant increase in productivity and agricultural output. Domestic agricultural productivity improved by 30% between 2004 and 2014. Agricultural production increased from 18 trillion won in 1990 to 48 trillion won in 2016. But it has its disadvantages. The income disparity between urban and rural areas has widened and polarization of asset within the agricultural areas has been intensified. The share of farm household income relative to urban workers household income declined from 78.2% in 2006 to 63.5% in 2016. The share of agriculture business owners over the age of 65 increased steadily. The dependence of food on foreign countries became worse and agricultural management environment deteriorated. Imported agricultural produce is pouring in since the market was opened. Agricultural imports increased from $ 19.8 billion in 2009 to $ 34.2 billion in 2017. The food self-sufficiency rate has dropped from 56.2% in 2009 to 49.8% in 2014. It is estimated that the size of the farmhouse, which is the top 30% of the cultivated area, accounts for 76.1% of the total cultivated area. In response to the critical view, the paradigm of the agriculture is shifting in the direction of the value. Expanding interest in alternative agriculture to explore sustainable agriculture and rural development, such as ensuring the safety of food and establishing a healthy food system, improving the quality of life, fostering small farmers focusing on family farming, restoring the pluralistic function of agriculture, expanding interest in rural inflow of young people. Although agricultural policies focused on improving competitiveness have many problems, agriculture is expected to become a new growth industry in the 21st century due to the fusion of agriculture and high-technology. With the convergence and integration of agriculture and high technology such as smart farms, the agricultural sector is also demanding innovative growth. Agricultural policies strengthening the competitiveness require alternatives because of the problem of shrinking small farmers. It is possible that the polarization will further deepen as advanced agriculture requires a lot of initial investment costs. Therefore, small farmers should seek alternatives for agricultural development such as eco-friendly agriculture, finding new value by utilizing the plural functions of agriculture. This study presented the development direction for rural·agricultural areas and food industry in Gyeonggi-Do. The development direction of agriculture and rural areas focuses on improving the quality of life in rural areas and establishing healthy food system. These points are reflected in the agricultural, rural and food industry development plans that are established every five years. Considering the 5-year plan for agriculture and food industry development in Gyeonggi-do should be linked with the five-year plan of the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs(MAFRA), this study proposes policy directions and key tasks such as farm management and income safety nets, strengthening food safety, improving productivity through innovation, creating new added value and job creation.

      • KCI등재

        체육교과 표현영역 수업 활성화를 위한 꾸미기 체조 앱 개발과정 및 학습효과

        권용철(Yongchul Kwon),조건상(Gunsang Cho),유은혜(Eunhye Yoo) 한국스포츠교육학회 2021 한국스포츠교육학회지 Vol.28 No.1

        본 연구는 체육교과의 표현영역 적용을 위한 꾸미기 체조 앱을 개발하고 적용하는 과정을 통해 학습의 효과를 확인하는데 목적이 있다. 연구 참여자는 연구자이면서 참여자인 체육교사 1명과 동료 체육교사 1명, 학생 3명, 그리고 전문가 집단교사 4명으로 선정하였다. 자료의 수집은 학생과의 인터뷰, 참여관찰, 전문가 집단과의 면담 및 토론 등을 통해 이루어졌으며, 귀납적 내용 분석 방법을 이용하여 자료의 분석이 이루어졌다. 꾸미기 체조 앱은 분석-설계-개발-실행- 평가의 단계로 연구참여자가 직접 개발하였으며 학생, 교사, 전문가 집단과 끊임없는 면담, 협의, 평가의 과정을 통해 수정하고 보완하였다. 개발이 완료된 이후에도 지속적으로 오류 수정 및 보완 등의 환류과정을 통해 앱의 완성도를 높이면서 적용의 효과를 확인해볼 수 있었다. 개발된 앱을 통해 학생들은 가정, 교실, 강당 등 시간과 장소를 초월하여 꾸미기 체조의 학습을 하였고, 다양한 학습이 가능한 새로운 교수·학습 자료로 활용할 수 있었다. 그리고 앱의 다양한 기능을 통해 교사와 학생, 학생과 학생간의 다양한 상호작용을 하면서 학습내용을 나누어 공유할 수 있었다. 이 연구를 통해 표현영역 지도의 어려움을 극복하기 위한 대안과 표현영역 수업 활성화를 위한 수업자료로서 교육용 앱의 가능성을 확인해볼 수 있었다. The purpose of this study is to confirm the effectiveness of learning through the process of developing and applying a creating gymnastics app for applying the expression area of the Physic Education subject. Participants in the study consisted of one physical education teacher who was both a researcher and a participant, one fellow physical education teacher, three students, and four expert group teachers. Data was collected through interviews with students, participatory observations, and interviews and discussions with expert groups, and data were analyzed using an inductive content analysis method. The creating gymnastics app was directly developed by research participants in the stages of analysis-design-development-execution-evaluation, and was modified and supplemented through the process of constant interviews, consultations, and evaluations with students, teachers, and expert groups. Even after the development was completed, it was possible to check the effect of the application while improving the completeness of the app through the process of continuing to correct errors and supplementation. Through the developed app, students learned to creating gymnastics across time and place such as home, classroom, and auditorium, and it was used as a new teaching and learning material for various learning. In addition, through various functions of the app, learning contents could be shared and shared through various interactions between teachers and students, and between students and students. Through this study, it was possible to confirm the possibility of an educational app as an alternative to overcoming the difficulty of teaching the expression area and as a teaching material for the expression area.

      • KCI등재

        아열대 작물의 국내 재배동향 및 주산지 분석

        정우석(U Seok Jeong),김성섭(Seongsup Kim),채용우(Yong-Woo Chae) 한국산학기술학회 2020 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.21 No.12

        본 연구는 국내 아열대 작물의 재배동향을 분석하여 주산지를 도출하고, 정책지원 및 후속 연구의 기초자료를 제시하였다. 분석결과, 망고를 제외한 나머지 아열대 작물의 재배면적은 정체 또는 감소세를 보였다. 망고와 용과의 주산지는 제주도, 파파야는 경상남도, 강황은 전라남도에 재배면적이 집중된 것으로 나타났다. 구아바와 여주는 재배면적과 농가수가 미미하여 주산지의 정의가 어렵고, 아열대 채소인 여주와 강황은 상위 재배면적을 차지한 시군의 분포가 넓은 것으로 나타났다. 모든 작물에서 상위 10개 지역의 재배면적 비중이 높게 나타났으나, 상위 10위권을 매년 유지한 지역은 절반에 그쳤다. 이는 아열대 작물의 도입과 포기, 재배면적의 확대와 축소가 빈번함을 의미한다. 아열대 작물의 보급과 확대는 향후 기후변화에 대한 농업 부문의 선제대응과 농가 신소득 창출의 측면에서 당위성을 가진다. 정부와 농촌진흥기관은 상위 재배면적이 유지되는 지역을 중심으로 재배기술을 정립하고, 재배면적이 축소되는 지역의 기술적 원인을 규명할 필요가 있다. 또한 농가경영 컨설팅을 위한 기초자료의 구축, 지역별 생육 여건을 고려한 맞춤형 재배기술 개발에 연구지원을 확대할 필요가 있다. This study was conducted to derive implications for the dissemination and expansion of subtropical crops in farms. To this end, the cultivation trends and main producing areas of promising subtropical crops in Korea were analyzed. Analysis results found that the cultivation area of crops, excluding mango, was stagnating or decreasing. The main producing areas of domestic subtropical crops are located on Jeju Island (mango, dragon fruit), in Gyeongsangnam-do (papaya), and in Jeollanam-do (turmeric). Guava and Yeoju could not define the main producing area. For all crops, the percentage of cultivated area in the top 10 regions was high, but only half of the regions maintained the ranking. These results imply that the introduction and abandonment of subtropical crops are frequent. The dissemination and expansion of subtropical crops are justifiable in terms of responding to climate change in the future and creating new income for farms. Therefore, government support policies and agricultural promotion agencies need to be established.

      • KCI우수등재

        기성시가지 정비사업지구의 일자리 창출 방안

        조필규(Cho Pil-Kyu) 대한국토·도시계획학회 2011 國土計劃 Vol.46 No.1

        The Study analyzed the present job conditions of the residents in The Urban Improvement Districts in Gyeonggi-do, for the job creation in that area. This survey shows that the residents are concerned about destruction of the existing work space by The Urban Redevelopment Project, and hope to secure the separate work space. They also want to get the welfare assistance for combine sideline with nurturing children and the funding for the work place and the organized education about the project. Therefore, it is necessary to establish the strategy as following for the future job creation in The Urban Redevelopment District. First, there is a need to build the job creation infrastructures by public support. Especially, a funding for the job creation should be considered as the target of subsidy from the government like the Regional Development Special Account. Second, for building the job creation action program, there is a need to support for the establishment of a nonprofit organization and to operate educational curriculum for the residents. In addition, a strong-willed local government should be selected as a demonstration project. Third, the funding for an early stage of The Job Creation and the finding a market for the product should be supported by public. And to achieve this, a change in the way we regard The Urban Redevelopment Project has to be preceded by setting up an agency and institutionalization of support system for the Job Creation with amendment the related laws.

      • KCI등재

        縮小社会に合致した「農山村再生フレームワーク」の考え方 - 条件不利地域を事例として-

        前田 幸輔,竹内 裕二 동북아관광학회 2018 동북아관광연구 Vol.14 No.1

        我が国の社会状況は縮小傾向にあり、既存の仕組みに綻びが出始めている。この綻び の原因を明らかにし、機能不全に陥らない方策を打つ必要がある。小田切が提起したフ レームワークは、3つの要素が機能して成果が出る。しかし、現実的には全ての要素が機 能しているわけではない。そこで本稿では、秋田県横手市と長崎県小値賀町の2つの事例 をもとに検討を行う。 結果として、農山村再生のフレームワークを構成する3要素が同時機能した場合、地 域再生に向けた成果が得られるのだが、いずれの事例も3要素が同時機能しておらず、十 分な取組みがなされていない。明らかになったことは、いずれも主体づくりは活動開 始前の準備段階で出来ているものの、狙半内共助組織体では、財政的・人的基盤が脆 弱であるため条件づくりが機能しておらず、おぢかアイランドツーリズムは、産業 振興に偏重し場づくりに踏み込めていないというように、1要素が機能していない。こ の結果から2ケースの利点を融合させることで、課題を解決させられるのではないかとい う結論に至った。 Efforts towards regional revitalization are essential to reduce the economic recession accompanying the declining population. As one of the efforts, the viewpoint of tourism policy is indispensable. However, even if we want to develop that policy, we can’t tackle the whole country nationwide, so concrete remedial measures can’t be seen. It is clear that the "hollow out" agricultural settlement that lost the settlement function was specifically latent in a considerable proportion. From this situation it is urgent to maintain and survive the "hollow out" rural settlements. The social situation is on a downward trend, and the existing mechanism is beginning to fail. It is necessary to clarify the cause of this collapse and to take measures that do not lead to malfunction. In the framework brought up by Odagiri, three elements work and results will come out. However, in reality, only two of the three elements are functioning. Therefore, in this paper we will consider based on two cases, Yokote City, Akita Prefecture and Odika Town, Nagasaki Prefecture. As a result, when the three elements that constitute the "framework of revitalization of agriculture and mountain villages" function simultaneously, the results for regional revitalization are obtained, but in all cases three elements do not function at the same time, There is not enough effort made. What was clarified is that in each case only one of the other two elements, "Building an entity", which is made at the preparation stage before the start of activity, is functioning. "Creating a condition" is not functioning in "aiming interior assistance organization" because the financial and human foundation is weak. " Odika Island Tourism" is not stepping into "creating a place" with an emphasis on industry promotion. From this result, we concluded that the problem can be solved by combining the advantages of the two cases.

      • KCI등재

        기업의 공유가치창출을 활용한 도시재생 사례 연구

        권윤구(Kwon, Yoon-Ku),주신하(Joo, Shin-Ha) 한국도시설계학회 2015 도시설계 : 한국도시설계학회지 Vol.16 No.6

        본 연구는 지속가능한 도시재생 전략 운영체계를 제안하기 위하여 최근 기업의 사회적 책임의 대안으로 고려되는 공유가치창출의 정의 및 특성과 함께, 현재 공유가치창출의 특성을 보이는 미국 라스베가스시의 다운타운 지역의 도시재생 프로그램인 Downtown Project의 사례를 살펴보았다. 미국 라스베가스시의 다운타운 지역의 재생을 위한 Downtown Project는 기업의 투자를 통한 커뮤니티로의 반환을 목표로 수행되고 있는 도시재생 사례이며, 공유가치창출형 도시재생의 전략을 구상할 수 있는 대표적인 사례이다. 본 연구를 토대로 공유가치창출 전략은 지속가능한도시재생을 위한 새로운 재원확보 방안으로써 활용 가능함을 알 수 있었고, 향후 우리나라의 도시재생 전략으로써 활용할 수 있는 공유가치창출형 도시재생 전략 운영 체계를 제언할 수 있었다. 본 연구에서 제언된 도시재생 전략 운영체계는 장기적인 안목으로 진행해야 하는 도시경제기반형 도시재생 사업에 바람직할 것으로 판단된다. 또한, DTP의 문제점으로 지적되었던 자본의 순환에 대한 한계점과 프로젝트의 파편화 등의 문제점을 해결하는 데 도움을 줄 수 있으며, 본 연구를 토대로 도시재생이 있어 기업의 필요성과 역할을 활성화할 수 있는데 기여할 수 있을 것이다. The purpose of this study is to examine the definition and characteristic of Creating Shared Value, that has been considered as an alternative to the Corporate Social Responsibility recently, and the Downtown Project in City of Las Vegas as a key example of Creating Shared Value regeneration strategy, which rebuild downtown and community through corporate investments. Basis on this study, the Creating Shared Value strategy is commented as an alternative method for securing financial resources to achieve in Korea. Operating this urban regeneration strategy from this study would be desirable for a economy-based urban regeneration project from a long-term perspective. It would be also helpful to solve the problems such as limitaion of capital circulation and fragmentation of the projects problems those were occurred by DTP. In addition, this study would contribute to invigorate necessity and roles of the business for urban regeneration.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Study on UCC and Information Security for Personal Image Contents Based on CCTV-UCC Interconnected with Smart-phone and Mobile Web

        조성수,이수욱 한국인터넷방송통신학회 2015 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.7 No.2

        The personal image information compiled through closed-circuit television (CCTV) will be open to the internet with the technology such as Long-Tail, Mash-Up, Collective Intelligence, Tagging, Open Application Programming Interface (Open-API), Syndication, Podcasting and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The movie User Created Contents (UCC) connected to the internet with the skill of web 2.0 has the effects of abuse and threat without precedent. The purpose of this research is to develop the institutional and technological method to reduce these effects. As a result of this research, in terms of technology this paper suggests Privacy Zone Masking, IP Filtering, Intrusion-detection System (IDS), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), public key infrastructure (PKI), Hash and PDF Socket. While in terms of management this paper suggests Privacy Commons and Privacy Zone. Based on CCTV-UCC linked to the above network, the research regarding personal image information security is expected to aid in realizing insight and practical personal image information as a specific device in the following research.

      • KCI등재

        A Study on UCC and Information Security for Personal Image Contents Based on CCTV-UCC Interconnected with Smart-phone and Mobile Web

        Cho, Seongsoo,Lee, Soowook The Institute of Internet 2015 International Journal of Internet, Broadcasting an Vol.7 No.2

        The personal image information compiled through closed-circuit television (CCTV) will be open to the internet with the technology such as Long-Tail, Mash-Up, Collective Intelligence, Tagging, Open Application Programming Interface (Open-API), Syndication, Podcasting and Asynchronous JavaScript and XML (AJAX). The movie User Created Contents (UCC) connected to the internet with the skill of web 2.0 has the effects of abuse and threat without precedent. The purpose of this research is to develop the institutional and technological method to reduce these effects. As a result of this research, in terms of technology this paper suggests Privacy Zone Masking, IP Filtering, Intrusion-detection System (IDS), Secure Sockets Layer (SSL), public key infrastructure (PKI), Hash and PDF Socket. While in terms of management this paper suggests Privacy Commons and Privacy Zone. Based on CCTV-UCC linked to the above network, the research regarding personal image information security is expected to aid in realizing insight and practical personal image information as a specific device in the following research.

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