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      • KCI등재

        인터넷 민원서류 위?변조 행위에 대한 형사책임

        이정훈 한국비교형사법학회 2005 비교형사법연구 Vol.7 No.2(2)

        Recently, many civil affair documents are issued on Internet. It is very convenient and new method of issuing official documents. But this system, so called G4C(Government For Citizen), is threatened by cracking. The possibility of Counterfeit or Alteration of civil affair documents on Internet is brought up. This essay aims to suggest some legal issue about the criminal responsibility of Counterfeit or Alteration of the documents. At first, this essay reviews the criminal responsibility of counterfeit of alteration of civil affair documents on internet. This behavior may be against article 225, 227-2, 229 Korean Criminal Act, but other opinions do not agree this conclusion. Secondly, this essay studies the criminal responsibility of dissemination of program which can conterfeit or alter the documents but is not made for that purpose. Further, it is necessary to punish the dissemination of method of illegal acts about official documents. Lastly, I recognize and conclude that new provisions about illegal issuing the civil affair documents on internet is needed.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위조문서 감별을 위한 현대 문서용지 특성 분석 ( I )

        최경화(Kyoung-Hwa Choi),이재훈(Jae-Hoon Lee),류정용(Jeong-Yong Ryu) 한국펄프·종이공학회 2018 펄프.종이기술 Vol.50 No.3

        In this study, the composition and content of filler within the 188 species of split sheets of a graduate thesis, whose publication year was verified, were analyzed to investigate the characteristics of modern document paper. Based on the results of ash-measurements and SEM-EDS analysis, it was found that major fillers, including talc, clay and calcium carbonate, are used in modern paper making. Between 1978 and 2000, talc was used as a major filler in document paper. Since around 2000, calcium carbonate was begun to be used, and calcium carbonate was mainly used in recent years. It is closely related with not only the use of calcium carbonate due to a conversion into neutral papermaking system in 1985 but also the decline of price due to a increase of domestic production of calcium carbonate in 1999. The ash content of the paper samples varied from about 10% to 30%. Several samples are assumed to contain fillers and coating pigments. To increase the reliability of analysis data, we need to continually sample and investigate more diverse documents.

      • KCI등재

        우리나라 위조범죄의 특징과 대응방안

        김정호(Kim Jung ho) 대검찰청 2016 형사법의 신동향 Vol.0 No.52

        우리나라에서는 통화위조, 유가증권 ・인지 ・우표위조, 문서위조, 인장위조 등을 포함하는 위조범죄가 매년 2만 건 이상이 발생하고 있다. 우리나라의 위조범죄율은 인구 10만 명당 43.0건(2014년 기준)으로 일본의 2.1건의 약 20.5배이다. 그리고 전체 형사사건에서 고소나 고발이 수사의 단서가 되는 비율은 2014년 기준 고소 13.9%, 고발 3.9%이지만, 위조범죄의 수사단서로서 고소 ・고발의 비율은 고소 38.8%, 고발이 8.6%로 전체 형사사건의 2배 이상이다. 하지만 입건된 위조범죄 중 35.7%가 검찰 단계에서 무혐의로 결정되고 실제 위조혐의가 인정되어 기소되는 경우는 25.2%에 불과하여, 전체 형사사건 (38.1%)에 비하여 매우 낮으므로, 위조범죄로 인한 엄청난 수사력의 낭비가 계속되고 있다. 물론 이러한 높은 무혐의 결정률에도 불구하고 위조범죄로 기소되는 인원은 인구 10만 명당 10.9명(2014년 기준)으로 일본의 1.1명의 약 10배이다. 대부분의 형사사건에서 불구속재판원칙이 적용되면서, 공공의 신용을 침해하는 위조범죄에서도 구속기소율은 1.8%로 전체 형사사건(1.6%)과 거의 같은 수준이다. 이러한 낮은 구속기소율이 우리사회의 위조범죄의 심각성에 대한 인식 부족이라고 단정할 수는 없지만, 사회의 공존을 위한 전제인 신뢰와 신용을 고의로 침해하는 행위에 대한 관대함이 지나친 것이 아닌가하는 생각은 지울 수 없다. 위조관련 시비를 줄이기 위해서는, 예방대책으로 청소년 등에 대한 위조범죄예방교육, 위조방지장치의 첨단화 등이, 사후대응방안으로 위조범에 대한 엄격한 처벌, 감정기술 고도화, 전문적 위조범과 위조수법에 대한 프로파일링을 포함한 위조범죄자의 수준별 맞춤형 대응 강화, 위조범죄 통합 대응 시스템 구축 등이 필요하다. In Korea, more than 20 thousand counterfeit crimes occur every year including counterfeiting currency, valuable security, revenue or postage stamp, official or private document, and seal. Attempted forgery rate in Korea is 43.0 cases per 100,000 persons and the statistics demonstrate Korea forgery rate that is 20.5 times higher than Japan. In 2014, 13.9% of criminal complaints and 3.9% of accusations led to criminal investigations and in terms of forgery, the percent of criminal complaint and accusation leading to investigation was 2 times higher, 38.8% and 8.6% respectively. However, during prosecution phase of criminal procedure only 25.2% was indicted on charges of forgery and 35.7% ended in acquittal. In looking at the low percentage of forgery indictments, it raises concern relevant to the efficiency within the investigative process. Although prosecutor acquittal rates are high in Korea, according to the data in 2014, the estimated number of forgery suspects indicted were 10.9 persons per 100,000 population which is 10 times higher than that of Japan(1.1 persons per 100,000 population). Most criminal courts in Korea hold trials without detention and the percentage of forgery cases ended up being prosecuted was 1.8% which did not show significant difference to the overall percentage of decision to prosecute a suspect in criminal cases (1.6%). In this study, we suggest the following six countermeasures to take guard against forgery: 1. Encouraging education on forgery-prevention 2. Research on anti-forgery features 3. Stronger punishment for forgery 4. Developing document examination techniques 5. Profiling of professional counterfeiters and counterfeit techniques 6. Collaboration among investigative agencies - identification institutions

      • KCI등재

        공전자기록 위작·변작죄에서 위작·변작의 개념

        강동범 한국형사판례연구회 2016 刑事判例硏究 Vol.24 No.-

        This study reviews the definition of false preparation and alteration in the crime of false preparation or alteration of public electromagnetic records(Article 227-2 of Criminal Act). Article 227-2 of Criminal Act protects the trustworthiness of the general public concerning the authenticity of public electromagnetic records, not the accuracy of information processing with electromagnetic record. Additionally in view of the fact that electromagnetic record crimes(Article 227-2 and Article 232-2 of Criminal Act) was enacted by following the form and contents of document crimes, the stand of Criminal Act which takes formalism(punishment of unauthorized preparation of document) on document crimes in principle, materialism(punishment of preparation of false document) exceptionally should be accomplished. So false preparation means to make an electromagnetic record without authority and alteration means to change the contents of a ready-made electromagnetic record without authority. This interpretation results from the systematic analyses of the penal clauses of crimes concerning documents and electromagnetic records, not from the mechanical identity of document with electromagnetic record. So I don’t agree with this judgement of the Supreme Court(2013do9003). Although we can not deny the necessity and worthiness of punishment of the preparation of false public electromagnetic record, the act of defendant cannot be punished by Article 227-2. In order to punish the preparation of false public electromagnetic records, it’s necessary to legislate a new clause. I think the terms of false preparation and alteration of public electromagnetic records are not appropriate, because these are very unfamiliar and confused with counterfeit or alteration of official document(Article 225 of Criminal Act) and private document(Article 232 of Criminal Act). So I recommend “to make an electromagnetic record without authority and to change the contents of a ready-made electromagnetic record without authority, instead of false preparation(falsification) or alteration of public and private electromagnetic records(Article 227-2 and Article 232-2 of Criminal Act). And as a result it needs to legislate a new clause that punishes the preparation of false public electromagnetic records.

      • KCI등재

        트랜스-액션 개념으로 본 은행권 위조방지 디자인 연구

        김재민,안병학 한국기초조형학회 2017 기초조형학연구 Vol.18 No.1

        최근 은행권 디자인은 고도화된 기술력으로 위조방지라는 은행권 디자인 본연의 목적을 지속, 강화하며 미디어의 다중감각적 속성을 활용한 사용자 경험과 참여를 유도하는 방향으로 점차 확장하고 있다. 이처럼 은행권 디자인은 은행권에 대표적 지불 수단으로써의 경제 가치를 부여하고, 사회적 교환 가치로서의 지위를 극대화할 뿐만 아니라 문화적 정체성과 자부심을 부여하고, 국제 사회에서 자국 화폐 가치의 국가적 지위를 확고히 하는데 이바지한다. 이 연구는 은행권의 특수한 위조방지 디자인에 담긴 숨김과 드러남의 표현 형식을 고찰하고, 이로 인해 은행권 디자인에 담긴 형태와 기술의 상호 관계성을 분석, 규명함으로써 은행권 디자인의 역할과 중요성을 확인하고, 은행권 위조방지 장치에 담긴 디자인의 의미와 가치를 확인하고자 실행되었다. 이를 위해 세대별 은행권 위조방지 디자인의 특징을 분석하고, 이를 존 듀이(John Dewey)의 3단계 ‘트랜스-액션(Trans-action)’개념에 적용하여 숨김과 드러남의 시각 표현과 의미 관계를 분석함으로써 은행권 디자인의 위조방지 장치가 갖는 의미를 규정했다. 그 결과 은행권 위조방지 디자인은 첫째, 은행권 인식 기능 향상을 통해 원본성을 극대화하고, 둘째, 진보적 기술 적용으로 은행권에 매력적 시각 정체성과 국가적 상징성을 부여하며, 셋째, 다중감각적 지각 경험 제공으로 가치의 소유와 확산을 유도함으로써 은행권에 상호 관계적 가치를 부여한다는 점을 확인했다. The role of the banknote design nowadays has been expanded to enhance the user experience and participation by utilizing multi-sensory attributes of media, whilst solidifying its initial purpose to prevent counterfeit bills. Hence, the banknote design not only assigns economic value and maximizes the value as a means of payment, but also contributes to cultural identity and pride, and strengthens a degree of statehood. The purpose of this study is to search for the unique hide-and-seek expressions in the banknotes' anti-counterfeit design and analyze the interrelationship between design form and technology to identify their roles and importance and find out their contributions and values. To start with, we analyze the characteristics of anti-counterfeit designs from each generation and apply the concept of John Dewey's third stage of 'Trans-action' to further investigate the visual expressions and semantic relationship of hide-and-seek exposed. In conclusion, anti-counterfiet design for the banknote, first of all, contributes to maximizing the originality through improvement in cognitive function for the banknote. Secondly, progressive development in anti-counterfeit technology authorizes visual identity for the nation as well as national symbol. Lastly, anti-counterfeit design provides reciprocal value to the banknote by providing multi-sensory experience that attracts possession of the value.

      • KCI등재

        위조(僞造)와 복사(複寫)

        김 성룡 한국형사판례연구회 2017 刑事判例硏究 Vol.25 No.-

        Even after the Article 237–2[Article 237–2 (Reproduced Documents, etc.) For the crimes as prescribed in this Chapter, any copies of documents or drawings reproduced using the electronic reproduction machines, facsimile telegraphs or other similar apparatus, shall be considered as document or drawing.] of the Penal Code was created, the world has changed and also shown a technological progress at a pace that is difficult to follow, and as a matter of fact, it is being questioned whether it will be able to engage or replicate all duplication techniques. It is said that Article 237–2 is a legislative error to be abolished and all copying can not be counterfeited by legislative measures of ‘copying is conterfeiting.’ It is also strongly voiced to point out the supreme attitude of legal interpretation of the Supreme Court, which does not properly reflect the reality of computer–based document processing and use, such as changing the image on a computer screen. The Supreme Court’s recent ruling, which is the subject of a critical analysis of this paper, is drawing attention to the issue again. The purpose of this article is to clarify the current law and the interpretation of the law of the Supreme Court, and examine the argument of the interpretation by comparing and examining several precedents showing various types of behavior among the precedents of the Supreme Court up to now.

      • 위조·불법복제에 관한 민사절차

        최성준 서울대학교 기술과법센터 2010 Law & technology Vol.6 No.1

        상표위조품과 저작권침해의 불법복제품의 문제에 보다 효과적으로 대응하기 위해 집행 분야의 국제적 기준 수립을 목표로 ACTA(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) 협상이 진행 중이다. ACTA 중 민사집행(civil enforcement) 부분과 관련하여 저작물 이용허락을 받은 자가 침해정지 등의 가처분 신청 및 손해배상 청구를 할 수 있는지 여부, 임시의 지위를 정하기 위한 가처분 절차의 특징 및 저작권법상의 임시조치와의 대비, 침해로 인한 손해배상액 산정에 있어서 손해액 추정규정의 해석 및 재량적 손해액 인정규정의 적절한 운용 방안, 손해액 산정을 위한 증거자료 수집을 위한 문서제출명령 제도의 활용, 법정손해배상(statutory damages)의 도입 등에 관하여 살펴보았다. 그리고 한미 FTA(Free Trade Agreement) 중 지적재산권 집행 규정(Article 18.10 : Enforcement of Intellectual Property Rights)에 관하여도 검토하였다. 현재 우리나라의 실정법은 ACTA 협상에서의 논의 및 한미 FTA의 지적재산권 집행 규정의 이행에 아직 충분하지 못한 면이 있다. The ACTA(Anti-Counterfeiting Trade Agreement) is currently under negotiation with a viewto establishing international enforcement standards and thereby addressing in a more efficientfashion issues associated with counterfeit goods bearing unauthorized trademarks and illegallyreproduced goods infringing third party copyrights. This paper examines certain related issues,including whether, in connection with the civil enforcement provisions of the ACTA, a copyrightlicensee has legal standing to seek preliminary injunction against infringing activities and recoverdamages suffered as a result of such activities, certain features of preliminary injunctionproceedings seeking to establish a provisional legal status and comparison of such proceedings withthe provisional measures that may be taken pursuant to the Copyright Act, interpretation of theprovisions on presumption of damages in calculating the amount of damages suffered as a result ofinfringing activities, proper ways of applying the “discretionary damages award”provisions,utilization of document production orders for collection of evidentiary materials that may be used tocalculate the amount of damages suffered, and introduction of the notion of “statutory damages”.Also examined in this paper are the Article 18.10 of the Korea-U.S. FTA(Free TradeAgreement) that deal with the enforcement of intellectual property rights. This paper notes that ourstatutory provisions currently in force are not sufficient in some respectsin light of the discussionstaking place in connection with the negotiation of the ACTA, and also, for implementation of theintellectual property enforcement provisions included in the Korea-U.S. FTA.

      • KCI등재
      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        위조문서 감별을 위한 현대 문서용지 특성 분석 ( II )

        최경화(Kyoung-Hwa Choi),이재훈(Jae-Hoon Lee),류정용(Jeong-Yong Ryu) 한국펄프·종이공학회 2018 펄프.종이技術 Vol.50 No.4

        In order to investigate the characteristics of modern paper, the fiber type and blending ratio of the domestic paper document samples for which the year of publication has been confirmed were examined. In the results, major fibers including softwood bleached kraft pulp (SwBKP), hardwood bleached kraft pulp (HwBKP) and bleached mechanical pulp (MP) were found to be used in modern paper. SwBKP has been steadily used up to 23% of the total fiber in modern paper to improve paper strength. Prior to 1980, MP was used as the main fiber furnish of the document paper. However, since 1980, it has changed from MP to HwBKP. This change is presumably due to the high lignin content of the mechanical pulp that causes fast color reversion. It also appears to be affected by increasing consumer demand for high quality such as high brightness and excellent printing property. However, some samples produced after 1980 still contain small amounts of MP fibers. Since most of the pulp used in Korean paper mills is imported pulp, a small amount of MP is sometimes used to reduce production costs. To increase the reliability of this study, we need to increase and to update data base continuously.

      • 전기전자부품 위변조 검사 기술

        허건의(Heo Kon Yi),조상연(Cho Sang Yeon) 한국항공우주연구원 2019 항공우주산업기술동향 Vol.17 No.1

        위변조는 부품 재활용, 불량품, 복제품, 서류 위조 등 다양한 형태로 존재하기 때문에 이를 식별할 수 있는 검사가 필요하다. 입고된 전기전자부품의 규격과 품질이 적합한지에 대하여 서류를 확인하며, 외관과 구조가 이상이 없는지 물리적/화학적 검사를 진행한다. 부품의 정확한 작동을 확인하기 위하여 전류, 전압 등 전기적 파라미터 등을 확인한다. 본 논문에서는 전기전자부품의 위변조를 확인하기 위한 검사 방법을 소개한다. It is necessary to inspect electrical, electronic and electromechanical(EEE) parts due to a counterfeit or suspect. Verifying documents are performed to meet specification of parts. Physical and chemical tests are done to inspect the exterior and structure for any abnormalities. Also, it is essential to check the current, voltage and electrical parameter to ensure correct operation of parts. In this report, we introduce inspection methods for checking whether EEE parts are forged.

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