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        Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition(CA-SLA) : Implications for Researching Korean as a Second Language

        Eunho Kim 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2017 언어정보 Vol.25 No.-

        The purpose of this article is to review an increasing literature investigate second language learning and development from the perspective of conversation analysis (hereafter CA) and provide implications these view have for Korean as a Second Language (hereafter KSL) research methodology. From a CA perspective, language acquisition can be understood as learning to participate in ordinary as well as institutional social interaction. CA-SLA studies have taken two different paths in terms of learning: 1) A number of studies investigate language learning as an accountable and recognizable social practice; and 2) A second group of studies traces the development of action formats, participation styles, and use of linguistic resources over time. This paper discusses how learning and development are conceptualized in CA and CA-SLA, and the challenge CA-SLA studies face. It also explains the implication CA-SLA has for research methodology by introducing how developmental CA has overcome these challenges. This study also provides sample analyses situated within a CA-SLA framework to examine development.

      • KCI등재

        CA-informed Conversation Teaching : Helping Thai Students Unpack English Conversations to Become Conversationally Competent

        Kemtong Sinwongsuwat,Kathleen Nicoletti,Bunthan Teng 아시아영어교육학회 2018 The Journal of Asia TEFL Vol.15 No.3

        Despite Thai students having studied English from the primary to tertiary level, Thais continue to have the lowest English proficiency levels among their ASEAN neighbors. This fact has raised serious concerns about Thailand’s capacity to viably compete in the globalized economy. This paper reports findings of a quasi-experimental study designed to determine the effectiveness of employing CAinformed instruction in a Thai university English conversation classroom. Based on these findings and those found in two previous studies undertaken in the same institutional context, the authors provide an argument for the integration of CA within the CLT-centered university-level EFL classroom. This integration, the paper argues, raises learners' awareness of the genuine nature of naturally occurring conversation and, in doing so, can have a positive impact on their oral proficiency in English.

      • KCI등재

        Conversation Analysis for Second Language Acquisition(CA-SLA): Implications for Researching Korean as a Second Language

        김은호 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2017 언어정보 Vol.0 No.25

        The purpose of this article is to review an increasing literature investigate second language learning and development from the perspective of conversation analysis (hereafter CA) and provide implications these view have for Korean as a Second Language (hereafter KSL) research methodology. From a CA perspective, language acquisition can be understood as learning to participate in ordinary as well as institutional social interaction. CA-SLA studies have taken two different paths in terms of learning: 1) A number of studies investigate language learning as an accountable and recognizable social practice; and 2) A second group of studies traces the development of action formats, participation styles, and use of linguistic resources over time. This paper discusses how learning and development are conceptualized in CA and CA-SLA, and the challenge CA-SLA studies face. It also explains the implication CA-SLA has for research methodology by introducing how developmental CA has overcome these challenges. This study also provides sample analyses situated within a CA-SLA framework to examine development.

      • KCI등재

        Applying Conversation Analysis: Script-based Interactions in Movies as a Domain of Inquiry

        Kyu hyun Kim 영상영어교육학회 2011 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.12 No.2

        This paper addresses the question of how conversation analysis (CA) can be applied to the study of script-based interactions in movies, considering the possibility of expanding the scope of research where CA can be applied to the performed interactions enacted through script-based (and thus non-naturally occurring) movie dialogues as potentially non-trivial target phenomena. On the basis of a sample analysis of movie scripts, it is suggested that applying CA to the scripted interactions in movies brings us analytical payoffs by way of illuminating the sequential structure through which actions and practices are produced by the characters' performed interactions which, in many respects, display affinity with naturally occurring interactions. The findings suggest that, from the perspective of applied linguistics, applying CA to the analysis of scripted interactions in movies promises pedagogical payoffs in terms of furnishing us with methodical grounds for designing pedagogical activities geared to sensitizing the learners to various sequence-organizational aspects of authentic English.

      • KCI등재

        Applying Conversation Analysis: Script-based Interactions in Movies as a Domain of Inquiry

        김규현 영상영어교육학회 2011 영상영어교육 (STEM journal) Vol.12 No.2

        This paper addresses the question of how conversation analysis (CA) can be applied to the study of script-based interactions in movies, considering the possibility of expanding the scope of research where CA can be applied to the 'performed' interactions enacted through script-based (and thus non-naturally occurring) movie dialogues as potentially non-trivial target phenomena. On the basis of a sample analysis of movie scripts, it is suggested that applying CA to the scripted interactions in movies brings us analytical payoffs by way of illuminating the sequential structure through which actions and practices are produced by the characters' performed interactions which, in many respects, display affinity with naturally occurring interactions. The findings suggest that, from the perspective of applied linguistics, applying CA to the analysis of scripted interactions in movies promises pedagogical payoffs in terms of furnishing us with methodical grounds for designing pedagogical activities geared to sensitizing the learners to various sequence-organizational aspects of authentic English.

      • KCI등재

        Position and Function of Pre-repair-initiator so in Korean EFL Learners' Conversation

        김두레 한국영어학회 2012 영어학 Vol.12 No.1

        This paper attempts to observe and describe how Korean speakers of English use so along with repair initiators in their conversation. By transcribing recordings of the conversation among Korean learners of English, the present study reveals three findings: (i) learners use repair- initiators such as uh, gaps, or repetition in the same turn repair to earn time for a word search as native speakers of English do (Schegloff, 1979) (ii) learners put so before these repair initiators in the same turn repair to earn more time for a word search, and (iii) learners put this "pre-repair-initiator" so only in a position where turn-taking is relevant. This consistent position of so functions to secure not only extra time but also a speakership of a current speaker to compensate their disfluency in English conversation.

      • KCI등재

        L2 speakers' use of Korean sentence-ending suffix-ketun

        김은호(Kim Eun-ho) 한국사회언어학회 2014 사회언어학 Vol.22 No.1

        By using the methodological framework of conversation analysis, this study combines a grounded study of interactional linguistics focusing on L2 speakers' interactional competence in the use of Korean sentence-ending suffix -ketun. Based on the previous studies which examined the use of -ketun. in L1 Korean speakers' conversation, this study analyzes data taken from different levels of Korean language classroom interactions, with close attention to the learner's usage of the target suffix in formulating a dispreferred response. The findings of the study demonstrate that the L2 advanced students' use of -ketun is much closer to that for L1 speakers in constituting a dispreferred response while claiming epistemic primacy. On the other hand, extremely low frequency in the use of -ketun is a distinctive linguistic-pragmatic features that characterizes use of -ketun by L2 speakers at lower levels of competence. The advanced students' diversification may be an indicator of their more adaptive, con text- sensitive conduct, suggesting an increased interactional competence. Close scrutiny of the use of -ketun in this study aids to reveal whether and to what extent its interactional use by L2 speakers of different proficiency levels approaches that of L1 speakers.

      • KCI등재

        Preference Organization in the Use of Learners’ L1 in Pair Interaction of a Korean EFL Classroom

        이몽주 한국응용언어학회 2008 응용 언어학 Vol.24 No.1

        This study examines the relationship between the use of learners’ L1 and pedagogical focus in the language learning environment of an EFL classroom at the Korean high schools. The study presents the organization of self-initiated self-repair by means of the use of L1. Using the sequential analysis of conversation analysis (CA), two systematic preference organization patterns are found from the data. The first is the preference that learners commonly initiate metalinguistic repair within their L1 to deal with troubles between the learners. It is a feature that are absent in teacher-student and teacher-fronted interactions. The second recurring pattern of repair organization concerns itself with the self-initiated self-repair trajectory in the use of L1 in next turn repair sequences. The preferred option for L1 use in such a sequence is that learners often employ self-initiated self-repair, not only to compensate for their L2 deficiency, but also to maintain the flow of interaction. This is consistent with CA research showing that there is a preference in both NS-NS and advanced NNS-NNS conversations for self-initiated self-repair.

      • KCI등재

        Preference Organization in the Use of Learners’ L1 in Pair Interaction of a Korean EFL Classroom

        Mong-Ju Lee 한국응용언어학회 2008 응용 언어학 Vol.24 No.1

        This study examines the relationship between the use of learners’ L1 and pedagogical focus in the language learning environment of an EFL classroom at the Korean high schools. The study presents the organization of self-initiated self-repair by means of the use of L1. Using the sequential analysis of conversation analysis (CA), two systematic preference organization patterns are found from the data. The first is the preference that learners commonly initiate metalinguistic repair within their L1 to deal with troubles between the learners. It is a feature that are absent in teacher-student and teacher-fronted interactions. The second recurring pattern of repair organization concerns itself with the self-initiated self-repair trajectory in the use of L1 in next turn repair sequences. The preferred option for L1 use in such a sequence is that learners often employ self-initiated self-repair, not only to compensate for their L2 deficiency, but also to maintain the flow of interaction. This isconsistent with CA research showing that there is a preference in both NS-NS and advanced NNS-NNS conversations for self-initiated self-repair.

      • KCI등재

        Problems of the Adjacency Pair in Korean Telephone Conversation Closings

        김기태 고려대학교 언어정보연구소 2014 언어정보 Vol.0 No.18

        Korean telephone conversations havedrawn some attention albeit not extensively. However, few have paid criticallyanalytic attention to adjacency pair sequences in Korean telephone call closings,one of the key constructs in Conversation Analysis (CA). For this reason, thepresent study examines the applicability of the adjacency pair to Korean telephonecall closings. To do so, it presents some counterevidence against the applicabilityof the unrevised notion of adjacency pair. First, the closing sequence in Koreanis neither lexically repetitive nor interactionally reciprocal like that in the (NorthAmerican) canonical format due to the consistent occurrence of"acknowledgement tokens" (Jefferson, 1984), which do not constitute a part ofa legitimate adjacency pair (Deng, 2008). Second, some Korean telephone callclosings have "three-part exchanges" (Tsui, 1989). The evidence against anadjacency pair in favor of a three-part exchange hinders a direct application ofthe adjacency-pair model to Korean telephone call closings. Subsequently, thepresent study revisits Han's (1998) theoretically uncritical, yet otherwiseilluminating study in light of the two findings above. It points out the problemswith the quantification of adjacency pairs in Korean telephone call closingsbecause her study takes into account neither acknowledgement tokens northree-part exchanges. Overall, then, the present study illustrates that the adjacencypair in Korean telephone call closings might not be the best microanalyticconstruct to explain the closing data. The theoretical and pedagogical implicationsof the findings are also discussed.

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