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      • KCI등재

        日本語学習者の推量 · 確認要求表現の使用条件

        李吉鎔(이길용) 한국일본어학회 2015 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.44

        본 연구는 일본어의 커뮤니케이션 능력의 습득 및 유지에 관한 사례 연구로서 전학습자 HT씨의 일본어습득기 및 유지기의 담화자료를 사용하여 추량표현 및 확인요구표현을 대상으로 그 사용 실태와 용법을 분석한 후 그 사용 조건에 대해서 고찰을 한 것이다. 전학습자의 습득기와 귀국 후 약10년이 경과한 시점의 유지기에 총 12회의 종단적인 담화수록 조사를 하여 확보한 담화자료를 분석한 주된 결과는 다음과 같이 정리할 수 있다. (a) <의념(疑念)>·<추량(推量)>·<명제확인 요구(命題確認の要求)>는 화자인 HT씨가 자신의 의견·정보에 대한 불확실함(또는 미지)을 표출하는 조건하에 사용된다. (b) <지식확인 요구(識確認の要求)>는 화자의 의견에 청자도 동의한다는 예상하에 그것을 청자에게 확인하는 것으로, 화자의 의견·정보만을 단서로 사용한다. (c) 이러한 추량표현·확인요구표현의 사용은 화자의 의견이나 정보만을 활용하고, 청자(대화 상대방)의 의견·정보에 대한 예상을 차단하는 ‘사용 조건의 간략화’ 및 ‘운용상의 부담 경감’을 요인으로 생각할 수 있다. This research is a case study on the communication competence and language maintenance by a Korean learner (HT) of Japanese language. The analysis focuses on expressions of supposition and request for confirmation and clarifies constraints on the use of these expressions observed in HT’s speech. Speech data was collected through a longitudinal survey totalizing 12 recordings over the various steps of HT’s language acquisition. The last survey was carried out ten years after HT returned to Korea. The results are summarizes as below: (a) The use of expressions of “doubt”, “supposition” and “request for confirmation of proposition” indicates HT’s uncertainty about his opinion or information he is conveying. (b) “Request for confirmation of shared knowledge” is used based only on the speaker’s point of view and knowledge. The speaker assumes that the hearer has the same point of view as his. (c) The analysis of the data shows that the speaker does not consider shared knowledge with the hearer from the hearer’s point of view when using expressions of supposition and request for confirmation. This is probably due to simplification of the constraints which affect the use of modality expressions. This simplification may also ease the speaker’s language performance.

      • KCI등재


        이길용 한국일본어학회 2015 日本語學硏究 Vol.0 No.44

        This research is a case study on the communication competence and language maintenance by a Korean learner (HT) of Japanese language. The analysis focuses on expressions of supposition and request for confirmation and clarifies constraints on the use of these expressions observed in HT’s speech. Speech data was collected through a longitudinal survey totalizing 12 recordings over the various steps of HT’s language acquisition. The last survey was carried out ten years after HT returned to Korea. The results are summarizes as below: (a) The use of expressions of “doubt”, “supposition” and “request for confirmation of proposition” indicates HT’s uncertainty about his opinion or information he is conveying. (b) “Request for confirmation of shared knowledge” is used based only on the speaker’s point of view and knowledge. The speaker assumes that the hearer has the same point of view as his. (c) The analysis of the data shows that the speaker does not consider shared knowledge with the hearer from the hearer’s point of view when using expressions of supposition and request for confirmation. This is probably due to simplification of the constraints which affect the use of modality expressions. This simplification may also ease the speaker’s language performance.

      • KCI등재

        確認要求的表現に関する日韓対照研究 : 単純文末形式の対応関係を中心に

        文彰鶴 韓國外國語大學校 外國學綜合硏究센터 日本硏究所 2014 日本硏究 Vol.0 No.59

        This paper studies the correspondence relation between ne, darou in Japanese and ney, kwun, ci in Korean, which express the meaning of the confirmation requests. Analysis results are as follows. ·Focusing on the differences in the answer method, ne, darou in Japanese and ney, kwun, ci in Korean are commonly subdivided into 'the request of confirmaition' and 'the request of consent'. ·Though ne, darou in Japanese and ney, kwun, ci in Korean have the meaning and function of confirmation requests in common, they are different in the mechanism of manifestation. ·The meaning and function of the confirmation requests in ne, darou in Japanese are manifested based on the factor towards the hearer. ne expresses the agreement of judgement between the speaker and the hearer, in contrast darou expresses the disagreement of judgement between the speaker and the hearer. ·The meaning and function of the confirmation requests in ney, kwun, ci in Korean are manifested based on the factor towards the proposition. ney and kwun express the statement of the perception, in contrast ci expresses the statement of knowledge. ·Taking account of the factor towards the hearer and the factor towards the proposition, we can find the correspondence relation between ne, darou in Japanese and ney, kwun, ci in Korean, is quite complex.

      • KCI등재후보


        김옥임 ( Kim Ockim ) 성신여자대학교 인문과학연구소 2017 人文科學硏究 Vol.35 No.-

        In this article, the compound postposition “よね(yone)” in Japanese sentences is the subject of investigation. The results point out the following three points. (1) Compared to the direct expressions of complaint toward an opponent who made a tardy appearance such as “it will be awkward if you are late” or “don`t be late,” a confirmation requesting expression like “was it two o`clock?” using “yone” makes euphemistic sense. Therefore, it is clear that “yone” creates indirect expressions. (2) “Xyone. Y“ was observed as a popular type of sentence structure among the practical examples. In this case, many speeches from “Y” have the form of request, wish or opinion asking the listener to do something. It is clear that “yone” is used to soften these demanding expressions. (3) In conclusion, “yone” not only has the function of requesting confirmation but also (1) the function of emotion expression and (2) of indirect expression. Given the fact that it expresses consideration for the listener`s knowledge as well as emotion, it is similar to the postposition “ね(ne)”.

      • KCI등재후보


        金秀榮(Kim, Su-Young) 대한일어일문학회 2016 일어일문학 Vol.69 No.-

        In this paper, if the information belongs to both the speaker and listener, from the viewpoint of whether the subject to request of the superiority relationship confirm the amount of information there what, confirmation request expression of Japan and South Korea both languages 「yone」「darou」and 「ji」I found out what kind of similarities and differences. In the confirmation of the decision and information, 「yone」and 「ji」includes, but is also used if to confirm many times the listener the same thing just in case, to 「darou」is not that sense usage. In the Share induction of information, 「yone」 「darou」and 「ji」is, or have forgotten listener, speaker reminded that you have not yet noticed, are induced to share the information. In recognition induction of decision and information, 「darou」and 「ji」includes, but is speaker that already has the recognition is used when it is induced to recognize in the same way as the speaker to listener, meaning would change only when you"ll 「yone」. In consent request, 「yone」isin a situation which is considered to have the same recognition also to the other party, the speaker is sure that his recognition is also a recognition of the other party, are seeking consent, agree. However, 「darou」is not that sense usage.

      • KCI등재

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