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      • KCI등재

        북한법상 인신사고에 대한 손해액 산정기준

        현두륜 대한의료법학회 2019 의료법학 Vol.20 No.1

        Inter-Korean exchanges and cooperation, in the process, will inevitably lead to various legal disputes, one of which is the issue of compensation for personal injury. The purpose of this study is to present the standards of settlement of disputes between the residents of North and South Korea by examining the North Korean compensation law on the calculation of damages due to personal injury and comparing it with the South Korean compensation law. Understanding the North Korean compensation law is a critical and urgent task, as exchanges and cooperation between the two Koreas are expected to increase in the future. For the South Korean compensation law does not have specific provisions on the estimation of damages, the specific methods and standards for estimating damages are determined by court precedents. The South Korean courts categorize the damages caused by personal injury into active property damages, passive property damages and emotional distress damages and calculate the amount of each damages. On the other hand, the North Korean Compensation for Damage Act stipulates the categories of damage by dividing the cases of personal injury into 1) infringement of health(§41), 2) disability due to infringement of health(§42), and 3) death resulting from human infringement(§44). In addition, the North Korea Compensation for Damage Act specifies the calculation of compensation for damages(§43, §51). Furthermore, South Korea widely acknowledges emotional distress damages for personal injury, whereas North Korea does not recognize emotional distress damages in principle. 남북 간의 교류와 협력은 그 과정에서 불가피하게 여러 가지 법적 분쟁을 야기할 수 있는데, 그 중에 하나가 인신사고로 인한 손해배상 문제이다. 이 글의 목적은 인신사고로 인한 손해액 산정에 관한 북한법의 내용을 살펴보고 이를 남한법과 비교함으로써, 남북한 주민 간의 손해배상사건에 있어서 분쟁해결의 기준을 제시하는 데 있다. 향후 남북 간의 교류와 협력이 확대될 것으로 예상됨에 따라, 북한의 손해배상법에 대한 이해는 매우 중요하고 시급한 과제이다. 남한 민법에는 인신사고로 인한 손해액 산정과 관련한 구체적인 규정을 두고 있지 않기 때문에, 손해액 산정에 관한 구체적인 기준은 법원의 판례를 통해서 정해지게 된다. 남한의 법원은 인신사고로 인한 손해를 적극적 재산상 손해, 소극적 재산상 손해, 정신적 손해로 나누어서 각각의 손해액을 산정한다. 반면, 북한 손해보상법은 인신사고를 1) 건강을 침해한 경우(제41조), 2) 건강을 침해하여 장애를 남긴 경우(제42조), 3) 인신침해로 사망에 이르게 한 경우(제44조)로 나누어서 그에 따른 손해의 항목을 구체적으로 규정하고, 손해액 산정에 관한 규정(제43조, 제51조)을 두고 있다. 또한, 남한에서는 신체사고에 대한 정신적 손해배상을 넓게 인정하고 있으나, 북한에서는 정신적 손해배상을 원칙적으로 인정하고 있지 않다.

      • KCI등재후보

        5‧18 당시 안병하 국장과 전남 경찰의 활동과 피해에 대한 연구

        정병곤 조선대학교 민주평화연구원 2022 민주평화연구 Vol.5 No.2

        Twenty-four years has passed since the date of May 18 was declared a legal anniversary in 1997, but the people that would distort the historical legitimacy of the May 18 Democratization Movement have shifted some of the responsibility for the state violence to the Jeonnam Police Department. In response to this, research on the roles and activities of Jeonnam Provincial Police Agency Director Ahn Byung-ha and Jeonnam Police Department is receiving new attention. This paper looks through relevant material and testimonies to illuminate the activities and damages of Ahn Byung-ha and the Jeonnam Police Department at the time of May 18, and studies their intermediate identity, damage and compensation methods. To this end, this paper reviews the current status and contents of prior research related to the activities in Jeonnam Police of the time and discusses the relationship with citizens according to the intermediate identity of the police. In addition, the researcher studies the damages and compensation methods of the May 18 Jeollanam Police in this situation. Through the analysis, the Jeonnam Police were able to maintain a relatively calm state with the citizens with a moderate method of controlling protest in the previous and early stages of the 5·18 period because the police had an intermediate identity meaning that they played a public role of controlling protest and also resisting too much state violence and did not need the support of special forces desperately. Director Ahn Byung-ha was well aware of this situation and, while refusing the command to fire, tried to maintain order at a minimum and protect the wounded. As a result, Director Ahn Byung-ha and Chief Lee Jun-gyu died after torture, and many police officers were dismissed, and their emotional injury should be compensated by interpreting the 5·18 Compensation Law in this context. Lastly, this study emphasizes the necessity of complete policing cooperation between the civilians and the police in response to the introduction of the autonomous police system in 2021 by illuminating the activities and damage of the May 18 Jeonnam Police from a new perspective.

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