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        開設藥師와 病院藥師의 健康生活 및 職務滿足度와 關聯要因 硏究

        趙南春,南喆鉉 대한보건협회 2000 대한보건연구 Vol.26 No.1

        The purpose of this study was to investigate the health behaviors and affecting factors on the job satisfaction of pharmacists working at community pharmacy and hospital pharmacy. Subjects served for this study consisted of 1,180 pharmacists including 844 pharmacists working at community pharmacy and 336 hospital pharmacists. Data were collected through questionnaire survey for 4 months from 1st May to 31st August in the year 1998. The results were as follows: (1) The general characteristics among the subjects showed that the pharmacists working at community pharmacy were predominantly more male(M : F ratio = 54.1 : 45.9), higher age, and higher married status than hospital pharmacists who are predominantly more female(M : F ratio = 9.2 : 90.8). Also the pharmacists working at community pharmacy described that they have more concerns on their own health status, exercises and drug medications for healthy life, but showed higher frequency of smoking and alcohol drinking rather than hospital pharmacists. (2) The job satisfactions of the pharmacists working at community pharmacy were influenced by several factors such as their own healths, family-member, good residential environment, good relationship with their neighborhood, and community activities. On the other hand, the job satisfactions of hospital pharmacists were increased according to higher age, married status, and the longer working career. The comparison of the job satisfactions between two groups showed that hospital pharmacists responded positively to the levels of self-developments, work loads, working times, and incomes, but they were negative to acknowledgements to their job professional levels from others. (3) The positive factors related to job satisfactions among the pharmacists working at community pharmacy were higher incomes, proper work loads, speciality perceived by themselves, the levels of self-developments, and good acknowledgements to their job professional levels from others. But those among hospital pharmacists were the levels of self-developments, work loads, speciality perceived by themselves, working times, and incomes in these orders. (4) The comparison of the correlations between job satisfactions and the factors of two groups showed that in case of the pharmacists working at community pharmacy, the important factors were incomes, the levels of self-developments, work loads, speciality perceived by themselves, etc. in these orders, but in case of hospital pharmacists, those were work loads, the levels of self-developments, working times, acknowledgements to their job professional levels from others and age levels. And incomes was lower-level factor on job satisfactions. (5) Pharmacists who always managed their physical fitness showed the higher levels in job satisfactions than the pharmacists who did not. From the results of this study, it was found that the job satisfactions of the pharmacists working at community pharmacy and hospital pharmacists were influenced by working loads, the levels of self-developments, speciality perceived by themselves and acknowledge-ments to their job professional levels perceived by themselves. And it was recommended that the managing authorities should build up the facilities for physical fitness and welfare facilities for the employee, and offer the employee chance of self-actualization through education and information supply of clinical pharmacy.

      • KCI등재

        의료시설 및 개국약국에서의 의약정보 활동과 campus-based 중앙집중식 의약정보센타의 필요성에 대한 연구

        강진숙,신현택 한국병원약사회 1993 병원약사회지 Vol.10 No.3

        A questionnaire survey study on drug information activities of pharmacists in both hospitals and community pharmacies and the need for a campus-based drug information center was conducted. Questionnaires were prepared both for hospital pharmacists and community pharmacists in separate formats asking their drug information activities regarding three basic aspects of drug information center with comprehensive drug information resources. Questionnaires were mailed out to 130 hospital pharmacies in country and randomly sampled 2,000 community pharmacies in Seoul, August 14, 1993 and collected until November 5, 1993. Total 112 hospital pharmacies answered to questionnaires showing high response rate of 86% and 312 community pharmacists answered showing poor response rate of 16%. All questionnaires collected were included in the evaluation. In hospital survey, 24% of responders(27) maintained drug information centers. Among those hospital pharmacies which maintain drug information centers, 82%(22/27) had one or two drug information pharmacists on full-time basis. However, 54% of DI pharmacists had relatively short period of experience shorter than I year in drug information service revealing potential problem in maintaining consistent quality services. Most centers had the basic facilities and equipments for drug information service but, only 3 centers were equipped with CD-ROM drive and only 1 center with microfiche viewer showing that most of centers were not utilizing comprehensive retrieval systems. Regarding other information resources, a few number of centers maintained variety of tertiary resources and major pharmacy journals and, otherwise, few primary and tertiary resources. 89% of centers were receiving less than 15 information requests daily and only 4% were receiving more than 20 requests daily. The difficulties in operating centers that responders felt most seriously were the insufficiency of information resources(30%), pharmacists' inability in providing effective information(26%), manpower shortage(22%), poor financial support from hospital( 13%) and users' poor understanding about drug information. About half of hospital pharmacies were not maintaining or publishing drug formulary and newsletter. When DI pharmacists could not find the answers to requests, they utilized manufacturers(49%), other DI centers (37%), or none(8%), and most of them(88%) were not satisfied with the answers, Consequently, all responders indicated that they needed a centralized drug information center with comprehensive resources and specialists. In community pharmacies, pharmacists were gaining drug informations from pharmacy periodicals(38%), weekly pharmacy newsletters(37%), detail men(14%), package inserts(8%), manufacturers' advertisements through mass media(2%) and pharmacy textbooks( 1%). They were receiving few DI requests from other health professionals showing that 77% of responders received less than one request monthly or none. When they received DI requests, most of them were dependent on other community pharmacists(46%) or manufacturers(33%) and most of them (89%) were not satisfied with the answers. Most community pharmacies had relatively few DI resources showing that half of responders had a t best a few product-oriented tertiary resources without any primary and secondary resources in questions. Most of responders( 99%) also wanted a centralized drug information center as hospital pharmacists did. In both hospitals and community environments, DI activities by pharmacists were very weak and primitive in various aspects of drug information practice. Over all, most of practicing pharmacists especially in community pharmacies were not acquainted with systemic and scientific utilization and provision of drug information, and consequently showed strong demand for a well established drug information center who will serve them with comprehensive and complete drug information resources and specialists.

      • KCI등재

        OECD 회원국에서 COVID-19 팬더믹 위기시대 지역약사의 확장된 역할에 대한주제범위 문헌고찰

        이인향,제남경 한국임상약학회 2022 한국임상약학회지 Vol.32 No.4

        Objective: Community pharmacists are frontline health care providers, but have been considered as underutilized professionals on adaily basis. The purpose of this scoping review was to identify information about the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic oncommunity pharmacy services and to evaluate new services that could be applicable. Methods: We searched MEDLINE andEMBASE for studies published up to January 10, 2020. Search terms consisted of keywords relevant to this review, including“COVID-19”, “community pharmacy”, and “community pharmacist”. This review targeted studies of pharmacist services providedby community pharmacies in OECD member countries during the COVID-19 pandemic period. Results: Twenty-seven studieswere included in this review. Changes in community pharmacist services due to the COVID-19 pandemic were broadly classifiedinto four categories. First, as the face-to-face services became challenging, various non-face-to-face services were being tried. Second, community pharmacists directly participated in the services to prevent the spread of COVID-19. Third, communitypharmacists made efforts to support continuity of care for patients who experienced difficulties due to the reduced professional careas health and medical resources are concentrated in response to COVID-19. Fourth, community pharmacist services were emerging,targeting patients suffering from greater health inequality during the pandemic. Patients expressed high demand and satisfaction forthe service of the community pharmacist, and pharmacists reported self-efficacy and professional pride. Conclusion: This studydemonstrated that in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, various community pharmacist services have been tried and receivedpositive evaluations from patients in several OECD countries.

      • Knowledge, Perception, Practice and Barriers of Breast Cancer Health Promotion Activities among Community Pharmacists in Two Districts of Selangor State, Malaysia

        Beshir, Semira A.,Hanipah, Monalina A. Asian Pacific Journal of Cancer Prevention 2012 Asian Pacific journal of cancer prevention Vol.13 No.9

        Breast cancer is the most common cancer and the leading cause of cancer death among women in Malaysia. Despite the campaigns undertaken to raise the awareness of the public regarding breast cancer, breast cancer screening rates are still low in the country. The community pharmacist, as one of the most accessible healthcare practitioners, could play a role in the provision of breast cancer health promotion services to the community. However, there are no documented data regarding the community pharmacists' involvement in breast cancer related health promotion activities. Hence, this study was conducted to examine self-reported knowledge, practice and perception of community pharmacists on provision of breast cancer health promotion services and to investigate the barriers that limit their involvement. This cross-sectional survey conducted between May to September 2010, included a sample of 35 community pharmacists working in the districts of Hulu Langat and Sepang in state of Selangor. A 22-item validated questionnaire that included both closed and Lickert scale questions was used to interview those pharmacists who gave their informed consent to participate in the study. The data was analysed using SPSS. Only 11.3% of the community pharmacists answered all the questions on the knowledge section correctly. The mean overall knowledge of the community pharmacists on risk factors of breast cancer and screening recommendations is 56%. None of the respondents was currently involved in breast cancer health promotion activities. Lack of time (80%), lack of breast cancer educational materials (77.1%) and lack of training (62.9%) were the top three mentioned barriers. Despite these barriers, 94.3% (33) of the community pharmacists agreed that they should be involved in breast cancer health promotion activities. Hence, there is need to equip community pharmacists with necessary training and knowledge to enable them to contribute their share towards prevention and screening of breast cancer.

      • KCI등재

        Public Trust in Community Pharmacists in South Korea : A Survey Study

        Sung Won Yoon,Hye Sung Han,Hae-Young Park,Hyun Soon Sohn 한국임상약학회 2021 한국임상약학회지 Vol.31 No.4

        Background: Trust is a key component for the good relationship between patients and healthcare professionals but trust for community pharmacists has not been studied much. Objectives: This study aimed to measure public trust in community pharmacists and to investigate variables that affect trust level in South Korea. Methods: A total of 25 questions, including 13-items for three dimensions of trust (pharmacists’ behavior/attitude, technical competence, communication skills) and 1-item for overall trust were developed. The survey was conducted online and the data from 416 respondents were analyzed with a t-test, an ANOVA and a multiple linear regression analysis. Results: The average scores (mean ± standard deviation) for the three dimensions of trust in community pharmacists were 3.47±1.05 (out of 5 points) for pharmacists’ behavior/attitude, 3.67 ± 0.99 for technical competence, and 3.66±0.99 for communication skills. The average of the 13 items incorporating all parameters was 3.56±1.02 and the overall trust level was 7.16±1.62 (out of 10 points). The total sum of the 13 items differed significantly by age group (p=0.02) and frequency of pharmacy visits (p=0.04). Each dimension had an independent impact on the trust level, and pharmacists’ behavior/attitude had the greatest impact on trust levels. Conclusions: This study showed that pharmacists’ behavior/attitude had the most significant impact on the trust level. However, the level of trust in pharmacists’ behavior/attitude is not yet sufficiently satisfactory, and further improvements are required to increase trust in community pharmacists.

      • KCI등재

        약국약사의 커뮤니티 재구성과 환자중심성 : 의약분업 20년, 약사 전문주의 변화

        이현옥(Hyun-Ok Lee),변진옥(Jin-Ok Byeon) 대한약학회 2020 약학회지 Vol.64 No.5

        Twenty years have passed since the separating drug prescribing and dispensing was implemented in Korea. The separation fundamentally changed the ground of the professionality of community pharmacists. This study explored, after experiencing the structural transition in pharmacies, the changes in pharmacists’ perception of their professional roles and also examined whether the perceived roles captured concepts related to patient-centeredness. In addition, this study searched the possibility of cooperation with doctors in the context. Data from in-depth interview with 13 experienced community pharmacists was analysed using thematic content analysis. Following five themes were emerged: ‘Factors influencing change in professionality’, ‘Perceived changes in role of community pharmacists’, ‘Perception of patients’, ‘Relationship with doctors’, ‘Conditions for better service’. Participants perceived that the pharmacist’s roles were connecting the prescriptions and patients and providing patient-specific information. Pharmacists have captured the patient as a person and the new communities as the object of their professional roles. These results confirmed that changes in the roles of pharmacists were primarily related to patient-centered care. However, it seems that the possibility of cooperation with doctors is still low. Understanding pharmacists’ perception about their roles may provide insight into recent and historical changes in pharmacy practice. Furthermore, this study raises the need to expand opportunities for cooperation with doctors.

      • 지역약국 약사에 의한 약물관련문제 중재 현황

        송문영,원희재,김시형,이종우,오푸름,이형우,김혜린 한국보건사회약료경영학회 2020 한국보건사회약료경영학회지 Vol.8 No.2

        BACKGROUNDS Community pharmacists contribute to safe and effective drug treatment for patients by per-forming various prescription interventions through simultaneous drug utilization review (DUR) and checking patient medi-cation history. Our study aimed to analyze the interventions on drug-related problems (DRPs) by pharmacist from a community pharmacy. METHODS We obtained data for DRPs and the interventions by pharmacist which was recorded between 2019.7.22 and 2019.8.30 in working hours on weekdays at a community pharmacy located in Nowon-gu. Data was collected using a well-developed form ("Pharmacist Intervention on DRPs"). Data contained patient related factors, charac-teristics of prescription issuing institutions, DRPs, pharmacist interventions, intervention acceptance, and time required for intervention recording. RESULTS Pharmacist' intervention occurred 47 cases (1.04%) among the total 3,831 prescriptions during the study period. Men and women were 50% each, and the average age was 58.3 (±20.6, SD) years. The most com-mon types of DRPs were 'duplication (same drug)' of 53.2% (25 cases), and as for the pharmacist intervention, 'discon-tinue medication' was done most frequently as 48.9% (23 cases). In the drug efficacy groups, the musculoskeletal drugs were the most common with 33.3% (16 cases), followed by the alimentary tract and metabolism drugs with 16.7% (8 cases). The average time spent on intervention recording was 4.1 minutes (±4.0). CONCLUSION The current status of DRP and pharmacist interventions was identified through data from one community pharmacy collected through a system-atic record format. Intervention by community pharmacists plays an important role in the safe and effective utilization of treatment.

      • KCI등재

        약국약사들의 사회적 역할 실천에 대한 근거이론적 접근

        변진옥,조병희 한국보건사회학회 2014 보건과 사회과학 Vol.0 No.35

        The professional status of community pharmacists has been controversial for along time. They had been perceived as "incomplete profession" even before theseparation of drug prescribing and dispensing, perceived that pharmacists werequasi-doctors and more business mined than humanitarian. However, theseparation changed radically the community pharmacists’ role and the nature ofworks. Assuming that for community pharmacists the separation might be consideredto be a good chance to reinforce their professional status, this study intended toidentify community pharmacists' social roles, explore their professional identity inchanging environment, and to reconstruct their professionalism. In-depth interviews from over-10-years experienced pharmacy pharmacists wereanalyzed by a qualitative method, specifically grounded theory approach. Community pharmacists perceived that their social roles are maximizing thebenefits and controlling the risks of drugs. Community Pharmacist’s autonomycould be called “interactive autonomy”, because the setting of their professionalpractice has been placed in interactive one between doctors, patients, andgovernment after the separation. Advances in pharmaceutical technology, rationalization of national health care system, enhanced accessibility to knowledge of drugs, and drug safety regulationswill transform social expectation about pharmacy. Ultimately, their ability toperform needing social roles balanced with their business nature will show thefuture of the professionalism of community pharmacists. 전문주의에 대한 도전이 본격화되기 이전부터도 약국약사의 전문직 지위는 논쟁적인 주제였다. 우리나라에서도 의약분업 이전 약국약사는 상업적 세팅과 준의사적 업무성격으로 인해 기존의 전문직이론 하에서 불완전한 전문직으로 인식되어 왔다. 본 연구는 전문직이 사회의 요구와 기대에 부응하는 고도로 훈련된 사회적 역할을 수행함으로써 획득되고 유지되는 것임을 전제로 하여 의약분업 이후약국약사들의 전문주의를 검토하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 본 연구는 20명의 경험이 풍부한 개국약사들의 인터뷰를 근거이론 접근법으로 분석하여의약분업 이후 약국약사들의 경험 안에서 그들이 인식하는 핵심적인 변화, 지향하는 전문적 정체성및 그 추구전략을 확인하였다. 분업 이후 약국약사들의 경험에서 사회적 역할의 실천과 관련된 8개의 범주가 도출되었다. ‘약국의 변화된 위치’, ‘환자관계의 변화’, ‘의사관계의 변화’, ‘사회적 역할의 실천동기’, ‘사회적 역할의 실천’, ‘전문성의 강화’, ‘자율성의 추구’, 그리고 ‘상업적 동기와 전문직 역할의 공존’ 범주들은 의약품에 대한 권한을 강화하여 약물전문가로서의 정체성을 확보하고 유지하기 위한 사회적 실천에 의미를 가지게 된다. 그리고약국약사들은 이러한 사회적 실천을 위한 “상호적 자율성”을 확보하고 있었는데, 이는 의약분업이 약사와다른 사회적 행위자 간의 상호의존성을 더욱 강화하는 측면을 가지고 있었다는 것을 반영하고 있다. 기술 발전 및 산업구조 변화 등과 더불어 보건의료체계의 합리화 및 비용효율성을 위한 정책방향은 약국과 약국약사의 사회적 역할을 지속적으로 변화시켜 갈 것이다. 사회적 기대에 부응하는 약국및 약국약사의 사회적 역할과 약국에 내재된 상업적 성격의 조화로운 모색이 약사 전문주의의 미래에 중요한 전략이다.

      • KCI등재

        지역사회 약사의 구강건강에 대한 지식, 행동 및 교육 참여의사

        황윤숙 ( Yoon-suk Hwang ),정재연 ( Jae-yeon Jung ),안세연 ( Se-youn Ahn ),한수진 ( Su-jin Han ) 한국치위생학회 2021 한국치위생학회지 Vol.21 No.4

        Objectives: The objectives of this study were to assess oral health knowledge and behavior levels of community pharmacists as a step toward projecting them to play the role of oral health partners and to confirm pharmacists’ willingness to participate in oral health education programs. Methods: t-test and one-way analysis of variance were performed to analyze the data, and correlation analysis was also performed. Results: The mean score for pharmacists’ oral health knowledge was 7.29 out of 10. Of the 12 questions asked, the correct answer rate was highest for the question about the effect of smoking cessation on periodontal disease prevention; conversely, the correct answer rate was lowest for the question about the effect of taking medication for gingival infections on periodontal disease prevention. The mean score for pharmacists’ oral health behavior was 2.97 out of 4 points. Of all oral health behaviors, brushing twice a day was the most practiced, whereas immediately visiting a dentist in case of an oral health issue was the least practiced. Pharmacists’ oral health knowledge and behavior levels showed a weak positive correlation with their intention to participate in oral health education programs. Conclusions: Oral health education programs are necessary to improve community pharmacists’ oral health knowledge and behavior.

      • KCI등재

        지역약국 조제실 투명화 요구에 대한 약대생의 인식

        김나현,태소정,김현진,손현순 한국임상약학회 2023 한국임상약학회지 Vol.33 No.2

        Background: Dispensing of prescription drugs is the most important task for community pharmacists. However, the public’s satisfaction with pharmacist services is not high, and distrust due to dispensing by unqualified person and/or under unsanitary conditions led to demands for transparent dispensing room (TDR) in pharmacies. Objective: This study was conducted to investigate how pharmacy students perceive pharmacists’ credibility and professional ethics in conjunction with the TDR issue. Methods: A survey using 20-items questionnaire was conducted from July 12 to 20, 2019 in pharmacy students nationwide. Results: Among 218 respondents, 84.1% attended pharmacy school located in the metropolitan area, 61.1% were the 3rd or 4th graders, and 81.2% had no practical training in community pharmacy. 56.2% were unaware of the TDR issue, and 66.8% agreed on the public’s demand for TDR. 68.8% disagreed that TDR was the best way to solve the problem of unqualified dispensing, while 51.9% agreed that TDR was the best way in solving unsanitary dispensing problem. Publics’ confidence level of community pharmacists was mean 5.84 (range 1-10). In a question asking how expertise and professional ethics affect pharmacist confidence, 50% said expertise was more important, 31.7% the same, and 18.3% said professional ethics was more important. Conclusions: To overcome the demand for TDR which began with public distrust in pharmacists, it is necessary to seek measures to increase the credibility of pharmacists, and as part of this, pharmacist ethics should be systematically educated at pharmacy school.

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