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        교양교육에서의 디지털 기술을 활용한 협력적 글쓰기 교육 방안

        김현정 동의대학교 디그니타스교양교육연구소 2021 교양교육실천연구 Vol.5 No.1

        The purpose of this study is to present a collaborative writing education method using digital technology in university liberal arts education. To this end, the necessity and theoretical background of collaborative writing education were examined. Next, this study tried to present teaching and learning cases for collaborative writing and suggestions for collaborative writing education using digital technology.The experience of performing collaborative writing is useful for finding a better writing method while reflecting on one's writing process through the mutual collaboration process with the member. For this collaborative writing education, this study presented a class strategy for each step, divided into five stages: ‘selection of provisional topics and group organization’, ‘content composition for collaborative writing’, ‘interim inspection of group activities for reflection activities’, ‘drafting and feedback’, and ‘final drafting and evaluation’. In order to efficiently perform such collaborative writing, it is necessary to properly utilize digital collaboration tools in the group discussion process. In addition, it is important to compensate for individual contributions to collaboration in the collaborative writing process, and to provide appropriate feedback from the instructor. By properly utilizing these digital collaboration tools, educational measures that can increase the efficiency of collaborative writing should be continuously prepared. 이 연구는 대학 교양교육에서의 디지털 기술을 활용한 협력적 글쓰기 교육 방안을 제시하는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 먼저 협력적 글쓰기 교육의 필요성과 이론적 배경을 살펴보았다. 다음으로, 협력적 글쓰기를 위한 교수·학습 사례와 디지털 기술을 활용한 협력적 글쓰기 교육을 위한 제언을 제시하고자 했다. 협력적 글쓰기에 대한 수행 경험은 조원과의 상호 협력과정을 통해 자신의 글쓰기 과정을 성찰해 보면서, 보다 나은 글쓰기 방법을 찾는 데 유용하다. 이러한 협력적 글쓰기 교육을 위해 이 연구에서는 크게 ‘가주제 선정 및 조 편성’, ‘협력적 글쓰기를 위한 내용 구성’, ‘성찰 활동을 위한 조별 활동 중간 점검’, ‘초안 작성 및 피드백’, ‘최종본 작성 및 평가’라는 다섯 단계로 나눠, 각 단계별 교수·학습 전략을 제시해 보았다. 이러한 협력적 글쓰기의 효율적 수행을 위해서는 조별 협의 과정에서 디지털 협업 도구를 적절히 활용하는 것이 필요하다. 또한, 협력적 글쓰기 과정에서 협업을 위한 개인의 기여도를 보상해 주고, 교수자가 적절한 피드백을 제공해 주는 것이 중요하다. 이와 같은 디지털 협업 도구들을 적절히 활용함으로써, 협력적 글쓰기의 효율성을 높일 수 있는 교육 방안이 지속적으로 마련되어야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재

        Collaborative to Individual Writing: An Investigation of Student Performance and Perceptions

        조수경 현대영어교육학회 2012 현대영어교육 Vol.13 No.4

        This study investigates how English as a foreign language (EFL) learners progress from collaborative writing to individual writing in terms of accuracy, complexity, and fluency. Previous research on collaborative writing has focused on comparisons between learners who worked in pairs or groups with learners who worked individually. However, no research to date has explored the same learners’ experiences of collaborative and individual writing and their written products. In order to better understand the effects of this phenomenon, the current study compares the collaborative and individual written texts of 15 Korean EFL learners and, focusing on four students, also explores how learners’ perceptions and attitudes towards collaborative writing affect their actual writing. The analysis reveals that, in overall, learners’ writing improved through the experiences of collaborative writing. Also, students who produced higher quality individual works than collaborative had more positive views on collaborative writing than those who produced lower quality writing individually. The results of this study imply that collaborative writing can be beneficial in second language contexts and that instructors should inform students of its benefits to ensure students take advantage of the collaborative writing experience.

      • KCI등재

        Writing Technologies and Hypertext Relay Writing: Fostering Collaborative Writing

        ( Sang Min Lee ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2012 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.15 No.2

        As new collaborative writing tools are redefining the notions of writing and reshaping writing practices, they also have significant implications for the writing classroom. This study executed a collaborative hypertext relay writing project in a multimedia-assisted language classroom. The study posed two questions: how the project promoted the students` collaborative writing process and how the project fostered the students` media literacy. The data collection was three-fold: observations of the students` collaborative writing process, their writing outcomes, and the post-hoc questionnaire. The results indicated that the project had a positive impact on the students` writing in diverse ways. The project enabled student collaboration, made learning enjoyable, heightened the students` motivation toward learning, and facilitated language skills. As a result, the students produced interesting, lengthy texts. The students also utilized different types of multimedia to maximize the effect of their text, through which they could acquire media literacy skills required in the 21st century. During the collaborative writing process through networked computers, the students also played alternating roles of authors, editors, and readers, similar to the way in which collaborative writing platforms operate in the real world.

      • KCI등재

        How Do Korean EFL Students Perform in Computer-Supported Collaborative Writing?

        ( Jue Kyoung Pae ) 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2012 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.15 No.4

        The collaborative writing process and the nature of conversation during computer-supported collaborative writing have not received much attention. This study aims to investigate how students perform collaborative writing in computer-supported writing environment. The participants of this study consisted of 24 Korean EFL college students. For collaborative writing, the students were paired based on a similar writing proficiency level. The participants were asked to write three essays on a web-based social writing platform and to talk with their peer using a synchronous computer-mediated communication program. A total of 34 transcripts of conversation between 12 pairs were collected and analyzed into a total number of 1,866 episode units. The majority of the talk was substantive talk followed by procedural talk, social talk, and then writing talk in both higher level and lower level groups. However, there were some differences in substantive talk and social talk between higher and lower level groups. The groups generally followed a common process when they worked together to produce an essay. All groups consistently took a parallel approach. The findings of this study about how student groups proceed to work collaboratively to produce a shared text may benefit writing teachers who may want to adopt collaborative writing.

      • KCI등재

        시조 텍스트를 이용한 글쓰기 협력학습 전략

        김상진 ( Kim Sang-jean ) 한국언어문화학회(구 한양어문학회) 2012 한국언어문화 Vol.0 No.49

        Recently, growing interest in collaborative learning. So in this study, read the text in college classes to take advantage of the sijo collaborative learning and seek ways to continue writing. I had to first review the discussion of deployment features of collaborative learning. The biggest feature is the center of collaborative learning to the students. not professor. In addition, to take advantage of the text read sijo issues had an interest. Utilizing sijo writing to collaborative learning requires systematic order, and separated the individual writing. Its order to this paper was divided into four steps. The first step is, group organizing and presenting sijo text. The next, that is plots presented and role-sharing. This is a process that is not available in the individual writing. In other words, that features of collaborative learning. The third is to complete the first step, a draft of writing. This process is divided into `Summary` and `Narrative Writing`. And collaborative learning is a sub-activities. The last step and the second writing, writing is a step to complete. This process includes rewrite. By using this sijo collaborative learning will finished as a complete writing. In this study, writing process as collaborative learning target was placed on the Use of the sijo. Therefore, collaborative learning writing common way, for example, evaluation etc, to receive help from existing studies.

      • KCI등재

        협동 작문이 설득을 위한 글의 고쳐쓰기에 미치는 영향

        오택환 한국어교육학회 2008 국어교육 Vol.0 No.127

        본 연구는 협동 작문이 설득을 위한 글의 고쳐쓰기에 미치는 영향을 탐색함으로써, 협동 작문의 의의와 방법을 고찰하고 추후 보다 다양한 협동 작문에 대한 연구의 기초를 다지는데 그 목적을 두었다. 서울시 소재 인문계 고등학교 1학년 남학생 2개 학급을 실험 집단과 통제 집단으로 실험 집단에는 협동 작문을 투입하고, 통제 집단에는 개별 작문 수업을 진행하였다. 실제로 협동 작문을 투입한 총 시간은 15시간이었다. 실험 집단에서는 학생들이 글을 고칠 때 주장과 근거 또는 논의에 대한 중심내용이나 세부내용의 추가나 삭제 등 거시적 측면에서 이루어지는 비율이 높았으나, 통제 집단에서는 학생들이 글을 고칠 때, 문장, 단어, 맞춤법, 띄어쓰기 등 미시적 측면 수준에서 이루어지는 비율이 높은 것으로 나타났다. 차후 협동 작문에 대한 다양한 연구는 다음과 같은 방향에서 이루어져야 한다. 첫째, 학교 급별을 달리하는 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 둘째, 쓰기 목적과 쓰기 과정을 달리하는 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 셋째, 남녀 성별 및 학교 계열을 달리하는 연구가 이루어져야 한다. 이러한 작은 노력들이 결실을 거두어 ‘이론을 위한 이론이나 연구’의 차원을 넘어 학교 현장에서 쓰기 교육의 본질을 회복하고 강화를 위한 작은 초석이 될 것이다. The purpose of this paper is to understand conception and needs on the collaborative writing. Through existing research, This study is to make clear the process of the collaborative writing method in korean Secondary school and to investigate how to make a application. First, I inquire conception and needs on the writing workshop. it deals with a collaborative writing process, procedure, and concrete method to investigate how to make an application to high school classroom. As a result, it creates concrete activity, effective method, and the systemic procedure of collaborative writing. Second, I explore effective teaching method of collaborative writing on persuasive writing. In experiment group and control group to comparative analysis, experiment group to revision on macroeconomic writing's contents, structure, other control group to complement on microeconomic writing's expression. Consequently, We must discuss more detailed, systematic, plentiful about writing education in Secondary school. And this discussion must be a foundation to recover and reinforce essential on writing education in Secondary school.

      • KCI등재

        Benefits of Collaborative Writing: University Students’ Reflections

        김현진 현대영어교육학회 2022 현대영어교육 Vol.23 No.2

        The importance of collaborative activities has been recognized for increasing learning opportunities in language classrooms. However, benefits of collaborative writing in university writing classrooms have not been robustly reported yet. Thus, the purpose of this study was to investigate students’ perception of a collaborative writing project and its instructional benefits during a course devoted to teaching transitions from writing paragraphs to essays in an EFL classroom. The project involved 15 students in an intermediate-level writing class at a university in Korea. Each group was assigned with different types of paragraph. Other groups gave suggestions on how to transform the paragraph to a five-paragraph essay in a series of peer feedback workshops. Results of surveys and interviews of participants clearly revealed that the collaborative project helped them develop a positive attitude towards writing in L2 English and working in groups. This study contributes to the practice of academic writing by showing that collaborative writing allows students to achieve the goal of understanding composing processes and the goal of producing a presentable essay. For teachers who are reluctant to implement collaborative writing projects in EFL settings, this study provides useful guidelines for project design and practical applications for the classroom.

      • KCI등재

        Writing Technologies and Hypertext Relay Writing: Fostering Collaborative Writing

        이상민 한국멀티미디어언어교육학회 2012 멀티미디어 언어교육 Vol.15 No.2

        As new collaborative writing tools are redefining the notions of writing and reshaping writing practices, they also have significant implications for the writing classroom. This study executed a collaborative hypertext relay writing project in a multimedia-assisted language classroom. The study posed two questions: how the project promoted the students’ collaborative writing process and how the project fostered the students’ media literacy. The data collection was three-fold: observations of the students’ collaborative writing process, their writing outcomes, and the post-hoc questionnaire. The results indicated that the project had a positive impact on the students’ writing in diverse ways. The project enabled student collaboration, made learning enjoyable, heightened the students’ motivation toward learning, and facilitated language skills. As a result,the students produced interesting, lengthy texts. The students also utilized different types of multimedia to maximize the effect of their text, through which they could acquire media literacy skills required in the 21st century. During the collaborative writing process through networked computers, the students also played alternating roles of authors, editors, and readers, similar to the way in which collaborative writing platforms operate in the real world.

      • KCI등재

        대학글쓰기교육에서 협동글쓰기의 교육적 의미와 유용성 연구- 수업사례분석을 중심으로

        정연희 한국교양교육학회 2017 교양교육연구 Vol.11 No.4

        The purpose of this paper is to examine the educational significance of cooperative writing based on the actual identity and status of college writing education and to examine the usefulness of cooperative writing. This study examines the effect of collaborative writing through the case study of cooperative writing and examines the possibility that collaborative writing can be considered as the writing genre of college in comparison with curriculum of university education. This is a review based on the changing trend of universal liberal arts education to meet social change. The following is a summary of the discussion in this paper. 1) It can be said that university writing is the first writing education, and cooperative writing can be a very effective way for basic students to write. Through cooperative writing with several people, brainstorming can be done to induce interest in writing and to naturally create a sense of shortage of freshmen. 2) Cooperative writing facilitates the transition from basic writing to academic writing. Nowadays, college education is accelerating interdisciplinary convergence and strengthening of team project activities. Collaborative writing, which will be widely used in the curriculum and comparison process, faithfully practices the university writing education and college liberal education. 3) Cooperative writing conforms to the nature and characteristics of university writing education, which not only focuses on academic writing but also occupational writing. Our students are more likely to undertake collaborative tasks in their future jobs, leading to collaborative writing. In the increasing globalization trend, the capability of consulting based on the Internet, which is a global medium, is expected to further expand. The cooperative writing process has the effect of enhancing each student’s ability of consultation and leadership and learning each other’s abilities. It is also an opportunity to objectify and reflect on self-role and self-power. Nowadays, Korean universities are embracing various team activities as comparisons and processes in order to innovate and strengthen liberal arts education, and the process is also a process of cooperative writing. In the context of innovation and strengthening of liberal arts education, cooperative writing that is the result of writing as well as consultation as preparation for writing needs to be actively examined. 대학글쓰기교육의 실질적인 정체성과 위상을 바탕으로 하여 협동글쓰기의 교육적 의미를 살펴보고 협동글쓰기의 유용성을 검토하였다. 협동글쓰기를 적용한 수업을 사례로 분석하여 협동글쓰기의 효과를 가시화하고 대학교육의 교과과정과 비교과과정에서 협동글쓰기가 대학의 글쓰기 장르로 검토될 수 있음을 고찰한 것이다. 이는 사회변화에 부응하려는 대학교양교육의 변화 추세에 입각한 검토이다. 논의를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 대학글쓰기가 처음 받는 글쓰기교육이라고 해도 과언이 아닌 신입생들에게 기초글쓰기로서 협동글쓰기는 매우 유효한 방식이 될 수 있다. 여럿이 함께 쓰는 협동글쓰기를 통해 브레인스토밍을 함께 함으로써 글쓰기의 흥미를 유발하고, 단락의식을 자연스럽게 형성함으로써 이후의 논리적 글쓰기 교육으로 수월하게 넘어갈 수 있다. 2)협동글쓰기는 기초글쓰기에서 학술적 글쓰기로의 전환을 용이하게 한다. 요즘 대학교육은 학제 간 융합이 가속화되고 팀 프로젝트 활동이 강화되는 추세에 있다. 교과과정과 비교과과정에서 널리 사용될 협동글쓰기는 대학 교양/글쓰기 교육의 지향을 충실하게 실천한다. 3)협동글쓰기는 학문적 글쓰기뿐만 아니라 직업적 글쓰기를 요체로 삼는 대학글쓰기교육의 본질과 특성에 부합한다. 앞으로 학생들이 맡게 될 직무영역에서 협력과제를 수행할 가능성이 많으며 이는 협동글쓰기로 이어진다. 증대되는 세계화 추세에서 지구적 매체인 인터넷에 기반한 협의 능력은 한층 확대될 전망이다. 협동글쓰기의 과정은 학생 개개인의 협의능력과 리더십을 제고하고 각자의 능력을 서로 배울 수 있는 효과를 누린다. 또한 자기 역할과 자기 능력을 객관화하고 이를 반성할 수 있는 기회가 되기도 한다. 요즘 한국대학들은 교양교육을 혁신하고 강화하기 위해 다양한 팀 활동을 비교과과정으로 수용하고 있다. 그 과정은 협동 글쓰기의 과정이 된다. 교양교육의 혁신과 강화의 구도 속에서 글쓰기의 준비 과정으로서 협의로 끝낼 것이 아니라 함께 쓰는 글쓰기로 마무리되는 협동글쓰기가 적극적으로 검토될 필요가 있다.

      • KCI등재

        교육과정의 계속성을 고려한 대학 글쓰기 교육 방안 : 협동작문 수업 사례와 학생들의 내러티브를 중심으로

        성은혜 한국내러티브교육학회 2024 내러티브와 교육연구 Vol.12 No.1

        이 연구는 신입생으로 대상을 한정하여 이루어지는 글쓰기 교육의 문제점을 지적하고, 대학교 1학년 이후에 글쓰기의 핵심 요소를 반복하여 실력을 쌓는 방법으로 ‘협동작문’을 제안하고자 한다. 이를 위해 글쓰기 교육에서 계속성의 특징과 요소를 문헌을 고찰하여 살펴보고, 협동작문의 원리와 효용을 학생들의 내러티브와 연계하여 분석하고자 한다. 계속성(continuity)이란, 한 가지 교육내용이 학년이 올라감에 따라 단절됨이 없이 계속적으로 취급되어야 한다는 원칙이다. 글쓰기에서의 계속성은 ‘장르와 형식의 지식적 측면’, ‘쓰기 과정의 전략적 측면’, ‘반복된 쓰기의 경험적 측면’으로 구분할 수 있다. 협동작문은 협력학습을 기반으로, 한 편의 글을 다수의 조원과 함께 상의하여 완성하는 것이다. 협동작문을 수행한 학생들은 동료학습자들과 함께 글쓰기를 반복, 실행, 습관화하면서 계속성을 중심으로 글쓰기 실력을 향상시킬 수 있었다. 내러티브를 분석한 결과 학생들은 협동작문을 통해 첫째, 글쓰기 지식과 상호작용의 중요성을 발견(지식의 구성)하고, 둘째, 문제해결 능력과 글쓰기 실력을 향상(능력의 개발)시키고, 셋째, 협동작문에 대한 인식과 심리적 성장(태도의 변화)을 기대할 수 있었다. 협동작문은 글쓰기의 계속성을 구현하는 방법이자 자발적이고 지속가능한 학습이라는 점에서 시사하는 바가 있다. This study proposes collaborative writing as a way to build skills by repeating key elements of writing. We examine the characteristics of continuity in writing education and analyze the principles and effectiveness of collaborative writing in connection with students' narratives. Continuity is the principle that one educational content should be treated continuously. Continuity in writing can be divided into ‘strategic aspects of the writing process’, ‘knowledge aspects of genre and format’, and ‘experiential aspects of repeated writing’. Collaborative writing is based on collaborative learning, where a piece of writing is completed through discussion with multiple group members. Collaborative writing can be expected to, firstly, discover the importance of writing knowledge and interaction, secondly, improve problem-solving abilities and writing skills, and thirdly, develop awareness of group activities and psychological growth.​

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