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      • KCI등재

        구인구직사이트의 구인정보 기반 지능형 직무분류체계의 구축

        이정승 한국지능정보시스템학회 2019 지능정보연구 Vol.25 No.4

        The job classification system of major job sites differs from site to site and is different from the job classification system of the ‘SQF(Sectoral Qualifications Framework)’ proposed by the SW field. Therefore, a new job classification system is needed for SW companies, SW job seekers, and job sites to understand. The purpose of this study is to establish a standard job classification system that reflects market demand by analyzing SQF based on job offer information of major job sites and the NCS(National Competency Standards). For this purpose, the association analysis between occupations of major job sites is conducted and the association rule between SQF and occupation is conducted to derive the association rule between occupations. Using this association rule, we proposed an intelligent job classification system based on data mapping the job classification system of major job sites and SQF and job classification system. First, major job sites are selected to obtain information on the job classification system of the SW market. Then We identify ways to collect job information from each site and collect data through open API. Focusing on the relationship between the data, filtering only the job information posted on each job site at the same time, other job information is deleted. Next, we will map the job classification system between job sites using the association rules derived from the association analysis. We will complete the mapping between these market segments, discuss with the experts, further map the SQF, and finally propose a new job classification system. As a result, more than 30,000 job listings were collected in XML format using open API in 'WORKNET,' 'JOBKOREA,' and 'saramin', which are the main job sites in Korea. After filtering out about 900 job postings simultaneously posted on multiple job sites, 800 association rules were derived by applying the Apriori algorithm, which is a frequent pattern mining. Based on 800 related rules, the job classification system of WORKNET, JOBKOREA, and saramin and the SQF job classification system were mapped and classified into 1st and 4th stages. In the new job taxonomy, the first primary class, IT consulting, computer system, network, and security related job system, consisted of three secondary classifications, five tertiary classifications, and five fourth classifications. The second primary classification, the database and the job system related to system operation, consisted of three secondary classifications, three tertiary classifications, and four fourth classifications. The third primary category, Web Planning, Web Programming, Web Design, and Game, was composed of four secondary classifications, nine tertiary classifications, and two fourth classifications. The last primary classification, job systems related to ICT management, computer and communication engineering technology, consisted of three secondary classifications and six tertiary classifications. In particular, the new job classification system has a relatively flexible stage of classification, unlike other existing classification systems. WORKNET divides jobs into third categories, JOBKOREA divides jobs into second categories, and the subdivided jobs into keywords. saramin divided the job into the second classification, and the subdivided the job into keyword form. The newly proposed standard job classification system accepts some keyword-based jobs, and treats some product names as jobs. In the classification system, not only are jobs suspended in the second classification, but there are also jobs that are subdivided into the fourth classification. This reflected the idea that not all jobs could be broken down into the same steps. We also proposed a combination of rules and experts' opinions from market data collected and conducted associative analysis. Therefore, the newly proposed job classification system can be regarded as a data-based intelligent job classification system that refle... 주요 구인구직사이트의 직무분류체계가 사이트마다 상이하고 SW분야에서 제안한 ‘SQF(Sectoral Qualifications Framework)’의 직무분류체계와도 달라 SW산업에서 SW기업, SW구직자, 구인구직사이트가 모두 납득할 수있는 새로운 직무분류체계가 필요하다. 본 연구의 목적은 주요 구인구직사이트의 구인정보와 ‘NCS(National Competaency Standars)’에 기반을 둔 SQF를 분석하여 시장 수요를 반영한 표준 직무분류체계를 구축하는 것이다. 이를 위해 주요 구인구직사이트의 직종 간 연관분석과 SQF와 직종 간 연관분석을 실시하여 직종 간 연관규칙을 도출하고자 한다. 이 연관규칙을 이용하여 주요 구인구직사이트의 직무분류체계를 맵핑하고 SQF와 직무분류체계를 맵핑함으로써 데이터 기반의 지능형 직무분류체계를 제안하였다. 연구 결과 국내 주요 구인구직사이트인 ‘워크넷,’ ‘잡코리아,’ ‘사람인’에서 3만여 건의 구인정보를 open API를이용하여 XML 형태로 수집하여 데이터베이스에 저장했다. 이 중 복수의 구인구직사이트에 동시 게시된 구인정보 900여 건을 필터링한 후 빈발 패턴 마이닝(frequent pattern mining)인 Apriori 알고리즘을 적용하여 800여 개의연관규칙을 도출하였다. 800여 개의 연관규칙을 바탕으로 워크넷, 잡코리아, 사람인의 직무분류체계와 SQF의 직무분류체계를 맵핑하여 1~4차로 분류하되 분류의 단계가 유연한 표준 직무분류체계를 새롭게 구축했다. 본 연구는 일부 전문가의 직관이 아닌 직종 간 연관분석을 통해 데이터를 기반으로 직종 간 맵핑을 시도함으로써 시장 수요를 반영하는 새로운 직무분류체계를 제안했다는데 의의가 있다. 다만 본 연구는 데이터 수집 시점이 일시적이기 때문에 시간의 흐름에 따라 변화하는 시장의 수요를 충분히 반영하지 못하는 한계가 있다. 계절적 요인과 주요 공채 시기 등 시간에 따라 시장의 요구하는 변해갈 것이기에 더욱 정확한 매칭을 얻기 위해서는 지속적인 데이터 모니터링과 반복적인 실험이 필요하다. 본 연구 결과는 향후 SW산업 분야에서 SQF의개선방향을 제시하는데 활용될 수 있고, SW산업 분야에서 성공을 경험삼아 타 산업으로 확장 이전될 수 있을것으로 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        등급분류시스템의 변화에 따른 주요 국가별 등급분류체계 고찰 및 국내 등급분류체계 개선방안

        김민창,홍석만,한민규 한국스포츠엔터테인먼트법학회 2019 스포츠와 법 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구의 목적은 2018년 도입된 증거기반등급분류시스템에 대응하기 위하여 과거 장애인스포츠 등급분류시스템의 변화를 살펴보고, 해외 주요 국가의 자체 등급분류시스템 운영 현황을 분석함으로써 우리나라 등급분류 시스템의 정착과 관리방안을 제시하는 데에 있다. 이와 같은 연구의 목적을 달성하기 위하여 연구방법으로 문헌조사와 전문가 회의를 실시하였으며, 연구의 범위는 등급분류 초기부터 새롭게 도입된 등급분류까지로 설정하였다. 문헌조사 단계에서는 해외 주요 국가별 등급분류 관련 보고서, IPC 등급분류 관련 자료, 연구논문, 국내 관련보고서 및 서적 등의 자료를 수집·분석하였으며, 전문가회의 단계에서는 분석된 자료를 바탕으로 등급분류전문가, IPC관계자, 특수체육 박사학위소지자, 대한장애인체육회 직원, 경기단체 직원 등 총 6명으로 구성된 전문가집단 회의를 실시하였다. 이러한 과정을 통해 IPC 주도의 등급분류시스템의 변화를 살펴보고, 국내의 현실적인 문제점을 분석함으로써 우리나라가 새로운 등급분류시스템의 등장에 대응할 수 있는 현실적인 방안을 제시하였다. 이러한 연구과정을 통한 연구결과는 첫째, ‘IPC 등급분류시스템 대응을 위한 국내등급분류 관리 표준화 시스템 구축’, 둘째, ‘등급분류시스템 전담매니저 배치를 통한 선제 상시대응 및 지속관리’, 셋째, ‘대한장애인체육회 주도의 등급분류 관련 국내외 전문인력 양성’, 넷째, ‘동아시아 등급분류연합 결성’이 도출되었다. The purpose of this research is to examine the change process of the disability sport classification system in order to respond to the change of the classification system and evidence-based classification system led by IPC newly introduced in January 2018 and also to provide the settlement of system and systematic management for the disability sports classification system by analyzing the classification system of leading countries . To achieve this research, this research is conducted through literature investigation and expert consultation. The range of this research is limited from the beginning of the disability sport classification to newly introduced classification in January 2018. In order to achieve this research, we investigate the literature review on the process of classification, domestic condition, evidence-based classification newly introduced in IPC, and the international trends related to classification system of leading countries. To do this research, we analysis and collect data such as report about classification of leading countries, data about IPC’s classification, thesis, report and publication in domestic. Based on the analyzed data, expert meeting is composed of two persons in disability sport field, a classification expert, a person interested in IPC, two persons who have a doctorate in special physical education, a person who worked at the Korea paralympic committee, and two persons from sports association to study about this research. Through this process, we suggest a practical way for Korea to respond to the change of the international classification system led by IPC by analyzing the domestic condition and real difficulty. Based on the data collected from these research processes, the result of the research is as follow. These are ways for Korea to respond to change of international classification system led by IPC. The ways are ‘Establishment of standardization management system for domestic classification’, ‘Preemptive response and sustainable management through deploying the classification system manager.’, ‘Training professional manpower about classification led by Korea paralympic committee’, and ‘organized United Classification of East Asian.’

      • KCI등재

        개방형 한국어 지식 대사전 전문용어 신분류 체계 설정 및 재분류

        황유모(Humor Hwang),김정훈(Jung-Hoon Kim) 대한전기학회 2015 전기학회논문지 Vol.64 No.2

        A new classification system with 9 main categories and 56 subcategories for the Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary is proposed. The classification system setup is to prepare for the standard classification system to be used to manage effectively vast of terminologies which were published in the Open Korean Knowledge Dictionary and is meant to enhance the fifteen-year old classification system for the standard korean great dictionary to match up to the trend of the modern terminology. The new terminology classification system covering all the academic areas such as humanity, sociology, politics, science, medicine, agriculture, engineering, etc, is designed and proposed after investigating several classification systems. The classification system setup procedures follow as ? The classification system is designed and planed by both the classification system and the academic expert. ? Classification system design covers all the academic areas following National Science and Technology standard classification system after investigating several classification systems such as the National Research Foundation, National Science and Technology Standard Act, Ministry of Knowledge Economy. ? Poll and survey is made to collect comments from total 93 members of several academic areas. ? The poll result is reviewed among working group members and utilized to update the new terminology classification system. Reclassifications are made for the around 200,000 terms in electricity, computer, medicine, pharmacy, biology, and economics according to the new terminology classification system.

      • KCI등재

        디자인 물품분류체계 개발을 위한 사용자 요구사항 분석

        윤세균 ( Sekyun Yoon ),김태균 ( Taekyun Kim ) 한국산업디자이너협회 2019 산업디자인학연구 Vol.13 No.1

        Since the international design registration application system introduced and applied in Korea from July of 1st in 2014, which based on the Geneva Act of Hague Agreement Concerning the International Registration of Industrial Designs, the Locarno classification has been adopted as an official classification in Korea. However, the Locarno classification is not suitable for the examination environment in Korea, because it is a administrative classification system that presupposes partially-examination system. For this reason, Korea examination system still keeps on following the Korean design classification as a classification for examination, but this situation causes various problems such as the inefficiency of examination and increasing applicant' confusion. For this reason, Korea authority is now making great efforts to develop and introduce a new design classification system for solving this problem. The purpose of this study is to find user requirements to be reflected in the development of the new design classification system. From the research studies, a satisfaction survey on the current classification system was conducted with the expert users of the design classification system, and I found that 17 user requirements. Also, I founded the user requirements are so diverse throughout the classification system, that the improvement of the classification system is much required, and the direction of improvement should be the way of enhancing usability of the classification system and also strengthening the basic function.

      • KCI등재

        한국 식품의약품안전청 및 외국의 치과재료 분류체계 조사

        양송이(Song-Yi Yang),김미주(Mi-Joo Kim),박은주(Eun-Joo Park),김경남(Kyoung-Nam Kim),김광만(Kwang-Mahn Kim) 대한치과재료학회 2012 대한치과재료학회지 Vol.39 No.3

        The Korea Food and Drug Administration published new ‘medical device classification system’ for more transparent and internationally harmonized classification system as the medical products types are rapidly diversified and increased. The aim of this study was to find the way of improving the efficiency of dental materials classification by comparing classification system of Korea and other countries. For this research, the classification system of Korea, Europe, Japan, USA and China were collected. The collected data were reviewed and the difference between classification systems of Korea and other countries were compared. The subdivision of classification system of dental materials in Korea, USA and Japan are as follows, subsequently; 27 medium classification and 149 subclassification, 5 medium classification and 132 subclassification, and 9 medium classification and 279 subclassification according to usage, ingredients and forms of products. Classification system of dental devices in GMDN(Global Medical Device Nomenclature) is subdivided to 749 subclassification without distinction of dental devices and materials, and in China, it is subdivided to 15 medium classification and 59 subclassification according to usage of products. The development of dental materials and import or export of them may have difficulty due to the difference in classification system between Korea and systems in each country. In order to overcome this difficulty, the competence of the selection of products that shows significant difference between Korea and other countries should be reassessed. Also like USA or GMDN of Europe, where the classification of medical devices are continuously modified, Korea should actively seek a plan for stable classification systems that can be unified with the other countries. The result of this study may improve the efficiency of dental materials classification by suggesting solution to such problems which occur in distribution or development of dental materials.

      • SCOPUSKCI등재

        한국표준의료행위 분류체계 개발

        박형욱,손명세,김한중,박은철,유승흠,Park, Hyoung-Wook,Sohn, Myong-Sei,Kim, Han-Joong,Park, Eun-Cheol,Yu, Seung-Hum 대한예방의학회 1996 Journal of Preventive Medicine and Public Health Vol.29 No.4

        In recent years, the Korean Medical Association has undertaken the feat of establishing the Korean Standard Terminology of Medical Procedures with the dedicated help of 32 medical academic societies. However, because the project is being conducted by several different circles, it has yet to see a clear system of classification. This thesis, therefore, proposes the three principles of scientific properties, usefulness and ideology as the basis for classification system and has developed the Classification System of Medical Procedures in Korea upon their foundation. The methodology and organization of this thesis as follows. First, by adopting scientific classification system of Feinstein(1988), an analysis of the classification systems of the medical procedures in the United States, Japan, Taiwan, WHO was carried out to reveal the framework and the basic principles in each system. Second, the direction of classification system has been constructed by applying the normative principle of medical field in order to show the future direction of the medical field and realize its ideology. Third, a finalized framework for the classification system will be presented as based on the direction of classification system. Of the three basis principles mentioned above, the analysis on the principles of usefulness was left out of this thesis due to the difficulty of establishing specific standards of analysis. The results of the study are as follows. The overall structure of the thesis is aimed at showing the 'Prevention-Therapy-Rehabilitation' quality of comprehensive health care and consists of six chapters; I. Prevention and Health Promotion II. Evaluation and Management III. Diagnostic Procedures IV. Endoscopy V. Therapeutic Procedures VI. Rehabilitation Chapter three Diagnostic Procedures is divided into four parts : Functional Diagnosis, Visual Diagnosis, Pathological Diagnosis, Biopsy and Sampling. Chapter five Therapeutic Procedures is divided into Psychiatry, Non-Invasive Therapy, Invasive Therapy, Anaesthesia and Radiation Oncology. Of these sub-divisions, Functional Diagnosis, Biopsy and Sampling, Endoscopy and Invasive Therapy employs the anatomical system of classification. On the other hand, Visual Diagnosis, Pathological Diagnosis, Anesthesia and Diagnostic Radiology, namely those divisions in which there is little or no overlapping in services with other divisions, used the classification system of its own division. The classification system introduced in this thesis can be further supplemented through the use of the cluster analysis by incorporating the advice and assistance of other specialists.

      • KCI등재

        역대 本草書의 본초분류체계에 대한 연구

        백명훈,신상원 대한한의학원전학회 2023 대한한의학원전학회지 Vol.36 No.3

        Objectives : This study aims to diachronically examine the classification systems of all materia medica, followed by categorization and analysis of each category to deduce each category's characteristic. This will provide foundation for further examining classifications of bencao in contemporary herbology. Methods : Classification systems from a total of 93 bencao related texts were collected and categorized. Each category's classification system was analyzed to determine its meaning. The classification systems were compared from a diachronic perspective, to further deduce each system's problem from a historical context. Results : The classification systems of materia medica could be summarized as following three standards: quality, origin, and medical application. In reality, bencao could be generally classified according to origin and medical application. The origin-based classification system provided a stable and flexible classification outline in the expansion process of bencao. The medical application-based classification strengthened the relationship between bencao and illness pattern, improving clinical applicability. Conclusions : In the history of herbology, the two classification systems created the current of herbology through mutual contribution and conflict. We hope that further discussion on the direction towards which classification system of bencao in contemporary herbology should head will proceed based on this study. 목적: 역대 본초서의 본초분류체계를 통시적으로 고찰하여 유형화하고 각 분류체계 유형을 분석하여 유형별 특성을 도출하고자 한다. 이를 통해 향후 현대 본초학의 본초 분류를 고찰할 수 있는 바탕을 마련하고자 한다. 방법: 총 93종의 본초학 관련 문헌으로부터 본초분류체계를 수집하여 이를 유형화하고 각 유형의 본초분류체계가 가진 의의에 대해 분석하였다. 본초서의 본초분류체계를 통시적인 관점에서 비교하여 역사적인 맥락에서 각 분류체계가 갖는 학술적 문제의식을 도출하고자 하였다. 결과: 역대 본초서의 본초분류체계를 크게 三品 분류체계, 기원별 분류체계, 의학적 분류체계의 세 가지로 요약하였고 실제로는 기원별 분류체계와 의학적 분류체계로 대별되는 것으로 파악하였다. 기원별 분류체계는 본초가 크게 증보되는 과정에서 안정되고 유연한 분류의 틀을 제공하였다. 의학적 분류체계는 본초와 병증의 관계를 강화하여 임상적 유용성을 제고하였다. 결론: 본초학의 역사 속에서 두 분류체계는 상호 보완하기도 하고 상충하기도 하면서 본초학의 발전의 흐름을 만들어 왔음을 확인할 수 있었다. 본 연구를 토대로 향후 현대의 본초분류체계가 지향해 나가야 할 방향에 대한 논의가 진행될 수 있기를 기대한다.

      • KCI등재

        국내외 표준 분류체계 조사·분석을 통한 국방규격 분류체계 개선방안 연구

        염슬기(Seul-Ki Yeom) 한국산학기술학회 2021 한국산학기술학회논문지 Vol.22 No.4

        본 연구에서는 국방표준분류체계의 현실태 및 문제점을 분석하고 국내외 표준분류체계 사례 분석을 통해 규격관리 업무를 효율적으로 수행하기 위한 방안을 제안하였다. 국방기술자료의 군수품 품질 문제를 지속적으로 해소하기 위해 민간의 우수 기술을 적시에 반영하고 완성도 높은 국방규격의 관리를 위해 민간의 표준체계를 벤치마킹해야 한다. 먼저, 현실태 분석을 위해 국내 민간 KS 및 국외 ICS코드, 미국 국방표준시스템을 통해 나토 분류체계를 분석하였다. 우리군의 경우는 방위사업청에서 운영 중인 국방표준종합시스템을 통해 국방규격 분류체계의 현실태를 파악하였다. 각 경우를 우리 군의 국방규격 분류체계에 산업표준과 연계해 국방표준분류체계에 적용하였다. 국방부 무기체계/전력지원체계의 분류는 전순기 군수품에 대해 8대 무기체계와 6대 전력지원체계로 분류한 우리 군에 가장 적합한 분류체계이다. 대분류로 국방부 무기체계/전력지원체계의 분류를 채택하였고, 중분류와 소분류로는 나토 분류체계를 채택하였다. 구체적으로 대분류 12개 분야, 중분류 66개 분야, 소분류 352개 분야로 각각 분류하였다. 본 연구에서는 국방표준관리체계 확립으로 민간의 기술반영을 통한 신규 국방규격 분류체계 개선방안으로 활용될 수 있을 것으로 판단된다. This study analyzed the reality and problems of the defense standard classification system. This paper proposes a plan to perform standard management tasks efficiently through case analysis of domestic and foreign standard classification systems. To continuously solve the problem of military product quality in defense technical data, it is necessary to promptly reflect the civilian’s excellent technology and benchmark the civilian standard system to manage high-quality defense standards. First, to analyze the reality, the NATO classification system was analyzed through the private KS of domestic and ICS codes, the US defense standard system of overseas. In the case of the Korean military, the reality of the defense standard classification system was grasped through the National Defense Standards Comprehensive System operated by the Defense Acquisition Program Administration. The classification of the ministry of defense’s weapon system and force support system is the most suitable classification system for the Korean military, which is classified into eight weapon systems and six force support standard systems for all steps. Specifically, it was classified into 12 major categories, 66 categories, and 352 sub-categories. In this study, the establishment of the defense standard management system can improve the classification system of new defense standards by reflecting the superior technology of the private sector.

      • KCI등재

        한국 전통공예 분류체계 기초연구 -문화재 제도를 중심으로-

        이승주 국립무형유산원 2021 무형유산 Vol.- No.11

        With the introduction of the cultural property protection system in 1962, Korean traditional crafts were separated into crafts and craftsmen by the concept of tangible cultural property and intangible cultural property in the field of the cultural property system. This separation is the result of the combination of the Japanese “Cultural Properties Protection Act” and the lack of cultural competence during the introduction of the domestic empire. Traditional crafts were recognized as separate beings as art works and traditional craftsmen. As the relationship between traditional culture and crafts is separated, traditional crafts have become difficult to understand in three dimensions. The international convention on intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO has put domestic cultural heritage policy in a rapidly changing environment. Although there have been several studies on the traditional craft classification system to cope with these changes, it still has not escaped the inertia that is limited to the viewpoint of law. To overcome this phenomenon, a basic study of the classification system that can recognize the integrated recognition of traditional crafts separated by art crafts and traditional craftsmen was conducted. The results of comparative studies on other classification systems and the characteristics of traditional crafts were analyzed to extract important factors for the classification system to be constructed in the future. This paper fully reflects the characteristics of the crafts manufacturing system that had been neglected before, and conducts research on categories and concepts of crafts in a quantitative manner rather than an ideological approach, and considers the environmental characteristics of traditional crafts. Through this new perspective and methodology, it was confirmed that the two essential elements that can fully understand traditional crafts are the environment of the traditional production system and crafts, and this important factor was made as the most important warp and woof in operating the traditional craft classification system. One of the important criteria of the classification system of traditional crafts is the production system of craftsmen, and this is called the production environment of traditional crafts. Another important criterion for the classification system is the use of crafts, and this is called the use environment of traditional crafts. These two criteria were set up in each standard so that they could be used without superiority by combining them like Legos as needed or operated according to the use of each policy. Although there are several shortcomings in many ways, we have set important standards and detailed standards for each standard so that we can fully understand traditional crafts. Therefore, we expect to use them well in creating a complete classification system suitable for use in the field in the future. 1962년 문화재보호제도의 도입과 함께 한국 전통공예는 문화재 제도 현장에서 유형문화재와 무형문화재란 법률상의 개념에 의해 공예품과 장인으로 분리되는 현상이 발생되었다. 이러한 분리는 근대 제국주의 시기 정책과 긴밀한 일본 「문화재보호법」과 국내 도입기 문화적 역량의 미진함이 복합적으로 작용한 결과라 하겠다. 이렇게 전통공예는 미술품과 전통장인으로 제 각각 별개의 존재로 인식되었다. 이렇게 전통 문화와 공예의 관계가 분리됨으로써 전통공예는 입체적으로 이해하기 어려운 존재가 되었다. UNESCO 무형문화유산 국제협약으로 국내 문화재정책은 급변하는 환경에 처했다. 이러한 변화에 대처하기 위한 전통공예 분류체계 연구가 여러 번 있었지만 법률의 관점에 제한되는 관성을 여전히 벗어나지 못하였다. 이러한 현상을 극복하기 위하여 미술공예품과 전통장인으로 분리된 전통공예의 통합적 인식이 가능한 분류체계의 기초연구를 진행하였다. 타 분야 분류체계의 비교연구에서 얻은 성과와 전통공예 특성을 분석하여 향후 구축될 분류체계에 필요한 중요요소를 추출하였고 이것을 연구의 나침반 역할로 삼았다. 본 논문에서는 기존에 경시되었던 공예의 제작시스템 특징을 충분히 반영하고 관념적 접근보다는 정량적 방식으로 공예에 대한 범주와 개념에 대한 연구를 진행하며 전통공예의 환경적 특성을 고려하였다. 이같은 새로운 관점과 방법론을 통하여 전통공예를 온전히 이해할 수 있는 2가지 필수 요소는 전통적 생산시스템과 공예품의 환경임을 확인하였고, 이 중요 요소를 전통공예 분류체계를 운영하는 데 가장 중요한 씨줄과 날줄로 삼았다. 전통공예 분류체계의 중요 기준 중의 하나는 장인(匠人)제작체계이며 이것을 전통공 예의 생산환경이라고 하였다. 또 다른 분류체계의 중요 기준은 공예품의 쓰임이고 이것을 전통공예의 사용환 경이라 이름 지었다. 이러한 2가지의 체계 기준은 필요에 따라 레고처럼 조합하여 통합적으로 우열 없이 사용 하거나 정책별 용도에 따라 제 각각 운용할 수 있도록 각 기준에는 대중소의 분류를 설정하였다. 완벽하지는 않으나 나름 전통공예에 대한 온전한 이해가 가능하도록 중요 기준과 각 기준별 세부기준을 설정하였으니 향후 현장에서 용도에 적합한 완성형 분류체계를 만드는 데 잘 활용되기를 기대해 본다.

      • KCI등재

        세분류 토지피복지도 분류체계 개선방안 연구 -환경부 토지피복지도를 중심으로-

        오관영 ( Kwan Young Oh ),이명진 ( Moung Jin Lee ),노우영 ( Woo Young No ) 대한원격탐사학회 2016 大韓遠隔探査學會誌 Vol.32 No.2

        본 연구는 현재 환경부에서 제공하는 토지피복지도 중 세분류 토지피복지도의 분류체계를 개선하기 위한 것이다. 이를 위하여 첫째, 해외 토지피복지도 분류 항목을 중점 검토하였다. 둘째, 기존 세분류 분류체계를 적용하여 구축된 항목 당 면적비율을 분석하였다. 셋째, 실제 세분류 토지피복지도를 사용하는 사용자(전문가 및 일반인)을 대상으로 분류체계 개선에 대하여 설문조사를 수행하였다. 넷째, 최종적으로 기존41개 분류체계를 33개 항목으로 개선하는 분류체계를 설정하였다. 다섯째, 설정된 토지피복 분류항목을 시범 적용하였으며, 기존 분류체계와 개선안에 따른 토지피복 분류 결과를 비교하였다. 연구대상지는 시가화지역, 농경지등 다양한 지표특성을 지니고, 지형지물이 비교적 골고루 분포되어 있는 고양시 일산 지역을 대상으로 하였다. 연구에 사용된 기본 영상은 국토지리정보원에서 촬영하고 있는 0.25 m 급 정사항공영상이며, 관련 참조자료는 수치지형도, 정밀 임상도, 지적도, 행정구역도 등을 사용하였다. 개선된 분류체계를 시범지역에 적용한 결과 문화체육·휴양시설이 1.84 km2으로 분류되었으며, 이는 기존 분류체계 면적대비 약 2배 이상 증가한 것이다. 기타 교통통신시설 및 교육행정시설 등은 분류되지 않았다. 본 연구결과는 향후 세분류 토지피복지지도 구축과 갱신의 효율성과 실질적인 사용자 수요를 반영하였다는데 의의가 있다. The purpose of this study is to improve the classification system of sub-divided land cover map among the land cover maps provided by the Ministry of Environment. To accomplish the purpose, first, the overseas country land cover map classification items were examined in priority. Second, the area ratio of each item established by applying the previous sub-divided classification system was analyzed. Third, the survey on the improvement of classification system targeting the users (experts and general public) who actually used the sub-divided land cover map was carried out. Fourth, a new classification system which improved the previous system by reclassifying 41 classification items into 33 items was finally established. Fifth, the established land cover classification items were applied on study area, and the land cover classification result according to the improvement method was compared with the previous classification system. Ilsan area in Goyang city where there are diverse geographic features with various land surface characteristics such as the urbanization area and agricultural land were distributed evenly were selected as the study area. The basic images used in this study were 0.25 m aerial ortho-photographs captured by the National Geographic Information Institute (NGII), and digital topographic map, detailed stock map plan, land registration map and administrative area map were used as the relevant reference data. As a result of applying the improved classification system into the study area, the area of culturesports, leisure facilities was 1.84 km2 which was approximately more than twice larger in comparison to the previous classification system. Other areas such as transportation and communication system and educational administration facilities were not classified. The result of this study has meaningful significance that it reflects the efficiency for the establishment and renewal of sub-divided land cover map in the future and actual users’ needs.

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