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        고려와 조선왕조의 관리등용제도 변화 연구: 음서제를 중심으로

        조성택 ( Sung Taek Cho ),최연택 ( Yeon Taek Choi ) 한국행정사학회 2010 韓國行政史學誌 Vol.27 No.-

        본 논문에서는 고려시대와 조선시대의 관리등용제도 특히 음서제의 변화를 살펴보았다. 음서제 연구를 통해 고려와 조선사회의 양반들의 특권 유지 노력을 고찰하였다. 고려시대와 조선시대는 신분제사회로 지배계층이 특권적 신분을 유지하고, 그들의 권력을 재생산하였다. 권력과 가문을 유지하는 원천은 관직에 등용하는 것이었다. 국왕이 통치하기 위한 수단으로서 그리고 관료제의 구축을 위해서, 유능한 인재 등용이 필요하였다. 고려시대에는 국왕들이 호족세력을 중앙집권체제 내에 끌어들이려 하였고, 귀족관료층이 주체세력으로 편제된 국가통치체제를 형성하였다. 안정된 통치기반을 위해서는 기존 호족세력의 특권을 보장하면서도, 학문적으로 유능한 인재를 선발 채용할 수 있는 제도 마련이 필요하였다. 지방 호족의 중앙귀족으로의 흡수를 위해 과거제, 음서제 등 다양한 인사제도를 시행하였다. 조선 왕조는 새로운 유교사상의 이념 하에 신흥 관료와 군인이 결합하여 성립하였으며, 조선 건국과 함께 문반 중심의 중앙집권주의적 행정체계를 형성하였다. 관료들의 생활기반을 중앙에 집중시키는 등 지방 토착세력에 대한 견제가 강화되었다. 또한 소수의 문벌에 의한 신분사회를 구축할 수 있었다. 경국대전을 편찬하여 국정운용과 인사행정의 법적 근거를 마련하였다. 과거제를 강화하고 음서제가 약화되었으나, 추가적으로 대가제를 시행하였다. 고려와 조선시대의 음서제는 고위관료와 하위관료 간의 차별과 계층 간 차별을 위한 관리등용제도의 하나였다. 인사제도가 특권 유지의 기반이었기에 제도의 시행과정에서 많은 비리와 혼란이 발생하고, 제도상의 변화가 있었다. A Study on Institutional Changes of Government Personnel System in Koryo and Chosun Dynasty: Focused on `Eumseoje` In this paper we examine the personnel system, especially the changes of `Eumseoje`, during Koryo and Chosun Dynasty era. Through the study of `Eumseoje`, this paper investigate the effort to maintain the privilege of `Yangban` - Nobleman class during Koryo and Chosun dynasty. The Koryo and Chosun Dynasty had a rigid caste system for the ruling caste to maintain a privileged status and reproduce their power. `Yangban` had should been recruited as government official to maintain the caste and power. The King had should to recruit the talented man to construct the bureaucracy and govern the kingdom. The King of `Koryo` was trying to subjugate the regional powerful clan under the centralized country and establish national governance system mainly with aristocratic bureaucrats. It was necessary to have the institution for safe governance foundation which ensure the privilege of existing regional powerful clan and hire the intellectual talent. Various Personnel system such as `State Examination system` and `Eumseoje` had been introduced to absorb the regional clan into central noble. Chosun Dynasty had been established by the combination of new officials and soldiers based on the Confucian ideology. Chosun had formed the centralized administrative system at the national foundation which is `Munban-civil officials or non military officials` oriented system. The restraint control over regional clan had been enhanced. For instance, the bureaucrats` living base had moved to central area. In addition, the caste system had been constructed based on the minority of `Munban.` The compilation of `Gyeonggukdaejeon` had established the legal basis of governmental affairs and personnel administration. `State Examination system` had been enhanced, but `Eumseoje` had been weakened. In addition, `Daegaje` had been executed. `Eumseoje` was one of the personnel system which discriminate between a high-ranking and a low-ranking officials and noble and civil class. Human resource institution had been the basis of privilege maintenance. Therefore, many irregularity, chaos and institutional changes had appeared during the system execution.

      • KCI등재

        CAE을 이용한 주조방안설계 : 자동차용 부품(오일팬_BR2E)

        권홍규 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        A most important progress in civilization was the introduction of mass production. One of main methods for mass production is die-casting molds. Due to the high velocity of the liquid metal, aluminum die-casting is so complex where flow momentum is critical matter in the mold filling process. Actually in complex parts, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact mold filling performance with using experimental knowledge. To manufacture the lightweight automobile bodies, aluminum die-castings play a definitive role in the automotive part industry. Due to this condition in the design procedure, the simulation is becoming more important. Simulation can make a casting system optimal and also elevate the casting quality with less experiment. The most advantage of using simulation programs is the time and cost saving of the casting layout design. For a die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimize the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_BR2E, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with three layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the filling process with three models, internal porosities caused by air entrapments were predicted and also compared with the modification of the gate system and overflows. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities occurring during the solidification process were predicted and also compared with the modified gate system.

      • KCI등재

        Casting Layout Design Using CAE Simulation

        Hong-kyu Kwon(권홍규) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2017 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.40 No.1

        A most important progress in civilization was the introduction of mass production. One of main methods for mass production is die-casting molds. Due to the high velocity of the liquid metal, aluminum die-casting is so complex where flow momentum is critical matter in the mold filling process. Actually in complex parts, it is almost impossible to calculate the exact mold filling performance with using experimental knowledge. To manufacture the lightweight automobile bodies, aluminum die-castings play a definitive role in the automotive part industry. Due to this condition in the design procedure, the simulation is becoming more important. Simulation can make a casting system optimal and also elevate the casting quality with less experiment. The most advantage of using simulation programs is the time and cost saving of the casting layout design. For a die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimize the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_BR2E, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with three layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the filling process with three models, internal porosities caused by air entrapments were predicted and also compared with the modification of the gate system and overflows. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities occurring during the solidification process were predicted and also compared with the modified gate system.

      • KCI등재

        "억압"과 "자유"의 문턱에서: 『대지의 춤』에 나타난 "카스트 타 계급간의 결혼"이 지닌 상상과 의미

        이연 ( Yeon Lee ) 한국외국어대학교 동남아연구소 2015 東南亞硏究 Vol.25 No.1

        Oka Rusmini, a woman author that comes from Bali, in her novel “Tarian Bumi”, criticized the women condition in the Balinese aristocratic people. In this matter, the interesting one is that Tarian Bumi narrates about the handover of Brahmin social status of the female main character, due to the female main character married with the lower caste man, namely Sudra caste. With that kind of married, the Balinese noble female character had to face many obstacles, bad assumptions, economy struggles, etc. in pursuing her happiness. It can be concluded that Oka Rusmini took out the ‘a Cross- Caste Marriage’ topic to show the picture of Balinese women lives in feudalistic caste system and Balinese socio-culture that takes side on men (patriarchal society). Therefore, this research would discuss over how patriarchal caste system influenced Balinese women lives. This discussion would focus on the matter of Oka Rusmini’s opinion over ‘a Cross-Caste Marriage’ in Tarian Bumi related with Balinese women lives. Among several works of Oka Rusmini, this novel picked to be analyzed because Tarian Bumi is not only arguing about marriages between noble women with Sudra men, but also noble men married with Sudra women. For that reason, there are many pictures of ‘A Cross-Caste Marriage’ captured in Balinese society. Besides, it also said that Tarian Bumi portrayed women lives of various classes in Balinese society.

      • KCI등재

        Comparison of marginal and internal fit of 3-unit monolithic zirconia fixed partial dentures fabricated from solid working casts and working casts from a removable die system

        Wan-Sun Lee(이완선) 대한턱관절교합학회 2024 구강회복응용과학지 Vol.40 No.2

        목적: 본 연구의 목적은 가철성 다이 시스템으로 제작된 작업 모형과 솔리드 작업 모형을 이용해 치과용 캐드캠 시스템(CAD/CAM)으로 제작된 지르코니아 3본 고정성 치과 보철물의 변연 및 내부 적합성을 평가하고자 하였다. 연구 재료 및 방법: 하악 우측 제1소구치와 하악 우측 제1대구치에 지르코니아 크라운을 위한 치아 삭제 프로토콜을 수행하고, 하악 우측 제2소구치가 없는 레퍼런스 모델을 만들었다. 레퍼런스 모델은 폴리비닐 실록산 인상체를 사용하여 복제되었고, 일반적인 치과 기공 절차에 따라 20개의 작업 모형이 제작되었다. 비교 분석을 위해, 10개의 지르코니아 3본 고정성 치과 보철물은 가철성 다이 시스템에서, 나머지 10개는 솔리드 작업 모형에서 제작되었다. 모든 작업 모형은 치과용 데스크탑 스캐너를 사용하여 디지털화되었고, 캐드 소프트웨어에서 보철물을 설계하였다. 최종 3본 고정성 치과 보철물은 밀링 과정을 통해 제작되었다. 변연 및 내부 적합도 평가는 레퍼런스 모델에 제작된 보철물을 위치시키고, 디지털 평가 방법으로 적합도가 측정되었다. 두 그룹 간의 통계 비교를 위해 Mann-Whitney U 검정이 적용되었다(α = 0.05). 결과: 가철성 다이 그룹은 솔리드 작업 모형 그룹에 비해 소구치와 대구치에서 유의하게 높은 적합도 차이를 보였으며(P < 0.05), 특히 변연 및 교합 간격에서 유의하게 높은 편차를 보였다. 색상 편차 맵에서도 가철성 다이 그룹이 변연 및 교합 영역에서 더욱 높은 편차를 보였다. 결론: 3본 고정성 치과 보철물의 적합도 차이는 가철성 다이 시스템의 작업 모형 상에서 제작된 치과 보철물에서 초래되었으며, 이를 통해 가철성 다이 제작 방법이 치과 고정성 보철물의 정확성에 영향이 있었음을 검증하였다. Purpose: This study aimed to assess the marginal and internal fit of 3-unit monolithic zirconia fixed partial dentures (FPDs) fabricated via computer-aided design and computer-aided manufacturing (CAD/CAM) from solid working casts and removable die system. Materials and Methods: The tooth preparation protocol for a zirconia crown was executed on the mandibular right first premolar and mandibular right first molar, with the creation of a reference cast featuring an absent mandibular right second premolar. The reference cast was duplicated using polyvinyl siloxane impression, from which 20 working casts were fabricated following typical dental laboratory procedures. For comparative analysis, 10 FPDs were produced from a removable die system (RD group) and the remaining 10 FPDs from the solid working casts (S group). The casts were digitized using a dental desktop scanner to establish virtual casts and design the FPDs using CAD. The definitive 3-unit monolithic zirconia FPDs were fabricated via a CAM milling process. The seated FPDs on the reference cast underwent digital evaluation for marginal and internal fit. The Mann-Whitney U test was applied for statistical comparison between the two groups (α = 0.05). Results: The RD group showed significantly higher discrepancies in fit for both premolars and molars compared to the S group (P < 0.05), particularly in terms of marginal and occlusal gaps. Color mapping also highlighted more significant deviations in the RD group, especially in the marginal and occlusal regions. Conclusion: The study found that the discrepancies in marginal and occlusal fits of 3-unit monolithic zirconia FPDs were primarily associated with those fabricated using the removable die system. This indicates the significant impact of the fabrication method on the accuracy of FPDs.

      • KCI등재

        힌두교와 카스트 제도로 인한 인도인의 해외 이민의 특징

        임형백(Lim, Hyung Baek) 한국아시아학회 2017 아시아연구 Vol.20 No.3

        이 논문은 인도의 힌두교와 카스트 제도로 인한 인도인의 해외 이민의 특징을 고찰하였다. 인도의 신분제도는 흔히 카스트로 알려져 있지만, 인도인은 이를 다시 ‘바르나’와 ‘자티’로 구분한다. ‘바르나’가 우리가 알고 있는 카스트에 가깝고, 실제로는 ‘자티’에 의하여 세분화된다. 인도의 카스트 제도는 브라만, 크샤트리아, 바이샤, 수드라의 4개 계층으로 구성되고, 이 4개 계층에도 포함되지 못하는 불가촉천민(달리트)가 있다. 카스트는 정복자인 인도-유럽인(인도-아리안족)이 원주민(드라비다족, 문다족 등)을 정복하고 예속화하여 지배하는 과정에서 생겨난 사회제도이다. 즉 사회적 신분을 종교적으로 강하게 고정시켜 놓음으로써, 지배계급의 통치를 강화하고 기득권을 유지하기 위한 것이다. 정복자인 인도-유럽인(인도-아리안)이 브라만(5%), 크샤트리아(10%), 바이샤(10%)를 구성하고, 피정복자인 원주민이 수드라(50%)와 달리트(16%)를 구성한다. 한편 힌두교에서는 힌두인으로 태어난 사람만이 카스트에 속하는 신분을 가질 수 있고, 원칙적으로 해외 이민은 카스트를 박탈당하는 것이었다. 힌두교는 개인의 의무와, 결정론적 미래관을 강조하였다. 이러한 힌두교와 카스트 제도의 영향으로 인도인은 해외 이민에 소극적이었다. 근대 이전에는 교역의 대상이었던 동남아시아로의 이주가 대부분이었다. 근대 이후에는, 영국 식민지 시대에는 영국 식민 정부에 의한 남인도의 노동자들의 이주가 대부분이었다. 1947년 독립 이후, 1950년대의 이주는 IT기술자 등 전문직과 부유층 중심의 이주가 특징이다. This paper is a documentary research on the traits of overseas emigration in India owing to hinduismand caste system. India was well known for caste system. Caste system is sub-divided into Varna and Jati. Caste system becomes much more complicated than this, but that basic division into four classes. Indo-European(Indo-Aryan)) invaded India fromB.C. 18 century to B.C. 17 century. Indo-Aryans conquer the natives of India. Indo-Aryans made the caste system. The purpose the caste systemis subordination of the natives of India. Indo-Aryans form higher class, i.e., brahman(about 5%), kshatriya(10%), vaisya(10%). And the natives formlower class, i.e., sudra(50%). And there is untouchability called dalit who are not included in caste system. Hindu will get his class by descent. So hindu’s class is valid only in India. Hindu will lost his class if he broke tradition by leaving the India. Hinduismemphasize personal responsibility as hindu and deterministic view of the future. So Indian was fairly reserved on overseas emigration. Pre-modern Indian’s overseas emigration has basically focused trade of state. Modern Indian’s overseas emigration can be classified into two types. During the English colonial period, manual workers were overwhelmingly in the majority of overseas emigration. Since the declaration of the 1947, expertise and the rich were in the majority of overseas emigration.

      • Case Study for Casting Layout Design of Automobile Part (Oil Pan_DX2E) using Computer Simulation

        Hongkyu Kwon 한국산업경영시스템학회 2013 한국산업경영시스템학회 학술대회 Vol.2013 No.추계

        When manufacturing die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimizing casting layout design of an automobile part (Oil Pan_DX2E) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with two layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the mold filling with two models, internal porosities caused by air entrap were predicted and also compared by the modification of the gate system and the configuration of overflow. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities caused by the solidification shrinkage were predicted and also compared by the modification of the gate system.

      • Estimation of Flow Rate in Automatic Pouring System with Real Ladle Used in Industry

        Yoshiyuki Noda,Kazuhiko Terashima 제어로봇시스템학회 2009 제어로봇시스템학회 국제학술대회 논문집 Vol.2009 No.8

        This paper gives a method for estimating flow rate of an outflow liquid from tilting-ladle type automatic pouring system used in casting industry. In order to precisely pour molten metal into the mold, controlling flow rate of liquid flowing out of the ladle is absolutely necessary. However, it is difficult to directly measure the flow rate by using a conventional flow meter, because the flow meter is damaged by the molten metal. Therefore, in this study, we used a soft sensing technique as part of the flow rate estimation system. In this approach, the pouring model is generalized to meet the ladle with diversity-shape. Then, the proposed model is incorporated in an Extended Kalman Filter for estimating the flow rate. The proposed system enables to apply the automatic pouring system with real ladle which has complicated shapes. The effectiveness of the proposed flow rate estimation system is demonstrated through experiments.

      • KCI등재

        유동해석을 이용한 자동차용 부품(오일팬_DX2E)의 주조방안설계에 대한 사례연구

        권홍규(Hongkyu Kwong) 한국산업경영시스템학회 2013 한국산업경영시스템학회지 Vol.36 No.4

        For a die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation among injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimize the casting layout design of an automotive Oil Pan_DX2E, Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) simulation was performed with two layout designs by using the simulation software (AnyCasting). The simulation results were analyzed and compared carefully in order to apply them into the production die-casting mold. During the filling process with two models, internal porosities caused by air entrapments were predicted and also compared with the modification of the gate system and overflow. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities occurring during the solidification process were predicted and also compared with the modified gate system.

      • Case Study for Casting Design of Automobile Part (Gear Box) using CAE

        Hongkyu Kwon,Moo-Kyung Jang 한국산업경영시스템학회 2012 한국산업경영시스템학회 학술대회 Vol.2012 No.추계

        When manufacturing die casting mold, generally, the casting layout design should be considered based on the relation between injection system, casting condition, gate system, and cooling system. Also, the extent or the location of product defects was differentiated according to the various relations of the above conditions. In this research, in order to optimizing casting design of an automobile part (Gear Box) Computer Aided Engineering (CAE) was performed by using the simulation software (Z-Cast). the simulation results were analyzed and compared with experimental results. During the mold filling, internal porosities caused by air entrap were predicted and reduced remarkably by the modification of the gate system and the configuration of overflow. With the solidification analysis, internal porosities caused by the solidification shrinkage were predicted and reduced by the modification of the gate system. For making a better production die-casting tool, cooling systems on several thick areas are proposed in order to reduce internal porosities caused by the solidification shrinkage.

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