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        건축물 에너지효율을 개선하기 위한 인증제도의 공법적 고찰

        김미영,이종영 중앙법학회 2017 中央法學 Vol.19 No.2

        This paper aims to compare and analyze building energy efficiency improvement certification system. The problems of environmental pollution are the most urgent environmental problem the world is facing. Most governments are tying to agree the purpose of bringing together international efforts to fight against climate change, a significant global environment issue. Buildings are the biggest source of greenhouse gas emissions and energy consumption globally. Buildings account for 25% of the total greenhouse gas and for this reason enhancing energy efficiency is highly important. Improving building energy efficiency is one of the most cost-effective ways to decrease greenhouse gas emissions. The South Korean government has been promoting many policies as part of its effort to turn the nation green. Especially, Zero Energy Building Certification System has been implemented from 2017 (related 'Green Building Promotion Act’). This paper aims to compare and analyze major building energy efficiency improvement certification systems in Korea. It is to be hoped that this paper helps analysis of our Certification System and development of Building Energy Efficiency Improvement Certification System. 건축물 에너지효율은 온실가스에 해당하는 이산화탄소배출을 줄여서 기후변화에 대응과 에너지의 안보와 경제성과 관련된다. 우리나라를 비롯한 세계 각 국가는 에너지의 사용분야별로 산업부문, 운송부문, 건축물부문, 가정부문 등으로 분류할 때에 공통적으로 건축물부문에서 사용하는 에너지가 15%에서 30%에 이르고 있다. 우리나라의 경우에 건물은 전체 온실가스 배출량의 25%를 차지하며 향후 건물부문의 온실가스 배출량이 국가 전체 배출량의 50%에 이를 전망이다. 건축물의 에너지 효율향상을 위한 제도는 2015년 말에 타결된 파리기후변화협약의 이행과 에너지자원을 약 95%이상을 수입하고 있는 우리나라로서 에너지안보에 기여를 중요한 기여를 할 수 있는 제도로 기대되고 있다. 건축물 에너지효율향상과 관련된 국내법은 「저탄소 녹색성장 기본법」을 필두로 하여 「녹색건축물 조성 지원법」을 들 수 있다. 「녹색건축물 조성 지원법」은 건축물의 에너지효율향상을 위한 제도로 녹색건축 인증제도, 건축물 에너지효율등급제도를 비롯하여 2017년부터는 시행되는 제로에너지빌딩 인증제도를 도입하고 있다. 제로에너지빌딩 인증제도는 2020년부터는 공공건축물, 2025년에는 민간부문까지 해당 인증을 의무화할 예정이다. 이에 따라 이 논문은 「녹색건축물 조성 지원법」을 중심으로 건축물의 에너지 효율을 개선하기 위한 주요 인증 제도인 녹색건축 인증제도, 건축물 에너지효율등급 인증제도, 제로에너지건축물 인증제도에 대하여 고찰하고자 한다.

      • KCI등재

        건축관련법에 있어서의 친환경성의 구현

        ( Eun Kee Lee ) 한국환경법학회 2014 環境法 硏究 Vol.36 No.2

        건축물에서의 에너지소비는 에너지소비의 대종을 이루고 있는바, 건축물은 건축용지의 조성, 건물의 설계, 건설, 유지관리 및 사용, 리모델링, 폐기 등 그 생애주기 동안의 모든 단계에서 에너지와 자원을 사용하게 된다. 따라서 각 과정에서의 에너지와 자원의 소비가 많으므로 적절한 에너지 절감대책이 필요하게 된다. 우리나라 건축물의 에너지 사용량은 20%정도이나 앞으로 40%까지 증가할 것으로 예상되고 있다. 건축물의 친환경성과 직접적으로 관련되는 온실가스배출 감축문제는 기후변화의 완화를 위한 적정한 대응전략이 될 수 있다. 우리나라는 건축물의 친환경화로 인한 에너지 절약을 위하여 녹색건축물인증제도 및 건축물 에너지효율등급 인증제를 시행해 오고 있는바, 그 근거법은 ‘녹색건축물조성지원법’(제16조 제4항)과 ‘녹색건축인증에 관한 규칙’이다. 이 제도는 미국의 그린빌딩 등급시스템인 LEED제도, 영국의 그린하우스 프로그램인 BREEAM제도 그리고 EU 의 친환경건축물 프로그램인 GreenBuilding-Programm제도를 벤치마킹한 것이다. 녹색건축물인증제도는 국토해양부와 환경부의 운영기관단일화, 제도의 간소화 (즉 인증기관수의 최소화·인증기준의 단순화·평가항목의 축소 등), 1등급부터 4 등급의 단계로 실시하는 평가등급의 세분화를 통한 제도의 실효성확보 등 개선해야될 부분도 적지 않다. 특히 녹색건축물 인증제도의 운영부처가 국토교통부와 환경부의 공동운영으로 이원화되어 있는바, 제도운영의 효율성이 떨어질 수밖에 없으므로 주무부처를 환경부로 일원화하고 국토교통부는 협력부처로 할 필요가 있다. 건축관련법과 도시정비에 관한 현행법은 에너지절약을 통하여 건물의 친환경성과의 실현을 도모하고 있으나, 선진국의 관련법제에 비하여 에너지 효율향상을 위한 제도적 장치가 아직도 미흡한 점이 많으므로 태양광 등 신재생에너지의 적극적 활용과 에너지 절약성능이 높은 건축물에 대대해서는 높이제한, 용적률 완화, 등록세·재산세 와 같은 세제혜택 등의 인센티브를 주고 건축물에너지 소비총량제를 도입하는 등 보다 적극적이고 계속적인 법제적 보완이 요구된다. Energy consumption in the building accounts for the majority of energy consumption. Therefore, the building uses energy and resources at all stage of its life cycling including construction of building site, design of building, maintenance and use, remodeling, and disposal. It is required to make suitable energy reduction policy as there is much consumption of energy and resource. While the energy consumption amount of building in Korea is 20%, it is expected to increase up to 40%. The reduction of greenhouse gas discharge that is directly related to the eco-friendliness of building can be a suitable response strategy to relieve climate change. To save energy by means of eco-friendliness of the building, system of accrediting green building and building energy efficiency grading certification system are introduced in Korea. The reference laws are ‘Green building construction support act’ (Article 16.4) and ‘Green building certification regulation.’ These are the benchmarks of LEED, a green building system of the US, BREEAM as green house program of the UK and Green Building-Programm, an EU`s eco-friendly building construction program. As for green building certification system, it has many issues to be resolved such as the single operation system between the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs and Ministry of Environment, simplification of system (minimization of number of certifying institute, simplification of certification criteria and reduction of evaluation method), classification of evaluation grade between best and excellent grade in order to secure practicality for the system. In particular, as the operating authorities are divided into the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs and Ministry of Environment, it lacks efficiency of system operation. Therefore, it is necessary to set the Ministry of Environment as the competent authority and to appoint the Ministry of Land, Transport and Maritime Affairs as the cooperating authority. While the building construction related laws and urban maintenance laws attempt to realize eco-friendliness of the building by means of energy saving, there are many insufficiencies for the development of energy efficiency which requires continual further modification.

      • 건축물 에너지 통합지원시스템 체계 재정립 및 에너지 효율화 가이드 구현

        오수현(Su Hyun Oh),이승언(Seung Eon Lee),유기형(Ki-Hyung Yu) 대한설비공학회 2019 대한설비공학회 학술발표대회논문집 Vol.2019 No.-

        This study introduces web-based integrated support system for building energy. A development of the system focuses on providing services, includes a building energy information service, web-based building energy diagnosis and providing detailed building energy information using measurement data to users and ultimately reducing national energy with active participation of citizens. This system contains in the following three main-services. and a detailed building energy information service using measurement data with 11 sub-services. First of all, the total information guide service performs a role of providing energy usage information about reducing building energy. Secondly, a building energy efficiency guide service performs a role as a web-based building energy diagnosis. Users could compare a relative performance level of their own buildings, perform online evaluation of building energy usage and use efficiency diagnosis service with intuitive user interface. Lastly, detailed building energy information service using measurement data performs a role of providing detailed building energy information to user using the cumulative measurement building energy data. Up to now, the study has been performed the design framework of the entire system and development individual components of the system and integrating process of the components will be performed from this year. After constructing this building energy integrated support system, it could be expacted to contribute reducing of national energy effectively.

      • 블라인드형 외부차양의 종류 및 반사율에 따른 건물에너지 저감효과 분석

        김진아(Kim, Jin-Ah),윤성환(Yoon, Seong-Hwan) 한국태양에너지학회 2012 한국태양에너지학회 학술대회논문집 Vol.2012 No.11

        It is essential to reduce building energy consumption in office building because government enact policy which encourages building energy certification from 2013. Office building has high cooling energy demand due to large glazed area of facade in these days. Shading devices can be an alternative of reducing high cooling energy demand. So, this study simulated a variety of exterior venetian blinds to know how much building energy be affected by orientation and reflectance of slat. The results of this study are based on Seoul weather data. The following is a summary of this study. 1) As a slat of venetian blinds has the lower reflectance, the more building energy reduced. Reflectance is usually affected by color and material of slat. In case reflectance is 0.2 reduce 4% of building energy than reflectance is 0.8. 2) Horizontal exterior venetian blinds are more effective than vertical exterior venetian blinds in all of orientation. Horizontal shape is average 16% more effective in shading effect than vertical shape. 3) In this case study, the most effective shading device is low reflectance horizontal exterior venetian blinds that result about 18% building energy reduction than no shade model. The results of this research can be used to plan shading devices for energy conservative office building.

      • KCI등재후보

        BIM기반 건축물 에너지효율등급인증 업무 지원 시스템 개발

        여창재(Chang Jae Yeo),유정호(Jung Ho Yu) 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회 2017 한국퍼실리티매니지먼트학회지 Vol.12 No.2

        Objective information related to energy simulation is required in the stages of using energy performance program (ECO2) for evaluating the current building energy efficiency rating. However, if 2D drawings are used for evaluating building energy efficiency rating, required information extraction and input are done manually and work hour depends on user’s ability and information are sometimes omitted or errored, which leads to work inefficiency. If such problems are also considered in connection with the changes in design information management environment related to BIM’s extended application as mentioned earlier, problems caused by 2D-based can be solved. In this study, we defined the method of extracting and extractable informationfrom in BIM by analyzing the energy efficiency rating certification work status and related request information. In addition, we propose a method to create and manage information that is not present information in BIM but needs information to be managed by BIM. Also, We proposed a method to modify the BIM can use in the building energy efficiency class certification. Based on this, we developed a system to support the building energy efficiency class certification by using BIM. Through case study, we confirmed that the efficiency of building energy efficiency class certification using BIM is higher than that of existing method. This study is expected to minimize data omission and error in the creating process of input information required for building energy performance evaluation and improve the efficiency of building energy efficiency rating certification tasks by automatizing information input process.

      • KCI등재

        거주자의 건물에너지 절약을 위한 건축물 에너지 소비량 정보 구축 및 활용 전략

        임재한(Lim, Jae-Han),진혜선(Jin, Hye-Sun),최보혜(Choi, Bo-Hye),김성임(Kim, Sung-Im),송승영(Song, Seung-Yeong) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2015 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.9 No.2

        The purpose of this paper is to deduct the scheme of construction related to the building end-use energy consumption associated with domestic integrated management system for building energy by analyzing various building energy consumption statistics and database. Although building officials can be considered as a direct influencing factor to reduce building energy consumption, they are just given information related to the primary or total energy consumption like gas or electricity and it has been mainly used for national political purposes. In some countries, however, building energy consumption database or related statistics are given as a form of end-use energy units including space-heating, space-cooling, hot-water supply, ventilation, lighting etc. Furthermore, by constructing standard end-use energy database, real energy consumption could be compared with the standard one and building owners could be given some guidelines to reduce building energy. By doing this, we can take part in the building energy preservation spontaneously.

      • KCI등재

        건축물의 에너지절약설계기준 강화에 따른 업무용 건물의 에너지성능 개선 효과

        김지혜(Kim, Ji-Hye),성제은(Sung, Jea-Eun),김혜기(Kim, Hye-Gi),박덕준(Park, Duk-Joon),김선숙(Kim, Sun-Sook) 한국건축친환경설비학회 2020 한국건축친환경설비학회 논문집 Vol.14 No.1

        Building energy codes are widely used worldwide as a key policy tool for improving building energy efficiency by defining the minimum requirement for the energy performance of new buildings. In Korea, the building energy code includes prescriptive criteria such as U-value requirements for each building component by climate zones and EPI (Energy performance index) as well as performance criteria for primary energy use. The purpose of this study is to suggest the direction to revise building energy code based on the analysis of improvement in energy performance of buildings according to its evolution over the past 20 years. The energy needs and primary energy uses were calculated for three office buildings and four cities. An increasing trend of energy performance was found with the reinforcing of the code, and some recommendations for future revision were suggested.

      • KCI등재

        제로에너지건축물 계획을 위한 국내외 에너지성능관련 제도의 평가도구 비교분석 및 개선방안 연구

        이명주(Lee, Myoung-Ju),김정운(Kim, Jeong-Un) 대한건축학회 2015 대한건축학회논문집 Vol.31 No.4

        In Korea, a variety of related systems have been refurbished with an aim to make Zero Energy Building mandatory from 2025 in conformity with international trend in construction sector to cope with climate change. Thus, the purpose of this study was to explore the future course of improvement in current domestic systems by analyzing the input items of PHPP 8.5 in Germany, BEOpt 2.3 in the United States, and Eco2 2013 of Korea among the simulation programs being implemented for zero energy building plan and by analyzing the systems related to domestic and overseas zero energy buildings. As a result, we derived improvement measures associated with input method for Eco2, current domestic building energy performance evaluation program, basic input information, construction information, facility information, etc. In addition, we proposed that primary focus should be placed on zero energy buildings in connection with conceptualization of domestic zero energy buildings when the current building energy efficiency grade certification system is refurbished. The institutions and policies for zero energy buildings are being formulated newly to cope with global climate changes and related challenges, and should be designed expeditiously to meet international standards.

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