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      • KCI등재

        조류 독감 보도와 제3자 효과

        김인숙 ( In Sook Kim ) 한국PR학회 2004 PR연구 Vol.8 No.1

        This study analyzed the third-person effect and the variables which affect the third-person effect about mass media coverages of bird-flu. The mass media coverages of bird-flu were a controversial issue in Feb, 2004. Perception of others` opinion has been considered as an important factor in the public opinion process for decades. The purpose of this study is to explore the third-person effect phenomenon and variables which affect the third-person effect about the issue of bird-flu. Davison explained the third-person effect that the mass media have a greater effect on others than on one`s self. Also, this study examined the relationship among credibility of mass media coverage, perceived knowledge, personal involvement, the third-person effect about bird-flu. This study used a survey method to find out the third-person effect and variables which affect the third-person effect. The data set was collected in Feb, 2004. 218 university students were analyzed in this study. The result of the study showed that there was a third-person phenomenon about the issue of bird-flu. The variable which affect the third-person effect in this study was credibility of mass media coverages about bird-flu. The result found that respondents who had low credibility of mass media coverages about bird-flu were more likely showed the third-person effect. The study concluded that perception of mass media effect on others is a very important in public opinion process. Therefore, campaign planners have to consider mass media effect on others for effective campaign program planning.

      • KCI등재후보

        Epidemic Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Focusing on the Cases of SARS and Bird Flu

        이상환 한국세계지역학회 2006 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.24 No.2

        Non-traditional aspects of human security directly interact with traditional aspects of national security and can be integrated into existent international relations theories. The ‘human security’ paradigm encourages the field of international relations to understand that international conflict can come from any number of sources including infectious disease. Epidemic problems are becoming important issues in maintaining stability and peace of current Northeast Asia.In the 21st century Northeast Asian countries are facing various kinds of problems, especially health problems such as SARS and Bird Flu. They cannot solve the problems without their neighboring countries’ cooperation. For the successful cooperation they need to change their notion of security from ‘national’ security only for national interest to ‘human’ security for human rights. Or, they need to redefine the notion of national security, as a comprehensive concept, including human security. Health regimes in Northeast Asia should be based on their common notion of security in the region and a principle of reciprocity.

      • KCI등재

        Epidemic Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Focusing on the Cases of SARS and Bird Flu

        ( Sang Hwan Lee ) 한국세계지역학회 2006 世界地域硏究論叢 Vol.24 No.2

        Non-traditional aspects of human security directly interact with traditional aspects of national security and can be integrated into existent international relations theories. The `human security` paradigm encourages the field of international relations to understand that international conflict can come from any number of sources including infectious disease. Epidemic problems are becoming important issues in maintaining stability and peace of current Northeast Asia. In the 21(st) century Northeast Asian countries are facing various kinds of problems, especially health problems such as SARS and Bird Flu. They cannot solve the problems without their neighboring countries` cooperation. For the successful cooperation they need to change their notion of security from `national` security only for national interest to `human` security for human rights. Or, they need to redefine the notion of national security, as a comprehensive concept, including human security. Health regimes in Northeast Asia should be based on their common notion of security in the region and a principle of reciprocity.

      • KCI등재후보

        A Plant Breeder’s View on H5N1

        Soon‐Kwon Kim 한국육종학회 2008 한국육종학회지 Vol.40 No.2

        International conferences to block the spread of Avian bird flu occurred in Beijing, 2006 and others warned of the seriousness of the H5N1 strain. The meetings succeeded in generating billions of dollars from USA, EU and World Bank. Migratory birds seem to play a major role in the spread of the aggressive strain globally from Asia to Europe and Africa. Experiences of tolerance breeding of maize (Zea mays L.) for four decades against 20 biotic stresses suggest that the prime cause of the occurrence of H5N1 strain was due to the human beings’counter‐efforts against nature. Excessive use of chemicals (spray and injection) in the commercial poultry farms had created high selection pressure on virus. The new strain had mutated for survival. Attempting to eliminate the virus by chemicals for 100% control is a dangerous way to control biotic stresses. This can create more aggressive strains. A solution would be to build up tolerability of the commercial animals against the virus. Improvement of poultry cage environments and respect for nature must be integrated. Potential foes must be watched.

      • KCI등재

        농장동물 위해 관리의 법적 쟁점과 과제 ― 살충제 계란 사태와 조류독감ㆍ구제역 사태를 중심으로 ―

        함태성 한국환경법학회 2018 環境法 硏究 Vol.40 No.1

        We call modern society ‘risk society’. The deepening of industrial capitalism and the development of science and technology have presented us with the development of civilization and material affluence, but on the contrary, they are continuously creating new risks that could not be thought of earlier. In Korea too, real problems in risk society are coming to the fore as can be seen in the damage caused by chemicals such as humidifier disinfectants and the issue of the risk of GMOs. The law of risk appeared as a legal response to the risk society as such and the role of the law is being emphasized further. Risks are sometimes mediated by animals. In fact, in Korea, potential risks mediated by animals were sometimes expanded into real risks causing enormous damage to not only people’s lives and health but also properties. For instance, the situation of pesticide eggs, damage due to infectious diseases in domestic animals such as bird flu, foot-and-mouth disease, and mad cow disease, and the problem of abuse of growth accelerators were very sensitive social problems directly linked to the lives and health of the people. Risk management should be understood in a broad sense, including risk communication as well as risk assessment and analysis. Therefore, farm animal risk management can be said to refer to all the processes through which risks caused to humans and the ecosystem through mediation by farm animals are appropriately evaluated and managed to select the best measures and the measures are complemented and revised through risk communication among society members. Risks mediated by farm animals are closer to us than we think, and in fact, the adverse effects of such risks on human beings and the ecosystem can no longer be overlooked. Given that quick and active responses to risks are included in the responsibilities of the state of today, active roles of the government are required in farm animal risk management and systematic and policy legal response measures should be prepared now. In this article, the meaning of farm animal risk management was examined first followed by cases of farm animal risk management and problems in responses. Based on such problems, the legal task of farm animal risk management is examined in terms of risk laws, environmental laws, and animal laws. 우리는 현대 사회를 ‘리스크 사회’라고 부른다. 가습기 살균제와 같은 화학물질로 인한 피해나 GMO의 위해성 문제 등에서 볼 수 있듯이 우리나라도 리크스 사회에서의 현실적 문제들이 대두되고 있다. 리스크는 동물을 매개로 하여 발생하기도 하는데, 실제 우리나라에서도 동물을 매개로 한 잠재적 위험이 현실적 위험으로 확대되어 국민의 생명과 건강뿐만 아니라 막대한 재산상의 피해를 입히기도 하였다. 예컨대, 살충제 계란 사태, 조류독감ㆍ구제역ㆍ광우병 등 가축전염병 피해, 동물항생제ㆍ성장촉진제 오남용 문제 등은 국민의 생명과 건강에 직결되는 매우 민감한 사회 문제가 되고 있다. 위해 관리는 리스크에 대한 평가 및 분석과정뿐만 아니라 리스크 커뮤니케이션도 포함하는 넓은 의미로 파악할 필요가 있다. 따라서 농장동물 위해 관리는 농장동물을 매개로 하여 인간과 생태계에 주어지는 위해를 적절하게 평가하고 관리하여 최선의 방안을 선택하고, 이에 대하여 사회구성원간 리스크 커뮤니케이션을 통하여 보완 및 수정이 이루어지는 모든 과정을 말한다고 하겠다. 오늘날 리스크에 대한 신속하고 적극적인 대응이 국가의 책무에 포함된다는 점을 상기할 때 농장동물 위해관리에 있어서도 국가의 적극적 역할이 요구되고, 체계적인 정책적, 법적 대응방안을 마련해야 할 시점이라고 하겠다. 우선 위해에 대한 예방적 대응체계의 마련이 중요하다. 체계적이고 실효성있는 위해관리기준을 설정하고 행위자로 하여금 기준을 위반하지 않도록 유도함으로써 위해발생을 사전에 차단할 필요가 있다. 또한 위해차단을 위한 입지 정책의 마련, 상시적인 위해실태조사 및 모니터링, 축산계열화사업자의 예방의무 강화 등을 검토할 필요가 있다. 그리고 리스크 커뮤니케이션 체계의 개선도 요구된다. 한편, 농장동물 위해관리와 관련된 구조적 문제 중의 하나는 대규모 공장식 축산 시스템의 폐해이다. 대규모 공장식 축산은 가축전염병의 대규모 발생과 전파의 주된 원인이다. 또한 자연자원을 고갈시키고 엄청난 양의 폐기물을 발생시키는 등 환경문제를 야기하게 된다. 따라서 현재의 농장동물 위해관리와 관련된 많은 문제점들을 해결하기 위한 방안의 하나로 동물복지에 입각한 축산으로 전환이 적극적으로 검토되어야 한다.

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