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      • KCI등재

        말뭉치 자료 분석을 통한 2세 아동의 보조용언 사용 연구

        이수향,이상직 한국언어치료학회 2015 言語治療硏究 Vol.24 No.1

        Purpose: This study examined Korean auxiliary verbs which appeared in the utterances of two-year-old children. Auxiliary verbs include auxiliary verbs and auxiliary adjectives. Auxiliary verbs are used to express tense, aspect and modality. The purpose of this study was to present a list of high frequency auxiliary verbs and the patterns of main verbs + auxiliary verbs. Methods: The utterances of 10 two-year-old children were selected from the Nazarene spoken language corpus. Types and tokens of auxiliary verbs were measured from a total of 14,659 utterances with verbs. Auxiliary verbs were arranged by frequency. Types and tokens of main verbs were analysed from the utterances with high frequency auxiliary verbs. The patterns and meaning of V + AV were examined. Results: First, the ratio of auxiliary verbs to verbs was 15.4%. The highest frequency auxiliary verbs were ‘ju-, bo-, anh-, doe-, mal-, iss-, and sip-’. The main patterns of V + AV were ‘ha + ju, ha + bo, iss + anh, ha + doe, ha + mal, ha + iss, and meok + sip’. The children used auxiliary verbs to express aspect (progress etc.) and modality (respect etc.). But some auxiliary verbs were used as idiomatic phrases. Conclusions: The results of this study show that auxiliary verbs were frequently used to express tense, aspect and modality by very young children. The list of auxiliary verbs with high frequency and patterns of V + AV could be used in the intervention of children with language difficulties. 배경 및 목적: 이 연구는 2세 아동의 자발화에 나타난 보조용언을 조사하여 초기 보조용언 사용 양상을 알아보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 보조용언은 시제, 상, 양태를 표현하기 위해 사용되기 때문에 효과적인 의사소통을 하기 위해 보조용언의 사용은 중요한 부분이다. 방법: 나사렛 말뭉치 중 2세 아동 10명의 발화를 선택하여 먼저 용언 산출 발화를 구분하고, 그 중 보조용언 산출 발화를 조사하였다. 보조용언 사용 양상을 알아보기 위해 보조용언 산출 발화에서 보조용언의 유형과 빈도를 분석하였다. 고빈도 보조용언의 경우 각 보조용언과 결합한 본용언의 유형과 보조용언의 의미기능을 분석하였다. 결과: (1) 용언 산출 발화 중 15.4%의 발화에서 보조용언이 산출되었고, 많이 산출된 보조용언은 ‘주다, 보다, 않다, 되다, 말다, 있다, 싶다’였다. (2) 고빈도 보조용언과 결합한 본용언은 ‘하다+주다, 하다+보다, 있다+않다, 하다+되다, 하다+말다, 하다+있다, 먹다+싶다’ 로 ‘하다’ 동사가 보조용언과 결합하여 많이 산출되었다. (3) 보조용언이 가지는 전형적인 의미 기능 이외에 ‘봐 봐(주의환기), 봤잖아(강조)’ 등의 관용적인 사용 양상을 보였다. 논의 및 결론: 용언발달이 활발히 일어나는 2세 시기에 시제 동작상 및 양태 표현을 나타내는 보조용언이 많이 산출되고 있음을 알 수 있었고, 고빈도 본용언+보조용언 패턴을 제시하여, 언어장애 아동의 치료 자료로 활용될 것으로 기대된다.

      • KCI등재

        현대중국어 ‘必须’의 품사 연구 ― 조동사와 부사의 판별기준 분석을 중심으로

        서지은(Suh, Ji-eun) 한국중어중문학회 2023 中語中文學 Vol.- No.92

        본 논문은 선행연구를 토대로 변별에 난점을 지닌 ‘必须’의 품사 문제에 대해 논의하고, 아울러 조동사와 부사의 판별기준에 대해 고찰하였다. 현재 중국어문법학계에서는 조동사와 부사를 판별하기 위한 다양한 기준이 제시되고 있는데, 그 기준이 다양하게 제시되고 있는 만큼 이에 대한 학자들의 견해도 통일되지 않고 있다. 조동사의 판정 기준으로서의 자격 여부를 놓고 의견이 갈리는 것은 물론, 동일 기준을 놓고서도 학자에 따라 조동사의 판정 기준으로 삼기도 하고 부사의 판정 기준으로 삼기도 한다. 이는 필연적으로 하나의 단어가 두 개의 서로 다른 품사로 판정되는 결과를 초래하게 된다. 이와 같은 문제를 해결하기 위해, 본 연구에서는 양상을 나타내는 조동사 20종과 부사 20종을 대상으로 吕叔湘(1979)이 제시한 보편성과 배타성의 기준에 의거하여 기존 학자들이 제시한 조동사와 부사의 판별기준을 검토하는 작업을 수행하였다. 검토 결과에 따르면, 조동사와 부사의 판별기준으로 삼을 수 있는 항목은 다음과 같다. ➊ 조동사는 ‘X不X’의 형식을 이룰 수 있다. ➋ 조동사는 단독으로 서술어를 충당할 수 있다. ➌ 조동사는 단독으로 말할 수 있다. ➍ 조동사는 정도부사의 수식을 받을 수 있다. ➎ 조동사는 ‘不’의 수식을 받을 수 있다. ➏ 조동사는 ‘是••••••的’의 형식에 들어갈 수 있다. ➐ 조동사는 ‘不X不’의 형식을 이룰 수 있다. ➑ 조동사는 관형어를 충당할 수 있다. 다만 ➊∼➑ 가운데 모든 조동사에 예외 없이 적용되는 항목은 없으므로, 이들은 조동사의 판정 기준일 뿐 조동사로서 갖추어야 할 필요조건은 아니다. 조동사 20종 가운데 ➊∼➑의 모든 항목을 만족하는 조동사는 6종(동적양상 조동사 ‘敢’, ‘想’ 2종과 의무양상 조동사 ‘应该’, ‘应当’, ‘能’, ‘该’ 4종)으로 전체 비율의 30%를 차지하며, 개별 조동사가 ➊∼➑을 충족하는 항목의 평균 개수는 4.85개이다. ‘必须’는 ➊∼➑의 항목 중 4.5개 항목을 충족하고 있다. ‘必须’는 의무양상(deontic modality)의 의무(obligation)를 나타내는데, 유형론적 측면에서 볼 때 의무는 그것이 강의무이든 아니면 약의무이든 모두 조동사라는 품사가 나타내는 것이 일반적이다(예: 영어의 ‘must’, ‘should’, 한국어의 ‘∼해야 한다’). ‘必须’ 외에 의무를 나타내는 것으로 ‘要’, ‘得’, ‘应该’, ‘该’, ‘应当’이 있는데, 이들 역시 학계에서는 보편적으로 조동사로 분류되고 있다. 원형범주이론(prototype theory)에 따르면 ‘必须’는 비전형적인 조동사에 해당한다. This study examined 20 modal verbs and 20 adverbs with modality meanings and reviewed the criteria for identifying modal verbs and adverbs proposed by existing scholars based on the criteria of ‘generality’ and ‘exclusivity’ proposed by Lu Shuxiang(1979). According to the research, the following criteria can be used to distinguish between auxiliary verbs and adverbs. ➊ Auxiliary verbs can take the form of ‘X不X’. ➋ Auxiliary verbs can be used as predicates independently. ➌ Auxiliary verbs can be used independently. ➍ Auxiliary verbs can be modified by adverbs of degree. ➎ Auxiliary verbs can be modified by negative adverb ‘不’. ➏ Auxiliary verbs can take the form of ‘是••••••的’. ➐ Auxiliary verbs can take the form of ‘不X不’. ➑ Auxiliary verbs can be used as attributive modifiers. However, none of the criteria in ➊∼➑ apply to all auxiliary verbs without exception, so they are only criteria for judging auxiliary verbs, not necessary conditions for being an auxiliary verb. The auxiliary verbs that satisfy all of the criteria in ➊∼➑ make up 30% of all auxiliary verbs, and the average number of individual auxiliary verbs that satisfy ➊∼➑ is 4.85. ‘Bixu(必须)’ satisfies 4.5 of the criteria in ➊∼➑. The meaning of ‘Bixu(必须)’ is ‘obligation’. In terms of linguistic typology, obligation is usually expressed by an auxiliary verb rather than an adverb(e.g., ‘must’, ‘should’ in English, ‘hae-ya han-da’ in Korean). In addition to ‘Bixu(必须)’, there are ‘Yao(要)’, ‘Dei(得)’, ‘Yinggai(应该)’, ‘Gai(该)’, and ‘Yingdang(应当)’, which are also universally classified as auxiliary verbs. According to the prototype theory, ‘Bixu(必须)’ is an atypical auxiliary verb.

      • KCI등재

        논문 : 중국어 조동사 활용을 통한 공손표현 고찰

        오현주 ( Hyun Ju Oh ) 영남중국어문학회 2015 중국어문학 Vol.0 No.70

        The purpose of this study is to identify politeness through the use of auxiliary verbs and the grade of politeness according to the selection of auxiliary verbs from Chinese polite expressions perspective. This study examines the use of auxiliary verbs and relationship of polite expressions, based on the preceding studies on Chinese polite expressions and auxiliary verbs, and analyzes the meanings of auxiliary verb’s politeness via pragmatic analysis at conversation layers. This study also comparatively analyzes the degree of politeness according to the selection of auxiliary verbs. This study sets the auxiliary verbs meaning ‘need’, ‘must’, and ‘permission’ as basic study scope, and sets the auxiliary verbs judged to have the meaning or function of politeness as the study scope on the basis of the relationship of auxiliary verb’s modality meaning and politeness. Chinese auxiliary verb is also called ‘can-wish verb’, ‘modal auxiliary verb’, and ‘modal verb’. Modality indicates the subjective position or attitude that a speaker has on the sentences or speeches. Modality not only plays an important role for precise communication, but functions important in terms of politeness. All the Chinese auxiliary verbs are generally said to have the meaning of modality. Therefore, Chinese auxiliary verbs indicate polite expressions. The meaning and degree of politeness expressed by each auxiliary verb are not always absolute. In this regard, people need to use polite Chinese suitable for each situation by using proper auxiliary verbs according to pragmatic factors including the mutual relationship of speakers, conversation purpose and conversation place.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 상 보조용언 ‘가다’와 ‘오다’의 문법화 연구

        김효신(Kim, Hyosin) 담화·인지언어학회 2018 담화와 인지 Vol.25 No.4

        This study provides a comparison of the degrees of grammaticalization between the Korean aspectual auxiliary verbs ‘ga-da’(‘go’) and ‘o-da’(‘come’), with an investigation into their uses in terms of grammaticalization. Until recently, many studies have mainly dealt with the overall properties of auxiliary verbs or their semantic distinctions but have failed to look into the degrees of grammaticalization of these two auxiliary verbs with similar shades of meaning. This paper analyzes the distribution of uses of the auxiliary verbs ‘ga-da’ and ‘o-da’ based on corpus building upon the previous studies. Specific to this paper are analyses of frequency of appearance of the auxiliary verbs, frequency of use of main verbs ‘ga-da’ and ‘o-da’, and the grammatical elements combined with the auxiliary verbs. The analyses show that their word formation patterns and grammaticalization process point to the fact that the auxiliary verb ‘ga-da’ is more grammaticalized than the auxiliary verb ‘o-da.’ Furthermore, the analysis has shown that both the auxiliary verbs have continued to develop to take compound forms combined with connective endings as the auxiliary verb ‘ga-da’ is grammaticalized into ‘-eo gamyeonseo’ and the auxiliary verb ‘o-da’ into ‘-eo wanneunnde’. In this grammaticalization process, the auxiliary verbs ‘ga-da’ and ‘o-da’ have lost what they used to have in meaning only to signify future-oriented durative and past-oriented durative state respectively.

      • KCI등재

        한국어 학습 단계에 따른 보조동사 학습 방안 연구

        장수진 ( Su Jin Jang ) 한국문법교육학회 2008 문법 교육 Vol.8 No.-

        The Korean auxiliary verbs have many function including helping main verbs in the predicate as well as expressing aspect, which makes it difficult for non-native learners of Korean who have different linguistic intuitions to understand their usage. The purpose of this paper is to explore a learning method that will enable learners of Korean to acquire the usage of Korean auxiliary verbs systematically and use themin real-life situations. The learning method for Korean auxiliary verbs presented in this study is based of a list of selected and rank-ordered Korean auxiliary verbs to be taught and learned according to the learner`s level and stage of learning. The order of the auxiliary verbs to be learned at each level can be determined by the following methods. Fist, the frequency of actual use of the words in the selected auxiliary verb list and the frequency of the exclusive use of the words as auxiliary verbs are assessed and ranked. Second, the polysemous meanings of the words in the auxiliary verb list are examined and the rankings are determined based on the frequency of each monosemous meaning and Finally, the rank order of the words in the list to be learned is determined by combining the results of the two above. The learning method that presents the learners with the auxiliary verbs in the rank-ordered list according to their level and stage of learning is expected to be and effective resource for learners of Korean in their learning of auxiliary verbs.

      • KCI등재

        상태동사와 결합하는 보조용언의 특성 연구 - 강조의 의미기능을 하는 보조용언을 중심으로 -

        목지선(MOK JI SEON) 국어문학회 2021 국어문학 Vol.78 No.-

        기존의 연구에서는 결합 용언에 차이에도 불구하고, 상태동사가 선행할 때도 동작동사가 선행할 때와 동일한 판별조건을 적용하여 일부 보조용언을 보조용언의 범주에서 제외하기도 한다. 하지만 동일한 형태의 보조용언이라 해도 동작동사와 결합할 때와 상태동사와 결합할 때 통사적, 의미적 차이가 있으므로 선행용언의 유형에 따른 특성을 밝힐 필요가 있을 것이다. 이 글에서는 우선 상태동사와 결합하여 강조의 의미 기능을 하는 보조용언을 대상으로 그 의미 기능과 통사적 특징을 살펴보았다. 우선 이를 위해 보조용언과 상태동사의 의미를 밝힌 뒤 이를 적용하여 상태동사와 결합하는 보조용언을 추출했다. 그리고 의미 기능을 기준으로 이들을 분류하여 선행용언이나 명제를 강조하는 기능을 하는 보조용언 ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다, -어 죽다, -어 쌓다’를 논의 대상으로 삼았다. 이들 중 ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다, -어 죽다’는 상태동사와의 결합이 일반적인데 ‘-어 터지다’와 ‘-어 빠지다’는 대상 자체의 상태가 매우 심각하며 이에 대한 화자의 시선이 부정임을 강조하는 반면 ‘-어 죽다’는 대상을 대하는 주체의 감정이나 느낌이 매우 심하다는 점을 강조하며 부정적인 시선은 드러나지 않는다. 그리고 ‘-어 터지다, -어 죽다’는 인과구문에서, ‘-어 빠지다’는 ‘-에 빠지다’에서 보조용언으로 문법화 한 것으로 보았다. 그리고 ‘-어 쌓다’는 동작동사와 결합할 때는 동작의 반복이나 강세의 의미를 가지다가 상태동사와 결합하는 경우는 반복이나 지속의 의미가 ‘-기 십상이다, 쉽게 잘 –게 되다’를 나타내는 의미로 확장되고 이것이 대상의 속성이나 감정, 심리를 강조하는 의미 기능을 하게 된 것으로 보았다. Auxiliary verbs have different characteristics depending on the verb they are combined with. Nevertheless, in previous studies, the same criterions for distinguishing are applied when combining with a state verb as when combining with an action verb. Therefore, it is argued that some auxiliary verbs do not fall into the category of auxiliary verbs. In this article, it is considered that there is a syntactic and semantic difference between an action verb and a state verb, even if the auxiliary verb has the same form. Therefore, it will be necessary to reveal the characteristics according to the type of preceding verbs. Therefore, it is necessary to study the characteristics of auxiliary verbs that can be combined with state verbs and characterize the modal meanings they express. First of all, in this article, the semantic function and syntactic characteristics of auxiliary verbs that function as an emphasis by combining with state verbs were examined. And based on this discussion, the meanings of auxiliary verbs and state verbs were defined, and by applying this criterions, a list of auxiliary verbs that can be combined with state verbs was determined. And, after classifying them according to their semantic function, the auxiliary verbs ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다, -어 죽다, -어 쌓다’ were taken as the subject of discussion. ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다, -어 죽다’ is combined only with state verbs. Among them, ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다’ have the same emphasis, but ‘-어 죽다’ is different. Emphasizing that the condition of the subject of ‘-어 터지다, -어 빠지다’ is very serious, the speaker’s perspective on this is negative. On the other hand, ‘-어 죽다’ emphasizes that the emotions or feelings of the subject toward the object are very severe, and the negative view is not revealed. And "-어 터지다, -어 죽다" is a grammaticalization of a causal phrase as an auxiliary verb, and "-어 빠지다" is a grammaticalization of "-에 빠지다" as an auxiliary verb. ‘-어 쌓다’ is common to combine with action verbs, but it is also combined with state verbs. When combined with an action verb, it means repetition or stress of an action, but when combined with a state verb, it expands to the meaning of "it is easy to do, it is easy to - get well". And the meaning is more abstracted, and it functions as a semantic function that emphasizes the attribute, emotion, or psychology of the object.

      • KCI등재

        보조용언(補助用言)의 판별(判別) 기준(基準)과 통사구조(統辭構造)의 상관관계(相關關係)에 대한 연구(硏究)

        조경순(曺炅舜) ( Jo¸ Kyung-sun ) 한국어문교육연구회 2021 어문연구(語文硏究) Vol.49 No.3

        보조용언은 본용언의 상대적 용어로 合成動詞·連續動詞 구성과 구분하기 위해 판별 기준이 설정되었다. 그러나 일부 판별 기준은 특성과 동일한 순환론적 문제가 있으며 보조용언 구문의 통사구조에 의해 발생하는 통사적 현상이 판별 기준에 포함되는 문제가 있다. 內的 非分離性(내적 비분리성), 分離 代用性(분리 대용성), 倒置 不可(도치 불가), 先語末語尾(선어말어미) 결합 위치 제약 등의 판별 기준은 보조용언의 통사적 결합과 통사구조에서 기인한 현상으로 볼 수 있다. 본고에서는 보조용언 구문의 필수논항 수에 따라 통사구조를 분석하고 각 구문을 통합할 수 있는 통사구조를 설정한다. 통사구조에 의해 선행 어미 교체 및 삽입에 관한 내적 비분리성은 CP의 핵인 어미가 V´와 결합에 의한 것으로, 本用言과 補助用言의 代用性(대용성) 및 도치 불가는 계층적 결합 구조에 의한 것으로, 선어말어미 결합 위치 제약도 AVP 아래에 CP가 위치하며 발생하는 통사적 현상으로 설명할 수 있다. 보조용언 구문의 통사구조를 통해 보조용언의 판별 기준을 개별적 현상이 아니라 보조용언의 통사적 결합에 따른 통사적 현상으로 이해할 수 있다. Auxiliary verbs are defined relative to main verbs, and the criteria for distinguishing them from compound verbs and continuous verbs have been established. There is a problem that some criteria are identical to characteristics and the phenomenon caused by the syntactic structure of auxiliary verbs is included in the criteria. The characteristics of internal non-separability, separability substitution, inversion impossibility, and constraints on the position of the first and last endings are the phenomena of syntactic structure according to the syntactic bonding layer of auxiliary verbs. In this paper, the syntactic structure was analyzed and determined according to the number of essential arguments in the auxiliary verb syntax. Since there are sentences in which the auxiliary verb requires an argument, the auxiliary verb is combined after the main verb is combined with its ending. Internal inseparability is due to the combination of the suffix V′, which is the nucleus of CP, and the substitution and inversion of the main and auxiliary verbs are due to their hierarchical bonding structure. Through the syntactic structure of auxiliary verbs, it can be seen that the criterion for discrimination of auxiliary verbs is not a unitary phenomenon, but reflects syntactic phenomena arising from the syntactic combinations of auxiliary verbs.

      • KCI등재

        중국인 학습자들의 보조용언 사용양상 고찰 -작문 분석을 통한 사용빈도 조사 및 오류 분석

        최영 ( Ying Cui ),왕정 ( Wang Jing ) 연세대학교 언어연구교육원 한국어학당 2018 외국어로서의 한국어교육 Vol.51 No.-

        Verbs could be classified as main verbs and auxiliary verbs in Korean. Main verbs have actual meanings and could be used independently in a sentence. Auxiliary verbs cannot be used independently, and have to attach to predicates. They function as supportive components, and express a speaker or a subject’s psychological activities and minute differences. There are quite a few auxiliary verbs in Korean, widely used in various expressions. If Chinese students want to have a better command of Korean and a smooth communication with Koreans, it is necessary for them to gain a good understanding of Korean auxiliary verbs. However, it is not the case in reality. The author often tries to avoid using auxiliary verbs even after years of experiences in studying Korean. Therefore, the author aims to investigate whether Chinese students truly understand the meaning of auxiliary verbs and correctly use them. The author collected writing artifacts in Korean from Chinese students who study in Korea and also in China, and explored the frequency of auxiliary verb use. Then the author compared the results with the frequency from Korean native speakers in order to learn to what extent Chinese students master the Korean auxiliary verbs. (The University of Suwon · Qingdao Agricultural University)

      • KCI등재

        The effect of context speech rate in the recognition of English auxiliary verbs

        김정선 한국음운론학회 2014 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This paper investigates the context-dependent speech rate to perceive function words (i.e., auxiliary verbs). Whether the rate-dependent recognition is affected by the sequence of words with or without auxiliary verbs is examined. The experiment used two types of spoken sentences: (1) those with an auxiliary verb and (2) those in which the auxiliary verb was phonetically deleted. The recognition of auxiliary verbs was not greater for contexts with a normal or fast speech rate than for context temporal information (e.g., speech rate). Interestingly, the shift of context was not focused on the speech rate of the target word (i.e., auxiliary verb). Rather, the shift between the target and context in speech rate functioned as a cue to perceive the auxiliary verb. That is, the proportion of correctly perceived auxiliary verbs was greater when the target was manipulated to have a different speech rate from the context. When an auxiliary verb was deleted in the context, the participants reported recognizing, although the proportion of responses was very low for both the normal and fast speech rates. In the normal speech, the proportion was unchanged in terms of the goodness rating. However, another interesting finding was that in the fast speech rate, the recognition of auxiliary verbs increased when the goodness ratings were close to the poorest exemplar. This result is a counter example to the case of American English speakers. In the current study, the Korean participants learning English at a primary level were not accustomed to the rate of speech in American English. Based on the experiment results, this study implies that Korean students learning English should be taught in terms of rate-dependent context so that they can perceive the function words with reduction or deletion in American English.

      • KCI등재

        The effect of context speech rate in the recognition of English auxiliary verbs

        Jungsun Kim 한국음운론학회 2014 음성·음운·형태론 연구 Vol.20 No.1

        This paper investigates the context-dependent speech rate to perceive function words (i.e., auxiliary verbs). Whether the rate-dependent recognition is affected by the sequence of words with or without auxiliary verbs is examined. The experiment used two types of spoken sentences: (1) those with an auxiliary verb and (2) those in which the auxiliary verb was phonetically deleted. The recognition of auxiliary verbs was not greater for contexts with a normal or fast speech rate than for context temporal information (e.g., speech rate). Interestingly, the shift of context was not focused on the speech rate of the target word (i.e., auxiliary verb). Rather, the shift between the target and context in speech rate functioned as a cue to perceive the auxiliary verb. That is, the proportion of correctly perceived auxiliary verbs was greater when the target was manipulated to have a different speech rate from the context. When an auxiliary verb was deleted in the context, the participants reported recognizing, although the proportion of responses was very low for both the normal and fast speech rates. In the normal speech, the proportion was unchanged in terms of the goodness rating. However, another interesting finding was that in the fast speech rate, the recognition of auxiliary verbs increased when the goodness ratings were close to the poorest exemplar. This result is a counter example to the case of American English speakers. In the current study, the Korean participants learning English at a primary level were not accustomed to the rate of speech in American English. Based on the experiment results, this study implies that Korean students learning English should be taught in terms of ratedependent context so that they can perceive the function words with reduction or deletion in American English.

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