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        금융상품 광고의 속성프레이밍이 대학생의 주식형펀드 및 저축상품 가입의사에 미치는 영향

        정용주(Choung, YoungJoo),주소현(Joo, So-Hyun) 한국소비문화학회 2013 소비문화연구 Vol.16 No.3

        금융 산업의 발달로 다양한 금융상품이 쏟아져 나오고 있고 금융상품 광고 또한 다양해지고 있다. 일반적으로 광고에는 다양한 메시지 프레이밍이 활용되며 사용되는 프레이밍에 따라 소비자에게 상이한 설득효과를 미치는 것으로 알려져 왔다. 본 연구는 금융상품에 대한 광고 메시지의 속성 프레이밍 효과를 대학생 금융소비자를 대상으로 살펴보고자 하였다. 구체적으로 수익성 속성과 안정성 속성을 강조한 프레이밍을 활용하여 만든 광고를 296명의 여자 대학생들에게 노출 시키고 주식형펀드 가입의사와 저축 가입의사를 살펴보았다. 분석결과 수익성 프레이밍에 노출된 응답자의 펀드 가입의사가 안정성 프레이밍에 노출된 응답자보다 긍정적이었다. 반면 안정성 프레이밍에 노출된 응답자의 저축 가입의사는 수익성 프레이밍에 노출된 응답자의 가입의사보다 높았으나 통계적으로 의미 있는 차이를 보이지 않았다. 주식형펀드 가입의사는 현재소득에 대한 투자성향에 의해 조절되었다. 다변량 분석 결과 다른 변수를 통제한 상태에서 수익성 프레이밍은 안정성 프레이밍과 비교하여 주식형펀드 가입의사에 긍정적인 영향을 미쳤고, 투자관여도가 높을수록, 여유자금이 있는 경우, 예금이나 적금보다는 펀드나 주식에 투자하려는 경우 주식형펀드 가입의사가 긍정적이었다. 다른 변수를 통제한 상태에서 프레이밍은 저축의 가입의사에 영향을 미치지 않았으며 위험수용성향이 낮을수록, 개인재무 관련 과목을 수강한 경험이 있는 경우에 저축 가입의사가 긍정적으로 나타났다. 이러한 연구결과는 대학생 금융소비자를 대상으로 하는 금융상품 광고제작에 사용될 수 있는 프레이밍에 대한 정보를 제공한다. With regards to the vast development of the financial industry, a large number of financial products are put forth along with various types of advertisements for promotion. Currently, financial advertisements are created through different framing to specifically match the needs of the various financial consumers. Although numerous advertisement utilize message framing as their ideal strategy, it should be noted that the effect of such technique differs widely depending on the wording and the description of the specific product. Given advertisement's main objective, to convince consumers, message framing is employed as the most effective method in alluring consumers. It is for this reason, an in-depth analysis of what is the most constructive message framing has been proposed. In this particular research, to compare and measure the positive effects of the diverse types of advertisement messaging framing, college students' willingness to purchase equity funds and savings products was compared. In order to proceed with the research, a random sampling of 296 female college students were selected as the main subjects. The students were divided into two separate groups where one group was exposed to profit based message framing emphasizing equity fund's return rate attribute whereas the other group was exposed to a stability based message framing emphasizing the safety attribute of safe installment savings. Having done so, the attitude and willingness of both groups were measured. The main results of the research are as follows. First of all, in order to validate whether ad message's attribute framing affects the willingness to purchase equity funds and savings produces, an independent samples T-tests were performed. As a result, profit based framing had a higher persuasion effect when compared to the stability based framing for the willingness to purchase equity funds. Consequently, the willingness to purchase equity funds of those who were exposed to the profit based framing was more optimistic compared to those exposed to stability based framing. However no framing effects were identified for the willingness to purchase savings products. Secondly, in order to prove whether the impacts of ad message's attribute framing on the willingness to purchase equity funds and savings products are mediated by the moderating variables of subject's demographic characteristics, investment involvement and financial risk tolerance, 2-way ANOVA analyses were carried out. As a result, it turned out that the subjects' willingness to purchase equity funds was purely based on message framing elements regardless of the moderating variables except for the investment propensity based on the subjects' current income. No mediation was identified for the willingness to purchase savings products. Thirdly, in order to test what types of impact advertisement message's attribute framing casts on the willingness to purchase equity funds and savings products while other variables are controlled, regression analyses were performed. Having done so, it could be seen that the subjects' willingness to purchase equity funds of those exposed to profit based framing were more optimistic in comparison to those exposed to stability framing of the same condition. However willingness to purchase savings products were not influenced by attribute framing. Overall, it can be seen that when producing a financial advertisement specifically targeting young financial consumers at college, benefits of profit based framing largely outweighs the benefits of stability based framing for equity funds products.

      • KCI등재

        메시지 방향성이 광고 반응에 미치는 효과 연구

        윤태웅,이병관 한국소비자·광고심리학회 2011 한국심리학회지 소비자·광고 Vol.12 No.1

        This study examines the effects of message framing, framing types and regulatory focus on attitudes towards and purchase intention for a digital camera. Specifically, there were moderating roles of framing types and regulatory focus on the relationships between message framing and such outcome measures as attitudes and purchase intention. While a large number of studies examined the effects of message framing on persuasion without regard to framing types such as attribute framing and goal framing this study suggests that the effects of message framing differ between attribute framing and goal framing. In the context of attribute framing, positively framed messages were more effective than negatively framed messages regardless of participants’ regulatory focus. However, in goal framing context, it was found that the effect of message framing on attitudes and purchase intention was moderated by participants’ regulatory focus. Past studies suggested that promotion focused consumers were influenced more by positively framed messages while prevention focused consumers were affected more by negatively framed messages. This study, however, found that the moderating role of regulatory focus was reversed under high involvement context. In specific, promotion focused participants were more influenced by negatively framed messages while prevention focused participants were affected more by positively framed messages, indicating regulatory unfit effect rather than regulatory fit effect under high involvement context. 본 연구는 메시지 프레이밍의 효과를 연구한 것으로, 메시지 방향성 (긍정적/부정적)이 제품태도와 구매의도에 미치는 영향의 차이를 프레이밍 유형 (속성 프레이밍 vs 목적 프레이밍)과 소비자의 조절초점 (촉진적 또는 방어적) 에 따라 조절되어진다는 것을 실증적으로 밝히고 있다. 많은 과거 메시지 프레이밍의 연구들이 프레이밍 유형의 구분 없이 프레이밍 연구를 다루었는데 이 연구에서는 속성 프레이밍의 경우는 Levin, Schneider 와 Gaeth (1998)가 주장한 것처럼 긍정적 메시지 프레이밍이 소비자의 조절초점에 상관없이 부정적 메시지 프레이밍 보다 제품태도와 구매의도에 더 효과적인 것으로 나타난 반면, 목적 프레이밍의 경우에서는 소비자의 조절초점에 따라서, 제품태도와 구매의도간에 차이가 나타남을 보여준다. 특히 주목할 점은 기존의 조절초점이론에서 받아들여지고 있는 조절초점과 메시지사이의 일치가 이루어진 경우에 더 효과적인 것이 아니라, 촉진초점인 경우에는 부정적 메시지 프레이밍이 긍정적 메시지 프레이밍 보다 더 효과적으로 나타난 반면, 방어초점인 경우에는 긍정적 메시지 프레이밍이 부정적 메시지 프레이밍 보다 효과적인 것으로 나타났다. 이 연구결과는 기존의 수동적으로 정보처리 하는 상황하의 조절초점이론의 연구를 능동적으로 정보처리 하는 상황으로 연장시킨다고 볼 수 있다. 구체적으로, Wang 과 Lee (2006)의 연구에서 보인 것처럼, 고관여 상황인 경우에는 기존의 조절초점이론의 예측과는 반대되는 결과를 보여준다는 것을 다시 한 번 입증했다고 볼 수 있다. 더 나아가, 프레이밍 유형을 구분함으로써, 메시지 방향성에 대한 제품태도와 구매의도의 차이가 조절초점에 의해서 조절되어지는 것이 목적 프레이밍에 한정 되어 있다는 것을 보여줌으로써, 조절초점이 메시지 프레이밍에 갖는 영향의 경계에 대해서도 의미 있는 결과를 제시했다고 볼 수 있다. 위에서 밝힌 이론적 기여뿐 아니라, 실용적인 측면에서도, 광고실무자들은 이 연구 결과를 바탕으로 광고 메시지의 방향성을 결정할 때 메시지를 속성 프레이밍 할 경우에는 긍정적 메시지를 사용하는 것이 더 효과적일 것이고, 목적 프레이밍인 경우에는 메시지 방향성을 결정할 때 소비자들의 조절초점과 관여도를 바탕으로 메시지 방향성이 결정 되어져야 한다는 것을 시사하고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        소비자들은 항상 다기능 제품을 선호하는가?

        김재휘(Jae Hwi Kim),박지영(Gi Young Park),부수현(Su Hyun Boo) 한국광고홍보학회 2012 광고연구 Vol.0 No.95

        이 연구의 목적은 여러 가지 기능을 갖추고 있다는 장점을 강조하는 메시지의 설득효과에 시간적 관점의 차이가 미치는 영향력을 검증하는 것이다. 더 나아가, 이 연구에서는 소비자의 조절동기에 초점을 두고, 시간적 관점의 차이에 부합되는 설득 메시지를 구성하는 방안에 대해 제안해 보려고 하였다. 이를 위해 이 연구에서는 2개의 실험을 단계적으로 실시하였다. 실험 1에서는 구매시점(현재 vs. 미래)에 따라 다기능 제품에 대한 부정적 추론과 구매의도에서의 차이를 검증하였고, 실험 2에서는 구매시점과 조절초점 프레이밍(방어 vs. 향상) 간의 상호작용 효과를 검증하였다. 실험결과, 지금 당장 구매결정을 내려야 하는 경우에는 기능이 많다는 장점에 대한 부정적 추론이 더 높게 활성화되었으며, 이로 인해 구매의도 또한 낮아지는 것이 밝혀졌다. 더 나아가 지금 당장 구매결정을 내려야 하는 조건에서는 구매로 인한 예상된 후회 및 손실을 회피할 수 있도록 제시한 방어초점 메시지 프레이밍이 더 높은 구매의도를 이끌어 내는 반면, 구매시점이 미래로 제시된 조건에서는 이상적인 최종적 상태를 강조하는 촉진초점 메시지 프레이밍이 더 높은 구매의도를 이끌어냈다. 결론적으로, 여러 가지 장점을 가지고 있다는 설득 메시지는 제품이 출시되기 이전이나 장기적인 차원의 광고에서 효과적일 수 있으나, 지금 당장 제품을 판매하기 위한 설득 메시지로는 그다지 적합하지 않다. 이 경우에는 잘못 선택하였을 때 발생할 수 있는 손실이나 후회에 초점을 둔 메시지가 더 높은 설득 효과를 이끌어 낼 수 있다. The main purpose of this study is to investigate whether consumers` temporal perspective about purchase affects the preference for multi attribute products. Also, we consider motivation which occurs when people act to find an effective message for communicating with others. Therefore, we measured that purchase intention and inference about multi attribute product were changed because each consumer has a different temporal perspective of purchase. According to the previous studies, when purchase is imminent, people want to prevent an undesirable outcome and risk. In contrast, when there is still ample time to make a purchase, people want to achieve a desirable outcome and profit. Thus, I hypothesized that for consumer facing a proximal purchase, they focus on anticipated regret and feel complicated from using multi attribute product, while when consumer choice at a far-future, they focus on capabilities and value from using multi attribute product. That is, consumers are not willing to purchase multi attribute product when their purchase is in the near future(vs. far-future). As a result of study 1, a statistics validated that as a purchase decision is far, purchase intention is higher. On the other hand, as a purchase decision nears in time, purchase intention is lower. Moreover, a message which is well fitted to the activated inference positively affects purchase of multi attribute product. Therefore, an experiment was used 2(temporal distance of purchase: present vs. future) x 2(regulatory framing: prevention focused message/promotion focused message) According to study 2, we can verify that promotion-framed message which can gain advantages is more effective in the near future and prevention-framed message which can prevent loss of risk and anticipated regret is more effective in the far future. In conclusion, multi attribute product is more appealing when a purchase is temporally distant than proximal. When a purchase is in the near future, prevention-framed product will be more appealing. In contrast, when a purchase is in the far future, promotion-framed product will be more appealing.

      • KCI우수등재

        임진왜란 원인과 책임에 대한 귀인 프레임 구성 : 류성룡의『징비록』내용분석을 통해

        김문환,문안나,이완수,심재철 한국언론학회 2022 한국언론학보 Vol.66 No.2

        This study investigated how Ryu Seong-ryong's Jingbi-rok framed the attribution of the cause of the Imjin War and the responsibility for overcoming it. To this end, we first reviewed whether this text met the conditions of news from a journalistic perspective, and then set up research questions regarding the cause(or failure) of war and the responsibility for overcoming it, and how the attribution of responsibility appears according to the type of article. Our content analysis showed that Jingbi-Rok has a script structure following the 5W1H principles, a rhetorical system using analogies, and a spatial-temporal frame. Through the frame analysis of Jingbi-Rok as news text, we presented some theoretical implications. First, the text analysis of Jingbi-Rok confirmed the framing theory that media selectively chooses, emphasizes, and elaborates the values, virtues as well as weaknesses, and strengths upheld by society. Second, the content analysis revealed that when dealing with problems regarding social conflicts, the media presents the definition of the problem, its cause, moral evaluation of the actor, and a frame for solution. Third, the analysis showed the theoretical fact that the media selectively frame the causes and responsibilities of disasters according to the situation. Fourth, the frame of responsibility for a disaster presented by the media was established and interpreted differently depending on the political system, such as a monarchy. Fifth, the existing theory that the media use frames from the perspective of the country's own interests when dealing with international conflicts was also confirmed. Lastly, the analysis of Jingbi-Rok showed that the attribution of responsibility is different depending on the type of news text. In other words, in episodic texts, individuals were considered to be more responsible, while in thematic texts, there was a tendency to attribute more responsibility to the organization or country. Moreover, this study showed some realistic implications as well. Above all, the proportion of attribution to causing war appeared in the order of international, individual, and organizational levels. Second, as for the international level, the cause was powerful enemy and impractical diplomatic relations and at the individual level, the king's failure to use human resources properly, and the incompetence of generals and other military officials who ran away while neglecting their duties turned out to be the cause of failure. At the organizational level, the dysfunction of the administration was the cause. Third, the attribution for overcoming the war showed a high ratio on the individual level such as central management's tactical strategy, general’ exemplary attitude, voluntary cooperation of the people, and the king's efforts to overcome the crisis. Fourth, the king’s responsibility was not fully addressed considering that the war broke out under a monarchy, where the king makes all the decisions. Fifth, it presented strategic implications for what to prepare for and how to respond to national disasters such as war. Lastly, based on the fact that psychological group thinking had led to a catastrophe, it evoked the importance toword communication of the public as well as organizational communication within the government. By analyzing Jingbi-Rok from a journalistic point of view, this paper suggested the possibility that historical records can be studied by applying modern journalism theories.

      • KCI등재

        연구논문 : 관광목적지의 메시지 틀 효과 -관여도의 조절된 매개효과-

        김주석 ( Joo Seok Kim ),이형권 ( Hyeong Kwon Lee ) 한국관광산업학회 2012 Tourism Research Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of attribute framing, hotel image and involvement on intention to visit. To attain this goal, mediation analysis, moderation analysis and moderated mediation analysis were performed. One hundred sixty eight college students completed self-administered questionnaires measuring hotel image, involvement and intention. The results indicated that: (1) positive framing was more effective in enhancing hotel image than negative framing(framing effect), (2) this framing effect was moderated by involvement, (3) the effect of message framing on intention to visit was partially mediated by hotel image. The strength of the mediated effect decreased along with levels of involvement(moderated mediation effect): stronger framing-image-intention relationships when involvement was weak. From a managerial perspective, this research has significant implications that managers of service firms should monitor customer eWOM and attempt to rectify any negative evaluations provided by customers to increase customer visitation and sales. From a practical implication, managers should monitor customer comments and correct any shortcomings and create more positive evaluations so that customer reviews and recommendations are turned around.

      • 류성룡의 『징비록』에 나타난 성패지적 프레임과 책임 귀속의 공론화

        심재철 ( Jae-chul Shim ),김문환 ( Moon-hwan Kim ),문안나 ( Anna Mun ),이완수 ( Wansoo Lee ),심재웅 ( Jae Woong Shim ) 서애학회 2023 서애연구 Vol.8 No.-

        This study delves into the examination of Ryu Seong- ryong's news frames within the context of responsibility attribution for both the failure and success of the Imjin War, as documented in his work, Jingbirok. Adopting a journalism scholarship perspective, our analysis scrutinizes Ryu's observations during the seven-year conflict (1592-1598), shedding light on the challenges faced by Koreans and providing insights into the battles, people, and pertinent issues of the war time and the battle space. Employing a quantitative content analysis method, we investigate the causes of success and failure in the war, exploring the nuanced layers of responsibility attributed throughout. Our findings reveal that the Jingbirok adheres to the 5W1H principle, employing a rhetorical system characterized by analogies, spatial constructs, and temporal frames. The attributional proportion for causing the war spans personal, organizational, international, and supernatural levels, with a notable emphasis on individual responsibility for overcoming it. Intriguingly, a substantial portion of episodic articles attribute responsibility at the personal level for both defeat and triumph over the war's challenges. Contrary to expectations, the rate of attributing blame to the organizational level was not prominent in the combined frame, encompassing episodic and thematic storytelling. The study underscores the nuanced variations in responsibility attribution contingent upon the type of historical text, revealing a tendency to ascribe greater responsibility to individuals in episodic contexts. Our frame analysis aligns with framing theory, affirming that any correspondent’s war description selectively opts, emphasizes, and elaborates on news values such as accessibility and timeliness. This research posits the possibility of applying journalistic framing construction to historical records, offering a novel perspective. In conclusion, we discuss the historical lessons gleaned from Ryu Seong-ryong's observations during the Korean-Japanese War, as documented over four centuries ago. Our findings contribute to the ongoing public discourse on his interpretation of the causes behind the defeat and victory in the Japanese invasion of Korea. Furthermore, we explore the potential implications of the Jingbirok, advocating for a reflective approach to past mistakes, objective evaluation of current situations, and proactive planning for future crisis management and risk prevention.

      • KCI등재후보

        관광목적지의 메시지 틀 효과 - 관여도의 조절된 매개효과 -

        김주석,이형권 한국관광산업학회 2012 Tourism Research Vol.37 No.-

        The purpose of this study is to investigate the effect of attribute framing, hotel image and involvement on intention to visit. To attain this goal, mediation analysis, moderation analysis and moderated mediation analysis were performed. One hundred sixty eight college students completed self-administered questionnaires measuring hotel image, involvement and intention. The results indicated that: (1) positive framing was more effective in enhancing hotel image than negative framing(framing effect), (2) this framing effect was moderated by involvement, (3) the effect of message framing on intention to visit was partially mediated by hotel image. The strength of the mediated effect decreased along with levels of involvement(moderated mediation effect): stronger framing-image-intention relationships when involvement was weak. From a managerial perspective, this research has significant implications that managers of service firms should monitor customer eWOM and attempt to rectify any negative evaluations provided by customers to increase customer visitation and sales. From a practical implication, managers should monitor customer comments and correct any shortcomings and create more positive evaluations so that customer reviews and recommendations are turned around.

      • KCI등재

        경제뉴스에서 보도 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과가 정책 지지와 공유 의도에 미치는 영향

        김은정(Eunjung, Kim),성동규(Dongkyoo, Sung) 한국정보사회학회 2021 정보사회와 미디어 Vol.22 No.1

        본 연구는 경제뉴스에서 책임귀인 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과가 경제 정책에 대한 수용자의 지지와 공유 의도에 어떠한 영향을 미치는 지를 살펴보았다. 실험에는 296명이 참여했으며, 2(책임귀인 프레임: 국내 환경 책임귀인, 해외 환경 책임귀인) X 2(수용자의 정치 성향: 진보, 보수)의 집단 간 요인설계를 통해 연구를 진행하였다. 연구 결과, 책임귀인 프레임과 수용자 정치 성향의 상호작용 효과는 경제 정책에 대한 지지와 공유 의도 모두에서 확인되었다. 국내 환경 책임귀인 프레임일 때 보수 성향의 수용자는 유의미하게 낮은 경제 정책에 대한 지지 의도를 보이는 것으로 탐색되었다. 경제 정책에 대한 공유 의도에서는 보수 성향의 수용자가 국내 환경 책임귀인 프레임일때와 해외 환경 책임귀인 프레임일 때 모두 진보 성향의 수용자에 비해 낮은 공유 의도를 나타낸 것으로 확인되었다. 본 연구는 경제뉴스 부문에서 메시지와 수용자의 특성을 결합해 기존 연구의 외연을 확대하고, 상호작용을 통해 경제 정책의 확산성을 높일 수 있다는 점까지 밝혀내 실용적인 시사점까지 주고 있다. This study examined how attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users interact in economic news. Through this, this study observed how interaction affects support intention, and sharing intention of economic policy. 296 people participated in the experiment. The experimental research was conducted by between-subjects factorial design of 2(attribution of responsibility frame: domestic environment, overseas environment) X 2(ideological tendency of news users: progressive, conservative). According to the research results(〈Figure 1〉, 〈Figure 2〉), the interaction between attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users was observed in the intent to support and share in economic policy. When seeking responsibility in the domestic environment, conservative news users showed low support for economic policies. In addition, conservative news users expressed lower intentions to share than progressive news users regardless of where the responsibility lies. According to the results of this study, ideological trends of news users are found to affect the frame effect. The ideological trend of news users has been shown to increase or decrease the persuasive effect of economic news. When the frame effect is combined with ideological trends of news users, the influence of economic news has been confirmed to be greater. Above all, it is worth noting the impact of frame form on conservative news users. Conservative news users expressed greater support for economic policy when exposed to the overseas environment than to the domestic environment-focused attribute of responsibility frame. After conservative news users experience frames that are responsible for the overseas environment, the level of sharing of economic policies has also been confirmed to increase as much as progressive news users. It can be understood that the negative perception of conservative news users decreases when finding the cause of economic problems on a wider scale. [Figure 1] The impact of the attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users on intention to support economic policy 〈그림은 논문참조〉 The results of this study give implications to domestic media. Applying this research result can infer what kind of news form amplifies ideological polarization in Korean society. Economic problems arise from a combination of various factors. However, pointing out the cause of economic problems limited to domestic situations or governments can encourage ideological polarization of news users. This study presents both academic significance and practical implications by combining the characteristics of messages and news users in the economic news sector. [Figure 2] The impact of the attribution of responsibility frame and ideological tendency of news users on intention to share economic policy 〈그림은 논문참조〉

      • KCI등재

        사이버모욕죄 보도의 프레이밍 효과

        허석재(Suk-Jae Hur),민영(Young Min) 한국언론정보학회 2010 한국언론정보학보 Vol.52 No.4

        사이버모욕죄 보도에서 한국 언론은 핵심 가치(범죄로부터 안전 vs 표현의 자유)와 귀인 양식(일화적 vs 주제적 귀인)측면에서 상반된 프레임을 구축하여 경쟁한 것으로 나타났다. 본 연구는 뉴스 텍스트 내에서 프레임을 구성하는 주요요소로서 핵심 가치와 귀인 양식에 주목하고, 구체적으로 가치가 신념에 대한 중요도 인식과 정서적 반응을 통해 사이버모욕죄에 대한 의견에 미치는 영향력을 탐구하였다. 또한 귀인 양식이 정서적 매개 과정을 통해 의견에 영향을 미치는 과정도 분석되었다. 온라인 실험 결과, 뉴스 프레임에 함축된 핵심 가치가 무엇이냐에 따라 그에 관련된 신념의 중요도가 변화했으며 이는 부분적으로 사이버모욕죄에 대한 의견에 유의미한 영향력을 행사한 것으로 나타났다. 탐색적인 관점에서 분석된 핵심 가치의 정서적 효과는 미약한 수준에서 발견되었는데, ‘범죄로부터 안전’이라는 가치는 악플러에 대한 분노를 다소 강화시켰으며 이러한 분노 정서는 사이버모욕죄 찬성 의견을 강화시키는 경향을 보였다. 한편, 개인적 귀인이 사회적 귀인에 비해 ‘문제적 개인들’에 대한 분노 정서를 강하게 초래할 것이라는 가정은 입증되지 않았으나, 일화적 프레임은 주제적 프레임에 비해 더 효과적으로 핵심 가치가 함축하는 방향으로 의견에 영향을 미쳤다. In covering the controversies surrounding the so-called cyber defamation laws, the Korean press offered competitive frames in terms of values (security vs. freedom of speech) and attributional patterns (episodic vs. thematic attribution). By attending to core values and attributional patterns as two essential components of news frames, this study explored the cognitive and affective processes of value and attributional framing and their effects on issue opinion. According to a 3-group online experiment, first, it was found that core values increased the perceived importance of relevant beliefs, which further affected individuals’ attitudes toward the laws. The affective effects of core values were also found marginally significant. The value of security increased the intensity of anger toward deviant netizens (so-called defamatory repliers), and it further increased individuals’ support for the laws. It was not substantiated, however, that individualistic attribution, than social attribution, would provoke stronger anger toward defamatory repliers. Instead, episodic frames appeared to be more effective in driving issue opinion as indicated by the value frame.

      • KCI등재

        토론 프레임의 인지언어학적 연구

        이숙의 한국어의미학회 2011 한국어 의미학 Vol.36 No.-

        The purpose of this paper is illustrating the frame of ‘discussion’. In this paper, the core members of ‘Discussion frame’ are chairman, arguers and topic which are related on the object categories. ‘Discussion frame’ comprises sub-event categories which are ‘cause(e1)’, ‘beginning(e2), ‘conflicting(e3)’ and ‘ending(e4). Each sub-event categories are activated by salient attribute. ‘Topic’ is highlighting function for the first stage(e1) of discussion frame and ‘chairman’ is highlighting in the second stage(e2) and the last stage(e4). The conflicting frame(e3) can function as a core sub-event of the discussion frame, so in this frame, ‘the arguer’ which is the core member of discussion frame and ‘conflicting’ feature is salient. The last of this paper proposed the Korean discussion frame by using same way of FrameNet methodology. A study on the frame is for knowledge of the world and human experience, it is specified depending on culture and society, so data from this kinds of studies could be helpful for the comparative studies between different languages and culture.

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