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      • KCI등재

        한국 양궁 개척자 석봉근의 생애와 양궁활동

        김진성(Jin Sung Kim),백종선(Jong Sun Baek) 한국사회체육학회 2013 한국사회체육학회지 Vol.0 No.51

        This study intends to look into the life of the frontier of Korean archery Seok, Bong-geun and investigate his influence on the developmental history of Korean archery. And the conclusions of this study are as follows. First, after he found a bow of archery in 1959, he showed arche ry in various Gukgung (Korean traditional archery) from the early 1960s and made a huge contribution to t he development of archery spread and instruction of archery, opening a short course, cultivation of archers, sponsoring archery competitions and publication of archery guide book. Second, Seok, Bong-geun participated in the qualifying round of Korea`s first archery exhibition game of 44th National Athletic Meet and 11th Seoul Athletics Competition as an archer and instructor from 1963 to 1972. Third, starting from the establishment of Korea`s first archery club in Seongdong Middle School in 1963, he contributed in cultivating 1st generation of Korean archery by establishing archery club every school he served including Soongin Middle School, Seoul Buk Middle School, Haengdang Girls` Middle School, Muhak Girls` Middle School and Seoul Physical Education High School. Fourth, he completed 3rd Regular Coach Workshop hosted by Korea n Olympic Committee in 1968 first as an archery expert and he also inducted into the Korea National Archery Association as a participating member in 1969. Fifth, he did his level best for spreading archery by opening K orea`s first private indoor archery range in 1970 and took the initiative to spread archery by opening the 1st Archery Instructor Workshop sponsored by the Ministry of Education (Current: the Ministry of Education & Human Resources Development). Sixth, Seok successively filled various posts in archery associations as an executive member including Korean Archery Association and was credited for his contribution by winning the Minister of Education Award in 1974, the Minister of Culture and Sports Award in 1986 for his volunt ary service at the 10th Asian Games as well as Research Award by the Korean Olympic Committee in 1987. His effort became a stepping stone for brilliant growth and development of Korean archery.

      • 양궁 컴파운드와 리커브 종목의 슈팅 시 지면반력 차이 변화

        이선영 ( Lee Sun-young ),김규완 ( Kim Kwe-wan ),전경규 ( Jeon Kyoung-kyu ) 인천대학교 스포츠과학연구소 2015 스포츠科學硏究誌 Vol.28 No.0

        이 연구에서는 양궁 컴파운드 종목과 리커브 종목의 슈팅 시 지면반력 변화를 규명하고자 하였다. 이를 위해 컴파운드 종목선수 5명과 리커브 종목선수 9명 총 14명을 대상으로 실제 양궁경기가 이루어지는 장소의 70m 거리에서 4엔드 총 12발을 지면반력기 위에서 슈팅을 실시하여 얻어진 득점 중 고득점과 저득점으로 구분하여 전후 · 좌우 · 수직 지면반력의 변화를 통해 안정성 변화를 측정하여 나타난 결론은 다음과 같다. 리커브 종목과 컴파운드 종목의 엔드별 기록분포에서 리커브 종목보다 컴파운드 종목의 점수분포가 높게 나타났다. 슈팅 시 고득점과 저득점으로 구분하여 나타난 전후 지면반력은 모든 시점에서 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 또한 좌우 지면반력의 안정성 변화는 고득점의 모든 시점과 저득점 우측발의 팔로스로우와 좌측발의 릴리즈와 팔로스로우에서는 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. 그리고 저득점에서는 우측발의 앵커링과 릴리즈과 좌측발의 앵커링에서는 유의한 차이가 나타났다. 수직 지면반력의 안정성 변화는 모든 시점에서 유의한 차이가 나타나지 않았다. The purpose of this study was to investigate the changes of changes of ground reaction force on shooting between compound and recurve bow of archery. In order to the purpose, total 14 players which were composed of 9 players in recurve bow of archery and 5 players in compound bow of archery participated in this study and total 12 shots of 4 ends at the 70-meter-distance in the place, which held actual archery competitions, were measured the changes of stability through changes of before and after, left and right, and vertical ground reaction force by dividing scores, which were got by shooting on the ground reaction force machine into high scores and low scores. The results through this are as follows: The score distribution of compound bow of archery was higher than the recurve bow of archery in the record distribution per end between recurve and compound bow of archery. As for the before & after ground reaction force which was appeared by dividing into higher scores and lower scores on shooting between recurve bow of archery and compound bow of archery. As for the stability changes of left & right ground reaction force appeared by dividing into higher scores and lower scores on shooting of recurve bow of archery and compound bow of archery. And it had significant difference in anchor ring and release of right foot and anchoring of left foot with lower scores. As for the stability changes of vertical ground reaction force appeared by dividing into higher scores and lower scores on shooting between recurve bow of archery and compound bow of archery.

      • KCI등재

        『(增訂)弓矢義解』에나타난 조선궁술고찰

        이헌정(Lee Heon jung) 고려대학교 글로벌일본연구원 2017 일본연구 Vol.27 No.-

        『(증정)궁시의해』는1933년일제강점기조선에서발간된일본의궁도서이며일본궁도의도구와사법등을설명하고있다. 그런데이책에서는현재한국의전통궁술인국궁의모체가되는조선궁술에대해서도설명하고있다. 이러한자료는조선궁술을바라보는일본인의시각이어떠했는지에대해서알수있으며국궁을다양한각도에서연구 하게끔하는중요한자료가된다. 『(증정)궁시의해』에서조선의활은반궁(半弓)이며뿔로만들어진다고하고있으며. 화살은깃이2개고촉이날카롭다고하였다. 활을쏠때손을보호하는도구인유가케는 조선궁술에서는사용하지않고각지를사용한다고했으며과녁은120보정도로거리 차이가난다고하고있다. 사법에있어서는발의모양세가비정비팔(非丁非八)의모양을취하고있으며, 활을머리위로들어올리는동작인우치오코시를하시않는다고서술하고있다. 또한, 활시위를 잡는손은볼이아닌가슴에붙인다고서술하고있다. 이와같은서술은일본궁도를기준으로, 두드러지게차이가나는부분을중심으로 서술한것이다. 즉조선의활은일본활의절반길이에불과하였기에반궁이라칭했으며목재만을사용하는일본활에비해뿔을사용하는조선의활은일본의활과크게두드러지는부분이었다. 이러한차이점들을중심으로다른도구들과사법이언급되었는데, 이는 조선궁술에대한서술을통해조선궁술을알기위해서라기보다는일본궁도가어떠한지를재확인하려는것에목적이있었다고할수있다. 그리고이러한재확인의목적은조선궁술에대한불충분한서술을야기했으며, 복수의형태로존재하던조선궁술이일본궁도의기준에의해획일화되는형태로서술되었다. Zoutei Yumiyakigae is a Japanese book about archery that was published during the period of Japanese occupation; it deals with the tools Japanese archery and how to shoot a bow. Also, the book illustrates Choseon archery, which is the forerunner to Kug Gung, which is Korea’s current traditional archery. This historical record shows how Japanese of the past saw the Choseon period archery and this book can be an important source that can make the study of Korean archery approached from a range of angles. According to Zoutei Yumiyakigae, bows in the Chosen era were small and made of horn. Arrows had two feathers and the arrowhead was sharp. A yukage, which can protect the hand when shooting an arrow, was not used in Choseon’s archery; a kag chi was used instead. Also, the difference in distance to the target was about 120 steps. For the shooting technic, foot positioning was be jong be pal (not T and not V), and a pose of uchi okoshi was maintained that kept the bow above the head. Also, the grip location of the bowstring was near the chest, not the cheeks. These statements explain Choseon archery based on differences with Japanese archery. For example, this book called Choseon bows small because they were half the size of Japanese bows. Similarly, this book highlights that Choseon bows were made of horn, compared to most Japanese bows, which were made of wood. Based on these differences, other tools and shooting technics are described. Therefore, it appears that the purpose of this book was to reaffirm Japanese archery, not to describe Choseon archery. Because of the above reasons, Choseon period archery was not properly explained and various forms were ignored. In fact, Choseon archery was represented uniformly as just a branch of Japanese archery.

      • KCI등재

        18세기 활쏘기(國弓) 수련방식과 그 실제 -『림원경제지(林園經濟志)』『유예지(遊藝志)』射訣을 중심으로

        최형국 ( Hyeong Guk Choi ) 제주대학교 탐라문화연구소 2015 탐라문화 Vol.0 No.50

        본 연구는 『林園經濟志』 「遊藝志」에 수록된 射訣을 실제 수련을 바탕으로 한몸 문화의 관점에서 분석하여 18세기 활쏘기 수련방식과 그 무예사적 의미를 살펴보았다. 또한 『射法秘傳攻瑕』와 『조선의 궁술』 중 射法要訣에 해당하는 부분을 서로 비교하여 전통 활쏘기의 보편적 특성을 살펴보았다. 『임원경제지』의 저자인 서유구는 대표적인 京華世族으로 家學으로 전해진 농업에 대한 관심을 통해 향촌생활에 필요한 여러 가지 일들을 어릴 적부터 접할 수 있었다. 또한 관직에 오른 후에는 순창군수를 비롯한 향촌사회의 일을 직접 살필 수 있는 관력이 있었는가 하면, 閣臣으로 있을 때에는 수많은 서적들을 규장각이라는 거대한 지식집합소를 관리했기에 백과사전적 공부를 진행할 수 있었다. 그리고 『鄕禮合編』 등 다양한 서적들의 편찬을 담당하면서 의례를 비롯한 전통지식을 물론이고, 청나라에서 수입한 새로운 實學書들을 정리하는 과정에서 지식의 체계적인 관리와 정보의 중요성을 인식하여 『임원경제지』를 저술하게 되었다. 『임원경제지』 중 사결에는 당대 활쏘기의 수련방식과 활과 화살을 제조하는 것에 이르기까지 활쏘기와 관련한 다양한 정보를 수록하고 있다. 특히 서유구 자신이 활쏘기를 젊을 때부터 익혔고, 활쏘기 역시 家學으로 여겨질 만큼 집안의 거의 모든 사내들이 익혔기에 보다 실용적인 부분을 중심으로 체계화시킬 수 있었다. 이러한 사결의 내용 중 실제 활쏘기 수련시 나타나는 다양한 몸문화적인 측면을 요즘의 활쏘기와 비교 분석하며 정리하였다. 이를 통해 『임원경제지』의 사결에 실린 활쏘기의 모습이 당대의 몸문화를 가장 잘 반영하고 있음을 확인할 수 있었다. In this research, we observed archery training methods in the 18th century and it``s military artistic meaning from somatic cultural perspective by reviewing Sagyul(射訣, instructional description on archery collected in 『ImwonGyeongjeji』(林圓經濟志, encyclopedia written by Seo Yu-gu) Yuyeji (遊藝志, arts and crafts of gentry class). In addition, this study recognized universal characteristics of Korean traditional archery by examining related contents including Sabupbijeon-gongha(『射法秘傳功瑕』, book on archery published by Pyongyang-Gamyeong in late Joseon dynasty) and Sabup-yo-gyul(射法要訣, condensed archery manual) collected in 『Archery of Joseon』, which is an instructional book on archery written in 20th century. Seo Yu-gu, the writer of 『ImwonGyeongjeji』, was a representative Kyung Hwa Sa Gok(京華士族, privilege rank that monopolized a honor and an official post in the 18th in Korean governing class). Affected by agricultural academic tradition of his family, he was able to experience variety of things necessary to rural environment. Furthermore, after filling the office, he had an authority to take care rural society directly including Sunchang District Governor. When he worked in Gyujanggak (奎章閣, royal library built in late Joseon dynasty), he even arranged encyclopedic research as he managed all the databases collected in the library. In the process of handling various book publication including ritual book such as 『Hyangryehap-pyun』(鄕禮合編, integrated book on rural ritual) and arranging new practical science books imported from Qing dynasty, he felt necessity of systematic management of knowledge and information and its outcome was 『ImwonGyeongjeji』. In Sagyul, there are different kinds of information on archery from training types to manufacturing methods of bow and arrows. Especially, he organized it by putting more stress on practicality as Seo Yu-gu himself trained archery since childhood and almost every men in his family mastered it in their life. According to this, various somatic cultural aspects that appeared in Sagyul were examined by comparing current archery.

      • KCI등재

        『조선(朝鮮)의 궁술(弓術)』에 관한 연구(1) -현대적 가치와 의미-

        김이수 ( Yi Soo Kim ) 한국체육사학회 2011 체육사학회지 Vol.16 No.2

        이 연구는『朝鮮의 弓術』에 담겨있는 궁술의 내용을 파악하여 한국 활쏘기의 실체를 파악함으로서 『조선의 궁술』이 갖는 가치와 의미를 조망해보기 위한 것이다. 연구결과는 다음과 같다. 첫째, 『조선의 궁술』의 구성과 체제는 揮毫, 서문, 본문(8장), 부록(2장)으로 구성되었다. 둘째, 편찬 작업에 참여한 인물은 궁사(41인)를 비롯하여 당대의 문인 및 화가(5인)와 무신(2인)이 대거 참여하였다. 이는 궁술에 대한 관심을 유도하기 위한 것이다. 셋째, 『조선의 궁술』은 전국의 활쏘기를 검토하지 못하고, 경성에 한정하고 있다는 점에서 조선 전체의 활쏘기 풍습(사풍과 사법 등)을 대변하기에는 한계가 있다. 넷째, 순수한 조선의 활쏘기만을 다루었다는 점에서 일제강점기에 조선의 주체성을 찾기 위한 노력의 일환으로 해석해도 무방해 보인다. 다섯째, ``朝鮮弓術硏究會``의 창립 시기는 1928년이며, 1932년에 ``朝鮮弓道會``로 명칭이 변경되었음을 알 수 있었다. The purpose of this research is to take a view of the value and significance of ≪Archery of Choson`s≫ by grasping the substance of Korean traditional archery which is contained in the book titled, ≪Archery of Choson`s≫. The research results are as follows: First, the constitution and system of ≪Archery of Choson`s≫ consists of Handwriting, Preface, Body, and Appendix. Second, many professionals had participated in the compilation jobs; included in the works were 41 archers together with five writers and painters of the day, and two military officials. This was intended to draw public attention to archery. Third, there is a limit to what this book -≪Archery of Choson`s≫ cannot speak for the archery custom that represent the entire Choson Period, for it describes archery techniques practiced only In the vicinity of Gyeongseong not having reviewed closely the archery practiced throughout the nation. Fourth, it can be interpreted as a part of efforts to seek identity of Choson during the Japanese colonial rule in light of that the book dealt with purely traditional Choson`s archery. Fifth, the year of establishment of ``Choson Gungsul Yeongu Hoe`` was 1928, and, in 1932, its name was changed into ``Choson Gungdo Hoe.``

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 양궁(洋弓)대회 참가를 둘러싼 일본 궁도(弓道)계의 양상 -잡지 『弓道』와 참가자들의 대담 내용을 중심으로-

        이헌정 ( Lee Heon-jung ) 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.63

        본 연구에서는 1967년 일본의 궁도 선수인 미야타 준지가 아메르스포르트 국제양궁대회에 일본의 전통 활로 참가한 것에 착목하여 당시 대회에 참가했던 선수인 미야타 준지(宮田純治)와 감독을 맡았던 호소이 히데히코(細井英彦)의 대담을 분석하였다. 호소이와 미야타는 모두 궁도가 양궁시합에 나간다는 것에 대해서는 쉽게 받아들이지 않았다. 이는 궁도와 양궁은 도구의 발달 방식과 경기규칙이 서로 다르다고 생각했기 때문이었다. 그러나 미야타가 대회 후에 작성한 보고서와 당시에 발간된 신문 기사들 또한 함께 본 결과, 호소이와 미야타는 궁도의 양궁대회에 참가에 대한 입장이 바뀌었음을 알 수 있었다.미야타는 양궁대회의 참가가 단순히 일회성 이벤트로 끝나는 것으로 생각한 것이 아닌, 양궁과의 대등한 경기를 위해 궁구와 사법의 과학적인 분석을 통한 개발을 주문하기도 하였으며 호소이 또한 참가 자체에 대해서는 회의적이었으나 이후의 발전 가능성을 생각하고 있었다. 이는 양궁 종목이 나왔을 때의 전궁련의 반응과 무관하지 않았다. 전궁련은 궁도의 양궁대회 참가를 생각하고 있었으며, 세계적으로 활약하는 일본 궁도에 대한 열망이 있었다. 그러나 이듬해인 1968년, 전일본궁도연맹은 양궁으로부터 완전히 철수하여 전통으로서의 궁도에 집중하게 되었다. 더 이상 궁도가 양궁대회에 나가는 일은 없게 된 것이다. 이를 보았을 때 전후 일본궁도의 흐름은 단순히 전통을 복원·유지하고 계승해가는 과정이 아닌, 궁도의 정체성과 발전의 방향을 정하는 과정이었다고 할 수 있다. In this study, focus on 1967, Junji Miyata, a Kyudo player that participated in the Amersfoort International Archery Competition as a traditional Japanese bow. And analyzed talking that the player by Junji Miyata and supervisor by Hosoi Hidehiko. First, Hosoi and Miyata did not readily accept that archery was going to the archery competition. Because that Kyudo and archery were thought to have different developmental rules and competition rules. However, in Miyata, a considerable sense of challenge was demonstrated and actively engaged. As a result of the report prepared by Miyata after the contest and the newspaper articles published at the time, Miyata did not think that the participation of the archery competition was simply a one-time event, and ordered development through scientific analysis. However, in 1968, the All Nippon Kyudo Federation withdrew completely from the archery and concentrated on archery as a tradition. No longer kyudo will go to the archery competition. Ultimately, the transformation of archery as an international game ended in a single attempt, but this series of events means that, at least at the stage of 1967, the archery is not merely an image of tradition. It also implies the possibilities of modern sports. When we look at this, it can be said that the flow of postwar Kyudo was not simply a process of restoring, maintaining and inheriting the tradition. It is determining the direction of archery’s identity and development.

      • KCI등재후보

        조선후기 국궁의 변천과 사회·문화적 기능

        최석규(Seok Gyu Choi),옥광(Gwang Ok),정희석(Hee Surk Jeong) 한국체육교육학회 2009 한국체육교육학회지 Vol.14 No.1

        This study was aimed to investigate social cultural functions and transformation of Korean traditional archery and the social cultural functions for a theoretical foundation of the archery. The Korean traditional archery was utilized to defense the Japanese army as a long range weapon during the Japanese invasion of 1592 and its social cultural function was to promote Korean identity in the late Joseon Dynasty. The research intends to reconsider the significance of the Korean traditional archery and the necessity of its preservation as a traditional cultural legacy. Historic time span of this research is from the Japanese invasion in 1592 to Gabo Reform in 1894 by analysis using the literature review. The conclusions are as follows: first, the Korean traditional archery was the main weapon and it was successful at naval battles during the Japanese invasion in the late Joseon Dynasty; second, the bow and arrow was the main weapon for Korean army, despite the advent of gunpowder weapons of the absolute superiority in weaponry, according to demonstrated the best performance as weapons of warfares; third, the Japanese invasion was an opportunity to mobilize social status in the Joseon society and the archery was often played by former high ranking officers and governors. In addition, the Korean traditional archery became play an important role to entertain the upper class and to educate virtue of humility and concessions for youngers after the Japanese invasion. These social cultural functions of the archery can be applied for youngers now and future so that the archery itself can be mechanized to promote cultural diversity and globalism in the present and the future of the Korean society.

      • KCI등재

        1920-1930년대 일본어 자료에 나타난 조선궁술(朝鮮弓術)표상

        이헌정(李憲正) 한국일본문화학회 2018 日本文化學報 Vol.0 No.76

        This article focused on the Korean archery data in colonial Korea, and focused on the data on Korean archery, especially from Japanese point of view. Through such materials, Japan sees Korean archery as a game, the reason being that existence of Gisaeng as well as performing archery. Therefore, the view that Japanese archery as a martial art focusing on mind training and Korean archery as a game was established, and both were seen as superiority relationship. However, I can not affirm that the existence of Gisaeng leads to play. Gisaeng in Korean archery may be part of the archery style, and there were a lot of Gisaeng who officially learned archery and shoot the bow. However, the appearance seen from Kyudo and the memories of YO-KYU made the presence of Gisaeng leading to play.

      • KCI등재

        전통 활쏘기의 風俗과 射風에 대한 연구

        김이수 한국체육철학회 2016 움직임의철학 : 한국체육철학회지 Vol.24 No.1

        The purpose of this research is to find out the SA-PUNG(archery culture) of Korean traditional archery and to reveal how the SA-PUNG has been maintained and enhanced as tradition. The main cause of such a long life of traditional archery is the SA-PUNG through which the regulations in archery fields have been set. The SA-PUNG is the custom regarding archery. In other words, it is classified into (1) formality and process, (2) rules and the system in archery fields, which are based on modesty, (3) procedures and rites of Pyun-Sa(archery competitions) and wager, and (4) the culture and GO-PUNG. The SA-PUNG is regulatory and practical, and it contains recommendations and taboos. The characteristics of the SA-PUNG are as follows. First, words, expressions, and idioms regarding archery have been spread and widely used in a daily life, and many of them are pure Korean. Second, SA-PUNG shown in wager and Pyun-Sa has the characteristics of play and sports, which not only intrigue and motivate people but also contribute to the settlement of the culture with the honor of procedures and rites. Third, SA-PUNG plays a role to be modest and respect others through the custom of exchanging words of blessings. Fourth, community culture with the basis of spirit of helping each other has been established through the GO-PUNG. Fifth, the GO-PUNG inspires the elderly to set a good example and affluent people to give archers a financial support. 이 연구는 우리의 전통 활쏘기를 통해 활쏘기문화에 내재된 射風의 내용을 파악하고, 제반의 전통문화 속에서 사풍이 어떻게 유지되고 진작되었는지를 밝히는 것에 목적을 두고 연구를 시작하였다. 전통 활쏘기가 오랫동안 유지할 수 있었던 원동력은 활터의 생활을 규범화한 사풍(射風)에 의해서 가능하였다. 사풍이란 활쏘기에서 전해지는 풍속을 말한다. 즉, ① 활터에서의 규율과 제도, ② 활터에서의 예절과 절차, ③ 편사(便射)와 내기의 절차와 의식, ④ 고풍(古風)과 사계(射契)로 나누어 설명할 수 있다. 그리고 사풍은 규범적이며, 실천적인 특성을 가지고 있으며, 권고(勸告)와 금기(禁忌)를 포함하고 있다. 활쏘기에서 사풍은 다음과 같이 나타나고 있다. 첫째, 풍속으로 정착되면서 활쏘기와 관련된 단어와 표현, 속담 등이 나타났으며, 그 중에는 순우리말이 많이 포함되어 있다. 둘째, 내기와 편사의 사풍이 놀이적인 요소와 스포츠적인 요소가 가미되어 흥미를 유발시키고 사기를 진작시키는 역할을 하면서도 절차와 의식을 존중하는 문화가 정착되었다. 셋째, 덕담을 주고받는 사풍을 통해 자신을 겸허하게 낮추고 주변사람들을 존중하는 미덕을 키우는 역할을 한다. 넷째, 사계(射契)를 통해 서로 상부상조의 마음으로 함께 하는 공동체문화가 정착되었다. 다섯째, 고풍(古風)을 통해 윗사람은 아량으로서 모범을 보이고, 아랫사람은 겸허한 마음으로 즐거움을 만끽하고 흥겹게 즐기는 미풍이 전해지고 있다.

      • KCI등재

        1960년대 양궁(洋弓)대회 참가를 둘러싼일본 궁도(弓道)계의 양상 ‒잡지 『弓道』와 참가자들의 대담 내용을 중심으로‒

        이헌정 한국일본근대학회 2019 일본근대학연구 Vol.0 No.63

        In this study, focus on 1967, Junji Miyata, a Kyudo player that participated in the Amersfoort International Archery Competition as a traditional Japanese bow. And analyzed talking that the player by Junji Miyata and supervisor by Hosoi Hidehiko. First, Hosoi and Miyata did not readily accept that archery was going to the archery competition. Because that Kyudo and archery were thought to have different developmental rules and competition rules. However, in Miyata, a considerable sense of challenge was demonstrated and actively engaged. As a result of the report prepared by Miyata after the contest and the newspaper articles published at the time, Miyata did not think that the participation of the archery competition was simply a one-time event, and ordered development through scientific analysis. However, in 1968, the All Nippon Kyudo Federation withdrew completely from the archery and concentrated on archery as a tradition. No longer kyudo will go to the archery competition. Ultimately, the transformation of archery as an international game ended in a single attempt, but this series of events means that, at least at the stage of 1967, the archery is not merely an image of tradition. It also implies the possibilities of modern sports. When we look at this, it can be said that the flow of postwar Kyudo was not simply a process of restoring, maintaining and inheriting the tradition. It is determining the direction of archery’s identity and development. 본 연구에서는 1967년 일본의 궁도 선수인 미야타 준지가 아메르스포르트 국제양궁대회에 일본의 전통 활로 참가한 것에 착목하여 당시 대회에 참가했던 선수인 미야타 준지(宮田純治)와 감독을 맡았던 호소이 히데히코(細井英彦)의 대담을 분석하였다. 호소이와 미야타는 모두 궁도가 양궁시합에 나간다는 것에 대해서는 쉽게 받아들이지 않았다. 이는 궁도와 양궁은 도구의 발달 방식과 경기규칙이 서로 다르다고 생각했기 때문이었다. 그러나 미야타가 대회 후에 작성한 보고서와 당시에 발간된 신문 기사들 또한 함께 본 결과, 호소이와 미야타는 궁도의 양궁대회에 참가에 대한 입장이 바뀌었음을 알 수 있었다.미야타는 양궁대회의 참가가 단순히 일회성 이벤트로 끝나는 것으로 생각한 것이 아닌, 양궁과의 대등한 경기를 위해 궁구와 사법의 과학적인 분석을 통한 개발을 주문하기도 하였으며 호소이 또한 참가 자체에 대해서는 회의적이었으나 이후의 발전 가능성을 생각하고 있었다. 이는 양궁 종목이 나왔을 때의 전궁련의 반응과 무관하지 않았다. 전궁련은 궁도의 양궁대회 참가를 생각하고 있었으며, 세계적으로 활약하는 일본 궁도에 대한 열망이 있었다. 그러나 이듬해인 1968년, 전일본궁도연맹은 양궁으로부터 완전히 철수하여 전통으로서의 궁도에 집중하게 되었다. 더 이상 궁도가 양궁대회에 나가는 일은 없게 된 것이다. 이를 보았을 때 전후 일본궁도의 흐름은 단순히 전통을 복원・유지하고 계승해가는 과정이 아닌, 궁도의 정체성과 발전의 방향을 정하는 과정이었다고 할 수 있다.

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