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      • KCI등재

        농경(農耕) 관련 한자(漢字)에 반영된 고대중국(古代中國)의 농경문화(農耕文化)

        이인경 ( Lee Inkyung ) 고려대학교 중국학연구소 2018 中國學論叢 Vol.0 No.61

        This study briefly looked at the origin and developing process of China’s agriculture in the first place to understand the circumstances of the primitive agriculture. Then, categorizing them into farming methods, farming tools, crops, the study interpreted the related Chinese characters ‘采’, ‘焚’, ‘力’, ‘耒, 耜’, ‘禾’, 粟’, ‘稻’ in linkage with the developing process of agricultural society and sought to look into the agricultural society then using shapes of ancient letters, archeological specimens and literature records. In an attempt to understand agricultural society during the period when primitive society had developed through ancient times, the study also examined ‘農’ ‘男’ ‘稷’ - Chinese characters reflecting the societal circumstances then - using the same materials. ‘采’ reflected the perception of the people then related with picking and collecting, the base of primitive agriculture, while ‘焚’ meaning ‘burn’ might have reflected agricultural primitive society related with cultivation of burned farmland. Shape of ancient letter ‘力’ originally meaning a primitive farming tool 耒 might have reflected the agriculture in the primitive society. 耒 in the shape of the end standing out to the front developed to 耒 in the shape of the end split into both sides in connection with the efficiency of ploughing, making the typical shape of 耒. This tells us that the perception of the people then was reflected on ‘耒’ in the shape of an end-split forked ploughshare. ‘禾’ and ‘粟’ might have reflected agricultural society of ancient China when people considered millet as the most important crop. ‘稻’ reflected perception of ancient Chinese who used the harvested rice as the major food resource as well as the agricultural society and so we can learn that rice was the typical crop along with millet from primitive society through ancient times. Meanwhile, ‘農’ reflected the transitional cultivation activity at the time when primitive agriculture such as 火田 (burned farmland) developed focused on farming tools and farmland cultivation as well as the related agricultural society. Patriarchal society developed based on agriculture. Men in ancient times were the main principals of production activity and so “people engaged in cultivation using farming tools at farmlands” turned to ‘男’ symbolically referring to men as revealed from the shape of old letters. Another name of ‘millet’ ‘稷’ was the typical crop representing northern China and could be called the ‘No 1 of five grains’ and thus its meaning was extended to the names of agricultural officials and god of crops. Earliest developed civilization in China was in the field of agriculture and ancient China was able to develop the country based thereon. For this reason, ‘社稷’ - a pronoun of the country or state - is considered to have reflected agricultural society in feudal ancient China.

      • KCI등재

        한국농·산업교육학 50년의 회고와 기대

        이무근 한국농·산업교육학회 2020 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.52 No.1

        This article retrospected 50 year history of the Korean Society for Agricultural Education and Human Resource Development, summarized the major achievements and suggested the expectations for the future development of the society, as well as describing the background of the establishment of the society. The author who have watched the birth of the society and the historical changes of the past 50 years, emphasized the researcher’s basic competences: the historical understanding of the agricultural and vocational education, the accurate understanding of the terminology used in the field of study, the ability to structure the field, and the ability to speak foreign languages. The author summarized the major achievements of academic journals published by the Korean Society of Agricultural Education and Human Resource Development(1,661 papers were published from Volume 1, Number 1, 1969 to Volume 50, number 4, 2018), major conferences held, and expansion of academic fields and thhe research promotion activities, attempting to structure the concept and to structure the science of agricultural and vocational education. The author suggested the following expectations for future development of the society: ① strengthening the identity of agricultural and vocational education through systematizing the concept of agricultural and vocational education, ② creating new major fields and agricultural jobs by discovering the major subjects in the agricultural industry. ③ expanding agricultural and vocational educational targets, ④ raising the level of agricultural and vocational education, ⑤ developing agricultural researcher and professionals to expand international activities, ⑥ promoting the publication of academic papers and books on agricultural and vocational education majors, ⑦ periodic meetings to prepare for future agricultural education, and research on agricultural workforce development policies, ⑧ increasing the membership of the society, and ⑨ organizing and managing the various materials and data related to the society. 이 글은 필자가 학회 창립 50주년을 맞이하여, 한국농·산업교육학회의 태동과 지난 50년 역사적 변화를 지켜보면서 느낀 개인적 감회와 향후 학회의 발전을 위한 기대 사항을 정리한 것이다. 이 글에서는 한국농·산업교육학회 설립배경과 필자가 생각하는 농·산업교육 연구자의 기본역량, 한국농·산업교육학회의 성과, 한국농·산업교육학회에 대한 기대 등의 내용을 담고 있다. 필자는 학문에 입문하려는 연구자가 지녀야 할 기본 역량으로 전공하려는 학문분야의 역사적 변천 과정에 대한 이해, 전공 학문에서 사용하는 전문 용어에 대한 정확한 이해와 학문을 구조화하여 체계화할 수 있는 능력, 그리고 2개 이상의 외국어를 구사할 수 있는 능력을 강조하였다. 필자는 농·산업교육학의 개념 체계화와 학문 구조화를 시도하면서 한국농·산업교육학회의 성과로 학술지 발간 성과(1969년 제1권 1호를 시작으로 2018년 제50권 제4호까지 총 1,266편의 논문이 게재), 학술회 개최, 학문분야의 확대, 회원들의 연구 활동 촉진 등을 제시하였다. 한국 농·산업교육학회에 대한 기대로 농·산업교육학의 개념 체계화와 학문의 구조화를 통한 농·산업교육과의 정체성 강화, 농산업분야의 전공 대상 발굴을 통한 새로운 전공분야 신설과 농업직의 창출, 농·산업교육 분야의 교육대상 확대, 농·산업교육의 수준 상향 조정, 농업전문인의 국제무대 활동 기회 확대를 위한 연구와 전문 인력 양성 체계화, 농·산업교육 전공 관련 학술 논문 및 분야별 단행본 전문서적 발간 촉진, 미래 농업교육을 대비하기 위한 주기적 학술대회 개최 및 농업 인력개발 정책 연구 강화, 농·산업교육학회 회원을 늘리기 위한 방안 강구, 각종 자료의 정리 및 관리 철저 등을 당부하였다.

      • KCI등재

        무형문화유산으로서 전통농업 지식의 가치와 보존의 필요성

        김재호 국립민속박물관 2009 민속학연구 Vol.0 No.24

        The value of traditional business knowledge such as agricultural skills is as significant as those of other intangible heritages. It may lack aesthetic quality when compared with other registered varieties of intangible heritages. Preservation of traditional knowledge such as agricultural skills is as urgently required as that of already registered heritages, considering current health care problems with regard to safe food, the severity of international food weapon problems, and the ecological crisis for a sustainable society. Traditional agricultural knowledge has been generated in the history of a long agricultural culture of our nation, which is the basic fabric of our ethno-culture. Agricultural skills such as repeated cultivation of rice through direct planting popularized in the 15th century or planting of rice in dry fields which was developed in the 18th century are our cultural heritages which have had a significant meaning in the world agriculture history. Notwithstanding, traditional agricultural knowledge is excluded in establishing cultural policies because of its business characteristics. Even people in favor of eco-friendly agriculture do not properly appreciate the values of our traditional agricultural knowledge. The values of traditional agricultural knowledge cannot be overexaggerated, given that the fossil fuels will be exhausted and mechanical chemical agriculture centered on productivity will encounter its limitations. Traditional agricultural knowledge is transmitted through old literature such as agricultural books, whose usefulness have been significantly reduced because they were situated outside of a practical context. Traditional agricultural knowledge which is being inherited on the business sites is a lot more valuable. It is, however, so dramatically disappearing that urgent measures need to be taken. Cultural policies are to be focused on preservation rather than on conservation in which traditional agricultural knowledge is able to be vivaciously learned on the agricultural sites. 농업을 비롯한 전통생업지식들은 어떤 등재된 무형문화유산들 못지않게 그 가치가 크다. 농업을 위시한 전통지식들은 기존의 등재 무형문화유산들과 비교할 때 예술성은 부족하지만 안전한 먹을거리를 통한 사람들의 건강문제, 국제간 식량무기문제의 심각성, 지속가능한 사회를 위한 생태문제 등을 고려한다면 현실적으로 어떤 무형문화유산들 못지않게 보존을 위한 시급성이 요구된다. 전통농업지식은 우리 민족의 유구한 농경문화의 역사 속에서 잉태된 것들로서 민족문화의 근간이라고 할 수 있다. 특히 이미 15세기에 일반화시킨 벼농사의 連作直播法이나 18세기에 이룩한 마른 논에 벼를 재배하는 乾耕法은 세계농업사적으로도 큰 의의를 지니고 있는 우리의 중요한 문화유산이다. 그럼에도 불구하고 전통농업지식은 생업과 관련된다는 점에서 문화정책의 대상에서 배제되었으며, 친환경농업을 지향하는 사람들조차 우리의 전통농업지식에 대한 가치를 올바르게 인식하지 못하고 있다. 석유를 비롯한 화석연료가 고갈되고 생산성 중심의 기계화학농업이 한계에 직면할 것을 고려한다면 우리 터전에서 일궈온 전통농업지식의 가치는 아무리 강조해도 결코 지나치지 않다. 전통농업지식들은 각종 농서를 비롯한 고문헌들에 전하고 있긴 하지만 그것은 현장적 맥락을 다소 잃어버린 점이 없잖아 있어서 이미 그 활용 가치가 많이 퇴색된 상태이며, 그보다는 생업현장에서 전승되고 있는 것들이 훨씬 가치 있다. 하지만 이들 또한 산업화이후 급격하게 사라지고 있어 대책이 시급하다고 하겠다. 그 대안은 박제화된 형태의 保存만 하는 것이 아니라 전통농업지식들이 농촌현장에서 살아 전승될 수 있도록 하는 保全방식의 문화정책이 필요하다.

      • KCI우수등재

        1960~70년대 조선시대 농업사 연구와 내재적 발전론, 근세사회론

        염정섭 한국사연구회 2019 한국사연구 Vol.- No.184

        In this paper, I will critically examine the research results based on the intrinsic development theory among the agricultural history studies of the Joseon dynasty from the 1960s to the 1970s, I would like to search through the proposal of the ‘early modern society era theory'. In the 1960s, the Korean historians had published a lot of research results in the historical context of raising the logic of overcoming colonialism in history, the development of change in Korean society, the development of economics. In the 1960s and 1970s, the research results of the agricultural history of the Joseon Dynasty, including Kim Jong-seop's research on land registers, were largely based on intrinsic development theory. The conclusions of the research results of the agricultural history of the intrinsic developmental theory that was established as a premise were based on the recognition of the age division of the transition from medieval society to modern society. Therefore new alternatives to intrinsic development theory should be made in the division of times. It will be possible to distinguish the Korean society from the Joseon society by focusing on the social personality, the ruling class, especially the domination system which is seen between the Joseon dynasty society and the Koryô dynasty society, and it can be established as the middle age and the early modern age. Specifically, it can be presumed that the ruling system of the early modern society was established in the latter half of the 15th century and continued for a long period of time through the mid-19th century. In addition, we should pay attention to the transition of the early modern society into the modern society and look for the change factors of the early modern society internally and emphasize the theoretical and empirical search to capture the development of change in history and trace the direction of redefine of intrinsic development theory. 본 논문에서 한국사연구회 창립(1967년)을 전후한 시기 즉 1960년대부터 1970년대까지 이루어진 조선 시대 농업사 연구 가운데 내재적 발전론에 의거한 연구성과를 비판적으로 검토하고, 내재적 발전론에 대한 대안을 시대구분론에 입각한 ‘근세사회론’의 제기를 통해 모색하고자 하였다. 1960년대 한국사학계는 앞선 시기 식민주의 역사학에 대한 극복논리의 제기, 한국사회의 변화 발전, 경제학계의 후진국개발론, 일본학계의 영향 등이라는 역사적 배경 속에서 내재적 발전론에 의거한 조선 후기 사회의 변화 발전을 설명하는 연구성과를 발표하였다. 金容燮의 量案 연구에서 비롯한 1960년대와 70년대의 조선시대 농업사 연구성과는 대체로 내재적 발전론에 입각한 또는 내재적 발전론의 범주에 들어가는 것이었다. 1960년대와 70년대 조선 후기 농업사 연구성과의 결론이자 전제로 자리잡았던 내재적 발전론은 중세사회에서 근대사회로의 이행이라는 시대구분 인식에 근거하고 있었다. 따라서 내재적 발전론에 대한 새로운 대안 제시가 시대구분론에서 이루어져야 할 것이다. 조선왕조사회와 고려왕조사회 사이에 보여지는 사회성격, 지배층, 특히 지배체제의 차별에 주목하여 대략 고려사회와 조선사회를 구별하여 중세와 근세로 자리매김하는 것이 가능할 것이다. 구체적으로 근세사회의 지배체제가 대략 15세기 후반에 정립되어 19세기 중반에 이르기까지 장기간에 걸쳐 시기적인 부침을 거치면서 지속된 것으로 규정할 수 있을 것으로 생각된다. 근세사회의 지배체제는 양반(사족) 지배층이 신분제와 관료제를 기본 골격으로 삼고, 성리학적 이념을 현실화하기 위한 중앙정부와 향촌사회 지배세력의 노력이 하층민에게 가해지는 역사과정이 전개되면서, 직접생산에 대한 부세수취와 인신 노동력에 대한 신역부과를 재정적 기반으로 삼아 유지되는 체제라고 규정할 수 있을 것이다. 그리고 근세사회에서 근대사회로의 전환에 주목하여, 근세 사회의 변화 요인을 내부적으로 찾고 또한 역사상의 변화 발전이라는 점을 포착하기 위한 이론적, 실증적 모색을 강조하고 내재적발전론의 재정립’이라는 방향성을 추적해야 할 것이다.

      • KCI등재후보

        지식기반사회의 여성 농업인력 개발 과제

        정철영 한국농·산업교육학회 2001 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.33 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to develop strategy of the women agricultural workforce in the knowledge-based society. This study was conducted through an extensive review of literature related to agricultural workforce, rural women, women farmer, female worker and so on. Also this study was conducted through asking opinions from a panel of experts about definition, role, and development strategy of the women agricultural workforce in the knowledge-based society.The major findings in this study were as follows :1) The women agricultural workforce in the knowledge-based society was defined as the women workforce engaged or willing to engage in agricultural industry, who is above fifteen years old.2) Participation and contribution of the women agricultural workforce in Korea has been increased and it's importance is seem to increase more and more in future. Nevertheless, the role of the women agricultural workforce has been not socially recognized.3) This study revealed that development of the women agricultural workforce in Korea has many problem, and we analyzed that divided into inducement, training, entering and maintenance.4) Based on these findings, we suggest the development strategy of the women agricultural workforce in the knowledge-based society by inducement, training, entering and maintenance.

      • KCI등재

        포스트모던 사회의 농업정책

        이태호 한국농업정책학회 2005 농업경영정책연구 Vol.32 No.3

        In the 21st century, the environment of Korean agricultural policy is changing rapidly. The society is no longer leaded by a single Grand Narrative. People begin to prefer variety rather than monotony. In this context, we can say that the society enters into a post-modern era. The purpose of the paper is to suggest a direction of agricultural policy in a post-modern society. In the paper, several socio-economic conflicts emerged recently are reappraised first. Then some of new academic trends and social movements that are relevant to agricultural policies in a post-modern society are introduced. Lastly, as a conclusion, the importance of the role of the government as a builder of social capital that maintains the least integrity of a fragmented post-modern society is emphasized.

      • KCI등재

        농업의 재구성과 농촌사회 변화: 홍성군 홍동면·장곡면 사례를 중심으로

        김태완 한국농촌사회학회 2020 農村社會 Vol.30 No.2

        This research attempts to enhance our understanding of the relationship between agriculture and rural society through a case study. Agriculture has been discussed in the range of food-supply, largely. However, it is overlooked that agriculture is composed of many parts, such as agricultural resource and production process, and they could be utilized for various purposes. This study attempts to fill this gap by investigating the agricultural utilization in Hongdong and Janggok-Myeon, Hongseong-Gun. This research found that agricultural resource has been utilized not only for food-supply but also various purposes including Urban-Rural communication, community progress, and social inclusion. They could be described by the concept, multifunctional agriculture. It means agriculture could function extensively as well as food-production. This article investigated how multifunctional agriculture might be described in rural society through a specific case, and could be expected for a academic contribution to broadening the understanding of the utilization of agriculture. 본 논문은 농촌사회와 지역농업이 변해가는 과정에서 어떤 상호관계를 가지는가라는 문제의식에서 농업과 농촌사회를 분석하고자 했다. 농업에 대한 기존의 논의는 식량생산 중심으로 이루어져 왔다. 하지만 식량생산 이외에도 농업이 다양하게활용될 수 있는 가능성 또한 중요하다. 농업을 생산결과물 범위에 제한하지 않고, 농업이 지역에서 실천되는 구체적인 과정, 그리고 그 과정에서 관여하는 농업자원까지 포괄하는 것을 지역농업체계라고 본다면 이러한 가능성을 드러내는데 도움이될 것이다. 이 연구는 식량생산을 포함하여 농업을 구성하는 과정과 자원이 다양하게 활용될 수 있는 농업의 가능성을 경험적으로 분석하였다. 구체적인 관찰을 위하여 지역농업체계로서 유기농업이 정착된 충남 홍성군 홍동면과 장곡면을 사례지역으로 현장 조사를 통해 지역농업사를 구성한 후 특징에 따라 시기를 나누었다. 연구결과, 지역에 정착된 유기농업을 바탕으로 농업은 지역사회의 적극적인 해석을 통해 농업생산 이외의 범위에서도 다양하게 활용되었다. 유기농산물을 바탕으로 농업생산·유통체계는 꾸준히 변화하였을 뿐만 아니라 비농업생산 영역에도 영향을주었다. 크게 나누어, 농업생산과정과 병행하여 비농업생산 목적으로 농업 과정과자원을 활용하는 것, 그리고 농산물 생산을 우선으로 하지 않고 사회적 목적 등 비농업생산 범위에서 농업 과정과 자원을 전용하는 것으로 구분된다. 이러한 농업의 활용은 다기능농업의 틀에서 설명될 수 있다. 다기능농업은 농업에 대한 이해를 바탕으로 상황에 따라 능동적으로 해석할 수 있는 주체가 있어야 한다는 점에서 지역사회의 역할이 강조된다. 즉 식량생산뿐만 아니라 다양한 범위의 목적에서 농업과정과 자원이 활용될 수 있으며, 그 과정 또는 결과로서 재구성된 농업은 농촌사회변화와 상호관계가 있다는 것을 시사한다.

      • KCI등재

        농산물시장개방과 농업농촌문제의 심화

        박진도(Park Jin-do) 한국사회경제학회 2007 사회경제평론 Vol.- No.29 (1)

          이 글은 1980년대 말 이후 농산물시장개방이 본격화된 배경과 그에 대한 정부의 대응 그리고 농업ㆍ농촌문제의 심화 과정을 분석한 것이다. 한국에서의 농산물시장개방은 한편에서는 한국경제의 대외개방과 산업구조의 변화, 다른 한편에서는 농산물시장개방에 대한 내외의 압력에 의해서 추진되었다. 가트 우루과이 라운드의 타결은 농산물시장개방을 강요한 외압이라고 한다면, 자유무역협정의 체결에 따른 농산물시장개방은 우리의 자발적 선택이다. 농산물시장개방에 대응하여 한국정부는 농업구조개선을 통해 국제경쟁력 있는 농업의 육성을 목표로 하였지만 성공하지 못하였다. 경쟁력제일주의에 기초한 엘리트 농정은 농촌지역의 쇠퇴, 환경악화, 농산물의 과잉생산, 농가 계층간 격차 심화 등을 초래하였고, 농가를 벗어나기 어려운 부채의 늪에 빠뜨렸다.   This paper analyzed the process of agricultural market opening since the late 1980s, and its affects on agricultural-rural problems. Agricultural market liberalization in Korea was driven by the structural change of Korean economy and the external-internal pressure to market opening. While the Uruguay Round of GATT was the external pressure, however, the contracts of free trade agreement like Korea-Chile FTA and Korea-U.S. FTA were the domestic choices or pressures from Korean economic world. In order to cope the new opening challenge, Korean government aimed to enhance international competitiveness of Korean agriculture by the structural adjustment policies. However, it failed to strengthen the competitive power of Korean agriculture, but caused aggravation of agricultural-rural problems such as rapid decrease of rural population, environmental deterioration, fall in prices owing to overproduction of agricultural products, widening the gap among farmers. This paper also suggested basic reform of the paradigm of agricultural policies for rehabilitating the Korean agriculture and rural society.

      • KCI등재후보

        지식기반사회에서의 농업인력 양성

        정철영 한국농·산업교육학회 2002 농업교육과 인적자원개발 Vol.34 No.4

        The purpose of this study was to identify the effective strategies of agricultural workforce development in knowledge-based agriculture. This study was conducted through an extensive review of literature related to agricultural workforce and receiving advices of the expert panels in several times.As the result, this study identified concept of knowledge-based agriculture and its changing roles, current status of agricultural workforce development in our country, and suggested the agricultural workforce development strategies including the development system, the teaching and learning methods, the infrastructure construction, and the cooperation reinforcement between related organizations to develop the knowledge farmer.

      • KCI등재

        중세 경제사 연구에서 토지 소유권과 수조권에 대한 재검토

        이민우 한국중세사학회 2020 한국중세사연구 Vol.0 No.61

        The purpose of this article is to reexamine the functions and meanings of the right of collecting land-tax in the economic social formation of Goryeo. In Goryeo society, the right of collecting land-tax and the institute of Jeonsi-gwa[田柴科] constitute the core of economic social formation. Korean medieval history researchers interpreted that this right was on the basis of the private ownership of the land. However, the historical records of the Goryeo society showed that the demarcation between land-ownership and the right of collecting land-tax was ambiguous. The right of collecting land-tax granted to the ruling class through the state were, in themselves, a firm right to dominate the land in that it guarantees the acquisition of half of production. The right of collecting land-tax can be said to be the dominant form of land ownership of in Goryeo society. In these society, the ruling class has little incentive to have direct interest in agricultural management and production. In Goryeo society, not as in the late Joseon, there was no production system where the landlord directly controlled other people[the farmer] through the land property. We must ask what conditions these production system emerged from. 영문초록 대체

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