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        The Sentence-Ending Suffix -Ketun in Spoken Korean Discourse: Sequential Organization of Informing as Account-Giving

        Kyu- hyun Kim 한국사회언어학회 2010 사회언어학 Vol.18 No.1

        Kim, Kyu-hyun. 2010. The Sentence-Ending Suffix - Ketun in Spoken Korean Discourse: Sequential Organization of Informing as Account-Giving. The Sociolinguistic journal of Korea 18(1). From a conversation-analytic perspective, this paper examines the ways in which the Korean sentence-ending suffix (SES) -ketun is used in naturally occurring spoken Korean discourse. Focusing on the question of how the practice of informing implemented by the ketun-utterance provides a basis for the sequentially implemented action of account-giving (Kim & Suh 2009), it analyzes (i) the nature of the information marked by -ketun in terms of how it is grounded, (ii) the sequential contexts where the informing sequence that -ketun generate i embedded, and (iii) features of the ketun-marked account with reference to the practices of formulating non-negotiable upshot, evoking positionaJly relevant identities, unpackaging information geared to enlightening the addressee. and stance-shifting. These practices are anaJyzed as being constitutive of the action-organizational features of the ketun-marked account, whose upshot is proposed to be that of evoking and managing the information gap or disparity in knowledge asserted by the speaker to exist between the participants.

      • KCI등재

        Negotiating opinion and the use of Korean interpersonal modal ending in the KFL classroom

        김은호 국제언어문학회 2015 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.32

        This paper presents a sequential analysis of the interactional uses of the Korean interpersonal modal ending -canh- in opinion-negotiation sequences of English-speaking learners of Korean, observed in two different task formats, i.e. teacher-fronted discussion and student-led debate. Using the methodological framework of conversation analysis, this study provides a detailed account of the use of -canh- in each task type. A total of 89 opinion-negotiation episodes were identified. Overall, the collection of this study shows two distinctive features: (i) in teacher-fronted discussion, -canh- is exclusively used to give accounts. (ii) in student-led debate, -canh- is predominantly utilized to perform disagreements. Findings show that the choice of task format constrains range and functions of -canh- enacted by the learners, highlighting the influence of minor contextual differences. Given the importance in such interactional contexts of students performing to the best of their abilities, these findings promote implications for teaching practice in KFL classrooms.

      • KCI등재

        Negotiating opinion and the use of Korean interpersonal modal ending in the KFL classroom

        Kim, Eunho(김은호) 국제언어문학회 2015 國際言語文學 Vol.- No.32

        이 연구는 미국 내 대학의 중급 한국어 교실 담화를 수집, 분석하여 한국어 교실담화에서 발견되는 학생들 간의 의견 협상과 한국어 종결어미 ‘-잖-’ 사용 양상을 살펴보는데 목적이 있다. 대화분석(conversation analysis)의 방법론을 사용하여 서로 다른 두 가지 형태의 교실 과업인 교사 중심의 토의 (teacher-fronted discussion)와 학생 중심의 찬반 토론 (student-led debate) 에서의 학습자들의 문법 항목 ‘-잖-’의 사용을 통한 사회적 행위(social action)의 수행 및 의견 협상 순차(sequence) 전개의 차이를 비교하였다. 대화분석의 방법론을 적용하여 세밀하게 이루어진 질적 분석의 결과, 총 89개의 의견 협상 순차가 확인되었는데, 토의 과업의 경우, ‘-잖-’의 사용이 주로 자신의 주장을 뒷받침하기 위한 설명하기(account-giving)의 사회적 행위를 수행하기 위해 사용되었고, 찬반토론의 경우, ‘-잖-’이 주로 ‘반대’ 행위에 사용됨을 발견할 수 있었다. 과업 형태의 선택이 문법 항목 사용의 범위와 종류에 영향을 미친다는 점은 학습자 발화 촉진을 위한 한국어 문법 교육 및 교실 담화 설계에 시사점을 줄 수 있다. This paper presents a sequential analysis of the interactional uses of the Korean interpersonal modal ending -canh- in opinion-negotiation sequences of English-speaking learners of Korean, observed in two different task formats, i.e. teacher-fronted discussion and student-led debate. Using the methodological framework of conversation analysis, this study provides a detailed account of the use of -canh- in each task type. A total of 89 opinion-negotiation episodes were identified. Overall, the collection of this study shows two distinctive features: (i) in teacher-fronted discussion, -canh- is exclusively used to give accounts. (ii) in student-led debate, -canh- is predominantly utilized to perform disagreements. Findings show that the choice of task format constrains range and functions of -canh- enacted by the learners, highlighting the influence of minor contextual differences. Given the importance in such interactional contexts of students performing to the best of their abilities, these findings promote implications for teaching practice in KFL classrooms.

      • KCI등재

        자기 설명하기와 듣기의 윤리학: <스페셜>에 재현된 퀴어 크립 몸과 돌봄

        김사영 한국영미문학페미니즘학회 2024 영미문학페미니즘 Vol.32 No.1

        This study aims to analyze the Netflix original series Special (2019-2021) as an ethical consideration of giving an account of oneself of queer crip bodies and active practice of listening ethics. First, this research critically analyzes how queer crip bodies articulate identities as modes of resistance against normalcy. This study intends to demonstrate the fluidity of boundaries between normalcy and abnormality, disability and non-disability, through a disability theoretical framework. Subsequently, the paper focuses on the concepts of community and interdependent care, examining how the protagonist establishes his identity as a disabled person and navigates relationships with others. It explores interdependent care among disabled individuals within the disability community, as well as the expansion of caregiving efficacy to caregivers and care recipients for both the disabled and the non-disabled. Finally, the conclusion offers two suggestions: the necessity of alternative disability narratives and the advocacy for political rights for disabled people. These suggestions require immediate attention not only for the reproduction of disability narratives but also for the ethics of giving an account of oneself and listening ethics.

      • KCI등재

        ‘말하기’와 ‘듣기’에 관한 사회 철학적 고찰

        양창아 새한철학회 2021 哲學論叢 Vol.104 No.2

        This paper reveals the political meaning of individual stories by examining the everyday experiences of ‘speaking’ and ‘listening’ in a social philosophical way. I argue that the individual experiences of beings excluded from the existing universality determine the vitality of politics. To clarify the political power of stories about personal experiences, I discuss the meaning of Hannah Arendt's ‘story-telling’ from different angles. Initially, I examine the concept of ‘plurality’ and the political meaning of speaking ‘opinions’. Secondly, I show through Judith Butler's discussion of self-narrative that our own story is fundamentally based on the relationship of the other, and that the integrity of self-narrative is inevitably undermined. Finally, I clarify that the politics of ‘giving an account of oneself’ arises from the process of ‘responding to voices of the other’. 이 논문은 ‘말하고’ ‘듣는다’는 일상적인 경험을 사회 철학적으로 고찰함으로써 개인의 이야기가 지닌 정치적 의미를 밝힌다. 논자는 기존의 보편성으로부터 배제된 존재들의 개별적 경험이 정치의 생명력을 결정짓는다고 주장하며, 자기 경험 이야기하기의 정치적 힘을 규명하기 위해 한나 아렌트(Hannah Arendt)의 ‘이야기하기(story-telling)’의 의미를 다각도로 밝힌다. 먼저 ‘복수성(plurality)’과 ‘의견(opinion)’ 말하기의 정치적 의미를 규명한다. 다음으로 주디스 버틀러(Judith Butler)의 ‘자기 자신을 설명하기(giving an account of oneself)’에 관한 논의를 통해 ‘나’의 이야기가 근본적으로 ‘타자’ 관계에 기반하며 그런 까닭에 자기 서사의 완결성이 훼손될 수밖에 없음을 보인다. 마지막으로 그 훼손된 자리가 바로 ‘타자의 목소리를 사유하는’ 자리임을 밝히면서 ‘자신의 이야기를 전달하는’ 일의 정치성이 타자의 목소리에 응답하는 과정을 담아내는 데서 생겨나는 것임을 명료화한다.

      • KCI등재

        줄리아 조의 『오피스 아워』(Office Hour)에 나타난 윤리적 말 걸기와 메타 드라마 기법

        이숙인 현대영미어문학회 2022 현대영미어문학 Vol.40 No.4

        Julia Cho’s Office Hour (2016) is a play inspired by the 2007 Virginia Tech massacre, a shooting incident involving a Korean American student. This article argues that Cho’s play is a call for giving an ethical accounting of oneself and addressing otherness beyond the dominant imaginary of the victim and perpetrator in the production of violence. The play not only demonstrates the ways in which the speaking subject is always already exposed to the structure of address, and thereby influenced by the operation of norms, but also it demonstrates the possibility of the subject’s giving an ethical accounting of oneself and listening to the voices of others silenced by the normative discourse, for the subject is invariably engaged in the process of negotiating with the conditions of social recognition. For this, the play makes use of metadramatic scenes of ‘Three Card Monte.’

      • KCI등재

        윌리엄 포크너와 토니 모리슨의 작품에서 나타나는 “사랑의 윤리”로서의 여성적 연대 비교

        김미정 ( Mijeong Kim ) 한국현대영미소설학회 2015 현대영미소설 Vol.22 No.3

        This paper compares the female solidarities portrayed in William Faulkner`s Go Down, Moses and Toni Morrison`s Sula. In the last chapter of Go Down, Moses, Faulkner suggests the sisterhood between black and white women as an ethical alternative to the failed brotherhood among male characters in the novel. Meanwhile, in Sula, Toni Morrison elaborately examines the conceptual relationship by re-questioning black womanhood in a white, male-dominated society. After defining the double oppression of the black women in American society and underscoring key features of Judith Butler`s Giving An Account of Oneself, I explain how the female solidarity can be read as ‘a dialogue of discourses with the other/s`` which leads to Foucaultian “self-making” and “the care of the self.” In addition, I re-interpret the female solidarity as an ethical act of love by quoting Alain Badiou`s In Praise of Love, in order to articulate how the “feminine” love is a mode of ``being otherwise`` which enables us to take response-ability for the other(``s failure).

      • KCI등재

        인간의 자기한계 인식과 여성주의적 인정의 윤리

        이현재(Lee Hyun-Jae) 한국여성학회 2007 한국여성학 Vol.23 No.2

        이 논문은 캐럴 길리건과 주디스 버틀러의 이론을 중심으로 하여 타자배제의 문제를 극복하는 여성주의적인 인정의 윤리를 정립해 보는 것을 목적으로 한다. 이를 위해 필자는 우선 캐럴 길리건과 함께 남아의 정의로운 태도와 여아의 배려하는 태도를 구분하고 이것이 각각 동일성의 인정과 차이의 인정 형식과 관련됨을 주장한다. 즉 정의의 윤리 안에서 주체는 타자와 자신의 동일성을 확인하게 되는 반면 배려의 윤리 안에서 주체는 타자의 차이와 타자성올 경험하게 된다는 것이다. 여기서 필자는 배려의 태도가 진정한 타자와의 상호작용을 가능하게 한다는 점에 주목하고 이를 여성주의적 인정형식으로 정립한다. 그리고 여성주의적 인정형식을 대안적 윤리규범으로 제시한다. 만약 여성주의적 인정형식이 새롭게 제안된 보편적 규범이라면 이것은 또 하나의 윤리적 폭력이 되는 것이 아닐까? 이 문제에 답하기 위해 필자는 주디스 버틀러와 함께 추상적 보편성과 생생한 보편성을 구분하고 폭력으로 전락하는 윤리적 규범이 추상적 보편성에 기반하고 있음을 보인다. 버틀러에 의하면 추상적 보편성에 근거하는 도덕의 주체는 나르시시즘에 빠져있기 때문에 타자의 다름을 고려하기보다는 타자를 자신에게 동화시키고자 하는 폭력을 행사하게 된다. 그러나 자신의 한계를 인식하는 윤리적 주체는 오히려 자신의 정체성을 문제로 삼으며 이 과정에서 자신의 정체성을 생생하게 변형시킨다. 이런 의미에서 여성주의적 인정의 윤리는 생생한 보편성의 실현을 지향해야 한다. 그렇다면 생생한 보편성을 가능하게 하는 조건으로서의 자기한계 인정란 무엇을 뜻하는 것인가? 인정윤리의 주체가 자신을 문제 삼고 타자와 상호 작용할 수 있는 것은 그가 자신의 한계 즉 자신의 근원적 타자연관성과 유일성 나아가 완전한 인정의 불가능성 등을 인식할 때에만 가능하다. 즉 주체가 자신의 한계를 인정할 때에 비로소 자신의 판단을 유보할 책임을 다할 수 있으며 이를 통해 타자의 타자성을 경험할 수 있다는 것이다. 이 때 주체는 타자를 자신에 동화시키기보다 타자에게 자신을 개방하며 이를 통해 타자와의 생생한 상호작용에 도달할 수 있다. 이러한 점에서 자신의 한계 인식과 판단의 유보는 여성주의적 인정윤리의 출발점이 된다. This paper aims to reconstruct a feminist ethic of recognition and it's ontological base, which can overcome the problem of exclusion of the other. For this, I claim firstly with Carol Gilligan that two moral predispositions -a boy toward justice and a girl toward care- presuppose two concepts of selves -self as separate and self as bounded- and that only this female concept of self can make possible the interaction between the self and the other. So, I suggest that this female form of moral predisposition is feministic. To develope the feministic theory of recognition, I analysis secondly the recent book of Judith Butler Giving an Account of Oneself. According to Butler, the narcissistic subject rejects every change and does ethical violence to the other through a firm judgement. So, with Butler, I insist that the subject of the feministic recognition must acknowledge its own connection with the other and limitation. The subject must recognize, that it is divided, ungrounded or incoherent from the start, when it attempts to give an account of itself. In this autobiographic narration, the subject can find out that its self is made of the other(Other). On this acknowledgement, the subject of the new ethic can call its own identity into problem and defer its judgement on the other. In these ethical praxis, the subject can really experience the difference of the other. And through this interaction with the other it can change its identity and universality lively.

      • KCI등재후보

        ‘나’에 이르는 공백과 서사적 곤궁의 윤리: 김승옥의 <더 많은 덫을>에 대하여

        이정숙 ( Lee Jung-suk ) 한성대학교 한성어문학회 2016 漢城語文學 Vol.35 No.-

        Seung-ok Kim’s < Even More Traps > continues the tradition of early short novels dealing with ‘living in Seoul’ of inferior hillbillies but shows the meaningful differentiation either. The differentiation emerges from a point that this novel is the meager self-narrate of a young man, in other words, it comes from the position placed to make an issue of the recognition structure by ‘You’ only when a character obstinately describes oneself. < Even More Traps > anchors at ``low quality`` ‘politics’ as it narrates the structuralization process of ‘trivial’ inferiority complex. The structure describing ‘I’, as a less prestigious university student from Jeonlado who is living under social prejudices, has already includes the constitution of conversation which is required ‘You’ to speak. ‘I’ as a person whom the singularity is eliminated from become ‘the others’ represented as sociality, relationship and/or the origin of main agent. Revealing ‘the others’ through a character having no pride, and exposing the violence of otherization strategies dwelling in oneself. This is the key factor of the way how the protagonist of < Even More Traps > accounts for himself. Without any support fixture to constitute ‘I’, the impoverished narrate reaching to the conclusion disguised as a self-comforting is the ethical undertone which is inherent in this novel.

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